THE BULLETIN OF THE GLOBAL CLIMATE COALITION Volume 3 Issue 5 Fourth Quarter 1995 Executive Director's Column CLIMATE NEGOTIATIONS MOVE AHEAD RAPIDLY Bxlohn Shlags nternational negotiations that could determine how, when and where industry will conduct operations after the turn of the century are moving ahead at breakneck speed and will be concluded in less than two years. Last April, at the first meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Climate ange Convention (COP-1) in Berlin, rmany, parties agreed to begin negoti- ations to ?elaborate policies and mea- sures as well as set quantified limitation and reduction objectives within specified time-frames." This is diplomatic speak for specific greenhouse gas reduction targets being met by a certain time. The ?targets and timetables" approach has long been opposed by the GCC. ?Policies and mea- sures? could be such instruments as CAFE (Corporate Average Fuel Economy) stan- dards, full cost pricing, international effi- ciency standards, or fiscal measures, such as a tax. These measures could be volun- tary, but could also be mandatory across international borders. The ?Berlin Mandate? also stated that negotiations on these new commitments, which cover the post-2000 period, should be completed by 1997. Any new commitments, which will be included in a legally binding document, will apply to Annex One countries only (primarily the developed countries), even though these mmitments are being decided by the er 100 countries that are parties to the convention (primarily developing coun- tries which have minimal or no obliga- tions under the convention). Continued on page 7 I The correct response to the climate change challenge is to road test the policy. Start with identifying and evaluating the best voluntary programs and duplicate these success stories. Then crunch the numbers on what impact more stringent proposals will have on the United States. I Little work has been done that will actually help guide political leaders on economically rational policy options. Until the most cost effective options to WHAT THE MEDIA TOLD You ABOUT THE IPCC REPORT reduce greenhouse gases are identified, policy makers are operating in the dark. (See accompanying story on the AC Conference.) I Highly accurate satellite measurements show no warming in the 16 years they have been in operation. I The climate models are getting better at mimicking historical large scale climate change, but even the General Accounting Office (an Continued on page 2 he intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) will soon release its latest report on the state of the science surrounding climate change. Early drafts Of the report sup- port the views Of critics who claimed the group's previous projections were too high. In announcing the report in late October, Robert Watson from the White House Office Of Science and Technology Policy admitted that the new numbers are ?on average about 20 percent lower" than earlier estimates. In a story on the revised IPCC projections, and on a recent Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) sea-level rise study, he Washington Post reported that the latest figures are ?half the warming that was projected by some analysis done during the mid-19805.? Many of the news accounts covering a leak of the IPCC report on the Internet misrepresented the current state of the sci- entific debate and misinformed the public about the potential and extent of harmful impacts from increasing temperatures. WHAT 5CD WARMING FORECASTS CUT IN HALF The report is a summary document that should represent the almost 1,800 under- lying pages of technical material. The underlying documents contain numerous caveats and qualifiers regarding the pro- jections made by researchers that are not included in the draft summary, making them appear to be more likely than most scientists actually believe. Focusing on "Nnnc (SI mane 3) worst case computer scenarios, while ignoring the best case predictions, gives the public an inaccurate perception of the scientific ?consensus." (See story, ?What Scientific Consensus??) This can only serve to alarm the public and undermine effective public debate. There has been very little change in what atmospheric scientists know about the climate. It has long been suspected that land use changes and increasing greenhouse gases would have some impact on climate. What scientists still don?t know is what role man?s activities will play compared to the much more powerful natural variations in climate change. 0 INTERNATIONAL NEWS I MEXICAN PLANT SENDS POLLUTION ACROSS i BORDER noted recently that a new power plant at Predras Negras in Mexic is sending clouds of smoke across the Texas border into Big Bend National Park. Developing countries like Mexico. said the editorial, ill continue to rely on coal to generate power for rapidly industrializing economies with results that render pollu? tron abatement an intemational affair. With regard to climate change. the editorial went on to say that weather ?uctuations are ?still Within the range of natural swings that proceeded from one century to another long before the Industrial Revolution began." Nevertheless, the piece warned that ?If the rich tcountriesi want to protect them- selves they will have to provrde the tech- nology and perhaps some of the money nec essarv to bring world standards to power plants in places where pollution is still a secondary concern.? Source The Washington Post RISING COAL USE IN ASIA PACIFIC REGION CAUSES ALARM Coal onsumption is expected to increase in the Asia Pacific region by 60 percent to 70 percent during the next 15 years, espec rally in China where three- quarters of the nation's energy needs are satisfied by oal Less than one-fifth of China's coal is currently treated to remove excess sulfur and many areas of the nation suffer from acid rain. Japan and Korea have also been plagued by acid rain as a conse- quenc of the industrialization of hina's eastern seaboard. Planners in China recently announced an intention to build dozens of new coal-fired stations and mo plants to produce chloro?uorocarbons. Source: Chum Science Monitor from ice masses. However, studies ana- . been no statistically signi?cant warming trend between l965 and 1993. CLIMATE WATCH UPDATE ICEBERG CALVING NOT CO2 TAX NOT DUE TO CLIMATE ENVIRONMENTAL SAYS CHANGE NORWEGIAN COMPANY Speculation that the Antarctic has been has been fueled by reports of large icebergs breaking off?or calving? Labeling his country's C03 tax more a general tax than an environmental one, Harald NorVik, president of Norway?s national petroleum company Statoil, urged that the carbon tax be reduced. Speaking at an international conference lyzing recent temperature data collected in the Antarctic region by British researcher Phil lones reveal that there has Norvik said that Norway probably had the lowest emission level of carbon The only warming trend that was found I canto in data collected prior to 1961 . The researchers concluded that since the huge iceberg that was reported by Science News to have broken away early this year came after two of the cooler years on record, it is unlikely that a trend in the Antarctic continent contributed to this event. Source World Climate Report of any nation in the world. ?Don?t penalize the front runners,? stated Norvrk. 'At a time when the . industry is struggling to lower costs, we is reaching 20 to 25 perch of the total operation cost." The carbon tax in Norway is levied on emissions from the Norwegian continental shelf. Source Financ of Times on environmental issues in the North Sea, dioxide per unit of petroleum production see that the CO, tax on some Installations IPCCReport (Cardin-fulfil!) investigative arm of the federal government) says the models are not reliable enough to estimate regional changes or to be the basis of billion dollar policy decisions. I suffer from serious flaws. The states that, 'Although model performance has generally improved over the last decade, both coupled and uncoupled models still show systematic errors in their representation of the mean state and variability statistics of current climate. Such errors reduce our confidence in the capability of to predict anthropogenic change.? I The warming that has occurred to date is primarily at night and is within the range of natural variability. I Some statistically significant 'climate changes' have been reported in some regions, but no credible scientific evidence exists which shows that those changes have been caused by human activity. I industry, in partnership with government, is actiwa participating In voluntary programs to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and remains committed to actions that make economic and scientific sense. I Unless developing countries participate in the process it nukes little difference what is done in the developed countries, including the United States. Less Developed Countries-(LOG) are the largest future source of greenhouse gases. 0 ATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES REACHES FOR HEALTH LINK CLIMATE CHANGE he National Academy of Scienc es held a onfc-rc-nc on Human Health and Global Climate Change in early September Vice President Al Gore provrcling the keynote address. The White House had asked the Academy to hold the conference in an attempt to explicitly link limate change and human health. However, most of the spec ulation on potential long-term Impacts were based on five-year old IPCC projections that have since been reduced signific antly. The White House organizers and envi- ronmental special interest groups said they hoped the meeting would lay the groundwork for a number of future seminars, workshops and conferences mrmsing this topic in the United States abroad. The political overtones at the confer- ence were obvious. In a moment of candor, one official attending from the Centers For Disease Control and Prevention told Climate Watch that the meeting was ?political, not medical or scienti?c you are really concerned about vector-borne diseases, you would not focus on climate change." Discussion with medical and public health officials has led the GCC to concur. At best, climate change is a marginal factor in the broad range of public policy options that need to be examined in addressing health concerns around the globe. The issue is one of priorities. People who suffer from inad- equate nutrition, laclc of fresh water, poor healthcare and sanitation, and other social infrastructure problems are the most vulnerable to communicable diseases. Economic growth and improvements in these basic services ?ll do far more to improve the quality ilifc for millions of people than efforts reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Those seriously concerned about pop- ulations at risk from communicable diseases should continue to focus on CLIMATE WATCH 'We interpret our results to mean that overall uncertainty about the geo- physics of climate change is not likely to be reduced dramatically in the next few decades," say the authors. Granger Morgan is with Carnegie Mellon University's Department of Engineering and Public Policy and David Keith is with Harvard's Atmospheric Research Program SCIENTIFIC Mount-hm.? - on ovoid-uh mm MW Meant-am Mire mundane-um? "Manhunt. Wham manner-tonal Tit-I andDavidKeitlsAiterintaMewir? findinpappartobododrtwidrlie 16mU5.clirmlesciantists.thcy founda'rich diversitvofupert 5cm 09"?0? ?1-3 ?affirm ?ndings upper: to reaterdegreeof . predicts?substan- ft ,wmm isoftenoomeyed uncertatnryinthe in scienti?c Sa'entt?' r: Assessment I next 10-15 years consensus ?990 'Wefindthere mum?s, . is elm,? agreement about the effect of climate change on policy-relevant factors such as changes in precipitation over land and various forms of interannual varlabiltty.? 0 Their paper rundrd in port in the National Sc renu- Icvonitaririn the Net rm [?1er Rewar- Inuiruri- {Pm} and MMA published rho triber nurr ii! f'ri r' a In hnri?ug't '\uf \11 factors that will significantly hange people?s lives better medical surveil- lance, increased availability of inocula- tions, and easy access to fresh water supplies. Several additional points should be considered: I Actions to prepare for, prevent, or mitigate the enormous suffering and loss of life that result from diseases such as malaria and dengue fever deserve the full attention of US. and international health policy experts. I Due to the natural variations in the forces that control climate change, regional and global average tempera- ture changes are likely to occur regard- less of attempts made to reduce man- made emissions of greenhouse gases. As a result, scarce human and capital resources should be directed toward preventing and mitigating the effects of urn-ant and potential health crises rather than foarsing on the marginal impact (if any) with; from man-M greenhouse gas Gnu-ions I Actions taken in the United States alone, despite the potenttalls severe economic penalties they would cause. haw virtually no impact on future atmospheric concentrations of green- house gases. In a breakout discussion group on Public Outreach and Risk Communication, the attendees, including EPA and DOE staff and environmental, science and medical NGOs, worked to develop a national public relations campaign that would 'awaken? Americans to the 'imrninent health dangers' (even thoudt none were identified) assooated climate change. Representatives from several environmental special interest groups participated. suggestim that the goal of a public relaions prou'an be to create political prawn for addtionai MMdum ?Mbhuhuly Damon. TIMING AND THE COST OF EMISSIONS REDUCTIONS STRATEGIES 31km adWWise The Earth?s di- rmte is a global commons, and the Framework Convention on Climate Change sets as its goal the protec- tion of that commons by calling for ultimate stabilization of the concentrations of greenhouse gas below "dangerous' levels. In considering the implications for agreements to control the atmosphere, Edmonds and Wise find that framing negotiations in terms of a cumulative emissions constraint, while an attractive intellectual construct, is vulner- able to a 'drop out? problem (countries deciding not to par- ticipate). Other arrangements that might be considered include framing the problem as a staged activity, with the prin- cipal features of Stage 1 being technology development and deployment, Stage ll being emissions stabilization, and Stage being phase-out of carbon-emitting tedirtologles. This strategy is poterlially useful in iniplemerm. of 500 or hem PERSPECTIVES ON CLIMATE CHANGE . POLICIES REVEALED AT ACCF CONFERENCE ew studies strongly suggest that imposing stringent near-term goals to reduce greenhouse gas emissions would be a costly and potentially unnecessary response to con- cerns about possible climate change. The studies were presented on September 13, 1995 at a conference sponsored by the American Council for Capital Formation's Center for Policy Research, titled, 'An Economic Perspective on Climate Change Policies.? The ACCF brought together noted aca- demicians, government of?cials, industry leaders and think tank experts at the forum in an effort to study the economic impact of international and domestic policy proposals designed to control greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs). The day-long forum featured presenta- tions by leading economists and climate change policy experts, including Alan Marine of Stanford University, Jae Edmonds of Battelle, Pacific Northwest Laboratories, W. David Montgomery of Charles River Associates, Lawrence M. Horwitz of DRl/McGraw-Hill, Kenneth Richards of Battelle, Pacific Northwest Laboratories and Thomas Rutherford of the University of Colorado-Boulder. Senator Frank H. Murkowski, Chairman of the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, delivered a luncheon address on Congressional Perspective on Climate Change.? Davrd Montgomery, former Visiting Lecturer at Stanford University and cur- rently a lead author with the intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, presented a paper in which he argues that economically rational approaches to reducing GHGs are being prejudged by the Berlin Mandate, which concentrates on near-term emission reduction targets for industrialized coun- tries only. His paper suggests that six steps are necessary for developing eco- nomically rational responses to the Berlin Mandate: 0 review current proposals; 0 inventory possible policy responses and analyze the economic merits of alternative response options; 0 consider speci?c policies and instru ments that may be required to mee? goals; 0 analyze implications for us. net costs and benefits of the intemation- al sharing of the burden of response; 0 consider the importance of timing; and 0 analyze ultimate net costs and bene fits to the United States and others of specific agreements. E1136: T's? Atom tonne tax (which would leave us. emissions considerably above 1990 levels in the year 2010) reduces GDP by 2.3 pore-it relative to tie incline . Edmonds, Technical Leader of conomic Programs at Batelle, (ontends that "timing" holds the key to the devel- opment of successful, cost-effective abatement policies. His paper exam- ines the international economic conse- quences of efforts to stabilize atmos- pheric concentrations of CO, at various levels in 2100. Edmonds concludes that rather than the current policy focus on reducing current greenhouse gas emissions, it might be more effective to frame the problem as a staged activity, with the initial focus on technology develop- ment and deployment. The next stage would involve efforts to stabilize emis- sions, followed by a stage where carbon-emitting technologies would be phased out. A paper by Lawrence Horowitz points out that efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to 1990 levels by 2010 could have startling economic impacts. His study, which uses carbon taxes to ovide the economic incentive for CO, ission reductions, finds that the aver- age annual economy~wide job loss for the 1995-20l0 period is 520,000, with a peak impact ofone million jobs lost occurring two years after carbon taxes are fully phased in. GDP in 1992 prices would be 2.3 percent or $203 billion below the baseline in 2010. At the same time, real consumer spending would fall. Overall, 89 percent of con- sumption camgorles would be native- ly affected by the carbon tax. The costs and bene?ts of abatement are uncertain according to the paper by Stanford economist Alan Marine, who says this argues for a an stratqy that preserves a variety of options for the future while allowlm for the sequoitlal inspiration of Marine Miss. 'l?iils analysis suggests that the optimal hedging strategy involves only small emission limitation efforts in coming decades if the critical uncertainties can be resolved in a timely manner. say by 2020. This the Importance of scientific among the portfolio of options for dealing with global climate charms." Two presenters at the conference pre- pared papers related to the impact abatement policies will have on intema- CLIMATE WATC tional relationships Kenneth Rirhards. a senior economist with Batelle, Par Northwest Laboratories, concentrated on the question oi joint implementation in his study, ?loint Implementation in the Framework (?onvention on limate Change: ()pponunities and Pitfalls," Richards notes that .I pilot program was established after the lust Conference of the Parties in Berlin, but the Parties left tor future deliberations the precrse definition of iomt imple- mentation (II). He demonstrates that It can he an extremely cost (?lft?t tive method for meeting the targets set by abatement policies but .iutions that due to the very low level of current incentives the results of the pilot pro? gram will be modest. Thomas Rutherford, Professor of Economics at the University of Colorado, looked at the 'Carbon Dioxide Emission Restriction in the Global Economy: Leakage. Competitiveness and the Implications for Policy Design.? He concludes that. costs of unilateral carbon restrictions are magnified by the pres- ence of trade and non-participating regions.? And, 'Second, alternative COSTS AND BENEFITS OF GREENHOUSE GAS E, Thomas C. Summary Uncertainties surrounding the impad of greenhouse gas emissrons in global climate change and global or o- nomit growth require that polit vmalt ers carefully evaluate the osts and benefits of polities to limit emissions. lf near-term steps to redut 9 emissions are not required to sustain long-term economrt growth in dexelopmg or Industrialized countries, policymakers should consider other uses of societies? scarce resources to improve conditions in less-developed areas. Investments by the developed countries in the public health, education. and waer resources of poorer economies of the world would yield substantially hdier benefits than investments in emission reductions' . . ?Sourr e. American Count II to! apital formation Center tor Polu Resean Special Report. tober 199$ CLIMATE WATCH sectoral approac would roc us on policies, objectnes and measures specific to partic ular sec tors or indus'- tries.? Examples Ited inc luded, establish 'agris-d rIteria" tor reduction olijectiies, These would int lode ?t cm- I hIned and weighted Indir .itors suc as per I apita emissions, GDP. share or global AOCFConferm .. ?win-mm A A .irecm?scojumn STUDY LOOKS AT POLICY RESPONSES TO WMWW like trade restrinions exemptions, and Th0 "980l'3l'0n5 ?00k a new turn 3? grandfathered permits, conflict with trade agreements or GATT obligations and generallv do more harm than good. Third. while leakage estimates assess the Impact of carbon taxes on comparative advantage. It Is less clear how one might quantity the impact of carbon taxes on the underlying rate of productive growth." ?Near-term emission reductions could have signi?cant gradual approach to mission reductions combined with investv ment in climate science and development of new energy tech? nologies can reduce costs without leopardizins climate 8 The conclusions drawn by all the papers presented at the ACCF confer- ence define a critical need for additional study and for the development of more information on the economic impact of emission abatement policies before they are adopted. David Montgomery stated the case suc noting that, ?Near-term emis- sion reductions could have significant gradual approach to emission reductions combined with investment in climate science and development of new energy technologies can reduce costs without jeopardizing climate goals.? The symposium, which was held at the Washington Court Hotel, was the 13th forum in the Center?s multi-year project, ax and Environmental Policies 8: U.S. Economic Growth." The proceedings from the forum will be printed in January 1996. Executive summaries of key papers are available from ACCF Center for Policy Research, 1750 Street, NW, Suite 400, Washiwon, DC 20006-2300, or all (202) 293-5811. . P. 6 RIO AGREEMENT study compiled by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) ana- lyzes the difficulties of developing poli- cies to address the threat of global warming, given current uncertainties about the problem. The OECD study also addresses the critical lack of infor- mation about costs of compliance With the Framework Convention on Climate Change "Global Warming: Economic Dimensions and Policy Responses? notes at the outset that ?the major problem facing policy makers is that of taking far- reaching policy decisions under condi- tions of significant uncertainty: how to . choose policy targets and suit- able instruments to achieve them, with limited knowledge of both the likely costs and the resulting benefits.? The OECD, which includes the United States among its members, has dealt with the issue of global warming on sev- eral occasions and has designed a model to evaluate the costs of different policies to reduce carbon diOXIde emis- sions, the principal greenhouse gas (GHG). The organization sounds a cau- tionary note early in the report saying, ?An unequiva confirmation of global warming can still not be Nevertheless, it suggests that reasonable policy choices can be made in light of the possibility that GHC emissions will affect climate change. The report contains a number of rec- ommendations on how to ensure the abatement and stabilization of major GHG emissions, including: extending coverage of abatement policies globally to lessen the possibility of ?carbon leak- age?, which would result when emis- sions reductions in one Mon an offset by increased omissions elsewhere; improvim efficiency with com maroisliy available technologies; direct- ing technology at the large, stationary of carbon dioxide, where the carbon dioxidsosnbeospuusd and stored or used for other purposes. The study further suggests that actions to respond to the risk of global warming should be developed in the private sector. "For policy makers the relevant question is what instruments are avail- able to influence private sector activity so as to implement the desired amount of mitigation or sequestration effectively - and efficiently (Le. achieving the desired result at least cost).? The OECD survey also examines the difficulties of implementing one often- CIted public policy remedy?carbon tax- ation. The report states that "in practice, little is known about the marginal eco- nomic damage of climate change, so the objective of the carbon tax typically reverts to the ?second best? goal of equating marginal costs of abatement among all emnters." According to the OECD, the compli- cations involved in getting global agree- ment on a fair and equitable distribution of taxes is one of the greatest challenges to instituting a carbon tax regime that would effectively and ef?ciently abate GHG emissions. ?Even if a rule exists which ensures the initial agreement among a group of countries, sustaining the agreement may be difficult as the Incidence? conditions" .change over time." In studyingtheconceptofacarbon taxation, the report finds that a hypotheti- cal 550 per ton OECD carbon tax would put countries like the United States, with lower tax burdens and a higher depen- dence on coal, at the high end of carbon tax rates. And it is noted that while ?some studies have suggested that efficient carbon taxes combined with the reduction of othsr distanhn tons on Improve efficiency in the it is equally true that 'the majority of export analyses suggest that the potential gains are difficult to determine and depend speci?c conditions which differ from country to country." 0 For me Information, contact the (202} 785-6323. November?s second meeting of the Ad Hoc Group on the Berlin Mandate (AGBM-Z) when the EU introduced a new and apparently unanticipated "framework protocol? which was immediately sup- ported by the Alliance Of Small Island States (AOSIS). The AOSIS countries indi- cated their beliei that their earlier protocol proposal (calling for a 20% reduction in CO2 emissions for Annex I parties below 1990 levels by the year 2005) could be integrated into such a framework. The EU framework was a new approach particularly as embodied in Annexes A, and to their proposal. These Annexes would be the repository of predominately international ?policies and measures." Annex A would include a list of common policies that would be adopted by all developed countries. Annex would list policies and measures that would bene?t common or 'eariy' coordinated lication by developed countries. nnex would be a list of policies and measures of proven or potential effective- ness that a developed country could include in its [own] national program. A major question for the United States is: if such an approach is ultimately adopt- ed, who piclcs the measures and who decides whether these hannonized mea- sures are good for the United States. its economy and its Repeatedly U. S. called is? the Administration to assure that broad economic analysis is undertaken to evaluate the impact of any new interna- tional or domestic proposals. This is particularly important since the International Energy Agony and consultants to the AGBM. mum. polioiusuch a taxes, trading with international caps and fuel quotas. At AGBM-Z, EU proposals were clear target specific regional or industry sectors through specific policies and res. Todatethe UnltodStaushas a broader 'meriu" approach, from which a country could pick or choose. However, the United States noted in "standards for emissiorv'energy eific ien- cy, agreements to Implement spec Ifit policres as energy auditsi. or to improve a Spt?lelC Indicator In some sector Isuch as vehicle miles trawledi.? The AGBM is' a wide range of new international concepts in the climate debate. These ideas will need . . assuredness that any ultimate agreement will maintain U.S. sovereignity and re?ect U.S. circumstances. There was a broad discu55ion at AGBM-Z regarding ?quanti?ed objectives and time frames? potential targets and possible timetables. interventions from nations varied, but consistent among most nations was an insistence that reductions be 'combined" with policies and mea- sures. The European Union, as did others, continued to propose the concept of common emissions reductions targets tied to specific dates (2005 or 2010) rela- tive to a speci?c base year. interestingly, the United States indicated that there are ?her amoadies, pointim out that ?quantified objectives may vary in level, timing, and location of reduction emis sions made," and more titan once indicat- rationalfornon-binding approach, also mmuwm' Themblunwli emissions. carbon Intensity of primary cnergv use and marginal abatement usts As one an see, the AGBM Is on- tronting a midi: range or ness Interna- tional tt)n( opts In the limatt- debate These ideas ss Ill need a great deal of study and analysis as to economic and regulatory Impacts, and perhaps most importantly assuredness that any ulti- mate agreement maintain sm- ereignti and reflect US. If( unistances ihc-re Is always the danger that linking ourselves to other ountries on these kinds oi domestic issues ould reduc 0 our ability to determine our own future economic and competitive destini. That Is seseral Important l' S. economists are about vshat path the United States tollovss predic t- ing that the rong doc Isions ould do permanent and irriwrable soc ml and economic harm and In the long run tail to ac hieve Its environmental objc'ctiies We should learn more soon. The next meeting of the AGBM and other climate bodies starts February 27. . ORTH QLOTING :M?Mysus-s bismu'l?hefactisthaem ?new ?passion. also Medina-seek {us-u aliens-cm" 151'de ?u?i ?We _b-arth its. from a EPRI DEVELOPING GAS FRAMEWORK (GGAFWHJIHYR EEI PROJECT ENCOURAGES INTERNATIONAL GHG MITIGATION PROJECTS IHII '44th In[Iimall' Walrh We I 0! .INII I II (II (Iimave Walrh .YYUI II mum: Mzalu Reportingsiafl: Di kmhlulvk>> Design/laynulz OI'fims: IHI mm mm For more Ininrmanon, (mum: .