Receipt by: FILING FOR WATER IN THE Fee Rec. to STATE OF UTAH Receipt, l3 some APPLICATION TO APPROPRIATE WATER For the purpose of acquiring the right to use a portion of the unappropriated water of the State of Utah, application is hereby made to the State Engineer, based upon the following showing of facts, submitted in accordance with the requirements to Title 73, Chapter 3 of the Utah Code Annotated (1953, as amended). RIGHT N0. At i - 5?1 ?tRIGHT: DATE: 2. OWNER INFORMATION County Tax ID Name(s Water Horse Resources, LLC Interest: 100 Address: 1436 weSI Oak Street City: Fort Collins State: Colorado Zip Code: 80521 Phone Number Is the land owned by the applicant? Yes No (If please explain in EXPLANATORY section) 3. QUANTITY OF WATER: 75 and/or 55.000 ac-ft. 4. SOURCE: Green River DRAINAGE: which is tributary to which is tributary to OF DIVERSION: COUNTY: Dane? See Attachment A Description of Diverting Works: Pumping Sta?ion COMMON DESCRIPTION: OF REDIVERSION The water will be rediverted from at a point: Description of Diverting Works: OF RETURN The water will be returned to the natural stream/ source at a point(s): STORAGE Reservoir Name: Storage Period: from to apacity: Inundated Area: acres. Height of dam: feet Legal description of inundated area by 40 acre tract(s): *These items are to be completed by the Division of Water Rights EC ED AppreivrmtEA ?arm at? h- JAN 12 201% WATER List any other water rights which will supplement this application 9. NATURE AND PERIOD OF USE Irrigation: From 41! Stockwatering: From 11? I From Municipal: From 1/1 Mining: From Power: Fromm Other: From WW l0. PURPOSE AND EXTENT OF USE irrigation: . . . WW 503? SUPPLY 01" amis- Stuckwatering (number and kind): TED 7 7 SeeExpWory humilies. Municipal (name): TED Mining: TBD Mining Dim?ic?i? ?13 M336- OWS "Timid: Power Piantnamc: Undesennlned Type: Hydroeseciric Capacity: Undetennined Other (describe): 90mm?? ll. PLACE OF USE Legal description of place of use by 40 acre trac?s): A 12. EXPLANATORY The foilowing is set forth to de?ne more clearly the full pnrposc of this application. (Use additional pages ofthe same size if necessary): See Attachment A The? hereby mkmm?m?gm that main/may are ai?mn?g'} a? ihfi {Emmi 8:23:85? Ama?czg #31ch Magma: semi: a Wm quantity we? mam smugh?; by: agapmgtarimm is ?imimd am? am wh?a?a mm. be; Mrsa?aia?y mad fm 1m: pam?wa; ?wmit: 33% umkmi; ?mmby :mkgiwmrimigus that (W?s-m {hang}: may MW: hum msi?m? in ?3er mi? am: 31552;}? vagaznimmg? :hmugh urmgy 13%" EM mim?nymx {31"wa 1,}ivixim; 32$ gaggwmih?hf aim {33? @er ?sgzm?m wwhx?mg mm mad mm: a: as?: {Emit {af??ng? mix; with an: ?ign?iu?x :si' .fxapiiczzmiaw? 5* 3 maxm??mm ??gm'?jum mum EM: that ?amt; mfsaim?x 4:4? Ru??i?i'i??d again my 3r; af?x: gmr?'wsmhip am af?x: gmzmum Attachment A to Water Right Export Application (Application to Appropriate Form) Regional Watershed Supply Project Green River Pipeline Applicant: Water Horse Resources, LLC Attn. Aaron P. Million, Managing Member 1436 West Oak Street Ft. Collins, Colorado 80521 Agent: Stoel Rives LLP Attn: Richard R. Hall 201 S. Main St., Suite 1100 Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 4. POINTS OF DIVERSION POD #1 1,020 feet north, 1,390 feet east from the Southwest corner of the NWSW (Lot 11) of Section 31, Township 2 North, Range 25 East, SLBM POD #2 615 feet north, 1,675 feet east from the Southwest corner of the NWSW (Lot 11) of Section 31, Township 2 North, Range 25 East, SLBM Both points of diversion are located on public lands administered by the US. Bureau of Land Management The applicant will pursue a right-of-way authorization from the BLM for the points of diversion. This authorization will be secured in connection with the authorization for the pipeline extending from the points of diversion at the Green River to the place of use along the Colorado Front Range. 1 1. PLACE OF USE The water to be appropriated under the water export application will be used to provide irrigation, stockwatering domestic, commercial, municipal, mining and industrial water supplies to users along the Colorado Front Range Corridor. The speci?c places of uses are described and depicted on the pages that follow. The place of use will also include an inline hydroelectric energy facility to be constructed along the pipeline corridor (likely in Wyoming). The location of the hydroelectric energy facility will be determined at a later date following additional project design and engineering, at which time the applicant will supplement this application. 944l3781.1 0065978-00001 2. EXPLANATORY This water export application seeks approval pursuant to Utah Code Ann. 73-3a-101 et seq. for the export of ?fty-?ve thousand (55,000) acre feet of water (the ?Export Water?) from two (2) points of diversion from the Green River near Browns Park within the state of Utah, as generally depicted on the accompanying maps and speci?cally identi?ed under Section 4 of this application. The Export Water will be diverted, transported, conveyed to and bene?cially used along the Front Range Urban Corridor within the state of Colorado for the purposes noted in Section 9 and within the area along the Front Range identi?ed in Section 11 above. The Export Water constitutes a withdrawal under the allocation apportioned to the state of Colorado under the 1922 Colorado River Compact and the 1948 Upper Colorado River Basin Compact (collectively, the ?Colorado River Compact?). This application will authorize the points of diversion within the state of Utah and establish a priority date which will be relied upon for the purposes of water right administration, as and against all water rights making bene?cial use of water allocated and apportioned to the state of Colorado. The applicant will demonstrate, during the application process, that the application complies with the requirements of Utah Code Ann. 73-3a?108. There is suf?cient water within the source (the Green River) to (1) meet the portion of the state of Colorado?s allocation under the Colorado River Compact attributable to this application, (2) meet Utah?s allocation and approved uses within the Green River drainage, and (3) provide suf?cient ?ow to protect and assist in recovery of endangered ?sh populations and critical habitat. The application is consistent with Utah?s reasonable water conservation policies and objectives, and purpose and objectives of the Colorado River Compact and, therefore, should be approved. 9441378l.1 0065978-00001 Points of Diversion Maps: Lot 9, Section 31, Township 2 North, Range 25 East, SLBM See also attached. 94413781.1 0065978-00001 700 TOWNSHIP 2 NORTH RANGE 25 EAST OF THE SALT LAKE MERIDIAN, UTAH VERNAL FIELD OFFICE AGGETT COU TY HN 4 an.? ?3 40.12 '2 an 10.4: I 015' 1 40.05 4 40.06 a 40.15 1 40.25 141.35 05846luc- {la-UN 3332.5 53 2 $5.05} 1 43.71 143.20 I.H 55' 6 Ava??2 42.3 3.8! I 8 9 J. ..L. .1 IO ?ail?aqua? Ill?oan samu? 55 6 I1 42A?5"a ?1.16" I II 40.4145 v. 30.21xi I 052750 .L II 2 42.25 2? I #37403 ?55 55070! \gg?l . 7 434002-0005 EI?um I a .3. l142m 3- ss 6 2 42.,55/1' 55 9 j1 42.1: (16/944 3. I. uzsm (U 035070 2 42.#027392 20? ?15735: .. 5339? u: - - 1157505 yeah (/4152! 5 ?6,944 . 'l I - a? 93 45?63-0743 ?6 ?5 away/'4 3 ?my?405mm SCALE Chm? his pm a mu Bureau's Rbaurd or Tllk. md shankonly a: a graph?: nix-way o! the IMMD ?My Rec? Mu men do no! roam nu. change: wan may hau- eiflctad by Mid momma nl rim or nth: budh- a1 val-r Ref-r in E1: cmlrul sundry: email lufv-y himalim. STATUS OF PUBLIC DOMAIN LAND AND MINERAL TITLES INDDI T0 SEGREGATED TRACTS RESURVEY 0mm?. sumo: TRACT NO 1? SEC SJBOIVISION Fm 0km}; USF 0F UNIDENHHED MINDS MWDRAW Fa? 770V, WA 75? 07715? PURPOSES Rm f0 INDEX 0? MISCELLANEOUS DOCUMENTS: Green River - U.S. District Court of mm Decree Non-nuvlgobie. 0145127. 1/8/1965. [04 ION Lat Long CURRENT T0 2N 25E 2?22?2015 MTP, 06 Place of Use Legal Description and Maps: Legal Description 6th Principal Meridian, Colorado TOWNSHIP 12 NORTH RANGE 46 WEST Sections 25, 26, 31-36 TOWNSHIP 12 NORTH RANGE 45 WEST Sections 19-36 TOWNSHIP 12 NORTH RANGE 44 WEST Sections 19-33 TOWNSHIP 12 NORTH RANGE 43 WEST Section 19 TOWNSHIP 11 NORTH RANGE 51 WEST Section 36 TOWNSHIP 11 NORTH RANGE 50 WEST Sections 22-28, 31-36 TOWNSHIP 11 NORTH RANGE 49 WEST Sections 8-36 TOWNSHIP 11 NORTH RANGE 48 WEST Sections 7, 14, 17-36 TOWNSHIP 11 NORTH RANGE 47 WEST Sections 1, 2, 9-17, 19-24, 26?33 TOWNSHIP 11 NORTH RANGE 46 WEST Sections 1 - 12, 14-20 TOWNSHIP 11 NORTH RANGE 45 WEST Sections 1-12 TOWNSHIP 11 NORTH RANGE 44 WEST Sections 4-7 TOWNSHIP 10 NORTH RANGE 52 WEST Sections 13, 14, 24-26, 34?36 TOWNSHIP 10 NORTH RANGE 51 WEST Sections 1, 4-36 94413781 . 1 0065978-00001 TOWNSHIP 10 NORTH RANGE 50 WEST Sections 1-34 TOWNSHIP 10 NORTH RANGE 49 WEST Sections 1?24, 29, 30 TOWNSHIP 10 NORTH RANGE 48 WEST Sections 1-12, 15-21 TOWNSHIP 10 NORTH RANGE 47 WEST Section 6 TOWNSHIP 9 NORTH RANGE 69 WEST Section 36 TOWNSHIP 9 NORTH RANGE 53 WEST Sections 1-3, 11-14, 24 TOWNSHIP 9 NORTH RANGE 52 WEST Sections 1-36 TOWNSHIP 9 NORTH RANGE 51 WEST Sections 1-12, 14-22, 28-32 TOWNSHIP 9 NORTH RANGE 50 WEST Sections 4-8, 16 TOWNSHIP 8 NORTH RANGE 69 WEST Sections 1, 2, 11?15, 23-26, 34-36 TOWNSHIP 8 NORTH RANGE 68 WEST Sections 6-10, 15-22, 27-35 TOWNSHIP 8 NORTH RANGE 53 WEST Sections 1, 2, 11-14, 24-26, 35, 36 TOWNSHIP 8 NORTH RANGE 52 WEST Sections 1-23, 27-34 TOWNSHIP 8 NORTH RANGE 51 WEST Sections 5, 6 TOWNSHIP 7 NORTH RANGE 69 WEST Sections 1-3, 11-13, 32-34 TOWNSHIP 7 NORTH RANGE 68 WEST 94413781.] 0065978-00001 Sections 1-11, 13-18, 20-28, 33-36 TOWNSHIP 7 NORTH RANGE 67 WEST Sections 18-21, 23, 25-36 TOWNSHIP 7 NORTH RANGE 66 WEST Sections 14, 20, 22-36 TOWNSHIP 7 NORTH RANGE 65 WEST Sections 2, 3, 8-11, 14-36 TOWNSHIP 7 NORTH RANGE 64 WEST Sections 13, 19-21, 23-36 TOWNSHIP 7 NORTH RANGE 63 WEST Sections 30, 31 TOWNSHIP 7 NORTH RANGE 53 WEST Sections 1, 2, 9?16, 21-29, 31-36 TOWNSHIP 7 NORTH RANGE 52 WEST Sections 4-9, 17?20, 30 TOWNSHIP 6 NORTH RANGE 69 WEST Sections 1-4, 9-16, 21-27, 35, 36 TOWNSHIP 6 NORTH RANGE 68 WEST Sections 1-36 TOWNSHIP 6 NORTH RANGE 67 WEST Sections 1?28 TOWNSHIP 6 NORTH RANGE 66 WEST Sections 1-30, 34, 36 TOWNSHIP 6 NORTH RANGE 65 WEST Sections 1-30, 32-36 TOWNSHIP 6 NORTH RANGE 64 WEST Sections 1-35 TOWNSHIP 6 NORTH RANGE 63 WEST Sections 4-9, 16?21, 29-31 TOWNSHIP 6 NORTH RANGE 54 WEST Sections 13, 23?27, 33-36 94413781.1 0065978-00001 TOWNSHIP 6 NORTH RANGE 53 WEST Sections 1-11, 14?21, 29-31 TOWNSHIP 5 NORTH RANGE 68 WEST Sections 2-6 TOWNSHIP 5 NORTH RANGE 67 WEST Sections 33-36 TOWNSHIP 5 NORTH RANGE 66 WEST Sections 25, 26, 33-36 TOWNSHIP 5 NORTH RANGE 65 WEST Sections 1-5, 10-36 TOWNSHIP 5 NORTH RANGE 64 WEST Sections 2-11, 13-36 TOWNSHIP 5 NORTH - RANGE 63 WEST Sections 17-20, 28-35 TOWNSHIP 5 NORTH RANGE 60 WEST Sections 35, 36 TOWNSHIP 5 NORTH RANGE 59 WEST Sections 31, 32 TOWNSHIP 5 NORTH RANGE 55 WEST Sections 13, 23-29, 31-36 TOWNSHIP 5 NORTH RANGE 54 WEST Sections 2-10, 15-21, 28-32 TOWNSHIP 4 NORTH - RANGE 68 WEST Section 21 TOWNSHIP 4 NORTH RANGE 67 WEST Sections 1-3, 10?14, 18, 23-26, 35, 36 TOWNSHIP 4 NORTH RANGE 66 WEST Sections 1?36 TOWNSHIP 4 NORTH RANGE 65 WEST Sections 1-36 944137811 0065978-00001 TOWNSHIP 4 NORTH RANGE 64 WEST Sections 1-36 TOWNSHIP 4 NORTH RANGE 63 WEST Sections 1-13, 17-19 TOWNSHIP 4 NORTH RANGE 62 WEST Sections 7-10, 15-28, 33-36 TOWNSHIP 4 NORTH RANGE 61 WEST Sections 13, 18, 19, 22-36 TOWNSHIP 4 NORTH RANGE 60 WEST Sections 1-3, 10-17, 19-36 TOWNSHIP 4 NORTH RANGE 59 WEST Sections 5-11, 14-36 TOWNSHIP 4 NORTH RANGE 58 WEST Sections 7, 17-21, 25-36 TOWNSHIP 4 NORTH RANGE 57 WEST Sections 23-27, 31-36 TOWNSHIP 4 NORTH RANGE 56 WEST Sections 1, 11-16, 19-36 TOWNSHIP 4 NORTH RANGE 55 WEST Sections 1-12, 15-21, 30 TOWNSHIP 3 NORTH RANGE 67 WEST Sections 1, 2, 9-16, 21-28, 33-36 TOWNSHIP 3 NORTH RANGE 66 WEST Sections 1-32, 36 TOWNSHIP 3 NORTH RANGE 65 WEST Sections 1-36 TOWNSHIP 3 NORTH RANGE 64 WEST Sections 2-10, 15-21, 28-32 TOWNSHIP 3 NORTH RANGE 63 WEST Sections 24, 25, 35, 36 TOWNSHIP 3 NORTH RANGE 62 WEST 94413781.] 0065978-00001 Sections 1-5, 8?24, 26-35 TOWNSHIP 3 NORTH RANGE 61 WEST Sections 1-9, 16, 17, 20, 21, 28, 29, 31-33 TOWNSHIP 3 NORTH RANGE 60 WEST Sections 1-4, 12, 13 TOWNSHIP 3 NORTH RANGE 59 WEST Sections 1-6, 9-14, 23, 24 TOWNSHIP 3 NORTH RANGE 58 WEST Sections 1, 4-6, 8, 9, 12, 16, 17, 19?21, 23, 25, 26, 35, 36 TOWNSHIP 3 NORTH RANGE 57 WEST Sections 1-23, 30 TOWNSHIP 3 NORTH RANGE 56 WEST Sections 1-11, 14-18 TOWNSHIP 2 NORTH RANGE 68 WEST Sections 1, 12 TOWNSHIP 2 NORTH RANGE 67 WEST Sections 1-3, 11-14, 23-27, 34-36 TOWNSHIP 2 NORTH RANGE 66 WEST Sections 1, 4-9, 12-36 TOWNSHIP 2 NORTH RANGE 65 WEST Sections 1-36 TOWNSHIP 2 NORTH RANGE 64 WEST Sections 5-11, 13-36 TOWNSHIP 2 NORTH RANGE 63 WEST Sections 1-4, 8?36 TOWNSHIP 2 NORTH RANGE 62 WEST Sections 3-9, 16-22, 28?33 TOWNSHIP 1 NORTH - RANGE 68 WEST Section 22 TOWNSHIP 1 NORTH RANGE 67 WEST Sections 1-3, 9-16, 21-29, 33-36 944137811 0065978-00001 TOWNSHIP 1 NORTH RANGE 66 WEST Sections 1-36 TOWNSHIP 1 NORTH RANGE 65 WEST Sections 1-32, 35, 36 TOWNSHIP 1 NORTH RANGE 64 WEST Sections 1, 2, 4-9, 11-14, 17-20, 23-26, 29-31, 36 TOWNSHIP 1 NORTH RANGE 63 WEST Sections 1-34, 36 TOWNSHIP 1 NORTH RANGE 6; WEST Sections 4-6, 31, 32 TOWNSHIP 1 SOUTH RANGE 67 WEST Sections 1-4, 11-14, 23-28, 32-36 TOWNSHIP 1 SOUTH RANGE 66 WEST Sections 1-24, 26-34 TOWNSHIP 1 SOUTH RANGE 65 WEST Sections 1, 2, 5-8, 10-14, 18, 22-26, 35, 36 TOWNSHIP SOUTH RANGE 67 WEST Sections 1-4, 8-12, 14-17, 19-22 TOWNSHIP 2 SOUTH RANGE 66 WEST Sections 5-8, 17 TOWNSHIP 2 SOUTH RANGE 65 WEST Sections 1, 2, 11-15, 22-24, 26-28, 33-35 TOWNSHIP 6 SOUTH RANGE 69 WEST Sections 12-14, 23-26, 33-36 TOWNSHIP 6 SOUTH RANGE 68 WEST Sections 1-36 TOWNSHIP 6 SOUTH RANGE 67 WEST Sections 1-36 TOWNSHIP 6 SOUTH RANGE 66 WEST Sections 1-36? 944137811 0065978-00001 TOWNSHIP 6 SOUTH RANGE 65 WEST Sections 3-10, 15-22, 27-34 TOWNSHIP 7 SOUTH RANGE 69 WEST Sections 1-5, 9-16, 21-29, 31?36 TOWNSHIP 7 SOUTH RANGE 68 WEST Sections 1-36 TOWNSHIP 7 SOUTH RANGE 67 WEST Sections 1-36 TOWNSHIP 7 SOUTH RANGE 66 WEST Sections 1-36 TOWNSHIP 7 SOUTH RANGE 65 WEST Sections 3-10, 15-22, 27-34 TOWNSHIP 8 SOUTH RANGE 70 WEST Sections 24, 25, 36 TOWNSHIP 8 SOUTH RANGE 69 WEST Sections 1-36 TOWNSHIP 8 SOUTH RANGE 68 WEST Sections 1-36 TOWNSHIP 8 SOUTH RANGE 67 WEST Sections 1-36 TOWNSHIP 8 SOUTH RANGE 66 WEST Sections 1-36 TOWNSHIP 8 SOUTH RANGE 65 WEST Sections 3-10, 15-22, 27-34 TOWNSHIP 9 SOUTH - RANGE 70 WEST Sections 1, 2, 11-15,21-29, 32-36 TOWNSHIP 9 SOUTH RANGE 69 WEST Sections 1-36 TOWNSHIP 9 SOUTH RANGE 68 WEST Sections 1-36 TOWNSHIP 9 SOUTH RANGE 67 WEST 94413781.1 0065978-00001 Sections 1-36 TOWNSHIP 9 SOUTH RANGE 66 WEST Sections 1-36 TOWNSHIP 9 SOUTH - RANGE 65 WEST Sections 3-10, 15-22, 27-34 TOWNSHIP 10 SOUTH RANGE 71 WEST Sections 13, 23-27, 34-36 TOWNSHIP 10 SOUTH RANGE 70 WEST Sections 1-36 TOWNSHIP 10 SOUTH RANGE 69 WEST Sections 1-36 TOWNSHIP 10 SOUTH RANGE 68 WEST Sections 1-36 TOWNSHIP 10 SOUTH RANGE 67 WEST Sections 1-36 TOWNSHIP 10 SOUTH RANGE 66 WEST Sections 1-36 TOWNSHIP 10 SOUTH RANGE 65 WEST Sections 3-10, 15-22, 27-34 TOWNSHIP 11 SOUTH RANGE 71 WEST Sections 1-3 TOWNSHIP 11 SOUTH RANGE 70 WEST Sections 1-6 TOWNSHIP 11 SOUTH RANGE 69 WEST Sections 1-6 TOWNSHIP 11 SOUTH RANGE 68 WEST Sections 1-6 TOWNSHIP 11 SOUTH - RANGE 67 WEST Sections 1?6, 11-14, 23, 24 TOWNSHIP 11 SOUTH RANGE 66 WEST Sections 1-7, 18, 19 94413781.1 0065978-00001 TOWNSHIP 11 SOUTH RANGE 65 WEST Sections 3-6 944137811 0065978-00001 NE braves KR Index Map Leaen? Green Rlver Pipeline, am?m j: Index 6nd Palunlmi Panmipams ,W?l Regional Watershed Supply Proje . Regional Watershed Supply Project: 1 with" K1 mile {Ii mmznaamnr?Green River Pipeline 1 imchu - 1 Soc-ww- mu: mama am an Regional Watershed Supply Project: Green Rlver Pipeiine 15 ll Regional Watershed Supply Project: Green Rlver Pipeline 2 1~cnan - 1 mill A hum ?Mum?. gm a . . . Regional Watershed Supply Project: I I- - v-wv ., . Green Rlver Pipeline i a" . Regional Watershed Supply Project: . - - Green River Pipeline 6 4 . . A Regional Watershed Suppiy Project: . i. Green RlverPipeline 3 1 1 ?chum?. . 4 .. Regional Watershed Supply Project: . A . I 1? Green Rlver Pipeline Tn i .. Regional Watershed Supply Project: - - a. .1 - Green River Pipeline ?mum. A gmmf?m. A ., Regional Watershed Supply iject: A . 7. a Green River Pipeline 14 10 cum-aw Mum?mm A Regional Watershed Supply Project: 2mm? Mam V-mguuvuw A ?Mug. pm.? .. Green Rlver Pipeline i ., - Regional Watershed Supply Project: .. 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Regional Watershed Supply Project: 2 inches - 1 mil. Yrumm Mvulw k. . Green River Pipeline i .. 7 1. Regional Watershed Supply Progect: - .5- Green Rlver Pipeline ?mum?. i. ?gg?iywmm .. . a Regional Watershed Supply Project: w? i Green RiverFipeline . . . .. Regional Watershed Supply Project: and?: - 1 awn?. Mm . ., .. . Green River Pipeline 14 Malmumzm-m Regional Watershed Supply Project: 1 mlla mTJ-nwn 1:51: . .u-r - - a Green RlverPipeline 15 i wa?w a Regional Watershed Supply Project: ow: . A A. Green Rlver Pipeline 2- 1. . - Regional Watershed Supply ProjectGreen Rlver Pipeline 1 us ?sung-m mu: Imuwz-n. ?mm .. Regional Watershed Supply Project: Imnhul Mummum Ow?; .. Green RIver Plpelme Wes M. x: saw? 9 mm . mm". "mm ma . a Regional Watershed Supply Project: .n Green Rlver Pipeline ?Mum?. ., -WH-Aumnm Regional Watershed Supply Project: "?aww-na. a Green River Pipeline Green River Pipeline Q. lam .w 9 e. mun-am mo mam-Imam - um. was new? rm!- nm um Mm quru 21mm; - I nul- 19 20 21 2 ir-crm -1 mi- . Regional Watershed Supply Project: hair i Green River Pipeline Regional Watershed Supply ProjectGreen Rlver Pipeline thhu - 1 ml. hqe L3 Regional Watershed Supply Project: Green Rlver Pipeline I- an, Regional Watershed supely Project: mm ,m Green Rlver Pipeline ?Regional Watershed Supply Project: ?mu-mm mummy 0? 5337?? Green River Pipeline nu zinahu-imiln noun 21 26 Cancun-Spun? Mun-numb.- mu 27 26-- 25 Regional Watershed Supply Project: Green Rlver Pipeline 29 A 2: 2 :7 . Regional Watershed Supply Project: "win?(m uu A mm Green River Pipeline 7 7 Regional Watershed Supply Project: - ..: a Green River Pipeline ?Mum". i; um," Regional Watershed Supply Project: .mw ?mm-am? "73 Green Rlver PipelEne a ham 21mi- Fqu on me? spa?m mm no mu awn Truman-Mum BM mm?. m: a i .m Regional Watershed Supply Project: Green River Pipeline 3: - 34 35 Din-u um Man was: Regional Watershed Supply Project: Hm Green Rlver Pipeline 2 inch? 1 mi- A 31 MD mum-am. hum-r?lmwn 32! 731 Regional Watershed Supply Project: Green Rlver Pipeline 1 35 vummuwzm 1 mam - 1 mil. i hwy-l lav-worn Mum Mam um Mm m; 3'5 :5 Regional Watershed Supply Project: Green River Pipeline HISTORIC PROPERTY EFFECT EVALUATION UTAH DIVISION OF WATER RIGHTS in with Soc. 9?8494, Utah Code Amwtateda before approvittg any undonakmg the Divigion mm? take into mowt this effeot of" the mdo?akmg on historic properties and provi?e the State Historic Pragmatic)? of?ccr with a written evaluation I?rojoct Number (Water Right, NomPrmiootiom Wrath or Dam Agaytioation Number) Prqioot Location 2 Section ime Township ?3 "Wu-wmwm Ragga S: Base Moridian Project. Description: If the accompanying application is approved, what physical effocm wit} occur to {12%an surfaoo (Le. buiidings, pipelines, roads, wells, etc)? {Ai?4w Pumfiha ?t?tahmm? tit?mt? ?1 ?Whorawold bx? fiesta-x332: $9?ka Vikki?) ithtg" Describe any historic properties that you are aware could be effected by the proposed project. No Describe any historic property survey you are aware has been conducted at or near the site where the proposed project is to occur. [Va 5. is there a federal or state connection to this project that has/wit} require a historio property it is the opinion of the Div?sion tho abovodescribed mom i 7 - - ry 1? wilt not affect historic property. For adriitionaf information on the proposed automating pieme visi; the Divi?m? its at. ht: or wit 8i}? MN I I limit D?vioion of Water Right}; Wm? Norm Tamraic, 31152-4: .. 33% 3%398 35m Lam Wig. amt? Mt 201 S. Main Street, Suite 1100 Salt Lake City, UT 84111 T. 801.328.3131 I LLP F. 801.578.6999 RICHARD R. HALL D. 801?578-6960 December 29 2017 BY CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Utah Division of Water Rights 1594 W. North Temple, Suite 220 PO Box 146300 Salt Lake City, UT 84114-6300 Re: Water Horse Resources, LLC Water Right Export Application Dear Madam or Sir: Please ?nd enclosed the water right export application submitted by Water Horse Resources, LLC. A check for $1,000.00 will be provided directly by Water Horse Resources by separate letter to cover the ?ling fee. The historic property form is also included within this ?ling. As directed by the Division, due to the absence of a form for export applications, this export application has been submitted on the Application to Appropriate Water form Please do not hesitate to contact me at (801) 578-6960 if you have any questions. I appreciate your help on this matter. Best regards, WK Richard R. Hall Enclosures 95215721.] 0065978-00001