Texas Department of Criminal Justice Bryan Collier Executive Director September 28, 2018 Lauren McGaughy Via: com RE: Your Public Information Request Dated August 30, 2018 Dear Ms. McGaughy: On August 30, 2018, the Texas Department of Criminal Justice (TDCJ) received your request under Chapter 552 of the Texas Government Code, the Public Information Act (PIA) seeking historical temperature logsfor inside the unit at Hate/rim State Jail between June 1, 2011 and June I, 2014. Enclosed please find a copy of the releasable information that is responsive to your request. The request is now closed and no further action will be taken. If you have any questions about the request, please feel free to contact this of?ce at the number listed below. Please note that any records released may contain deidenti?ed con?dential personal identifying information. Any attempt to reidentify personal identifying information may result in civil liability and constitute a criminal offense punishable by up to one year confinement, a $4,000 fine, or both. ft Sincerely, f/ /l 3?7/ f. 1/ A fa; Nicholas Morrell Assistant General Counsel NANUZZT Our mission is to provide public safety, promote positive change in ofieinier behavior. reintegrate offenders into societv. and assist victims ofcrime. Of?ce of the General Counsel Sharon Felfe Howell, General Counsel Sharon.Howell@tdcj.texas.gov PO. Box 13084 Capitol Station P.O. Box 4004 Austin, Texas 78711-3084 Huntsville, Texas 77342-4004 Phone (512) 463?9899, FAX (512) 936?2159 Phone (936) 437-6700, FAX (936) 437-6994 Dacument dorm emp "?hift?m. A4 Temp: 94 Tine: A3 I erature Lo: 1300!; .19 -. kl Temp: 3 Time: l2; {mm?i?l? . -, eraures twiceper ski}? A2 7w 5 Tuna: ug? A3 Temp: 9 Time: Ilf me Time: 1d)? Temp: T?nc: A6 Tang?~95? Tina: 11$" A7 Tulip: 95?- Tim: 34 Temp: Time: 34:- 88 Twp: {14" BZ Tang. 94 ?rms: 3:5 BS "time: B3 B4 Tanp: 8 Time; 3? Tan??- 6' 3 C3 C4 Time: 13.9 C1 . 36 T6319: 7 TIES: -1 35" B7 88 Tynan: 93 TIM: 1 35? 1? :15 - Tune. Tu: rlfTemp: 9t! Time: C5 Tsurz?f' Tune: 1! (15' CG Temp: 95" - Thu C7 C3 Tum; 19 Time: it!" 5?4 J?zka-g" E3 B4 In?; ?xm 5. 1): Twp: 95? Time: 100 DE D4 Tarp: 7'3 Tim: ?30 Tm 95? Tm: 205? Tune: 2.0 - ?3 . 8? Temp: 95' F2 Time: mo Time; 20 2 Tim; f3 F4 Twp: elf Tuna: ego Of?cers Sig'nature A?m? ng? Document dorm Temperatures twice per shz?? QW Shift Tiem erature'Lo Book i Hutchins Unit .- . . A 7? . 3* Mai Osma? yrs9e}! M00 ?3 0 QM Jaw/51W qu?lg?n Du "95? 9413? ?11? 912% -, - a6" 9% 415mm?; -t i -- WW 131.8 44.7 411.5?4?65 we .?gm . ??a'qaml? 415 43H 60% 1 . quoiqs?' quqyg? 4V 41L 91:: 41.61155 {Dumb-M 31' . . i . ?16? 0553:" 40.8 415 911.5 m. . 1652393309}? ?[97 ?035 I Shi?t Supervisor?s Signaturje i . - Date Document dorm Temperatures Mayer 5111}? Shift Tem erature Lo Book . Hutchins Unit ?01 Tulip: Imp: Temp: ?Imp: a 7 Tune: 69.5?? Time; Tune: mu; l?l AS A6 A7 Temp: 571'- "leap: Tap: Ten-p: ramp: Time: r9115 ?lime: Tum: BI 32 as 84 '1'an: 3 Temp: Temp: Temp: Temp: Time: [0.3 9 1m: Time: .J'Ime: ns 36 97 as Tum: ?05 7- Tu-p: Temp: Temp: mac: a a? Time: Time: ??tneTam: . Temp: Tanp: Temp: Temp: 1?21 Time: gang Jimr Jam: C5 C6 C7 08 3 Telzpc Temp: Tampa Taupe 12.30 Time: Tina: Time: ?lm; DI DZ DB D4 Tanp: 6 Temp: Tarp: Tulip: - Time: Time; Time: Tune: Bl 53 Temp: 0 Tuqx Tm: Temp. Temp: Time: 1/ All Time: 11th:: Time: Tap: Temp: amp: Time: ?331 9 Ting: That: Time: Time: TFmp: Tm: Twp: Ten: no: . Li @337 MS: 5252. Hutchins Unit 5; A- - ad?s . qubfig/)4 ?Egg Temp: 6304?: A8 Time: Tina: 10!? 31? 333g 3: . 33323-33 311% 3 3:30 . 13.35.3131; 3 395?- qu .rH- 1- 04 Tm: =1 $26: "n3??3'1q Tantr- 938? a . 0 20?3 5:22; (gas 23? 00 :3 ???.839 '33 9 1' 3. 32:55 3 #2333: d: 9-3 $3 $3 .3 351'me: 39 '5 Time: . 0 5' r4 - 33%2?17 5 3? x5 1 32:73? Isa-mm 7.373;; 3.Time: Time: 1e 1133333333 ?3 3 ?3 A Of?BErs Signature ns 1 Ol?l em 1?0 018 an 3517.5 he: fez Comments: Tux: Mz?i?af HE n: 41;! Tim? gag; 8 EH H. ?5 7:11:13 :1 tau: g: A rev-Ma?, 3 EMU Inc: Hot Weather Che cklist 7 _?v?Bl 4 854341 97/ 9775174545) mo [11: E-14 K14444/42 44 4444/41 41; 444L444. (19/ 424L24192L41 2? 7 D/t/ Mgnarurc Dorm Temp Al-4 31-4? 85-8 C1mas/?43 A 32/27/79? 6715/ 1730/ (:38 7 ?7 31?4?7 F1-4 101225717220074 mad Comments: 2 a 2 (11/ 51494!? Date Weather Checklist Hot Weather Checklist A1-4 131-4 85-8 (7193/91/37ng W/gvxw 5(7737/53/23 Balm/ms)? 1 C5-8 D14 1714 F1mgg/gq 97/7787 87 Dorm Temperatugc Comments: \7 Signature Date Hot Weather Checklist Dav.? U1 All - gun-11? Al-4 45?8" 111-4_ 135-8 C14/62 .1 11,1 C13 01-4 F1-4 567812 41 ital/123412345 W/?gj/ 4i? 565 335/ Comments: M?s/r 1 mg? Signature Date Hot Weather Checklist Dorm Temperature Al-4 A5-8 131-4 135-8? C1-4 1234;6781123456781234 3356135134 ,?85/86/86/373 ?le as _m/ij