' JAN as 03::E.L.41 GLOBAL CLIMATE COALITION Biographical Profile John B. Shines johr. B. Shlaes is the executive director of the Global Climate Coalition (GCC), with more than 50 major corporations and trade org,znizations as members. GCC was formed to coordinate the involvement of U.S. industry in the science and policy debates over global climate change. Representing the GCC, Mr. Shins is a spokesman on issues related to global climate change to a wide range of internadonal audiences, a negotiator on behalf of business with the United Nations, serves as a resource for the media and policytnakas, and headed a group of business leaders who pardzipated in the 1992 Earl Summit in Rio de Janeiro. For 13 years ;mix to joining GCC, Mr. Shlaes served as director of government relations for the r141.nr. Elecn Institute. There, he devised and ntaraaged imiustry-wide goverr--ne=2.1, political, wiz:I:ion and grassroots prog...-ams in addition to servir.g as the utility industry's representative and chief strategist with the Whitt House and Cabinet. Mr. Shines held several al y posts in the White House under Presidents Nixon and Ford, includIng staff assist-it to :he presi'—er.t. where he directed activities for 20 shlite House Conferences on domestic. exmc.i..mic and regulaxry refc=; and dir=ior of corr.muricadons To: the Office of Erargency Preezzedr.ess, where he se:Ned as a national spokesman and liaison with Inducy du.-1ng the energy crisis of 1973. In that role, he received the federal government's highest honor: the Dstinguished Service Award. Other posts held oy Shies include rpecial assistant to the director of the Peace Corps, cor.sultant to the director of the United Stes info:ma:ion Agency, and advisor to U.S. delete:cns to two liriced\Nancris' conferenxs. Mr. Shlaes has been Mvolved in a numb= of business, civic and charitable organzations over the y.-z.-s and is the frinmer oresinert of the Natiorn: Energy Resource Orz2-'ntion (NERO). Mr. Shiers holds a bachelor's degree in bust:less from. the University of Southern .California, and a mast's degree in international transactions from George Mason University. 2C7.:,--" 7:3 -Thwa- • Waan ngItn. ko".' - S e'5DC =a - nsy'aria 532.--. .7.32 (2:2) s a erre. '2:2, 537-3'52 • Fax '2:2 5.3S-Ita • Fax.