Izembek NWR Land Exchange/Road Corridor Summary of Impacts to Plants and Wildlife in Alternatives 2 and 3 Species/Category Plant Communities Effects Overall Wetlands Cumulativ e Overall Fish/Fish Habitat Cumulativ e Overall Bears Caribou Marine Mammals T&E Overall Steller’s Eiders Yellow-billed Loon Seller’s Sea Lion Sea Otter Kittlitz’s Murrelet Tundra Swans Brant Cumulativ e Overall Cumulativ e Overall Cumulativ e Overall Cumulativ e Overall Cumulativ e Overall Cumulativ e Overall Cumulativ e Overall Cumulativ e Overall Cumulativ e Overall Cumulativ e Overall Cumulativ e Overall April 25, 2017 Alternative 2 – South Route Loss of ~107 acres Moderate Moderate Alternative 3 – Central Route Loss of ~100 acres Moderate Moderate Construct 162 drainage structures Moderate Moderate Construct 173 drainage structures Moderate Moderate 8 stream crossings Major Major 2 stream crossings Major Major Major Major Major Major If migration is interrupted-Major If migration is interrupted-Major Greater than Alt 2 because of migration patterns-Major If migration is interrupted-Major Negligible to Minor Negligible to Minor Negligible to Minor Negligible to Minor Minor Minor Moderate to Minor Moderate to Minor Moderate Moderate Moderate Moderate Minor Minor Minor Minor No Effect No Effect No Effect No Effect Minor Minor Minor Minor Minor Minor Minor Minor Major Major Major Major Major Major Emperor Geese Other breeding birds, migrating Seabirds Cumulativ e Overall Cumulativ e Overall Cumulativ e Overall Cumulativ e Major Major Major Major Major Major Moderate Moderate Moderate Moderate Minor Minor Minor Minor Conclusion: the overall and cumulative impacts to plants and wildlife are so similar between Alternative 2 and Alternative 3 that there is no clear distinction as to which Alternative would be the most harmful.