SCOTT WALKER GOVERNOR ELECT STATE OF WISCONSIN November 10, 2016 Daniel Sohooff, Secretary Wisconsin Depamnem: of Administm?on 101 E. Wilson Street MaldiSOn, Wisconsin HAN DELIVERED Dear Secretary Sohooff: I am looking forward to a smooth and orderly transition ?om Gov. Doyle?s Administration to mine. Since Election Day,1 have appreciated the govemor?s and your gracious cooperation and the cooperation of your staff as have established my transition of?ce. As I prepare to govern, I respectfully ask. the Doyle Administration to consider the following reqoests: . . 1. Federal Health Care Implementation. As you are no doubt aware, lhave pledged that one of my ?rst acts as governor will be to au?lorize the Attorney General to join other states in suing the federal government to optwout of the new fellezjal health care, law. Even as the lawsuit is considered by our judicial system, it is clear that the federal law will affect Wisconsin?s management of our Medical Assistance programs. I ask that the Doyle Administration temporarily freeze any new implementation ofthe federal health care law, including the establishment of exchanges, until after anumy 2. State Employee Contracts. londerstand {hat the state employee bargaining mite are still negotiating their 200941 contracts With the Of?ce of State Employee Relations. Given the state?s ?scal situation, I ask that all contract negotiations be suspended until after January 3rd so that they may be considered in the context of the 201.143 State Budget. . - Perm?nent Hires. 1 see no reason to ?nalize any pexmanent civil service personnel durezg the ?nal two months of an administration, In the post, it has been common practice for political appointees to use ?rhle time to ?bump down? into permanent civil- serviee positions. I believe these appointees should he required to go ?oough? the some application. prooeos as any other civil solvents and. my Admmistration will review any - OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR-ELECT STREET, 310 MADISON, W: 53702 608~261-9200 new permanent hires during the next two months so they can be considered for termination during the probationary period. 4. Charter Street I?ower Plant. Aoeordieg to the Legislative Fiscal Buxeeu, the state could save "up to $100 million by installing a natural gas boiler rather than the planned bio-?fuel boiler. Media reports indicate that namal gas actually scored the highest overall when judged on environmental, economic and reliability grounds. Because Wisconsin can both save money and still meet environmental benchmarke,l ask that the Doyle Administration ?0er making plans to shill to natural gas rather thou bio-fuel at the Charter Street Power Plant. Administrative Rules. 1 ask that your Administration delay the promulgation of any new, or updated, admioisoative rules until after January I feel strongly that if new or updated rules were urgently needed, they would have been completed prior to new. Reworking hastily implemented admh?strative rules may have a serious negative impact on Wisconsin?s ability to retain, expand and recn?t jobs to Wisconsia. I ask that all administrative rulee under review remain at the agency preparing them until my Administxation is in place. There are a variety of other items that my transition team will be in communiee?on with Gov. Doyle, you. and yous: staff. I am con?dent we can ?nd common ground on my ?ve requeets and oonti to work towards an orderly transition. Si core See Walker Go emorEleo?t OFFICE OF Goveamm?mcr l7 STREET, 310 MADISON, WI 53702 608-261?9200