Detroit Delta Preparatory Academy for Social Justice SCENARIO 3 .TptaliL?calRevenue . . i963 . .. 31. {la-ratio} High'Sohcpl?ln'struptiorial - - -- I - .- . .- {12133510.2000 . . ?$2.000 1113?5110 High Supplies and Materials 20,714 14,000 14,000 14,000 11135210 I High school-Textbooks - 9,300 9.200 9200 7 9,200 1113-7910? High School-Miscl Expenditur I 5.000 - - 1113-2830 - High'School-Payroll Taxes 39.674 32.896 32,896 32,896 Total Basic Program 601925 496,358 498,358 496,358 Added Needs 1122?1240 - Special Education-Teaching Salaries 94,499 82,792 62,792 62,792 1122-2130 Special Education-Health insurance and Bene?ts 10,003 6,047 6.647 6,647 1122-2830 Special Education-Payroll Taxes 8.086 5.373 5,373 5,373 1125-1240 - Compensatory Education-Teaching Salaries 43.275 3.600 3,600 3.600 11252130 Compensatory Educa?on~Group Heatth and Accident Insurance 4,581 381 381 381 1125-2830 Compensatory Education-Payroll Taxes 3,703 308 308 308 Total Added Needs 164,147 79,101 79,101 79,101 Pupit 1210-1160 - Support Services Pupil-Supervision 17.600 17.600 17.600 17,600 1210-2130- Support Services Pupil?Group Health and Accident InsuranCB 1.863 1.863 1.863 1,863 Detroit Delta fnr?nrinl lucrirp 1 93,94 SCENARI01 ?gs SCENARIO 2 SCENARIO 3 4'11 . in 1210-2330-50an . .2 1436: pan-mugs] Services-1W. - -- ?ek - lea1.11135 .v - s: ?a 4. :35: i 14- 66' ?1241?55910 oat-be cfthe Principal-Of?ce suppli'es snug 4510 Printipal-Dues and Fees sot: . . Tatar-sew Administration 3534300 216,067 213.16? 213,157 Other Business Services I 1252?3150 I - Fiscal Services - Services 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 12596100- Other Business Services~Prcfessionel and Technical Services 4,790 4,790 2,790 2,790 1259-7210- Other Business Services-Interest 10,000 19,500 19,500 19,500 1259-7310 - - Other. Business Services-Loan Costs 14.350 12,163 12,163 12,163 Total Other Business Services 59,140 66.453 64.453 64,453 aintenance 1261?1640 Operating and Building Services-Custodian 44,220 30,720 30,?20 30,720 1261-2130 - Operating and Building Services-Health Insurance and Bene?ts 4,681 3,252 3,252 3252 1261-2830 Operating and Building Services-Payroll Taxes 3,784 2.629 2,629 2,629 1261-3100 - Operati ng and Services- Professional and Technical Services 25,500 60,840 55,840 55840 1261-3410. Operating and Building Services-Telecommunications 23.200 23,200 23.200 23300 1261-3890 - Operating and Building Services~0ther Utility Services 8.000 8,000 8,000 3.000 nan-nu naH'n .- an: mum. ORIGINAL SCENARI02 SCENARID3 E6910 -- Opera?ngand Builc?ng SerVic PropertyandLiabiliiy'lmurance 16.000 17,000 17,000 17,000 - I - - -- 4293100- I 2425.500 10.5068 . 'Tran'spa'rtaft'iojn I I I . 113.4901