FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION DELETED PAGE INFORMATION SHEET Civil Action# 1:18?cv?01885 Total Deleted Page(s) 2 62 Page 3 Duplicate; Page 13 Duplicate; Page 56 Duplicate; Page 77 Duplicate; Page 79 Duplicate; Page 114 Duplicate; Page 115 Duplicate; Page 129 Duplicate; Page 130 Duplicate; Page 184 Duplicate; Page 185 Duplicate; Page 194 Duplicate; Page 195 Duplicate; Page 196 Duplicate; Page 197 Duplicate; Page 198 Duplicate; Page 199 Duplicate; Page 200 Duplicate; Page 202 Duplicate; Page 223 Duplicate; Page 224 Duplicate; Page 328 Duplicate; Page 331 Duplicate; Page 332 Duplicate; Page 333 Duplicate; Page 334 Duplicate; Page 335 Duplicate; Page 336 Duplicate; Page 337 Duplicate; Page 338 Duplicate; Page 339 Duplicate; Page 340 Duplicate; Page 341 Duplicate; Page 342 Duplicate; Page 343 Duplicate; Page 344 Duplicate; Page 345 Duplicate; Page 346 Duplicate; Page 347 Duplicate; Page 348 Duplicate; Page 349 Duplicate; Page 350 Duplicate; Page 351 Duplicate; Page 352 Duplicate; Page 353 Duplicate; Page 354 Duplicate; Page 355 Duplicate; Page 356 Duplicate; Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 Duplicate; Duplicate; Duplicate; Duplicate; Duplicate; Duplicate; Duplicate; Duplicate; Duplicate; Duplicate; Duplicate; Duplicate; Duplicate; Duplicate; Deleted Page(s) No Duplication Fee For this Page "vn? 5i 1 - 1.. Gebhardt? b6 Airtel 1 ?9 1 - Omaha Field Guidance . - . To: SAC, Qmaha I .3/25/7341 From: Director, FBI UNKNOWN SUB. NG LETTER RECEIVED BY POLK COUNTY ossznoxnss, IOWA, CAPTIQEED MOINES SLAP ?Ann?sio?rnw EXTORTION (on FILE: 157- 1971) "s . ReOMlet 6/10/74. ?46" present known facts to United States Attorney (USA) to determine if there is possible violation of 9% extortion statutes. A . - ?x Also advise Secret Service locally sinceb6 --2 is employed as an official in a local governmentdj b7C I 7? Referenced letter revealed you only contacted two of eight extremist informants in your area for data. concerning possible SLA activities. You should also contact the other Eextremist, and any other logical, informants for information ?concerning possible SLA activities in your area. A xii Pertinent information developed including nature of . threat and opinion of USA should be set forth in form suitable M9) for dissemination. ??85.32 H7 335%? . PG ekw/ afm Wig?Z? 2 (7) - ?2 SEE NOTE PAGE In Assoc. Dir. Pep. AD Adm. . . nv. . A1501: 1 7 JUN 26 1914; AdminMi? :thAffZirs - 22:21?? JUN ,2 519 74 - AFB: nspechon lntell. Lobomtory Plan. 8: . 7 i" . Spec. lnv. . - Training?m LL . Legal (.200an9 ?i FBI 18- WW @1885 1 Telephone Rm s.ec . MAIL ROOM TELETYPE UNIT I ?sources?in the Des Moi?es?are?a ad?ised' that; there is} no; SLA . ghee; tq Omaha ??b6 .RE: ., - 2' . RECEIVED IPOIKA comm? - - 1 ~_b7C momm, DES mums, 10mg, MOINES AND SIGNED. . - b6 ?2,3 i b7C ~2,3 a :Referenced? communicatior; ?f?rnished "a ?letter reagtionea 7 1'?Des Matinee Smy?gmd eianed?HSLA." Vhicli was addressed to County Attoxpey ,1 Atten?iOn: which stated "The SLA did not die in Vain; law makers must pay with their . life. . nioild leaders are mentally ill. . {they musti?e deetroyed. .- . time has come world leaders forjc?rime in high places." did not knot-r who ,ssent' the letter or why; Two '.Omaha -"orge;iizetio? in that ?city; 1 The DesMoiries, Iowa, Police Department Intelligence Uhit; aavised?th?et' is no BIA. in Des Holmes; 1 A police gourpe indicated that 8' YO?l?gs men-tally diStUTbEdg was authorNumerous leapera? of this sort are being received throughomi the cauntry?; hpwever," there, ?hax're been no indications . 7 . of SLA organization ?o?tside ofiCalifOrnia. - 7- A 2 Tv? This haswbeegn eeord?ihatedfwith Supervisor gage-tax Investigative inision.? 1? 713621 FBI. mam-E31333} - b6 -3 9A.. PB: 1 9 1974 . A_b7 3 Degnag} Admin. - if f? amp. . JUL 1 31974. Ext. Affairs - $51411. 2 .MA . . FiIos Coma?j; (it: ?512 Can(Contlnued on nextXPagg) Inspection 5? r: 53.1. A If. I- a 1? .5. InleII. .t it? . Laboratory f? {3:5 Legoi Conn IS FURNISHED FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY . Director Sesb?wgg LETYPE UNIT I FBI 18?55!" $331; 11? (I) .. REPORT - of the IDENTIFICATION DIVISION LATENT FINGERPRINT FEDE BUREAU 1- or INVE Washington, D. 20537 :23: IEIELE 15743197173 76545339. July 15, l9?l{~ LATENT CASE NO. 3.990980 y? Qmaha REIIETIQA.) REFERENCE: . Guleu?zigfi? 9:311:32: 1e Riser? Q20 Waugh ?222 Lis?fxa?fg spee?eglg?fmther dosamiba? in .Aegarate Lahore: hwy rap EXAMINATION REQUESTED BY: 3 . SP ?Envelopa and Ramon caps? of Rampage hand NZ. ?3 ,1 me latent 93311:: Mire (men: on . . emlase? aci?amsh 2 . ?fr Lawton}. ?3,131,113; 21- ed $4 5 Egg m3; jdentie 3% QEREEIBRMEE afPlan. a. Eval. -. .14ng .- -xi, . Spec. luv. . h? 53% v. Trainlng . ?1'ng ?4 .AL I I: ClarenCe Kell?y,f Director 4 I Wi'v w- 9 ii 9:3 (a 95:1. ?t PS ?28 9? @315 3 ?bre IE, 33% . 1 I lp?win 2133 knitted a 21% m; . to bait gne i <1 5 ?under??e A5 3' 03$ . 3 ca? =Das-I 4 Min ea.s anti item? a a .- q- $35533131 2 a it a . 7-2 Recoraed 6/13/1615 FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGA if! 358 STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE goaryaofshl?c no LAB FILE File EECEIVEE BY . a . Lab.# E-mooivma 471/ - fiW A-90980 b6 ~2 ATTQEE BY DES :0st WC c. AND SIGNED EM 106 _1 Examination requested by: 63313113 (157~19?1) 6/10/14 b7C _1 ate received: 3/14/74 Examination requested: nggument .. Fingergrint Examination by: .- ?g WWLEQ 54-3391; 7/gzu/ b6 -3 2:421 _3 #Z?w (a FEE 22? Result of Examination: Noted y: b6 ?2 b7C $2 Ewe-lags yostmarked a. mama 2A 500 PM 24 MAY 19 eating handwritten address "County Attorney 69% Auk-E: Court House nee moines?, Iowa 50389" carbon copy of first page of accompanying two-visage hand Erin'hed letter dated 5/24/14 beginning 5 SLA 3313 SHOT BEE 12$? 22 (lama): carry of Eecond page beginning WELL TAKE UP Emma? 6? WA) A. 4 (El: gid?dgi Examination Completed [area 7? 74/ Time Date I Date DIRECTOR, FBI 5 -. 3: 6119/74 FBI LABORATORY -.. . 5110;101:13217?7m1: IBMB RECEIVED BY . . . - ?b7C . . . 1 5 - 113311011113, IOWA. 2 . 3 I. ,1 CAPIOABB IDES 11011118 5111 AND 7 .- E, I Bnclasec?i for 1116 Bureau ax? the original 1110 5' pages and envelope {Eage?hheag 111111 .1110 X?xgdx cbpies5'2? 1? threatening letter: captigm?a? DAB, ?ames dated 5124174. Tm ruopg?s of 11118 1311131" San Franciscgo for 1:111:11: information; 1:0 "Coun?y ALEorneyt, 11713161111011: b7 -2 are for? The envelope is address?ed House, Des. 1401111913,, Iowa; 50359, aim?: 1:103th17 ?e'd Serum, Iowa. 5013, :24. Ajay" 1g74- P551111 i On May :11, 1974A Polk 061111137? Attorney, Les Memes, 111116., 1113615 avazlab a 11m j?pag?e_ Barber: copy 93:? leffer together. 1151:1211 1119 envelope of a. threatening message: as ?91.10qu :7 ?The SLA did 1191: dl? in #11111. ?5 16.1616532613le 1? 11:11:51: {may} 11:11:11 the-115? life; alao if 1:116er is .5 n, ?no proteqilon 1501? 1:116, peopl? from Lhasa {tyranny a116, 1:3:fo Imitaalcex-?B than 1:11:11 SLA 1:111:31: (1:111) iheni, 5111.?, 0111:1531: did. 11:53:) ;(1:hem) her? 1:6 ruI?? Giver" 1131119315 was Yo?ce?d 1511136 (office) They 1:111:51: d?i?r We will 110.. 16:19:51: (be) 113.6 1201?? 11191111166511.1561 1:0 Suppbri: liars in (high) piac?esg 6" 1:91; the 113 11111 take up 1111613111113 o{E11er :31: ?d - .?nq i? Bureau. (End: 0? "555,31; - Omaha. 2- San. Francisco (Eric. 2} 2 - (157?1971,) 1 ISLA) (Info) . Eli-5.31111 . 21 :3 103';th . ?ipr . I?fft tiff-5 E?I??ja?r? 9133.119?; ?cij {?est?rpj? i . Kid?- 3315111? business: man. and {he U?i?teh_ i ?2 Siam We; have {:62 chest man ?tems' arid?it fine-w "get? 1 -A .Q and, iia?frsf outpf high piaggagr The. .xqo??siaad??gazg Men?Eal 21,11 A a?dthey': mist bade?ixbyfa ii; 91221.3?? fake an - 9* .r 'i?ia't; @116: 2:51:11. Ja?n. out "1:0 ?fth?fr- Q. "7 mix; We hag-ware it; kill?, . leadex?. Ear time; in high ?pl?aigrem; 3mm? . . - .?b6m2 .- stated ha?ha 3:10 idealasy to: who had, b7C _2 A ?end: ?to lettersmf with 1? I Iain-Egg}. thefleiter . u- 1 appaafecl' in (3336!; a carbon ?cpy "5,191: ?thai?ngg; the'fixgi page 1 the icarbpn page? did notl?fzsansfer ?1163 ?i ?s?t ?f?w le?em? on the 332mm: #1161123 margin t?f the: 125313635 Qu?slgaw?te? ?ak n?mez?d?s in; their .foi?ea had. an the ?on?n?zi?i?caa? - i? titan a3 well as ?vi s?cw who w?ym' wining Qqn?repqning ?le! ,megsageg 4 ,vbm a Jami I .- Jth?re is in, .Drganizatim} ZinfDes; Mgi?eg mamas ?le; 51:is? El?igellige??cesimitg MINES makes; I?wat Poli?e- adviSed t?hg?h ?haif?x?nozda d' ifha?k? *thafre, is Em: i5ymbi?gs? Liberatian Amy implies Mag-mist - 'Ibw?ay any}. ?ihat?ihis?? seems The: 339? fxgm; am Win?rh?a?hed imm ?thbra- Sgt; ?aggest?d? that by; Isamgcesp whomja? decl?n?ci aname?r? 5:9 339: *1 ?93111? .2 .Q. :flgl?gk: male; that is ?m?zgitgiiy aa?gsiuxbgd? 5*an - r. ,littiawfomaj; - edgcet'?iang 6:161 in; bags ta 3? 3? - 0, 1:21:11 police; foiders' ?in is I ?gtu . [was laxresigeiibyg Des. gimme? 12291.5:31 lam-$315338 . ?277 222.efficemRegal?si of: H2125. Bureau 170131' 5: Lite awed to. 5; 3.633. ?z a . .-.. . :22d . ., .c 1 {552m 02 22332. m3 333361112222: 2 . . 11:7 gm Q2116 oks? 5213make Comparisons 3125 any 1:11:53 3 I. .7 7 7 3151?me mg (3215 prmn?tm 53.8 Wail Ila 3?)??v.372'7-2 I . 3 Ill?, 1m 3111 L2 :32 Of Labomatqry 836311.113;th 2 2 5.31231111an msp?ecl23254.773 . - - 7?-?Y..- . 2 2 ., 272 4? 22227? 3? 6? 227.3'7 1 73" I 7e- 15.3: :2qu 521-a-?.77 .137 SUBJECT: lee; ?355 i OPTIONAL- ram no.1o? I a? MAY 1932 aux-non ?r GSA FPMR (41 arm) u. - RNMENT I Ron/[ii SAC, OMAHA UN ITF63 STATES Memorandum FBI 1? 7/19/74 UNSUB TEREAIENING LETIER RECEIVED . 3 b6 BY . 7 _2 POLK COUNTI ENEIL - 7 j, (I [fa/j! DES MOINES IOWA . *4 in i f? CAPTIONED MCINES I A xi AND SIGNED EM .. EXTORTION - CM 15711971 UNSUES ak? CLARENCE ICELIEI, DIRECTCRI FBI .. VICTIM THREAT AGAINST THE PRESIDENT. Iv EXTORTION . QM 9-1588 I I Re Bureau airte?l to Omaha 6/25/74?aptioned?f as [i above, New York letter 0 the Bureau 7/9/74 and Bureau 1: airtel to both of which are entitled ?Unsubs, aka SLA CLARENCE M. ICELIEY, Director, FBI - Victim, Threat Against the President; Extortion.? Enclosed for the Bureau are seven copies of an LI-IM concerning a carbon copy of a letter dated 5/24/74 and signed One copy of this LEM is being furnished to 8. Secret Service: Omaha? Nebraska, Attached for the Bureau is the and one copy of an 378 for dissemination to?iSechet Ser 73Vashingt3n, 13; C. As 7 gas/1:1 Two cases in the?Oniaha Division were opened in itgrt?ant "concerning this same In?attera Referenced Bureau airtel to 5/29/74: coplesL-of two letters containing threats 277/75/ wiv/ Sm I t. AIDS .33 %ayvU?~S Savings Bonds Regalarbr an the Payroll Savng Plan . 2-- to individuals pos ibly identical to Senators IMIKE MANSFIEID Montana; J.. N. Arkansas; and HUGE SCOTT The postmark on skiffe Letters indicated they werswam-ac;L earnings Des Moines, Iowa. . 3 . spamse BHQIVJIUL 26 7- Eure?i?iisiEii?sgii - 4 "(gmahi?lsm 1971) A i (89- 2880) 2 - (9-1583) ?rst; I acm?15741971left off.? We are going to destroy i? 14 '4 hf*- . rich man -business man and the Unite; _*xsvr. I 3 .State? government: We don't have to Q. ?tig"{ I obey man made laws and it time to get A the- drunken wind and li?ars out of high ?q *1 1 places? The world leaders are mental ill y; and they must be destIOy. It only take an m~a a idiot who put men out to kill each other in 1" 1 1: wara Time has come to kill the world xx fw} . frl? :1 aleadersfy For. crime in high placesu_stated he had no idea as to who had b6 sent to letter or why: Istated the letter AYE: ?2 .?74,1 appeared to be a carbon copy 1n at. on?the first page"; 1 1 f?the carbon paper did not transfer the 1 st few letters on: ?W?h the right handnmargin of the paper,: stated that. . l1,; ;nnmerous persons in their office had handled the communioa?I. I tion as well as visitors who were curious concerning the 1 . .1 ?v aayisea on 6/3/74 that if. .. 3 ;?there is no organization in Des Moines known as the ?3Sgt; Intelligence Unit? Des Moines, . . Iowa, Police Department, advised that their records indicated that there is no Symbionese Liberation Army in Des Moines, 3 ?that this letter seems to be from an ted Sgt. suggested that 1* .FBI has been reported to himif xigig whom he declinedTIaaname, to be a young A black male that is mentally disturbed and has redeived ;m?f??ffii V?ijg?little formal education, and in additionI has continued to Sgt, a ed ?s ?rres?l 'o nes po cef a ,7 1 .3 g,?ty?JA ,r .1 ?1 a - 0140:1583the letters from the FBI Laboratory concerning 1 this matter are located in Omaha file 9-1583, Omaha. file t?u 1 157- 1971 is beinr?c1?s?dfagwpert1nent copies of correspondence han been transferred to the main case file._? CJET ?3 QSources who have furnished reliable 1nformat10n . 1 . in- the past and were contacted with negative results concerning 1A 1? the SLA or the referenced 1etters include the following: ?u3 'gli?t Eon 7/1/74 f* ?v 1 1 ,1 ?ub7D 0316/28/74: 1? "m [u?mr? Li? if) . 17:1: on 6/28/74 3 I ??12 3' -: 1;;j :5 By letter dated 7/3/74 the FBI Laboratory adyised 11. 3"4 that it would.be,necessary to have known handwriting by .m f, 2 suspects comparab1e to questioned 'writing before an adequate I comparison can be madegwp 'noted that ?IntelligenCELY PoliCe Department, suggested that? . a bIack male who is mentally disturbed, little fermal education and -had continued to make -statements threatening to kil1 pelice . {officers 1- ?3 could.be.a possibIe suspect in writing_ the letters,' a":i 1 a 1 b6 1 V_.c Special Agentl ISecret Service, 1 :1 Des MOines 10wa, Was advised of the receipt of the letters} 3 IP?lk. County Attorney, Des Moines, Iowa, and 9. 4,13?Q157-1971 . . . - GM 9 1583stated he has no suspects as to who may have written the? letterSgi stated that there was no group known as in Des Moines, Iowa, to his knowledge,. but he suSpeots that the letters may have been written by a mentally disturbed person or Someone of low I The; 5.- Omaha Division is actively pursuing the investigation and . 56 1077C will keep the Bureau advised oI any activity in this caseDES MOINTs . . Will continue efforts to identIIy the author oI the threaten1ng letters mailed from the Des Mbines area Signed .r ?8135 3. - FD-376 (Rev 7-9?73) ED STATES DEPARTMENT OF TICE FEDERAL BUREAU oF 1 In qub?,PleaseReferto 205.5,5 FileNO. ?r ,1 July 19, 1974 Dir?ctor - . i . aha ?23? United States Secret Service - 3 . . b7C 2 Department of the Treasury . a Washington, D. C. 20220 RE: UNKNOWN THREATENING . - . . 2 RECEIVED BYI POLK COUNTY Dear . 1- ATTORNEY, DES MOINES, IOWA The information furnished herewith concerns an individual or-organization believed to be covered by the agreement between the FBI and Secret Service concerning'protective responsibilities, and to fall within the category or categories checked. 1. Threats or actions against persons protected by Secret Service. .7 2. Attempts or threats to redress grievances. 1 Threatening or abusive statement about S.. or foreign official. 4. Participation in civil disturbances; anti-U S-. demonstrations or hostile incidents against foreign diplomatic establiShments. 5. Illegal bombing, bomb?making or other terrorist activity.,, D'efector from U. S. or indicates desire to defect. 7 [j Potentially dangerous because of background, emotional instability or activity in groups engaged in activities inimical to U. Photograph has been furnished enclosed [25] is not availableVery truly yoursClarence? M. Kelley 5 c,~Director? . ?f '1 1' Special Agent in Charge (Enclosure(sSecret Service Omaha, Nebraska 1 It 1- Enclosure(s) - 2 '1 . 2 FBI STATES DEPARTMENT OF FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION In Reply, Please Refer to Omaha, Nebraska File No. July 19, 1974 UNKNOWN RECEIVED BY b6 POLK COUNTY ATTORNEY WC DES MOINES, IOWA CAPTIONED MCINES AND SIGNED This investigation was predicated on receipt of a letter to Mr. Clarence Kelley, Federal Bureau of Investigation, dated.May 23, 1974. The letter began by stating, VThe SLA has not died in vain.? The letter made threats to individuals possibly identical to President Richard.M. Nixon, Clarence M. Kblley, Director, Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), and Senators Mike Mansfield, Mbntana; J. Fulbright, Arkansas; and.Hugh Scott, The letter was signed ?Friends of the Similar type letters all signed ?Friends of the were also received by the National Lawyers Guild (NLG), "Washington, D. 0., and the New York Times. The Symbionese Liberation Army has characterized itself as a united and federated grouping of members of different races and people amd socialist political parties of the oppressed people of The Fascist United States of America, who have under black and minority leadership foamed and joined the Symbionese Federated Republic and have agreed to struggle together in behalf of all their people and races and political parties interest in the gaining of Freedom and self determina- tion and independence for all their people and races. This document contains neither?- recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the property of the FBI and is loaned to your agency; it and its contents are not to be distributed 3 25"?7?69?3) FBI UNKNOWN ITHREATENING IETTER RECEIVED BY 136 2 POLK COUNTY ATTORNEY - b7C ~2 DES MOINES, IOWA CAPTIONED MOINES AND SIGNED National Lawyers Guild is an organization of lawyers, law students and non-professional youth working for radical change of the social, economic and.judicial systems in the United States. The CPUSA no longer has any influence over the NLG. The letters all stated that the Symbionese Liberation Army (SLA) did not die in vain and that six law makers must pay with their lives. The letters were written in cursive, were pporly written and were grammatically incorrect. The envelopes contained a postmark dated.May 23, 1974, at'Towa 500.? Inquiry at the Des Moines, Iowa, Post Office disclosed that letters bearing ?Iowa 500? postmark . could have been mailed at any of 200 small town post offices in Central Iowa as well as Des Moines, Iowa. The letters were forwarded to the Laboratory of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Washington, D. C., for examination. The FBI Laboratory reported that characteristics observed determined ?hat the on stioned writing on the SLA letter received by Polk County Attorney, was probably 136 ?2 prepared.by the writer of comparable portions of other jb7C -2 letters previously submitted; although, due to the lack of sufficiently comparable writing, a definite conclusion was not reached in that regard. Examination of the letters by the FBI Laboratory failed to disclose indented writing of value, watermarks or other characteristics that would aid in identifying the source of the letters. Sources who have furnished reliable information in the past and are familiar with extermist activities in the Des Moines, Iowa, area advised that there was no SLA in the Des Moines, Iowa, area and that they had no idea who could have been representing themselves as the ?Des Moines Fm raw-s1 3351-127 UNKNOWN RECEIVED BY k36 m2 POLK COUNTY ATTORNEY b7C3"?2 DES NOINES, IOWA CAPTIONED NOINES AND SIGNED This case was discussed with Allen Lee Donielson, United.States Attorney, Southern District of Iowa, Des Moines, Iowa, on June 4 and 11, 1974. United States Attorney Donielson advised that in his opinion, this matter did not warrant prosecution because the letters do not appear to be serious threats, the ability on the part of the writer to carry out the threat seems remote and the letters are more in the nature of remarks by an irate citizen voicing complaints about the Government in general. The following is a copy of the letter received. 136 "2 by which appeared.to be similar to other jb7c -2 lezters received: -3- FBI 3853-18 A t- 5? {5-77) Afton: --.-- --.- . f1? big if ft: Lari-f; :35 @277 13/7773 I 5.1% Iy?tg? 777/777; -- 77.22: 23?12% 7275775 2727/724- 7:7 :2 If! - - ?vp?t? 7, V?uu.?.u -- H..- -p?a f1" Ln?: xix/ME . -.- ?79,2ng .7 27.77:; -72? Caz/7A as .- 17/7/45 (Ly/795 a 77;ng ff; fig/Nab 7a? Wig 5.- mew bu wv?uwzlm Anu??m UI?hquEIMJ-an?u-?mw m?m??ikz?rnt?m?s~?zwm 141';- ?yw? . Gwmumuzrsnuvr was; min?:- a 51?7/4 7K5 1721/ ?hid .2 1 1.. FBI 1, B?w?Ql 83351- 1% I *9 I lagnou- m-a' . . ?mu?fJ/Lg?j {71? Fi??ffgw M, 5?7 5719/27 2?2" 73?1? ?Tr-Wk Mam?um.? ,mu?a-v-rr VI wok?Ir?Il .znvamruutuu?L "um i 5531/2994? . 33?5? 2?37 9 1 v. u-h- 31of) FPMR UNITED 211%. RNMENT 0 EV a! i em. Memorandum . A To DIRECTOR FBI 6/10/74 FBI LABORATORY . . 11% FROM SAC OMAHA (15771971) gp)? SUBJECT: UNKNOWN SUBJECT THPEATENTNH RECEIVED BY POLK COUNTY ATTORNEY i 7 -- 5. . DES IOWA A 1 1 DES NOINBs SLA AND 1 4 .f 1As817103' NAME Enclosed fer the Bureau are the original two pages and envelope (together with two copies) of a threatening letter captioned Des Moines SLA, dated 1*5/24/741 Two copies of this letter are attached for HSan-?Francisco for their informa lo'pe is addressedA; I. BPPRECOKMPY Attorney, Attention: Court House, 1:36 I gig-:3; 9? .c AND Began ENS 3517;; a 3 3 Fl EDes Moines, IOwa, 50309 and postmarked 8. Postal b7C 12 gSenvice, Iowa 500 1A.: 24 May, l974 . - :3 e4- 1 On May I Polk County 136 .2 Aftorney, Des Moines, Iowa, made available a two page 3137C _2 c?i?bon copy of letter together with the envelope of a - threatening mesgx? cgasm?ws: - A 57 :5 - ?"IheST??zdigcl?nt die in vain. 6 lawmym Sire? must (oay) with their life also if there is . no protection for the people from these tyranny and tyrant lawmakers then the SLA must (kill) ,them all. Christ did not puti; (them) here to U5 rule over us they was voted into (office) They must?diea We will no longer (be) use for A merciljandise to. sup . liars in (high) :?zaggs No end to t?e 818%? '11 take? up where1"the ?rm "1?14? - 1 a Bureau (Enc. 3) 3,111.. 13 ?*?01?aha San Francisco 2) 1 2 - (132?le @191 (SLA) (Info) 5w 7( 6* Sggs??g?s 7 i A. . Ammo tannins A A1 rte]. Elia 1.113323% ?o W733 ES ?13qu ?5 Nb)? A BY Wat?: :5 To; sac, 1-141.. Bates W0 ?5/29/74. a . . A l-Mr. Gowh pg) Aurora. Dire 1: Q: I Bowers - g? l?M . Wh't UNSUBS, I - A 1-14: ThimleD?SO'? 0 masses .. . Ar DIRECTDR A _Wnr I THREAT AGAIAAST THE PRESIDENT, A EATORTIOAA . .A AA 00: 0mm AU ngla?el?i; 0A: Ma A MAM-AW 7 Enclosed for H?maha Butte, Little Rod? and A. Philadelphia, are two cepies each of a letter addressed to the Director, FBI and signed the SLA. Enclosed for Baltimore is one}?E copy of the above letter. is Omaha present this matter to the U. S. Attorney and thereafter institute appropriate investigation. A review of the postmark reflects enclosed letter was mailed at? Des Moines, Iowa. - As enclosed letter contains threats to individuals probably identical to Senators Mike Mansfield, Montana; .7. IT. Eulbright, Arkansas; and Hugh Scott, Butte, Little Rock, and Philadelphia notify the local office of the Senator from your area and other agencies as: set forth in Part Chapter 7, paragraph 4. A a? he Handho of the above threats to these victims. U. great Se ice, Washington, 13.0., being advised. ?57?3a?ijQQ- UNAECORDED COP): FILED IN: Advise Bureau of results of i 0r gins}. letteic'a?cg e?gt? laboratory and latent fingerprint which will bel??nrnished Cmaha. eang afforded inations A men 25 . 9 .MAY 801974 Assoc. Dir. Encs. (ZDENCLOSURE . . If 6 32:23:12 MAYSQIS 74 ?r 2 Butte (ERCSQ 2) 1"me . A Comp.'Sysf. 2 Li ttle ROCIQ (EDGE. I 53:33:?: 2 - Philadelphia (Enos. 2) A 136 - Baltimore (Enc. ldenfhis?. ESP WDG: amt: Laboratory Plan. Eval. Spo_c. Inv. Training Legal Coun. .7 at: . Telephone Rm._ Erector Sec' FBI Airtel to SAC,?Omaha _y ,Re: JUNSUBSNOTE To LABORATORY DIVISION: Search letter through Anonymous . [Letter File.: Original letter and envelope attachedNOTE TO- IDENTIFICATION LATENT FINGERPRINT SECTION. Conduct. latent fingerprint. examination. i .7 I . This concerns threatening letter addressed to the 3 ,Director, FBI, postmarked 5/24/74,,Des Moines, Iowa, and - signed ?.the SLA. LetterValso contains threats against ?PreSident Nixon and to 1nd1v1duals believed identical to . 5 ie Senators Hugh Scott, Mike Mansfi eld and J. W. Fulbright 'Omaha is being instructed to present this matter to the U. Attorney and thereafter institute appropriate investi? gation. Leads are being set forth for Butte, Little Rock and 1? Philadelphia to notify offices of above Senators and other: I agencies as set forth in Part Chapter 7, .paragraph 4 A ?:Irurrg of the Handbook of threats made against them. Original 7 eXtortion letter and envelope have been.submitted for a L, sappropriate examinatiOns, the results of which will be -- furniShed Omaha ?$01923 'g i i i i a- .mn?(m .- m, w- I 9 :r??t?'wfq . . 1 4 i v? wig-M in rm u- ?if? fta?P'wh 5 . . i ,7 qi?wr MW. ??awwf@1355 2-4 ENCLOSURE 3 Qm?iaN ?H?hhu?h?f A I i k? swan 3?13: .sm' .ww? m? Msxw?k?ni?sr? notN..- . . FBI 45f ?f5?4 Wa- - 9 zm' 9W, mt?sg?r?m9999999999: mi 3 [929299 ?799; ?jam/W919 914974; 4.9m9..- . awn-.Im-91994.9: Lab/pm 9 9 away 9997994? 3 FBI 18- 929- 9913995? '26 ?4:3 - ?17973; ?104% A?i?mm -74 rrx?ikyx?x H47: 4 - 2 I . ruin?- 'I?rrJa-n?L?n? mun?mum .3- i/W I 1 a??s??l?mpqwe??k44-443343?53.? - 4 ?44ill kw . -r v. ?-My? 1?31?? . I 07? ?779 3/ z/ 7:7 zap5927/7/21?? 1 aw; 13,, h: 4 ms- .gwn?mhma v?r? nw-Msd-n r?xww-w?u a v? ?mm. I i Hz [ii/?J MM- 25?? 1: (W) Z?gpi/Z? 7777:7795? [:17ng [yd/Q 779 4/12 . I . a' a mwt?r?m, 37m:- ner?g?mengww.W?m?z xtuur?a. .. . I Pam/72772153723 ?F?w Jo Cw? . 5 WV ?haw-VII," - - .n - ??wwimhh- *i . ~ww~ 4 sup7:37 ?aux-?mar t; v??FBI .18?53?E31885r2g 1 I . I I. . was? 20 I ..II..HIJI 1.1I59. 2 I. .. mxm.II'llI 20rcm?wogmI.II I illal2.53..III.I mosaom'awm' 4 A I Faith.? .31 . . ,7 "At??w 63'..qu - nun-l, ?ts-312.. b. 5. ?7 "a Ig-vgt, .316 ?14" any Assam?w. a: . r, . "15? .u-I .n-n PAP E, FBI i TLHOLYEO [11 3?69. 57.. 5/772 ,5 W95 18185-34 I. . if 5 0.73 (Reg. Date 1?74 Transmit in CODE via teletype the attached message. (plaintext or code) - (precedence) 14) Dee?r . FIELD TO: . [j The President SACS: I: The Vice President I Att.: White Ho'use Situation Room [j Att.: Secretary of State El Director, CIA I: Director, Defense Intelligence Agency LEG ATS and National Indications Center Department of the Army Department of the Air [j Naval Investigative Service U. 8. Secret Service (Pm) Attorney General By messenger) Deputy Attorney General By messenger) Assistant Attorney General, Criminal Division and Internal Security Section and General Crimes Section CI Immigration Naturalization Service National Security Agency (Att.: 800)) Federal Aviation Administration Assoc. Dir. ClaSSificatiO?: (Classify if to other than Bureau Office) . Forei%n Liaison Unit Dep. AD Adm. UNCL AS IF IE oute through for review 3 ml. Cl 11d 1 all ears: .5 AM. were eels/en. Armin. AKA, FRIENDS OF THE THREAT :ompAfS?yjt19,11 xiFEDERAL Barre; M51 "551' -1- 41 ?9 l4? f? Gen. Inv. [denh inspection lnroll. Laboratory Eigf?irrm ?eenem . Legal Coun. COMMUNICATIONS message begins on next page 1.33/5; 33-5?17 3- . 4 fjny . . ere JUN 4. 1974 - {3 1&4? A me. Emu mt?; Telephone Rm. Director Soc'y MAIL ROOM TELETYPE FBI 18'? $1 8% HmNah 598 ma?a. . .v . . Cw?b.m 69 .Han ?a.?w53 au.MH DHHAH MO . ,1 .. .LL. aoaumdeab o:d?21 32?. L23 . [If-.1 .9 . . . ..ALW OW 1M. . HumHmw 95m mm.? Hm . 5.41; . .5 Lin). .1. .LL .r .QHH ?m . . .. . JUL. .. mam 300 mon3. EHLMmoAm>zmvm2m .wL QHQ. :mH: HmawQ.. x. mam >?aw mhqu Ema mmvuMomm Qmmem?put x. . I . . . 4&bmAmoom4.H3 mm quas?A m: m4?zaH>HmzH mHQmH?Hmm mAt omoHH?mMa?EMUHam 9.Hmom? Ho augma?m.m . .?mHmm ..mgmH .Hmeo 4? .n . Am.mmb. . . .3313: an. . 1.. 11:! ..mix?? .. .umH Ha.4mH mumuwmgu H.oum umH Hm Ha . a .LL- .Lin.Hoz ?Am mmHand? ?Hwy 4 . L. 7W.?.aman? u: .oHHam mtgWAHuHmm.:g amea . 1Haring . ?1 .- warmMQP Lu. ..FHLLI TO (I: --I Mummw?mar .6: mwmm? w? . - 77* XA 43CODE DRGEN 6/1/74'{ TO DIRECT I75-NEN 1P Comp. Syst. Ext. Affaizs Files Gen. In Ident. Inspection .. 3: f? A. . Intell.? I- A A FAR A 325% 2w ADD THE: ANA, OF THE THREAT AGAINST THE PRESIDENT. NARIAE (ml?Ah 1 ham? Tra' inv .. Legaincsun. Telephone Rm. .. AT 12:35 PM, JUNE 1, 1974, uec1b6_6__ NATIONAL NENS DESK, NEN YORK TINES, FURNISHED NYO A SIX RAGE g?yyi=y DOCBLE- SPACED NANDNRIITEN LETTER DATED MAY-25, 1974 NHICR BEGAN SLA DID NOT DIE IN THE LETTER CONTINUED TO TNREATEN THE LIVES OF KELLEY THE FBI CHIEF, FULBRIGHT AND THE LETTER RAMBLED 0N ABOUT THE NOTHING CONGRESS AND AND THEN STATED, IN ADDITION TO THE ATVZ ABOVE NAMED INDIVIDUALS "s LANNAKERS NILL RAY NITH THEIR EXAMINATION OF LETTER REVEALED IT TO BE ROORLEY NRITTEN AND GRANNATICALLY INCORRECT. LETTER TERMINATED OF THE SLA NE NEAN ~5b6 m6, ADVISED LETTER RECEIVED NEN YORK TINES MAY 51, EEC-85 a) .. 5735' ?1 5 1974 AND ENVELOPE IN NHICH CONTAINED HAS BEEN LOST I b7C m1 5 SA NYC NOTIFIED SECRET SERVICE AGENT 15-7.. AT 1: DD RN, JUNE 1,1974. NEN YORK TIMES 6 ENS ~1 NO FURTHER ACTION REGARDING LETTER. 5: ,u LETTER If [3 4270 - END gw?g Aw- 6; M23959 Agw. A2124: 33692? 21% mp ?m ADAM EBI-SETETEID.. Transmit the following in AIRTEL (Priority) TO: DERECTOR, FBI FBI LABORATORY) If": FROM: SAC NEW YORK 175-NEW . ., .. .w . 1 1 Lia/Jj?; can a mums name in was Pr ?3.636 (Hemmg?g. . sq FBI Date: 6/3/74 (Type in plaintext or code} th?g 7? - ReNYtel captioned title, dated'6/1/74. Bureau UNSUB: akamnns THREAT A Enclosed for Bureau are six handwritten (carbon copies} looseleaf pages of a letter dated 5/23/74, signed OF THE SLA we mean business". The letter was received by the New York Times, newspaper, on 5/31/74, and furnished to NYC of FBI on 6/1/74. was unable to locate the envelope in which the letter was mailed. The letter relates that "six law makers will pay'with their life also NIXON, MANFIELD, SCOTT, CLARENCE KELLY the FBI Chief, EULBRIGHT and Congress. Laboratory is requested to process the letter for latent fingerprints and to compare these prints with any obtained in the SLAFPATRICIA HEARST case, as well as a search of the anonymous letter file. a I . (1 - Laboratory)(Encls. 61 *m g? - New York New York (7-1976) - . (5) The Times iv 3 3 5-15 rtmv?yf Elm Halli-u- a .15 E33 JUN 5 1974 . ERBEC1 ?al' .J 3 ?tgtg. nf Wanna WMMR . 9 gwixgg?xr 4- 030 4 x7- Sent Approved: Spec?lgigent in Charge Cm 4' Per 1? U.S.Government Office: FEE .1 a ReCOrded? . EDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATI 3. a - UNI ED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE - 6?11?71! NO LAB FILE Laboratory Work Sheet . - Re- UNSUB, aka F119 CLARENCE N. KELLEY, LATENT Lah# NV Director FBI THREAT AGAINST THE PRESIDENT, XE SLA EM 00: Omaha Exm?nm?mlemwm?dbw SAC, Washington Field Office (9?3441) airtel . fr . 6?6?71; Exammatmn requested: (Docu?IEeE? Fingerprint Date recelved 6-7-7? . . - Result of Examination: Exammatmn by b6 b7C *1 Q'Iewlb Sm. NU Q13EnV810pe postmarked POSTAL SERVICE, A500 PM 2M MAY bearing handwritten address "The National ngyers Guild Washington D.C. 412 5th St. N. 20001" an Accompanying ham?nrikkanxmessax six?page handwritten message first page beginning "The SLA Bid Q15 Second page of accompanying handwritten message beginniging "and if Ehird Q16 Third page of accompanying handwritten message beginning "and the Rich Q17 Fourth page of accompanying handwritten message beginning "No Count low Page 1 (over) FBI @123 X. 9'35 0,0033 1/ Mbi?c} WVF 0 OUq/ewwcx/? 67mm (tr/duff 73/; X53 Lam-L cm 'W?jkj warm, [52/4 7797?)( 0.6530.? whiff?) 29 "mag m; ,sz Llama 0ng mm mm? dmee (m ?law?? 6904?) f3 1&7 4N 4; ?were? (W0 WIWJ (W9 a! 52[ch-?/0132 a FBI . Q18 Fifth page of accompanying handwritten message beginning "No Where in Q19 Sixth page of accompanying handwritten message beginning "lawmakers don't scar Page 2 NV 5? 1 FBI 1 I. s. 6-17 (Rex-I. 9-23 FEDERAL BUREAU OF . CRIMINAL 31y 1974 Gebhardt Marshall 113 6 1 Mr. Gallagher _Mr. Bates b7C 1 _Mr. McGowan i i b6 ?1 7 1 1732 4535 Extra Dutv upv. 5710 1509 152. __Ident Division _Laboratory Mechanical Section :Records Section _Data Processing Section Steno Pool, 2704 500 _P1ace on Record and Return Please Redate :For Information Foreign Liaison Unit :Teletype Unit Please See Me ?Please Call Me 6 1 ?Note Return 7 1 Please Handle I wm lease Initial 1% M?k?W?u?Qv? ,6 SUPERVISOR FBI p. I 1 i 4" II- 4?17 :(sev. 7?25?74) FEDERAL BUREAU on INVESTIGATION FILES COMMUNICATIONS DIVISION 11?21?74 ?19? Assoc. Dir. ?Dep. AD (Adm.) 6 1 ?Dep. AD (Inv.) b7 1 sst. Dir.: Admin. Comp. Syst. Ext. Affairs Files 8L Com. Gen. Inv. Ident. Inspection Intell. Laboratory Plan. Eval. Spec. Inv. Training Legal Coun. Telephone Room Director?s Sec'y. p; I Room 5 7 SECTION BUILDING 1116IB '132013 132013 11161B _,Send File 6309 113 Per Conversation 1116 IB Your Info. 1319 IR :For Approp. Action _Initia1 See Me ?Note a Return :Phone Me Per our conversation on 8-20-74 con? cerning the consolidation of 62~116107 and 89-2880 into 157?32592. You stated you preterred to Keep the 89 tile as the good file. b6 -1 b7C ml Ihas reviewed these files and has concluded that 62?116107, and 89-2880 be consolidated into the 157?32592 according to Records Section Policy that when Criminal Subversive violations are carried in the Character on the Criminal file must be consolidated into the subversive file. See the attached: Return all to . y. . .1 :313. i Consolidatnonf L77 w?s JEH b7C ?4?17 (Rev. 9? 30 74) FEDERAL BUREAU FILES AND COMMUNICATIONS SION _Assoc. Dir. 6 _Dep. AD (Adm De.p AD(1nv.) b7C _1 Asst. Dir.: _Admin. _Ext. Affairs ?Files 8; Corn. 7740 _Gen. Inv. 7740 _Ident. 77 4 6 44 _Intell. 6525 _Laboratory 72 6 4 Eval. 7:742 Inv. _Training _Legal Coun. _Telephone R00m irector' Sec'n 11 Room Mt 01?? SECTION 1116 IB 1320 IB 1320 IB 1116 IB 6309 IR Send File 116 IE 1319 EB _Per Conversatmn "For Your Info. _See Me 1?pprogx Action _Note Return ??g/ii 2; MW 422% ??260 As ?71352479. af?x/g? Mag/?ii b6 11 2C?_b7c 1 FBI WNW..- .. WEEK 5.. QQRME WWRR 5Tun?u.- 1. b7C ?1 4. 955 25,. E1 29 3. 03m $.me RAW mxmu?mww? . II 233 .1. . 20.. 9A 338 1% w/ .24; 212111311115? 11m ?31. FBI s- . .. Huang.- $13315 43 - -. ?rn I??FEDERAL BUREAU or Iriv?zsn?niou WASHINGTON, D. c. Ieases SAC, Omaha Dam Jpne #3 1974 From: Director, FBI . ii 2 R- ?I?ji?w? 1. . ?m .. 3' UNSUBS, AKA FB F?eNo- CLARENCE m. LLEY, DIRECTOR, - . .I 12?7140530023 NV THREAT AGAINST THE PRESIDENT, . 00-: Omaha Examination requested by: Burg an a . A ,4 Bureau airtel datea 5~29m74 Document - Fingerprint I I Specimens Q1 through Q6 will be returned sepafatel jwith the results of the latent examination. Enclosures (2) (2 Lab report) 2 Butte Enelosuree (2) (2 Lab report} Little Rock Enclosures Leb report) 2 Philadelphia Enclosures (2) (2 gab report) Baltimore Eneloeures (2 Lab report) . 157?43 3:94:57? Zigg- MAILED 25 3 JUN 19721 :22 . gm g, JUN 419.74 WWEMC m1, ai? Fm WI Mie?eeme me 3mm .3 ADMINISTRATIVE PAGE ."jw MAIL ROOM I . .. ?99 FBI 5 di" . FEDERAL BUREAU or INVESTIGATION Recorded UNITED OF JUSTICE 5*31-74 NO LAB FILE mow Laboratory Work Sheet Re: UNSUBS AKA F113 69-" GE I CLARENCE M. KELLEY, DIRECTOR, LATENT Lab.# 13?7110530023 NV 1 a THREAT AGAINST THE PRESIDENT, EXTORTION 00: Omaha Examination requested?byf?V Bureau airtel. 5-29?71} . 2? b6 Examination requested: .. 1? (130011111611 Fingerprint Date received: b7C ?l Result of Examination: 9? Examination by: (re Paris to Own .1216? gay 3N>kkut At? AndaLi \N?we or o?uw amus?wme Amad1me Qt?a 670] w?nCch. wou?d dict 'm \de?ttom? Jfbe, Immediate ermwevaL 0A A . new,? Sop a- Q1 Envelope postmarked S. POSTAL SERVICE NA 500 PM 2A MAY 1974, bearing handwritten address ?Mr Clarence Kelly Federal Bureau Investigation 9th St. Ave, Washington D. C. 20535" Q2 First page of accompanying five?page handwritten message beginning "The SLA . Q3 Second page of accompanying handwritten message beginning -"voted into office. Q4 Third page of accompanying handwritten message beginning "we are Q5 Fourth page of accompanying handwritten message beginning "We Don't Q6 Fifth page of accompanying handwritten maesage beginning "And we will jfnt%l . i?hh?av iA? 2? one 3449 . . z- Ud?e 62ch i" FBI II 2? ??nhac?ewmw 2- 13a Hmovb ?de ammu? um" r955?x o.?ooz4 sm' aim W3 :5 [4 mm? 300:? $050030? (?11:16) 26? AW Hm Iva/H's Afaeeol 0334,? I WW7 :fM?D-yn cMM??gulW-j, ?lmy anm 500 {Pm 547,3. Wow? 622. SW ?1 Wu.) (In; QMQJ Oman: Maw am wot 1.3L, sequmou 1 up Madam any? :j?my REPORT - . ?rmk. LABORATORY FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION WASHINGTON, n. c. 20535 To - D?ate: SAC, Omaha . . Fi?-11138 19714 Re: 7 Lab. No: ensues, AKA . Dw'?l0530023 NV - CLARENCE KELLEY, DIRECTOR, . I THREAT AGAINST THE PRESIDENT, EXTORTION I A Specimens received 5?30?7? Q1 EnVElope postmarked S. POSTAL SERVICE NA 500 PM 24 MAY 197A bearing handwritten address ?Mr Clarence Kelly Federal Euregu Investigation_9th St. A Ave, Washington D. C. 2053 I Q2V'Firet page of accompanying five?page handwritten message beginning "The SBA Second page of accompanying handwritten message beginning "voted into office. . QM ghird page of accompanying handwritten message beginning we are Q5 AFourth page of accompanying handwritten meesage beginning "qu Don?t I I A Q6 Fifth page of accompanying handwritten message beginning . ?And we will . Result of examanation:? . Specimens Q1 through Q6 were searched through the Appropriate sections of the Anonymous Letter File without effecting an identification. Copies have been added thereto. a No indented.writings of value, watermarks or other characteristics were noted on Q1 through Q6 which would aid in identifying the immediate source of the material. The submitted evidence, which has been photographed, will be returned separately. . CTS mow item (5.2) FBI -1 e. ?1 .A .n warms Emma"Dag Emines, Iowagromk 3J4. eater, LEI. $33 535, 11.141: ELL, DJ. 5'33.? ?i LT i. :313: E31153 BEIGE Enclase? ?maha,?Butte, L'ttle Rock and e~wgy-L - a a - - FhlLadelphla, ara Ewe aopie:,eacn ofa Latte: ad? Ease ??ta the- ,h BiLactor, 331' and signa Ed th a?e:g copy;0? the:apovejlett er. 3' g}jrtf?islgg??aftm': fits the L. S: apri? te ?nvestiwaLlcn.i la ?ter'nas maile? at Gmaha promptl y?pr?sant thism Rttorne; and.therea?ter in321tvte Mpg: ?55:31:33; of the 330333311211" 34:. ref}. acts enica 1.. Es ?ne .ased letter cantains thrwats to individuals Erobablv'i?enm MC al to Sena cars ?iie an?fi mid, Weatana3-SL. f?WDV1gnt2,Azawnsas? and Hugs Scatts $.ttL3 . . Rack, and~Philadaw Ehla motlz, the local 3 F;F*ca a: the . Senatar.?rom van: area ana otha: awaaclg astsat fortn in Part. Lna?ter T, gaxagra?h tne Handb ask of the Eb??rm? {ff' ?4 2 +htaat3 to ?ns-43a S. Sacret?arvicg,? hi ai?hingtada B. being aL vise? LL Bureau 9f resuEts 5E if}? u: iginal leL Le: an? anvelepa axa b?ing.a afferded. Labaratory and laLer at finsew rint- examinatioas, Lag zesuLL $?hi?h will be t'uwnighed ?xahaq Juli-?1?. .C . . 2 Butt- (?nes. 2) og?g 2 LittlL BQCL {3333, 2) p; .. Fhiia?elghia {31 <15? 3'3) 6" 1 3alt1me"L {333.3 ?ax/i .3 4 a Ems dka fig: ?1 . 1?15) 45:2 afjf - SEE - FBI FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION. 32333353351 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE 1: -. a V5 3 3:33:33 ?3,33 3333 ?9 35333 Luborafbry Work Sheet 49v 3 . a 33 Re: {3335 333:, 3313 $3333.: . 13:16 3 . 3 33333333 3. 3333333 33333333, 3333333 3333 33733333333 33 3333333333 . ?3:333va (*333333333 33 '33} 333333331 B??ma 333533: ?=?331223?w m; {3333:3311 333333 333331 3?333?3 Examination requested by: 1:36 1 Examination requested: 333333133133 3231;353:33333333 Date received! b7C -1 Result of Examination: Examination by: ,333/ 3335; 33?? 32 MW: 3 41? m/zjyj? @321 a/??i?tlv?y V3 5/ w: process and return 3.33;, the evidence; Received 31. 33333333 3333333333 ?333. 333333 333 3133 E3 333 33 333 333 39?3 3 3333333 33333333333 33333 3W $3333333 33133_ 33333337 333333 3333333333333 333 333 3333333133333 3333 33333 33333 333: 3 3b33? ?33 :?3333 33:33 3 33? 333333332235; 3333 33:3 333333333333 33332333 x: 3 3333331}: run; 3-5433; W?ffg? 1' 3" 33333 Ma: 3333: 33" 33332:? 3 :3 ,3 ?3333 13333333333 33333:: 3333:? 333 ?33333 3333 3,333,333 3.33 ?.33 ?33: 3:13:33 33? 333333 ?333333 133333333333 33333 :33 33 ?3333333 33:3 aiwgg '52 33 ?3333 3333 33 333333333333 333333333333 3333333 333333333 33333 13933333 43:1 :33 313331 3333 33? 33333333333333 3363313333 33333333 3353333133 ?333 33 3313 333: FBI (He's. 5-22-64Date: 6/4/74. b6 Transmit the following in b7C ml (Type in plaintext or code) 1 Via (Priority) DIRECTOR, FBI ?n I AC, LITTLE ROCK (89?63) (P) SUBJE T: UNSUBS, ak A7..- CLARENCE M. LLEY, DIRECTOR, FBI - VICTIM 'bW' THREAT AGAINST THE PRESIDENT CAS EXT ORTION OO OMAHA Re Bureau airtel to Omaha, 5/29/74.' The following investigation was conducted by SAI on 6/4/74: The below listed individuals were contacted and advised of information in a letter addressed to Director, FBI and signed SLA. Each was advised in the event they should receive any similar letter in their respective jurisdiction, they should preserve the letter and envelope b6 as evidence and immediately notify the FBI. 3 b7C m5 - I IAdministrative Assistant for A pp}? Senator J. W. advised the Senator at the present by time is in Washington, D.C. and will not return to 3-32, :1 Ill} Arkansas until the latter part of this month where heiis if, 0 expected to return to the Fayetteville, Arkansas, area, we? ?fill: his hometown. stated he would make sure Senator 0M5 was made aware of the contents of the letter. yy??p?f . a . Bureau ST-IIZ Wail?! - Omaha 1 -- Philadelphia 9 - (gr/l Baltimore (Info.) ;1 b6 ~l 2 - Little Rock JUN 7 1974 JLArrdd 9 b7C (8) known, View, App UN '1 7181:9711 fig 3 Sent Per 2- ii; In" @1335 57 Special Agent in Charge ..s Government Printing Of?ce: 19- I I ?3 d? I?li LR 89?63 HAROLD DUKE, Special Agent in Charge, U.S. Secret Service, Little RockAdministrative ASSistant ib7C to J. W. FULBRIGHT, U.S. Senator for Arkansas, Federal Building, 500 West Capitol, Room 2331, Little Rock. I ICaptain of Detectives, b6 ?4 Little Rock, Arkansas, Police Department. b7?j-u4 HOLLIS of Police, Fayetteville, Arkansas, Police Department. BILL LONG, Sheriff, waShington County, Fayetteville, Arkansas. FBI 5-8 n: ?33 FEE Laboratory Work Sheet [3 3 $15" ?5 1/ 33333333. W, 33:33 3333 33:3? 3 33133 33333 33333 3333333333. Lab. 3343336333733 33' b6 -1 - b7C -1 Examination requested by: 3431;? 315E533 $323333) . . - .3. . Exammat?o? requeSted? 333333333333 3: 35333333331333 ?Date received' 1; 133 1.353 3333 333 333 Result of Examination: A. a I FEDERAL BUREAU OF $32113?? UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE Examination by: 3% Jim, 627?3 32193 FBI/qu?maz, 43 3/33/3323 79?? b6 b7C 33333333333333 3333333333333 1333333333 3 333333 333333 13333333333333 3:133 {333% a? at)? 3333353333 33333333 33? 3333333333333; 3333333333 3333333231133 ?3333 :13? 33333 3 3 3331333 3333333- 33 1333333333333 3333333333 333313331313 ?31133 {33133 1313?: 3 3 . 333331333 32333 33' 3333333333333 3333333333 3333123333333 ?333: ?333.33 3.33 3 .3 :3 333333 323323 {33" 333333333333333 3333333 3333'? {33333333333 ?3333 33313333 333 3 3313333: 3333333 33:? 3333333333333 3313333333 333'- giming ?3.333333333333333 333333?: 33233? FBI 13-32333-3318835?" ml ml IIQDERAL BUREAU OF Reae??e? .: UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE ggil??$ ?g baa Ei?? Laboratory Work Sheet [25.7" 0517.5?? Re' ?63: 5:33: aka: 535:3:3 Ha ?aws a if? gimI'?ta? a ELI FEES 31:? 11?" tog-7v, 1:911:- 5:33?: ??mi?-?quzs?nh :33; ?g Hg? {3:32 ?nam Examination requested by: 15mg; :3ng Qi?fia? 151) mir?w? 1 Examination requested: ?ggm?n?: ?ngarnrin? Date received. 5 b7C "1 Result of Examination: Examination by: my?) 913?? 621?? z; F?f/ (10*Wl?w? W?Evm??m W1: 13:33:: ma: at: m: 132:: a: Martin: ??nnt: :m?nn edema: ma: Enamel ammwa 3:115:16: Jana: ng?an 3,3 #13 ?an g? amt: nasamseaging miengge: n?mawitwn mesmm ?43,3. firm: nag: henin?a?ng Ii?i??e em: 5? g?agn? 33:33:: it)? nacmnanying: han?nwi?ter: manage begmniging: if?? glm?i? 14* 6 :35: 22:: 23.5% new mg I: ?hf enemy Lagging; hananria?s?en ma?a hesinnine ?an: mm: H: :31? feasa?h {mm acaemg?nyini? Emma: ?eginnmg ?if: seen: 1m: I?m: 3? FBI FD-36 (Rvev. 5-22-64Date: 6/6/71; . ?t the llowin in ma ?1 (Type in plaintext or code) Vk: AIRTEL (Priority) . .5 a T0: DIRECTOR, FBI (ATTENTION FBI LABORATORX) FROM: SAC, WFO 7 f? 4 . 3?"4 7 46's, New?? fez Wavy . ?a was 3' RENCE QLLEY, 136 .Director - - VICTIM: I I: ?l ??33y (00.0mmReBuref'? phone call to WFO 6/11/71}; Bureau as e1 to E. ES Omaha, 5/29/7?; New York teletype to Bureau, captioned -3: 352'; aka, Friends of the Threat Against the President; 13) mg? Extortion," and WFO teletype to Bureau 6/3/74, captioned :3 ?"Symbionese Liberation Army (SLAEnclosed for Bureau is the original and 5 copies '5 of hand written six page letter dated?5/23/74, and envelope postmarked 5/24/74, at A500 (Des Moines, Iowa), addressed to the National Lawyer's Guild, washington, D. C. (WDC). II ureau (Enc.- . ?Baltimore (Enc. 2 I kg re?t a . ?2 2?Butte (Enc. 2) BEG-18 4 2?Litt1e Rock (Enc. 2) - 2?New York (Enc. 2) 2-Omaha (Enc. 2) ?_5??ladelphia (Enc. 2) (1?100?58056) ?v a, 106 . ?1 elUN 11 1974 I ?y .- - .- ,:wF0A9-771Auf?li-U . EL Enclosed for Omaha, New York., Butte, Little Rock, Philadelphia, and Baltimore; are two copies each of the above .i }1etter and envelope. - Pf . .. 5;"Abrj vLetter stateS?"The SLA did not died in Vain" and ythreatens Freeident NIXON, Director KELLEY and Senators MANSFIELD SCOTT and FULBBIGHT. - m,n; - The Bureau has requested this matter receive ,3 423.3?? vigorous and continuous attention until fully resolved. A fA summary teletype, from the office cf origin, must reach Bureau by immediately foIloWed by an LEM from the office of origin, Suitable for dissemination. ,2 .- from the Intelligence Squad; Metropolitan Felice .3 b7C?-4 3 This letter was received On by Tb6 44 :fq Uepargment NDC. . . .3 The following agencies were adivsed'~ U. S. Secret A ?33; A - Service, U. Capitol Police, Office of Senators MANSFIELD, - FULBRIGHT and SCOTTREQUEST bF THE BUREAU :1 f; L. The Laboratory Division is requested to search this 1 material through the Anonymous Letter File and cOnduct other 1 ,'25 appropriate examination. Lab furnish results expeditiously 1*1; iA?il: to office :of 3?3, - T3, Identification Division is requested to process 3, material for Latent fingerprints. Furnish results expeditiously to the Office of origin. :33 A, a OMAHA DIVISION . AT DES MOINES IowA A 5 . 1 1) Present to USA.for prosecutive opinion. a Pem' 3' 2) Notify local authoritieseand local Office., .W,?kr 3) Submit- summary teletype to Bureau by COB 1 immediately followed by LEM (or report if appropriate) 3 -, suitable for dissemination. Ensure WFO furnished copy so . Headquarters may be advised if USA authorizes"? BUTTE ROCK AND threat honicalprosecu recei 'Iw" 7 . . . 4.4,;?My{Hit/134 r-r-bug.2 ?a FD-36 {Rea 5-22-64) . '1 Transmit the following in Via I Date: 6/5774 (Type in plaintext or code) AIRTEL AIR MAIL (Priority) TO: DIRECTOR, FBI FROM: SAC, BUTTE (gs-?45) (RUG) . 7; . .1 . 83?, a @L'ewm lgaf? gm (4 . A- a, SUBJECT: aka Sim, CLARENCE DIRECTOR, FBI. - VICTIM THREAT AGAINST THE PRESIDENT, 44-1,) EXTORTION Q?iif ax.? 00: Omaha Cg . r? C) ReBualrtel to Omaha, 5/29/74. Enclosed for Washington Field Office'is one copy of refereuced airtel and one copy of a letter addressed to C3 the Director, FBI and signed the SLA. ?45 On 6/6/74, it was ascertained Senate-r MIKE MANSFIELD, Elf MOntana, does not maintain an office in any city in MOntana. He?appedred at the commeDCemeut:exercises'of Montana Tedh; Butte, MOntana, on 6/2/74, and then returned to Washiugton, D. C. GDEALFTEED I IU. S. seeret.Service; Great ib6 Falls; M'ntana, was notified of the conte?ts of the lette:%:( I 'Jrv m?57 6?2? - Bureau 2? (AM) essay? 2 - Omaha (AM) t??gg 2 -. WFO (Enc. b6 -1 E0 JUN 101974 b7C 1 - Butte? Ezamaa?agagg?- r? 1 UN 13 1974 . 5 .. 1 gigg?e Sent Per 9? 5903101 Agent in Charge U.S.Government Printing Office: E54 ??algg?'m 1 a a LEAD . - .rrWASHINGTON FIELD . 9 ih aCC9rdance with 1nstruct1ons cdntained in referenc?d . Cantact th? office of Senator MIKE MANSFIELD . . .. -.amt: -. I ii? urn?; urea?m 1 "mm a? a "xv-nu?- ?h ?Haw-10c? 1. mum-?svtxu?1 a .A n? :1 ?mg-mu. (m 1n. Mu; .r a- m'm m?m?d? 5.5sw?Jn .o{?f?bsnit" LdgJAI- . I ., - 4.1- c; ri" gnu-M z: ?Uh-\Mu' 1 . I . I w'w? WM-m-nwFBI 18? ?@188 .uw?u M: 334:; 7'4? i 27:? MAM: Cg?fw 34%310?4? m: (Arm-r - nm?l?mwm'll Way. new H: FBI II I 1,41] Egg'?g??f??AB?m 24/: 63/ VF Iii?E-?irfs?r? 3 (1.11m xv/w WW I t? ,2?ij f?/f 134,.11?gym if} 1 . {ff/KM? l' If?? Lx?? fag/I I . 5 1 @445?! 2% WW ?if i . {fig-? JfW?u??r 1/ bw FBI 'mm 2317?. 2v 'm?Xit} ?m-wJeugw? air/fl . ?If1/4; flatly h? x? /"h?odj {/45 i - 3., ,1 iv?, Vat/Mr" w" f. 1 1 I "on? 3 ?vij-?Q?ir/L? 2.7 A a ?Ifif.? If /?an? w??ww1?75F3113 a: @1335 79 .u . A 9 IE5 4 I 3 -.. 14{31' 7/17 77-} 4 77/ Q, I (ruff/W Viz/V 7M A W7 off WM . USMC-b?m?h? - 3" in. I at'iw?I?w?l'?lg?l 13 @1335 72 Washington, D. C. 20537 REPORT of the - DIVISION TILATENT- FINGERPRINT SECTION (kw ?9 FEDEE BUREAU or INVES .JION ?12: Kg. YOUR FILE NO. EBI FILE NO. I I June 6: 1974, - LATENT OAS N0. wilt; . . TO: . SAC, ,Qmaha a 5 TI ,17b (?:3deij ?g $7991?; '51 [J'Lgi?g?p?jj?ii ENEUEE. AKA am; - 4/7 :2 RE: CLARENCE DIRECTOR . I if] - A . FBI VICTIM AGAINST THE PRESIDEM- . EETGETIEN REFERENCE EXAMINATION REQUESTED Wirtel 5-39-34 SPECIMENS: 1 2, Bureau . . -3 Envelope and fiveupage handwritten message, ?31 Emma MI through Q8 mm 6 1974 FBI 1 . Listed Spam :?urther described in asparate Laboratory Kmart. i; ., - - ST-TOG )57233574? I3 3 Specimens proces thwa latent ?n erpripts of I [value developed Assoc. Dir. . Latent fingerprints lack Euf i?cient pattern area and 23 :31: ridge detail for search in single fingerprint file. Asst.?Dir.: Admin. Comp. Syst. Ext Affairs Files 8; Com. Gen. Inv. 5- Bia?gimens enclosed. Idem. Inspection lnleII. Laboratory Plan. 8; Evul. Spam?. Twin :19 Legal Coun. - Q/ongressional Services Office, JB (with copy of ?5 gb: In 9 ing) Clarence M. Kelley, Director ?5 i9 Telephone Rm. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY \yfj? 4.23?" ?1 MAIL ROOM 3; atSEDERAL BUREAU OF 9 EQCOrded - 5~31~74 no LAB FILE mew Laboratory Work Sheet [57" 3257:9- .. ,3 Recorded: 6-4-74 1:00p.m. Igecgived: 6;4- Re= unsung; AKA 1 GLAREHCE M. EELIEY, DIRECTOR, WENT Lab.# FBI-?Viewa, 1.04% A-90980 THREAT AGAINST THE PRESIDENT, (V EKTOREIGN 00: Omaha Examination requested by: . Bureau airtel 5-29-3714 b6 ?1 . d' b7C ?1 Examination requested: Document .. a rece1ve . Result of Examination: kw? Examination by: WW Mg -m (kg? (Vtum)? I: @Mg?fg iw?f Eff/Mfg?! gill/Mme@1746: M- {$th b6 1 @hmww?a@w b7C M1 Envelope postmarked 3? POSTAL SERVICE NA 500 PM 21: MAY- 1971} bearing handwritten address "Mr Glarenee Kelly Federal Bureau Eggeggigetien 9th St. AveR ?ashington D. G. 3 {gem 6313.7 5% Q2 First page of aeoompanying fiVGwpage handwritten message beginning ?The SLA Q3 Second page of accompanying handwritten message beginning ?voted into office; .yt? Thir? page of aeoomnanying handwritten message beginning ?1?33 are 1 ?l .. Fourth page of accompanying handwritten message beginning ENG Don?t 4 i. Fifth page of accompanying handwritten message beginning "And we will p? y/ Examination completed [15,.'I'ime Date I u. 337.3755; 1 4 I 1 Ann?33?10.x ?r3area 3: 'Pfg'l 1. am) 1, .L ?ana b. as \o and tha' I CODY: 01?Ivttorne review a SEQ7.-e,1oc an ennsy .. 1-: a ?13 A .E. these 1? a- . ;?Dta a ats to 13:, 1 RITE .. 3 - LH ?Ivl . a I . in - 4?3 Newxha if! ?r1'15rew kw? {.m?51B?w?Ql 3853-75 DEIILJ arm ?3 :t ?5 2 :mr (J. {@5252 ?itif}: 5&1 4T.- ~13 ?31:18 . 3 .1 . -113ng 4.- ?Li 13.1m' .s. 3.545r; 53.23.352.533? l-MraBates ?l?Mr. GOW . 3.720151: Bl?e?t?f,. EB: - . .1 .. Bowers . . I .: 2515555,.5. 35:; -. 8353235133 in? :?erE 52?, DIEWDR 3' "41-1 JICTIX use. 5.13%? If,M'fl?12851halose? ?933 :Grmha B?t?ca, ittl? P:oc1< and w. 1? ?hilade.phxa, are; :tmi 5093.5 .5 each addressiedif 1.10} than, Direc? War and signed: the 3.1.5 33:110-556. (fer. Baltimoi?a 3.5; anew ccpy the. 8.330129. 35:11:53bmha Dromntl y? present Lhig' matter to that] . .3 . ?tte.-.ey an? thereaz. institute 5135145551555 .invastiga?icn.? it? 13.217125 of 1:55 Easmris. reflacts enclesed 15111253: 555 5153.15da .15 5135155513: 15321253: 25:31:55.315 thfeats t9 .in?ivi?uals"; -- ?i 11. 3. probab_y identical ta Sanators ii .55 f?iaasiiaid, .iantaha 5w: 21.31.353.355..- 5.535555; and 1:15:55 5555:, . 1.11212. .1 . 121.:t3? Roc;., and 291133.555 113113.51?? .. 93:55}? the. loc53._ <31" rice of ?3 Sena?tar. from you: 555.5. 513% 0525.55 5gFBI I 3 FEDER BUREAU or ATION Washington, D. 20537 REPORT of the IDENTIFICATION DIVISION LATENT FINGERPRINT SECTION FBI FILE NO. 89~2880 FILE NO. 9~33441 I - June 216, 193%: LATENT Ann-90930 . 7 ?130:- SAG, WED RE AKA m- MERGE M. (Ems: DEREGTDR, EB: - vmmi gigTAT AGAINST THE 3 EM REFERENCE. Aim}; I . EXAMINATION REQUESTED BY Em am} accomganying Eiszf?ag?x handwriiften Q13 919 Listed Emamna; ?rmer daacribad it: a Labarata?ry . Specimans Erneessad and nineteen latant priuta c5 vat-Ea davelapaci En. five items daaignat?? as Q13, Q15, Q18 and . spacimem eaalgsadf 3533? if: A r: faint . - [57- 3.5L 56}; ?527-6 I 33% 11' M53923 6 . 5 JUL 2 1974 Admin. 2419 ?gs. om . . :xt.PAst:i:s . (7) b, n; :44? I . FiIes 8. Corn. {-11:81 Gen. Inv. . Idem. matta Inspecticn \j?g Qifglku -d?m Fran. \j i .git?ig: 2 5,2292%? 2} . Clarence M. Kelley, Dir 9t Training Le ul Conn. Teiephone Rm. WC IS REPORT IS FURNISHED FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 1 s_ 39%. TELETYPE UNITE: FBI A =1 BUREAU OF INVESTIGAT Becor?de?i ?11m STATES DEPARTMENT OF Dam . gfdl~79 no LAB FILE CM Labomrufory Work Sheet Recorded 6-14-74 3: 35 P. m.h Received Re' UNSUB, aka. 521:: 157- a" CLARENCE Ma KELLEY, D~7il050 7108 NY Direcuor FBI ~99 A- 80 THREAT AGAINST TEE PRESIDENT09; 0313113. SAC, washington Field Office (9mghhi) airtel b6 m1 Examination requested: Document fgg?grgpint ate received: 6:7:71; b7C Result of Examination: Examination by: a 09/ (:ij Noted byJ/cp/B' 1 /74?L?y?99? OW) Note: Expedite QlBEnve1ope Postmarked s. POSTAL SERVICE A500 PM.2&up 7 1974 bearing handwritten address "The Eational Lawyers 11d Washingten 20091" A all! accompanying: six-page handwritten message first page beginz?ning ?The SLA did it Q15 Second page of accompanying handwritten message Deginniging 13 time? 7'9 #1 Q16 Third page of aecempanying handwri?ten message beginning ?and the Rich Q17 Fourth page 0f accompanying handwri?ten message begimxing vy?/ ($th 21 10W: '4 as KW Page 1 (over) ?-EQng? ?15 71 Q18 Fifth page of aeeompan?ying handwritten message beginning ?No Where in . Q19 Sixth page of accompanying handwritten message beginning ?lamakers don?t scar . gag {?02 '7 08 1V '1 1 Examination complete? - 3e 7% Dictated 4' 29 - 7? Tlme Data 8 FBI '1 i A 44 (Rev. 5-22-64) y? Transmit the following in New 92%} ?Vm I Date: 6/6/72; (Type in plaintext or code) AIRTEL riority) TO: A DIRECTOR, FBI FBI LABORATORY) FROM: SAC, WFO (9e34?1) aka CLARENCE M..KELLEY, Director - FBI THREAT AGAINST THE PRESIDENT, SLA EM "ReBureau phone call to WFO Bureau airtel to Omaha, 5/29/73; New York teletype to Bureau, captioned akas Friends of the Threat Against the President; ?Extortion," and WFO teletype to Bureau 6/3/74; captioned "Symbionese Liberation Army (SLA) EM a Enclosed for Bureau is the original and 5 copies of hand wri?ten six page letter dated 5/23/74, and envelope postmarked 5/24/7?, at A500 (Des Moines, Iowa), addressed to the National Lawyer's Guild, Washington, D. C. (WDC). f?ZZEBureau (Enc. 7) lealtimore (Enc. 2) ZmButte (Ens. 2) 2~Little Rook (Ens. 2) 3~ \3 2~Ph11adelphia (Enc? 2) (lu100~58056) CDJ:bas (17) 2~New York (Enc. 2) 9. b6 2-Omaha (Ene. 2) . ?1 ?l Sent Per 12 U.S.Government Printing Of?ce: 1972 -- 455-574 Special Agent in Charge 41 FEDER BUREAU or ATIONP Washington, D. C. 2 5 7 REPORT of the IDENTIFICATION DIVISION LATENT FIINGERPRINT SECTION YOUR FILE NO. I I .3qu 2?4, 1.971% FBI FILE NO. 39w2850 I LATENT CASE NO. ARI-99939 . TO: SAG, Raw 3631:. 3:31:31; FREIES mg gm?; RAT TEE IBENTI . I I {g 3:44:15?th . Kb . tiff REFERENCE- 313333.- . . IZRII EXAMINATION REQUESTED BY: 233$: far}? sp ECIMENS- g??vi??a?g?i Q7 Q12 . atg? apgcimgma Eartha:- daacrihad; it}, 1.3chng cry impart. . 3 I: . grammwmu pram @3361 5:216: we latamtf garpgima of wing degalmga?, mm ?323. ?99 and. cameLata?mt $313. 12' cmmpam?, in?ufar R: as: mmpamblg Rat-Raga mg latgaw Ravi). 1. gamut, mm: Might {Singstarprimtg mic: latamt impmasiamtz pmvimusly mgarmd cast; 0 I- 3m}? 1113 3%15293, tamamt casa R?u?i?lsg 233?: no iagmti??fica?zim ?3 .Agg?'g'k?m- a?faemd. Sawmz fingering-mtg pg? Rm! 913 mm: idemtieal 1 attaizabia in}: an? 3113 pacts pmvimusly mmci thirsa mg . case. 133335 MAILED6 - MI 8 Comp. sti. I 53.32:: ma?a? I jJuN RR 1974 IR JUI. 3 197% . i?222 '222 z??awa2/?Ei? {31222.22 ,2 ?j riff Bamaw 93f . - 5:3 1" k. 21222? . ?214,542 pup(Wig-?14; Win-?va- 1.-2 . 4 ,2 Hanna au- may?! urea W?w?xh lg. tdiog?l?x?. ,l .A v! Wq?r ?v can. . .. . . SS. 2S. - LES \u?S SSQ Sm? x. 2W. utll3.r u SS.- - S-2M22 . .- 1. . .. 2.1.2ENE. . .. . a . 222212.222.- 2.2.222 2-2.22. . . - - 2..-- .I.-2.2.1222-..- . . 3.33 2N. . . .a\mw . I?ll . I .IIlkaLil-{Ill .- lL? in] .rlui?JI? . ill.I. Dhiuu .. .. a. akaarr-tutunlahrIn! oylullu?Ill-Irlnai-i ifs-(lilA..\Ill. 2: I . villi-.mnmm Hm. Mm . 2 0 - IllaUaulalkl all .1. . .. I..- I. a .. . . NEVA RAW-S Swag-.21.. S2 4.. .S. .: SS TIE. . t! In! .- .3. [lid I I . 311.11.uul l. .. a l1 T?nsmj?ul Form . . A FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION WASHINGTON, D. c. 20535 (RBI. 622 9th 8: I) To: Date: . 5A0, Omehe (157?1971) July 39 197% From: birecfor, FBL (X 1 Re: FBI File aka 333.3 SL115. . . THREAT AGAINST THE PRESIBENT L?th n~7h0617103 NV 01318115.: I .1 . 1 F?gyds 511 We 31% 14.13%me 141%? . Ex?amination requested by: . 1 ?meha Reference 1, ., a Leeter dates: 6~111-711 Examination requested?Deement - Fingerprint 1 Remarks: 1? Q20 through Q22 are being returned with resume of the latent finger?print exminatien. Re Smaha letter was eubmit?eed under the caption ?13311111011111 SUBJECT, THREATENING LETTER RECEIVED BY POLK COUNTY DES MOINES, let-MA CAPTIONED DES 1110311158 b7C ~2 SLA AND SIGNED 314114;; The HEARZJAP ease referred to in the atteehe? report has Bureau file 115*?wl5201} The SLA ease referred 1:0 in the Tfateche? remark has Bureau file 121157-6083? 1g i 6155:1275?: 11,111,111 be necessary to have knesrm wwi?ing by euepeets, Eempereble 13;: the W?t?l?s? befor?en aeQuat cm 1 Q's? "go-.1 .Qegm be made? .. g? . 7 ?Cg??hA . MET 969 157??357934 33:51, The Anonymous Letter File identif?c inb6 ?31 .1 is ?case were In by physical selen?ceeu tech?m 11?: 11h {?yff b7C m1 em . 1x 1 12?Eneloeuree (2) (2 Lab repgrt) 1; '11- 31% . 1 2 New York Enelee?ures (2) (2 335953 5ij rt) 13H ?11} ?1 2 - Washington Field Office Enelesures; L211: r1: - Bufile 157PAGE - .153. h; 1 FIE 1 E-EV-Q 1 8551-1 . . REPORT . . '1 . of the LABORATORY FEDERAL BUREAU WASHINGTON, D. C. 20535 To: SAC, Omaha (3.574971) Date: 131113 321971: [5733593. FBI FieNo. a. o. 1w aka FRIENDS or THE THREAT AGAINST THE PRESIDENT 5~14~74? Specimens received Q20 Envelope postmarked POSTAL SERVICEing handwritten address "County Attorney Att: I Court House Des Moinee, Iowa? 50309" -- i Q21 Carbon copy of first page of accompanying two-page hand ?integ letter dated, beginning SLA 333:1) NOT 2 ?222 (may of second page begrming; mm mm TAKE Result of examination: Q20 through Q22 were associated with this case as a result of a search ofethe.Anonymoue'Letter File. 4 . Characteristios observed indicate that the questioned' writing on Q20 through Q22 was probably prepared by the writer of comparable portions of the questioned writing on - on. through Q19, previously submitted; although due to the - . i lack of sufficiently comparable writing,-e definite conclusion b6 _3 5 was?not reached in this regard; b7{f-3 A definite conclusion was not reaohed whet er the est ed.wr Q1 through Q22 was prepared by I FBI Whose signatures appear on.fingerprint car 5, due to he lack of sufficiently comparable known writing. A aefinite conclusion was not reached whether the Questioned writing on Q1 through Q22 was yrepared by any Of the writers of the unidentified questioned.writing, known writing or yurported known writing on items submitted in 5 Page 1 (over) :mcw we; FBI ie-W-meea??af . *caSe captioned 0r case captioned LIBERATION ARMY (SBA) due to the lack of sufficiently comparable writing and the _presence of unexplained.variations? .5 _w J- However, nothing of particular significance was observed 3? in this comparison. a - 7 .w - Q20 through Q22 cont_ain no watermarks, indented ?f _~writ1ng of significance or other characteristics to aid in ?efinitely determining their Source. A ten cent: kc Postal Service stamp, torn from a booklet of stamps, v~ is affixed to Q20Q20 through Q22, which?hav? been.photographed . It? 21 are being returned separately"nah 33440617103 L2, . a R?ecorded @(18/74 FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION A Jh UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE 3 3- $1546- .. 575v- uquj sheet 7 33' 5 No LAB FILE Re: UNKNOWN SUBJECT, 2&2: File 8'86" 4" RECEIVED BY Lab.# 13-740617103 A of? .. onry b7C ?l MOIN 5,Examination requested by: SAC, Omaha (157-41971) L. 6/10/74 b7C Examination requested: Document Fingerprint Date received: 6/14/74 Result of Examination: 8?20"? aa bolt/Out cugn.xs JEELEJ ?jm Examination by: 7/9/37 @304. @953. via/g ma?a cg ?@cm Met?j: 4W Mfg/?14 Eli/L1 '6 lif?ywy ham a) 73243 ML. 846 {9 r, 1 7:51 53/ . tju?f% adLLd ?Efibe @43**marked s. POSTAL SERVICE, IA 500 PM WC 24 MAY 1974 bearing handwritten address "County Attorneyb6 M3 62% Att: Court House Des Moines, Iowa 50309" b7C 3 Carbon copy of first page of i accompanying two?page hand @Eir letter dated 5/24/74 beginning I SLA Din NOT 1N. Carbon copy 02% sec nd Z(?page beginnir?IWE TAKE WEE [90 buaEL :?,ris MW: Mod,? 2% a 00% @w ,7an Maj/i @5127! 5) .. [1129(1) yd?i/Qa \d - rb6 L1 ?l ?aw :39 19b7C ngQ. if" Jag-.1 $57-3? 8} 2L. ?n?if?gf 13- EV- 53183:- . . FBI . 7? 5? I. a: . .DIRECTDRSim SLAK thisviSan Fransisco for their i?fomdtionaLgatFBI LABORATORY :5 . . -. SAC, QMAHA (157-1971) (P) 7.: - 'Slmm SUBJECT . 1. -A: f; -7 i; 5 if; RECEIVED BY . 2-1357 3?21 1901K: COUNTY ATTORNEY DEs MOINES SLA AND . 1r3?51Enclosed for the Bureau are the original iwo b5 2 j. pages BILHI envelope (togethex? 1:th Xerox copies) of 5; 1 a} threatening letter? captioned Des Moines- SLA, 55155551375 5134/ 74.. Tim copies bf. this-15:51:51? are attached for .m .. . epe is addressed Court House, it?d {County Attorney, Aiztenfion: A Des?: MoiILes, Igwa, :50309, 5nd. postmarked Si Postal .. ?1 Sen-me, Iowa 555 5.15., 2A. may; 1974., OIL May 33. 1974.4 I P0115 00111112? b6 Attorney: ~Der, Moines, Iewa; ?ade' available fire page L. b7C ~21; 5551355 Hopy? of letter together. with the envelope of 5. :s . :55?ng "threatening message as follows. ., . LIA A. '1 ?The SLA diH 1101: die in vain. . 5 lawmakers 5 . musf bay) with "their life also if there: is 7 L: I15 protestion for the pesple ?17515 these tyrarmy" 633:5; 2 5nd tyrant lawmakers then the SLA must (kill) 3 them-511;. Christ Hid n01: pudih (than) here ?5 i? . . 5, - rule over us "they was voted 111110 (office) 1 They Amish Hie. We Will no longer (be) use for If?. 3 merdhandise 1:0 suppori: 1151?s 111 (high) 3515555.. -: 1 . No kend 1:0 the SM. We will "Asks Lip Wheremthe. other .. Bufeau (Eng. 3 Omaha 2.3.: .fi .125, MC T3: 21-: San Francisco (Erie; 2) l, ?3 (157'1971) 43: I A (SLA) (Info) 1? .: . 4. "7 252W: .: LQAC 5 in?? . 55115-55155552 I I Recorded . airs/1e 3&1 FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE 15' 7 :5 (159925-93 Laboratory Work Sheet HQ ME 33113 manmm 333326525 . .I e. 5 33:33ng 33' F119 it mmaemmg 4% 5 Lab? 1% b6 W2 @9113: $0333}? b7 2 93-3 Maxims, IWA gramme msimma an 5mm; 3m; Examination requested by: 339; Quake (157*19?13 349 Examination requested: nooummt Fing?f?ri?t Date received: Result of Examination: Examination bY: b6 1 b7C ?1 5? Recewesi b! LEPS b6 _1 b7C --1 Specimens submitted for examination b6 ~52 (920 b7C --2 353%an matmrked ?21.5. 563 @8132: C9 ?3an new of ?rm: gage m? it twaui?aga hand minted 62 leetter tinted txaginnang as Sm 13m 3361? ME in, . .3 $3 Eamon sonny of manna ?nge beginning ?#3151. $3.ng mm 1333 9? 2a 5 1? 5 5' earring imm?nr?zizen a??wm ?flaunt? Antenna? I I (toast: gouge Bea magma; g?wa 53533335315 39%? PHOTOGRAPHEE. JUN 391974 3F8fjld7w?531835?i3-C 1U FORM "of IO ?gker?g 53123:) 101 11.3 UNITED STATES GO MENT . Memorandum T0 DIRECTOR, FBI (89-28 80) DATE: 7/9/74 FROM NEW YORK (175-119) (RUC) SUBJECT: CLARENCE Director, - AGAINST THE PRESIDENT, CAS, 00: 0M ReOMtel to Bureau, 6/14/74. Enclosed for CM are 9 copies of an reflecting b6 ?5 interview of N. Y. Times, and FBI Lab lettersb7C ?6 6/14/74 and 4721774, to NYQ. ?n 7/2/74, I US Secret Service, 105 m5 advised that Secret SerVice had uncovered no new pertinent information in this matter. NYC is conducting no further investigation in this matter . 6 pf (9- Bureau 2 - Omaha (9-1583) - New York 2 .4 ?33. JUL 19': b6 _1 JJS. MTM 353%} - (S) r? ling: Swing Band: Regularly an the Payroll Savings Plan FBI 13?w?mgg??i31 5010-1") .ev.lJ;@ FEDERAL UREAU OF IN if 7 REPORTING OFFICE . OFFICE OF ORIGIN OATE INVESTIGATIVE PEREOO OMAHA - OMAHA . 8/9/74 6/4f8/?5/74/1 CASE 1 REPORT MADE TYPED SUBJECT, ARA 1? --: 131336?111 FRIENDS OF THE . ., . CLARENCE Director, FBI VICTIM - 7 a? THREAT AGALNST TEE .1 1. EXTORTIQN REFERENCE: Bureau airtel to Omaha dated 5 29/ 74 4 1 Butte airtel to Bureau dated .11 . . Little Rock airtel to Bureau, 6/4/74; 1? . WFO airtel to Bureau dated 6/6/74 4/ 1 1 5 Bureau airtel to New York dated I I :19? . 7 New York teletype to Bureau, 6/1/74. Ame-"W ?New York airtel to Bureau dated 6/10/74 if! - .1 Omaha nit?l to Bureau dated 6/14/741/ 5 I: airtel to Bureau dated 6/13/74../ I, ""?Philadelphia airtel to Bur?au/ 6/12/74? 1 WFQ airtel to Bureau dated 6/27/74. New York letter to Bureau dated 7/9/74. Omaha airtfe?1 to Bureau dated 7/19/74./57 72. 59?11ACCOMPLISHMENTS CLAIMED [31' NONE ACQUIT- ems; H53 FINES SAVINGS 1 TALS 4" . . . ,3 PENDING OVER ONE YEAR EYES 131510 1 - I . PENDING PROSECUTION . . . -. . . . . OVER SIX MONTHS EYES I i a 3" SPECIAL AGENT - . I APPROVED 5% I, 3. D0 No'r WRITE IN SPACES BELOW COPIES MADE . .3 b9 2 (/13 gr] 3 b: I 15?) Agata-Ewan; 1"3-12 Bureau (89 2880) 1 .. Des, gMoi-nes, IowaOmaha (9i1583) 1w EJ AUG 141974 it A, I 2: 7? ?1 tug ff?; . Diasseminr?rin DAFAPA In" AIthr-la Reborf f: Notatio?ns 1 Agency . I . 3 'rj_ . if! I 1' 11 a Request Recd. A .3 . 11? ?Date Fwd. . 3: 1 i .1 How Fwd.? I {1 It 1 BE. Li's} YALE 35132 1m .y?dava?jpneeg . .It1583 11-'1u1 1 a A A v. 31.4In' Informants . sources who have furnished 11 bl 1n 1 -.. b6 ?l11 in the past who were contacted by SA 'w with negative results conCerning the Symbionese Liberation A Army (SLA) or th? anonymous letters mentioned in this . - report arecontacted on 7/1/74wi . u1,= It?, ,wa1 contacted contacted on 7/1/?wvrv .3 A I . 1? 11-.. :?If' contacted on 7/1/?11contacted on 6/28/74 1, 7,411?Iu?1.L- illuF81181-91835 (Rev, 3-3-59) . i .. - UQED STATES DEPARTMENT OQUSTICE BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION vah: - United States Attorney, Des Mbines, Iowa Report of: SAI - I Office: Omaha '7 I 3 b6 -l August 9, 1974 1 :b7C ?l Field Office File 9~1583 I . Bureau File 89-2880 m? UNKNOWN SUBJECT, also knewn as Friends of the ?Symbionese Liberation Army CLARENCE KELLEY, Director, FBI - VICTIM ammum' THREAT AGAINST THE PRESIDENT CONGRESSIONAL ASSASSINATION EXTORTION FBI Director CLARENCE M. National Lawyers Guild (NLG) develOped on letter received by FBI Director lack sufficient? NLG and ?New York Times? letters but not identical with .prints of] IFBI Des Mbines, a mentally disturbed black male who has ma reats to kill This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It' 15 the property of the FBI and Is Ioaned to your agen it?p are not to be distributed outside your agency. F81: 5333'! 131335?13'4 and FULBRIGHT, and FBI Director KELLEY. In b6 ?43, 3 .identification. FBI Lab unable to determine any indented washington, D. and ?New York Times?, New York City, New York, all received letters dated 5/23/74 postmarked Des Moines, Iowa, signed ?Friends of the (Symbionese Liberation Army). All letters begin ?The SLA did not die in vain? and cnntain threats to kill President NIXON, U. S. Senators SCOTT, addition, letters state ?Six lawmakers will pay with their b7Cj-2 3 lives? Polk County' Attorney Des Mbines, Iowa, received similar letter dated 5/24 74 All letters Searched. through FBI Anonymous Letter File without effecting an - w?ting, watermarks or other characteristics of value which 34 would aid in identifying source of material. . FBI Lab concluded that comparable parts of letters received by FBI Director,? NLG, ?New Yerk Times? and Polk County bably were written by the same person. Latent fingerprints detail for fingerprint search. Latent prints developed on prints developed in HEARST case or with finger?I police officers.? No prints developed on letter reCeived by is U. 5. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1970 0 - 406-840 Polk County, Attor?ey of opinion this matter would not ?warIant prosecution. USA, Des Moines, IoWa, . . ?140M 9-1583 - .- . L?fi ALB .0 . i; ?f1?.2?u Lgig; 7 .h Page Number 4 Letter Dated May 23, 1974, Addressed A 1: L, "Mr. Clarence Ke11y; Federal Bureau 6f 7 L, - i Investigation, Was?ington signed :"Friends of the .LFBI Laboratory and Identification A D1v1Sion Examination of Letter Sent T6 i .w FBI Director CLARENCE . . an' . 1? I A Letter Dated May 23, 1974, Addressed T6 . :J'if . "The National Lawyers Guild, L1 Washington, D. C.P Signed "Friends of the .. Tl, L. in Letter Dated May 23; 1974, Received By a; x?qukjv "New Times", New York City, New York . . . 18D 13 1 i1 I Lg_v BI Laboratory and Identification Divnaon . Examination of Letter Received by the NLG g. and :the "New York Times1.: :31Letter Dated may 24, i974 Received by 'g g? ?b6 I IPolk County Attorney, A ib7C W25, Des MOineS, Iowa 0? a 6 7.: 03? 6. ifContact with U. Post Office, Des Meines;. . . a 23. .C: Inqulry concerning SLA .6 fit? 6 :nvo - 6 6 23 3 Notification of Congressmen and. (L Law Enforcement AgenciesL . . a . . . . 24? Opinion of S. Attorney ?Ir-:Miscellaneous (9"3::32) 1174,Htfi .3 :1 11111.1) 11;. ll? 1 . Letter Dated May 23, 1974, Addressed To (11? 5 '1 Viv.1' ,f f_ .1. Clarence Kellyy? Federal Bureau of Investigation, Is washingtOn, signed ?Friends 13:; 1 I g1??3fzf 3 A letter dated May 23,1974 to CLARENCE ;1#1kw 1gf? . Director, FBI, g9th Street and Avenue washington, v} x? 54h'374" C., 20535,? was received at FBI Headquarters in 1 "r1 24 May,- l974111121:1.), 3-1'envelope bearing the postmark S. Postal Service, A copy of this: letter follows .?1.131 .11? 1 "1 1,11if?~:11 ?*,11413:11- 1 1141 1: I, 45* 1?"??4{P1.1111.1a 500, - 14?fm?b 'jbf/h) #Vw pug/M 15%qu guy'- 3% r. ?mi: . Ely/gm} ., . E: .1 ragav: FBI 3-8 f?x -1/7/12?V/19LfV/x??yb/W?v . -.- - . . ?9541}; L997 - .3 3 ,5 (9/62: {21: f, 443m FBI '13?Ev?Mag??i3g 2-7- 5/2216, Jog: Gug??ig ?r 42,41, 2,494 .3 2' 527;}, JIZELJ jwf?j F?nj a fgjj/Lf/ .231" 77:44? . I 3 ,7 A Max/,9; . .55 g. ,1 Aug/m, ?3 i i :9 (10/ if?? 71? I jd'? . :97 MM M?x? -- - j? wa/MW/ CC/me XIX, 31.? 5V7 Jd?waa/ Z3 717d ?$707.70 95 ?f 579 2497730 ran-oxnl uh? I I i 7 y? 444% WM 2/ FBI 0m,w/I/ ?2 1591835-141 cav2?25, 54/? FBI 18-EV-E31835-14J I"mu-mu 5 1mm ?who 53FBI Laboratory and Identification lSion Kamina ion 'er sen ire-C 01754.31CLARENCE KEN IEY Q1 Envelope postmarked POSTAL SERVICE LIA 500 PM 21; rm: Fifth page of accompanying handwritten message beginning .. . . . GEE . BEERAEI TE E3. 8. To: SAC Omaha Date: June 1? 197?; FBI File No. UNSUBS, AKA NV. CLARENCE M. KELLEY, DIRECTOR, THREAT AGAINST THE PRESIDENT, EXTORTION Specimens received 1974 bearing handwritten addre as ?Mr Clarence Kelly Federal Bureau Investigation 9th St. Ave, Washington C, 20535? Q2 First page of accompanying five~page handwritten message beginning "The SLA Q3 Second page of accompanying handwritten message beginning- "Voted into office. . QM Third page of accompanying handwritten message beginning "we are Q5 Fourth page of accompanving handwritten message beginning "We Don?t "And We will Result of examination: Specimens Ql through Q6 were searched through the appropriate sections of the Anonymous Letter File without effecting an identification. Copies have been added thereto. No indented writings of value, watermarks or other characteristics were noted on Q1 through Q6 which would aid in identifying the immediate source of the material. The submitted evidence, which has been photographed, n$ will be returned separately. 10a FBI 1-2.: 1 We $1 200 i?Jashington, D. C, r? Ei??fi'ii?" of the ?fti?ii?mm? LA ENT FINGERPRINT SECTION YOUR June 6, 1974: FBI FILE NO. LATENT CASE NO. 111-90980 T0: SAC, Omaha UNSUBS. AKA CLARENCE M. KELLEY, DIRECTOR FBI worn/i . THREAT AGAINST THE PRESIDENT REFERENCE: Buairtel 5?29 ?74 EXAMINATION REQUESTED BY: Bureau Envelope and five?page handwritten message, Q1 through Q6 Listed specimens further de scribed in separate Laboratory report. Specimens processed and two latent fingerprints of value developed on Q6. a Latent fingerprints lack sufficient pattern area and ridge detail for search in single fingerprint file. Specimens enclosed. 1% WM FRI '1 Clarence M. Kelley, Director THIS REPORT 18 FURNISHED FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 5/ . . . 145 1 .. v. 1?1. 4? u. . . ?1:77?31(-28,1974 Add ?7 7 ay ressed To 1 . . . ?The National Lawyers Guild, Washington 5?Signed. Friends of the SLAated MW 28,1974 add Nati envelope aring th a U. Postal 590, 24 1974,-1w A of th' 8 letter foll - 1 py 1 ows131.11?111"\SAME .VJV -. _7 jjf/?i/i/f D9237 3 7 eff "fju'l 127,1) :77; .. . . 2/3 5. 74f?413? . any . t-u ?73?!an ?aw . 473? CLAW - A if; )4/741?5 2?11 331/ 6 1/7 >395: /r I :9 1? 5:11;:i If; I?W?ax? 12?1, - 4 F31 13- 139241335 Fwd-w. - .xa??wana SW 2 - 2. mpxm?kgtt - 2. N. .. .2 - :ng?b {22-222.221-25222 2:152L512 11.212.122.[I?ll-l- .. XKXK ng?xvr .kk?m?axx ER. .. \wmwk $23k Law..- muss..II .II I'llfill I I. ill-oi: utility-I." .l II I. [lit \i.Ilo .l..vl :lc II- .I . Hm- Q..- 3.me Mum obvious ment.January 30, ;1973h Un_ited States Attorney ALLEN DONIELSON, Des Mbines deolined any possible prosecution concerning the above letter based upbn the incompetence of the writer I67 CHANGED 157 4n?y MAY 13 1975 i" (7 I FBI .. I 9 9 AIRTE - 3 To: SsCs, Omaha (Enos. 2) 3/6/75 Alexandria (Encs. 2) Charlotte (Enos. 2) 1?Mr. Nettles Los Angeles (Enos. 2) lLMr. Ash WFO (Encs. 2) l-Mr. Moore . . l-Mr. Wannall From. Director, FBI l-Mr. White? j} mm IEMTEQ 5&ka IA 500, 3/2/75; L, ngIoENr . . .0137" 1 TOWER 0? BURENU OF CRIMINAL :5 CTIMS ~3 {3 EXTONTION . .. so: OMAHA (M?'?uca if}. Enclosed for receiving GEE-ices are two cepies each ?iig of 7-page letter and enveloPe received at 3/4/75. Postmark In 500 is listed in Directory of Post Offices as being the SectioNal Center in Des Moines, Iowa. 301 referred to in the letter is apparently the Iowa Bureau of Criminal Investigation. Bureau files Show a William C. ,Hanson of Iowa being nominated for 8. District Judge in 1962. - 1613045629? ?l?x Letter is being examined by Laboratory and Identification Divisions. This matter is being brought to the attention of 01% and U. S. Secret Service Headquarters by P- 550:. - ADep ADE: Adm. 5313011031133 40 ?n Dep. AD Inv. .22. 9&3; MAR 61975 a: MAR 6 975 Comp.5yst. 731??: 53:33:15? EN=dkf (16) . a? we? SEE NOTES PAGE 3.5577? @5692?? f. 1 I 0 :21" ?5.[#3311 g/E?g b6 Trainlng a Levi's-ion: 197g Ll . b7C 1 ?rgdigcfj: MAIL ROOM FBI ia'wr?i?g?zwg . 7,w_um . . 7.1- .. Airtel to 51108, Omahai Alexandria, Charlotte, 5 1* Los Angeles and 1W0 7. ,3 THREATENING LETTER POSTMARKED 500, 3/ 5/ 75 Omaha, at Bes Moi-mes, Iowa,,conduct appropriate If .. extortion investigation and present to 11.3 attorney. 3 .5 . Determine if William C. Hanson receiVed similar letter.; ?otify 1011a Bureau of Criminal Investigation. alert 11, S.- .- Secret Service and appropriate local authorities. Submit or report; suitable for dissemination. I. - .1 . Chariotte contact Reverend Billy Graham to determine d? ?if he has received a c0py of this letter._ alert appropriate -- local authorities. Furnish results of investigation to Omaha for inclusion in their LHH or reportOther receiving offices alert appr0priate local authorities. Furnish results to Omaha for inclusion 3.11 . ??Ltheir report .. . . .- Airtel to SACS, Omaha, Alexandria; Charlotte,?- .1 Los Angeles and WFO . RE: THREATENING LETTER POSTMARKED IA 500_, 3/2/75 .3 w- NOTE FOR INTELLIGENCE Liaison Section is requested to bring this matter to the attention of CIA. . ., as ?a FOP LABORATORY DIVISION Process letter and enveIOpe through the Anonymous Letter File. NOTE: Instant letter, addressed to "Federal Bureau of .?Investigation, 9th and Ave., washington, D.: 20535?ireceived at FBIHQ on 3/4/75. Envelope is typaiand letter handwritten. writer quotes the Bible and states "its~ time to execute the killers starting with Ford, Congress, CIA, FBI, and BCI. 'Writer further says, ?We are sick and tired_ suppOrting dishonest men, decei?tful men, lying men. Other 3 veiled threats are also contained therein. This communication sets out appropriate leads for receiving offices. Requests -for apprOpriates examinations set forth for Laboratory and Identification Divisions. Liaison Section of Intelligence Division requested to notify CIA. General Investigative Division will provide c0py of letter to U. S. Secre-t Service Liaison. '4 15:31 ENOTE FOR IDENTIFICATION DIVISION Process letter/and envelope?; ?for latent fingerprints. - . - . #4 6?1 ?ag .2. s. Mimi? .111; 1H. ?6 .ERB V'?xrf? 3.5m?t-n II 231{?23 1? way Q?v'JELL[3:1 vn I. 4- L. .L ?511511' lama . Lil. LET Si 213's83?gt?ax iene I a Ea (an52,. ?i 4.44 .1. 3 s. reaeiv minat P'i'l J?c3: i?l? ?3 (on; 1? 3132*? 5? .3 1'1qu w. 1 its-i3 ?3 v. Pm zap} ?03333?. is mat Bream files ?hgw wrata I wb a??iasf?ach A. istgigt [157, 39594- 9 10m 3 :51 A. ?b@ingabr '1 . 3 35 ea; wwa? ?Eu ang EEOTES 133-?ifgigfa.t.8?w?E31835? a 2 .7 "d?xaan ?1 y: z? Liv) .. i. 4.1 FIJI. . \i ILSSE: is . 5?24 . A V.) . k1 nut?. 5 than}! . '5 Lisa u. 5.4 an: 7? 5?7? 3224.9.?u31nsi .liz!? a Kulda?v .. g??h54.. 1.1.1 it - 51nd(13' I ark?.wmmi m1 . in 3 9 ?5 3?1. 64 0 an"dud713? I qr .. 1..- mil-.- muux. . w. .. 13.5.. .. - ?my, ?my? ?mac . - a: - .. i pj .1wan"my? '1 faxufi? a? 3 r. .07: ., .. .- ,r ?4w4?31" 53:53 atinr?w?lu~n4?- anmpnm?m?r-Lm nqr59v1534,3w'rvw 1 *m?v - ?rm?nae? -- - n- m- w-t- m: I 1 . 9? Now-J. I: I . "'l?7m? um; ?airjrf'? ?5 25;! . .. . . . ?w?f?y Tiff7.9.1..- ..-. . .- 3.33? 4. - m, 1.. nan") v? . . pw?y?? ?ltm - .. a} gun-afii-J?u . - n, . hm?. n. a. .w "Ma?s .nn-u yum5'7413'jifh fi'gw'? 7A1. .1 1. .L .- 1..) cum?; --mu 1-. w: u. qz wu? wmx?rw Ir-J-vau ir'34. 35?: 1:41;" ?9 --. 9?32?? 153?? - I LZZJ.1.-. u. ,3 mm - - Mu?- .. 5'$2115? ?may hr if M) 6? ., W- .2, W2?"w?f? 7:3 if . 111-54(hit-1v.41. $3 -.. - 5-.-. . 19:2,. ?eg/ .fb?gu? a? ., A .- q? rammn-uwv-N2A ?numwwuw h- #25? ?5 If a? . Jigs i? .r ?7 v?r?T 1-- 'n-yttfirl?lifi??j/ b2 if, 2,4 mkvy?y.- - 1" ?fii?rl/ Mfr] 4 - - 1-x.-L 3-1 - 1.. hm. :M?mymak xd-FCI-q . - .. 3?3. w? If ?wa My. 9 :62. if .43.. i 1' {g k, Jig/J. .- .. a- .-. ?u?JFly? ?.30 A . .. .1 id,? j? 1? Mix-i? "if" I i '1.ng .. 9 Jpn)": . .?79mtrahll "a .. g. .- 1 .- "Dru-.1 ?Mr .. ,1 i? a; {55:3 4:3 .. n? .. 3.mgn-r ?Iv? In ?ixn .M-uww .w -. - )lua?Ev; . ,i .- ?pix?: . ft if? 'j Li'jZ/glgr?4"1146 vigil)- .. m. Jf 5: "if" 31,261.51? A avvumw?x-m?v M1 ?a Mun-5 Mix-n m?un-I ?wau 1- .unw- fifw-?i? ??9'th :dfcii: ,{ffdilh-u 3 f: - Ann--1 . u: . .- L..-) .. mum.-- -/fV? Mg?, ., r. 4 (V 3, 15diff/ftM..- ., luau-um. . 5 will: f?w.?f I ., ,if LE if}. .1. 1. z. gif? {it 41 Wu: . tat?! ?9 (I: '90 4r1.1? 1,1 9.39.? m? 1 .u muff-min??my.1. .nm13.56rim-?2 235.. . It!" 1; 9- gal-1'13anlv'rc?A 13in, ?gram-w gm? 1" 3 5 37.3." 9? v10 2 ?10me I-r urn-g! - .., .. H. (u flau- . ?c .. .m a. lwwaxahym ?9211}; 1" 511,3?? j? f] 3.1.313.3.5, A 1? .3. I: hum-?p-u? 3:35} -. w-v? -r-wa 3 1' . if? ?it? .. M?rfg?aw: - a an? his) . ., w, v- 31-? an. 4 4-1- -c inn \mv?vwr . - .. - . u. .meu .,wgw"hr~?mmo311mg [57539599.? 945?, 59:7,; at; a y?Wmi .1 ?3 we: ?35933?: . . ?"th3?1. axuvmv?i?3? am yw?W .-umn??m im-?mv? .g??fi 3'3? 3 .. 39*? m. - Liawq?a .. .. u,w9v.a "h 5' J'p ry?w? ?@3333. .. Cuff? . :hh?n'?w - ff??m- .. - ..- If -- n?m?um. - u- .1 smug-?mum my .- f. 3r . .1. mp): n. was?. . Mil-3f? .. .. 3;,le ?fogiy?, mcm~mfm?i~av {in - 1? ?at .. in?(gift .- -mum mu m. 333; . - - ..- .437" {ff/V ?if 1?4 .. i nt- ?(Sir??w Mx?fma??; ?.-wnr a? .. ruxr- ww? yam-4.. vid? .3 a- Univ-v4.? quacruwu .. WM 7/ J. .. wunm ?In?slum. 4. n?u . .. .. 31-2?; - . . 3* 335?. .. Im?uwm May?ma M-.. fun-n?n' .. . - -.3. . .. . nu. - ..-..- ~v?qu Z. um my", VIA-?roub- Ant-- - ?1min .. ..wa l211/? i. . ?337/ 3* 5w .4 104 um?Mg?u- a- tan-u..- . . 3w 3 . . 6? mm. ..mn?g?im WW 3.25;" if.? 41nann- nun-r.- snug-u?. "mm-an.- v. 3:3/ .. ?fm 0' --.. -. -. --. 33:32: x: (W n. M4115 mmb?lua' a. 1 a .. 11? -2535--4. .3 - m?xumm..? minA-.. .. ?n .- - A H.1-. ..vap-a 3- u-au-m.u.m..nw..u rm3-.. - Wk -z .- 3111.15. v? w; arc: - sw- ?Eff?-umhmu?munm?umun-?qmu-J. 1..qu .3 37*? 3w 4.3.--. 1 .su-w- r- annunuunw~ mar/i? . .mm? m4: - mum-m-? 9. ms .. .- "Rug/M . E- - ..- 3* ?t??qf 4%ng Fm (If: ?lial/5:11" "HI-mg. ?rum-v {593/ - Hij?? ., w? "m?m?m a? .. . -M. . ~na~nr x?uu .hi?mpm?u. um m?nwn?cu?u A?a?m. n. - ?e - n: ?21. -x (MW ?53! [girl I 33.537him-nun hmm?1au:u-l?ly?n?rrlv . gt 11? 3 . n?x my Ira?v. ?Kr-hm. . -3 nunan? .mru?ux . -522 3* 57 ?c nvrun mm 33:. b- . hum:- 7. .. /i :1 ?1'qu If? n, .-4. .-- .3 -. it.? tr??kw . m?munb? FBI law-331333133 .. 3. a ?tram:- rg Iv,vu- ,?1,zuu. 5.x -.., run? .3 ?do. wane-4.- I lit? 5} oar?'7? ?(lb) ?~57 7 ,4 . meVyMWfir." . Pg; Mun-gs. W7 zfnz?x .571?mum.- I ulnar?i: - a um: er Jim?- I . . "anal .. .. 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W-.. ?'55 - nun-mm mm? mun-n. u-u1.- 2.-.-.- my :mj?:i ?my; 12ruf__- Glii; /j;fr? . .?vg?w '4 a. - - 55..- :5 255:: ?5:555:55 225$? 55 5:53 v5.W.-- .12552de v. ?7 x?r, 1.: . 1.1 a fur-r. - - an-umk-u-u\ . .. .., .. 7035g-mwwux a .1 .. ym- aaux .. . .. - . . 1 raw?- a. xv S?mrp\' a 1 vw mint-"5" ?:24:va m. wrinkmmaFBI .u ,e fa". df? ?army?? 3; '59 fat,? ?"Jtaz?nz' a; . mil?(AI: u, i?mu?/ nunv?lg?tgw??w :r'ffj? Mir/j ?a . {?av?fz 1" I M2 f; a ?w?jf/ ..1. .a it." . . .. v. l? 53"19} 11- ?fl/fog! MW {fa/?731?? -. - ?91.35; 3? 2" 117 awry max TU ?u '31,,11?1 .. .w?k?v ?cv?jh?x .r .F ??794 f, t? ?1 ?ifxw'; ?Mv? #2 ,wa/ a? f? 4 ?yd/Lb-MM 3y; 53$! ?wy(?50 i: m/L W-.- . "whammy?fa,fo m? 557? if.11? A. .. n?mnvw-?u .11.. . .. h- a A up. .nm?mm mam-u! ?tW-M-mu Pa 3? p. r; hind-nu wn? an ?up?pmwf- u- Am?iif . . i7 A ;f k/f am my 1,54,; 4/4: 335?? -n "1 . up 4" ..awuw R?m?g 2421?", in" ..XA Jim-na- 1?4 mam?IA? v; v-n-vw-gr My- .- 1'15; I ?ansz fl? W/{j t. .. if; 1. /Lg {ft/l u/ l-ra?IIJ-?lu?m? -1-L n?u??u?xI-?a .. .t In: .u?uu 3m" -yaMrs? WW ., .. as inn-In}: f} Arirt-l}. w? yA-u-w mx-Am?r?uur an m? .r if?? 4! .45 ?wl'jgfv?y A: Igff? graft] 353..? ?ff? f?i??i w, a. .-, fur-v.51; z? .. If ., .. ?Am-u. .mw-4y -.., I. {'31 if); a 1' 4?9} 22: .1 J. *g?gg?m ?9 (l - .., ?Mug?. .. .1 -.-, 1-0; am.? N, ?(3?14 . .: f; (if; 0" .. Ayf?wi . yh'g'vi?? ?$031? li/XQ"? Iain? :Aw'l-ae an4$wyrh?lnfanJMJ h? w; WH- . unmann-u a: um" 3-: Iv?) u?x -ntn?nl-m?I" (inn- 71 pQ-?Vll .1117 rv'w - - "1 ?an? 71:: "3 ?mm" - 22;! Wm" .. -s 0-1-1erme .MA, 5 a Inf. u?un-nv wre- ?Mic?l J. hid-31?: nun; 4.1.zv1 -nudufmy71:, - 4.. -.., . aunt???bf'f ?Pig $1.2 fx?mgg/W - ,m f5?? Er/wah? 55:: 599' if? ?1;ij ?iib 11' fir; If?, if]; . . m. .., M. #4232? .j ((1112; waifat?? 5" 51-1 ?hip; .Kn. 5 ,4 . .. ..-, . .rAq?Mummy-.. 3 1. j; V. J- ;m 1.301 ?unavv av. Cw .15). -.. FBI 13-w-31885-189 55"?45,55 ?1:555 {?y-pvt 4' .. Why? . . - f. {f?p?t?f?g ngj. ?far/(E, - 317$? .-. /5v.1 uni-31m an: .5 .1 muse?4,pi,? i: a; l' A, a ??59315? . - V52.- M: M, ?(May . -- .- - . . .- - .. . .?fit if", >?vrf 5" In? I an?? I 5555-.4535.554.4?mguw .Lanna?'53 it{:.55 fdjpir?f.? - .955? .- .mfgif. ., ?may ?5.1? . .. Jilig? wz?xflg?hj ?215Wm?1:361 aA-nr . mum-mu W?Julth?uw' . ?rum. 5.. it} . cc?; .5. .- ?lm?y?n/z 5&5 r: i {1cf? i3? anjm? 1: yawn I I .. (gtgu .. -..-. .: any? lnmgilumnimn?m: A. 3' .n fun-:5-5? 5-55. 5- M: 7 5 3-5.: . 5553:. 5:52-51: 5555:5552: 5?5 ?55/ 55Mom- ova-vs ?Hum-A .r .- as 1:67;? . -. nmc.7.pvr m3av. Lb?? ?a ??/?rfjf WM :5 3:33?: I :w?-.-. . - .. - f'uv-I- JIM Va {fwff'ja'?j .. a Joui?r; ?iifww nv "er" 9?7 .1 51J?s?nu. . .. . . ., 5/55? 5-555; 55:55.55- mL-yf i i ms ?Wu-mena"uhawwan-Dream?. mm?a?p- a! aunt M.-. m- ?Wm-x-l lmku?? ?Kalli!- wl mum at n?MH?a ?u u'p?rxl? a - --..- . . -{1:aha??fq- {kl-H1 . .. .12? -.MM 2/;le .. maria-72?: . 5'5. 1,1th .9 . ?lm?smn?K ?yuan? .. mum new mm_In,? -. ..- .. --.-..- -. -, . .- MmM49 Judi .ngw ..-.. w. {-411 ?75153mvwan?tn ?gym?5515.125 5:137? W515 Jag6:55 .525. wife?wfi/ib i inc-v Hymn-.- -rnuq'ha-v-u Wu ?5mm . -. ..- .. .. .. "lj-?i 5? 5 *57?557% 3* ?(152153 .- .. . . -.-. Hf . ?25::3?53 a? . Win? LM .w 5 7/35?dis-21"? 3 - "up" rk?wmk . awru ?52 w? . Yx- .5 . lbw?. .r .-. I. - *vy_ vm__k "5:5: 5" 3 5?5" ?5 - - i . 1:12?11?1? teal? pm?, M?ex .. edi?mg-Mxiw .1 5 nun?m f) 1. "wig? Ml?M?Vwi 1-y- In w-I Venn?u ?5 mm um, _um* Er?u?p-?m- 4? IA, 41 .M- .w ham-Van.? .1. I . 1--..--4- .44 {gm ?gur?bw??i {if Mfg-J Lag?1?:- 151? ?3 111:1 1/451 1. 11:3 ?xf?/Zl 4.313% 1 .1 f" 1?1 4-.. .41.- :1 rt f/Fw ?My! a Hf;? $111.16, - . u. 3'4: "1 fwwq??hi" I.- .. 1-1-1211 *1/14 719591.11?? - 1; Mum44. ?27 ?7-2 1/ L: ?11.121291 ..4.. . I 1412-12W?WH-wur4; saw'??mnmm -4. . .. Wm i "?4233? ?can .11 j. 5-: 1. 5?5-51; 14-21-1- f11r111211. 1> .1. 1:111 1-31- 44-41% ff, -j'4 .- -4. .4 -4- gr?t??m 1?1-17] 11111-145011? 31,45)" 1? 3: 14 new; 31?32114 uh - m? :1 I I -14 .259"- aha-F: .. .14. "?awra. 11-. ?uh?k1 ?uh??ute w? h??H i . - - 111:3/21111115111 if}? 1513?;ng3 .1 44 hum?o." - .1. w- -111 .1 11:1 -4 -- 4. 41.4 42? -wmyuf i/(Lm ?7 immfw?w? - 11.1.4144. 1 u147r?wu .11 11:1. - 4 . 4! ~22 112141211111? 111/ 115Wig? ?5?39? 1111/?1wd1e?1 ?4?31 (id?mfg? aw" . - MW..- 5 ?fkj 11,7311M3i1i2i 5i1?f a-ln-r .- 1..- -_u4-u .- . .4 r; yarn-u- w. 1?31: 1-. 1mm . 1 u- axe-n\ 7: 4 nun-n. 1.1a? an? .. a 1.. uxw?, up, mw? 4.. ?1 mac-"Mu ?Id?Uprxi?miu?iw?l?I?T--..- 4-- .. -.-4-. .. -f 1.1.1111 46.11?? . . "If??mm 7 1. FBI ?18-91% 885-191 . a . a . .. -. 11.17.: mum.7.-.- . ?vztu Mt- .34" #1715my?. -. ?It. ?Wm -- n. . 7777:? afk?Z/z "??m?jfii?fy 7m H..- . .37?" -2. ?Lag/:7-.-. "mw~44; .. - 74,147,737 .--..- . 1/ I 13f" . 74"? 3325:! ?74? ?4/47" 7 7? . m?wmw m- .. .- I 4 1. u?rv ws- I min-mmIii/.2 74f 77/77. 4 4?7 7 x, g. .777 . 4" . ?m k? 7/4? '37 7 7/7 4.37%? ?if/33h ?my- .1734.? .. . - . jar/H M71 49?1?7/ ?75:2/ if?, 7 {xi/?WK" 1 7777/7377? ?~45 .. .. . {Ll-7.1" 4. .. m- r~ In mh-m ?man?W -13? . .. m- "nu?mu . i . . 52?; 777W 4/ 27%: 3 .u-Il m1 I?m?um 7-54?. .. 442? .- ?4 zany..-? . lawman-an .. mwwunmmn? Mom .. - u?u?m?u .- - 1n 'n [mun-Wm?. in?. .. ?1 . u? - 52?4: mv- - 75/? fr ?l Kay? 'Va?r f? ?In?2" .. gal? Ima? . m' nura-mi? ?mum- l. .7 ?Mmq?m mun?Adm? - - .5 . We?. 4.7-. .- .. ?th~whm -.. ??rm ?dwq. .- .s . (?374" . magi-74? ?7 a 4461/?, ?$337 - ?-27443u?u? .mu w??nm?mnhb?D 4 - - 714:5}! - r: . . . 7.444" .4. :47 .. :4 ?344/gum?17? 4? 713?" ?7 7 .7. ?7 vii. .. ..-- -.. i .. --1Jthe". Nd "In?mm-mwuu- 4 ?an . .9.-.- mum-.471 J4 .777 .7 71?? . 3?7 35%, .155; .. . . ?w 1 3f," 4 2. 3 awn?(474471374 -42415 7 3 .. 9 ?nI?QW-hn?ia mar-hawk?! . .- . .: um ?71; v; - .- . . ?W?s??mtv .x-uwe7,7,7? gut-w ?171.7. w? M: . .7-734, ?.gnw-a-z-?r A mun ?3 I cv'fzq ., as.? I . ?1 I 'h $1,11em: .. 3? It i 22- an?" i Tia?xvfun,? . I WK- hr,? I . . . . ?en-?{97:51meshgaman an i 6 9t ?1 arms; Vania. fibre i s-I? - 0" I b11011? ?Ce 'fitlx?" 201?Wmm?mm ?raw?myrr??mam?mm ?a . . m: . asFm": A a .- 353Mow-mu?mimaw -- . . . . \a?r;r . Hagan. In: 4.-. ,4 .7 - w? 7512;15 . ?Varhii ?v .13mama 20.. . WPHN . - . ?lo 2.0mama. ..I191 . 20. 9. $0.an@1835 fa rag-w ?_ph :a?gaz-ur' maven ?Tangy 9-: waning~11 54? *hlmi 3? . FBI - . FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION RECORDED UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE 3 7 75 SI/nk/ Laboratory Work Sheet NO LAB FILE To, A SAC Omah a 15'7r395m- QKAX ?7 30 Eff?? - FBI FILE NO. 7' l/Y/Vm I THREATENING LETTER LAB. No. 1343333070 033 ?Big Re. POSTMARKED IA 500, 3/2/75; W1 PRESIDENT GERALD FORD, MEMBERS YOUR No. b7C -1 OF CONGRESS, REVEREND BILLY GRAHAM, FORMER PRESIDENT RICHARD M. NIXON, CIA, FBI, IOWA BUREAU OF CRIMINAL Examination by: (W INVESTIGATION, UNNAMED CANDIDATES FOR 3H0 PRESIDENT - A EXTORTION 00: Omaha Examination requested by: . 1/wa Reference: 51-4/th Airtel?gated, 3/6/75 Examination requested: Fipgerprint Specimens received: 3/ 6/ 75 gm?i?qae Ohda?fh (PM/labia, sPTceoK 7?13 QNYEW W/m 0% Value, Mu; mm '46} 53% CW 1W1: 2M, Ww?b?e am 54me 6324-: 6?30} AWAAEQJ 02.25% ?Mm 513:: TWIAAIF JRUEL if?? MIA: as, ??9.34 9 . Tl? @141? Mr: EMA: Mix. Law. AA Samm a. ?2:ij AAIQAWJ ?I?m {1:11. mm mm . Cum. SERRA. 3A ?hmc a ScamAa 12.22; Alexandria 0% Arm 2 Los Angeles 2 Washington Field Office BAA-AH) 45% Na? WA, New) law I) (over) ?ww Sep??W' A39 DO I my A ?23 41, mama omega Calm ghab?wf ?31 6.9363 21.} Palm W70 N's Ea 71% (ML P2331 Mm?wz IM mp0 FRI 13- 43% 0,0047?) dam/a) (Jig) $7547 ?aw ?aw/m) MU CW I xi]: 4? It I I Mr/m moogz m/e/ M11 MAW 7952ch @250 M93257 fang/6 Km}; ?My {gm/w a: A eraFBI '18?w?mgg?-2Q? m3 I .4 . . Envelope postmarked BESTAL SERVICE, IA 500 MAR 2 PM 1975? hearing typewritten address ?Federal Bureau of Investigation 9th and Ave Washington, D.C. 20535" am?gncqut First page of accompanying seven?page handwrittenaletter on ruled paper dated 3/1/75, beginning ?Warning To Who it Concerns Time has come to tell the 0. Second page of accompanying handwritten letter beginning "and we don?t care how many lawmakers you have Third page of accompanying handwritten letter beginning vwe know just how to get all of you Fourth page of accompanying handwritten letter beginning ?on the are men that carry tales Fifth page of accompanying handwritten letter beginning ?lanakers is reaping the same Sixth page of accompanying handwritten letter beginning "such trashy men Seventh page of accompanying handwritten letter beginning ?and we don?t care how many Page 2 .. .1 FBI '1 ?01.116qu .pmlg14{pr} 1? *1 x15? ?mm ?Mxn "do "3FBI Rev, 1-36?74f1}: 1?3, ?13 ?rjxf'j if 352% a - 1 f! {if?111.31 ?Ia /9 h.J? 1.21 E. w, 1 alight?. Date 1 .115 p?xg? d9) Vla E) etype the a tutti" ed (pRrG?ecigeTT?enme c) 3303.1: Director, FBI gm: ?3 Ehgg?} "133 5:33:13}: The President SACS: The Vice President .D Att.: [3 White House Situati0n Room 2) EMA: 068.1? [3 Secretary of State :3 Director CIA Director, Defense Intelligence Agency LEGATS: and National Indications Center A Department of the Army Department of the Air Force (AFOSI) a Naval Investigative Service K3 U. 8. Secret Service (PID) Attorney General By messenger) a Deputy Attorney General By messenger) :3 Assistant Attorney General, Criminal Division :3 and Internal Security Section and General Crimes Section 5 Immigration 8.: Naturalization Service; National Security Agency (Att.: 800)) Federal Aviation Adnunietra?g 10 :1 . Classification: {Ciassify if to other than Bureau Office} Unclassifa'?dgn ?dais?: Unit I: Route through fol review ?germ?: SEBJECT: Cleared telephonicaliy ADDRESSED 541?le Elli-:5; BILLY GRAHAM ASSOCIATES: Jro KILL 2,31} a f: MEMBERS ANA ?om; AeEme . A: 6F ?3361'?? begms 0? next Fate a. COMMUNICATIGNS SECTION I .zm'o?wy MAR 1,1975 b6 ff 1 kl iv] r??yv 7 1 gig?: ram TELETY urea FBI 18- ev? ?31835- ESE MW IWAESAEAP - TIUNS CP.-?AQEAnggwialmm. wavi?153111 ?m??mg??wg?ag? SLWL7EJWCI ASSOCIATE Io BILLY SILLY SSASAE A EEASGELISIIC CPUSADE o} SOY 9579 NCSIS CAROLINA, fg;;fmi*3395_ . BY EIIES DATED MASCS I, 1975, ASOSYMOUS HAD EEwa?I?j RECEIVES AI SIS CPEICE II LIFE CE PSESIDAAI ECSS GP ASAE, MESSESS 0E COAGSESS PSI AAD CIA AGESIS. 379f?fx?iiaa5tf REPRODUCED coPY 0E SEVEN PAGE LEIIES DAIED MASCS 1, ?u i 1975 UITH COPIES OF ESVELGPE, ESCAI ASS SACK, ESICS SEARS PCSIEASK ADDSESSED SY IYPEESIIES T0 BILLY .35, GSARAM9 SCSIS woSDs ACRES CAROLINA ASE CHI, ASS IA A. 0., 28757? INC . N, la? 33.5.. U._s SECRET SERVICE, CSASLCIIE ?3';Lfib6 ?5?:Azs _5 A2. ADVISED OF LEATHR APPSCEISAIELY A: SE Pm; SASCS 11, 19759 ASS PSCVIDED COPY 0P SAME ngfsiil-VIQ; U. PGSIAL CSASLCIIE, N?gr. >z2z?? ?Il ?Arm,? FAG: TWOAH CE STATLAALY ADVISED AND STATED POSTMARK TAaga DENOTES ass AUTAES, CENTER INCLUDING DES MOINES MASON CITY, FORT DODGE, AND Toon . LETTER IS SPECIOUS AAD DISCOAAECTFD 1A THOUGHT, CONTATATNG BEBE. TC CAL QUOTATIONS AND TNTERSPERSED MTTH THREATS TO: KILL ICI ALS VIZ TIME TO EXECUTE THE KILLERS: ED FORD - CONGRESS a UTA FBI AND 861". ALL LAT MAKERS THEN CRIME RUANTAG FOR PRESTDEAT If?n;f; HILL BF II 8 TIME TO EXECUTE THE KTLLERS 1M HIGH PLACESALL FERA - COMMUNICATIONS SECTIO PLAIN 1. MAR 1 11975 332$? 1:5, I 8: 57 PM NITEL MARCH 11, 1975 FEB -II TELEIYP g} Ego FBI OMAHA $13.1 1 Peat-fox; - ARLOTTE (175 73 - 1 Plan Ev1f__ Spec Inv. FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATIO {Rep AN). Adm A?tnwaC m1 ANONYMO LETTER DD SSED T0 BILLY GRAHAM ASSOCIATES, raining 4 A, 3 3313953. 5 ?11. Dep.A.Db6 wean-'? VNS es.? IQLDW R, 0 THREA NINE TO KILL PRESIDENTRFORQ, MEMBERS OF CONGRESS, FBI mgfimmn??*~ . L2 Lug; one Rm. AND W??g?s 1.111111 Rf ("is rm; 6,191,161 Director .8me 61.211111111191111 ASSOCIATE TO BILLY GRAHAM, BILLY 136 "6 b7C EVANSELISTIC CRUSADE, P. O. Box 957, MONTREAT, NORTH CAROLINA, BY LETTER DATED MARCH 7, 1975, ADVISED ANONYMOUS LETTER HAD BEEN RECEIVED AT HIS OFFICE THREATENINO LIFE OF PRESIDENT FORD, GRAHAM, MEMBERS OF CONGRESS, FBI AND CIA AGENTS. ,11, REPRODUCED COPY OF SEVEN PAGE LETTER DATED MARCH 1, Q1975, WITH COPIES OF ENVELOPE, FRONT AND BACK, NHICH BEARS POSTMARH ADDRESSED BY TO BILLY CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA, NORDS .1 NORTH ARE CROSSED DUI, 52?? 1 N. 28757" NRITTEN IN. 375 cjy/ 1 ?72 b6 -5 ASAC id??S. SECRET SERVICE, CHARLOTTE, b7C ?51 NC, ADVISED OF LETTER PM, MARCH 11, 1975, AND PROVIDED COPY OF SAMEPOSTAL INSPECTOR CHARLOTTE, NC, 5 {34114W b7C _1 35%: 51$ng ?ag?gz??rb? 0&5 1?11 1 5 VINCE 5 1915]? PSI . . a I. a I PAGE THO. CE 175-73 SIMILARLY ADVISED SAME DATE AND STATED POSTMARK IASAO DENOTES DES MOINES, IONA, SECTIONAL CENTER INCLUDING DES MOINES, MASON CITY, FORT DODGE, AND NATERLOO, IONA. LETTER IS SPECIOUS AND DISCONNECTED IN THOUGHT, CONTAINING BIBLICAL QUOTATIONS AND INTERSPERSED NITH THREATS TO KILL OFFICIALS TIME To EXECUTE THE KILLERS STARTED MITH FORD - CONGRESS - CIA - FSI AND 301?. ALL LAN MAKERS THEN CRIME NILL RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT NILL BE TIME TO EXECUTE THE KILLERS IN HIGH OMAHA AT DES MOINES, IONA, HILL CONTACT U. S. SECRET SERVICE AND OFFER COOPERATIVE SERVICES. .CHARLOTTE AT MONTREAT, NC, WILL OBTAIN ORIGINAL 0F LETTER b6 m5 . b7C w5 AND ENVELOPE: FROM BILLY GRAHAM EVANGELISTIC CRUSADE, AND FDRNARD ORIGINAL TO U. S. SECRET SERVICE AFTER REPRODUCING SUFFICIENT COPIES FOR TRANSMITTAL TO FBI LAB. END. ROL HOLD FOR ONE DBS FEIHG waL, b6 ?1 (?Wis 9m b7C m1 cum, 3?19-03?, CALLED: a um?' 753??- QG . FBI i A To: Iggyg?fufecl?y Trark?mittul Form 112.421. LABORATORY FEDERAL BUREAU OF D. C. 20535? :14 14:, 4111.11 4 A 11114411 324 19141 FBI FILE NO. 41 - I 3:74 From: Director,FBl 0% gin" 19133 14. mrm?mm?b 11.111111151111111, 11111114141113 {31111511314311 144111353? 1:711? ?g 223%: . 11111144 144 1444444 431-4 4? 14444 11111411121 Qa??ff??k 1?1491: 441/4144 4 4444444 Reference: Exarhination xeque a??w Av 4111 . a - Remarks: 1 114133111111 41 1115411111111i134 ii: 1?31 412112114311 411111 141144 44111441114311; 131412311411 (714111113 ?13? 11111411411511 ?11.11 1111 1114; 1741111 :57? 342 5 90?: 254123 @1111 411121111111 1113111, 11411111191111 1141411 133E351??4r ,4 {7/4 .111 1413? 11141141111191 - {11 114111. 1144111141} . $4 1 3.4-, 4 33 41 11111111111411; 11441114111115 ?15 11421 1:124 41311134111323, 4 21 11 41111114111141 11111411111111 1 {1 3111111 11-} 2 MAR 13?: 2, 21 11 11111 11144 141411121 11211141111111 4 1441153 1411441141 '3 1.. 11111111143112; 111.4141 111141144 (1411441 4- 114111111 11 11-11: 19% 1111441144414) 11114114411114.4142 {2 1111: :4 11444171) 4 11511411141 141.111 1144 11111111144 4:11 11% 114141111 11113431411111 11111111411111. 41121. 114314111111 12111 1415111. 14111111114341 31141441411144.4111 11913411111171: LAB. NO. 3398 - 11141111111111? . .4 - 1411111131311 141 4-1 m; 5.11.1 4 111% 1111} 1113111911 444 11914411333 ., 14411411111 11114121: 114111241 14111321411114 11145114411111w1911, 4/44 2144 43141 4.271 3, (11114114444, 14? 11941 11141111 111141114 1119/11 1 7?7 411111 1141411111 4:211: 11111 ?114,4 11:: 1111*114141 11121444411144.1134 44.4 hr-w? 14411? 12111 11114111144111.4311 4:11? 1114144111221 1111141413, 111411111: 1. 1.1 11141141 {151111111} 11141199131494: (1.1 1411: 1491,3941) 4 b7C M11 1 DMINISTRATWE PAGE ., 5/3. FBI 18-44211-113188?1213 33115 To: a ma, marshy; Sammy: may? as? mama aegiuyyam: ?am: my mum mm hm may. . mm {may} CTS:cap \ng a y? I a. Emma gage any aarmn may Samar mama paga aa' lama? magnum "am am am REPORT of the 2 v; I - LABORATORY FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION WASHINGTON, D. C. 20535 Marat! 13 a 19%} 2 FBI FILE N0 mam?"ma Q?xggy LAB. NO. Re: mam; mamama mama yaamazma Sig/75; maam yam, MYEREIE 331141;? mama Emma mamam mmaya a. mam am, my. mm may! aazmyyaa nmmaayaym, mamma Swag?) mamm; a/a/ya: E?amfalazm "ma. mama ayayma, an am am a may" maxi-ma amm?aiyma gamma" imam": ai Xayas?kigamaa ma aac?f m?aaymama ma Eng. mama my mam mama mam 313.1%, mgamaag ??aming my am my Tammama may say mama maiamyya ?am ya 11cm may Imamkam may; mam .. a? mm? may say}. ?aagmia?myy mama mamama ma mama amt; am an ma me man.? E331 th?i ?5:an ??Q?aau? mam pagas 0:2 mama Mammy my; ?3.13 rwying 1:213 ?m$t Sigma gage my. mama mganaiag mam mama? 53: 33w 6 FBI -ya-aa-=a1mfy-ayjy g; -333333 .. .. .. . :33 a. . . . .vrx 3.33 333 333.3 3mm? 3.3M ?$36333 QML. . 3% Mun.? .. . . .. 33.. .3. 33 3 3.363% 333 33. 3. 33mm 3 333 #33 3333 $3 3 a33333 m3 33MQM 633M .3: 33mm 3 3.33 33. a 3 . .3 3333 m3mm?w 33 33 33 .3 @3333 Mm??wnw 3am. 3.3? 33% 3M 3 3333 333 3 333v. 3 3 m3 333 3w .3033w. .3 @333 mm. 3333 3333a. 33 Mm 33 33. 333..? 3 mmwwammwwumumtn 3.333%? 3M 34. 33333 3 333% MW 333m 33 3333* 33mm. 3% 3.3 3.33m3 33 m3 33.3w 33 3 3.333 33333 m3 .33333 1?336?Re?? BUREAU OF Washington, D. c. 20537 3 REPORT of the ,2 IDENTIFICATION DIVISION Dep. AD Adm. Dep. AD Inv. .4 4 . 33,33,353 MAILED 10 - 3,3: Comp. SYst. 3. 9 1975 Ext. Affairs 1% 33:3} Files 83. Cum. Ema}. . Gen. Inv. 73.5513; ".ij I Idem. if}: wig-43145? Inspection h, - King, "63:3 5. ?wivxa??ii. ?Lg-53531;; Pr? ?eig??gL-?irl . Laboratgry 1; LLegal Alla?lys 1.3 Off 1C9 . Legal Coun. I, Plan.& Eval. . Spec. Inv. com: 4-509 JB 4 9 3 jg! HIS REPORT IS FURNISHEID FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY TEL YPE ?g {2333:3?953? 1% ?Truining Tole]: ?sgp Dirac 3: Clarence M. Kelley, ATION 3. O- .YOUR FILE NO. 33; 3333333333 FBI FILE NO. - 9333233333253 .5 7; 33v} - :s LATENT cAs N0. 3,1,3. 4 9333;; :r-f-E 4 '1 Af?kvij?" TO: 3:3 .3 4. WI 6.535 ?33 [3:53; 1:33?Egaw3? 1? ?51, Mag-1?3 A fr? 9? LA .- "35331533; ?en'ndr- 431224331441: 43?: ?xvii ~33 .xulw ?.39 ?5 - 44::?145 319333 {2335 4 393 4,1: ~mfv$>z . .3 I ?a Ail: ?agavw?f? {53.43 N3 Slip? ,4,3 '3 3M4 Jaw-3? -. .43b: 7.443.4143.13:1 157.43 .42 ?34.9933 i 3 a: REFERENCE. 3, $3,337., 4-43,, :3 4433?s,?? 32?? i A MML 3 3? EXAMINATION REQUESTED BY: 33333333 - ECIMENS: . 4 $134313.33 ?43,334,335, a 335:4; 3. i . 1 hay-4.3.8561: It." git-?53 ?m?wz $343Cuts? 3333:, 3333333333,? 135?? y, I - 7,4 - ?4,334.33 335.443.296.343 :93 .L If I 4, 33?? 3. 34 343.4335 $13343 y; 23 "3539,? .333, 4 Mai?! 35? an? vn. A ~55 ?511; 1:313: $3334ng MT @33- ?333:8; 31:93! ?fit"! 4,3323? .34 55353;: I 3433333334233 5 [1?3 5 7? a 33 >3 Mfr-v41 ft: A. 9&3, 3- 3:33.23 Mf?? 3?.?ng if? . 3351334.;- )5 7- 3i? 4:33.332: ~333- tu?ew?n??m-P?t?i ?43? 14% A "if? 3&3 ?5 3524?: 3:43-3:31: ??333 46936:: ?31 Jury Asspc. Dir. 9133333433333sz 33243633332261} Director Examination requested by: 8 LL, Reference: Air-tel dated 3/6/75 Examination requested: ?ocumen?; .5. Omaha FBI FILE NO. LETTER, LAB. N0. 32450307033 . POSTHAREED 111.590, 3/2/75; (2239. . YOURNOFEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION BECQRDEB UNITED STATES DEEARTMENT OF JUSTICE 3/7/75 Em}: Laboratory Work Sheet LAB. FILE Recorded 3/12/75 2:25 jaw Received 3/12 75 PRESIDENT EL LC ?90980 Examination by: b7C ~l W?fh VICTIKE EXTORTION 002 ?mah I NOted By: Spec1mens received: - 316/75 34 2 [7741 .7: v? 3 yy-{f we. MWME womenwm) "Wig, . Page 1 (over) 2 - ?lexandria - 2 Charlotte ?2 a Los Angeles 2 washington Field Office FBI E: Bef50307033 NB 1 Page ,2 a; sh sun-Envelope postmarked POSTEL SERVICE, IA 500 MAR 3 PH 1975" hearing typewritten address "Federal Bureau of 9th and PenneyIVania Ave washington, D. C. 55 First page of accompanying seven?page handwritten letter on ruled paper dated 3/1/75, beginning "Warning To Who it Coneexne ?Time has come to tell the page of accompanying handwritten letter beginning "and we don eare how many lawmakers you have Third page of accompanying handwritten letter beginning "we know just how to get a11 of you Fburth page of encampanying handwritten letter beginning ?en the are men that carry tales Eif?h page of accompanying handwritten letter beginning "lawmakers is reaping the same Sixth page of accompanying han?Written ietter beginning ?such trashy'men Seventh page of accompanying handwritten letter beginning "?ne we een't care how many Exem??ation Comple .30 ,qM? 25"? Time Date Date I 3 . FBI '1 8?w?81835?218 Reference: Examination requested: 1, FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION 33,. UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE Laboratory Work Sheet 52; skews 2:22;; $11,512:; FBI FILE NO. mags-225222 $25222 gwm? $22 ?mg N0- 22 ff ?3.222222213232222 235424? 63352.3, 23W ?333.; ?1223 ?er ?xamgg?? Examination by: ?323 ?23.22, 13535322 mm ?Miw?fi 23:32; $322232? m; ?329.22 Examination requested by: ?rm? ??32922 ?23232 22%th 2232mm: an Mag 222% Specimens received: 22 mm 222222 (57232392, man are 23:32! 1? t4presess and return cm meg-o the summed evidence at if: ?ie?aaw?a a magma 231% 2 a @2222: $35.22 Wane 222%: 2 @411me b6 b7C ~1 1 FBI '18-{2-21835-219 I '295359339913399 9993333933339 ?9393 999993 999999, 93 999 3:92 9 199 11137.5.? hearing 99999919999 9999999 ??99999! 311993121 9:8 Investigation 9.912 9129 9911993199919 ?199 Viwahmgton, D3363 . first 13?g9 933? 9999999991139 99999.39 g9 129999919999 19:91:99 99 911196 1591399 991399 3331/29 11995339199 11999199 T9 999 it [(69999399 $3.919 1199 99919 ?89 1:911 9129 33 3 3 899999 99 59 99 9999999933599 3399319919999 199999 999199199 ?9.99 99 99931; 99:99 1,399 9993 19993313999 3799 139.99 .3 3?23 "99 9-999 31:91: 1399 99 999 911 93 3399 3 3, $11329: page 91? 9999139999199 ?11 9999999911 1999932 9999913ng 9999913 9999 99? 999999993999 119999919999 199999 1399199199 ??09 1:139 999 9?99. 1:11 339 9993-9 99199 .33? -3 {219.999 9999 99 9999999933999 239999919999 19999:: 9991913199 3"199999999 99 359993199? 999 99919 3 33 . 3- 3 99.99;; 113339 9:3 3,933,999 99.399 139999919999 3191:9931 3399199199 ?9999 9999239 33399 333 5 999993;}; 11999 '91 999099999199 139999919999 19999;: 1299199299 . "?1913 ?99 :11 9999 31199 999195 .99993 9973393891333 1913 F91 3939-9199922g, *1 1! ?zaat' ~ru?r ugh-n" .L . an. I V. ?5.1 .2. ?mum ?If'r-5 15" xx ?4 f1'Ih5-.51. (W n; ?'33 7?24 If? 5'0 -I .. ?f ft): tun-?I'n-v-J - .. 4 1-1,5-1. 5? a? (5 figVJ: 41:. I_w. fr?33 54' 1:7} .3 ?g I r- r. {3-?fe/AP a 5 . .121{5:7 7?1 \r och-in?- ~o C) ?3?3 Jug 3 -, :7 t-vl-?rkleIf;- $5 . :4 it.12: .- -. '30?21.5a f" -. - 1.5.1.: .. a 15.3-.. -221 FBI '1 agar?@1835 I .1 OPTIONAE FORM N5JULY 1-7~ '1 ?my . GSA 53122:) 10! 6 '1 1.. STATES NMENT - 1? . ,1 .Mgmomndum 1' . 3 'l DIRECTOR, FBI DATE: 3 20 75 . fy. SAC, CHARLOTTE (175-73) (C) b6 A . SUBJECT: ANDN US LETTER ADDRESSED To BILL ASSOSLATES, THREATENING To KILL PRESIDENT FORD, ., FBI ?047% THREAT THE PRESIDENT 1 (00: CHARLOTTE) - MA. CE FILE 175-73 . {Dr THREATENING LETTER Pos RKED IA500, 3/2/75, PRESIDENT 0RD, MEMBERS OF CONGRESS, REV. BILLYEGRAHAM, FORMER PRESIDENT RICHARD ML RBI, INCDIOWA, BUREAU OF CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION UNNAMED CANDIDATES RESIDENT - VICTIMS (OO: OMAHA) 3 CE FILE 9-2648 1 ?Twis- . . 0? 1?s til? u; Re Bureau airtel to Omaha, 3/6/75, in second captioned matter, Charlotte nitel to Bureau, 3/ll/7?/in first captioned matterEnclosed for the FBI Laboratory, Document Section are two (2) reproduced copies of first letter. Eras/59.713 261x52? - Original of first letter and envelope afterb eing reproduced, passed to ASAC EDWARD E. MOORE, U. S. Secret Service, 4530 Park Rd., Suite 226, Charlotte. N. C.. 3/13/75. RE dvised identity of writer, one f2 ress unspecified, Des Moines, lowa, is known 18 ce. 1 4 URE . EREC u/ 1:"ch AND SPECIMEES RETAIRED i'N w?w? Charlotte (1- 175- 73) B. 15 1975 (l - 9-2648) . - \p Kg: @8 MAY 1631!?ng Saving: Bond: Regular!) 072 lie" Payr?dll Saving; Z472 FBI 1- EV E31885 22% . I 1 v? CE 175-73 It is noted that a nearly identically worded letter, also anonymously mailed, was sent to FBI Headquarters, and forms the matter of second captioned case. Charlotte Division is closing Charlotte case 175-73. Duplicates of all reproduced exhibits will be placed in Charlotte file 9-2648. The Bureau is requested to contact U. 3. Secret Service Headquarters concerning disposition of first above original letter. Leads concerning Laboratory comparison of threatening letters is being left to the discretion of Omaha Division in View of known identity of sender. FBI livid: .77.. 5. rd: 7 7.. 7 7.7, 7. ?5 Kt . ifsaw? a 9 7r . ., (7.7.. 7.7. 73 .7: Wm? 13.4 (7.7 :67?77 M??aPu. min 3.7 (7.7.77 . 7 $7232. .3. 2. .x 7.. . ?Mr: Ex?xhw (u ?ma?dmx. x. "3 1% Lung .7 a . 11:17 .3. 572.7viti7.7.. .7731.77, .7 . .7 7 .7774.?77...77x77..715?. v3,? . . . 7.7.57(5.77:. . of17.. a, .1127 . . 77w :.77?(77{.3317 fr: I . .7 i . .. i a. . ?51 Mus" i? ?s ?nv'vrhs wri?gb?~15EVANGELISTIC ASSOCIATION ?5p{auww_ ?Damif?" Montreat, North Carolina 28757 $93? a anti? ~04- I ?Fm? ?nunFederal Bureau of Investigat1on 1 VI 1120 Jefferson Standard Bu11d1ng Char1otte, NC 28201 . .urun .MONTREAT, NORTH CAROLINA. 28757 March 6, 1975 i3, 5? be Dear . 7 ll 3 i This letter is something I don't think should be taken too seriously, but it is a threat since they are wanting to kill all the FBI and say ?we'll kill Billy Graham". 3 3 I'm sending you this letter for whatever purpuse you might i? i decide. I'm sure you get thousands of letters like this a but just felt that I should call this to your attention. 5am. Thanks a million. 51 Most sincerely,Associate to Billy Graham . ?5 . 9% e; - b6kFederal Bureau of Investigation - ll20 Jefferson Standard Building Charlotte, NC 28201 Signed in his absence Enclosure a: FBI . . - . . . . .. . I raw 4A a 1: . ??w~?9?ww~ma?mu . gun-up, Mums.? '1 run25-3?? ?sf? I . I . . 4.WWMW - ?mama-?dmkahgnab-mm: . .I Vd~14may: - Le Bally Graham -. 1311 v?n?27?r-Iiuw mun-1 m??lwn?E??t- -- Wad? awkwg. I :5 . 452/841 277.424?awn-Wt ,1 2 74% ?ot?zjz/L f) mX/Mmu 2/5/0333? 1' i X404. 7942 C/ng @3033. 55.; Miami ?20451 Wm MK, [14/ I 1353331333 2?33 7% WW raw?.m- ant: mm. tumIva-mm Pia/,2 . . .. .1 3. . (p33,: . 4.x. .ow \Ir .. \bKvaE? WBMQ 3W 3.33.33 3333 33 HQ S. . . . ENS: .333. . 33.9333 .. -.. a . 3 . .LQI ., \gyk?kt?? EWNM 33.33.333.23 3. . 4 4.3% 3 .. . a .. 0V2, . mgr. QY. QQ SM . QYQ. w. ?3.ngth ngeQM. QY QQS QYQY .. VAX. QQNQ mg Emmi QYK 53% My MEYNW r? WKXVAQKQUQKAYC i?gg?? -mwm . . a - .. v- :?vul . luv?mum. 3: .mg. mun-?.nlmiz; . 'n . 1' .- .11? 3W *m?a?m?.53.. .z . 1 jqu/SCJ 2% f? $4170? i/ 91310" 7074/) El MW ?y Won/?t? WZ: 15% 5: WWQ/?c?xc W/y i ?at/34m, Jazzy/Q4, MMJ @7121- C5604, want, Wj Aid/@424 6L. WW Wm 79% 079 M4W [Lg/u Aux,"Z Wynn" 3 Wt. ?/Ayw (mmW?f??wmag? 3:255 A 1! Mm awnm mum?! and?? u) digit?? ?yawn!- I: .WNHW{as ?mfmm-M??mr?-Mw-hh ?3 - 7 (242 47,244,547 jg?? 7M (Li/145374, ?mj 6L 71%) MM (With/7 (w um WM (4 ?70/9291 . SE 2?2 ?Zea/'?i??numw .ol? - FBI 13-w-?31335-233; . - ,m FBI ?3 J, FD-SB (Ref. 5-22-64FBI Date: 4/2/75 Transmit the following In (Type in plaintext or codeAIRTEL (Priority) 1 wl' TO: DIRECTOR, FBI (157?32592) (ATTN: BI LABORATORY) . ?g I 3y . ROARGBGOI) A $16? ?31m inAC, (P) :23, if: CHANGED A a $3 3 .59: . b7C ER: PRESIDENT OER mfg; MEMBERS OF - 242% REV. A 59? JUDGE WILLIAM SON, - FORMER PRESIDENT RICHARD M. I ON, 13:} continued page 2) Title changed to reflect identify of subject and to include U. 8. District Court Judge WILLIAM C. HANSON as victim. Title previously carried THREAIENING LETTER POSTMARKED IA 500, 3/2/75; PRESIDENT GERALD FORD, ETC. Bureau (Enc. l) [??faZj - Alexandria (InfoCharlotte (9.2648) 975 2 /l 1 5 99y N359. gamma ENCL URE - Kansas City (SJ-NEW) tun-? Inn?? - WFO (9-349a) (Info) - Omaha (2 - 9? 1622) (1 - 9 1506) (Info) (1 9 1683) (Info) (1 - 157? 1971) (Info) W592- 1.311.:le a: SE - Los Angeles (9-5576) (Info) - New York (Info) ??g?kf g) (16) [sq Sent Per MW in Charge 3. GOVERNMENT mm? mm 195581 NEEDED-1993233 . a, (Title continued) CIA, FBI, IOWA BUREAU OF CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION, UNNAMED CANDIDATES FOR PRESIDENT EXTORTION OO: OMAHA Re Bureau airtel to graha, AleXandria, Charlotte, Los Angeles and WFO dated 3454 5; and Bureau letter (Lab Report) to Omaha dated,3/ copies to Alexandria, Charlotte, Los Angeles, New York an Enclosed herewith for the Bureau is a three-page]36 -1 3 letter and the envelope in which it was received. 3 For the information of the Bureau, I was interviewe at the FBI Resident Agency, Des Moines, Iowa, on 3/24/75, by SA at which time she admitted writing the letter to captioned individuals and further admitted writing several letters in the past. The FBI Laboratory has conducted previous laboratory. examinations relative to captioned case under Laboratory number The letter enclosed herewith for the Bureau was received at the FBI Resident 136 _3 4/1/75, and obvi uslv. is signed bv :b7C _3 apartment number Des Moines, Iowa. The letter contains no apparent threat of bodily injury to any individual, but examination of the letter reflects it is of the same type previously received relative to captioned violation. U. S. District Court Judge WILLIAM C. HANSON SDI Des Moines, Iowa, was interviewed by SA at his office in Des Moines subsequent to his return from Kansas City, Missouri. Judge HANSON stated that b6 ?l b7C 2 FBI OM 9-1622 he did in fact recently receive a letter threatening his life and the lives of numerous other individuals and he feels it is entirely possible he received the original of that letter. Judge HANSON deemed the letter to have been written by a mentally?disturbed person and he paid it little heed, noting that he has received letters in the past from individuals considered by him to be mentally unbalanced. He was, however, concerned because the letter threatened not only his life, but also the lives of "5 numerous other individuals. He turned the original of the letter over to] Security Officer, U. 8. District Court, Kansas City, Missouri. b6 b7C ?l,3,5 SAI I U. S. Secret Service, Des Moines, Iowa, has advised 8A1 that his agency is aware of the identity ofl as the individual who wrote letters in captioned case and previous similar matters. He commented that he has interviewed her in the 136 _1 past, previous to the date he assisted b7C3-?l interviewing her, and he is definitely of the opinion that she is mentally unstable. The facts of this matter have been discussed with ELLEN LEE DONIELSON, USA, SDI, Des Moines, who has b5 ?3 indicated that he would not consider prosecution ll7C ?3 relative to the letter she wrote in captioned investigation or letters she has written as mentioned in previous investigations. He further indicated that he would not authorize prosecution of Ifor letters she might write in the future and he is definitely of the opinion, through close scrutiny of the letters, that] is victim of some type of mental aberration and, in Mr. opinion, the facts contain nothing which would demand further investigation relative to] I The Omaha Division, even though it is felt that review of enclosed letter makes it readily apparent that .. 3 FBI - i 0 f? I in re ort results of interview with b6 -33 we OM 9-1622 I . b6 ?"113 18 the 1nd1v1dual who wrote the letter in captioned matter and in previous matters and even though Ihas admitted writing the letters, it is requested of the FBI Laboratory to make an examination of enclosed letter and compare it to previous letters to positively establish her identity as the individual who haS'written the letters. It is anticipated, even though interview, cautioned her against the writing of future letters, that she will continue to write threatening letters and it is felt necessary that it be positively established that she is the person who wrote the letters. It will, thereafter, be possible for future investigations to be very easily handled as it is felt there will be apparent similar letters from: and the USA, SDI, Des Moines, has issued a blanket declination relative to letters written by her. The FBI Laboratory is requested to campare hand- writing of enclosed three-page letter'with previous handwriting received relative to captioned investigation and previous investigations, as mentioned in Bureau Laboratory Report to Omaha dated 3/12/75, and to advise Omaha and interested offices of results of the examination. The Laboratory, upon receipt of same from the Kansas City Division, will also conduct similar investigation relative to the original of a letter received by U. S. District Court Judge WILLIAM C. HANSON. LEADS CHARLOTTE DIVISION AT MONTREAT, NORTH CAROLINA Will forward to the Omaha Division for inclusion -4- FBI '18-W-I1835-24il OM 9-1622 KANSAS CITY DIVISION AT KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI b6 ~5 Will make contact Withl ISecurity b7C m5 Officer, U. S. District Court, Kansas City, Missouri, and obtain original of threatening letter turned oVer to him by U. S, District Court Judge WILLIAM C. HANSON. Will then forward same for laboratory examination to FBI Laboratory. OMAHA DIVISION AT DES MOINES, IOWA Will, upon receipt of investigative results from auxiliary offices, and upon receipt of results of laboratory examinations, will forward closing report relative to captioned matter. Information copies of this communication being for- warded offices in order those offices might be aware of the identity of as the individual who has written threatening letters in the pastFBI 13?w?Q'18353?242 I it 7 n} 1* 5? ?Laborafory I 1" 7-LABORATORY b7C ?l FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION .. WASHINGTON, D. C. 20535 To: w. . - i (M ?bril 1% Fltom: Director, FBI FBI FILE NO- :hg-g 4.: LAB{Ehf?g?g?g 2}:an $5.3 3mg 9:53:13 WEI ?nam?2353; gamma: . A a: Exafn?g??ign re??uw?'s y: g. Reference: *3 23:? (if) I Eifif??tl ?as?mm? I Examination requested: Remarks: Kit at? mum; as: mg ea v- 'm??zgag {in ?If? is: I ?m?w a .: zg??g??mg; kg fa. ?v a. a mima?ti gm mam: mwam mt: 3W $33553; ass-:3 visas: ?am ?e?s?mg? massr?h {113$ {ml??m?i?raa *3 his; 1.. ,m by; $92 ?$52 kmg?} .3 {a gas-mam ?mlmw ?3 rm mgmm? 4; mama?; f?w??ADMINISTRATIVE PAGE 0 MA MAIL TELETYPE UNIT I: @013? . . (7'1b . 1 REPORT . wd=x . LABORATORY A FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION WASHINGTON, D. C. 12,0535 To: r; em? emm (9;;?1522; emu. ME . . FBIFHJENOmagmas? teem mam. emmem . a I . amee m, 23.21% Menage; 5 - e; A Specimens? received mm; $33535 gm?ezse wamxme 3* gm gears?? . Margie: hm?e??e?m ?33$ 3333 amme 331mm ?rm Mei game 33%; Me ??mm mam mm mamas: mew ?Maxim ?ew gage e? - A - ?ame gage hm?wmma mew: @ee?m, ?am??ey iamemg ?We saw fame mm Wigwam? m1 ?xee?; elf Marika mega? mega ?332?; mega mega 2mm: keg?mi?gz ghee new Eamw? ef? ?m?mm j; if? 2 mm gage emermewa emee Wimm? 1 we: 35% is as? e5? asemim?mg . 3 ?1 - . 231%.; team seemie?aee?me We 2 mi?me we we memes, we were wie?m we. - . W?ex gag ageeme?e gag wree?h ?235 mail me ameeggh a 1 $313; Wigwam; . 323% mm 3:35 ma?a meter ?emim wake grime! $5 . gee 32mg; mm?m lea 3:333; m? week ?33 3am eemeele maze we kee?wiem an em emi?gng imaae?eex?em x??m hm Mex: geiame? ?mmi?ag @Jg? . CTS?nkw (10) FBI law-91833244 EEG - HI. REcorded Re'corded 4/ 8/ 75 FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE Laboratory Work Sheet? 1 TO- SAC, Omaha (9?1622) FBI FILE NO. LAB. N0. Nv Re nee . YOUR N0. 6 3 b7C PRESIDENT GERALD FORD MEMBERS 2 OF CONGRESS REV. BILLY GRAHAM Examination by: I JUDGE WILLIAM . HANSON, and others; EXTORTION I I . '0 Exanolingti on roelgua?leltgd by: Omaha 5? Referend'e: Airtel dated 4/2/75 Examination re quested: Document Specimens receivedgt) Mil! EWGK?ij-LLR-?gg??z??gs 4cm? 4m (Lo 3?5 a? Mam?mu ij ~83) 61,- MlcfexLCW?T? 7(93'8 {magi} 71?? ??793; 591 6233,? L?c Amt?01?? ow 4km ?Mesa/w ,gm? 6f 1,15" ?97mg NO LAB FILE '4/7/75 157- 3259123 (over) FBI '1 8?w?81835?24S b6 -1 b7C r: .I - 639 EnvelOpe postmarked 00 31 MAR 1975" bearing handwritten address US Court House First and Court Ave. Des Moines, Iowa 50317" Q40 Sheet of ruled paper bearing first page of three page handwritten letter dated Easter Sunday beginning "This is just part of a Q41 Sheet of ruled paper bearing second page of . three page handwritten letter beginning "to hear a bunch of Q42 Sheet of ruled paper bearing third page of three page handwritten letter beginning "But I'll put my Page 2 D05750408003 NV FBI '1 dry?531835246 manna. ?xa?m 4 MR Pest-?34?? W1: ,5 mam-1m QS i mmwn?mxmg ?in, mar? ?th'?'im L??mmawsu?m: Vx??g? ?ana??u . 7-2 g?g?igea BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE Laboratory We rk Sheet To: 3&2, Omaha (9w1622) FBI FILE NO. LAB. N0. nee YOUR N0. 91232511313214? Sean, MEEBERS Examination by, OF REV. BILLY 6mm, JHBGE WILLIAM a. mason, and others: Exmgtion m?ad by: Omaha Reference: Airtel dated 43/52/75 9mm - Examination reQuested: Specimens received: Page 13/7/75 Lam-32592 NV 6 3 4+ (aver) FBI Q39 Envelope postmarked Frrs? and Court Ave. Q40 Sheet?of ruled paper bearing?first page of ~u +1 941 Sheen?Of ruled paper bearing second page of ?9 ?t three page handwritten letter beginning "to hear 8- 131111011 0f 1303120338t?i Q42 Sheet of ruled paper bearing third page Page 2 1' . ,1 7w ?905750409003 MAR 1975" I bearing handwritten addre9s US. Court House . De9 Momnes, Iowa 50317" three page handwritten letter dated Easter Sunday ?1 beginning "This is just part of a three Page handwrittae letter beginning {put my EducationI?.y-hu' . 1" . .. . ,s ItEe'e PRESIDENT EDED f' I: 31 7,:w MEMBEES OF CONGEESS, - M. ?af?3?3? BILLY . *1 f5595 ?a 'Es AEMSGM r? - .r PRESIDENT RICHARD M. MIXDMCRIMINAL . GEMDIDAMES EGE Omaha airtel 1:9 Bureau, 4/2/755, 3: 3 6.?.439 ?my4'?air in fwd:?:33?re. A I :91?w'vLamLiakg?bn? 4? a" ?mph?wrwn A 1 E. fa" W?~chN0191% 4-: 3?74/d?53?6 7; My DATE 7 ?l - Kit, NEGATIVES EXAMINER FBI b6 m3 b7C W3 FEDERAL BU wns? FBI m-w-ng-z?: I57 3516?: BATE NEGATIVES INITIALS EXAMINER 47%? FBI 885-25E Ev 7 w; .l?-E?eb 6 -3-25-4 7 - 3 DATE 2% 7 157 3959;. NOW 7M3 MED '9 @12- NEGATIVES INITIALS EXAMINER FBI A . 1? r? ,fE FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION FBI Fm :9 ago 72 LL DATE 157- 32.59a? NEGATIVES 106 m1 b7C FBI r?Vm Hume-row, 2 p, 0_ $7 0F INVEs 6? TIGATION 5:91b7C 335% "3 EXAMINER DATE cm I . INITIALS FBI sgaqan? 3 A a. a vw?vhh ?FBI WV DATE EXAMINER (m ?3qu NEGATIVES FBI ig-w-E?gs??zm 25?7? 3&r9&? 9 ,1 (?24 ?'31 26mg FEDERAL Burg? :?irh aka; ?Mm m3 b7C M3 FBI DATE t: {5an NEGATIVES INITIALS EXAMINER FBI 0F INVES-TIGAT LJGTO DATE EXAMINER m??v . NEGATIVES INITIALS FBI 885-255 (??5me . aj EAU 0F INVESTIGATION Egg 2,55 Laboratory Erransmi?al Form 7 72 5? from: Director, FBI FBI FILE NO., . r? I 157?32592 .gmL_LABonAmonY_;A;_? FEDERAL BUREAU or INVESTIGATION I WASHINGTON, n. c. 20535 A T'o: SAC, Charlotte TUB-73) A April 10, 1925 LAB. N0. 7 EV Re: ANOI LETTER ADDRESSED T0 . BILLY THREATENING TO KILL PRESIBERT MEMBERS OF ACONGRESS, FBI AND CIA AGENTS THREAT EGBINST PRESIDENT A f3 My: . L4 Exam?nation requested byi A A Charlotte Reference: Letter deter} 3/26/75, Examination requested: ?eaument I Remarks: 1 Eneleeuree (19) (QeBchfa?a, 2 Lab regort) 5?7 Q5 ST 114; 31' 21 A i 71:: gm; APR 1 01975.. . a 53 his; Fa! ?#134? ?4 i I ADMINISTRATIVE PAGE BQMAMIE @0ij TEIIETYPE UNITE f, kah? r1 . REPORT .w 13621 ofthe 1 b7C?1 ba??L. .- FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION WASHINGTON, D. C. 20535 sac, Charlotte (175.43) - - April 13.: 1975 FBIFILE N0. 157~32592~ .2 Cf LAB. NO. EV ?Ra 3730272271033 3313933551313 710 31:71.5: 5mm assocmms, TEREATEEIEG To KILL PRESIDENEE Foam, masks or FBI mm CIA AGENTS THREAT THE SpecimEIIs received 3 25 75 Qc31 Photocopy of enveloye pasEmarked s. PGSTAL SERVICE l?S?o MAR.2 PM 1975? baaring typewritten addrass ?Rev Billy Graham Charlotte, North Carolina -23202? and handwritten notation "Mentreat, N6 2375?" 'Phctoaopy af Eavenwpage hanawritten laEEer aa?ea 3/1/75 ?irgt page beginning ?we Wha 1E Con? . earns Time has.;s? 9&33 Saccnd page of sevenrpage .handwriEEen l?tter beginning "@ha Real I Qc34 Thira page of EEVEnwpage han?writ?en letter . ?of lying Ewe Eourth yage of sevenrpage hanawritt?n lEEter beginning are ?ea up @636 Fifth page o? letter beginning "?ow if we don' QG37 Six?h page 9f Eavenryaga hanawritten letter baginning "Wiaka&.lawmakers..t" Page 1 3 a? ftover) Wag-Em? - CTS :mkw (4) a: g? 7 6 . FBI 'Qc38 Seventh gage of seven?paga handwritten letta: beginning "We are sending a R?sult of examination: ?2 3" -. Significant similaritiEs Were note? in the 3; un?stiqned han?writi?g on Qc32 thzough.gc38 which indicate that these items ware preyared'hy the writer of certain items submitte? previougly in this case of whidh snecimens QR though ?912, 212 through Q19 and 024 through.g30 are rearesentative. a The questian?d writings in this caa? have not 2een - 'i?enti?ied with any known yerson. ?Ehe tygewriting an - is toa-limite? to permit an exact classification as to type style. . . The submittea evidence, which has been Phato~ grap2eEage - .3-?59325160 - - - ?Recorded I 4/2/75 FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION NO LAB UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE A: sick Laboratory Work Sheet 3/25/75 . Charlotte (175?73) FBI FILE No. 5:27 LAB-NO- D-750325160 NV Re: ANONYMOUS LETTER ADDRESSED TO YOUR NO BILLY GRAHAM ASSOCIATES, THREATENING TO KILL PRESIDENT FORD, MEMBERS OF CONGRESS, FBI AND CIA AGENTS THREAT AGAINST THE PRESIDENT xammatmn by Examination requested by: Charlotte Reference: Letter dated 3/20/75 Examination requested: Document ur/ 1% . ?we pec1mens receivedMMCJ: Ilka ?3?va (b WEchz?Qc-a?g C2 2: :?iqnmw WM v3? W3 ?01) A ?01; "a 21$th 5. $1.4 @Egg ,Mrg" ?n :3 V: Geneva ?amines! Mu+ {?n/Um . 3.- I +23; 106 m1 b7C tee ?Qm'iaa Fmp:T kiwi?? Pge?f?J (over) FBI TS-W-QTSSE-E7C 0' Qc3l Photocopy of envelope postmarked POSTAL SERVICE 14500 MAR 2 PM 1975" hearing typewritten address "Rev Billy Graham Charlotte, North Carolina 28202" and handwritten notation "Montreat, NC Qc32 Photocopy of seven-page handwritten letter cerns Time 28757" dated 3/1/75 first page beginning "To Who it Con- Qc33 Second page of seven-page handwritten letter beginning "The Real Qc34 Third page of seven~page handwritten letter beginning "of lying two Qc35 handwritten letter beginning ?We are fed up Qc36 Fifth page of seven?page handwritten letter beginning llNow if we Qc?7 Sixth page of seven?page handwritten letter beginning "Wicked @038 Seventh page of seven?page handwritten letter beginning "We are sending a pge. 2 D-750325160 NV FBI @0757 7 ?bw (4W8 1 gm 1 . FBI 212202922223: . 1? 3120/75 1:52:32: 222222222 (us-?73) (C) g? 5 AHOHYHOUS LETTER . - - 3~ -BILL TGRAHAM ASSOCIATES, wl' . TO KILL ERESIDENT POPE4.OQFILE 1?3.. 225222 22222222122 122222 2952221222 35032518 ?12500, 3121732 222322.222 222212 20222 .2: 5. 9.22.? . 2222222 22 132232255, 2.22., 21:22 222122. @2222 222512222 22332222. 21' 222222 . . . ., .0122: 2:22 21:20:22; 2112222 22 c2222: . .: '.:1222222222122 #122222: (32:22:2222 . 7 .. 3222. 2123322222 21232125 . -. 2 .- 9 . -- GE FILE 912648 Ea Bureau 212:2}; t2 {322112, 2. 2200116. 1 ?j 2291;102:122 matteg, 3:11:21 1.10 Bureau,? 3 3.1/23 :m . ,9 22.22:: captmned 2121:2932. - . .. Enclase? 1522:5232. Labnratory, 3302122222: $2223.92, . . i i 1 1.35138 1323: repra?uced 00133.22 :of ?5.22: iatter. . . . {121.2122}; 3.2222: and envelapa 2:511:22: 232.22g . 1223;522:1021 gassed 1:2 ASAC BEWARE E. U2 3.2322221: . QMCE, ?33 Eafk 511126.225; . .136 RE 2222.222 identity 03:? 273212222 . 1 I 2226:2223. unspeczlfied, 2.31 12mm b7C .. is Offl?QE?233112322. 1:72.23) 2 9-2648) . . 5321? . 5: ?g ?7 221 .. *9 ,c is}, mit?gi? amt; ?9.35? 191359339 i 3 ,7 ,4 3113:): ma?edgywa?s sent 2507333: ?Headquartar?gwg - 4 . 2 999909939 the mam/99945999993143 99991919931199-9999F 7 ?7 a cat-39mg 999195909199; exhibiig's? Bupii?ate's $45: .9117 dharidtt?? ?3,199 9.999399291199999? .9 .. . jv?gthreat?nin 19999599913333.9191 a 0991999191919 . ni?i?sing Charlotta 69139175973; 13. ?bgplacgd?i 9 '9 Emmi: Headquartem 9992;999:1999. ,9i9pqsitim 9-993-591999? 919999 Leads ?anneming L?li?mtery 99991139255993.3399; r? . g, 19955., "ta 121m aigtimtian'?f am qf. send?m' a . wc To: r319? Examination requested by: Reference= Letter dated 3126/75 Examination re quested: Specimens received: 3/25/?5 99$. 1 covet} Recorded . . . 6 1 4/2/75 FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION 1 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE Laboratory Work Sheet 3/25f75 SAC, Charlotte {175473) f3?? FBI FILE NO. {7:33 '7 LAB. N0. 1W LETTER ADDRESSES EEO YOUR 3x332 GRAHAM assoczamns, To El?n 93351333? 303$; MEMBERS or CONGRESS, no: nun CIA EGEETS wannam Agarusw PREsmnan Examination by: FBI '18?w?E31835-275 a n7 Photocopy of envelope postmarked S. POSTAL seoond page of seven-page handwritten letter ?14500 MAR 2 PM 1975? hearing typewritten addreSS "Rev Billy Graham Charlotte, North Carolina 28202" and handwritten notation "Montr?at, NC 28757" PhotooOpy of seven?page handwritten 1etter~ dated 3/1/75 first page beginning "To Who it Con? cerns Time "The Real ?1 beginning "of lying two . Ig. 9535 1etter be eginning "We are fed up .. 1 nI.? Fifth page of seven?page handwritten letter "3 beginimgg "Now if we don' 1. Qo 37 Sixth page of seven?page handwr1tten 1etter beginning "Wicked I. Qc38 Seventh page of seven?page handwritten letterJ'I beg1nn1ng "we are sending aI b'Pgeu, 2 739-750325160 Qc34 Third page of seven-page handwritten letter . I ?i ?4 a an MM t: ?1 BUREAU OF A A 1 RE ORTING OFFICE I OFFICE OF ORIGIN DATE INVESTIGATIVE PERIOD .1 OMAHA OMAHA 5/1/75 3/6/75 4/11/75 A TITLE OF CASE REPORT MADE BY b6 3 SAI b7C 3 nee CHARACTER OF CASE Ii 1 Of the egg, I. 5 Christian, EXTORTION Th eal Christian, JPentecost:r PRESIDENT GERALD FORD, MEMBERS OF CONGRESS, JUDGE WILLIAM C. HANSON, FORMER PRESIDENT RICHARD M. NIXON, CIA, FBI, IOWA BUREAU OF CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION, UNNAMED CANDIDATES FOR PRESIDENT - VICTIMS Title changed to reflect additional names signed threatening letters, that is Friends of the LA .R. Christi . The Real Christian. and Pentecost. Tit'Ie b6 b7C ?3 _c_anrieIL ACCOMPLISHMENTS CLAIMED NONE CONVIC. AUTO. FUG. FINES SAVINGS RECOVERIES ACQUIT- CASE HAS BEEN: TALS PENDING PROSECUTION OVER SIX MONTHS PENDING OVER ONE YEAR EYES Eno mo DO NOT WRITE IN SPACES BELOW COPIES MADE: CIA AGENT APPROVED Water: - 157 32592) (1 - 89- 2880) ?red ?6 13mm (1 .. UNSUB, aka, 5 MAY 9 16175 ?The Real Christian,? Etc . I (Copies continued COVER PAGE B) Dissemination Record of Attached Report NOWIIORS Agencv I (13553 Request Reed. .- I a Date Fwd. 13,79 M?Ul??a How Fwd. BY WNW Me 1 4! OM 9-1622 (Copies continued) (1 LAWRENCE SCALISE VICTIM) - USA, Des Moines, Iowa Alexandria (Info) - Charlotte (9-2648) (Info) - Kansas City (9-3184) (Info) Los Angeles (9-5576) (Info) - New York (Info) - WFO (9-3633) (Info) - Omaha (1 (l - 9-1498) (1 - 9-1506) (1 - 9-1583) I REFERENCES: Chicago airtel to Omaha, et a1, dated 3/6/75; Omaha airtel to Bureau, et a1, dated 4/2/75; copy to each receiving office;? Omaha airtel to Bureau dated 2/2/73, entitled SCALISE EXTORTION, no copy 09? receiving offices, Omaha airtel to Bureau dated 3/15/75, entitled aka, ?The Real Christian;" LETTER TO JUSTICE WILLIAM DOUGLAS, POSTMARKED 2/20/73, EXTORTION, copy Omaha report of SAI Idated 8/9/74, b6 entitled aka, Friends of the SLA, b7<3-l CLARENCE KELLEY, DIRECTOR, FBI - THREAT AGAINST THE no copy receiving offices; Bureau letter (Laboratory Reports) to Omaha dated 3/12/75 and 4/15/75. - - COVER PAGE 4 Fm OM 9,1522 ADMINISTRATIVE: It is noted, for ?he information of the Bureau and receiving offices, that b6 ?3 has been interviewed at Des Moines, Iowa, on 3/24/75, and fully 137C ?3 admitted her involvement in captioned matter as well as her involvement in the writing of previous letters relative to which the Bureau has had an interest. USA ALLEN LEE DONIELSON, Des Moines, Iowa, has been fully apprised of matter and in other similar matters and he is definitely of b6 ?3 involvement in captioned 1J7C _3 the opinion, after close scrutiny of the letters, that Iis victim of some type mental aberration. He declined prosecution relative to and, in his opinion, the facts contain nothing which would demand further investigation relative to her activities. For information_of_ihs] through contact with information provided the washington Field Office by the S. Secret Service, has in other matters previously inves Division as follows: LAWRENCE SCALISE - EXTORTION OO: OMAHA (9?1498) The Omaha Division, by the Bureau of this Extortion matt Bureau, the Omaha Division, and through review of ib6 _3 b7C -3 tigated within the Omaha airtel dated 2/2/73, advised er. COVER PAGE FBI receivino offices in order that they maybe aware of OM 9-1622 UNSUB, aka, ?The Real Christian;? THREATENING LETTER TO JUSTICE WILLIAM G. DOUGLAS, POSTMARKED 2/20/73, EXTORTION 00: (OMAHA (9-1506) The Omaha Division, by airtel dated 3/15/73, advised the Bureau and washington Field Office, the USA, SDI, Des Moines, declined prosecution relative to the writing used in the anonymous letter to Justice WILLIAM O. DOUGLAS. UNSUB, aka, Friends of the SLA, CLARENCE M. KELLEY, DIRECTOR, FBI THREAT AGAINST THE PRESIDENT, EXTORTION . OO: OMAHA (9-1583) BUFILE: (89,2880) The Omaha Division is forwarding to the Bureau sufficient copies of this report for dissemination to Bureau files mentioned above in that the identity of the unknown . subject in those matters has now been established. k36 ?3 b7C m3 Information copies of this report has been furnished identity in the event of future letters. COVER PAGE FBI I 0 (?531 . .. I I .7 STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE I FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION 1 United States Attorney, Des Moines, Iowa Rem? Office: OMAHA b6 _1 Dme May 1, 1975 b7C ?l ie ice ie - 9-1622 ure i2 ~32 2 FldO? . uFl# 157 59 b6 _3 Title: I I b7C PRESIDENT GERALD FORD, MEMBERS OF CONGRESS, REV. GRAHAM, WILLIAM G. HANSON, FORMER PRESIDENT RICHARD M. NIXON, CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY, BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION, Character: Synopsis: IOWA BUREAU OF CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION, UNNAMED CANDIDATES FOR PRESIDENT - VICTIMS EXTORTION On 3/4/75, the FBI Headquarters, washington, D. 0., received a letter which started with wording ?warning? and which ended with wording "Any one runing for President will be kill," which letter threatened President GERALD FORD, Members of Congress, Rev. BILLY GRAHAM, etc. Investigationb6 "3 within the Omaha Division established the writer of this WC letter. and previous Similar letters. to be bornl Virginia. USA ALLEN LEE DONIELSON, SDI, Des Moines, Iowa, declined prosecution againstl Iin that he feels she is obvious victim of some type mental aberration. Loca; authorities, Des Moines, Iowa, and other interested locations notified and 8. Secret Service aware of identities and activities ofl I This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the property of the FBI and is loaned to your agency: it and its contents are not: to be distributed outside your agency. 11. 5. GOVERNMENT PRINTINE air-55:3" 53%"%1 333595 281 OM 9-1622 DETAILS: Investigation into this matter was predicated within the Omaha Division upon receipt of a letter from Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Headquarters to the Omaha Division via communication from FBI Headquarters to Omaha and other offices, dated March 6, 1975. The letter is as follows: 1 ?Warning( To who it concerns time has come to tell the'U. S. lawmakers its time to execute the killers Started with Ford - Congress - and BC i first it time to bring these wicked men into court and execgte them all,'we are sick and tired supporting dishonest men deceitful men ?lying men and it time to kill all lawmakers then crime will stop The,Real Christian Pentecost Holy Rollers Religious Groups Nixon and we must destroy wicked men in High places any one runing for President will be kill and we don?t care how many lawmakers you have for a body guards Don't ever think the U. people has got to support FBI '13?w??i'18853?283 OM 9-1622 a corruption Government and beside God never put you hear to rule nor reign over us and there fore we are no longer obligated to obey or support you we Don?t hath to support a bunch of lying two faqe deceitful men in power. we?ll destroy the trashy murders lawmakers, The Dirty Wicked Men is finish are wash up Death Hang over all lawmakers heads we know just how to get all of you lying two face Men out of power, it very easy we are sending a copy of This letter to that phony preacher man Billy Graham \he is as wicked as the' we are fed up with such wickedness in High places and it time to Kill All the men Old phony Graham don't preach on from the Bible because he don't know his Bible that well How Many Men has the assassinated? Tq_ bad oldiphony Graham hasn't Read Ezk 22:9 FBI '1 835-283 OM 9-1622 In the are men that carry tales to shed Blood, and in there I founded their wickedness they that plow. Sin and SOW'wickedness reap same. Ezk 22:9 - Jer 23?time to execute the killers in High places Now if we Don't have laws to bring these wicked men into Court and put them all behind Bars then we must execute all lawmakers Congress Ford - - and They thatxlow inigunity, and sow wickedness reap the same Job 4:8 lawmakers is reaping the same won't the world laugh when the U. Government and lawmakers' Fall Jesus said in Lev 24:30 and I?ll destroy your High places - A sword is up on the liars Jer 50:36 He started'with Nixon first Richard Nixon was Overthrow Wicked lawmakers no wonder they can't clean up crime They can't even clea up self Don't expect a wicked man FBI OM 9-1622 to clean up wickedness When are wicked lawmakers can't clean up self we Don't hath to support such trashy men-??or? obey them either we will Kill the U. lawmakers - Congress and President's and You reap what you sow And'we going to make You reap Death we?ll Kill you we are sending a copy of this letter to Billy Graham - Ford William C. Hanson and A new paper company Kill all lawmakersl YeS'wenill we are going to make you reap just What you sow execute the killers - execute the killers Started with lawmakers first any one Runing for President Will be kill. 7 we mean Business? And'we Don?t care how Many Body guards you have. we Will Kill Any one Who run for President When lawmakers can not punish the for ~the assassination of Men Then Don't punish Any one else for murders Because we'll kill you And all lawmakers. FBI OM 9-1622 You dirty wicked two face deceitful lying Tongue liars will fall We'll Kill You No Wicked Man going to tell us How to Obey any one raging for President Will be Kill? A copy of the envelope in which the letter was received at FBI Headquarters is set forth as follows: 6 FBI -. .. .1ywarn-'1 WK ?31: ?31] ?Lain I 2 a .. ?1 7hfr.? ?an andpun?nu-d L- ,1 .M A . ?511; a tnnunhm-?Federal 3511?? 9f Imestigabion Perms?? Vania . IIaShin (gt-toll m6; 953:3 . i 3' .- v?uv, ??hd . .. . 1 . mnw??meT-3REJ ?1 i' 3 a . 5 ?W?rmamg, - "?qu ?in? .. . r. )?Em Wm?; 1 I {5153742 Iii-3?33? gtwws?mma an}: a 4 u' ?rad .fm 3.. u. .- . ?1 frailhkeyw?rmx ? OM 9-1622 The Charlotte Division, FBI, by communication dated March 11, 1975, advised as follows: - . (I b6 ?6 lAssociate to BILLY GRAHAM, Billy b7C?-?6 Graham Evangelistic Crusade, Post Office Box 937, Montreat, North Carolina, by letter dated March 7, 1975, advised that an anonymous letter had been received at his office threatening the life of President FORD, GRAHAM, Members ,of Congress, FBI and Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Agents. enclosed reproduced copy of a seven?page letter dated arc L, 1975, with copies of the envelope, front and back, which bears postmark addressed by typewriter to ?Rev. BILLY GRAHAM, Charlotte, North Carolina, 28202.? words ?Charlotte, North Carolina? are crossed out, and in handwriting, "Montreat, N. C., 28757,? are?written in. 1 Assistant Special Agent in Charge EDWARD E. 8. Secret Service Charlotte, North Carolina, advised of letter contents at approximately 4:30 March 11, 1975, and provided copy of same. 136 -5 U. S. Postal Inspector] Charlotte, b7C1 5 North Carolina, was similarly advisedQMarch 11, 1975, and stated postmark IASOO denotes Des Moines, Iowa, sectional center including Des Moines, Mason City, Fort Dodge and waterloo, Iowa. FBI 1 LA 9-5576 jap cc The followine investigation was conducted sen CLEMEHTE, CALIFVREIA On March 11, 19?5, Watch Comnander Lieutenant: Ib6 ?4 Police Department, San Clemente, was advised that ib7C ?d an envelope, postmarked March 2, 1975 at It 500 (United tates Postal Service Sectional Center, Des Koines, Iowa), had been addressed to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Washington, D. 0., and contained a seven page hand- written letter containing threats against President GERALD FORD, members of Congress, Rever.nd BILLY SRAHAC, former President RICHARD M. EIKOS, the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), FBI, the BCI (possibly the Iowa Bureau of Criminal Investigation),and unnamed candidates for president. Lientenantl:lwas also advised that re: I-iead- b6 quarters had informed the CIA and United States Secret b7C3-4 Service, Washington, D. C. of the contents of the letter and that the Los Angeles FBI office had advised the United States Secret Service, Los Angeles, of the letter. that former President b6 ?4 NIXON maintains a residence in San Clemente and that such ib7C W4 information is useful to his department. He requested his department be far"vh a on of the envelope and letter, care of Sergeant The following investigation was conducted by :b6 ?1 AT LOS ANGELET, CALIFOMNIA On March ll, 1975, Assistant Special Agent in Charge, GARY L. WISTEAHD, United States Secret Service, was advised of the above-described envelope and letter,? and that the original documents were being examined by the FBI. He was advised that FBI Head uarters had informed United States Secret Service, Washington, D. 0., and the} FBI CIA of the le Felice Department he? also FBI office. the ??653 the San been 1" 8.1151 Clemente, California, otified by the Los Angelee . st ant Special Agent in Charge JISTRAED Tequeste? a copy of t1?ee11velope end lett be furnished to his de- partment ine much as foymer Preeident EIKCH re id;S in San Clemente, California. By letters Gated March 12, 1975, epies of the envelope and etter W61 furnished to Unit Service, L03 San Clemente ed States Secret Ang.lee, California, and to the Police Department, alif01,11& 10 FBI OM 9-1622 The washington Field Office, FBI, by communication dated March 14, 1975, .advised as follows: 106 A b7C 4 on March 11, 1975, Special Agent I Officer, Special Investigative ni Capitol Police and Detectivel I Intelligence Division, Metropolitan Police Department, about the threatening letter received at FBI Headquarters on March 4, 1975. By communication dated'March 24, 1975, the Charlotte Division, FBI, advised as follows: 136 ?6 On March 12, 1975, ISecre?Earyzb7C _6 Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, Montreat, North Carolina, said that this letter was received by her office and was not actually seen by Dr. GRAHAM since he is not in the State at this time. She stated that the letter was received land immediately forwarded to the FBI, Charlotte, North Carolina, Headquarters. b6 -6 Istated that a similar letter was b7C m6 received by Dr. GRAHAM at Montreat, North Carolina, apparently written by the same person, on January 25, 1975, which bore the same postmark as the letter. She stated that this letter did not contain a threat to kill Dr. GRAHAM, but described him merely as an ?old phony preacher." On March 12, 1975, Chief of Police, Montreat, North Carolina, advised of the receipt of alleged threatening b6 letter to Dr. GRAHAM, as well as Chief Deputy Sheriff : b7C -A County Sheriff's Office,~the office that covers Montreat, North Carolina. By communication dated April 1, 1975, the washington Field Office, FBI, reported to the Omaha Division, that the b6 washington, D.C., supplied information to the FBI, b7C?-?3 washington, D.C., indicative that] Iwas 11 ifsl 9-1622 considered by the a suspect relative to the writing of a threatening letter which threatened President GERALD FORD, and other subjects, same letter being sent March 2, 1975. SAI IwashingtonMarch 31, 1975, furnished information received 117C _1 4 toI IU. S. Capitol Police, washington, D. C. (WDC) and ?ntelligence Division, Metropolitan Police Department, WDC. The U888, Imwomatim to WDC, indicative that born b7C3'"3 I land residing atl [Des Moines, Iowa, had written threatening letters in the past and was known to use the following aliases: 136 T. R. Christian; 1 137C m3 The Real Christian; Friends of the and Pentecost. The reported thatl I "3 had been interviewed by the and had admitted'writing a letter received by the washington Post, WDC, on August 17, 1971, which letter contained a threat against the President. The also adv sed FBI, WDC, of several other 136 _3 letters written by one of'which was sent on December 28, 1972, to the washington Post in which the subject was highly critical of a local Des Moines, Iowa, attorney and Justice C. EDWIN MOORE, Iowa State Supreme Court. 12 FBI 3 . OM 9-1622 The following investigation was conducted by SAI lat Des Moines, Iowa: b6 ?1 b7C ?l On.March 14, 1975, the facts of a letter received at FBI Headquarters on March 4, 1975, which letter began with wording "warning? and ended with wording ?Any one runing for President will be kill,? were provided to the following individuals at Des Moines, Iowa: b6 ?5 Postal Inspector Des Moines, Iowa I b6 ?4 Intelligence Officer 1379 Des Moines Police Department b6 m5 . SA ?137%: D858 . Des Moines, Iowa SAI I advised Sit that he \had been $351155 apprised of the letter by his office. 13 FBI I . I I I I .11BUREAU oF INVESTIGATION A . 3! 7 Special Age?t (SAII IFederal *th Bureau Investlgatlon (FBI), Des Moines; Iowa, on .7 -b7C f1 MaIch 13, 1975, made ;_contact with CRAIG BEBE, Director, .- Iowa Bureau .?of Criminal Investigation Robert Lueas State: Office Des MomeS, Iowa; . -- f? 2 7 provnded to BEE a copy of a seven? b6 page Ietter and the envelope 1n the was recelyedb7C by fl:he FBI D. C. . ,v ar- The letter, Bibiph beg1ns Bith "Warning? 3 - who it 0011091113}? and ends with Wording: "Any one Inning ?f for President will be kill, f? containS a {breath 519313513 1 Severgl law enforcement agehdiefs, 1nelue1?ve pf Central ., Intelligence Agency (CIA,r-r ?rsexplalned. to, that Hie BB: is . 7 an invest: ga110n relative to mattBI and that fa?ny pOSItwe results ?well be fumlshed. aqe?cy. I: '1 B-EEK sand that letter would be Incorporated Into BCI fllesg3-C135 Data dlctated "This document ?contulns neither recommeqdations nor conclusions of the FBI. It. is the property of the FBI and Is loaned to your agency; Hand its contents art; not to be oumde your agencyE31835.. Ly: Dutn- 3/26/75 A . b6 4 Secret?Sefvice. Des Moines, Iowa?, we?s?gon'taeted?by SA "1?5 ?Federal Egreaum?f IhveatigationclEBIla '5 ?1g; . 33:? copyyof b: "3355? ._seven-page letter and the ehvelbpe in which it Va? . I?deivei a: "the 'Washington, 33.0. SA eitpl'ain?d 1 19? to? a .cepy dif the . ?th II. S. ,Secre?tk?eiryice Headquagtere, Washington; ?Dngj i, 1 lei-but was 511st being fumishec?iyhimnat 135-35; Maine's, ,owja.?_ 3: SA ??m?ie?w?ed mg lettef?w?ieh beg-ms?lw?h b6 a the it-qqxdizig ?Warning"-mo. 1..th 1970 5 'werding {?Anypge, raging 31:01~ Pre?sidezg?t grill be ?fkill,? . A hand; whieh letter is gated ,19751 endgs?caqtediliat =3 E?it. 61131393er ?cc; be ng;tjaen by? the seine individual ?le has: wrijlgj?cen?numerqugs ?smilmjlettemsrin ?the (past. .. SA gtafed'flha?et? inyeggciga?m ,byu?"his ?has. definit?lm gd?n?ifged? l'e?i'tetrSvand ?b7C --5 ?2 'heaadvisedwthat?he'Would tha a materia fidm hi? homg7-?' ??dffige, I furnish the id?ntiiy (pi? this? indimdual?- 6; 1 - . aav?issea "15?mequ emanate? rag: ,b7c 2 ?a?t r.a later da 5 fertile purpose of. identlf'; 27, 3mg #116 FindiYidu?53,171.31.Cllk_ {qgml?mmedf b7C 10 This document contains neither recom?endations nor conclusions oFrlhe FBI. It is_ the pfoperh} of the FBI and 13 ?nned tq y'our agency,- . It and c?on?tents?bre ntho be_distribuied {wiside yoyr, agency -The folldwingI invest1gation?was conducted by Special Agent (SA) lat Des M01nes, Iowa: NFL: II HANSON, District COurt, Southern District of IoanI >b6 b7C 91 ub7C (SDIH Des Moines, Iowa, was contacted by SA Federal I Law Clerk to FederaI Judge 5 ,5 i1 2? Investlgatlon (FBI), at the office of Judge HANSON ?sA b6 to: in Judge? 5 HANSON's abSence from .the city of Des Moines, a copy of aib7CZ-I, 5 .seven~page letter dated March 1,1975, which copy was addressed to the FBI, 'Washington, D. reviewed the letter, which beg1nsl?Warn1ng? and which ends ?Any one runing for President will be kill, and he acknowledged that the letter Was threatening in ature and bore a poSSible threat IagainSt Judge HANSON. He Could notrbe sure'whetherI? Judge: HANSON had recei.ved the: letter, but did recaIl that Judge HANSON had received an anonymous letter immediately . g! a L. .4 . before departing Des M01nes Iowa for Kansas City? M1ssour1.;LJI? - 1 b6 that Judge was scheduled MIC 75? to returtho Des Moines, Iowa,_ on March 17 197I5 and would be 5; available ror 1nterv1ew by theI FBI on that date or a date I immediately thereafter . INVESTIGATION .2 t. l? a; I Data . ?3I27g75 '4 41? 3? 3,43'? MI. Fedexa1.3udge, s. Court, Southern District Qf Iowa (SDI), Des Moin??s. b7C ?1 Iowa, was contaoted by Special Ageht 9 Federal Bureau of Investlgatlon (FED, relative to. an . anonymous letter possibly received by him. or or about 24MarQh 1,1975 ,?whiQh letter ?warning? .?Tb who it concerns? ?Thme has come to te11 the 8. law; makers?" which letter ends Iarith wording "Any one Inning for pr351aent will be 3:111 and. Which letter. is dated Maxeh 111975 - a . . s?t . IQpr?was addressed.to the WhehingtonJudge HANSON after reVIeWIng the Qopy of the '_1ettex", stated that It is? ?hi-Q recollthIoIi he received a similar letter, and possibly the Same ietter, Ion or shortly after MarQh 31,1975, at his office. in Des Maine-e; Iowa. d1splayed.to~3hdge HANSON a Qopy'of the ?r HQ'ii ?Jg?QQDSIdered?lt very possible that the letter he received'was? the same as the to him and further ?stated that he very 130531ny QQInally reQeIMQd the orIgInal of the letter as he reczg'iillile?~ possibly hay?ig obServed some red peno?il markings on.the letter reQered by'hlmm JMde HANSON stated that he did not pay close attention to the letter until he afriyed in Kansas. City, 4 Missouri, where he again, reviewed the letter. he frequently receives letters from individiials who are, to him; apparently metable a?d he eeidem becomes 196 II 106 b7C . A He advised that -. about the lettets, but that he was concerned @135ch the above-desorlbed Ietter it; that it thteatehed not 14.. ?EQIil'y his life, bit the Iiyes of .Immerdus other 1nd1v1duals. 3 -l -1 1' ?b6: b7C ml; I -199? This document contains neither recommendations _nor conctusions of th?o F81. It is the property of the FBI ls loaned to your agency; . 13- EM- E31835itand its Contents are not tQ be distributed outside your agency. . .. 21 on 9:1622 I . - Iiidge HANSON, even though he b?l'ieved the 11 b? . deemed appropriate. a individual who. 13?1?de the letter to be mentally unbalanced, decided, ineview of the threats to other individuals, to turn the letter over to] S. District Court Kansas City}TMissour1. u- 1? i Endge HANSON has no idea. of the dispoSitioIL made of the letter, but he has no objection to g? 3 turning the letter over to the FBI for; any examina tions 5' be Security Officer, J?dge- HANSON has .fno further information xeiative .. to~ the letter, reiatiive :to any: previous letters apparently ?written by" the same or relative to anyone elSe oopies of the above-described letterF81 iaw-eiee?-ies a J: urvBUREAU INVESTIGATION {Safe 4/1/75 Sp?c1a1 Agent S. Secret" .106 ?1,5 Se ice. Des II'IoineS,_ Iowa, made cen'ES?t with b7C "?155 Federal Bureau of Investlgatlo?n (FBI) aha. I?f?rred 1:9 a conversation him. anti SA: on AiaIch 1421975 . at which tilde jtheSe Agents diS'cussed the pcSSIble Identity . of Sn 1nd1v1dual who lies written ?Several threatenlnq 1e1:1:erS . in 1:he past Arid an; i?dividual who Sexy possibly a i "a . Seven-page threatenlng letter, dated March; 31975,: a; Copy? .. of Afhich was malled "to th? 33.0.. .136 1:111:11: a. I?evieiaz? of his . . IecoIdS Ieflecte?d the who haS writte'ri Se?v'eIa1 . letters in the past 1:0 he Who - aceSIdeS E1111 A10_ineS, Iowa, . 5 b6: 3 5 5:11:11: he has personally :35 Intewlewed in 1:he paS?l: and conszideIS 1. heI 1:9 he?: an Individual who iS and emotlonally unstable. i. \l i- He further advised. Aha-1: a rev1err of his 1:909de . . . .. reflects that a. exaLmi 3.111.611 con?hlc?ted by his Lib 3? - he?S that haS letters - in. the past Sim}. laI? 1:0 1:11e orie deserlbed above33.: i 1 I a; f: Mg?g?geg? Tn'rarr-I 3- (Qaha --.. 77'b7C 115' - Dute._djcloted This document contains. neither recommendations nor toncluslons of the FBI 'It is the pr?perty ofihe FBI and is loaned 10 your agency; It and its contents are? not to be outsjda your ggency I . .5302 (Rev. 11:21:70Date of'transcriptiogc?h 25" 1975 b6 -3 5 b7C 5 FDes Moises, Iowa, voluntarily appeared at the De es . oines, Iowa, Resident Agency of the Federal Bureau of InveSti tion and stated she had recently been contacted by aI whom she believed to be. with the FBIwas interviewed in. the Office of the United States Se?ret Serif?mmief States Courthouse, Des Moines. .Special Agent of the FBI and .United Stat Secret Service. Special Agent ora advised of 'her rights and presented to her a form entitled, ?Interrogation; Advice of Rights,? which she read and signedwhite female, ageI:Istated that she had b7C 3 written a large number of letters to law maLers, high Government efficia-ls and news media in which she. stated her belief that .: the wicked law makers would be slain by Gdd. said she . I. used the term we will kill. you" to mean that God and the 7 . Christians would destroy the wicked lat-r makers. She said she vwrote the letters to help the good law makers because the evil law makers would be destroyed. declared she did not . believe that there were any Communis s, only wicked. people and these Wicked people would be destroyed by Code. I Idiscessed letters she admitted to writing b6 ?IWhiCh inci- uded following: . 137(3 . A letter dated May ?,23 I974, addressed to CLARENCE - KELLY, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Washington; D. signed ?Friends of the SLA. A letter dated may 23,1974, addressed to the National I Lawers Guild, Washington, D. signed :?Friends of the SLA . A letter dated 1133; 23 1974, received by the New York: Times. New York Citv. signed ?Friends 01: +heASiAw ?Interviewed on 3/ 24/ '75 I a, Des Moines, Iowa - . "We WI 9-1622 I bY . SA . :bor I - Cat; dictatedt' 3/25/75 . b6 ?1 This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It Is the property of the FBI and is loaned to your agency; FBI 18- EZV- 131835 31:11: it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency. 1 '20 . 10M 1 7 A to 5 this Ietter from he Bible, although the SLA was not mentionedb7C --3 ?utrying to tell the good law makers 1:10 the necked men in high places were so that they could be destroyed. . ?about 12110 years ago.r She typed the letter _to Justice WILLIAM ?The Real Christian.? She said that she had recently sent ,f 5 letters to the Federal Bureau of Invest1gation, to the Director . jto President FORD, members of Congress, Governor RAY, the . 3 Des Moines Register and Tribune and other high political leaders {thrc'Jughout the United States. She Said it was God's will that . 1' (according to her 1nterpretat10n of the B1b1e. . February 18,1373, addressed to Justice WILLIAM G. DOUGLAS, b7C United States Supreme Court, Washin ton, D. 0., signed. ?The a letter by attempting to explain- why she had written the ?Washington, . which opened, ?Warning To Whom it May Concernletter dated May 24,1974,rece1ved by I . b6 _2?7 .7 Polk County Attorney, Des Moines, Iowa, Wh: -,b7C_ started, ?The SLA did not die in :ad?nsed she got her inspiration for writing b6 ?3 in the Bible and that she believed it to be God's will to slay ?tyrant law makers? _in high loIa?ces. said she was 1 b6 ?3 stated that she had Obtained a typewrlter b7C -3 Q. DOUGLAS of the United States Supreme Court and- it was signed;' of the Central Intelligence Agency, to Reverend BILLY GRAHMJI and the wicked law makers be destroyed :and that she was only act1ng Subsequently, cepie's of a type1?1tten letter datedb6 Real Christian was shown to and she identified the '7 Stated that she had recently written letters b6 to the FBI an; copies of these letters were shown to her included the seven page anonymous hand?written letter dated March l, 1975, addressed to the FBI, 9th and 21 V. 1 1' Congress, FBI Agents and CIA the 0011111351: in high Government. places: ., 1 - stated that she has xeCently? sent letters to ROBERT RA overnoz 2: mi 9-1622 Urn?F An anonymous. hand-Imitten seven page threatening letter dated Marsh 1.1975,. received by the Central Agency; Mn- WILLIAM (Dlrectorh Washington, D. An anonymohs seven page. threatening letter dated. . Hatch 1,1975, sent to Reverend. GREHABII Charlotte, North Carollna'I?he aboVe-mentloneti anonymous 1e tters dated. Bier-ch 1-1. 1975 Contained threats to 151.11 President FORD, members of 1:36 I . b7C stated that she meant no personal ham to these 1? people 3311 the she felt that God would destroy the Inched and Dur1ng the coerse of the 1.1: was. noted.- that at times would break dorm into tears and cry "long b6 m3 passages from the Bible? and, within the next mnute he 1110121111370 .13 . be laughing and carrying on a jovial conversation. of the State Of Iowa. and to ?varietls other Iowa State Leglslago?rc; {feon?ezfning the death penaIty.,b7c ?3 I?he InteIImewIng Agent pointed out; to%lthat it - stated was wrong to write threatenin letters to peep]. that they would; be 11111101.. broke devm into tears again and said, that she 116.13. never intended; to ham anyone, that she was Only twins; to help the geod- law makers and the good Government leaders understand who some of the evil leaders were. The following deseniip was.ob1;anined. thI?ough observation and. interview: - Name Date of Birth ?4 -. 22 FBI Isak-1118313111 \Place of Bifth? i: . 7? Height 1 a Weight ..1 Race 1 1.. Sex 9 :2f= c.5111' ?1 1 Employment feet?iinches f?k ?3 140 pounds Whi te- 1' F?male A - ';711: Long and gray i Whats qlaSSes 1; - F31 1311111335 3113 IThe follow1nq investiqation was Conducted by Special Agent (SA) at Des Moines, Iowa: On MarCh 25 1975 SA CRAIC BEEK DireCtor, Iowa Bureau of Criminal (BCI), and advised him that an interview with Iby of Investigation andl Federal Bureau SeCret 1 b6 "1137c b6 made CCntaCt with if?: 11 3 5 Investigation_ 1 l, 3 5 .3): - .L a \fServicec, on March 24,1975 eStablished thatl I: f_adm1tted'wr1t1ng the sevenupage letter dated March 1 1975 a 1% fwhich' letter Contained a threat against BCI, a Co of which letter had prev1ously been furnished ?3 J, Mr. BEEK.stated that his agenoyrant1oipates no {investigation in View Cf the Investigat1on being conducted a? into the matter qy?w y; 3? 1 It{3@1835 334 v, OM 9-1622 The Kansas City Division, FBI, by communication dated April 9, 1975, advised as follows: b6 ?1,5 On April 8, 1975, ISecurity rm: 5 Guard, U. S. District rt Kansas City, Missouri, was contacted by SAI Iin an effort to obtain the original threatening letter received by U. 8. District Court Judge WILLINM C. HANSON. I Iadvisedle had turned this letter over to Agent Kansas City, Missouri. b6 ?5 Contact with on April 8, 1975, b7C _5 revealed that he had forwarded this letter to Omaha, . Nebraska. 25 FBI 13?gtt?tHEBE?3?? L-1622 in1'131ollowinq investigation WSS conducted by 136 11 .JSAApril 11, 117C _1_f . Specie Agent Uhited States . ecre ervice, mahaf Nebraska,.furnished,the follow1?ngyb7C a, . i :informationadviSed his offide received a letter 7 th th St rom_ anSaS ,Secret Seivice. 1? "ur? 1 threatening letter Written 'dth itt arded tS 1 UltdS?tt ts Hd b7C?5 a SS ecre erWid? ea quar erS,'WSSh1ngton *1 '1 on MSreh 25 1975.15:51.13. .. . . ?1 Junk . ?(??-~33 1?31 1 .ra 1 -- gj~ ,V?n .fu* . 34"ismi4,fin? . 1' A 3 Ir01v:Ig -. . Go FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION i Dme 4j11;75 011 the morning of Apxil .19?5, Special Agent: 1 Fedexal- Butte-an of Investigation, IFBIM b6 3 as}: the FBI Resident Agency; 309 SE 9011?}; Renae, Des Moines; Emmi? in the Sp. Maii an envelope addressed "to in Count House? lei; and Court libremie?-Z Des Moineei Iowa,r 50317, Whi?h envelope contained a. Letter signed I?ea Meinesg Zoweg 50309; The letter is. set forth as follows: ?Easter Sunday This: as int-i: part of a itetter? Sent. to. iowa; City?r Ia. Quote? from Dee Memes Registef: 3128175 on learning end teadhing if you thigh: differently about anything I?ve aaid, lei: me know? enjoy learning from ya?! A New for Doctore Job 13:4: 13111: ye age forgets of lies ye are all phya ioiene of no value; For new ye are nothing; ye See'my casting dorm; And are afxaid Meipreet? We prove Job 13 Somatic}; 30:36. A swoxd is upon the liars is there no physician thexe? Why then; is not the health of the daughter of- my' people geeovered tie: 8%{lg/1175 at Des Moines, Iowa File# by This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the property of the FBI and is loaned to SB. :dl?k Date dictated your agency; it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency. 27 417/75 MC b6 m1 FBI a? Emu-3M3? .- :1 31 w'i 0111 91-1622 11 In vain shalt thou use many medicians for 111011 $116.11 not be cured 381? 46: 1:1 Fox I'm ?the Lord that? 1196113111 $1199 Exgdu's, 15?- 26 .- 2311 25 1111110 111251191211 all ?3:113? di?eases 111516, 10313 And 131.1. Lake "sickness away fx?m mm 17.9 116511? 6. 1011111311 of Dcc'tors talk every one is ei'therc (1131537 or mental ill a? We (10:11" thin}: much 11f 1393110155 when they to can, not learn 1:111: truth from a lie 13.116. as far as people being mental ill There no such ?ling as a. mental person um All; Dactom e- and scien?ge Need 13116211 hands examine by? a. Veterinary A mental 11.1, perSon God say 1:11 011313;: I?ll bring 91:13. 11111111 this pecple', even ?the: 131-1111: of thOughts Because "they have 11111: heaxkeneci 11111.9 my wards 1191' to my law; 131.11; lejerted .L'ii J31: 5:19 80 11116.1 do you. 139.1: 011+.- :11? learning and teaching Nething 3399:6115?) people can not temh learn ?1:113 riiffez?ence bah-few the 13111111 and A. lie 61:" Honest and dung-19111: might be a. Doc-11:91:: ?28 FBI 911522 3. But 11 ?191113 my 60111011: ion abigve Yours any bid day Educat ion. with 611'}: 111-11113 yen, don'i; have nothing but. a. edi?c??lt inn 131911119 :10th need. education as much as? they need a few brains No such people as 0913111111151 People is not menta1 ill Ebb 13: 4% says Boaters is all 111135 malpxagitme prove Job 3.31.4 (Because Doctors is st: iden?al 3.3.3. 3 13161:; dam not tell different behregn the 1:111:21: 3.116. a 123.9 Ecnes? ?10m d1$hgne$t Crime and E'Tars' ?ail be won in your mm back? yard 33011101" 1' and. Science is 11431: that smart to. 111101: 3191,: my 131901319, are destroyed for the lack. of Knewledge 3? Bahamas thou 31:11.1 rejected 1'13. algal reject thee Hqsia 6 So 1' hm: yam 6:21.303? leam?mg f2: am In Des Moines; Ia 5630.9? A copy of the envelope. in which "the? HQ redezwed is Sat fox-$11 ag fo?. 191173": 29 ?the? 1:11 b6 ?3 b7C --3 FBI 13-11-111135-319 ?Earnh?dx zl'h?fig .2 . 5312? 9 nun-.r-gJ-r?gv-mu? .4 I . - FBI . . In . OM 9?1622 REPORTS OF THE FBI LABORATORY 3 1 FBI i 7-es? i?'ge {hf-5; gun-.5 . LABORATORY . E. E3. TWSAC, Gmaha March 12, 1975 FBI FILE NO. 157,.32592 LABJKL NV THEEATENING IA 539, PRESEDEET FORD, ?gmagns a? CONGRESS, RE BELLY QRAHAH, FOREER PRESEDENT RICHARD M. NEXGN, Ci?, 3319 ang 333353 0? CRIMINAL UNNAHED CAEDEBATES yea PRESIDENT a 3/6/75 Q23 Envelope yastmarke? PQSTAL EA 56% MAR 2 1975" hearing tyyewritten addre??"??ederal Bureau of Envestigaticn 9th ,and Ave Washington, Been 20535" Q24, Eirst page 0f accomyanying sevenwpage handwritten carbon cayy letter an ruled paper datad beginming ?Warnimg To Who it Cancerns . Time has come t0 tell the Q25 Second page of accompanying handwritten.letter beginning "and we da?'t aare how many lawmakers you have.o." 5 Thir? page of accompanying handwrittem iatter beginning "wa know ~3ust how ta get all 9f 1 page of handwri?ten letter beginning "on ?ne are :f mam that carry tales?.." Q23 Fifth page of accompanying handwrittan letter beginning "lawmakera is reaying the same.oa? Q29 Sixth page mi accampanying handwr?tten letter beginning ?such trashy Q38 Seventh page of accamyanying handwritten lefter beginning ?aad we dan?t care how manyaov" yage 1 {ovar} 32 FBI Result 0f examination: 26 questianed writingg an Q24 thxaugh Q30 were eom?ared with the questicned writing an specim?as Q1 through Q22 1? submi?ted'pyeviousiy in thig caseR Significant characteris?ic$ in cemmon wage noted in the cpmparabla areas of writing on specimens Q24 through Q30 and Q1 threugh Q22 which indicate that these items ?x were probabiy?pxagarad by the game writer. The ques?hned writing on cage have not been identifia? with any known person.- The typawri correspcn?s to an Giivet? per lettero ing on Q23, althcugh limite?, most closely A4 1 style of type having a syacing of 2.23 mm The aubmitted evidanaeg which has bean phatsgraphed, will he returned asparatelyo I Page 2 Em?5033?033 EV FBI . . .0 e? the Lfm??z?g A 1 LABORATORY ma.? raga E, SAC, Omaha (91?1622} April 15, 1975 FBIELENO. 157~32592 LmaNo. 3-?50408003 NV Re b6 ?3 PRESIDENT Greets roan, messes NC "3 OF CONGRESS, REV. BILLY GRAHAM, JUDGE WILLIAM HANSON, and others; Specimens received 4/7/75 Q39 Envelope postma.rked 00 31 1975" bearing Hen?wrwt en address Us Court House First and Court Ave. Des ?oines, Iowa 50317" 940 Sheet of ruled paper bearing first Page of ':hree nage handwritten letter dated Easter Sunday beginning ?This is just gart of a lette eras.? 941 Sheet of ruleo paper bearing secon? page of three page hendteritten letter beginning ?to hear a bunch of Doctors.a.? Q42 Sheet of ruled paper bearing third page of three page handwritten letter beginning "But I?ll put my Result of examination: It was conclude& that the questioned Writings on 939 through 942 were written by the writer of specimens Q1 through Q20 and 924 through ?a 938, submitted previously. The hand printing on 921 through 923 is "Fm? not comparable with the handwriting on the remaining items. .mawua mirr_w= The submitted evidence, which* has been ghotographe?, is returned herewiith. FBI .9?1622 REPORT OF THE FBI IDENTIFICATION DIVISION FBI '1 B-EV-QI 3353- 3-1 5 1-336 YOUR FILE NO. March 19 19? 5 FBI FILE NO. 325g; LATENT CAS N0. 90980 To; SAC Qmaha 1313833184" RE: TH Elli ENG 350 SEIMAWLED IA 500 3" 7r .3 REFERENCE: Buairt?l 3 6535 EXAMINATION REQUESTED BY: 31.: $3 '13. SP ECIMENS: ENE Ea: .. . . \?.ashingt0n, D. C. 2073orthe EEAE LATENT FINGERPRINT SECTION FREE 1131:: we? ?5119? VTP Lu?. ?23.9353 56 vacal 01:29. and SEVE. ?parse; E21293: lag. ?ery Q23 ti: rough C330 Lister-1?1 C: syeeimears EuEthE described in SE. {mate La?bcz: era. Eton}? report. Speaimens yrorzesse? anti one lament: fingerprint of value develop Ed on ?224. Spec mans enclose?. 4L n. 1 Alexazandria Charlette Les gage-ales Washington Field Office 4 f? 3 6 a! THIS REPORT IS FURNISHED FOR I ML USE ONLY FBI 5 OM 9?1622 CONTACT OF UNITED STATES ATTORNEY SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF IOWA DES MOINES, IOWA -u 3 7 FBI '1 8-35-3517 OM 9-1622 The facts of the zinonymous letter received at FBI Headquarters, dated Mazx?1 4, 1975, which letter begins with wording "warning," wer?a discussed with United States Attorney ALLEN LEE Southern District of Iowa (SDI), Des Moines, Iowa, and Mr, DONIELSON, via letter dated March 13, 1975, advised he had reviewed the matter. He stated that while he cannoi: be certain, the writing and ?method of expression appeared.to him to be the same as that which had been written an some occasions in the past. He advised it was obvious the writer had some type mental aberration and he could see nothing which would demand _further investigation. The facts of the matter were re?discussed with b6 m3 United States Attorney ALLEN LEE DONIELSON on March 25,1975, :b7C -3 after linvorvement in the matter had been- established through her ad?USSionS t0 interviewing Agents on March 24, 1975. Mr. DONIELSON, on March 25, 1975 indicated b6 13 he would not consider prosecution of Irelative b7C _3 to the?letters she wrote in captioned investigation or letters she has written in previous investigations. He further indicated he would authorize prosecution 0f for letters she might write in the future, and he is definitely of the opinion, after close scrutiny of the letters, that I Ivictim of some type mental aberration. In Mr. opinion, the facts contain nothing which would demand further inveStigation relative tol 38f FBI 4* /j . 115061211; 10?5? . ?l v. "Mg-hr; .u'u .-- r-w ?a ?35? ELFEM Ya 1 OFFICE OF omsm . DATE PERKOD 31;; lomHA 5/1/75 3/6/75 .4/11l'7s 3-13.45 OF .. REPORT MADE BY 5 CHANGED 136 -1CHARACTER OF CASE Friends of the Tn Ru Chrisiian, EXTORTION The Real Christian, Pentecost: PRESIDENT LD MEN. ERS OF CONGRF .SS 3 BILLY GNMENML JUDGE NTLLINM FORMF. PRPISTT ENT NIXON CIA, IONA BUREAU OF CRIMINAL TNVESTIGATIONF UNNBMED CANDIDATE FOR PRESIDF NT VIUTTMS Tit1e Changed to reflect addii ional names hm'which has :b6 _3 signed threatening lettersf that is Friends of the T, Ra b7Cj'"3 Christian Th Rea? Ch 's 1a . Pu: Tit? reWi 1517 .saxxis?. CASEHASBEEW corewc. AUTO. FUG. FINES SAVINGS Racovamas TALE PENDING OVER om: YEAR Elva-:5 King PENDING PROSECUTIGN OVER SIX MONTHS [Zinc Amwwvao .L DGNOTsmaTalmspAcesasLow COPIES ?155" - 9 .. Bureau . (1 1.. 15%32592) q?y? 3/0 @m 89.42880} jgr] (57,9 - (1 aka, "The Real Christiang? "Cu (Copies continued COVER PAGE B) Disseminc?on Recora? of Aifached Repun? Not?fions Agency Request Read. a if Fwd. How Fwd. BY Inn-alum FBI LLw-?i BNVEN FREE I OM 9a1622 (Copies continued) LAWRENCE SCALISE VICTIM) a USAF Des Moines, Iowa a Alexandria (Info) Charlotte (9?2648) (Info) Kansas City (Qu3184) (Info) Los Angeles (9m5576) (Info) a New York (Info) WFO (9a3633) (Info) Omaha (1 9m1622) (1 9n1498) (1 9~15059 (1 9m1583) 3 REFERENCES: Chicago airtel to Omaha, et a1, dated 3/6/75; Omaha airtel to Bureau, et a1, dated 4/2/75y copy to each receiving office; Omaha airtel to Bureau dated 2/2/73, entitled SCALISE EXTORTION, no copy receiving offices: Omaha airtel to Bureau dated 3/15/75, entitled aka, ?The Real Christiang" LETTER TO JUSTICE WILLIAM On DOUGLAS, POSTMARKED 2/20/73, EXTORTION, copv Omaha report of SA dated 8/9/74, :b6 ?1 entitled aka? Friends of the SLA, 137C ?1 CLARENCE FBI THREAT AGAINST THE PRESIDENT, no copy receiving offices; Bureau letter (Laboratory Reports) to Omaha dated 3/12/75 and 4/15/75: - a COVER PAGE . FBI '1 REV-81833321 OPTIONAL NO. :0 JULY 1973 EDITION FPMR (41 CFR) 101- 11.6 UNITED STATES GL I, emom 72719272 DIRECTOR, FBI (157-32592) SAC, OMAHA (9-r?g9? (C) SUBJECT: if Friends of the SLA, .w T. R. Christian, ?99999 The Real Christian, Pentecost; PRESIDENT MEMBERS REV. BILLY GRAHAM, JUDGE WILLIAM C. HANSON, FORMER PRESIDENT RICHARD M. NIXON, CIA, FBI, IOWA BUREAU OF CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION, UNNAMED CANDIDATES FOR PRESIDENT - VICTIMS oo: OMAHA k?i 19 SA 5 75. Omaha repor . 19763 ml Enclosed for the Bureau are four copies :99 and for Alexandria, Charlotte, Kansas City, Los Angeles, New York and F0 one 0 amended page thirty-eight it of rerep. @iW? 0 4 wean (Eno. 4c) 3,!ng; gm} <1 - 157- 32592) 9! (1 .. 99.. 2989) mgrf? i! @325] .99? (1 - UNSUB, ?eke Real Christian,? 9999,9999 MAL (l - LAWRENCE SCALISE - VICTIM) Alexandria (Eric. 1) . Charlotte (9- 2648) (Enc. 1) Kansas City (9 3184) (Enc. 1) Los Angeles (9-. 5576) (Enc. 1) New York (Enc. 1) WFO (9- 3633) (Enc. 1) Omaha 1" . (1 - 9-1622) '3 (l - 9-1498) (1 9 1506) (1 - 9 1583) %i:1 anew Bu?! U. failing: Bond: Regulaj'b on the ?gyro? .S'am' it n" 1d,: i. gf?fg 99 mm 9- 1976 9, l~l r. I k4! .. ye Avictim some type mental abberation. in the future, in view of the fact hill apparently b7CI-9?1622 recently again became of interest to 136 ?3 but by means of a letter referred to Omaha by WFO, b7C3??3 which letter contained no threats. The Omaha Division has filed the letter merely for information purposes. It was noted, however, that rerep, page thirty? 136 m3 eight, inadvertently points out USA, Southern District of b7C?~w3 Iowa, Des MOines had indicated he would authorize prosecu- tion the event of future letters. The page should read the USA stated he would not authorize prosecution against her in the future as he felt she was In that the USA's opinion could be of interest 136 -3 continue to write letters, the amended page is being submitted at this time. I No further action necessary at this time. The facts of the anonymous letter received at FBI Headquarters, dated 3/4/75, which letter begins with wording ?warning,? were discussed with United States Attorney ALLEN LEE DONIELSON, SDI, Des Moines, Iowa, and DONIELSON, via letter dated 3/13/75, advised he had reviewed the matter. He stated that while he cannot be certain, the writing and method of expression appeared to him to be the same as that which had been written on some occasions in the past. He advised it was obvious the writer had some type mental abberation, and he could see nothing which would demand further investigation. The facts of the matter were re?discussed with b6 -f3 USA DONIELSON on 3/25/75, after [involvement in b7{f-3 the matter had been established through her admissions to interviewing Agents on 3/24/75. USA DONIELSON, on 3 25/75, indicated he would not b6 consider prosecution to the letters she b7C ?3 wrote in captioned investigation or letters shehas written in previous investigations. He further indicated he would FBI i . . . - 9-.1622 not authorize prosecntion letters she ?3 might write in the future, and he is definitely of the opinion, after close scrutiny of the letters, tha is victim of some type mental abberation. In opinion, the facts contain nothin which would demand further investigation relative FBI I 222222. 1 22-2. 222222: 22222:: 222 33222323223 22252222222. 2. 2.. 22225 SAC. Omaha A 222: $222 $3 39?? 92021: @5222022 F33 x: 53> .- . (- 3'2222123 2:22 22.32,; 222211220. 0222:3222; 2222:2202: 3 2:2: 222:2. 2.22.20. 2222220530023 NV AG?ii? ST TEE GO: Omaha. Examination requested by: 31353822223 2? 3222mm 222222 222221 22222 22292?2 2 2? 92222222 Fing2222222 .5: 5" ?is: I2 322222 Sp222men2 Q1 through Q6 2211 be 2222:22d 5222222212 ?2221 2222 222 2282123 9? 222 latent fingerprint 222212221022 ?2j 22 5: 2221222222 (2) (2 L22 22p?22) 2 32?222 ?222222222 (2) (2 Lab 222922) 2 Little Rec 2 Enclosures (2) (2 Lab raper?? 2 223122232212 $26102 2222 (2) (2 L22 2220223 2 B232im022 3222022222 (2 222 report El 2226?2 25?6? all-.? m: . . I0: 2' 2.2239712 :3.323128131337335. 2222:. J- .3 MAIL 12003171. TELETYPE _j FEE 13-02-31335-365 u- u. . 7- :37. 4 ,k . . -.-. . ?5 a ?raw :33: L: 3-1. i $5 ..-.-. i? Egg 53% t; 4 -- 0?74053907'3 01?, ?Pl" '2 . Jug-4 - - . 1 Err. . . ii . puff? W?ru$11.51. 1; an? . - F81 0:140 53q023 m? NV upvf? mgr, .1. .4 5 944053001? 023 ml . . 'uv- . - ?5 . 5-minus-"g ?in. ?Eu??rru malt hf, 133ml 3 MM 72mm 7W 7.. - -- n-r --wL V, 3 . . - mango-unm??lgi "0 . [a Ill-'6'; A Hun-n- '9 "3 4.2345535. @5323 624- D.- '1 ?-133, FBI iB-m-E11885-371 Etuiuo ?19 Iii?v- -14 a. FBI lawma?-BB 0440:3062; 425? ml 44 54%} 7:5;ij x7/2?$ 5 29'1? - FBI 0474053007,; 6% ., - x- ,1 ?1 I 15"? .2 5W 0:740 537067,; cm, FBI 18-w-E31335-3??- .- multi- th??m - m- a. Wm WM 6 urymurvrut ~a ?5 rn/i . . . . lull If}; '71. all $115!? . .W m- an}; "rum" Ezgzzaeagmz mar 3W FBI IS-W-D 1385-311?? rM?v H. i #2 55.32:; I i .l uxl?? Wha/ My map/31% 01704-4 rw?s g/?W TM 44? W?t 13 Km Ma, M?w ?lm/?MM Kai/?r? dial/?4964?: [we 'WM/r?euxzyna 3 etc/J1? .44 ?11172fo a; F31 ?rm-$188538? . 'mmd? awwowlc'oyf FBI 18-w-i3188?5-383 *rw-A-vm? . . ., . (?urn?w '1 f. w. a?74mmvz 0 I 3.173..E-EV-Q 1 8-85-3185- I I I 5.7 799/ 2.4MQ7bM?ch Juana/6w?; 1,an 04.2 fay [a W7 04/4be 7991.de (1/1/va xzfze? 4 if 31.7 ?171.74- F31 - ?mw? 0'746b05'072. MEL FBI 1-8-w-I1885-38? a Z. NV 0'7404?905'072. cw ?g 2 mun" 15:: =4 1- I if 1.1.x 1-H -f A ?l?ui - . mm? ?W?uk'h =1 - - - a" .mmim ?a ?latte 133:. 330.? 5A.. ADELE ?it? T3. .13; mad! .. .115 A. A. 111113311? we 11 11 1 Shim" a .. J. ?34974 1 73b PM) WM MVW ??ung-UM?Hufcri??m1'17 . .5 91 "1'1 I. k, 7?7: .1: ?r mush. g, 1.1.. .arrnruink.? and. p-740bo7r03 m4 .r 3. 2a 8:233: .2. an gtg??fi .. . mam- 3mg_27snrmfwi .. . . 2. Midis an?: 1 3 . .2 .- mam. ?ta-v.26 ?n - i Fm'w D-740bo'nos .gig/314W 7wa We 501% A/j /VdeuA//7 ,1 @7471 ?/41 Awe, 5W1w?7 ?45 MZ :17 DMOEOWQB ME: ?LAa?i wantm?hm? 1'33: A h; ug??m . 2:23 - ?7 p?jrwboii'lti?B an: NW FII 18f?v-31835-39E =o-uowmg mw?wv: ?HwyEHTER FEE 18-wa1885-39? I . am-sgarz any}; WW 1men~ van-rm'?iW?irv?a??p?-?v-rsmy .. "m . i 04400 7109 15v F81 Warmwm-w wavy? ?r .4 4 A . 1/ .IV ?u?/SA/bh?g A 191% .1/2 (Ha 499? WW4) 44 (AW 5 WA. (M132 Zg It A $7 (0 WAX "(Hi /4 1/ it; ?740trc7?IGB 3?0 7,1591% x/ FBI 18-W-I1885-4E32 1 . . a ?217? MHZ 2 5:954}? lb." .3 .. FIE 18-w--E118851-433 ff A . FBI iB-W-iBSE??qag 4?142.? D5 . E453 1 2 ,1 \g I 41 44" Lawy??fi?f 7" 1, W1 77% 44?6. 51.1 4/41 71615 1542'? 5 Fix 27456 I 7%19444/41/1 :54 774m 41/7? ?111114 1117,1114; 7?11 Wag {51.4.19 ?1/437 "7 4 1;.be #12157? 191'!) [3217719424 #51471? W1 [67113115. [zygx? as 4 739? Ef? [4114 02! 7517 [Lg/745 1 727,111/11: 31444 5741* l/ 45/4917 9/8 4.4 WE 14/121 1. 11,421 114,444,394? 5 V55 ?i?7fCi5?z?4417/Eg7?4 S/Iff??k LIV-ES 171/1601; 711/1; 41/4 E14149 721 771114 31?1/4 44M 1;.f 'f VFBI .13-EV-EE1385-435 744/45 67/445,474: 7444:: 07/454; 6 4141/47 44;: WE ,9?25? 7/4" fr?afjj'gaf ?xc? 44,524, 7.17/3: 6/41/44?; 5474514?5 (-3 4 4/45? 447? 1 . 4 4Q/w?w~ 4 e? 4- aw? mfg" #1534229/ .1 (gt/,4 [45? f4} a? 414- 174: 4? -4 44/15? A444 4? 7' ?74444 457 f4". 044/445 F44 ,mea? 4 4427? A4 445? 5 4:3 44,4"; j?f/ Ff? ?i?g?jug 774* 44/4 47444 49% 4? ?154/ 7744.. 4? 4., 474447 474 5,4 474 47? ?5?4?1 4 La/ff? :4me 44443 FACZJ 1?44 {@pu?m 371-: nah-dew FBI - 3254 1 2} . l' r, '12! .k 9. My {7 at mimma??w . u. .. 35.3}. I. - 43:3 51?32541 (L3 .- L. .A 7 Much z; $6 1440 nab 51% a; I ,1 - w'n.mwr.qh . Ham.?FBI 1813431885418 Wm W1 :1 pm aka?0? i Ala page ad? 1:110:7/4; ?42,445, ?44? 2? FBI . ;?m.w1mw und- mm.- ?is? cm fwfk?lb 4 )Wn. x?aa. 4a? um; gag-412. 'w ?yaw-4mm - 93"; $3 5- v/Q l. A4733 23% 14mm 4M 7 Ma]! gawk/v 791.1- 7/61ij 1/4- OFM M/uwwz! x676, sin-w Liz l/Ms?htu? y; Fyia-cv-MSSE- 413 mm ?qmmim.m mm A'Iillng i'n? u- 11> ii if! I ii, IE 5 WM 724 gaw Lul? 71/4. a-u 7 ,1ch in AB I?d/m ~Mm4?374?m Sam 24/. 14 Ad [Mu ?mt (cm /r7 fax/hf My 42 Kile/ ?wm 18? w- @1883 415 - 2 7 We 2 7,2: 153:me ?g 271*; 0719.2} W, 72w- 77? 24% .. 35/7 149%? L143 #5251; . (bu: - ..-. .-.-.. - . . -: . 777.:.7: 777 .7777, 7 77.7.777 r7 7:7.77-77. :7 77 .7 . a 7777 - 77777 7777-77.? 7 7,7777 77 7 7777777777777-777777777. 7? 7 . ULE LY 'U?l W?vvr ~Wmv . . . . . .. I Rev Billy Graham Forth carding '7 1:757 I . . .. 57?32%: @131 EN . - . 7.. . -uuonuu-ont . a FBI '18-m-Q'1885-418 :l5 3* . 999 8259'; (3:32 ?8;?th FEE LABORATORY 21m - FBI 518-w-?1885-421 . {5:33 ?4 FBI 'Ela-W-Ql-885-422l FBI nn'onnonv "Au .?dk 4/4 I . illn .. 5.11.111 FBI: 18-w-E318185-424 45%.er r?maum?l glowas'qend FBI 7C -2 mun-Kw? 4.. F81 44? 3 @4544,? jaw/k (hu .4) . CA Mdufnj' 411/ m: 9? [Aym- (a #44444. MW 41/ A C441: 4? ?20.44,? 14.4 (L Mala/4,4! a. ?lady/Mp 44/ ML: . 4/644 J, 1649? Meetv'Mu it": .gjll. (lulu ?[t?mnla [ml ., E?ctuwy ?to? ?It: ?7 I Adel/c.? (LJ A?w FBI 18?w?31885L29 ?out/.2 adj/m7 a. #Mmd? a. Ala WM .jjrg/ /3 1/ x20. x4421 12.2sz Adi/.6. 97m! /3 a. W/Lwd. W?s hasw/zm MW fo??gg,/ (It/f :24; .1. 4.. ,24 JMACQK- .I up! #4 KJ/jaCf L1. L9 Mm ?737447974407 b6 b7C ?3 FBI 13- W- 31385-43G .. . I ma. . .n . 3 . 3 ,7 513Judas: 54;,r: :"J'Mri - .. . . {Hungry}; p.443? 1 ?1513 31M?a?? . A 13.3. 33,3 4,173? 3 .. .45 ff .- - . aha-.Ammuamd- 'l?U-lusnbu-upln?33! r: .1 Mum- FBI FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION DELETED PAGE INFORMATION SHEET Civil Action# 1:18?cv?01885 Total Deleted Page(s) Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Duplicate; Duplicate; Duplicate; Duplicate; Duplicate; Duplicate; Duplicate; Duplicate; Duplicate; Deleted Page(s) No Duplication Fee For this Page b6 -6 b7C -6 NORTH CAROLINA 23757 March 6. 1975 b6 ?1 Dear b7C -1 This letter is something I don't think should be taken too seriously, but it is a threat since they are wanting to kill all the FBI and say ?we'll kill Billy Graham". I'm sending you this letter for whatever purpuse you might decide. I'm sure you get thousands of letters like this but just felt that I should call this to your attention. Thanks a million. Most sincerely, . b6 ?6 b7C ?6 Associate to Billy Graham b6 ?1 ?1 Federal Bureau of Investigation 1120 Jefferson Standard Building Charlotte, NC 28201 Signed in his absence Enclosure b6 _1 b7C ?1 FBI luau. .. 1- . 5 BELLIGW . anno. ram-937 .4 .. Montreat, Norm Carolina 23 757 USA. (L I. Federal Bureau of investigation 1120 Jefferson Standard BuiIding Charlotte. NC 28201 . . an n. . Er 'lEi?hr-i?i . at. .1 771x3 flu-II!" IfFBI 18-w-E11885-434 2776ka if 7322/48: 2/ 721,2 c7727- 22; Z72 Z47 22222., 25/3 17 245276.776, 2% X42222) C2 ?u 75/?7- Mew 2 22/ 7W7 2 7/7223 2 744,722. 521/ 5772?4222? 291722 727772 7' {322277 2572:0275? $472222 50a) 6222 971% 2&2 177-7707477222 7772 aW 7272 2672 i FBI 18- EV- 231-885- 453-5 2 . ?u C/zquw 2(7de 633.:me ?lth} ?mf [/0436 W1 42164252147 mag/M .W .M 5. 2 FBI wand?wag? VFW #47 4? 14+ hr? dad/'5; fW/e?. cm ?1 7% $7 ?44% fwm?w WU 2? m, C/fq? FBI 18- EV- 31885-453? . 9.3 \Nk _3333333? 33333.3. 3 a \Nme\ 3.3.. REE. 33.3. 3. $3339 ?xk b3. BEN 333 E33.. $3.3 3333333333 33.333 33.3.3333 333333.33 E3 3333 ?333-33u33 H.333 mum?. ?g . Wm 926?; 32 {ml} 7/ch a y/Zcuw f4 ?zgd Q74 ?uffy/144% 22%, Gian/?Mow FBI Rm $36 a? ?m K?E?k?r $53? up RE Eng mum?. MAL (m AJ?r?l?o/L: (3L gf/Lw A222, Bag/Z (MM Yw/ ?jx?aw 2% a (J a, FBI Rev 231113:r Graham We, North Carolina. pm %?Ca 2 8? 757 FBI 3.99 are Complaint Form (Rev. 7-2l?67} NOTE: Hand print names iegibly; handwriting satisfactory for remainder. lndices: Negative El See below Subject?s name and aliases Character of case Annonymous letter ITS-NEW Addressed to BILLY RAHAM ASSOCO, Hontreat, C. b6.? Threatening to Kil b7c-e Pres ident FORD, Me BIS CompJaint received Congress, FBI and CIA by letter Agents I: Persona] I: Telephonic Date?lwl?ime? I Address of subject Complainant?s address and telephone number Billy Graham Assoc. Montreat, N. Go Race Sex Height Hair Build Birth date and .: Male ?g Age Weight Eyes Compiexi-Dn .2 L: Female :1 3 ?5 Sears, marks or other date Facts of complaint . b6 -6 On 3/10/75, anonymous letter received from Graham Assoc., in which writer threatens to kill president, members of congress, FBI and CIA Agents. 4% ig4Action Recommended UM to an- Age?I113sent-?s- i i FBI India: Search Slip (Rev. 3-23ng 1. . . Date 52'? TD: CHIEF CLERK Social Securli?y A?cunl: 5 Subject 9/ Allasea Address 0 Birth Dale Raf-1 59" DF'ema le Exact Spelling :El?ain Criminal Cane Files Only [:j?eairict lo Locality of All References Criminal Role-fences Only Main Subversive Case Files Only Main Subversive no Main. list all Subversive Heierencea] Subversive References Only Main Criminal (ll no Main. list all Criminal References) File a Serial Number Hemarge File 6 Serial Number Remarks LLB #4949; f7 as? a . .. ?gig/c 2 Hequeated by Squad ExtEnsion File No. Saute-lied by a li? fl- Mam, - r. Consolidated by (date) 4 Reviewed by 3 E7. b? 1 (date) File Review Symbol]! Cm) a -. Holidenlil?labln NI - Not identical Unavailable tolerance FBI #0985 790 Pf? (an. 5-22-51) I I . I (15? . . A H, Dae= 3111/75 TransmIt the followlnq?ln PLAINTEXT {Type in plaintezt Or murky1 TE LETYPE NITEL (P don't-J} TO: DIRECTOR, EBI OMAHA FROM: CHARLOTTE {175? 3) (P) AND CIA AGENTS, ANONYMOUS LETTER DRESSED TO BILLY GRAHAM ASSOCIATES, CTHREATENING TO KILL IDENT FORD, MEMBERS OF CONGRESS, FBI CRUSADE, P. O. BOX 937, MONTREAT, NORTH CAROLINA, BY LETTER DATED MARCH 7, 1975, ADVISED ANONYMOUS LETTER HAD BEEN RECEIVED AT HIS OFFICE THREATENING LIFE OF PRESIDENT FORDASSOCIATE TO BILLY GRAHAM, BILLY GRAHAM b7c., GRAHAM, MEMBERS OF CONGRESS, FBI AND CIA AGENTS. N. C., 28757" WRITTEN IN. NC, ADVISED OF LETTER CONTENTS APPROXIMATELY ?:30 PM, MARCH 11, 1975, AND PROVIDED COPY OF SAME. ENCLOSED REPRODUCED COPY OF SEVEN PAGE LETTER DATED MARCH 1, 1975, WITH COPIES OF ENVELOPE, FRONT AND BACK, WHICH BEARS POSTMARK ADDRESSED BY TYPEWRITER TO BILLY GRAHAM, CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA, 28202". WORDS NORTH ARE CROSSED OUT, AND IN HANDWRITING, ASACI s. SECRET SERVICE, CHARLOTTE, bs-s -5 U. S. POSTAL INSPECTOR CHARLOTTE, NC, b6'5 b7C -5 GPO: IND - FBI 4: 9:51:35 In". 542-54} .II. I Date: Transmit the following in If (Type in piaiMcxt or code} {PriorityPAGE TWO. - SIMILARLY ADVISED AND STATED POSTMARN IASOO DENOTES MOINES, CENTER INCLUDING DES MOINES, MASON CITY, PORT DODGE, AND WATERLOO, IOWA. LETTER IS SPECIOUS AND DISCONNECTED IN THOUGHT, CONTAINING BIBLICAL QUOTATIONS AND INTERSPERSED WITH THREATS TO KILL OPPICIALS VIZ TIME TO EXECUTE THE KILLERS STARTED WITH PORD CONGRESS - CIA PEI AND LAW MAKERS THEN CRIME WILL RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT WILL BE TIME TO EXECUTE THE KILLERS IN HIGH OMAHA AT DES HOINES, IOWA, WILL CONTACT U. S. SECRET SERVICE AND OPPER COOPERATIVE SERVICES. CHARLOTTE AT MONTREAT, NC, WILL OBTAIN ORIGINAL OP LETTER AND ENVELOPE FROMI IBILLY GRAHAM EVANGELISTIC bs-P b?7C -6 CRUSADE, AND FORWARD ORIGINAL TO U. S. SECRET SERVICE AFTER REPRODUCING SUFFICIENT COPIES FOR TRANSMITTAL TO FBI LAB. END . Approved: Sent Per Special Agent in Charge - GPO 11m 0 - FBI - a I -. .15 Til i9 mam-:00. 001 3/20/75 000, 000050110 (175-73) (0) W5 1.01000 100000050 '00 51:10 001010! 1500011300. Wm '10 0? Wm 1:00 (00: 051510115) 05 5110 175-73 mm - IA500 rtm?sa-cw001503005E .mnm, cummxmamwma Wm 00: ((13 FEE 9-1358 $1 magnum m3 51 r. 0 Hm Wm .htdforthn?luhontory Wheat-m 000mm Madman of first 105:? b6 -3,5 b7C -3,5 b6 -1 b7C -1 FBI 18-30-31885-554? CE 1? 5-13 11: 1: that. a mu immaz undid lath-r, My mi 1nd. nu I'll: mom 7 7, ?Wuhmturofomdupumdmm latt- Division 15 gluing mat-19th m: ITS-73. ?lime dimmed mama be placed in m?om ?11: 9-1 S. Sacra: Wm mm; a of first aim: ?if ?av Ma Mariam in View at hm Entity as: FBI MONTREAT, NORTH CAROLINA 23757 March 6, 1975 Dear : This letter is something I don't think should be taken too seriously, but it is a threat since they are wanting to kill all the FBI and say ?we'll kill Billy Graham". I'm sending you this letter for whatever purpuse you might decide. I'm sure you get thousands of letters like this but just felt that I should call this to your attention. Thanks a million. Most sincerely, .Associate to Billy Graham Federal Bureau of Investigation 1120 Jefferson Standard Building Charlotte, NC 28201 at Signed in his absence Enclosure ELma 91. s; ?bShaiku-Inn w-?Arw 7-. - - - .- To: SAC REPORT of the Ian; unsound-on! FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION WASHINGTON, D. C. 20535 Charlotte {175?13} April 10, 1975 FBIFILE NO. 157?32592 NV Rm ANONYMOUS LETTER ADDRESSED TO BILLY GRAHAM ASSOCIATES, THREATENING TO KILL PRESIDENT FORD, MEMBERS OF CONGRESS, FBI AND CIA AGENTS THREAT AGAINST THE PRESIDENT Specimens received 3/2 5 QC31 Qc32 Q033 Qc34 Qo35 Qc36 003? Page Photocopy of envelope postmarked POSTAL SERVICE 14500 MAR 2 PM 1975" bearing typewritten address "Rev Billy Graham Charlotte, North Carolina 28202" and handwritten notation "Montreat, NC 28757" Photocopy of seven-page handwritten letter dated 3/1/75 first page beginning "To Who it Con- cerns Time Second page of seven-page handwritten letter beginning "The Real Third page of seven-page handwritten letter beginning "of lying two Fourth page of seven-page handwritten letter beginning "We are fed up Fifth page of seven-page handwritten letter beginning "Now if we Sixth page of seven?page handwritten letter beginning "Wicked 1 (over) FBI Qc38 Seventh page of seven-page handwritten letter beginning "We are sending a Result of examination: Significant similarities were noted in the questioned handwriting on Qc32 through Qc38 which indicate that these items were prepared by the writer of certain items submitted previously in this case of which specimens 02 though Q12, through 919 and 024 through Q30 are representative. The questioned writings in this case have not been identified with any known person. The typewriting on Qc31 is too limited to permit an exact classification as to type style. The submitted evidence, which has been photo- graphed, is returned herewith. Page 2 D-750325160 NV FBI Laboratory Transmittal Farm 7-72 FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION WASHINGTON, D. C. 20535 To: Charlotte (175-73) April 10,r 1915 From: Director, FBI FBI FILE NO. 157-32592 NV LETTER ADDRESSED TO BILLY GRAHAM ASSOCIATES, THREATENING TO KILL PRESIDENT FORD, MEMBERS OF CONGRESS, FBI AND CIA AGENTS THREAT AGAINST THE PRESIDENT Examination retuSI-Ed by: Charlotte Reference: Letter dated 3/20/75 Examination requested= Document Remarks: Enclosures (10) (Qc31an38, 2 Lab report) 4?4 I New NOT INCLUDE ADMINISIRATIVE i We: INFORMATION IN i REPORT PAGE b6 -1 b7C -1 FBI FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION DELETED PAGE INFORMATION SHEET Civil Action# 1:18?cv?01885 Total Deleted Page(s) 2 Page 5 Duplicate; Deleted Page(s) No Duplication Fee For this Page 3n 1:013ro may. $24-65} M. iw? 73 by Date 3 2 5" From I (ADD HESS {crn' AND (NAME 13F SPECIAL To Be Returned Elm Yes ?acelpi Given Elm You .FBI {ya-wilyu": twat-1w age-gumuamsnc assncunnu a 7 9.0. Box 937 Momma; North Carolina 2875? USA. b6 -1 'b'i'C -1 Federal Bureau of Investigation 1120 Jefferson Standard Bu11ding Char10tte. NC 28201 ?4r - - w-"b-vr Wm?rv .. . .. FBEiB?m?-EJala??S??rm 3? lunlu . 4' KL-bnhl [In-ac- Omaha-m ?summitMann-ear, North Carolina 23757 - U.S.A. m. b6 ?1 Fe?eral Bur?i?'Lf Invest1gation b7C ?1 1120 Jefferson Standard Bu11d1ng Char1otte. NC 28201 FBI 18-w-E11885-466 'v-Wr?frm? .w - . M. Langniid?f "4mm Rev Billy Graham We, North Carolina. 2?757 FBI law-9133345? ?3'23 8? I821 WW 222/4 72220222220 2777 mi 22.2" 2222/ ?"724 "/2262 WM 22/272 2:22 2% "i 57/22/2222" "221% 2227f? 2622/02 222:2 6/ 266% ?222/? ""2772 ?21" WW 6 4/67 "7724/; ?2 a 22-222" 2222" 62/ 2222222 "222/ 22:22: ?win-H 26:27 222/22/2 . Wu.? AA .-.. A 77?" U4 Mm, MC g. ?45018 wave 77?? amp 4% gq/g?im/ra??Lizzy .- A 3 mm ,Ime?u?" un- ?gp?J-uJ; -. . I A MW FBI 772m 7 7mg. LawnMoo/.xdzg L4, 3 . - ?ea/70AM Mam79?11?: 1/ I1 A 25/} 18 EV MESS Zib-Sg?m-?-EI 1m - - 1 ?av 777W ?374% . 73,72; .- 4?72? 1% "57? Wary/J (/7167 I - #7774 W/bwm?zf W7 um ?7555/: Ziggy/?7 972/7? *1fo 57/1 J, 772/ 632/ 777/42 waZ/ 1 52y neg/.7 ?m777 a ??72 5 740% K: 277i 3 gag on TORY My QEW 4.7444244 [4/44sz (46241.4 CZZ??xwta L70 0W 65344.4( MM 41524;wa a. M444 MMmq. a? ?4444/ 44744404444 .- C044M7L Magic 60/4041,- 4414947421 Z3 447? 4:44:34, /4w42 (2,14 @407 7? W464 ?77/1/sz 47057444444124 ?440.. 4? /?4~ij gm 4,4343 4?44!) 4M4. 1777444FBI 31885-5333 [1/07 calf 7, 735/ ?jw' $774777 {Maj (It. f7 {2777, 7/3 [7/2 ?flu/LL? I. 3% 757? i Qr?Lao ?/27 ?0 Way/?7/Z 777/77 FBI :5 FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION DELETED PAGE INFORMATION SHEET Civil Action# 1:18?cv?01885 Total Deleted Page(s) 2 2 Page Page 4 b6 1; b7C 1 1 Deleted Page(s) No Duplication Fee For this Page b6 -1 b7C -1 Memorandum b6 -1 To SAC, SAN JUAN (185B-NEW) 2/23/95 MC -1 b7E -1 From 99?- Subjecu BILLY RAHAM EVANGELISTIC WORLD CRUSADE - SAN JUAN, PUERTO RICO (PR), MARCH 7?13,1995 - SPECIAL IT, 00: SAN JUAN On Februa 21 1995, writer met withl Iandl b6 ?5 I GRAHAM EVANGELISTIC ASSOCIATION who furnished b7C ?5 93/ writer the following information with regard to the above captioned event: During the dates of March 14-18, 1995, BILLY GRAHAM will be conducting evangelistic meetings at the HIRAH BITHORN Stadium in San Juan, PR. This is an outdoor stadium which will seat over 30,000 when extra seat?are added to the infield. In addition to these public meetings,the BILLY GRAHAM EVANGELISTIC ASSOCIATION will host a three day Christian Worker's Conference during the dates of March 8-10, 1995, at the ROBERTO CLEMENTE Coliseum which is adjacent to the HIRAH BITHORN Stadium. Over 2,000 peOple are expected to attend this activity. During the dates of March 16-18, 1995, the meetings from San Juan will be sent?via satellite to 188 countries representing 2,741 satellite reception locations in 116 languages. The estimated audience worldwide is 9,974,499. Additionally, the BILLY GRAHAM ASSOCIATION plans to place a 1 hour TV program on prime?time in 100 nations. During the next few days a massive advertising campaign will commence worldwide making the public aware of both the global event as well as the local satellite reception venues in each of the 188 countries. The media is expected to descend on San Juan in large measure to cover this event. Representatives of CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, BBC, AP and Reuters are planning to give headline coverage. In fact, many from the international TV, ?bm/ radio, and newspaper media will be 'n attendance. UbS(2) xi?) 9k? was - 9919:9199 . 9). NW 19% 91995 ?gu? ,u 999? This type of public meeting has drawn massive attention from the general public worldwide as well as in PR. In some parts of the world outright opposition is expected, especially in the Middle East. The following nations in the Middle East are participating via satellite with public meetings planned: Israel - Hebrew and Arabic languages Jordan - 10 venues Syria - 5 venues Lebanon - 14 venues plus some TV Egypt - 90 venues planned with possibly 200 Sudan - Delayed video tape (supplied by Egyptgeria II II II II I. If Tunisia Recorded and delayed Morocco - 3 venues Mauritania - 1 venue plus video tape later Iraq - Delayed video supplied by Jordan Arabian Peninsula] Gulf States - Delayed videc supplied by Egypt Given the continued opposition by the Muslim nations to the type of message BILLY GRAHAM preaches, the government's knowledge in each country of the event, recent activity by Islamic radical groups and the presence of a large Muslim population in PR, are of concern with regard to the safety of BILLY GRAHAM and the public attending the crusade, and the success of the worldwide satellite transmission. In addition, to these are certain individuals who have come to the attention of the BILLY GRAHAM ASSOCIATION which give cause for concern. FBI . JR ?is? I -;iL-1 [r it? Y, E, who resides made b6-4,5 numerous telephone calls to the BILLY GRAHAM off1ce in San Juan bW3-2,5 as well as the headquarters in ressed to and] Said letters were turned over to writer. has made telephone contact 0 has expressed an interest in ?getting close" to BILLY GRAHAM. b7c'3?5 has asked many detailed questions concerning Mr. GRAHAM's home 'in North Carolina, his whereabouts in San Juan and the number of staff who would be surrounding Mr. GRAHAM. In each of the dozen phone conversationsl I b6'3'5 has had withl he has expressed a growing anxiety and b7c'3 5 desperation for "condition" which he has outlined in his W0 letters. . A second person who has made nearly as many inquirieslo IE and letter is I b6-6 has asked if he could?on BILLY GRAHAM's personal security deta1l in San Juan. He plans to be in San Juan the dates of the meeti and wants "very much to meet BILLY in person?. and photograph were turned over to writer. Given the continued insistence by these two individuals to have a personal meeting" with BILLY GRAHAM, and taking into account the large Muslim population in PR and the level of involvement of the BILLY GRAHAM ASSOCIATION within over a dozen predominantly Islamic countries, the executive committee of the BILLY GRAHAM crusade believes that there is a great potential for terrorist acts to be carried out to disrupt the activities in San Juan. In view of the above, writer recommends that a 135B matter be initiated in order to further evaluate the possible threats of criminal or terrorist activity with regard to the above captioned matter. FBI FELSE FBI TRANSMIT VIA: PRECEDENCE: CLASSIFICATION: Teletype Immediate TOP SECRET Facsimile El Priority . SECRET El AIRTEL El Routine >13 CONFIDENTIAL I UNCLASEFT 6? Af FM FBI SAN JUAN (looB-SJ-328Sij I TO DIRECTOR ALL FBI FIELD ALL BT UNCLAS CITE: [[3300]] PASS: FBIHQ FOR UNIT. a; [ff SUBJECT: GRAHAM EVANGELISTIC WORLD CRUSADE, SAN JUAN, PUERTO RICO, 3/8-18/95; DOMESTIC SECURITY INVESTIGATIONS- SPECIAL 00: SAN JUAN. b?7E RE SAN JUAN TELCALL T0 FBIHO ON 3/3/95. FROM 313195, UNTIL 3/13/95, THE BILLY GRAHAM EVANGELISTIC ASSOCIATION (BGEA) WILL CONDUCT A WORLDWIDE S- JUAN, PUERTO RICO. FROM 31'8- 10/95, THE BGEA WILL HOST A THREE 1,1: 1 . LC. u? fdApproved: Original meme: a 7 1 b6 ?1 Time Received: Telprep ?lename: 00 (50. 09 7 b?7C ?1 DATE: ISN: CO5 I FOX DATE 3: TIAIE 0F ACCEPTANCE: GI MR9. (LE) 5 QM ?as: n. ?1385?483 APAGE 2 UNCLAS DAY CHRISTIAN CONFERENCE AT THE ROBERTO CLEMENTE COLISEUM. THIS ACTIVITY IS EXPECTED TO DRAW AUDIENCES OF OVER 2,000 PEOPLE. FROM 3/14?18195, BILLY GRAHAM WILL CONDUCT EVANGELISTIC AT THE HIRAM BITHORN OUTDOOR STADIUM WHICH WILL SEAT APPROXIMATELY 30,000 PEOPLE. THESE MEETINGS WILL BE BROADCAST VIA SATELLITE TRANSMISSION TO 188 COUNTRIES WORLDWIDE. ACCORDING TO THE BGEA, 2,741 SATELLITE RECEPTION STATIONS WILL BE UTILIZED TO TRANSMIT THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE CRUSADE TO AN ESTIMATED AUDIENCE 0F 10 MILLION PEOPLE. THE BROADCASTS WILL BE TRANSLATED INTO 116 DIFFERENT LANGUAGES. A MASSIVE ADVERTISING CAMPAIGN HAS COMMENCED PUBLICIZING THIS EVENT IN EACH OF THE 133 COUNTRIES WHICH WILL RECEIVE THE TRANSMISSIONS. REPRESENTATIVES OF CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, BBC, AP, AND REUTERS ARE PLANNING TO PROVIDE HEADLINE COVERAGE OF THIS EVENT. ADDITIONALLY, A ONE HOUR SPECIAL PROGRAM IS TO BE BROADCAST ON PRIME TIME IN 100 COUNTRIES DURING THIS EVENT. ACCORDING TO INFORMATION PROVIDED BY THE BGEA, LIVE SATELLITE TRANSMISSIONS AND DELAYED VIDEO BROADCASTS WILL BE FBI APAGE 3 1003-5J-32851 UNCLAS TRANSMITTED TO THE FOLLOWING COUNTRIES: ISRAEL, JORDAN, SYRIA, LEBANON, SUDAN, ALGERIA, IRAQ AND MOST OF THE ARABIAN STATES. GIVEN THE CONTINUED OPPOSITION BY MUSLIM NATIONS TO THE CHRISTIAN MESSAGE OF BILLY GRAHAM, RECENT ACTIVITY BY INTERNATIONAL RADICAL FUNDAMENTALIST GROUPS, AND A LARGE ARAB POPULATION IN PUERTO RICO, SAN JUAN BELIEVES THIS EVENT MAY BE VIEWED AS A POTENTIAL TARGET FOR TERRORIST ACTS OR SABOTAGE. RECEIVING OFFICES ARE REQUESTED TO CANVASS LOGICAL SOURCES AND ASSETS FOR INFORMATION PERTAINING TO ANY TERRORIST OR CRIMINAL ACT PLANNED AGAINST CAPTIONED EVENT. RECIPIENTS ARE REMINDED THAT IN ORDER TO AVOID IMPROPER INTERFERENCE WITH THE LEGITIMATE EXERCISE OF FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHTS, ONLY INFORMATION PERTAINING TO TERRORIST OR CRIMINAL ACTIVITY SHOULD BE SOUGHT AND REPORTED. SUTEL POSITIVE INFORMATION TO SAN JUAN. BT FBI Memorandum T0 SAC, SAN JUAN (P) me DH: 3/10/95 BILLY GRAHAM EVANGELISTIC WORLD CRUSADE, SAN JUAN, PUERTO 3/8-18/95; 00: SAN JUAN On instant date, SAI Imet withI I Evangelistic Association GEA Coliseum, San Juan, PR. counterterrorism responssz111t1es and was told that in regard to captioned event, the FBI would only investigate those cr: terrorist activities tha 1 was also advised that SA Bi11y Graham at the Roberto Clemente was advised of the FBI's within FBI jurisdiction. will be the point of contact in the event any such incident occurs. 2- San Juan (2) oi WM 15 I SEARCHED DEXEU SERIALIIE FILED MAR 1 3 1995 FEH SAN JUAN -1,5 b7C -l,5 FBI iB-w-Glaa?-q?? FD-36 (Rev. 8?29-35) FBI IRANSMIT VIA: PRECEDENCE: CLASSIFICATION: Teletype El Immediate TOP SECRET El Facsimile El Priority SECRET b5 '1 AIRTEL Routine El CONFIDENTIAL we ?1 UNCLAS b7E ?1 UNCLAS 4-40 5 Date 4?7? 9.: {9:5 FM FBI SAN JUAN (100B-SJ-32351) (C), a; :2 N1. TO DIRECTOR I -II.-II. BT - gulf-II UNCLAS - CITE: //3800[/ f, PASS: UNIT, NSD. SUBJECT: BILLF GRAHAM EVANGELISTIC WORLD CRUSADE, SAN JUAN, PUERTO RICO, 313-13/95: DOMESTIC SECURITY 00: SAN JUAN. b7E -4 REFERENCE SAN JUAN TELETYPE TO ALL OFFICES ON 3/9/95. CAPTIONED EVENT TOOK PLACE IN SAN JUAN, PUERTO RICO, WITHOUT INCIDENT. NO POSITIVE INFORMATION WAS RECEIVED REGARDING POSSIBLE TERRORIST OR CRIMINAL ACTS RELATED TO CAPTIONED EVENT. . THIS MATTER IN A CLOSED Li . I . i 1 SMWS ,9 I 7534 . Approved: ?b :1 'ginal filename: g/ 1' l' Time Received/ Telprep ?lename: . 39 g/ MRIIJULIAN DATE: 53 ISN: m4 FOX DATE TIME OF ACCEPTANCE: I .Q) ?x 2 IOOB-SJ-32851 UNCLAS BT FBI 0124 MRI 01701 PP RUCNFB FBISJ DE PAN #0004 1162.240 NE '1 ZNR 2619332 APR 95 FM LEGAT PANAMA CITY (IOOB-SJ-SZBSI) (RUC) TO DIRECTOR FBI SAN JUAN BT UNCLAS CITE: PASS: HO: IRB, CID, IRU-II, ROOM 7453. SUBJECT: BILLY GRAHAM EVANGELISTIC WORLD CRUSADE, SAN JUAN, PUERTO RICO, 3/3-13/95; DOMESTIC SECURITY INVESTIGATIONS - SPECIAL EVENTS: OO: SAN JUAN. RE FBI SAN JUAN TELETYPE TO DIRECTOR, DATED MARCH 9, 1995. A REVIEW OF FILE REFLECTS THAT THERE IS NO PENDING LEADS INFORMATION TO BE REPORTED. IN VIEW ABOVE, THIS MATTER IS BEING PLACED OTB: . -. ., ,1 In?: 95/0 KRAMER . . g9 ?Jr-hm . F) 2 {23:31:23.1 7 u. .ENITLALS ,wmmw -u an. ?Raff 3/ POMS FBI SAN FBI PAGE TWO DE PAN 0004 UNCLAS RUC STATUS. ET #0004 FBI aqea 815 egs?a? 3' I. FEB-E359 gicaie- page; name of '3 ?aft; 3 Rd a . per newspa' Date: 'di'fton: STAR JUAN SAN G-W PAVIN RAHAM WORKEA BI I. TL LLY Character; i? 135i?c3?an: 1 DE ice (Zia Sub "24? 3? 5'1 IO .20him 31in ?if; . Beak-1w; 3533 ?ning 2. 1mm (3?15 FBI FBI Fill-35f? (Rev. 543% . Faqes 2 13 {indicate paga, name of IneWspaper. city and Estate?; {Mmmf E??ppi?g in Space 39mm mma ?arch 8, 1995 THE SAN JUAN STAR :ma GRAEAM EREDICTS ON ROAD TO SPKRITUALITY Character: 0{ Ciassi?catian: Submitting Bf?ce: FBI :30 3381} Page 1 (indiuvugg page, name of newsg-aper. City and. state?} {Miami-Crimping in Space Bram-u) DwaMarch 7t l??5 Editimn: THE SAN JUAN STAR TWEBILLY GRAHAM VISITS DLD CITE REEVEDD Characte r. 51 Subm?uing Qi?ce: Huh SAN JUAE If New 7 7. 9% wage 5510:..1' ..-, ?44:45:44.4: $1374: ?3,4 be ?3,4 4, 4444444444 .4. 44.444444" 444.. 4.44444 I4 935%} 1512,]; . . .4 .-. xiv-.4. QKWM I IMI?WJx?me?wgw a U1 .LU at. E??m gm ?5 ?Ti? i E3333 .4 Im??x? :44: $3 IE ~44. x0533: i? x} 34:43:43: 4 ,4 5:44.53 4:444. 3 ?34445}: 44w. E: .4 1% o. '45. ?174: 4. i\ i ?a i 3.2. :4 1324\er f: QR. E3 mm: 3:43: 334 1 4:14? "?3.35 3 -.-. Wm .4. Th,? 44 4. 4i} 35;. 44.33: 434344: I a? 93wa T1753 . f_ 5144i .4 3.332 52?} 334% 4- mm 44:43E7: Is, 41?? 14} {4?4 44: {.44 ?53 {3 933 ?445:? 4? i" 9'9 (4?4 ,2 .74- g; 653'! 53$ I, 3::42: g: :43; is?" .2: 4:4 a: 3:3 4?44 T743 .4- 4:3 ?$4.344 $.53 5?41 ?33 4631 444;: 9'3: 75473" . ??234 My 33 a 444:. 3:4- 43 35 :44 9% .Iv53} {45:44 #04: 3.32 4 +4??g?.gaxg34:? {5:3 1 . :44- {?34 ~44 a. . 4:5 24:. 5:2 4444. 4. i 355; 1431?: I $33 W. 5.5 N332. 4415:4427?: :44? 431443 a? $3.43 Mg?mm: ?44444: Iii.- *4 3; in ya 4% E33 4:4: {44:43:41.4444 3:44 - 112022'? 3:43$ {440.454.3444 ?$43 4% 4 4:3w; 4033 a? 4* RE. 35? 33.31434? 112?}? . 9?44 . 1 ?43; 72:71 . w, 444: 7 E: :45: 4:44 5; ?If44-4 4.gig. 4344 1:4. 132?: it 5.45;: -. 7-3; 24.2 .444. . {.43 5?4: L1 5:4 1:7: 43;: 44:: 4.: . ?443 44:4:- :44 $344 :4?4 :51: 3:4 :4 I: 4:4 It: ?if 3.6.94:5) . Kinda? n, f. . .57 155? fut .. I .12Alf?. .525Ma?a wm+?a 4Mw kmeQO Ms; ?5.4ux 2215? A Em 64mg ?mame 3&3 . 1.4.: A mum?. Memorandum DIRECTOR, FBI D?e 5/2/85 SAC, LOS ANG LES (62D-NEW) GRAHAM Threat Asses ment for Appearance at Anaheim Stadium 7/13?29/85 DOMESTIC POLICE COOPERATION 00: Los Angeles On 4/9/85, Santa Ana, California, bs?4 Police Department, telephone numberl I advised b7c-A he is cobrdinating the local security.for BILLY appearance at Stadium, Anaheim, California, 7/13-29/85. land numerous other Christian police officers have volun"eerpd their time to afford security for BILLY GRAHAM. Iadvised he has.been in contact and will continue to be in-contact with various members of the BILLY GRAHAM operation concerning a threat assessment. requested to be advised whether or b6-4 not the FBI had any information which might assist their b70-4 offices in carrying out their security assignments. Los Angeles indices reflect a recent case captioned Reverend BILLY GRAHAM - EXTORTION, 00: Los Angeles" (LAfile 9B-7823) wherein the latter part of 1984, an anonymous threatening letter was written to BILLY GRAHAM in which the writer appeared to be disgruntled and in need of help. Investigation failed to identify writer, but in all probability the writer was in the Los Angeles area. Who's Who reflects BILLY GRAHAM (true name WILLIAM FRANKLIN has a residence in Montreat, North Carolina, and an office at 1300 Harmon Place, Minneapolis. Minnesota. Information copies are being furnished to Charlotte and Minneapolis with a request that office files be reviewed solely for the purpose of determining any current threat to BILLY GRAHAM. Advise Los Angeles of only positive results. 2 Bureau ?dd?Q?g? Charlotte {Info} ?j Minneapolis {Info} rt]: 2 - Los Angeles FAC/dms e1 'Ehw\ J. ?g b7C ?1 FIE LA 62D-NEW REQUEST OF THE BUREAU It is requested a search of Bureau indices be made to determine whether or not there exists any current threats to the safety of BILLY GRAHAM. FBI Indlcea Search (Rev. 1-21-83] TO: OFFICE SERVICES MANAGER Date I Subject Social Security Account ll 3' 7 at?! it. a; i Aliases Address Birth Date Race Sex Male El Female Exact Spelling El Main Criminal Case Files Only El Restrict Locality of All References Criminal References Only Main Security Case Files lClinly Main Security {If no Main, list all Security References) El Security References Only Main lCriminal (If no Main, list all Criminal References) File a Serial Number Remarks File a Serial Number Remarks . Mi??r ?arm (my VJ. 5 Nib? yr .5 r/ . Curr v? - M5 ry- Requested by Squad Extension File No. El General ff El ISIS: Searched by Date Searched by Date I: Confidential Indlces: El OCIS: Searched by Date Searched by Date El ELSUR lndicea: HS: Searched by Date Searched by Date Consolidated by Date Reviewed by Date Review Symbols I - Identical - rdentl - Not identifiable - Unavailable reference FBI FBI-35 (Rev. 5-26-32) FBI 7 TRANSMIT- VIA: PRECEDENCE: CLASSIFICATION: IEIXTeiOtype Immediate TOP SECRET El Facsimile Priority El SECRET EQXFioutIne El CONFIDENTIAL El: UNCLAS UNCLAS 30550 nae 7/16/85 FM CHARLOTTE (62D-4645) (RUC) ANGELES (62D-NEW) ROUTINE BT UNCLAS .. BILLY GRAHAM THREAT ASSESSMENT FOR APPEARANCE AT ANAHEIM JULY 18 THROUGH 29, 1985; DOMESTIC POLICE 00: ANGELES RE BUREAU MEMO TO LOS ANGELES DATED MAY 2. 1985 AND LOS ANGELES TELCALL TO CHARLOTTE DATED MAYI11, 1935. A REVIEW WAS MADE OF ALL CHARLOTTE FILES AS TO THREATS AGAINST BUREAU MEMO TO LOS ANSELES DATED MAI 2, LOS ANSELES HE NOTIFIED OF POSITIVE RESULTS ONLII TELCALL OF JULY 11, 1985 FROM LOS ANGELES TO CHARLOTTE REQUESTED A TELETYPEMESSASE BE SENT SHOWING THE RESULTS OF THE CHARLOTTE REVIEW. - RESULTS OF THE REVIEW OF CHARLOTTE FILES REVEALED THAT THERE WAS NO CURRENT THREAT TO BILLY GRAHAM ON RECORD. CHARLOTTE DIVISION IS CONSIDERING THIS CASE RUC. ET Sam apt/(oust. 2 Transmitted 061. 7,4735 Per 3427 (Number) ?(Time) mm PRINTING OFFICE 19m? igiiWiaSS-S?? wx-ar: m. v, .Memorandum SAC, CHARLOTTE (RUG) We 7/19/S?bje?t BILLY GRAHAM THREAT ASSESSMENT FOR APPEARANCE AT ANAHEIM STADIUM 7f18-29185 DOMESTIC POLICE COOPERATION (00: LOS ANGELES) Re Los Angeles letter to Director, 5f2/85. Request was made by the Los Angeles Division for all receiving offices to review office files solely for the purpose of determining any current threat to BILLY GRAHAM in reference to his appearance at the Anahaim Stadium in California. A review was made of all Charlotte Division files pertaining to BILLY GRAHAM. It was determined through this review that there were no current threats of any type apparent. Los Angeles Division requested only positive results. This matter is being considered Charlotte RAM3jat . 9M 412-44 K3 .4 4 1 SEARCHED WHOMFBI FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION DELETED PAGE INFORMATION SHEET Civil Action# 1:18?cv?01885 Total Deleted Page(s) 2 4 Page 3 Duplicate; Page 5 Duplicate; Page 22 Duplicate; Page 31 Duplicate; Deleted Page(s) No Duplication Fee For this Page Memarandum FBI Date 2 2" 3 5 me HILL 11* Threat ELL at T118 29185 ESL ESTIC POLICE 03-: LLngeL 0L LELTBL, ALL, b6'4 PLlicL Department; b78'4 LL iL the local BILLY a Anaheim; CallTGI?la; TilS 211851 LL11LL LifiLLrL - sz tD affLr? ELL GRAHAM. LL has 1L will LL 1n with 01 the LILLY GRAHAM LL be LL 2:;44 ?Gt the FBI ha? any might LHL1L in carrying Lut their a GRAHAM G0: L05 Angele?? wherein the ?-attLr part Lf 1H34, LL WLL written LL BILLY GRAHAM in which the writLr LL be 1L L1 faile? t0 writer, but in 311 the writer was in the area: reflects LILLY GRAHAM Lama a 1L ?aralinaf LL Lffice at TELL Min?eap?li?g are being t.o W1 th that 01 ?11183 LL ELL LE thrLaL LL LILLY GRAHAM. Advise Lf Lnly LLsitive results. 2 Bureau 1- 1. 11 L93 1L 3 FBI Memorandum TL FBI BL: LKEELS ?99-?53? ?Hmn SAC, L03 Threat far Lt StLLium. 1i18w23135 FELIEE CQGPERLTILR SQ: AngelLs b6 -4 85 I Santa Calif rLiL Gr ?.f9x? a b7c ?4 Leliaa Lumberl LL is Lecurity BELLY LL the StLLium; Califarnia, 1318~29f85. numeraus christian palice Lfficera Lava tme LL Lfo far BILLY LL been in and will tL-bL 1L with variauL Lf threat b6 -4 b7C -4 LL LL adviLeL LL any which might their in carrying gut Lecurity LLsignmentsn in?iLLs reflect recent cage BELLE 0Q: LLB Lngeles? {LLfile the latter part Ln threatening was WEittE? LL BELLE in which the writer a??aafad LL he.LisgruLt1LL 1L Lf halpg failLd LL writLr, but iL_Lll the writer was 1L the Las area. WLL refleatg BELLE GRAHAM Lame WELLILL in Ear?linag an LffiLL LL 1330 Harman Llacay Linneapglis, Hin?ESQta? cap-Leg are ::ing furnished to Charlatteg with a t;L LffiLL filLL be ?EVlawed .L 591L1y f?r the Lf tureat4LL LILLY Angelag Lf LL1y-pasitive LL Lults, 2 a BurLau 1 {>Lw c- inf-Fi?s?w? 31>? . ?63 FBI 18-w-31885-S?? SAC. L05 5153351514223 {7525:5553 5!:5555 E?mm 5 .- . . . PGLIS i623~42hl? . n' 5? ?1 5 El;- . .- c. 3- . 55x?g55s -.. 'Thraat Assesgment i at Anaheim.$tadium ?f18~29f85 PGLICE GD: LES AEGELES i a -w '3 Re L95 Angeles lettgr ta Bureau Sfog?. A reviaw 0f Minmeapolis imdiees ravaals tha fallowing informatiem, which is the Gnly available t0 Mirneapalig cancarning threats iirecte? at the ?avarem? BILLY GRAHAM: In January, 1981, the BELLY EVAMQELISTIC received a thWQage latter a?dresae? ta WILLZAM FRANKLIN GRAHAM, whiah ma?a thEEatening statament$.cnncefnin? GREHAM, PERRY an? FRANK The letter wag Eigne? by DTTO FOX, 66 West Van Bar?n Straet, Chicagmf Ellinois? Investigation hag reveale? th&t FQX is well tn the gearet Service in Chicag?.am? Washingtan: an? he i5 de?aribed 35 a white malg in his Sevanties, is a chranic latte: writer, who fragmen?ly write? thraatening letters ta important indivi?ual? bath in and Gut of Gavermment. Invastigati?n ?Onduct?? by the Chiaage ?ivigimn 0f the FEE determined that FGX is a chramic lettgr writer with harmlegs and u?stable heh&vier. Chicaga alqo detezmin?? that FOX haS a ?revio?s histary an: immense @rmpensity for writing threatening lettarg ta import?nt p?iitical and celebrity? type indivi?ualse Emmercus e?farts by Chicag? t0 lac&te and interview FOX mat with negative results, The abave facts were ptasemte? ta the ?ag? Attarmey, MinneapaliS; Minneseta; and prosecution was ?emllne?o Minne?palis censi?er? this mattey RUE. b6 ?1 b7C -1 Memorandum 3?0 ms 2111335 ?ak? 558MB PM (RUE) Subjem: EILLY Threat asaessment for ?gpearance at Anaheim. Sta?ium Ifl? 2?i85 DQMESTIC PGLICE CGGPERATIQN GS: L08 ANGELES Re Las Angeles letter t9 Bureau I review Gf MinneapQIIW In?ices reveals Ihe fallcwing Infarmatian, which 13 the QnIy infarmatian available to Minneag?lis cancerning threats ?irected at the Heverem? BELLE In January, 1981, the BILLY SEAMAN FVANS.I ISTIC ASSOCIATIGN, MInneameIs, Minnesot Ia, reaeiva? a th gage letter ad?ressed Io WILLIAM FRANKLIN GRAHAM, Whi?h ma?a threatening statementg ?ancerning PERRY SOME, an? PRIME SINATEA. Th? IEIIWI W33 signe? by CHARLES GTTQ Fax; 66 West Van Buren Street; Chicaga; Iincis. lavagtigation has revealed that FGK i3 Well knaWn IQ the U.S. Secret ServIce In Chicagm.and Washington, an? he i5 describe? as a White maie'I? hi3 saventieg; th Is a ghI?nic latte I WrIteI, frequently writes.threatening letters IQ ImngIanI Individuals both in and gut GI Savernment. Investigatian canducted.by the 'Chicaga Divigion Of the FBI determin.e? that FGX is a knawn ChronII letter WrIIer With harmless and unstable bPhd? -QI. Chiaaga alga Get?rnlned that FGX has a prevIQuL hiW Ialy and Immense IGI writing letters Ia Impartant ngiticaI and cel?britym type in?ividuals. Numeraus e?farts by Chicagw IQ Iacate an? Interview FOX met With negative results. The above facts were presentad to the UIS, Itterney, Minngapmlisg Minnaswta, and pragecutian wa? ?ecIinedI :55 MinnIamoI .S this.matter EECLas Ingaiea II ?.Minneapgli$ D?gcjp 2.8: a 1W FBI iig??a'13855gg yo. -. 3 - g. 49Vx . 212-,? r4, -5 . b? on b6 ?3 1370 - -3 3 ?3 FBI 18-w-91885-512 FEE -Gi?85-513 0/7 -1 FBI 14 r-l b6 -3,4 b7C -3,4 3? N0 3?ij- I. A N. 4.1 7112' gar?; u! t. 7.- (/\sv. . (an, FBI 15 49-. . Q-(iv 15 FBI 18 ?2 . Nah ?ax . ?91: ""'951.? ?-311; .I . .y ":th $5 61385-5 1? n- 3-22 1.1..-.- fa,? . If} ft? hapl, an], . x? 7w. awn? {Rear $218 FF F123115 153135 3:3? ?fe?ag?mm 51 .1 2 1 W?mas {Semmamea?m {at} ate} $932133 kg 3 chimera-Eng; {End we and in E322 TGTM, f?r ALL Mn 1? rum? Ezr?umr: GET: Furs-?3 515113271 BILLY GRAHQM THREFT AT AFATEEM STABEUM 3 32 F: 5 EQMF JET 33C PC i212? armaiim szmiEhe-zi Fiia, Fermi, and Fagg Humberz 6 2:3? 355 5 ?w a swimming ?iwiasure W35 initiated Wi Eh . and MM be maintaine? Emil the can? iagamy? Ci?sio? (1f investigatiam. infamama from camgiainama aim: amrcwa b6 -4 is?ermaii-?? fur?ig?hefj. i223?. b7C -4 (312171752111: infra) 9n Santa Ana PD a?viae? m0 2th a.qain?t GRAHEM in Minaeapalis Divisiam? Gm 6f25f$5 a-?vis ed Bureau in?ieies "ailvn an Pm a?visad Bf the ahave infa amarkg'3st Q9 (38uni83315155 Agent; FBI 55:39 {9&5 525-52.; F35 T559595 - 9955555999: emsstic-Trmm: TTEmype [3 imme?iam TOP XE 5355959595 355?. 955933: C3 SECRET CZ: El} ?Hmuiine ?3 Date 95$? FM $535,: ES (5253?5:9155: 5$ . 5' 95555955T523555555 59* 55555 5999595 THREAT 599 5595555955 TT T555559 STTB 55? 55555595 55559099156 5555 19 29; 1955, 995555 555955555995 99 395? 39 1585_ AEAHEIMT 55$ 555555 b7C -3,4 TELEPHQHEI ADVISED SHE HAS ASSIGNED TASK BETEMEINING THREAT PGTENTIAL DURING CAPTIQNEE Eff 51:37:51,135 ERAHAM PEN 555552521515 SHE HAS DETERMINED THERE HAVE BEEN 55P55R5NCES B35 GRAHAM IN 303155, IDAHQ {1.952} 39151} {1983'} ., SF THE AN 1555955555 NAMED {99} 5509 555555555 5555 GRAHAN IS SEPPOSEDLY COWECTEB WITH THE- {11 HATIDN 2355? TH 59555 I5 EITHER 95155 55 5559595595 5599955559 T95 55555559555 559 5955 5555595955: 559595555555535:5955: . . Tr595m9?t55 {999555 5955; ??1me 55 955351595 95595 1995 5 939949 91-3 551595? 5.5595 522 FEI??181-mima85-524 30,4 3; y? b7C -3,4 U. (A) .822. an." van 9/ b6 -3,4 b7C -3,4 b7C -1 b6 -1 (-421 ?up r/ writ . 5.9.2. . A 1 {graf?ti-f ?yin-m. .r - . .Wv FBI b7C -3 b6 -3 . . I. . if?; - ?ags 5?Qi?} $5;ng QQ SEQQQ, 333 333;; a; ?32 :33? {3 i {Qua I I 33 31?? Q. 3 Q3 1371535 - Q53 QEQ 855-3,4 b7C -3,4 b6 -3,4 b7C -3,4 Q?i, b6 -1 -1 FBI may ST Saga-?mm? mam AME E313 NEGATEVE a 1:6 ?3 b7C -3 FBI ru? ?1 -1 b6 -4 ?4 b7C -3,4 b6 b7C b6 -4,5 b7C -4,5 b6 -3,4 b6 b7C .9. - . guy/111; A yaw/71mama 1 a: to? 1f; 'rf11' (Rev. 01-31-2003) FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Date: 06/04/2003 a . . b7E _5 To: Attn: I I Room 11741 JEH SSA b6 ?1 108 b7C ?1 Attn: FBIH Manuals Desk All Field Offices Attn: 1373 ?5 From: Ok 'tyV/ b7s ?5 Contact: TFO Approved By: tic?E1 ?55 Drafted By: :rjg Case ID ?ning) EEK-E2 Title' MISSION OKLAHOMA CI WITH BILLY GRAHAM, FORD CENTER, Oklah a City, Oklahoma, June 1? 15, 2003 b7E ?6 Synopsis: Open Special vents Case and set leads for All Field Offices for threat canvass. b7E ?4 Administrative: Re telcaII hefween SAI Iand bs-a Unit ChiEf, b7C -1 telephone numberl on 06/05/2003, regarding captionec b7E.5 matter. This EC has been designated "priority" due to the nearing commencement of the captioned event. Details: The Ford Center in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, will be hosting a special event known as Mission Oklahoma City With Billy Graham, from 06/12 TO 06/15, 2003. The Ford Center is located at 100 West Reno, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, 73102. The Oklahoma City Divisioc onl1 recently learned of captioned event and as a result, is not requested to conduct a threat assessment. b7E'5 The event will be open to the general public on 06/12, commencing at 7:00 p.m. and concluding at aaproximately 9:00 p.m. to 40 000 b6?1 b7C ?1 bS-? b7E -2 FBI To: From: Oklahoma City Re: 05/04/2003 Set Lead 1: (Info) AT WASHINGTON D.C. Read and clear. Set Lead 2: (Action) ALL RECEIVING OFFICES b3 -1 b7E -2,5 b7E -5 All receiving offices are requested to canvass logical sources for threats and/or disruptions to the cap Rerrt only positive information to Oklahoma City 00 ?inne ma terFBI 18-w-31885-534 To: From: Oklahoma City I b3 ?1 Re: 06/04/2003 . visitors per session and many distinguished_sneakers_?ill_be in attendance, including Billy Graham's son, who is b5'7 allegedly outspoken against Muslims. Security in support of the event will primarily be the responsibility of the Oklahoma City Police Department (OCPD). The Oklahoma City FBI's participation is tentatively limited to b6-4 intelligence and liaison. will assist by bvc-a being on?site and will be ready to coordinate FBI data base queries should the need arise. The following FBI teams and/or resources will be advised of the event and be requested to be on a "heightened awareness:" SWAT, ERT, Crisis Negotiators, WMD Coordinator, and an FBI Bomb Tech. No threats have been received (as of 06/04/2003) regarding the event. Additional security measures are being taken for this event due to the U.S. War on terrorism and considering some of the speakers are allegedly outspoken against Muslims. Investigating agents/TFOs are pursuing leads associated with organized protestors who have recently obtained municipal permits to protest. One of the identified Irecentlv obtained a nermit isl iwho is the b5?3 b7C -3 Preliminar checks have indicatedl lis from] I On check 1 no snec1f1c threa ening in orma ion per aining to a FBI FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION ROUTINE Date: 06/10/2003 To: Attn: IRSI Oklahoma City SSAI Pram: I I I Room 11741 Contact: ssn Approved By: I Drafted By: I Irrb Case ID I (Pending) ?21 Title: MISSION OKLAHOMA CITY WITH BILLY GRAHAM, FORD CENTER, OKLAHOMA CITY, OKLAHOMA, JUNE 12 - 15, 2003; Synopsis: To confirm receipt of referenced serial, to provide uidance on planning and preparation activities, and to identify a point of contact. Reference: Serial 1 Details: in receipt of the referenced electronic communication (EC) dated 06/04/2003, advising of the captioned special event. The Special Agent in Charge (SAC) has tte_authgrify to identify and designate special event readiness level special events. This event has been designated a special event. The Oklahoma City Field Office (OCFO) is requested to review the latest quarterly threat assessment (TA) which will be provided via E?mail. The OCFO can also review a hardcopy of this assessment which is maintained in the office of the SAC. These Ly TA are the result of a significant field?wide increase in I ev associated TA requests in recent months, such at i IDivision initiative was undertaken to disseminate a strategic threat assessment that would be sent to all field divisions to be used for a variety of purposes, including its traditional function related to special events. Event-Specific TAs will only be publishedlfor eventsb7E -5,7 -5,7 b3 -1 To: Oklahoma Cit From: Re: I I 06/10/2003 The OCFO is advised to closely plan and coordinate its crisis management activities with local, state and federal agencies that are providing security and consequence management support for captioned event. This should be standard practice for any special event but is even more critical in light of the recent acts of terrorism committed in the United States. Additionally, any threat information specifically related to this event will be passed expeditiously through normal FBI channels to the OCFO as is standard practice. Conversel\. should the CF develop a credible threat, it should notify the and be-a The OCFO should also .any bwz?i securi yfresponse plans for this event to Room 11741, to b7E-? the attention of SSA the point of contact for this event. FBI To: Oklahoma Citv From: b3-4 Re: 06/10/200: 7 Set Lead 1: (Action) OKLAHOMA CITY AT OKLAHOMA CITY. OKLAHOMA b7E -5 The OCFO is requested to advise any credible threat information levied against the captioned special event. The OCFO should forward any security, reaponse, or operations plans to the at least seven days prior to the start of the event. Set Lead 2: (Discretionary) AT b?7E -5 WASHINGTON. DC The is requested to advise the OCFO and any positive threat information levied against this event. 09 FBI (Rev. 01-3 112.003) FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Precedence: ROUTINE To: From: Ok'ahoma Fitv Attn: Attn: Date: 06/12/2003 IRnnm 11741 SSA IOS Contact: TF Approved By: Drafted By: Case ID Title: :rjb MISSION OKLAHOMA CITY WITH BILLY GRAHAM, FORD CENTER, OKLAHOMA CITY, OKLAHOMA, 15, 2003 Synopsis: oInIa} {PendingI?33 to request for any threat information obtained regarding aforementioned matter. Reference: Details: Serial Serial 2 To confirm receipt of referenced serial and to respond Writer is in receipt of the referenced electronic communication (EC) dated 06/10/2003, requesting any threat information received regarding the above captioned matter. No positive information regarding this event has been received. Writer is currently assigned to the I land is the point of contact for Writer will maintain a liaison position between the Any and all security, and/or operations plans are being prepared and coordinated by the Oklahoma City Police Department. Oklahoma City Police Department. 1: p1 ent. and the response ~33 TO: RE: From: Oklahoma City '06/12/2003 Set Lead 1: (Info) AT Provided for information of Set Lead 2: WASHINGTON. DC {Info} AT WASHINGTONI DC Provided for information 13713 -FBI 18-w-31885-543 b6 -1 b7C -1 (Rev. 01-31-2003) FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Precedence: ROUTINE Date: 06/16/2003 To: Oklahoma City From: 1 b6 -11 Contact: SAI b7c-1f b7E Approved By: ?1?5f423Ek/ I Drafted By: :cmaQw& (H) Case ID (Pending) b3_i? I (U) (Pending) b7E _2 (U) (Pending) (U) (Pending) (:03 Title?:? be _3 b7C -3 b7E ?2 (U) (U) (U) MISSION OKLAHOMA CITY WITH BILLY GRAHAM, FORD CENTER, OKLAHOMA CITY, OKLAHOMA b6 -6 (ingr b7C ?6 b7D ?3 Synopsis: To provide Asset reporting. (5) I Fr m3 ec assify On: Details: On June 5, Asset who has :ist f??I ~~pro?ided reliable information in past, provided the following b7D_3 *3 information: FBI 18-w-31885-541 To: Okl 'oma Citv From;; Oklahoma City ?gs Asset advised Asset knew that 33:} *4 ILNU. Asset received this information from Due to this information, this is reason why also informed Asset of the same information regardinql ILNU and threats against him. Asset (U) Asset was also questioned regarding any threats or negative comments made regarding the Billy Graham revival scheduled to be in the Oklahoma Citv area June 12?15. 2003. Asset has not 06 b3 -1 b7E -2 b6 -3,6 b7C -3,6 b7D -3 b6 -3,6 b7C -3,6 b7D b6 -3,6 b7C -3,6 b7D -3 b6 -3,6 b7C -3,6 b7D -6 b6 -3,6 b7C -3,6 b7D -6 FBI 18-w-31885-542 ?Rov.01-31-2003) FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Precedence: ROUTINE Date: 08/25/2003 To: Attn: b7E '5 From: Ok' ahn'ma Contact: TF ?96 '1 b7C ?1 Approved By: Drafted By: I bs-d Case ID (Closed) ova-4 Title: MISSION OKLAHOMA CITY WITH BILLY GRAHAM, Ford Center, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma; JUNE 12 - 15, 2003 Synopsis: Close case. Details: The captioned event transpired from June 12, 2003, through June 15, 2003. Over 20,000 people attended the ceremonies on a daily basis. The mission was considered a success and took place without incident or disruption. There were no reports or complaints of unusual situations or problems. None of the Oklahoma City Division response teams and resources that had been placed on heightened alert were requested for assistance or otherwise utilized. Due to the completion of this event, it is recommended this cabe be closed. FBI b3 -1 ?0.38 him-2 To: From: Oklahoma City Re: 08/25/2003 Set Lead 1: (Info only) AT WASHINGTON I DC Read and close. 00 b3 -1 b7E -2,5 b7E -5 FBI