Global Climate Coalition 1331 Pennsylvania Ave. NW Suite 1500- North Tower Washington, DC 20004-1703 Tel: 202.637.3158 Fax: 202.638.1043 Alt. Fax: 202.638.1032 March 10, 1993 Dear Reporter: The number of scientists who are openly questioning the alarmist predictions of global climate change is increasing. Researchers at the University of Boston, in a recent issue of Science News, report that the sun may play a more important role in climate change than greenl e_iguseaes. The research of Dr. Louis A. Scuderi indicates a historical link between solar variations (i.e., solar flares) and climate change. The article quotes Scuderi, "I think this is some of the best proof we have to date that the sun is actually forcing climate." The computer models that predict a dangerous global warming trend in the next century say that temperatures in the Arctic should airsady_litincreasingt A recent study released in Nature magazine (see attachment) cruntralficts these puilictions. Dr. Jonathan Kahl from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee reports no warming after examining more than 27,000 temperature profiles taken during the last 40 years. "WetjcSierve the large surfa_ce warming trends predicted by the models." Dr. Kahl writes, "indeed, we detect significant surface cooling trends." In the USA Today article Kahl is quoted further, "If [the models] are not getting the Arctic quite right, then maybe they're not getting the whole picture quite right." GCC couldn't agree more. On another front, the GCC submitted formal comments on the U.S. National Action Plan (NAP) on March 8, 1993. The NAP was prepared as a part of the "prompt start" resolution adopted by the UN's Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee and details numerous actions the United States is taking to address potential climate change. The coalition supports the basic principles of the NAP, but suggests that much more work needs to be done in assessing the economic impacts of possible actions. The NAP also misses some of the more than 100 measures affecting climate change contained in the recently passed Energy Policy Act. Our statement is attached, and if you would like a complete copy of our comments just give us a call. Sincerely, n W.0-0 John Shlaes Executive Director LIMATE c 0 PRESS OFFICE: (202) 628-3622 Ic A 00 S NEWS RELEASE ‘4, • r/k.4 ' fl 31 P, • - • _ .`004- I 703 ". I :JR iNVsli,Di A.4 L RH. ASE r TA( 'I Don Rheem : • 's. -,n7.7 ti ts I KY GROLP 1.7“. .01 RAGED B1 PRESIDEVI C LIN ION' '. Ail FOR i LGONOVsif ANALYSIS ON REM ( tN. (; CREIEN110( SI CASES NA 401 -.Ai:. Lit • •pr . 21 1993. . 114..11 14/2 - h1 T: d rtt e" .t 'hat trr: ,eadr-g busmess u Tit !!',L 2•.; •4-• If] S .„. • areer . s T•'.at • t.• t:. • 1AT ti• c •at , e. ta's nt - St'd 14•_ •,, :S• : - • : it ‘1 14 411.111:1![ •• 144:4 . ' 44_ ‘4 .11 The .set to souderns about greenhouse aases is to u.a.raac tobust econorn, aud unleash Arne. ingenuits We, believe the president recocni, es that the share of the U.S contrd,uotin to global greenhouse gas emissions is on tlis decline. and I,at ttond should be encouraged. Shlaes pointed (cut, • .1:rent ;s intended to go beyond the existine Frarne•vork Co • „ r •. : • -2 , .ifi i ,oOitran.. tar ets and timetables for C .1,th,t; I an emissions reducnons, ' uohI iy oppose any such commitment and the econcm, :: and reculaton, measures that tsould be necessar, to achieve them ''The wrung course of action could jeopardize the economic health of the nation," he stressed. brand fax trarsmthal a erT.0 7671 (more o Daps Fax* e-L S&t Sosix "Sac TM. 4 0 .s From Not per. b 3,‘ lt\ ey Phone Fax a I. ‘fte4i,w‘ The Framc rk 1..e to reduce izre natHts (Lite Charge se.artitl in Rio last year encouraged all nations •ern,. )tis. hut stopped ". hr_in setting targets and timetables sai,1 i•shlacs. ' he:nuse the vast majority of eint•Sion,: nei H..1 ii r •7,7, s t. the \A et , 'onal :els use:l u .. 111-7 the : Viltes sad