STATE OF CALIFORNIA FRANCHISE TAX BOARD PO BOX 942857 SACRAMENTO CA 94257-0540 Entity Status Letter Date: 12/20/2018 ESL ID: 3296104009 According to our records, the following entity information is true and accurate as of the date of this letter. Entity ID: 1955700 Entity Name: GREATER SAN DIEGO AFTER-SCHOOL ALL-STARS 1. The entity is in good standing with the Franchise Tax Board. ✔ 2. The entity is not in good standing with the Franchise Tax Board. 3. The entity is currently exempt from tax under Revenue and Taxation Code (R&TC) Section 23701 . 4. We do not have current information about the entity. The above information does not necessarily reflect: • The entity’s status with any other agency of the State of California, or other government agency. • If the entity’s powers, rights, and privileges were suspended or forfeited at any time in the past, or the entity did business in California at a time when it was not qualified or not registered to do business in California: o The status or voidability of any contracts made in California by the entity at a time when the entity was suspended or forfeited (R&TC Sections 23304.1, 23304.5, 23305a, 23305.1). o For entities revived under R&TC Section 23305b, any time limitations on the revivor or limitation of the functions that can be performed by the entity. Internet and Telephone Assistance Website: Telephone: 800.852.5711 from within the United States 916.845.6500 from outside the United States TTY/TDD: 800.822.6268 for persons with hearing or speech impairments FTB 4263A WEB (NEW 02-2012)