The McCandless Police Officer?s Association Re: Vote of no con?dence regarding Chief David DiSanti 12/04} 2018 It is the understanding of the McCandless Police Of?cers Association, as well as the individual of?cers of the McCandless Police Department, that the current investigation regarding the actions and activities of both Chief David DiSanti and Lt. Jeffrey Basl has been brought to a close. As it stands, the MPOA would like to inform the Town of McCandless Town Council that our membership has taken a vote of ?No Confidence" in regards to the performance and abilities of Chief David DiSanti to effectively administer the McCandless Police Department. This vote is in the af?rmative, with 24 o?icers af?rming a vote of "No Confidence?, one of?cer abstaining, and one of?cer voting against the measure. Additionally, two probationary employees were not included in this vote, in an effort to protect both them and their careers. This vote is overwhelming in its support amongst members. The membership has refrained from taking this vote earlier, primarily in an effort to not interfere with the ongoing investigation. Now that this investigation has concluded, we feel that now is the appropriate time to provide you with this information. In addition, it has come to the attention of the MPOA that a speci?c McCandless officer, who is known to the membership as having a close, personal friendship with Chief David DiSanti, has made statements that the issue at hand has been settled, and that Chief David DiSanti?s return to the department is imminent. Given this fact, the membership of the MPOA ?nds it imperative the McCandless Town council be provided with the opinion of the of?cers which serve this great community. That community deserves no less than a true accounting of Chief David DiSanti?s tenure and leadership of this department. The MPOA and its membership stand in full support of our fellow of?cer in relation to this current issue. We feel that the integrity of our department, as well as the community for which we have pledged our lives and careers for, is at stake. As such, we cannot stand idly by without making the opinions of the officers, which are the backbone of this great department, explicitly known. 0f additional concern, which we believe to highly relevant to the issue at hand, are statements made by a former McCandless Chief of Police and former Councilman. It has been brought to our attention that on the evening of December 4th, 2018, said former Councilman and former Chief of Police was present at a meeting of the North Hills Boroughs and Townships Police Of?cer's Association. This is a fraternal organization comprised of current and former North Hills area police officers, and was attended on that evening by current and former McCandless police of?cers. While at this meeting, said former Councilman and former Chief of Police stood up and addressed those members who were present. This was done after the opening invocation and the conclusion of regular business, during a time when the floor is open to members. Upon taking the floor, the former Councilman and former Chief of Police stated to the attended membership that both Chief David DiSanti and Lt. Jeffrey Basl were "overzealously" placed on administrative leave without a formal reading of the charges against them. This individual then urged the attending membership to attend, as a group, the Monday, December 10th McCandless Town Council meeting to show their support to Chief David DiSanti and Lt. Basl in regards to this investigation. Beyond this, said individual urged the membership to contact members who were not present, as well as member? wives, and indeed anyone else that the members may know, to attend said council meeting to influence the decision of council. We, the of?cers of the McCandless Police Department, have refrained from providing this council our opinions on the investigation at hand, and have held off on our vote of no con?dence until the conclusion of the investigation. We have done as such out of respect for the investigatory process, a process for which we have dedicated our lives as professionals. We endeavored to avoid influencing or tainting this investigation in any manner. As a former police of?cer, we would have expected the former Councilman and former Chief of Police to have the same respect for the investigative process. This individual's statement and actions indicate that he has been privy to information that, as a now private citizen, he should not possess. It is our concern that this individual has attempted to influence the course of this investigation, and intends to continue to do as such at the upcoming council meeting. We would anticipate that the McCandless Town Council would not abide by any manner of interference or in?uence on the part of any persons, such as this former Councilman and former Chief of Police, in the pursuit of an unbiased investigation. Respectfully Submitted, The McCandless Police Officer's Association