anypatlent Identifying Information to them it this kit to a ?Non-Report" to law enforcean fold and tape the form to the outside of the kit. Hospital Mgmd?fg'f? #05th DATA COLLECTION FORM I. Examiner MUST com the data collection form and return to the STEP 1 envelope found In the kit. Collection Form. Date [a l6 4,20 County any 4a 1. TIME FRAME Time patient arrived (J Time patient discharged Date of aswul?? Time of? assault 0 .2100 Time since assault County/State where patient resides County/State where assault occurred 4? 0-2 2. PATIENT DATA A Gender of patient IX Female Male Age of patient Gender of assailant Female Age of assailant (if known) Assailanl's Relationship to Patient Relative BIKnown/Non-relalive Stranger 3. MEDICAL FORENSIC EXAMINATION Exam performed? Yes No If no, why? Patient declined Examiner deferred Patient left Other Please explain Kit collected? Yes No If no. why? . 4. LAW ENFORCEMENT Law enforcement notified? UYes No LE responded? D?Yes No Kit released to law enforcement? Yes No Date released__ If no. is this a non-report? Yes No (Kits that are non-reports are shipped to Marshall University Forensic Science Center (MUFSC). 5. ADVOCACY Advocate notified? Yes No Advocate responded? Yes No Advocate services accepted by patient Yes No if no, why? A noti?ed? Yes :1 No responded? Was I: No 6. ASSAULT INFORMATION Type of assault: Attempted sexual assault? D?Yes No If no, what prevented the sexual assault? 'pff??h ?it/c?/A @Jeoom 4? (7m 2mm Oral penetration? in Yes No Vaginal penetration? Penile Digital Other Anal penetration? Penile Digital Other Condom used? Yes No Unsure Weapons used? Yes ?No if Yes. Gun Knife Blunt Object Any coercion used? Yes No If Yes, Verbal Threats Grabbing Stranguletion Physical Blows Burns Other: Physical Injuries? Yes No Medical treatment received for injuries? Yes No 7. CONTRACEPTION (EC) Prophylactic treatment offered? Yes No ifno. why? Patient accepted prophylactic treatment Yes No What kind of EC offered? Oral Plan Other Was EC Administeredon site? Yes No If no: Prescription only? Yes No Tested for STls? Yes No Treated for Yes No 8. DRUG FACILITATED SEXUAL ASSAULT Suspected drug facilitated sexual assault ,9 Yes No If yes. what drug is suspected? MM if!? ?if Loss of memory? Yes a No Unsure Lapse of consciousness? Yes No Unsure If yes. describe Examiner is a: Sane Physician Assistant Advanced Practice Nurse Other If a SANE: Adult/Adolescent Trained Pediatric Trained of years of experience as a SANE Revised?iis 1FTURN COMPLETED DATA FORM TO KIT. 6?15 3