Administrative Arrangement 'thc Ministr} ui? uf'thc Kingdum m?Spain and the Minislry oi?thc Imcriar. Building and nf?the lk?ederal Republic of nn lwzur'ccn and Spain xx hen refusing army 10 persons seeking. gmuccmm the mmexl checks at the internal German-Austrian border Hag: Maxim}: {Maxim m" the Kingdum m? Spain ?rcikmd in the: ?wligwing as ?Spanish Shiv?; 22nd tin: Ik?rrai Miszigzrg {if {has lakcrim Siuiiding anti Lis?mmunity (rafiztrre? in the ??a??ammg ?in ?(Ecs'mzi? 83:33"? ?miicgi?w? {marred if} {he {asikming as ?$315 Si?cs"? zsxicm? iv: ammo? Meg-a} immigralim; in me spirit cf? the iiumpmn cf'ibrts in this; regard. They as: is} aha-desire to curb kryirgular mammary :?exigratiim with-in ihe kiumpea? Linim: 3.22:} am, :3 ?hm?cfmc? based 31,: :md wiihim {he (:11ka app?cabie nationai and ?gzzm?nzza?mm? Em: and in line wiih {Ea/aim: 12mg ?n partimizivr {has Schengen Borders (7de gum: in :k?siiumng ?uncicrstandmg: 3&3. {Iimz?m and 3mm 'E?Eai; savers {he yc??usai of?cn?iry in {he i?ramewmk oi?applicabie manna? Lm if'ihs: ibikming pm?cquisims an: mm: a} The 33633052 has: 17cm idcmifisd daring a check at 112:: imamai (i?rmarwiustrian Maxie! 2:36 is k: {"333 rsihsa? wiry. if; Hm: scram has: cxpresgcd a desire prmectian at the inmmal ?EurmamwiMiriam Maia, c: can?; in an: Examine xyszem {(?aieggn Eiumdac hi1} indicaics {hat the: swam: has airway imagrnaiiomi grumciian in Spain. k: 12w cases af?xihsemiun E. Spain win madam the persm after being amii?ied that {he taxman Edd: has; ref/{13m wary awarding 121:: procedxm: Gained for in this; .f?uiminixzz'eniw Arrangement. with x31" unacmmpani?d miners, \n 2 Nuii?miim} I?m ?the: {Emma} Side will pmwidc afr?msai m? in.) mm in xvia {ax 0r mum} t0 the Emma}: Sidek respcixr?zsibfe authvr?zg using {hit x. mm: pmvaiihi the anmx '5 hi}; maif?itmmz wilt '?nrfua?c faiiawing inibmmziim: a; ifazrmiezc 11} number Hum: at} Frau vi zigzag j; Salaam! piste a3} Smuxmcmary evidence mg: {he perwn. has beer; termed. 1235 been as: 13h: being: apg?ic?. Z, Kunmwm: ml} be: 5;:er as saw as i: in?: itaccn'dcicrmincd 1112:! {he prerequisites 0PM). i Exam: been met and means (31" have been chimes: in acmrda?ce with Na 3i}? Km 3? implemcming fci?usgai of mm}; ??ic {Ecrman Xi?ie rcihsiag may may Mam 2hr: gamma air. land $633. The reium ahmdd be mare man 48 haurx after the persm has heat-n apprehend?d a? the imcma? burdtr, Z, - i236 Spanish Side MM amen" {he pemm {a chief. Tia. 4 Rtfuszz? of entry in and cases; :31" 22231131} rmnif?itm?an {he Spams}: Side pmx'cs a: {my time this: prerequisites nf?No. 1 (Bic) have not been met. MM mam/nit pagan} xx'itimui dam}: f? 131i; {jcrman Sigic's uh?igaiiuns under 83?: Regaiia?ion {3045273013 thhe imvpeau Pariiamcm $2163 132:? (Swami? 0:30 June 20 2 3 cs?sblishing the criteria and E'iigfc?iil??r?n? 1m" deicz?mhsimz {he Mm?w? Sims fur examining an Lu Hucnmnulm pram-nun In one |lw Slum. h) [hint- A \chn'" lu-muh'lm'mm IH Rvgumnun)' In particular 1n pyiur Mum m' mum-Amcn mmih ulmIT 17} mm mm \nir'AumdmyIn11mpmeIun-cullcd \m um um \u lexumilvlc _.m..uum mm uuh vacmcImny mu>> \mmnw m: .H \lmNn nl kmgumn u: \pulh Mum." hu' r\l1\:lh and Home" um): I'm (icncl'ul sh: -- \hc (mu! mm -- Hw Mm! mu ham-m. mummy and i ummuni') F'sdcrul n. chrm' l'nhuu 1 Min- 4. Nu \lum hclunmnimwh ummg nl 11m Llungcs m: UN 'mlmulw' mm mm>> wnusl mu 1 mm .x mm ,m um" (I): i Wei 3:51:31; arriws; the {armm?js' the {estimating Sids, in {his m3: Nil 4 t; i anci {airman Side xvii} $333 {rave} cums aswciated u. a z?wdmias?m cf this: pravi?cd than me readr?nmed partisan has: pr?vimzsiy refused may b} 231;: {322mm Side accardimg the pracedur? caned far in this; kaim?ms?miix a: smzingcmem. ?9 $313! prmiaim?gs Hm beam can 3h: Skier; basc? an {his Administraiivc Arm?gemem will mm; {m the: a?er E1 is gigncd 3:33;: ?72911) Side; {ms canpwa?on wt: be uni?amra?y dismimtinucd. in was? i0 avaid and fix: (iismmiming Side shm?d irifama the was? Sim: if: awning; a: lcask weak b?iwham? ("images mix Administmivc Arrangermcm may bi: made at any iime and wiik mam: ?axinc??cct awarding 3:0 i116 if: 530, 5 {25? Fur 2118 Federal Ministry the luteri-Qn Pay $111: ??iinist?rj?" {if intermr {if the: 8:13:6ng and (fummunity of the Federai hingdam 9f $33.33;} If /a ?er" . . . . Repubhc uri- (sermarxy 63f {k?ghaci Teixia?z Deputy Dif?CiC?r ?rim 05th:: {Emma} far s?viigratiun) 3 a Hd? E?i?icc. Dale: 6? Ma "?73 "?23 frank?? ix; g3} i; 1 V5: ,{wag (a we: A?aam; 2933? Ann?x Lrucrlu?ra? mam N??ifiaatimt {if refuxai 0? entry jcfase?eg?w . :he pagan whim: {222: is?; suiomd wage? the iium?ae 31) number . . and Mums: phom izs atmched was apprehended in a shank at the iniemai (_iersnaz?iw. Inn?dcr in m: enter {Siam rcf?m?szg This persan dares n01 meet the xx??i?i??ifif? {or can?) and has a dcsin: fur inicmaiim?ml praicetian. mm: ofthc umdac system that {his germn applied far asylum with {amhnrily} in Sigh}; :35: {Jami A .. ascarur?am?s Nu. 2 M111: Adminimmim bct?w?en ?ue Fed?rai Ministry 9? Warm: Baih?ng and {Somzmm?ty af?x: i?cdcmi Retpabhu uf?iierniany and the Ministni ?if imam 01? {he ngdom of Spain dined Maze}. this; dmumcs}: as nati?catian that, this Ems beta {was} {33111; and is being: :??mmed {mamimfn??g SmieL E13i1a>xu21g means; mfirzanspu? in: used: ii Eight: (xi? ?ight mummy; Mimiuic? (icg?afiui?t am [13:36! {rim} {afgpamsra {25:32:31} Sc?gmiuic? mMaE gm ikfcii? 33 Wing; at (Efrgm?i $31353 means; mm spam; iisi?mazcd um arrival Hair 1i at fame] in {My} :5 an: Mums a: Hamper: ?rm afarr?vai an {cfawf at Him} in [6381! ifscz Signalman $332 name and {Sm name} M6 i w}