MEMORANDUM To: Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein Assistant Attorney General Steve Engel From: Bill Barr Re: Mueller’s “Obstruction” Theory 8 June 2018 I am writing as a formerofficial deeply concerned with theinstitutions of the Presidency and the Department ofJustice. I realize that I am in the dark about manyfacts, butI hope my views may beuseful. It appears Mueller’s team is investigating a possible case of “obstruction”by the President predicated substantially on his expression of hope that the Comey could eventually “let... go” of its investigation of Flynn and hisaction in firing Comey.In pursuit of this obstruction theory, it appears that Mueller’s team is demanding that the President submit to interrogation about these incidents, using the threat of subpoenasto coerce his submission. Mueller should not be permitted to demandthatthe President submitto interrogation about alleged obstruction. Apart from whether Mueller a strong enough factual basis for doing so, Mueller’s obstruction theory is fatally misconceived. As I understandit, his theory is premised on a novel and legally insupportable reading of the law. Moreover, in my view,if credited by the Department, it would have grave consequencesfar beyond the immediate confinesofthis case and woulddo lasting damageto the Presidency and to the administration of law within the Executive branch. Asthings stand, obstruction laws do not criminalize just any act that can influence a “proceeding.” Rather they are concerned with acts intended to havea particular kind of impact. A “proceeding”is a formalized processfor finding the truth. In general, obstruction laws are meant to protect proceedings from actions designed subvert the integrity oftheir truth-finding function through compromisingthe honesty of decision-makers (e.g., judge,jury) or impairingthe integrity oravailability ofevidence — testimonial, documentary,or physical. Thus, obstruction lawsprohibit a range of “bad acts” — such as tampering with a witness or juror; or destroying,altering, or falsifying evidence — all of whichare inherently wrongful because, by their very nature, they are directed at depriving the proceeding of honest decision-makers or access to full and accurate evidence. In general, then, the actus reus of an obstruction offense is the inherently subversive “bad act” of impairing the integrity of a decision-maker or evidence. The requisite mens rea is simply intending the wrongful impairmentthat inexorably flowsfrom theact. Obviously, the President and anyotherofficial can commit obstruction in this classic sense of sabotaging a proceeding’s truth-finding function. Thus, for example,if a President knowingly destroysoralters evidence, suborns perjury,or induces a witness to changetestimony, or commits any act deliberately impairing the integrity or availability of evidence, then he,like anyoneelse, commits the crimeofobstruction. Indeed,the acts of obstruction alleged against Presidents Nixon and Clinton in their respective impeachments were all such “bad acts” involving the impairment of evidence. Enforcing these laws against the President in no way infringes on the President’s plenary power over law enforcement because exercising this discretion — such as his complete authority to start or stop a law enforcement proceeding -- does not involve commission of any of these inherently wrongful, subversiveacts. The President, as far as I know,is not being accused of engaging in any wrongfulact of evidence impairment. Instead, Mueller is proposing an unprecedented expansion of obstruction lawsso as to reach facially-lawfulactionstaken bythe Presidentin exercising the discretion vested in him by the Constitution. It appears Muelleris relying on 18 U.S.C. §1512, which generally prohibits acts undermining the integrity of evidence or preventing its production. Section 1512 is relevant here because, unlike other obstruction statutes, it does not require that a proceeding be actually “pending” at the time of an obstruction, but only that a defendant have in mind an anticipated proceeding. Because there were seemingly no relevant proceedings pending whenthe Presidentallegedly engagedin the alleged obstruction,I believe that Mueller’s team is considering the “residual clause”in Section 1512 — subsection (c)(2) —asthe potentialbasis for an obstruction case. Subsection (c) reads: (c) Whoever corruptly-- (1) alters, destroys, mutilates, or conceals a record, document, or other object, or attempts to do so, with the intent to impair the object’s integrity or availability for use in an official proceeding; or (2) otherwise obstructs, influences, or impedes any official proceeding, or attempts to do so [is guilty of the crime of obstruction]. [emphasis added]. As I understand the theory, Mueller proposesto give clause (c)(2), which previously has beenexclusively confined to acts of evidence impairment, a new unboundedinterpretation. First, by reading clause (c)(2)inisolation, and glossing over key terms, he construestheclauseas a freestanding,all-encompassing provision prohibiting any act influencing a proceeding if done with an improper motive. Second, in a further unprecedented step, Mueller would apply this sweeping prohibitionto facially-lawful acts taken by publicofficials exercisingoftheir discretionary powers if those acts influence a proceeding. Thus, under this theory, simply by exercising his Constitutional discretion in a facially-lawful way — for example, by removing or appointing an official; using his prosecutorial discretion to give direction on a case;or using his pardoning power ~ a President can be accused of committing a crimebased solely on his subjective state of mind. As a result, any discretionary act by a President that influences a proceeding can become the subject of a criminal grand jury investigation, probing whether the President acted with an improper motive. If embraced by the Department,this theory would have potentially disastrous implications, not just for the Presidency, but for the Executive branch as a whole and for the Department in particular. While Mueller’s focusis the President’s discretionary actions, his theory would apply to all exercises of prosecutorial discretion by the President’s subordinates, from the Attorney General downto the mostjuniorline prosecutor. Simply by giving direction on a case, or class of cases, an official opens himselfto the chargethathe has acted with an “improper” motive and thus becomessubject to a criminal investigation. Moreover, the challenge to Comey’s removal shows that not just prosecutorialdecisionsareat issue. Any personnel or managementdecisions taken by an official charged with supervising and conductinglitigation and enforcement matters in the Executive branch can becomegrist for the criminal mill based solely on the official’s subjective State of mind. Allthat is neededis a claim that a supervisor is acting with an improper purpose and any act arguably constraining a case — such as removing a U.S. Attorney -- couldbecast as a crimeofobstruction. It is inconceivable to me that the Department could accept Mueller’s interpretation of §1512(c)(2). It is untenable as a matter of law and cannot provide a legitimate basis for interrogating the President. I know youwill agreethat, ifa DOJ investigationis going to take down a democratically-elected President, it is imperative to the health of our system andto our national cohesion that any claim of wrongdoing is solidly based on evidence of a real crime — not a debatable one.It is time to travel well-worn paths; not to veer into novel, unsettled or contested areas ofthe law; and notto indulge the fancies by overly-zealousprosecutors. Aselaborated on below, Mueller’s theory should be rejected for the following reasons: First, the sweeping interpretation being proposed for § 1512’s residual clause is contrary to the Statute’s plain meaning and would directly contravene the Department’s longstanding and consistentposition that generally-worded statuteslike § 1512 cannotbe applied to the President’s exercise of his constitutional powers in the absence ofa “clear statement”in the statute that such an application was intended. Second, Mueller’s premise that, whenever an investigation touches on the President’s own conduct, it is inherently “corrupt” under § 1512 for the President to influence that matter is insupportable. In granting plenary law enforcement powers to the President, the Constitution places no such limit on the President’s supervisory authority. Moreover, such a limitation cannot be reconciled with the Department’s longstanding position that the “conflict of interest” laws do not, and cannot, apply to the President, since to apply them would impermissibly “disempower” the President from supervising a class ofcases that the Constitution grants him the authority to supervise. Third, defining facially-lawful exercises of Executive discretion as potential crimes, based solely on subjective motive, would violate Article II of the Constitution by impermissibly burdening the exercise of core discretionary powers within the Executive branch. Fourth, even if one were to indulge Mueller’s obstruction theory, in the particular circumstances here, the President’s motive in removing Comey and commenting on Flynn could not have been “corrupt”unless the President and his campaign were actually guilty ofillegal collusion. Because the obstruction claim is entirely dependent on first finding collusion, Mueller should not be permitted to interrogate the President aboutobstruction until has enough evidence to establish collusion. I. The Statute’s Plain Meaning, and “the Clear Statement” Rule Long Adhered To Bythe Department, Preclude Its Application to Facially-Lawful Exercises of the President’s Constitutional Discretion. The unboundedconstruction Mueller would give §1512’s residualclause is contrary to the provision’s text, structure, andlegislative history. By its terms, §1512 focuses exclusively on actions that subvert the truth-finding function of a proceeding by impairing the availability or integrity of evidence — testimonial, documentary, or physical. Thus, §1512 proscribesa litany of specifically-defined acts of obstruction, including killing a witness, threatening a witness to preventor altertestimony, destroyingoraltering documentary or physical evidence, and harassing a witnessto hindertestimony. All of these enumerated acts are “obstructive”in precisely the same way — they interfere with a proceeding’s ability to gather complete andreliable evidence. The question here is whether the phrase — “or corruptly otherwise obstructs” — in clause (c)(2) is divorced fromthelitany ofthe specific prohibitionsin § 1512, andis thusa free-standing, all-encompassing prohibition reaching any actthatinfluencesa proceeding,or whetherthe clause’s prohibition against “otherwise” obstructing is somehowtied to, and limited by, the character of all the other formsof obstructionlisted in the statute. J think it is clear that use of the word “otherwise” in the residual clause expressly links the clause to the forms of obstruction specifically defined elsewherein the provision. Unlessit serves that purpose,the word “otherwise” does no workatall and is mere surplusage. Mueller’s interpretation ofthe residual clause as covering any andallacts that influence a proceedingreads the word “otherwise”outof the statute altogether. But any proper interpretation of the clause mustgive effect to the word “otherwise;” it must do some work. As the Supreme Court has suggested, Begay v. United States, 553 U.S. 137, 142-143 (2008), when Congress enumeratesvarious specific acts constituting a crimeandthen followsthat enumeration with a residual clause, introduced with the words “or otherwise,” then the more general action referred to immediately after the word “otherwise” is most naturally understood to coveracts that cause a similar kind of result as the precedinglisted examples, but cause those resultsin a different manner. In other words,the specific examples enumerated priorto the residual clauseare typically read as refining orlimiting in some waythe broadercatch-all term usedin the residual clause. See also Yates v. United States, 135 S.Ct. 1074, 1085-87 (2015). As the Begay Court observed, if Congress meantthe residual clause to beso all-encompassingthatit subsumes all the preceding enumerated examples,“it is hard to see why it would have neededto include the examplesatall.” 553 U.S. at 142; see McDonnell v. United States, 136 S.Ct. 2355, 2369 (2016). An examplesuffices to makethe point: If a statute prohibits “slapping, punching,kicking,biting, gouging eyes, or otherwise hurting” another person, the word “hurting”in the residual clause would naturally be understood as referring to the same kind of physical injury inflicted by the enumerated acts, but inflicted in a different way — i.e., pulling hair. It normally would not be understood as referring to any kind of “hurting,” such as hurting another’s feelings, or hurting another’s economicinterests. Consequently, under the statute’s plain language andstructure, the most natural and plausible reading of 1512(c)(2)is that it covers acts that have the samekind ofobstructive impact as the listed forms of obstruction — i.e., impairing the availability or integrity of evidence — but cause this impairmentin a different way than the enumerated actions do. Underthis construction, then, the “catch all” language in clause (c)(2) encompasses any conduct, evenif notspecifically described in 1512, that is directed at undermining a proceeding’s truth-finding function through actions impairing the integrity and availability of evidence. Indeed,this is how the residual clause has been applied. From a quick review ofthecases,it appearsall the cases have involved attempts to interfere with, or renderfalse, the evidence that would becomeavailable to a proceeding. Even the more esoteric applications of clause (c)(2) have been directed against attempts to prevent the flow of evidence to a proceeding. E.g., United States v. Volpendesto, 746 F.3d 273 (7" Cir. 2014)(soliciting tips from corrupt cops to evade surveillance); United States v. Phillips, 583 F.3d 1261 (10" Cir, 2009)(disclosing identity of undercover agent to subject of grand jury drug investigation). Asfar as I cantell, no case has evertreated as an “obstruction”an official’s exercise of prosecutorial discretion or an official’s managementor personnelactionscollaterally affecting a proceeding. Further, readingthe residual clauseas an all-encompassing proscription cannotbe reconciledeither with the other subsections of § 1512, or with the other obstruction provisionsin Title 18 that must be read in pari passu with those in § 1512. Given Mueller’s sweeping interpretation, clause (c)(2) would renderall the specific terms in clause (c)(1) surplusage; moreover, it would swallow upall the specific prohibitionsin the remainderof § 1512 -- subsections(a), (b), and (d). Morethan that, it would subsume virtually all other obstruction provisions in Title 18. For example, it would supervenethe omnibusclause in § 1503, applicable to pendingjudicial proceedings,as wellas the omnibus clause in § 1505, applicable to pending proceedings before agencies and Congress. Construing the residual clause in § 1512(c)(2) as supplanting these provisions would eliminate the restrictions Congress built into those provisions -- i.e., the requirement that a proceeding be “pending” -- and would supplant the lower penalties in those provisions with the substantially higher penalties in § 1512(c). It is not too much of an exaggeration to say that, if § 1512(c)(2) can be read as broadly as being proposed,then virtually all Federal obstruction law could be reduced to this single clause. Needlessto say,it is highly implausible that such a revolution in obstruction law was intended, or would have gone uncommented upon, when (c)(2) was enacted. On the contrary, the legislative history makes plain that Congress had a more focused purpose whenit enacted (c)(2). That subsection wasenacted in 2002as part of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act. That statute was prompted by Enron's massive accounting fraud and revelations that the company's outside auditor, Arthur Andersen, had systematically destroyed potentially incriminating documents. Subsection (c) was added to Section 1512 explicitly as a “loophole”closer meantto addressthe fact that the existing section 1512(b) covers document destruction only where a defendanthas induced another person to do it and does not address documentdestruction carried out by a defendantdirectly. As reported to the Senate, the Corporate Fraud Accountability Act was expressly designed to “clarify and close loopholesin the existing criminal lawsrelating to the destruction or fabrication of evidence and the preservation offinancial and audit records.” S. Rep. No. 107-146, at 14-15. Section 1512(c) did not exist as part of the original proposal. See S. 2010, 107th Cong. (2002). Instead, it was later introduced as an amendmentby Senator Trent Lott in July 2002. 148 Cong. Rec. $6542 (daily ed. July 10, 2002). Senator Lott explained that, by adding new § 1512(c),his proposed amendment: would enactstronger laws against document shredding. Current law prohibits obstruction ofjustice by a defendantacting alone,butonly if a proceedingis pending and a subpoena has been issued for the evidence that has been destroyed or altered.... [T]his section would allow the Governmentto charge obstruction against individuals whoacted alone, even if the tampering took placepriorto the issuanceofa grandjury subpoena.I think this is something we need to makeclear so we do not have a repeat of what we saw with the Enron matter earlier this year. Id. at $6545 (statement of Sen. Lott) (emphasis supplied). Senator Orrin Hatch, in support of Senator Lott's amendment, explainedthatit would“close [] [the] loophole” created by the available obstructionstatutes and hold criminallyliable a person who,acting alone, destroys documents.Id, at $6550 (statement of Sen. Hatch). The legislative history thus confirmsthat § 1512(c) was not intended as a sweeping provision supplanting wide swathes of obstruction law, but rather as a targeted gap-filler designed to strengthen prohibitions on the impairmentofevidence. Notonly is an all-encompassing reading of § 1512(c)(2) contrary to the language and manifest purposeofthestatute,butit is precludedby a fundamental canonofstatutory construction applicable to statutes of this sort. Statutes must be construed with reference to the constitutional framework within which they operate. E.g., Gregory v. Ashcroft, 501 U.S. 452, 460 (1991). Reading § 1512(c)(2) broadly to criminalize the President’s facially-lawful exercises of his removal authority and his prosecutorial discretion, based on probing his subjective state of mind for evidence of an “improper” motive, would obviously intrude deeply into core areas of the President’s constitutional powers. It is well-settled that statutes that do not expressly apply to the President must be construed as not applying to the President if such application would involve a possible conflict with the President's constitutional prerogatives. See, eg., Franklin vy. Massachusetts, 505 U.S. 788, 801 (1992). OLC haslongrigorously enforcedthis “clearstatement” rule to limit the reach of broadly worded statutes so as to prevent undueintrusion into the President’s exercise of his Constitutional discretion. As OLChasexplained,the “clear statement”rule has two sources.First, it arises from the long-recognized "cardinal principle"ofstatutory interpretation that statutes be construed to avoid raising serious constitutional questions. Second,the rule exists to protect the “usual constitutional balance” between the branches contemplated by the Framersby "requir[ing] an express statement by Congress before assuming it intended" to impinge upon Presidential authority. Franklin, 505 US. at 801; see, e.g., Application of 28 U.S.C. §458 to Presidential Appointments of Federal Judges, 19 Op. O.L.C. 350 (1995). This clear statementrule has been applied frequently by the Supreme Court as wellas the Executive branch with respect to statutes that might otherwise, if one were to ignore the constitutional context, be susceptible of an application that would affect the President's constitutional prerogatives. For instance, in Franklin the Court was called upon to determine whether the Administrative Procedure Act("APA"), 5 U.S.C §§ 701-706, authorized "abuse of discretion" review offinal actions by the President. Even thoughthe statute defined reviewable action in a way that facially could include the President, and did notlist the President among the express exceptions to the APA, Justice O'Connorwrote for the Court: [t]he Presidentis not [expressly] excluded from the APA's purview, but he is notexplicitly included,either, Outof respectfor the separation ofpowers and the unique constitutionalposition of the President, we findthat textualsilence is not enough to subject the Presidentto the provisions of the APA. We would require an express statement by Congress before assumingit intended the President's performanceofhis statutory duties to be reviewed for abuse of discretion. 505 U.S. at 800-01. To amplify, she continued, "[a]s the APA does not expressly allow review of the President's actions, we must presumethathis actions are not subjectto its requirements." Jd. at 801. Similarly, in Public Citizen v. United States Dep't of Justice, 491 U.S. 440 (1989), the Court held that the Federal Advisory Committee Act ("FACA"), 5 U.S.C. app. § 2, does not apply to the judicial recommendation panels of the American Bar Association because interpreting the statute as applying to them would raise serious constitutional questionsrelating to the President's constitutional appointment power. By its terms, FACA applied to any advisory committee used by an agency “in the interest of obtaining advice or recommendations for the President." 5 U.S.C. app. § 3(2(c). While acknowledging that a "straightforward reading"ofthe statute’s language would seem to require its application to the ABA committee, Public Citizen, 491 U.S. at 453, the Court held that such a reading wasprecludedbythe "cardinalprinciple"that a statute be interpreted to avoid serious constitutional question.” Jd. at 465-67. Notably, the majority stated, "[oJur reluctance to decide constitutional issues is especially great where, as here, they concern the relative powers of coordinate branches of government," and "[t]hat construing FACA to apply to the Justice Department's consultations with the ABA Committee would present formidable constitutionaldifficulties is undeniable." Jd. at 466. The Office of Legal Counsel hasconsistently “adhered to a plain statementrule: statutes that do not expressly apply to the President must be construed as not applying to the President, where applying the statute to the President would pose a significant question regarding the President’s constitutional prerogatives.” E.g, The Constitutional Separation of Powers Between the President and Congress, __ Op. O.L.C. 124, 178 (1996); Application of 28 U.S.C. §458 to Presidential Appointments of Federal Judges, 19 Op. O.L.C. 350 (1995). The Departmenthasapplied this principle to broadly-wordedcriminalstatutes,like the one at issue here. Thus,in a closely analogous context, the Departmenthaslongheld that the conflictof-interest statute, 18 U.S.C § 208, does not apply to the President. That statute prohibits any “officer or employee of the executive branch"from "participat[ing] personally and substantially" in any particular matter in which he or she has a personal financial interest. Jd. In the leading opinion on the matter, then-Deputy Attorney General Laurence Silberman determined that the legislative history disclosed no intention to cover the President and doing so wouldraise "serious questionsasto the constitutionality" of the statute, becausethe effect of applyingthestatute to the President would “disempower” the President from performing his constitutionally-prescribed functionsasto certain matters . See Memorandumfor Richard T. Burress, Office ofthe President, Jrom Laurence H. Silberman, Deputy Attorney General, Re: Conflict ofInterest Problems Arising outofthe President's Nomination ofNelson A. Rockefeller to be Vice President under the TwentyFifth Amendmentto the Constitution at 2, 5 (Aug. 28, 1974). Similarly, OLC opinedthat the Anti-Lobbying Act, 18 U.S.C. § 1913, doesnotapply fully against the President. See Constraints Imposed by 18 U.S.C. § 1913 on Lobbying Efforts, 13 Op. O.L.C. 300, 304-06 (1989). The Anti-Lobbying Act prohibits any appropriated funds from being “used directly or indirectly to pay for any personalservice, advertisement, telegram, telephone, letter, printed or written matter, or other device, intended or designedto influence in any manner a Memberof Congress." 18 U.S.C. § 1913. Thestatute provided an exception for communications by executive branch officers and employeesif the communication was madepursuantto a request by a memberof Congress or was a request to Congress for legislation or appropriations. OLC concluded that applying the Actas broadlyasits terms would otherwise allow wouldraise serious constitutional questions as an infringementofthe President's Recommendations Clause power. In addition to the “clear statement”rule, other canonsofstatutory construction preclude giving the residual clause in §1512(c)(2) the unboundedscope proposed by Mueller’s obstruction theory, As elaborated on in the ensuing section, to read the residual clause as extending beyond evidence impairment, and to apply it to any that “corruptly” affects a proceeding, would raise serious Due Process issues. Once divorced from the concrete standard of evidence impairment, the residual clause defines neither the crime’s actus reus (what conduct amounts to obstruction) norits mens rea (whatstate of mindis “corrupt”) “with sufficient definiteness that ordinary people can understand what conductis prohibited,”or “in a mannerthat does not encouragearbitrary and discriminatory enforcement.” See e.g. McDonnell v. United States, 136 S.Ct. at 2373. This vagueness defect becomes even more pronounced when the statute is applied to a wide range of public officials whose normal duties involve the exercise of prosecutorial ‘discretion and the conduct and managementofofficial proceedings. The “cardinal rule” that a statute be interpreted to avoid serious constitutional questions mandates rejection of the sweeping interpretation of the residual clause proposed by Mueller. Even if the statute’s plain meaning, fortified by the “clear statement” rule, were not dispositive, the fact that § 1512 is a criminalstatute dictates a narrower reading than Mueller’s allencompassing interpretation. Even if the scope of § 1512(c)(2) were ambiguous, underthe “rule oflenity,” that ambiguity mustbe resolved against the Government’s broaderreading. See, e.g., United States v. Granderson, 511 U.S. 39, 54 (1994) (“In these circumstances -- where text, structure, and history fail to establish that the Government's position is unambiguously correct -weapply therule of lenity and resolve the ambiguity in [the defendant's] favor.”) In sum, the sweeping construction of § 1512(c)’s residual clause posited by Mueller’s obstruction theory is novel and extravagant.It is contrary to the statute’s plain language,structure, and legislative history. Such a broad reading would contravene the “clear statement” rule of statutory construction, which the Department has rigorously adhered to in interpreting statutes, like this one, that would otherwise intrude on Executive authority. By it terms, § 1512 is intended to protect the truth-finding function of a proceeding by prohibiting acts that would impair the availability or integrity of evidence. The cases applying the “residual clause” havefallen within this scope. The clause has never before been applied to facially-lawful discretionary acts of Executive branch official. Mueller’s overly-aggressive use of the obstruction laws should not be embraced by the Department and cannot support interrogation of the President to evaluate his subjective state of mind. I. Applying §1512(c)(2) to Review Facially-Lawful Exercises of the President’s Removal Authority and Prosecutorial Discretion Would Impermissibly Infringe on the President’s Constitutional Authority and the Functioning of the Executive Branch. This case implicates at least two broad discretionary powers vested by the Constitution exclusively in the President. First, in removing Comeyas director of the FBIthere is no question that the President wasexercising one of his core authorities under the Constitution. Because the President has Constitutional responsibility for seeing that the lawsare faithfully executed,it is settled that he has “‘illimitable” discretion to removeprincipalofficers carrying out his Executive functions. See Free Enterprise Fund v. Public Company Accounting Oversight Board, 130 S.Ct. 3138, 3152 (2010); Myers v. United States, 272 U.S. 52 (1926). Similarly, in commenting to Comeyabout Flynn’s situation — to the extentit is taken as the President having placed his thumb on the scale in favor of lenity — the President was plainly within his plenary discretion over the prosecution function. The Constitution vests all Federal law enforcement power, and hence prosecutorial discretion, in the President. The President’s discretion in these areas has long been considered “absolute,” and his decisions exercising this discretion are presumedto be regular and are generally deemed non-reviewable. See, e.g., United States v. Armstrong, 517 U.S. 456, 464 (1996); United States v. Nixon, 418 U.S. 683, 693 (1974); see generally S. Prakash, The Chief Prosecutor, 73 Geo. Wash. L. Rev. 521 (2005) The central problem with Mueller’s interpretation of §1512(c)(2) is that, instead of applying the statute to inherently wrongfulacts of evidence impairment, he would now define the actus reus of obstruction as any act, including facially lawfulacts, that influence a proceeding. However, the Constitution vests plenary authority over law enforcement proceedings in the President, and therefore oneofthe President’s core constitutional authorities is precisely to make decisions “influencing”proceedings.In addition, the Constitution vests other discretionary powers in the President that can havea collateral influence on proceedings — including the power of appointment, removal, and pardon. The crux of Mueller’s position is that, wheneverthe President exercises any of these discretionary powers and thereby “influences” a proceeding, he has completed the actus reus of the crime of obstruction. To establish guilt, all that remains is evaluation ofthe President’s state of mind to divine whether he acted with a “corrupt” motive. Construed in this manner, §1512(c)(2) would violate Article II of the Constitution in at least two respects: First, Mueller’s premise appears to be that, when a proceedingis looking into the President’s own conduct, it would be “corrupt” within the meaning of §1512(c)(2) for the President to attempt to influencethat proceeding. In other words, Mueller seemsto be claimingthat the obstructionstatute effectively walls off the President from exercising Constitutional powers over cases in which his own conductis being scrutinized, This premise is clearly wrong constitutionally. Nor can it be reconciled with the Department’s longstanding position that the “conflictofinterest” laws donot, and cannot, apply to the President, since to apply them would impermissibly “disempower”the President from supervising a class of cases that the Constitution grants him the authority to supervise. Under the Constitution, the President’s authority over law enforcement matters is necessarily all-encompassing, and Congress maynotexscindcertain matters from the scopeofhis responsibilities. The Framers’ plan contemplates that the President’s law enforcement powers extend to all matters, including those in which he had a personal stake, and that the proper mechanism for policing the President’s faithful exercise ofthat discretion is the political process ~ that is, the People,actingeither directly, or through their elected representatives in Congress. Second, quite apart from this misbegotten effort to “disempower”the President from acting on matters in which hehasan interest, defining facially-lawful exercises of Executive discretion as potential crimes, based solely on the President’s subjective motive, would violate Article II of the Constitution by impermissibly burdening the exercise of core discretionary powers within the Executive branch. The prospect ofcriminalliability based solely on the official’s state of mind, coupled with the indefinite standards of “improper motive” and “obstruction,” would cast a pall over a wide range of Executive decision-making, chill the exercise of discretion, and expose to intrusive and free-ranging examination ofthe President’s (and his subordinate’s) subjective state of mindin exercising that discretion. A. Section 1512(c)(2) May Not “Disempower”the Presidentfrom Exercising His Law Enforcement Authority Over a Particular Class ofMatters. Asdiscussed further below,a fatal flaw in Mueller’s interpretation of §1512(c)(2)is that, while defining obstruction solely as acting “corruptly,” Mueller offers no definition of what “corruptly” means. It appears, however, that Mueller has in mindparticular circumstancesthat he feels maygiverise to possible “corruptness”in the current matter. Histacit premise appearsto be that, when an investigation is looking into the President’s own conduct, it would be “corrupt” for the Presidentto attemptto influencethat investigation. On a superficial level, this outlook is unsurprising: atfirst blush it accords with the old Roman maxim that a man should notbe the judge in his own case and, because “conflict-ofinterest” laws applytoall the President’s subordinates, DOJ prosecutorsare steeped in the notion thatit is illegal for anofficialto toucha case in which he hasa personalstake. Butconstitutionally, as applied to the President,this mindset is entirely misconceived:there is no legalprohibition — as opposed a political constraint -- against the President’s acting on a matter in which he has a personalstake. The Constitution itselfplaces no limit on the President’s authority to act on matters which concern him or his own conduct. On the contrary, the Constitution’s grant of law enforcement powerto the Presidentis plenary. Constitutionally, it is wrong to conceive of the President as simply the highest officer within the Executive branch hierarchy. He alone is the Executive branch. Assuch,heis the sole repository ofall Executive powers conferred by the Constitution. Thus,the full measure of law enforcementauthority is placed in the President’s hands, and nolimit is placed on the kinds of cases subject to his control and supervision. While the President has subordinates --the Attorney General and DOJ lawyers -- who exercise prosecutorial discretion on his behalf, they are merely “his hand,” Ponzi v. Fessenden, 258 U.S. 254, 262 (1922) — the discretion they exercise is the President’s discretion, and their decisions are legitimate precisely because they remain underhis supervision, andheisstill responsible and politically accountable for them. Nor doesany statute purportto restrict the President’s authority over matters in which he has an interest. On the contrary, in 1974, the Department concludedthat the conflict-ofinterest- laws cannot be construed as applying to the President, expressing “serious doubt as to the constitutionality” of a statute that sought“to disempower”the Presidentfrom acting overparticular matters. Letter to Honorable Howard W. Cannon from Acting Attorney General Laurence H. Silberman, dated September 20, 1974; and Memorandum for Richard T. Burress, Office of the President, from Laurence H. Silberman, Deputy Attorney General, Re: Conflict of Interest Problems Arising out ofthe President's Nomination ofNelson A. Rockefeller to be Vice President under the Twenty-Fifth Amendmentto the Constitution at 2, 5 (Aug. 28, 1974). As far as I am aware,this is the only instance in which it has previously been suggested that a statute places a class of law enforcementcases “offlimits” to the President’s supervision based on his personal interest in the matters. The Departmentrejected that suggestion on the groundthat Congress could not “disempower”the President from exercising his supervisory authority over such matters. For all the same reasons, Congress could not makeit a crime for the Presidentto exercise supervisory authority over cases in which his own conduct mightbeat issue. Theillimitable nature of the President’s law enforcementdiscretion stemsnot just from the Constitution’s plenary grant of those powersto the President, butalso from the “unitary” character of the Executive branchitself. Because the President alone constitutes the Executive branch, the President cannot“recuse” himself. Just as Congress could not en masserecuseitself, leaving no sourceof the Legislative power, the President cannottake a holiday from his responsibilities.It is in the very nature of discretionary powerthat ultimate authority for making the choice must be vested in somefinal decision-maker. At the end of the day,there truly must be a desk at which “the buck stops.” In the Executive, final responsibility must rest with the President. Thus, the President, “though able to delegate duties to others, cannot delegate ultimate responsibility or the active obligation to supervise that goes with it.” Free Enterprise Fund v. Public Co. Acctg. Oversight Bd., 130 S. Ct. 3138, 3154 (2010) (quoting Clinton v. Jones, 520 U.S. 681, 712-713 (1997) (Breyer, J., concurring in judgment)) (emphasis added). In framing a Constitution that entrusts broad discretion to the President, the Framers chose the meansthey thought bestto police the exercise of that discretion. The Framers’ idea wasthat, byplacingall discretionary law enforcementauthority in the hands ofa single “Chief Magistrate” elected by all the People, and by making him politically accountable for all exercises of that discretion by himself or his agents, they were providing the best way of ensuring the “faithful exercise”of these powers. Every four years the people as a whole make a solemnnationaldecision as to the person whom theytrust to make these prudential judgments.In the interim,the people’s representatives stand watch and havethetools to oversee,discipline, and,ifthey deem appropriate, removethe President from office. Thus, under the Framers’ plan, the determination whether the President is making decisions based on “improper” motives or whether he is “faithfully” discharging his responsibilitiesis left to the People, throughtheelection process, and the Congress, through the Impeachmentprocess. The Framers’ idea ofpolitical accountability has proven remarkably successful, far more so than the disastrous experimentation with an “independent” counsel statute, which both parties agreed to purge from oursystem. By andlarge,fear ofpoliticalretribution has ensured that, when confronted with serious allegations of misconduct within an Administration, Presidents have felt it necessary to take practical steps to assure the people that matters will be pursued with integrity. But the measuresthat Presidents have adopted are voluntary,dictated by political prudence, and adapted to the situation; they are not legally compelled. Moreover, Congress has usually been quick to respondto allegations of wrongdoing in the Executive and has shown itself more than willing to conductinvestigations into such allegations. The fact that President is answerable for any abuses of discretion and is ultimately subject to the judgment of Congress through the impeachment process meansthat the President is not the judge in his own cause. See Nixon v. Harlow, 457 U.S. 731, 757-58 n.41 (1982)(* The remedy of impeachment demonstrates that the President remains accountable under law for his misdeedsin office.”) Mueller’s core premise -- that the President acts “corruptly”if he attempts to influence a proceeding in which his own conductis beingscrutinized — is untenable. Because the Constitution, and the Department’s own rulings, envision that the President may exercise his supervisory authority over cases dealing with his own interests, the President transgressesnolegal limitation whenhedoesso. Forthat reason,the President’s exercise of supervisory authority over such a case does not amountto “corruption.” It may be in somecasespolitically unwise;butit is not a crime. Moreover, it cannot be presumedthat any decision the President reaches in a case in whichhe is interested is “improperly”affected by that personalinterest. Implicit in the Constitution’s grant of authority over such cases, and in the Department’s position that the President cannot be “disempowered” from acting in such cases,is the recognition that Presidents have the capacity to decide such matters based on the public’s long-term interest. In today’s world, Presidents are frequently accused of wrongdoing. Let us say that an outgoing administration — say, an incumbent U.S. Attorney -- launches a “investigation” of an incoming President. The new President knowsit is bogus, is being conducted by political opponents, and is damaginghisability to establish his new Administration and to address urgent matters on behalf of the Nation. It would neither be “corrupt”nor a crimefor the new President to terminate the matter and leave any furtherinvestigation to Congress. There is no legalprinciple that would insulate the matter from the President’s supervisory authority and mandate that he passively submit while a bogusinvestigation runsits course. Atthe endofthe day,I believe Mueller’s team would haveto concedethata President does not act “corruptly” simply by acting on — even terminating — a matter that relates to his own conduct. But I suspect they would take the only logicalfallback position from that — namely,that it would be “corrupt”if the President had actually engaged in unlawful conduct and then blocked an investigation to “cover up” the wrongdoing. In other words, the notion would bethat, if an investigation was bogus, the President ultimately had legitimate grounds for exercising his Supervisory powers to stop the matter. Conversely, if the President had really engaged in wrongdoing,a decision to stop the case would have beena corrupt coverup. But,in thelattercase, the predicate for finding any corruption wouldbefirst finding that the President had engaged in the wrongdoinghe was allegedly trying to cover up. Undertheparticular circumstances here, the issue of obstruction only becomesripeafter the alleged collusion by the Presidentor his campaign is establishedfirst. While the distinct crime of obstruction can frequently be committed even if the underlying crime under investigation is never established, that is true only where the obstruction is an act that is wrongfulinitself -- such as threatening a witness, or destroying evidence. Buthere, the only basis for ascribing “wrongfulness”(i.e., an improper motive) to the President’s actionsis the claim that he was attempting to block the uncovering of wrongdoing by himself or his campaign. Until Mueller can show that there was unlawful collusion, he cannot show that the President had an improper“cover up” motive. For reasons discussed below, I do not subscribe to this notion. Buthereit is largely an academic question. Either the President and his campaign engagedinillegal collusion or they did not.If they did, then the issue of “obstruction”is a sideshow. However, if they did not, then the cover up theory is untenable. And, at a practical level, in the absence of some wrongful act of evidence destruction, the Department would have no business pursuing the President where it cannot showanycollusion. Mueller should get on with the task at hand and reach a conclusion on collusion. In the meantime, pursuing a novel obstruction theory against the Presidentis not only premature but — because it forces resolution of numerous constitutional issues — grossly irresponsible. B. Using Obstruction Laws to Review the President’s Motives for Making FaciallyLawful Discretionary Decisions Impermissibly Infringes on the President’s Constitutional Powers. The crux of Mueller’s claim here is that, when the President performsa facially-lawful discretionary action thatinfluences a proceeding, he may becriminally investigated to determine whetherhe acted with an improper motive. It is hard to imagine a more invasive encroachmenton Executive authority. 1. The Constitution Vests Discretion in the President To Decide Whether To Prosecute Cases or To Remove Principal Executive Officers, and Those Decisions are Not Reviewable. The authority to decide whether or not to bring prosecutions, as well as the authority to appoint and remove principal Executive officers, and to grant pardons, are quintessentially Executive in character and amongthe discretionary powers vested exclusively in the President by the Constitution. When the Presidentexercises these discretionary powers,it is presumed he does so lawfully, and his decisions are generally non-reviewable. Theprinciple of non-reviewability inheres in the very reason for vesting these powers in the Presidentin thefirst place. In governing anysociety certain choices must be made that cannot be determinedbytidy legal standards but require prudential judgment. The imperativeis that there must be some ultimate decision-maker whohasthe final, authoritative say -- at whose desk the “buck”truly does stop. Any system wherebyotherofficials, not empoweredto makethe decision themselves, are permitted to review the “final” decision for “improper motives”is antithetical both to the exercise of discretion andits finality. And, even if review can censor a particular choice,it leaves unaddressed the fact that a choicestill remains to be made, and the reviewers have no power to makeit. The prospect of review itself undermines discretion. Wayte v. United States, 470 U.S. 598, 607- 608 (1985); cf Franklin v. Massachusetts, 505 U.S. at 801. But any regimethat proposes to review and punish decision-makers for “improper motives” ends up doing more harm than good by chilling the exercise of discretion, “dampen[ing] the ardorofall but the mostresolute the unflinching discharge of their duties.” Gregoire y. Biddle, 177 F. 2d 579, 581 (2d Cir. 1949)(Learned Hand). In the end, the prospect of punishmentchills the exercise of discretion over a far broader range of decisions than the supposedly improper decision being remedied. McDonnell, 136 S.Ct, at 2373. Forthese reasons, the law haserected an array ofprotections designed to prevent, orstrictly limit, review ofthe exercise of the Executive discretionary powers. See, e.g., Nixon v. Fitzgerald, 457 US 731,749 (1982) (the President’s unique discretionary powers require that he have absolute immunity from civil suit for his official acts). An especially strong set of rules has been put in place to insulate those who exercise prosecutorial discretion from second-guessing and the possibility of punishment. See.e.g., Imbler v. Pachtman, 424 U. 8. 409 (1976); Yaselli v. Goff, 275 U. S. 503 (1927), affg 12 F, 2d 396 (2d Cir. 1926). Thus,“it is entirely clear that the refusal to prosecute cannotbe the subject ofjudicial review.” See, e.g., ICC v. Brotherhood ofLocomotive Engineers, 482 U.S. 270, 283 (1987); United States v. Cox, 342 F.2d 167, 171-72 (5th Cir. 1965) (The U.S. Attorney’s decision not to prosecute even wherethere is probable causeis “a matter of executive discretion which cannot be coerced or reviewed by the courts.”); see also Hecklerv. Chaney, 470 U.S. 821, 831 (1985). Even whenthere is a prosecutorial decision to proceed with a case, the law generally precludes review or, in the narrow circumstances where review is permitted, limits the extent to which the decision-makers’ subjective motivations may be examined. Thus, a prosecutor’s decision to bring a case is generally protected from civil liability by absolute immunity, even if the prosecutor had a malicious motive. Yaselli v. Goff, 275 U. S. 503 (1927), aff'g 12 F. 2d 396 (2d Cir. 1926). Even where somereview is permitted, absent a claim ofselective prosecution based on an impermissible classification, a court ordinarily will not look into the prosecutor’s real motivations for bringing the case as long as probable cause existed to support prosecution. See Bordenkircherv. Hayes, 434 U.S. 357, 364 (1978). Further, even whenthereis a claim ofselective prosecution based on an impermissible classification, courts do not permit the probing of the prosecutor’s subjective state of mind until the plaintiff has first produced objective evidence that the policy under which he has been prosecuted had a discriminatory effect. United States v. Armstrong, 517 U.S. 456 (1996). The same considerations undergird the Department’s current position in Hawaii v. Trump, where the Solicitor General is arguing that, in reviewing the President’s travel ban, a court may notlook into the President’s subjective motivations when the governmenthasstated a facially legitimate basis for the decision. (SG’s Merits Briefat 61). In short, the President’s exercise of its Constitutional discretion is not subject to review for “improper motivations” by lesser officials or by the courts. The judiciary has no authority “to enquire how the executive, or executive officers, perform duties in which they havea discretion. Questions, in their nature political, or which are, by the constitution and laws, submitted to the executive, can never be made”in the courts. Marbury v. Madison, 1 Cranch (3 U.S.) 137, 170 (1803). 2. Threatening criminalliability for facially-lawful exercises of discretion, based solely on the subjective motive, would impermissibly burden the exercise ofcore Constitutional powers within the Executive branch.. Mueller is effectively proposing to use the criminal obstruction law as a means of reviewing discretionary acts taken by the President when those acts influence a proceeding. Mueller gets to this point in three steps. First, instead of confining §1512(c)(2) to inherently wrongfulacts of evidence impairment, he would now define the actus reus of obstruction as any act that influences a proceeding. Second, he would include within that category the official discretionary actions taken by the President or other public officials carrying out their Constitutional duties, including their authority to control all law enforcement matters. The net effect of this is that, once the President or any subordinate takes any action that influences a proceeding, he has completed the actus reus ofthe crimeof obstruction. Toestablish guilt, all that remainsis evaluation of the President’s or official’s subjective state of mind to divine whether he acted with an improper motive. Wielding §1512(c)(2) in this way preempts the Framers’ plan ofpolitical accountability and violate Article II of the Constitution by impermissibly burdening the exercise of the core discretionary powers within the Executive branch. The prospect of criminal prosecution based solely on the President’s state of mind, coupled with the indefinite standards of “improper motive” and “obstruction,” would cast a pall over a wide range of Executive decision-making, chill the exercise ofdiscretion, and exposeto intrusive and free-ranging examination the President’s (or his subordinate’s) subjective state of mindin exercising that discretion Anysystem that threatens to punish discretionary actions based on subjective motivation naturally has a substantial chilling effect on the exercise of discretion. But Mueller’s proposed regime would mountan especially onerous and unprecedentedintrusion on Executive authority. The sanction thatis being threatened for improperly-motivatedactionsis the mostsevere possible — personal criminalliability. Inevitably, the prospect of being accused of criminal conduct, and possibly being investigated for such, would cause officials “to shrink” from making potentially controversial decisions and sap the vigor with which they perform their duties. McDonnellv. United States, 136 S.Ct. at 2372-73. Further, the-chilling effect is especially powerful where,as here,liability turns solely on the official’s subjective state of mind. Because chargesofofficial misconduct based on improper motive are “easy to allege and hardto disprove,” Hartman v. Moore, 547 U.S. 250, 257-58 (2006), Mueller’s regime substantially increases the likelihood of meritless claims, accompanied by the all the risks of defending against them. Moreover, the review contemplated here would be far more intrusive since it does not turn on an objective standard — such as the presence in the record of a reasonable basis for the decision — but rather requires probing to determine the President’s actual subjective state of mind in reaching a decision. As the Supreme Court has observed, Harlow v. Fitzgerald, 457 U.S. 800, 816-17 (1982), even whenfaced only with civil liability, such an inquiry is especially disruptive: [I]t now is clear that substantial costs attend thelitigation of the subjective goodfaith of governmentofficials. Not only are there the general costs of subjecting officials to the risks of trial — distraction of officials from their governmentalduties, inhibition of discretionary action, and deterrence of able people from public service. There are special costs to "subjective" inquiries of this kind. ...[T]he judgments surrounding discretionary action almost inevitably are influenced by the decisionmaker's experiences, values, and emotions. These variables ...frame a background in which there often is no clear end to the relevant evidence. Judicial inquiry into subjective motivation therefore may entail broad-ranging discovery .... Inquiries of this kind can be peculiarly disruptive of effective government. Moreover,the encroachment on the Executive function is especially broad dueto the wide range of actors and actions potentially covered. Because Mueller defines the actus reus of obstruction as any act that influences a proceeding, he is including not just exercises of prosecutorial discretion directly deciding whether a case will proceed ornot, but also exercises of any other Presidential power that might collaterally affect a proceeding, such as a removal, appointment,or grant of pardon. And, while Mueller’s immediate targetis the President’s exercise ofhis discretionary powers,his obstruction theory reachesall exercises of prosecutorialdiscretion bythe President’s subordinates, from the Attorney General, down the mostjuniorline prosecutor. It also necessarily applies to all personnel, management, and operational decision by those who are responsible for supervising and conductinglitigation and enforcement matters -- civil, criminal or administrative -- on the President’s behalf. A fatal flaw with Mueller’s regime — and onethat greatly exacerbatesits chilling effect -is that, while Mueller would criminalize any act “corruptly” influencing a proceeding, Mueller can offer no definition of “corruptly.” Whatis the circumstance that would make an attempt by the Presidentto influence a proceeding “corrupt?” Mueller would construe “corruptly”asreferring to one’s purpose in seeking to influence a proceeding. But Mueller provides no standard for determining what motives are legal and what motives are illegal. Is an attempt to influence a proceeding based onpolitical motivations “corrupt?” Is an attempt based onself-interest? Based on personal career considerations? Based on partisan considerations? On friendship or personal affinity? Due process requiresthat the elements of a crime be defined "with sufficient definiteness that ordinary people can understand what conduct is prohibited," or "in a manner that does not encourage arbitrary and discriminatory enforcement." See McDonnell, 136 S.Ct. at 2373. This, Mueller’s construction of §1512(c)(2) utterly fails to do. It is worth pausing on the word “corruptly,” because courts have evinceda lot of confusion over it. It is an adverb, modifying the verbs “influence,” “impede,” etc. But few courts have deigned to analyze its precise adverbial mission. Does it refer to “how”the influence is accomplished — i.e,, the means used to influence? Or doesit refer to the ultimate purpose behind the attempt to influence? Asan original matter,I think it was clearly used to described the means usedto influence. Asthe D.C. Circuit persuasively suggested, the word waslikely used in its 19" century transitive sense, connoting the turning (or corrupting) of something from good andfit for its purpose into something bad and unfit for its purpose — hence, “corrupting” a magistrate; or “corrupting” evidence. United States v. Poindexter, 951 F.2d 369 (D.C. Cir.1991). Understood this way, the ideas behind the obstruction laws come moreclearly into focus. The thing that is corruptis the meansbeing used to influence the proceeding. They are inherently wrong because they involvethe corruption of decision-makers or evidence. The culpable intent does notrelate to the actor’s ultimate motive for using the corrupt means. Theculpablestate of mind is merely the intent that the corrupt means bring about their immediate purpose, which is to sabotage the proceeding’s truth-finding function. The actor’s ultimate purposeis irrelevant because the means, and their immediate purpose,are dishonest and malign. Further,if the actor uses lawful means of influencing a proceeding — such as asserting an evidentiary privilege, or bringing public opinion pressure to bear on the prosecutors — then his ultimate motives are likewise irrelevant. See Arthur Anderson, 544 U.S. at 703-707. Evenif the actoris guilty of a crime andhis only reasonforacting is to escape justice, his use of lawful means to impedeorinfluence a proceeding are perfectly legitimate. Courts have gotten themselves into a box whenever they have suggested that“corruptly” is not confined to the use of wrongful means, butcan also refer to someone’s ultimate motive for using lawful meansto influence a proceeding. The problem, however,is that, as the courts have consistently recognized, there is nothing inherently wrong with attemptingto influence or impede a proceeding. Both the guilty and innocent have the right to use lawful meansto do that. Whatis the motive that would makethe use of lawful meansto influence a proceeding “corrupt?” Courts have been thrown backonlisting “synonyms”like “depraved, wicked,or bad.” Butthat begs the question. What is depraved — the meansor the motive? If the latter, what makes the motive depravedif the meansare within one’s legalrights? Fortunately for the courts,the cases invariably involve evidence impairment, andso, after stumbling around, they get to a workable conclusion. Congress has also taken this route. Poindexter struck down the omnibus clause of §1505 on the grounds that, as the sole definition of obstruction, the word “corruptly” was unconstitutionally vague. 951 F.2d at 377-86. Tellingly, when Congress sought to “clarify” the meaning of “corruptly”in the wake of Poindexter, it settled on even more vague language — “acting with an improper motive” — and then proceeded to qualify this definition further by adding, “including making a false or misleading statement, or withholding, concealing, altering, or destroying a documentor other information.” 18 U.S.C. §1515(b). The fact that Congress could not define “corruptly” except through a laundry list of acts of evidence impairmentstrongly confirmsthat, in the obstruction context, the word has nointrinsic meaning apart from its transitive sense of compromising the honesty of a decision-maker or impairing evidence. At the end ofthe day then, as long as §1512 is read as it was intended to be read — i.e., as prohibiting actions designed to sabotage a proceeding’s access to complete and accurate evidence -- the term “corruptly” derives meaning from that context. But once the word “corruptly”is deracinated from that context, it becomes essentially meaningless as a standard. While Mueller’s failure to define “corruptly” would be a Due Process violation initself, his application of that “shapeless”prohibition on public officials engaged in the dischargeoftheir duties impermissibly encroach on the Executive function by “cast[ing] the pall of potential prosecution” over a broad range of lawful exercises of Executive discretion. McDonnell, 136 S.Ct. at 2373-74. Thechilling effect is magnified still further because Mueller’s approachfails to define the kind of impact an action must have to be considered an “obstruction.” Aslong as the concept of obstructionis tied to evidence impairment,the natureofthe actions being prohibited is discernable. But once taken out of this context, how does one differentiate between an unobjectionable “influence”and an illegal “obstruction?” The actions being alleged as obstructionsin this case illustrate the point. Assuming arguendothat the President had motives such that, under Mueller’s theory, any direct order by him to terminate the investigation would be considered an obstruction, whataction short of that would be impermissible? The removal of Comeyis presumably being investigated as “obstructive” due to somecollateral impactit could have on a proceeding. But removing an agency head does not have the natural and foreseeable consequenceofobstructing any proceeding being handled by that agency. How does one gauge whetherthe collateral effects of one’s actions could impermissibly affect a proceeding? The same problem exists regarding the President’s comments about Flynn. Evenif the President’s motives were such that, under Mueller’s theory, he could not have ordered termination of an investigation, to what extent do comments short ofthat constitute obstruction? On their face, the President’s comments to Comey about Flynn seem unobjectionable. He made the accurate observation that Flynn’s call with the Russian Ambassador wasperfectly proper and madethe point that Flynn, who had nowsuffered public humiliation from losing his job, was a good man. Based on this, he expressed the “hope” that Comey could “see his way clear”tolet the matter go. The formulation that Comey “see his wayclear,”explicitly leaves the decision with Comey. Most normal subordinates would not have found these comments obstructive. Would a superior’s questioning the legal merit of a case be obstructive? Would pointing out some consequences of the subordinate’s position be obstructive? Is something really an “obstruction”if it merely is pressure acting upona prosecutor’s psyche? Is the obstructiveness ofpressure gauged objectively or by how a subordinate subjectively apprehendsit? Thepractical implications of Mueller’s approach, especially in light ofits “shapeless” conceptof obstruction, are astounding. DOJ lawyers are always making decisionsthat invite the allegation that they are improperly concluding or constraining an investigation. And these allegations are frequently accompanied by a claim that the official is acting based on some nefarious motive. Under the theory now being advanced, any claim that an exercise of prosecutorial discretion was improperly motived could legitimately be presented as a potential criminal obstruction. The claim would be madethat, unless the subjective motivations of the decision makerare thoroughly explored through a grandjuryinvestigation,the putative “improper motive” could not beruled out. In an increasingly partisan environment, these concerns are by no meanstrivial. For decades, the Departmenthas been routinely attacked both for its failure to pursue certain matters andforits decisions to move forward on others. Especially when a house of Congressis held by an opposing party, the Department is almost constantly being accused of deliberately scuttling enforcementin a particular class of cases, usually involving the environmental laws. There are claims that cases are not being brought, or are being brought, to appease an Administration’s political constituency, or that the Departmentis failing to investigate a matterin order to cover up its own wrongdoing,or to protect the Administration. Department is bombarded with requests to namea special counselto pursuethis or that matter, andit is frequently claimed that his reluctance to do so is based on an improper motive. When a supervisorintervenesin a case, directing a course of action different from the onepreferred by the subordinate, not infrequently there is a tendency for the subordinate to ascribe some nefarious motive. And when personnel changes are made — as for example, removing a U.S. Attorney — there are sometimesclaimsthat the move was intended to truncate some investigation. While these controversies have heretofore been waged largely on the field ofpolitical combat, Mueller’s sweeping obstruction theory would now open the way for the “criminalization”ofthese disputes. Predictably, challenges to the Department's decisionswill be accompaniedbyclaims that the Attorney General, or other supervisory officials, are “obstructing” justice because their directions are improperly motivated. Whenever the slightest colorable claim of a possible “improper motive” is advanced, there will be calls for a criminal investigation into possible “obstruction.” The prospect ofbeing accusedof criminal conduct, and possibly being investigated for such, would inevitably cause officials “to shrink” from making potentially controversial decisions.