ODP-81-307 30 March l9Bl MEMORANDUM FOR: Information All Handling APP Control Systems Architect Officers Chief, ADP and Engineering Branch, OL Information Systems Security Chief, Group, Office of Security Deputy Director for Applications,. ODP for Processing, ODP Deputy Director Projects Staff, OOP Chief, Special STAT! FROM , Ichief, SUBJECT : Federal I Management Staff, Software ODP Exchange Program l. attention The purpose of this memor.emdum is to bring to your the Federal Software Exchange Program. This program is adn,inistered by the Federal Software Exchttnge Center (r'SEC) of Services Administration of common-use software the General the sharing and is designed eirnong gcvernment to promote agencien. FSEC is tasked with acquiring ~1overnment.-owned or developed unclassified software and docw:,entation and 111ak.ing it available The objectives of this program are to reduce government-wide. the time, cost and personnel rt!sources required for software acquisition and development. l\.ttachment A is a letter from the Director, Federal Software Exchange Program discussing available services and agency responaibil.ities • .2. Periodically, the F'SEC publishes a catalog which summarizes the available software. Copies of the J·anuary 1981 to Directorate ADP Control aa·:talog will be mode available Qf'ficers as soon as they are re·ceivet'.l. Prior cataloga arc available- for review in OCP Manager,ent Staff (Room 2D0l09, Approved For Release 2006/10/31 : CIA-RDP84-00933R000200'180033-7 Approved For Release 2006/10/31 : CIA-RDP84-00933R000200180033-7 ..., ,.,.. Headquarters). As described in the attached letter from the FSEC, components should review the FSEC catalog prior to procuring or developing software. Attachment Bis the subject as a sample index from the September 1980 catalog and is provided of the types of software available from the F'SEC. 3. Components are also requested to periodically review their software inventory for candidates for submission to FSEC. The process appears relatively straightforward and requires submitting an abstract form (SF 185, Attachment A) to the FSEC. STAT 4. Note that a submitting agency will for the maintenance of software submitted subsequently implemented in this Agency. obtaining software from FSEC will have to software. For further information regarding by the FSEC and the procedures to provided software, the FSEC may be contacted directly or contact! my staff !of onj not be responsible to FSEC that is Thus, a CIA component maintain the the services provide or obtain at (703) 756-6150, j STAT STAT a/s Attachment: STA 0DP/MS/EEB:jalA,___....,!(30Marchl981)(fedsoftex red disk) DISTRIBUTION: Original and l - Addressee ..2-.:.:.- 0/D/ODP 1 - MS Chr1:>no 2 - ODP Registry Approved For Release 2006/10/31 : CIA-RDP84-00933R000200180033-7 l\tt...J.cLmcnt ~roved "1~~ • (] D For Release 2006/10/31 : CIA-RDP84-00933R000200180033-7 A Off' _,neral Automated Data and < 1ware Development . ice Services Telecommunications ~3 Leesburg Pike, Swte 1100 Administration Service Falls Church, VA 22041 STAT chief, Management staff Office of Data Processing Central Intellingence Agency Room 200105 Washington, D.C. 20505 STAT The Federal Software Exchange Center (FSEC} is the central point for the collection and dissemination of Federally owned software, The rising cost of labor and the cut back in Federal spending make sharing of computer programs and documentation an extremely viable method for satisfying software requirements. To achieve maximum software Federal Property Management Two important agency actions. sharing among Federal Regulation 101-36.16 requirements are: a. The submission of software a continuing basis. abstracts to b. of the FSEC inventory The screening the desireo_so~!:.are. procuring or developcing agencies, the defines required the FSEC on before We are requesting an increased effort in the submission of software abstracts to the FSEC. Several Standard Forms for Abstracting Computer Software (SF 185) have been enclosed for your convenience. These forms can be copied should you be unable to purchase them in a GSA supply store. Although software abstracts for all funtional areas are requested, we have an immediate need for conversion aid software and software tools, The SF 185's should be returned to me at the above address. The January 1981 issue of the Federal Software Exchange Catalog is available. Agencies should -ensure that all ADP ~P.i~~emplating or pursh9-se of comQute_E._yr~~ram~£r_!ystems have easy ~__Ee'[_e_lopment -------access to this catalog. If you contact require further information me on (FTS) 756-6150 or (703) regarding 756-6150. this program, please Sincerely, HELEN B. McEWAN, Director Federal Software Exchange Program Enclosures Approved For Release 2006/10/31 : CIA-RDP84-00933R000200180033-7 Approved For Release 2006/10/31 : CIA-RDP84-00933~t>b2861fl3uBh-1t ,------------'-'---,,.,., ..., I (Enclosure) FEDERAL INFORMATION PROCESSINGSTANDARD SOFTWARE SUMMARY 0!~;-m-a_ry __-d-at-e.---0-2-. _S_u_m_m_a_ry_p_r-ep_a_r_ed_b_y_(_N_a_n-1e_a_n_d_P_/_1o_n_e_) ________________ Day -+--~-------------------~ -,-0_3_._S_u_m_m_a_r_y_a_ct-io_n _______ . -·-----·----·--l 05. Software title New Replacement D D ____, Deletion D Previous Internal Software ID 07. Internal Software ID 06. Short title -------ar-·-----·--- 08. Software type ..·- 09. Processing mode -------Application ..---~---------------area 10. General Automated Data System Computer Program O O Interactive Batch Q Subroutine/_M_od_u __ l_e_ __,__-=,__c_o_m_b_in_a_t_io_n _______ _,_ Management/ Computer Systems Support/Utility Sclentific/Ensincering Business ~~li_ographic~Text_ual Technical contact(s) and phone 1 l. Submitting organization and address \ ' ------·-----------·-----------'---- l 3. Narrative ..-------------------------------1 14. Keywords 15. Computer manuf'r and model Computer operating system 19. Computer memory requirements 23. 20. Tape drive5 17. Programing language(s) 18. Number of source program ments 21. Disk/Drum 22. Terminals units Other operational requirements 24. Software availabil lty Documentation Available Limited D D 26. FO.R SUBMITIING In-house D ----- ORGANIZATION USE availability Available Inadequate D D In-house D ----- .. Standard Form 185 1974 July U.S. Dept. of Commerce-NBS Approved For Release 2006/10/31 : CIA-RDP84-00933R000200180033-7 Approved For Release 2006/10/31 : CIA-RDP84-00933R000200180033-7 ~ w INSTRUCTIONS ~ 01. su:Omary Date. Enter date summary prepared. Use Year, Month, Day format: YYMMDO. 02. Summary Prepared By. Enter name and phone number (including area code) of Individual who prepared this summary. 03, Summery Action. Mark the appropriate box for new summary, replacement summary or deletion of summary. If this software summary is a replacement, enter under "Previous Internal Software ID" the internal software identification as reported In item 07 of the original summary, and enter the new internal software identification in Item 07 of this form; complete all other items as for a new summary. If a software summary is to be deleted, enter under "Previous Internal Software ID'' the Internal software identification as reported In Item 07 of the original summary; complete only Items 01, 02, 03 and 11 on this form. 04. Software Date. Enter date software was completed or last updated. Use Year, Month, Day format: YYMMDD. 05, Software litle. Make title as descriptive as possible. 06. Short Title. (Optional) Enter commonly used abbreviation or acronym which identifies the software, 07, Internal Software 10. Enter a unique identification number or code. OB. Software Type. Mark the appropriate box for an Automated Data System (set of computer programs), Computer Program, or Subroutine/Module, whichever best describes the software. 09 •. Pr~esslng ,f.tode.Mark the appropriate box for an Interactive, Qatch, or Combination mode, whichever best describes the software. " 10 •. ApJ?lication Area, General: Mark the appropriate box which best describes the ge'heral area of application from among: Process Control Computer Systems Support/Utility Management/Business Bibliographic/Textual Scientific/Engineering Other . ,Specific: Specify the sub-area of application; e.g.: "COBOL optimizer" if the general area ls "Computer etc. Elaborate here If the general area is "Other." general area is "Management/Business"; Systems Support/Utility"; "Payroll" if the ll·. Submitting Organization and Address. Identify the organization responsible for the software as completely as possible, to the Branch or Division level, Service, Corporation, Commission, or Council. Fill in complete malling address, Including but including Agency, Department (Bureau/Administration), mall code,.street address, city, state, and ZIP code. 12.. Technical Contact(s) and Phone: Enter person(s) or office(s) to be contacted for technical information on subject matter and/or operational aspects of software. Include telephone area code. Provide organization name and mailing address, If different from that in Item 11. 13. Narrative. Describe concisely the problem addressed and methods of s.olution. Include signlficant factors such as special operating system modificatlons, security concerns, relationships to other software, Input and output media, virtual memory requirements, and unique hardware features. Cite references, If appropriate. 14, Keywords. list significant words or phrases which reflect the functions, applications and features of the software. Separate entries with semicolons. 15. Computer Manufacturer and Model. Identify mainframe computer(s) on which software Is operational. 16. Computer Operating System. Enter name, number, and release under which software is operating. Identify enhancements in the Narrative (Item 13). 17. Programil"lg' Language(s). Identify the language(s) in which the software is written, including version; e.g., ANSI COBOL, FORTRAN V, SIMSCRIPT 11.5, . SLEUTH II. 18. Number of Source Program Statements. Include statements in this software, separate macros, called subroutines, etc. 19. Computer Memory Requirements, Enter minimum internal memory necessary to execute software, exclusive of memory required for the operating system. Specify words, bytes, characters, etc., and number of bits per unit, Identify virtual memory requirements in the Narrative (item 13). 20, l"apa Drives. Identify number needed to operate software. Specify, If critical, manufacturer, model, tracks, recording density, etc. 21. Disk/Drum Units. Identify number and size (in same units as "Memory"-item 19) needed to operate sottwa,re. Specify, if critical, model, etc • .-,_;;{; 22. Terminals. Identify number of terminals required. Specify, If critical, type, speed, character set, screen/line size, etc. manufacturer, 23 OJ:her OperatJonal Requirements. Identify peripheral devices, support software, or related equipment not indicated above, e.g., optical character devices, facsimile, computer-output microfilm, graphic plotters. 24, S;ftware Availability. Mark the appropriate box which best describes the software availability from among: Avallab!e to the Public, Limited Availability (e.g,: for government use only), and For•ln-house Use Only. If the software is "Available'', include a mail or phone contact point, as well as the price and form in which the software is available, if possible. 25. Oe>c~mentatlon Availability. Mark the appropriate box Which best describes the documentation availability from among: Available to the Public, In• adequate for Distribution, and For In-house Use Only. If documentation is "Available", include a mail or phone contact point, as well as the price and form in which the documentation is available, If possible. If documentation is presently "Inadequate", show the expected availability date. 26, For Submitting Organization Use. This area Is provided for the use of the organization deemed useful for internal operation. submitting this summary. It may contain any' information Approved For Release 2006/10/3.f-: CIA-RDP84-00933R000200180033-7 Federal ' ' 80 ).~~ro~~d f~P~~rJ~fe ~Bd6'1t&~1: e~~B~~-1:J09~3ffuoo2001ffub3!g} ,._,1 SUBJECT INDEX"-" ' ACCOUNTING Electric Power Scheduling and Accounting Systom. FSWEC-80/0098 Adminislraliva Accounting Systie,m. FSWEC-80/0100 Financial Accounting System (F as1), FSWEC-B0/0103 Accounting System for lnterna~nal Communication Agency. FSWEC-60/0117 Payroll and Leave Accounting System. FSWEC-60/0123 Administralive Accounting Sys:em. FSWEC-80/0124 Centralized Aulomate