' 2044 (/ New ' Subject: Talc/Asbestos Meeting with Commissioner Schmidt, Brunswick, NJ. January 18, 1974 ' FDA January H3, 1974 Memo to File Attendees: for F DA ; D r. V. Dr. H. Wodicka,Director, Bureau of Foods Division of Cosmetics Director, Technology. Mr. J. Wenninger, Deputy Director, Division Cosmetics Technology. of Later: Commissioner Schmidt and the above. for J&J: Dr. R. Fuller, Dr. G. Hildick-Smith, Dr.W.Nashed A p r e l i m i n a r y meeting w i t h D r. Wodicka and his staff was held. We t r a c e d the history of the talc/asbestos problem: Kretchmer letter; F DA Symposium, August, 1971, where Mt. Sinai people croscopy of our product was wrong and that Johnson & Johnson Baby Powder was the best talc available; and we mentioned the voluminous data which we had shared with the FDA, D r, Eierrnann and M r, Wenninger corroborated our p r e s e n t a t i o n s to D r ; Wodicka. Dr. Eiermann then said that he has reviewed the CTFA Round-Robin test results with his microscopist, Mr. Schulze, and said that Mr. Schulze still thinks the method is valid. We pointed out that w e believe that the method has some basic flaws as outlined in the C T FA comment; however, we believe that a c o o p e r a t i v e program between FDA and industry should result in a practical solution to the problem. * F o r m e r J’&J employee in Brazil. Plaintiff's Exhibit 2456 J&J-0132008 Protected Document--Subject to Protective Order JNJMX68_000017147 Memo to File - 2 - January 18, 1974 2045 We pointed out that we had developed a DTA method capable of measuring 1% chrysotile and we also believe that a step scan x - r a y method can be used to detect 0. 2% trernolite- Dr. Eiermann said that they have obtained DTA equipment and x-ray equipment and that he has some reservation about allowing 1% chrysotile. We volunteered to c o o p e r a t e with his scientists in the development of the method fo r DTA and p r o m i s e d to provide a copy of a proposed publication regarding this method. Dr- Eiermann said that his main interest what level of dust exposure occurs in the and that they would like a t this time is to find p ro c e s s of dusting a baby to use the data to calculate allowable asbestos using 5 f i b e rs per ml (OSHA limit) for safe exposure in the mines. We promised to provide a r e p o r t on the talc dust ex p o s u r e of babies. We pointed o u t that the data we have is based on exaggerated dusting of a whole can of baby powder and that the a m o u n t generated, namely 345 mg/ _ m3 may be excessive. We said that we are currently attempting to make the same calculation he proposed to the data. Our very preliminary calculation indicates that substantial asbestos can be anowed. safely in a baby Dowder. Dr. Wodicka appeared skeptical of D r. Eierrnann's approach to the problem. He implied that what is safe for a miner may n o t be safe for a baby. E i e r m a n n also mentioned that they w e r e carrying o u t some studies in-house using an air sampler to assess the dust exposure and were having some difficulties in determining it. Dr. Hildick-Smith reviewed the c u r r e n t knowledge on the biology of talc and indicated that talc had a low order of toxicity when evaluated in cell culture s y s t e m s , that animal studies had been conducted which confirmed the cell culture studies, and that longrange inhalation studies in r a t s by MRC and in hamsters by .]’&.I were being conducted in England and in the U,S_A_'. and that the results will be available in 1975. It was pointed o u t that t w o s e p a r a t e epidemiological studies had been conducted on talc miners, one by D r. Kleinfeld and the other by Dr. Green at the University of Vermont School of Medicine i n Burlington. The data obtained from both studies indicated that, where miners in the Kleinfeld study had been exposed to talc dust for an average of about 17 years and in the Green study for about 7 years, there a p p e a r e d to be no significant impairment of the miners’ health. Utilizing these data, the known information J&J-01 32009 Prbtective Order JNJMX68_000017148 ' Memo to File - 3 - January 18, 1974 concerning the a m o u n t of tale to which infants were exposed and their respiratory capacity, miners were exposed for a period of approximately I, 000 times that of an infant. The dose respired by the -miner is approximately 11, 000 times that respired by the infant. It was brought o u t that critical review of all the world literature failed to show any evidence of adverse health effects following the normal use of cosmetic talcs. {. Dr. Hildick-Smith indicated that he was writing a review ar ticle on talc and that a copy of the manuscript would be sent to the FDA for their files. F u l l e r stressed Johnson 8: Johnson's policy of full cooperation with FDA and that if the results of any scientific studies show any question of safety of talc, Johnson 8: Johnson will not hesitate to take it off the Dr. 2 market. A meeting was then held in Dr. Schmidt's office. The proceedings were similar to that which took place in Dr. Wodicka's office . Dr. Schmidt asked for information on our Vermont mine: location (Windsor, V t . ) , kind of talc (platey talc), processing ( f r o t h flotation to maximize platey talc). He wanted to know whether we s e l l our talc to o t h e r companies (cosmetic beneficiated grade is not sold to other companies; other locations in the Windsor mine are used to supply industrial grade talc). Dr. Fuller pointed o u t that our meeting is not a "crisis" meeting. The Commissioner appeared to appreciate that. Dr. F u l l e r again stressed Johnson 8: Johnson's pplicy of full cooperation with the FDA which preceded the Kretchrner incident, namely, the Tenovus r e p o r t where Dr. Hildick-Smith had called Dr. Simmons at the time we first heard of it. We reviewed briefly the Tenovus data (unreliable talc par ticle identification technique, presence of mineral particles in the tissue-fixing baths, lack of formal education of the p r i n c i p a l investigator). Dr. Hildick-Smith also commented briefly on the ar ticle relating stomach cancer in the Japanese and pointed out that this was generally discredited by scientists and that there was no information in the world literature o r in animal studies completed to indicate talc produced cancer. Dr. Schmidt said that the FDA could come under p r e s s u r e - f r o m consumer o r other groups and that they were particularly vulnerable when there were m i n i m a l , inadequate no or had, scientific data in a specific area. He however, developed a tactic by which he publishes in the Federal Register any scientific attack on the F DA in the hope that members of the scientific community could provide data to assist the F DA , J&J-0132010 Protected Document--Subject to Protective Order JNJMX68 000017149 Memo to File -4 - 204 January 13, 1974 He a p p r e c i a t e d the Johnson 8: Johnson visit and our e x p r e s s i o n of interest to assist the FDA where possible. He welcomed the opportunity of having a of scientific source on which he could rely if information the occasion arose. He indicated the immediate interest of the FDA in developing a method fo r assessing asbestos in talc.. He pointed out that additional information being developed by Johnson 3: Johnson KN’ N W. Nashed CW cc: Dr. D r, R , A. Fuller A. Goudie Dr. G. E-Iildick-Smith Mr. D. D. Johnston Mr. Dr. Mr. G. D. S. T. Lee Petterson Smoyer D r, Shelley M r. H. Stolzer J8-J-0132011 Protected Document--Subject to Protective Order JNJMX68_000017150