BABYPRODUCTSCOMPANY STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL March 3, 1975 SUBJECT : Management Authorization Additional Talc Safet for Studies Dr. D.R. Petterson This memo is to request authorization from the Management Board of $90,000 to cover additional recommended safety studies for talc. This is money not present in the c u r r e n t R&D budget. ' Our c u r r e n t posture with respect to sponsorship of t a l c s a fe t y studies has been to i n i t i a t e studies only as dictated by confrontation. This philosophy, so f a r, has allowed us to n e u t r a l i z e or hold in check data already generated by investigators who question the s a f e t y of t a l c . The principal advantage for this operating philosophy l i e s in the fact t h a t we minimize the risk of possible self-generation of s c i e n t i f i c data which may be p o l i t i c a l l y or s c i e n t i f i c a l l y embarrassing. I t has been reasoned t h a t we should wait u n t i l an issue is raised before we move towards conducting temporizing studies of our own. The studies proposed under existing philosophy correspond to a budgetary amount of $60,000 (A and C in appendix). t h i s approach leaves the t a l c franchise and the image open to repeated erosion by p r i o r p u bl i c disclosure of suspected hazards and adversary p o l i t i ck i n g . Also, there exists a danger that the latent period for generating J&J data might be too great for the data to be I t has come to our attention t h a t Drs. Fine e f fe c t i v e . Peters of the Harvard School of Public Health w i l l be presenting to the meeting of the American Occupational Medical Association in April, 1975 a paper e n t i t l e d H o w e v e r, "company "Respiratory Morbidity in Talc Workers". This study w i l l show an increase in respiratory morbidity amongst rubber t i r e workers exposed to t a l c dust in the f a c t o r y. NIOSH is also committed to do both an epidemiology and pulmonary function study of miners in the talc mines of Vermont. Plaintiff's Exhibit 2514 Protected Document--Subject to Protective Order ' JNJNL61_0OQ016437 -2- . Initial pulmonary two months. data w i l l be obtained within the next An alternative philosophy has been presented in recent discussions at the Talc Advisory Group which would favor We would c a r r y us assuming a more anticipative approach. to continue our out other reasonable contradiction of generated negative data and to anticipate questions on s a fe t y which w i l l probably be raised. This philosophy offers maximal leverage for defending the product and is consistent with the policy practised with regards to clearance of a new product. H o w e v e r, i t faces the risk of revealing marginal data which d i f f i c u l t I n spite to deal with p o l i t i c a l l y and/or s c i e n t i f i c a l l y. we far potential benefits t h a t the this risk, believe of outweigh the risks, and provide for a more solid scientific base fo r baby powder. Following this alternative posture will necessitate an additional expenditure of $30,000 for a Neutron Activation Study in Hamsters (B in appendix) thus totaling $90,000. Details of the three n studies are described in attachment A. Study A is a prospective study on Italian Talc Millers proposed by Professor Rubino and directed towards demonstrating that pulmonary function is not impaired by exposure to cosmetic grade t a l c . B is a Neutron Activation Study in Hamsters to be performed by Battelle which would render quantitative lung clearance and deposition data in relationship to_ baby exposure. Study covers funds to allow Johnson & Johnsods monitoring of the NIOSH Harvard Study of Ve r m o n t Talc Workers and would be d i r e c t e d toward analytical and s t a t i s t i c a l v e r i f i c a t i o n of the data to be gathered by the Harvard investigators. Study C - paj cc:' Dr. B. Semple Protected Document--Subject to .Protective Order JNJN _s1_oooo1s433