New Brunswick, N.J. July 29, 1971 Subject: Talc/Asbestos Mr. L. Foster Please refer to your memo of July 26, 1971. The talc used in JOHNSON'S Baby Powder is obtained frolll a selected mine in Vermont where the ore consists mainly of platy talc with only trace amounts of fibrous minera!s (tremolite/actinolite). It is free of chrysotil e fibers which may be called " pure asbestos II by the layman. The ore undergoes a careful purifying process which includes a 36-step washing process to maximize its content of high lubricity p!aty talc and to remove or substantially reduce any traces of fibrous lllinerals which may be present in the unrefined ore. The resulting talc has been shown by three independent consulting laboratories* to contain negligible traces of fibrous minerals and no chrysotile fibers. We will be receiving sometime next week a report from our consultant, Professor F. D. Pooley of the University College of Wales, Mineral Exploitation Section, Cardiff, Great Britain. He has cOlllpleted an exhaustive exalllination of a sample of baby powder by electron microscopy and other sophisticated techniques. His oral report is that it contains no asbestos. W. Nashed WN/cw * 1. Plaintiff's Exhibit J&J 210 Protected Document--Subject to Protective Order Colorado Schoo! of Mines Research Institute (CSMRI): a) June 30 report on JOHNSON'S Baby Powder sample Lot 344-L and 6 monthly samples of purified talc frolll the Vermont llline. b) July 7 report on ore sample, tailings removed in the processing and finished purified talc. The CSMRI analyses are based on standard petrographic and X-ray testing technique. J NJ MX68_000004646 Mr. L. Foster 2. .. 2. - July 2.9, 1971 Report from McCrone Associates, Inc. (July 27, 1971) reporting on their findings by electron microscopic and electron diffraction analysis of a Baby Powder sample. 3. Report from the Dartmouth College Geology Department (June 28, 1971) reporting on their findings of no tre'Illolite, garnet, or asbestos in a sample of purified talc from the Vermont mine. LProtected Document--Subject to Protective Order JNJMX68_000004647