Bishop of Fairb anks 1315 Page! Road - Alaska 99701 [507) 456-675: July 16. 1986 9* The Must Rev. rum-.1: T. Hurley 5 Box 2239 Anchornge, Alaskl 9951a Dear Frank, 1 believ: you received . copy of -- 17:. m1: (1.: not. I have enclosed . copy). Pleas: find uy rasyons: Hopefully, my will nip [hll In the bud. Tried to cover All basai, and yet nor .am: anything, From {in ran: at (in latter, as wall a: (he warding. I would say that. the Chiliyilfl :5 the an: dell with more (ha Huch at the Ln uh: letter is definitely not If you me any suggestions an haw further handle this, I Cirtainly apex: cc suggestions. Trust. :Ms finds all nu with ycu. Take care, and God bless! Slnceraly in Our Lam, . Michul J. buizckl, "map of Fairbanks CENAJP 50. EXHIBIT 1+