?ennifer Heieerm?ieei?y Frans: Rachel Scaiish Sent Thursday, November 29. 2018 1:02 PM Te: Jennifer HeinertO?Leary Subgeet: FW: reimbursabie expenses Frem: Racine? Scaiish Sent: Friday, November 16, 2018 1:02 PM Te: 'kjehn42948@yanoe.cem' Ce: Patricia 5. Britt Vakedia Stiggers Subject: RE: reimbursapie expenses nee - ee nee eiiew {eie?zeeysemeni fez? mestgege Rechei From: Sent: Thursday, November 15, 2018 11:49 PM Te: Rachei Scaiish Suh?ect: Re: reimbursabie expenses r, rem ?.13 ?s if "z 3- "e ?ev'vx gs "a ?e . game-fee {i?mig ?Ma. mega; aim, Mfg: Original} Message??~? me: Rachel Seeiish T0: "Kenneth L. Jehnsen yahoo" Ce: Carrie Rentz "Patricial Britt? Sent: Thu, 15 Nov 2018 2:09 PM Subject: reimbursable expenses Ken: attached is Councii?s reimbursabie expense peiicy. Ferns Mae fer misceiieneeus expenses shouid be the pfeper form to out to be reimbursed for gaseiine used in ward equipment, such as a lawn mower. You need to provide substantiation of payment made and evidence ofthe proper public purpose of the expense. Piease iet me know if you have any quesiions. Raehel Nigre Sealish Special Counsel Cievelmid City Council 216.664.6437 Jennifer Heloert?'teery From: Rachel Scalish Sent: Thursday, November 29,2018 1:02 PM To: jeonifer HeinertO'Leary Subject: FW: reimbursable expenses Attael?rments: Councilmember Bus Expense Reimbursement Policies ZOE?lpdf; actualeuto?cost? reimbursement M8.doc; cellular?exoense?logdoc; computer M13.doc; cooncil?member?expeosewreport Ml .doc; dally-mileage-logdoc; MMdoe; furolture?equioment~use~aod~ expenseleZdoc; rate-?234 M?.doc; misc-expenses (2) MlOdoc; Office expense allocatlon Mildoc; Soloc; reimbursement?to?comm? rented?ward?office-expenses M2.doc; service-provider~ expensesM4doc; telephone? logdoc; From: Rachel Scelisl?i Sent: Thursday, November 15, 2018 2:09 PM To: kjohn42948 (kjohn42948@yahoo.com) Ce: Carrle Rentz Patricia 3. Britt Subject: reimbursable expenses Keri: attached ls Council?s reimbursable expense policy. Form ltd-m for miscellaneous expenses should be the proper form to fill out to be reimbursed for gasoline used in ward equipment, such as a lawn mower. You will need to provide substantiation of payment made and evidence of the proper public purpose of the experise. Please let me know if you have any questions. Rachel; Nigro Sealish Special Counsel Cleveland Cil?y Council 216.664.6437 batrieie britt Frees: Patricia J. Britt Sent: Wednesday, November 21, 2018 12:52 PM Te: Kenneth L. Jehnsen; ?kjohn42948@yahoo.com? Cc: Gameli Jamison; Carrie Rentz; Va?Kedia Stiggers Subject: October Expense Repert High Ascerding te our Expense Reimbursement Peliey Mamet, heme ettiee exbehses cart eniy be submitted fer abbrevai fer the year in January bi the barticuiar yearn Theretere, arty and heme etiiee expenses that yet! submitted, eahhbt be eehsidered fer reimbursement. After reviewing veer Qeteber eitbehse rebert it sees determieea that: 1 gas receipt is eiigibie fer reimbursement because we have te submit arr err igiuai (gas station) receipt fer Geteber The biaques that were purchased at Setta Trophy must have an inveice t0 aecembaby the receipt yeu submitted befere it can be reimbursed Rib betriei set its itt trite ere ter ut {lite Cite itati 2.th tub-it tetesieie errer?rue} tsquw err ere eetr: {Rite} bait: reset atrig?a jg?r?? Fram: Patricia J. Britt Semi: Manday, November 26, 2038 11:59 AM Tm: Joan Mazzolmi; Carrie Rem Cc: Racine? Scaiish; Jennifer He?nertO'Leary; AHan Dreyer; Kevin KeHey porterwright Subject RE: Ken Johnson October expense repair C?rr?e 33 ra?ay, 30 rim?? r: has brim rurr?rr?riw?rr g3rr3cr3?3?eri $33 a Warm: Joan Mazzorini Monday, Nevember 26, 2918 11:51? AM {Zarr?e Rent; Rachei Scaiish Jennifer Heinertaleary Patricia J. Britt Ailan Dreyer Kevin Kei!ey porterwright Suhject: Ken JohnSon October expense report Naym?k has just requested October, if it?s done. Jean. Joan Mazzelini Chief of Communicatian Cieveland City Cauncii 216.857.??637 ?eu- a? n. 5? mu ?wm SERGE WENSES: a. amiss Gf?m Exmsm {3333; Fagin ix Em??wm ?f?m Expam {fmm F?m} {fmm Fm :7 {mm Farm SWFLES {mm {fmm Fem i491: =9 . EWEESES {mm a WEESES: a Meg {mtgmaii?gi ?iw Emm?mm? {mm mm ?nmie sigma} Casi Raim?meme?t {fmm Farm Egg}; - WENSES ?rm Emit macaw": WES: a. ?f?m Rmm?ag 53mm Mam {mm $93.33 z? aiimgti?m {Exam Em RM ?amga?ezs? Qamw ai?ma?aa {fmm Ema: Ev? Exam?vg Aggisia?i gamma {tram Em: k? eawvmiw {gram in?? 5? ma?mm} {?33 am a {tam far Em 35:: and ME: m'mi; mm . - 5.41 Ems: rum?! {:11 w; {53:3 gum 593% 8% Pagtiafi ?w?r gm? w?g? Egg} SEE: 9 E63: Ear/#M EWKE .. EQMW EE gmaeg?? ME mm k. (mm i mmamwm mug Mag $mm?w$w Mum mm Ekmm?mu? Emma 3% ?km. ?ma ?w?m Mag ?35 mm?m. hma mammwm ?mam hawk 39$me Mahmuwknmxmix $aggm EILM: EHEET . {My gh?xh ?1 af?{mm Mammy all? \m him? W?rk 59% . i thcam Va H?ws: Tami Haifa a; Empa?a?f-r ?ew 4% mm? my g?g: mg?" Ef?gy E?s?mf ww; sgm?gm ?gf?w ?fm? ?maimg my {3 ?ames?fmembe??s Sig?mmre AL, 21:: Fi?ii} ER 335%? SHEET {Va NR W- . '55 ??331$ ?a 1f? if: v. at}? Sum??g WK a, WW (Q g! {33% gig} inf {my mfg} g: sz?mx - ?3 f? . - Ex} g?g??wgk?g ?ff/Exit? z; in . - wggu ?a 3? ?w?r . w. - "5 31m? mm ??wi?xlzg -., Wm 313 . Hm my Tam? Haas-reg: $451; Pi?wa Fe?? am? 3&3: ?gs? ma? 5mm 9?33? we ways :hfwmaW? is f, . ?xg?amm ?aigw, mg?sg a gm? Mg?gg farm :23? i, am ?gm?Camc?membw?s? MW ???Emma a ?mfg? mm?wa $33 ?ama?w g, k. . a Mmm?mw fix? M5 MM Ummw mam Emmi 03 anw ?if; . ?amm. #83 xv, a; . ww (53% 1.1% Hamsm?mm, I 43.0%. .Qf . .W . b?m?k?u mummwm Emma? mama mg? magma gummy. mg. mww?m m. 95% m3& m@mmw?3m ?gamma? ?mama? $mm?v? a mam? magmaQcm?w ??gmm . mam fig?? a . i. m?wamnm?m?wm?m gm. 3w? 3% {Sauna} Member: N0. 4% Mamh??em?: MEMBER EXPENSE Kenneth L. Nil/2&8 E7 Mi A ENE SCREPE NEN . WARD OFFICE 1 CL Remec?i Of?ce Expenses (Form EVE-2): S, b. In?home Of?ce Expenses (Form M-B): S3 2? SERVICE PROVEDERS {Form 3. (Form EB CGMMUNECANON (Farm $328.02 TELEPHONE EXPENSES (Palm $329.96 6. TRAVEL EXPENSES: (3 Automobile; Mileage Reimbmsemem (F0331 3 b. Le ased Automob?e: i) Miieage Rsimbursemem (Form I 53 (r . ii) Actual os'i Reimbursement (Farm ng): 53 c. Oui-of?Town Travel (Form M-9) MESCELLANEOUS EXPENSES (Form $578.36 8. ALLOCATION ITEMS: 3. Of?ce Rsmodeiing Expenses allocation (Form M41) b. Equipment/Furniture aliocaiion {Pom} 7 35 c. Campuisn? Computer Equipment alieca?on (Form d. Executive Assisiani aliocation. (Form M44): 6 Continuing Professional} Education/Deveispment (P am: M-ES) 9 . ORGANEZAE ION PAYMENTS IVE-16) SUBTOTAL CURRENT EXPENDETURES 200 menthiy maximum} $1228.34 LESS DIRECT PAYMENT ALL OCATION ITEMS (fatal for ?nes 8a through (3 CASH REEMBURSEMENT: EJZMO {(13:5ng :5 . 1 55' QGEJNEEL . Member: Jemima SE, ?1 BREE EOSOHQGES BATE BESCREPTEQN ANS PERPQSE I REIMBURSEMENT EESCREPYESN FUBLEC PURFGSE . AMGUNT 69?} 2?18 ACWQG Reamer fer phene 97.3.9 ?94~?2~2?18 Ca?rgdge Regiacemmi primer 197.98 HP 62 XL Biaek 62 YEi??aigr ink ?232" primer 32.95 TQTAL SETPPLEES $328.82. certify that 38 expenses submitted for reimburgemem have been paid in 0f Cauncii b?g?aess for a proper public purpose. in: vex55$53251 Gvder P?ace?: September 17; 2018 Ammamcem ewes? mum?eer: Grades? ?feia?: Sh?gge? erg Sepiembeg? 3.333 E?i? heme @r?ered Fr?ee 1 of: TPiink #161900 Smart Wireless Router Beamforming Due? 53nd $9999 Gigabii WiFi Internet Reuters for Heme, High Speed, Lang Range, idea! fer Gaming?rcher C9) Saki by: Amazon.com Services, In: I 'Conndition: New . . Etem(s) Subtotai: $99.99 fi?f?bm Shippmg 8* gaming: $9330 Your Camper: CLEVEUEAND, {Di-?10 44120?2747 Uni?ed States ?fate? before tax; $89.99 Sates Tax: $129 Shipp?ng Sgeed: . . . Two~Day Shipping Tet? far We Shwme?t $?3?19 Paymem Enfmme?en Payment Me?wa?: Etem(s) Subtotai: $99.99 Amazen.com Store Card I Les: d?g?ts: Shipping Hand?ng: $0.30 - Your Coupen Bg?img ad?ress KENNFT Tetai?before tax: $89,199 CLEVELAND, OH 44120 Estimated tax. in be coiiected: $136? United States Gma? Tatak $9?Ki? ?red ?t ?e rd ?re?ga?t??gng endmg September 318, To View the status of your orgies", return to ?r?er Summary. (Sentiment; cf Lise Privacy Matisse 1996?2018, Amazoncom, Inc. or its 99:7?; .1. Hr. $.43 0? Ease Freducts- You pm View this TC 0. LEE: Camp??hee Office Deeis Sehoo? Supplies ??iexa, 5:523ng gimme? mifk :0 my Whoie P943933 sari.? G?ice 8a Supplies Printer mk 641" imaged this item on September E1, 2018. RelE over image to 200m in Eng i?E' Eisiery Primes ink f; Toner EN 1 dis KENNETH *3 Projectors Learn more X?wink {a?ridge Repiaeemem 3?22): 4-Peck by Generic 7 SC Itcn?er reviews Eirice: $37103 lie in E2, giEb far 6 mensh seemed ?eanr 3.. 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Se?d by: XLWInklets {gimsz?gq} Cond??sn: ?ew 1222222213) Subtotai: 331?3190 KENNETH L. 302222323222 Shipping 82 Handii?g: $9.00 GREG 443252?34? 7 Tami befcre tax: $1?198 2222222352 Siam 7 - Saies Tax: $0.239 S??pgmg Swee?: fa? ?Ef??ig ?h?pmentz$??l?? Two-Day Shipping @aymam ??farma?a? . lien?s) vatotai: $197.90 Amazamcem Stare Cami dfgi?is: 8244 Shmping Hand?ng: $9.09 Ewing :??mgg 0N ?efore tax: $19196 JOHNS Estimated tax is be caiiected: OH 44125 2 32mm United States ?re??t $3 mi ir??ga?mns ending 22': September 12, . To View 222% status of yaw ar?er, return 2:0 Qr?egjgummas'ga 5322:2223"; sf Use. 1 92222239; 5292252 1996?2018, Amazon.com, Inc. or its affii?ates Sa?ie? judamkc Shipping Qrder meet: an Weanesday, 0c: me CLEVELAW OH 44?23~2y47 Tam; Paymam $36??sz PayPaE Cyed?i Uni?ed: $3388 9aymem (33% Wed?egday, Sigm?g} baggm *mm gadg??kg ?iy?em 5?3ng HP 82K: BECK 8: 5.2 $98649? ink, Of?cejet, {2?35?223689199) S??pp??g warms Ecsnemy Shipping Free $3235 ?iem p?gg $3235 Shipping Egg Dames?c ieg .w 3 553%?; $3353: mi?inga?y ?aigsping Easy haw? iaiemaiimai 5&9 Emmy? charges Tami by 3833: - wad may . Purshase price Damagi?c 'Eeg Tami Gide? piaced an Wedgesday, Oct 1; 2018 Paymem; meihad PayPai {limit Paymem date Wednes?ay, Oct W, 28% 3mg?" ??fmmai?m 353:3!? $0.58 $32.95 ?faia? $32.95 Sh?mmg Qrdaa? wig-E SubiataQ $3235 VERMEER SUMMARY TELEPHQNE EXPENSES {Teams} Mamba; Kezmeth L. ?shnsen Sn 111M "sisn? 3:1 Date: AM Long Distance Expezise fez? COLEBCH Business 1 Telephene Line Expense for {7011131311 Business . - - N013~De?icated Teiephene Line Expense for Council Business Ce?ular TeEephone Expense for Council Business 5 Answering Serviee YGTAL EXPENSE REEMBURSEMENT $32936 *me separaie 10g 01' cost 1:0 be attached. I certiiryt 13181 2112 expenses submittedi {'01 1e1mbu15ememhave been paid. 1.11 furtherance of Councii business for a p10pe1 pubi 1e pumose Substamiation appmve? byt?. fe1k of 0111101} or designee NO If BOJ additions} documemation :equesied 1f any: MEMBER LERJE {Tammi? ?emhei?: Emmem E?hnsm 82: 7 War? N83 ?4 33%: 1030-1?20} 8 DEEHCAEE-B LINE GTHER COST INVOICE DATE DEDICATED 2MB TELEPHONE NUMBER 0 BE 9/2/2018 216?421?8639 74.98 10/1/2018 236-421-8639 74.98 9/18/2018 216?41?-513?3 180.00 $328.96 ANSWERENG SERVEQE WARD SEWER LGCATEGNS) . INVOICE DATE LENE TELEPHONE WMBER COST (PER INVOICE TO BE ATTACHED) Report {his 31110113: Form Council Member Summary Of Teiephmm Expenses? Your itemized teiephone invoice mas: aisa'be wbmitte?; this leg is an: a subsiitute for yam? invaice September 2018 Account Number: Security Code: Service Jet: Rees guess-see asses yser Visit us at twat c: On sail us at ($855337- 7328) Previous Baiasce 3336? Payment Received 50.00 Adjusimei?iis 8.95 Spectrum 9183 Spectrum iniemeim 54.99 Spectrum Voicem ?999 Othei Charges 8.85 Taxes! Fees and Charges 8.32 Current Charges Sue by 89/1818 $184i88 . Va, is eiesesineetee glee Vehii {hen e; sewi ee ess- 4145 S. Faikenburg Rd Riverview, FL 33578?8852 6870 0129 NO RP 01 09032018 01 comes 0094 VKENNETH JOHNSON CLEVELAND OH @4120?27?7 a: ?ii??i f?c?i i?i ii?i? Lia 51's? jg??Lii Si 1:9; .wm?cge? 355w. Hr?; A V- as ?were. .gr m2, Wife?s i?r Tiers ?isms sis-2i ceu?i?: see. Censisientwiih netiees provided beginning April 20m, the Residentiai Generai Terms and of Service effective June 30th, 2018 are evaiiebi .ee (?Terms of SewicefPoiicies") iisie. Taxes, Fees and Charges iisied in the Summary oniy eat appiv is Spectrum TV and Spectrum iniemei and are {ieteiied on the feiiowing page, Taxes, Fees and Chaiges for Spectrum Voice are detaiieci in the infoima?iien seciien? Es?sisii 273213: ies?e? Speeirum Amie Pay is a semen way is pay your en time every: month withoui the hassie buying siemps or w?iing checks. Visit see 72:1;va .eeom Lineage: We pedodiceiiy review oer marines iineu and ?iv packages i0 ensure accuracy Effective on or afier ieni sf 9S Sepiember 18, 2918, your shame: imeup be aiigned with your curreni ievei- of service. No action is required or: your pan uniess yen wouid iike to make changes to your curreni TV package. Caii and we wiif work with you to the package that best ?ts your needs. For a of ?rid channels avaiiebie in your area, visii Speeiwi?n. cemfchemeis was wee {3%th Hie RE i?e??E instant access to 1?5+ channels, inciuding more sports and can?t?miss TV from ESPNU, and SHOWTEMEQD. Yet; miss a play season iong wiih Spectrum TV Silveri Visit ngezim? messianic"? to upgrade instaniiy #Cii Upgiede ioday and scare wom?i September?s, 2018 Account Number: Service At: CLEVELAND, 0H 44120~2?4?' ?i'eiei Bee $332?e Amsuei yes are 1iai?eeise Rea?aim aymem is} TEME WARNER PO BOX 901 CAROL IL 68132~099i Page 2 oh: Sepzember 2038 JOHNSON Account Number: Sewrity Code: Visii us at? e. co Or caii US at 855? 70- SPECTRUM ?-?855 7328) 6818 0129 NO RP 69032018 0? 000?99 0004 Previous Baiance 339.0? Paymeni Received 08KB 4 50.00 Paymen?is- received after oeion'?e sewer on you? next ., Size is?? 1-H seas?; Service 98,7291?18 through Soec?srum TV Seieci 6&99 Basic TV Expanded Basic TV Services Promoiionai Discount 4 5:00 Spectrum Receivers 41.94 6 Receivers at $6.99 each $31.93 Taxes Saies Tax 2.88 Fees Charges Franchise Fee 5.38 FCC Fee 8.08 Spectrum internei 84.99 Bunnie Discouni 40.00 $55.39 53 ;eI: i:I J31 ii?iiF?iI?i?i?m ?we Sean Phone number {216} Uniimited Long Distance 29.99 inciudes: Phone Line, Modem, Up to 18 geaiures, within US, Canada, Mexico, Pueno Rico, Guam The Virgin islands Bundie Siscouni 0.80 $13.39 For additional caii detaiis oiease visit we Bmaecasi Surcharge 8:85 .- I . 2,3 Sine; 1-9113as.? a See an,? Senses moses . it mini as ?esseges oon?noee from page fs?is??i?g $5353 eh i sees: today to transfer your Spectrum services see we i! have you connected before you re even unpacked Pius, ihe Spectrum Mover Resource Denier can make your move easier with handy tips and more. Caii 1-855-3546457 or Isis-it Sassen?amsornfesseEmma; so get moving. Tax and Fees This staiemeni re?ects ins current taxes and fees for your area {ineiuding saies, excise, user Taxes, eke}. These taxes and fees may change without notice. Terms 8; Conditions Spectrum's detailed standard terms and conditions for service are iocaied at some o; n. con?eoIIcIe Locai Specimen Store: 2027 W25ihSt, Sieveiand OH 441% Store Hours: Mon tom Fn szi?am to Sat I 9:003m to 5:00pm; Sun 12:00pm io 5:80;:Im Your we? oan be ?ne. GREEN weyi {?53 GREEN was Specimen. Oniine Bis: Pay Is helping the environment one cusiomer at a time. We see}: you need to do is sign up for Oniine Pay; it save you money on oostage and time - and it aiso save Rees! is easy? inst go to we comfy-omen. Each month, you'ii receive a paperiess that you pay oniine with your choice of payment options. . Debit Card - Credit Card Eiecironic Funcis Transfer a Receive a amok summary of your account at any time Access up {0 6 months of statemenis Feyment {ignores Pay aniine Create or Login to MyAcoouni to pay or view your oniine at Pay by ??aii - Detach payment coupon and endose with your check made payabie to Time Wamer Came. Please do not conespondences of any type with payments. Fe: questions or concerns, piease cal?; 55 October 1, 2018 Account Number: Security Code: Service At: 2948 HAMPTON R8 CLEVELAND, OH 441203747? Have qwes?ons acme. yeti? i?aie?tc. Taxes, Fees and Charges iisted in the Summary cniy appiy Visit us at :36 to Spectrum TV and Spectrum internet and are detaiied on the Dr caii us at 855 7D SPECTRUM (?3655 797 ?328) ioiicwing page. 'iaxes, Fees and Charges fer Spectrum Voice are detailed in the inicrmeiierr section. Errmii re eerie i333}: tedeyf Spectrum Auto Pay is a convenient way to pay yeur on time every month without the hessie ct PFGVEOUS Baiance 382-15 buying stamps er writing checks. Visits recirere?etie tecey. Payment Received ?208.80 Adjustments 5 8-95 Rete- are: Spectrum current Rate Card is endorsed in this See *Iieim Le {Erie ?tr-ice {metre months statement. Spectrum TVTM 91.93 Spectrum internetm 54599 Frieecgs 32 e?Spec?imm 5 current Privacy Pciicy is encicsed Spectrum Veicem @989 in this month?s ?etatemen?i. Other Charges 8.85 Taxes Fees and Charges 8.30 {wearer Pursuant to FCC customer noti?cation Current Charges Due by 8/18 5584.06 requirements, piease see the enciosed Annuai Notice, which ?ie?te? {2e . (3}ng prevides important etacdard terms and cecditiens for Spectrum WW service. To obtain the current chance! iineup ayaiiahie in your area, please go to 3 act: er ac cemeheecee or centact us at 1-855??0?-?328, t0 request apaper copy be maiied to your home. To obtain a current rate card for TV services piease 99 to See :tmre U3. or centact us at ?i?856- 37073328 to request a paper cepy be maiied to your home{7:34- October 1, 2M8 KEi?t?iE?i Account Member: Service At: .W GH 44120?2747 4345 S. Faiicenburg Rd Rivewiew, Ft. 33578-8652 6810 {3129 NO RP 01 30012018 01 801388 0008 ?ue - .1 Ameunt you are encicsing CLEVELAND OH grease Remi- ?eyrirerr? ?3 WARNER CABLE-NORYHEAST PO BOX 90?? CAROL STREAM, iL 60132?090? irririirriirii Page 2 of 6 October 1, 2018 KERWETH Number: Have questions 3:233: you: 33:? Viei: Us at omega: 3:335:35}; Or, 0311 US at 6810 0129 NO RP 0'5 10812018 (31061388 0008 Code: Previous Baienoe 382.13 Payment Received 09104 400.00 Paymenis rece?ved a?er :oioma w?i appear on your eoxt Late Fee 09i28 8.95 hwmweaa 53:3? $3335 3?33? ?ea ia?ezme - Ease E?o?e :.:gregg ?ew?ce from {$922313 ihrooga $642318 Phone number a: ?31513:: Uniimiteo? Long Distance 29.99 inciudes: Phone Line, Modem, Up to ?18? Cai?og Fea?u?res, Ca?iog Mihin U.S., Canada, Mexico, Poer?io Rico, Guam The Virgin isiaoos Bund?e Discount $0.03 5:393 For additional can detaiis. oiease visit Mecemfaccoom. . 3 . a: 3533:4333 gone 1? T313: ?:33 Spectrum TV Seieo?i 64.9% Basic 8: Expanded Basic Services {Discount 3% 5.06 Spectrum Receivers 4:94 6 Reoeiveos at $6.119 each @133 age-Ciao? Tom? 559? if Spectrum Entemei 64.99 Sandie Discount 48,00 f5 :ewm: Name?? Tom? J55: ?9 Broadcast WSorcharge . .385 63:32? C?magee - $3.85- Salea Tax 2.88 Franchise Fee 5.36 FCC Regulatory Fee 9.96 Taxes: Fees and Cheegea ?75:31 $3.333 ?anea: Ease :35; ?3.53 2423 3:33-33 Tom: Joe Measagee 33333336? from page i . {3:33:23 aewa. Expanded Store Hours beginning Wm Monday, October 1, 2018! The Speofmm Store 51% located at 202? W. 25th Street, Stevelano, OH 34133 wiit be open Moodey?Saturday and Sunday Customers may visit the siore to keen: about. Spectrum products, induc?ng our New Spectrum Mobile service. You can visit Soeo?mmee. for a foii Sis? of iooations and hours. - Looaf Spectrum Store: 2827 25th St, Cieveiand OH 44113 Store Home: Mon thru Sat - Sz??am to 1801331; Sun 12:0Gpmto5100om Yea: WAY can he the QREEN way: QREEN with Spectmm. Oniine em Pay is heipiog the environmeoi one customer at a time. it?s easy you need to do is Sign up for On?ne 8:11 Pay. it save you money on postage and time - and i: Wm also save trees: Eorol?og is: easy, just go to iamoemieogrwea. Each monih, you'ii receive a pape?ees e?biu that you pay oozine with your choice of payment options. 3 Debit Card Credit Card - Eiectron?c Fuocis 9 Receive a quick summary of your account at any time 6 Access up to 6 months of statements Paymeei Go?ooe Pay Saline Creaie or Login to My?ccouo: to pay or View your an: online at Pay by Mai: Detach oaymeo?i coupon and endose with you: check made payable to Time warmer CablePlease do not correspondences of any type with payments. For questions or concerns, piease can Overview (imysewicesr?acwuntlindex) - My Profiie {/myseMces/pm?le/index} 5 My A?catn AddTVUmysemicesftv?ndex) My internet (imysemcesiintemet/ino?ex) My Phone {/mysewiceslhemephoneiindex) Emmy? Account Name: KENNETH View Statement Ask Speecrum - Virtuai Assistant Heiio KENNETH Sign 0w": Navember 2018 I Account N?mber: Se?ect I Statement: Sewice Ad?ress; CLEVELAND, OH, PREVIOUS STATEMENT LAST PAYMENT DUE BALANCE $368.12 ?$206.80 $0.00 Dated 1110112018 Appiied 011111632018 Payments Recent Activ?ty +Paperless Negative vaiues indicate payments you?ve made towards your bm. These are credits to your account. We saga; 11/022018 I - I Aee?ed 0929422013 4 Agphed Apei'ied 07f??f2018 7555555 06/0920? 8 App?ed Recent activity be applied to your next month's statement and Es not inciuded in your current statement charges or rota! balance. My Awemtmems You have no scheduied aepointments at this time. Ae?vate arm Tmubieshsm Services CHARGES $69.64 Due 8/28? 8 i 13er yew tune? nee 3 Download PDF Paperless TOTAL BAMNCE $69.64 Due 11.? 812018 Ameunt 200.00 -200.00 ?00180 - 58.09 3_ 475.00 75.00 En rail in Auto Pay 8) Sepiember 18, 20?? 8 {meme Number: 340068891094818 Account Number: Security Code; Sewice 3206 WOODLAND AVE CLEVELAND QH 44404?9224.? . Qantset ESs Visit us at? 5.: as Or e81! us at Previeus Balance . 4 40,007 Payments Received - - 10.6% :4 4mm 74:4 43-24 7 sass Spectrum Busisessm? 4e me 1: $9 Spectrum Voic cs 29.99 One?Time Charges . - - 199.89 TsXes; Fees and Charges "7.56 Current Charges 4481 54 T3424 Eli's-s bf; ?14 3 We?ceme Es Sees?mm Easiness? Th? :8 ?341 reg! ?eets ins?s?? and semi Ge Charges frem ihe date of instsii through year current period. if nyU made a .peymem a time of instsi?, ihis bi ii may set re?est that payment but your sext bin win. 4145 St Famenburg Rd Riverview, FL 33578-8652 63m 0223 Ne RP ?18 03182018 01 000250 0093 COUNCELMAN KEN JOHNSON 9206 WOQDLAND AVE CLEVELAND OH 44104?3229 :33 34% 4C2. Taxes, Fees and Charges ?sied in The Summary oniy app iy to Spectrum Business TV and Spectrum Business internet and are detsiEed on the fo?owing page. Faxes Fees and Charges fer Spectrum Easiness Voice are defense: in ihe Bi?i?mg Enforme?on see?en. WNeey Names. Specirum's curren?i Business Privacy E30565: is enciosed in th?s month?s statement. September 18; 2018 LNAN KEN invoice Number: 34008888149181 8 . Aeseunt Number: Service At: 9206 AVE CLEVELAND, OH 441846229 ?feta-Que by asmms- Amount yes age ene?esisg . ?es es Ne: $33 em": a: WARNER PO BOX 901 CAROL STREAM, IL 89132690?! ?2?n?negg?g?gga?gg?gg??Nazi; $183,534 Sepiember i8, 2038 KEN upmhb invoice Number; sannssamoolme Account Number: Security Code; Contaci Lie Visit us a: as? as Or call us al l? 87?? 283 809?: 6810 0229 N0 RP ?28 01 000256 0001 Uni CD Previous Balance two ?723 C.) E. *i?iu {cfi?siai?itc L, Payments received aria. 89H 81?18 wiil appear on your next bill sewices from {reruns through means Specir?um Busmess lniernel Bundle Discount 65.08 Promo Discount {2.0.00 $44 as Taxes Sales Tax "17.56 $355 if. . ix.) {?31 if! Phone Number 421?8639 Spectrum Business Voice 49.99 Bundle Discounr 4 0.00 Promo Discouni 40.00 For additional call details please visii iausin ass. or cornwil ac co. or i A a ?can. we 139% L. 013: . Elisha installation 09m . 99.00 inslall Period 0 00? nee me urges Tcizi 8% Your WAY can be rise GREEN way? 68 was Spectrum Easiness. Online Bill Pay is helping the environment one customer ai a lime- it?s easy. all you need to do is sign up for Oniine Bill Pay. ii save you money on posiage and time - and it will also save trees? Enrolling is easy, just go to businessiwcsomf. ayaccouor. Each month, you?ll receive a paperless e?bill that you pay online with your choice of payment options. 3 Debit Card - Credit Card - Electronic Funds Transfer 9 Receive a quick summary of your account at any time Access up to 6 monins of slatemenis . c. as arse . ices $18354 Tax and Fees - This sialemeni re?ecls ine current iaxes and fees for your area (including sales excise. user taxes, etc). These taxes and fees may change wi i, roul- no: ice Visit specials; for more information. Terms 8L Conditions - Soeclrum?s detailed standard rerms and conditions for service are locaied at Pass true Fee 1 Lara Fee Reminder A late will be assessed for past due charges for servlc rrenchise Adminisiraioru tho Deparimeni of Commerce com onio gom?ideoSem ice. asox Phone: 686- .7826 The taxes, fees and surcharges are inciuoeci in Eire orice of ihe apoiicaeie service Sales Tax $370, Federal USF $1 -83, TRS Surcharge $0.01. Voice Fees and {merges - These include charges to recover or defray government fees in posed on Spectrum and certain other coals related lo Soeclrum Voice service, including a Federal Universal Service Charge and, if applicable, a State Universe} Service Charge to recover amounts Specirum must pay it) support affordable telephone service, and may inciuo?e a stale Telecommunications Relay Service Fee to support relay services for hearing and speech impaired customers Please note lhai these charges are noi taxes and are subject to change For more information, visit i??f V4353 ?rang Compiains Procedures You have 60 days from the oiliing date to regisler a complaini if you disagree wiili your charges. Authorization to Coosert your Check $0 an Eiectrorsic Funds Transfer 99bit if your check is reiurnecl. you expressly authorize your bank account to be eleclronically debited for the amount of the check plus any applicable fees. The use or a check for payment is your acknowledgment and accepiance of this policy and its terms and conditions. Paymeoi Pay Onl iris Visit us at ous iness. Ewe corriimyaccouni to gez started todayl Your account number and security code are needed to register. Pay by Phone Make a payment free of charge using our amomaied payment option at 1 43777-283 8091; and authorize paymeni directly from youroenk account or credit card. For questions or concerns, please call rerresseesi. ACCQUNT ADMEN Jahnson Councih?an Kem ACCOURET NSMBER 34%58803 SERVKE ADDRESS E75236 Weo??and Ave, Eieveiand, 0H, 44164~322? TGYAL BALANEE $30.12 Pay {Eue 11/06/2838 {30 Paperiess. S?gn Up Todayi adore was can sig? HEB for pagaeriess statemer?s, you must vez'i?; yam emaii address, Your current ema?i ad?ress ?3 VEREFY EMAEL Siatemenis?ay)ment RistowRecent Activii?y Ne?ativevaiues indicate payments made iawards yam SATE STATUS AMGUNT APPUED $80.00 @02/2313 APPLEED $18900?;- MEMBER ESRM M~1i? ifwm?? Membei?: Kenne?z i. %2 ?Wam? 53.; AWE PERPGSE AMQENT ??52?wzgg 3 Gas for tractor, iawnmewers, weedeafers, pick up traska biewers used far cu?ing seniers ?79 55 A grass, removing (?e-brig 9 wzgig {.9215 fer annmewerg, weggiegtergy pick up trueks, biawers and far cui?i?ag sen?ers 3% ?g grass, removing '?ebris 9 ??n24?~jgi 3 {22:15 f6!? Era?or, iawnmowers, wee?eaiers, pick up trades, and f0? wi?ag seniars 4% ?g grass, ramming debris .3 399$ Gas fer {mama annmowersg, weedegier?? pick mg} imaks, Newer-s and far mutating 8??97 seniars grags, remm?i?g debris PanmS fa}? m?sian?mg gen?m? 275388 mmamg Smart @g?ery ?aw-?gar ., keep baiier??g {mm freem?g 25988 i??SE?ng Smart ?azz?er marge? a a Ree. ha?eg??eg {mm {magma 3.12.93 mm; MESQELLANEGUS EXPENSE I certify that all expenses submitted for reimbursement have been paid in furtherance, of Counci} business fora pmper pub?c purpose. [6 Subsian?aiien approved by Clark of Ceunc? or designee [3 NO If :10, dammezma?an requested if any: NEE DUE {a . 2 gag W?s} . 3 i] d. .T. ?rad? .C .500 ?dB_i_nU 118 ?Cd Hannah Shun Vinyixnu. Tiw?nm kg?dgh?u .n FR m} n0.i? Barb .Hth?u rH mi in [in HUI-J Eescragibmw AmmgSubteza iriig CHEM 333?} Ak(;n1 79:5 THTU i51_'* 3H: TO GU I Hareitfm?n DUITHHAHES Aith'Am Visa Egg? t? Marzifm AAEHHAEEAHA A 3 inTE?? g:g 3 EH 31: $2334 TSES EHEEHL TIER fufH?xl?G 9 ii? AH E: P551: Eesar?piian Amcua: HUHEDEB A0.30 Tax CH (A?i A 3&3; CAEH $0.30 HUH 2'79}? TAFH :31 05 Earr AA 10 A A An A?arethnn DU{?hdeS Sam; lemzzosa Time 12:64 PM Pump 10 Tran? 2% Fuei Befaiis Ease Prise: $21?99?gai Yaur Price: $2??69/sai aliana: To?a?1 $86.9! Fug} Uisceunfs fan? Fuai Bigceunf ?mauni?: $0 . 03 Savings! $0.94 In 8?.97 REGULRR UNLERD "0.94 FUEL 0.30 86,97 DUE -86.9? @319 REF 380691?4433? RUTH win $2909 Gi?i Card! Give us your ?eedback For a chance %0 min a 58%80 83?? 38rd. 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