Case Document 4 Filed 12/12/18 Page 1 of 2 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA JEROME CORSI, Plaintiff, v. Civil Case No. 18-2885 (RJL) ROBERT MUELLER, et al. I Defendants. DEC 1 2 2018 fr;? Clerk. US. District and ORDER Bankruptcy Courts (December L, 2018) On December 9, 2018, Jerome Corsi (?plaintiff") ?led this action against Special Counsel Robert Mueller, the Department of Justice, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the National Security Agency, and the Central Intelligence Agency (collectively, ?defendants?). See Complaint [Dkt. Pursuant to Local Rule plaintiff simultaneously filed a Notice of Related Case, which states that this action ?involves common issues of fact? to a ?case pending in this? Court and ?involves the same parties and same subject matter? as a ?case dismissed? by this Court. Notice of Related Case [Dkt. The Notice identi?es Klayman v. Obama, C.A. No. l3?cv?851 as the case to which this action is related. Id. The general rule in the United States District Court for the District of Columbia is that all cases ?shall be assigned tojudges ofthis Court selected at random.? The random assignment process ?guarantees fair and equal distribution of cases to all judges, avoids public perception or appearance of favoritism in assignments, and reduces Case Document 4 Filed 12/12/18 Page 2 of 2 opportunities for judge-shopping.? Tripp v. Exec. O?z?ce of President, 196 F.R.D. 201, 202 (D.D.C. 2000). As such, the related case procedure set forth in Rule 40.5 constitutes an exception to the general rule designed to facilitate the ef?cient allocation of scarce judicial resources by assigning to the same judge cases that involve a common subject matter and/or parties. See LCVR ?[T]he party seeking related-case designation . . . bear[s] the burden of showing that? Rule 40.5?s requirements are satis?ed. Washington Alliance of Tech. Workers v. D.H.S., Civ. No.16-1170, 2016 WL 11184186, at *2 (D.D.C. June 24, 2016). As the judge to whom this case was assigned under the Rule 40.5 procedure, it is my obligation to determine whether plaintiff has met this burden?116., I must decide whether the cases in question are, in fact, related. See LCVR 405(c)(1). Accordingly, it is hereby ORDERED that plaintiff shall Show cause in writing within 14 days of this Order why the above-captioned case is related to Klayman v. Obama, CA. No. 13-cv-851 for purposes of the Rule 40.5 procedure; and it is further ORDERED that a hearing on plaintiff?s Notice of Related Case shall be held on Thursday, January 3, 2019, at 3:00 PM in Courtroom 18; and it is further ORDERED that failure to ?le a timely response to this Order may result in dismissal of the above-captioned case. SO ORDERED. RICHARILLJJEON United States District Judge