Case 1:17-cr-00232-EGS Document 62 Filed 12/17/18 Page 1 of 1 U.S. Department of Justice 1. The Special Counsel’s Office Washington, D.C. 20530 December 17, 2018 By ECF The Honorable Emmet G. Sullivan United States District Court for the District of Columbia E. Barrett Prettyman United States Courthouse 333 Constitution Avenue N.W. Washington, DC 20001 Re: United States v. Michael T. Flynn, Crim. No. 17-232 (EGS) Dear Judge Sullivan: Pursuant to the Court’s Minute Order dated today, the government hereby files two redacted versions of the FD-302 report summarizing the FBI’s interview of the defendant on January 24, 2017. See Attachment. The content of both versions of the report is identical, except that the first version, which was digitally signed and certified in February 2017, inadvertently contained a header labeled “DRAFT DOCUMENT/DELIBERATIVE MATERIAL.” Once that error was recognized, the header was removed and a corrected version, omitting only the header, was resigned and re-certified in May 2017. Very truly yours, ROBERT S. MUELLER, III Special Counsel By: _________/s/__________ Brandon L. Van Grack Zainab N. Ahmad Senior Assistant Special Counsels (202) 616-0800 Case Document 62-1 Filed 12/17/18 Page 1 of 10 5 OFFICIAL RECORD - 71: 5 - FEDERAL OF INVESTIGATION ED-jol (Rev. 3-8-10) Datc 2 i 5 2 :'i7 DRAFT MATERIAL D: n:t disseminate outside the FBI with-out the permission of the originator :r pr:gram manader . On January 34, 301/, De ?utv Assistant Director (DAD) Peter . 1.: TT and intert?emed United States (U.S.) National Security Adviser Michael T. date cf birth (DOE) at hi_c office at the White f?Ir-nse. After beinc advised of the identities of the interviewing aeents and the nature CI the interview, ELXNN previded the rollowing intermation: FIYNN's first invitation to Russia occurred when he was the _e LI of the Defense Intelliqence Agency was the first 31A Lirector to be invited to headquarters. Jrring that four day trip in 2013, he participated in a leadership development program at GRU (Russian Military Intelligence) headquarters. ELYNK pr1oor}: IHN's doh .7 fidure with Russia to fight . Sometime prior to Christmas, the Russian Ambassador was assassinated. FLIHN called KISYLAK the next day to as sorry and to reinforce that terrorism was our common noted that it was a short call, and "that was Christmas Day, a Russian military plane crashed and killed oard to include what was the equivalent to the "Russian was the same Russian choir that sang at the RT FLINN called KZSILAK to pass his condolences, as :is intent ry to keep the relationship with RISLYAK going. expanded that he has no particular affinity for Russia, but that KISLYAK within was his counterpart, and maintaining trusted relationships oreign governments is important. DOJSCO-700021 188 Case Document 62-1 Filed 12/17/18 Page 8 of 10 (Rev. 05-08?10) :?wm 7 a; Continuation ofFD?302 of lull-117171 *1 .011 _Page - 4 Shartly after Christmas, i'?yivf, FEET-IN task a 3 inican Eepuh ic with his wife. On December 29th, KISELAK sent FLIHN a text stating, "Can ?Lu call me?? FLENK nited cellular reception was tier and he was not checking his phone regularly, and consequently did see the text until 24 hzurs later. Upon seeing the text, that he Wiuld call in minutes, and he and KISLIAE subsequently stake. The Dominican Republic was Jne hour ahead of the time in D. C. During the call, asked FLENK t3 set?but. c1 . th? until probably .b's FLENH did nat make the 3R wh: wsuld represent c.S. until the 20th or Zist if January, and finally determin:d observer frim adents asked FLIHN if he had any other mee.ings with KISLIAK or other .-., .. Russians. FLEKN valunteered that after the e_e:tion, he had a - The interviewing agents asked if he recalled a111,." ians with KISLIAK absut a United Nations (UN) vate surrounding the issue of Israeli settlements. FLINK quickly DOJSCO-700021 189 Case Document 62-1 Filed 12/17/18 Page 9 of 10 Michael On 01/24/2017 ?Page 4 of UT Continuation of FD-302 of reSponded, "Yes, good reminder." On the 22nd of December, called a litany of countries to include Israel, the UK, Senegal, Egypt, maybe France and maybe Part of the reason for calls was to conduct an exercise to see how fast the incoming administration could get someone on the line. likened it to a battle drill to see who the administration could reach in a crisis. The exercise was conducted at the campaign's GSA transition building on 18th and I Streets N.W., which described as a somewhat chaotic environment. stated he conducted these calls to attempt to get a sense of where countries stood on the UN vote, specifically, whether they intended to vote or abstain. The interviewing agents asked if he made any request YAK to vote in a particular way or take any action. stated he did not. stated he did not believe his calls to the various countries would change anything. recalled there needed to be a certain number of abstention votes to alter the outcome, and that having looked at the math at the time, he knew it could not be achieved. said l4 countries were voting, and had a recollection of the number of five votes being important. In the end, only the U.S. abstained. stated his calls were about asking where countries would stand on a vote, not any requests of, "hey if you do this." a The interviewing agents asked if he made any comment YAK about voting in a certain manner, or slowing down the vote, or if KISLYAK described any Russian response to a request by answered, stated the conversations were along the lines of where do you stand, and what's your position. heard through other channels that did not like the vote, and believed the of their ccord delayed the vote a day. a ed that he appreciated the interviewing agents reminding him that he had another conversation with KISLYAK. The interviewing agents asked if he recalled any . sation with KISLYAK surrounding the expulsion of RLssian diplomats or closing of Russian properties in response to Russian hacking activities surrounding the election. stated that he did not. reiterated his conversation was about the . . . . . . . . .n upcoming actions as he did not have access to television news in DOJSCO-700021190 Case 1:17-cr-00232-EGS Document 62-1 Filed 12/17/18 Page 10 of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