Safety 8: Security NCGA House Select Committee on School Safety December 6, 2018 Se Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools 0m5? CIRCLE of SAFETY Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools PERSONAL LEVEL Reach out for social emotional - support when you need it SCHOOL LEVEL - Expanded visitor, vendor and volunteer screening - Lockdown and active survival training "See something, say something?- 3" about suspicious activity Locked entrances and Watch for behavioral changes - monitored access points - Facility improvements including new locks, fencing in key areas, reinforcement of vulnerable areas Use social media responsibly - Understand and follow safety - instructions and drills - Expanded digital surveillance Be observant of traf?c and - surroundings at bus stops "Stand Up Speak Out Against Bullying" reporting Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools CIRCLE of SAFETY COMMUNITY LEVEL Increased mental health support - DISTRICT LEVEL - Additional crisis and evacuation training - Additional school resource and CMS-PD detectives Law enforcement agency partnerships - Parents talk to students about 0 appropriate items to take to school Deeper baCkgmund for employees and volunteers Ensure weapons are always - secured and locked away - SafeSchool training for all CMS employees Civic, faith and community mentors - Expanded school safety plans Community safe havens - - Rapid crisis communications Look out for school buses and obey traf?c laws - School safety is everyone?s responsibility. CMS protects students and staff with a comprehensive approach to safety, well-being and security. What we learned from Butler HS • • • • • • • Relationships with students are critical Drills and preparation work Partnership with law enforcement is key Prepare families in advance to respond Frequent communications important Conflict management in advance Students want more social, emotional and mental health support New measures • • • • • • • • Random screening and bag searches Increased investment in student supports Expanded video surveillance Panic cards and crisis response systems Digital entry access on all exterior doors Increased social media monitoring Strengthened crisis communications Active survival videos q&a harlotte- Mec klenburg Sc hools