Received: 21 7/97; > OZONE A C T I O N ; 4:04AM; a 002 #2 07/02 ' 9 7 VRI io:a6 FAX PRESS OFFICE: (202)628+3622 NEWS RELEASE 133 I PENNSYLVANIA AVE. NW SUITE 1500 NORTHT ~ W F XWASHINUTON, DC 20004-1 703 + STATEMENT BY GLOBAL CLIMATE COALIIBN Cmzrwnk by ] a h Shiues, Ex~cutiveDirector, Global Climate Coalition, issued in Gmma, Sw'tzerlmd, af the tifth session ofintwunational cliniate change t i e p f i a f i o m by ;he Ad Hoc Grmp om the Berlifi Mandate: Discussions during t h round of negoliations have featurcd the growing concerns among bolh devcloped and dc-vclopingnations about the ncgative ecom)rn.icmpacts of proposaIs to conslriiin basic energy use. There is a wider recognition of the fallacy of cxcluding dwcloping:ccnmtriewhere the bulk of future emissions wilI ori@iiat+lrom mqu.irementstn mamge p e d o u s e gas cmissiom. Nonetheless, devcloping countrics continued to assert udtt~nantlytheir nppositim to requirements to resbuin emissions. Unless all. parliee am fully engabvd, the oft-shtcd goals of this process can't he realized. Them is increasing awarenees and a cerlaia degree of disquiet among many developing world repsentslives that thcir economies would be harmed if restrictions 011energy consumptinn were impascd on the industribzed countries. It is in nn one's interest to impedc economic growth in developing counhes, whsre the path to prosperity is often h e path toward health and welfare imp0 vemcnts. Many dcvelnped nations realize thnt a "one s i u fits all" approach c m t succeed. Stzch UTI approach complctcly ignores thc many structural UertmC+lsin the industrial economiw, as the US. negoliutors made dcar in arguing the need for flexibhty. It is essential that this process prnceed in a manner that optimizes long-tcm. economic dcvelopmcnt and growth potential in the cowsc of addrewing r~vironmentolconcern, 80 that we all can honor our vbliptions Lo future gcnprations. Enhanced e~uiiomicprospects equate to enhanced opportuattes fur our children-pportunities lor better educations, better envjrcmmant, and better quality of life. The Global Climate Coalition, -resenting businesses and indtmkties that would be required to implement any commitments that are mude by governmcntsin these pmseedings, r e c o m e s that potenld climotc change merits serious considerationend eraminabon.The GCC believes thal; the prudent course n f action to address pobntinl climate chcmLqr w 9 incorporate these elemcnh: 4 Commitrnmt to conlinuiug policy-relevantresearch tn reduce ilnccrtainties h Lhc knowledge Lase of global c h a l e hll1ge; Support for voluntary program? to m m g e GHGs; Expansion or e f h t s to develop and diffuse energy efficient technologies;a d Commiment to lenet-cost, optimal pathways Lo GI-I'G managemcmt mflsctmg spatial and temporal hxibili ty. Decembcr 12,1996