2 . G A N G R E L AT E D W R I T I N G  Writing, possession, display, or use of any written materials considered by law enforcement agencies to be gang-related on school property, during off site school related activities, or off school property where there is a nexus to the District, is cause for disciplinary action by the South Country Central School District. For the purposes of this section “written material” refers to gangrelated: - Writing on notebooks, notes, school property, a student’s skin and any other surface; - Graffiti of any type; and - Digital messages or social media posts on phones, tablets, computers and/or any other electronic device.  The following written materials, though not intended to be all inclusive, are prohibited: - MS13 - Bloods - Latin Kings - Crips - Trinitarios - Laugh Now Cry Later - Five Pointed Crowns or graphics with a gold or black lion - A.D.R. - 1.4.18 - Dios, Patria, Libertad or DPL or A = 1, D = 4, R = 18 - 3ni - Patria - Devil’s horns - X13 - Words that replace the letter “B” with the letter “C” - BK or Blood Killer - 18th Street - Any sects or cliques, signs or graffiti that represent membership or gang activity - Parke Vista (MS-13 Song) written or verbal - RIP De Los Muerto Travieso: RIP to the dead (The “bad” one) - Devil’s Tail Graffiti - 503/504 - GLS: Gangsters Locotes Salvatruchas o Song “Somos pandilleros GLS” 3 . G A N G R E L AT E D C LOT H I N G  The wearing or possession of clothing considered by law enforcement agencies to be gang-related on school property, during off site school related activities, or off school property where there is a nexus to the District is cause for disciplinary action by the South Country Central School District. The following clothing, though not intended to be all inclusive, are prohibited: - Any articles of clothing displaying Chicago Bulls logos; - Any articles of clothing displaying bright lime green colors; and any colors or company logos that are associated with gangs; - Any articles of clothing displaying five point crowns; - Any beads in the related gang colors of red, gold, black and blue, purple green or orange (Rosary needs to be tucked in shirt and unseen); and - Bandanas of any color. 4 . G A N G R EC R U I T M E N T  It is strictly prohibited to take part in any form of gang recruitment activities while on school property, during off-site school related activities, or off school property where there is a nexus to the District, and is cause for disciplinary action by the South Country Central School District.