,~~' • /:-e I New Brunswick, N.J. March 31, 1975 Subject: Talc - Rubino Manuscript Mr. George Lee A ttac hed are a letter and manuscript received from Professor Rubino. , (;,.I f n.il~(;.J.. The manuscript is intended for publication in the < ~ .... Journal '?i..-0ccupational Medicine. The manuscript should be . ~ ~~rutinized by our statisticians and reviewed for factual accuracy. t ~A ~ J..k ~ ~ ./V"? ,,\...... ~~~ '-v..l The manuscript, in my opinion, is written in a form ,r and style that is unacceptable to the Journal '?i..-0ccupational r1 Medicine. I have in mind to send the manuscript when edited for factual accuracy to a science writer who will hold it in confidence and rewrite for the Journal of Occupational Medicine. - , /j~i, ,i'" k , :1 .; I " Ga;fi' Hit'dick-Smith mms enc. cc: Dr. Mr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. G. J. W. D. B. T. H. Lord A. Murray, Jr. Nashed to Mr. G. Heinze Petterson Semple to Dr. W. Waggoner Shelley ~~m;rrWlElID APR I 1975 Plaintiffs' Exhibit J&J 384 Protected Document--Subject to Protective Order G.LEE •.1- ' ..._.,...... " ..-....... JNJAZ55_000009265