APPLICATION FOR APPROPRIATION OF WATER SUPPLY FOR USE IN COLORADO NOVEMBER 7, 20I8 INDEX- UTAH CODE TITLE 73 -WATER AND IRRIGATION CHAPTER 3A EXPORTS HEARING SUBMITTAL TO DIVISION OF WATER FII HTS RightNo.: '7374?4' Date: NW ng . Submittee: . mevmw?aumL_ Aardvx ?Mu-40*) SCANNEDRC SUMMARY OF PRESENTATION I System and Background I Short Project History I Demand Solution I Permitting Engineering I Consultants &Team I Availability in the System I Feasibility I Physical I Economic Financial Ability I Non-Speculative I Interest Need I Legal Use of Water I Water Energy Storage I Utah?s Role I Interstate Cooperation I Utah Control I Project Summary I Overview I Advantages SCANNED RC SHORT HISTORY OF THE PROJECT SCANNED RC DEMAND SOLUTION Acre-Feet/Year 3,000,000 2,500,000 2,000,000 1,500,000 1,000,000 500,000 State of Coiorado Projected Water Demands, Supplies and Gaps 2000 2050 Gap - Mediu Projection 2050 Gap - Low Projection 2010 2050 Gap - High 2020 Projection 2030 2040 2050 {o Ila??5; a (a 5? Era-.19 5&9! Lei-'SCANNED RC PERMITTING ENGINEERING US Army Corps of Engineers Completed 9 Public Scoping Meetings Final Purpose and Need Developed ?The primary purpose of the project may now change to electrical power generation, an activity appropriately under the purview of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission." Prior Work/Permitting 2009 Started formal EIS NEPA Sc0ping, Demand, Purpose and Need 20 3 Flaming Gorge Task Force 20 3 SWSI Report 20 5 Governor?s Water Plan 20l 7 Strategic Advisory Board 20 7 Utah Application 20 8 Re?enter EIS NEPA 2020 ROD SCANNED RC CONSULTANTS SCANNER RC CONSULTING TEAM I Aaron P. Million - Principal I Nathaniel (Nate) Budd - Business DeveIOpment I Mike Connor Former Commissioner of the Bureau of Reclamation; natural resources, energy development, environmental compliance;Wi merHale I Andy Spielman Preeminent public lands, environmental and natural resources;WilmerHale I Raya Treiser - Environmental regulatory and natural resources;Wi merHale I DrJeris Danielson - Former Colorado State Engineer; Engineering and Colorado Political; Danielson and Associates; Hydrology I Sherman Hebien Former senior aquatic biologist on the Western Sl0pe for the Colorado Division ofWildlife I Rich Hall Utah/Wyoming Counsel I Previous Consultants include: I James Lochhead, head of Denver Water; I Larry Anderson. former head of Utah Water Resources . I jody Williams, Utah legal counsel, I joe Hall. Bureau of Reclamation, Boyle Engineering and other respected I William Hillhouse II - Chief Legal Counsel; Hoskin Farina Kampf, PC LLP I Steve Freudenthal - Former Wyoming Attorney General; Lead Counsel relating to Wyoming State Issues I james Spensley - permitting specialist; Spensley 3c Associates, Partner I Mitchell Butler - Washington Natural Resource Results LLC I Gordon W. (jeff) Fassett - Former Wyoming State Water Engineer; Engineering and Wyoming Political Consulting; National Head of Water Resources, HDR SCANNER BC STRATEGIC TEAM PJPELINERS 9) 59249.SNC. ?5 v.5; EHSHB ,3 x) UNION 798 ?wanna. BRIERLEY ASSOCIATES 1 Creating Spam Underground SH Wold Energy MINERAL RESOURCES, INC . SUUTHLAND HJMbI-trql Eonponmon - . -, J93 Lawn; a ?'btr- 5* J93 :1 ~45? 1-3 Tmmelv,i-J 5 ?m f? 55w: URC $3 AVAILABLE WATERS IN THE SYSTEM FOR AN APPLICATION TO APPROPRIATETHERE IS UNAPPROPRIATED WATER IN THE PROPOSED SOURCE: (I) (II) THE PROPOSED USE WILL NOT IMPAIR EXISTING RIGHTS OR INTERFEREVVITH THE MORE BENEFICIAL USE OF 9/40 SCANNED PIC GREEN RIVER SYSTEM Percent contributions of tributaries to annual flow volume of the Green San Rafaei Duchesne Green Reach 1 White Yampa Riwr Flaming Gorge EIS Project Area 1 of 2 1 334' A?Reach 2 Reach 3 \0 4D UPPER BASIN HAS OVER DELIVERED TO THE LOWER BASIN I Since 2000, the Upper Basin has delivered 9.7 million acre-feet (Maf) above the amount required under the current rules. I The Upper Basin has only been using approx. 4-4.5 Maf of water a year, well below its CO River Compact entitlement. I The Lower Basin has fully developed its entitlement to water under the CO River Compact. I Per Reclamation?s most recent Consumptive Use Loss Report (20l0-20l5) and Hydrologic Determination (2007) CO is entitled to develop at least 500,000 af more water Million Acre?feet 02 Cumulative Lee Ferry Flows above 8.23 mat/year since January 2000 2000 2002 2004 2006 at 2010 2012 2014 2016 RC SCANNER WATER AVAILABILITY Boyle Engineering (2006 iwi liming? a mum: a. win In: i. pi-..- it?: JIM mum} mum ?kahuna! "Lunmilix .n H'Imn ur II Ilir ?din Ixumm I wig Hal (In. ?It n. i .mi, 35' ?w?ruy kumm Mug, IL: mum: mug. imn. sum. \i'mlg?lx mm ii Li "villi: Mi (?mun-nu (hum Imm-I?nn?l- Hiw- Iw Ilw tin-ml? mom and i I il'u M-II r: anl: I hum min. .wuv Hgkum'[mlmliul Im um Iinmn humming upwilminimii uul \Il (ulcer. mm putrmullx .mm; Hun Iflruww (In. mew ul Iii] iv [In I: In um: \Iu Ili; mg? ?n p'upmql \Lul'n Allmimm in im Imu? mu-unlud nu MINIMUM: minim?, .ind .m Emmi-- .qummh in Minn-ring Nipph mm ?vigil lm Iluu mmunm:dnlw:~ imum wl liilio Ilia In" angi- DEN .. .iulgmu mm uglulmn? i yum: Incl l-I dculupnmn Lin-<41 Kiwi le Luge .in.l nI linu .ukl "43v llmu- mulci L. qmunlx and in [uniolnl Hum Ihhu'ui mm. ?mm [1?ch m?Ii Indium? mummy: wing m: 1:?ng .mmu mu \mgim lhdmiugn wunlamm lithr?ldg?\ Ih: 'ciulung neuge annual m" I l5 Hm [meet in [he IthlunL Islam-? u! 'l \5 ?-11 gm! I In M: releu?glam (luu (Ii: Jx largeh cw: :tyui'm .11 mull uI' u'grh [muscled Huh \I-n LI mum: .. uprunuiu! [he ?(mu I mum? mum-b Mme he met lluu'mei mg Lug: an? Inul ?am ng 4mm. x-i'rarlw \rni In \rl \rnm Luigi-v. In: um] mm heluccn prorated and lined pimulr? "qu10 run .Illnu Ii? mam \uc'I Bureau of Reclamation 2007 Unilcd Slates [)cpanmenl the menu: (vamp..- Tvmal?i ?Hum z?u. ,sui h? win-nu ?mm: ni?k??x' +49 - ?l 'Mmz. tApLA-rr n. w- I?m. nI rm.? new-mm (Ln-m w?wru mummy ma maul rwr' W-I 'Jr un-I "um. um?. - ?Nap many,? a u. a u- were iv . n: up. u: an)? .mm nJ-u hf muuh. mu .r . . Williams Weiss 20 I 7; I I 2016 ?Mo: oi hvevage F'ow Average I Gage 5'16 REIDKI i GreenRueInea'?Wendale man 20H: 14150-13 meow: 1947 mg 30mg 19mm 17 wow .6 :{i'evr? um qu a 34'. :32 1320051 Yen-ya w! sI mums?, lI?- sum 1 212115 I all us Flow Anllhiity One dppu l0 Luvmme me u: my imvs lur appmwanoe. IS iucmipare [he wer 10 lmge' Iimvs will ninerer?ce being m0 anmunt of water available Icr ONPGJOIT Tn penorm {ms millairm on an annua hairs man. feeI year or Ine?ow Iarpels mus! Its! De "enslaved to an value For Ream u'nei din-law now [he Arv imger um De amoximmeo as NY baseIIow vqume - ?'1983 IIH 755 For Ream 2 undev average how the [wired AF large! can be appluxunala?! as AFY I 908 439 Using the Green RNBI neav Greenaale UIAH as 0' Inc 'W?f HOWE 093' me [1090531 mas-on pom me maxmm n! im numg auevage nyuvdogral commons IS 219 023 AFV tor 1963 ZOIEIWUI . Rtvel wnIInme near Jeilsen the avalamiry DI Flow Availabilly I 390.778- I WI 755 in Reach 2 me in increases sngMiLantIy 71%439: 107? Flow Mammy 2 9w 2 . Idnq ma lhe MII seek lo appropriate 55 000 An from Ihe Green RNEI - Park Uiah Based upona smue mass balance apwaach "new are adequate nvel ?ows the water right shouio be me Ina mus anaryvs did no! evaluale new avauamry durmg II commons Unoei im new cornitxxis. water rights along the Green would be mama: try me Siaie based upon may anclhere Couklbelimes ma: lumrwaIE-I would SCANNE RC 700.000 met I.l60,000 ac-I'I: 219,023 AFY for 1983 to 2016 record acm- fcet per year- I mewm~mwmm~ .. -. Williams &Weiss Analysis - State of Colorado Compact share 51.75 - Approximately 14.7 mm acre feet flows past Lees Ferry - Upper Basin delivers 7.5mm acre feet to Lower Basin plus 1.5mm to Mexico Treaty Leaves 5.7 mm acre feet for Upper Basin use Colorado has 51.75% of 5.7mm - 2.95mm acre feet avail Current Colorado use average is 2.450 mm acre feet used LEAVES 500,000 acre feet on average for Colorado Compact share PROJECT (S) DEVELOPMENT Using the Green River near Greendale, Utah flows as representative of the river flows near the proposed diversion point, the availability of flow during average hydrological conditions is: Flow Availability 1,390,778 1,171,755 219,023 AFY (for 1983 to 2016 record) In Reach 2, of the Yampa River confluence near Jensen, the availability of river ?ows increases signi?cantly: Flow Availability 2,980,232 1,908,439 1,071,793 AFY (for 1983 to 2016 record) SCANNED qr? l? SCANNER RC FEASIBILITY (A) iS PHYSICALLY AND ECONOMICALLY FEASIBLE. UNLESSTHE APPLICATION IS FILED BY THE UNITED STATES BUREAU OF RECLAMATIONAND (B) WOULD NOT PROVE DETRIMENTALTOTHE PUBLIC SCANNEDRC Logan! ?8 17 .Hub 0 Export Point I 0 Storage Facility A on :m:o:nurmmt 5" I l-80 DeSIgnated Federal Energy Corridor accordance with Section 368(a) of the $2326.. Energy Policy Act of 2005 the BLM \Mrci'tnmeas'v designated 5,000 miles of energy corridors #2333:an32? I (commonly referred to as ?Section 368 energy corridors? or ?West-wide energy corridors?) for potential placement of future pipelines and electricity transmission and distribution infrastructure. Trail: bur -TransCobrado WICICIG 1 .2 Williston Busin _Wyoming lntershin Co. . Production Basin op'm Hub brea'e? Green ver ?air Slay Maui-1% wait" Sal cake Cry - Cheyenne Huh I There are numerous pipelines already in place that parallel the project route 1&9 ceance?asm ?20 CHAD) w: SCANNF ECONOMIC FEASIBILITY Flaming Gorge Water Supply Project . . . st'umlatsc?vrojec: cozts Figure 3: Average South Platte Basm Price and Range of Prices from 2005-2015 am orge IO 0 BID 0 era 0 400 $50,000 545.000 $40000 i i 2, i 7777777 7 3 535.000 ?8030722312?" We? 530.000 Flaming Gutge to Northern Colorado $25000 I I 520000 1 I 7 7 2 7777 515,000 I I 510000 $5.000 1520 I 0 I SO 1DUI 1 2005 2000 2001 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 12?? g. 25 02; ?ff' a 122' 22 1 02:22:22;- 3, 1: Wiffwug?wJ a? 2% 22%? e022 ?9362?1?10?. ?2 2. :5 4.1m I>m OOZwrm?m 4.1m F3 QC SCANNF SCAN ED RC PROJECT FINANCING I Project will follow a model I Issued Request for Proposals for Design/Build/Finance/Operate Concessionaire I $7.5mm - $8mm plus invested to date I No taxpayer dollars I $250mm dollar Previous Term Sheet from a well-known global institutional investor to invest in pipeline construction I Recent offer from large infrastructure construction firm PROJECT FINANCING INTERESTS Soros Strategic Partners LP I Georg Soros backed private investment vehicle with $25+ billion family office I Executed investment term sheet EPCOR USA is among the largest private water utilities in the Southwest I Current interest includes overall ?nancing and operations via teaming agreement Arlo Richardson Family I Oil and gas private investment Utah/Colorado Family Office I Private Equity Partner Morga? Global investment bank and financial services company PIC SCANNEB ?/40 A5 IrmU .2 0000 393.1 >20 20% Om OW ZOZOWOQ SCANNED Colorado Letters of Interest totaling 345,000 acre-feet a I ~c-1l'v-rv I: I January II mm um Cimssvu- Rum: ?In-9 mum-i 00 mm 7 I A1YF. mum: m- THAT CWCD .I u- I luau-un- . (may ?an L'q- I ?rm l PnhAL MCRO Mum-I Wm supply ?in. km.) kn Millmn' nwiuncuon-m?m um. cumin in? ?mm? Hum-z" I. ynu Imus-lea Comm-my MW mQI-muwlu hm? mtapmuhdym had-II IQEMM m-mumuuWI-n mafi?Jmmfu?M-Iup-yu ?mum-mums? mac-?mulb- mum pup-alum ms?um?wu I: Emma: ml): Lair-mm ?a Cmy?ilm: View: In hit mum-I, In II I ?was ccwco mu: 9? DOUGLAS m. at.? :1 2M I. ?awn?. my?. ?nninul'n?m - mm mm-namrmw pug-nu 1mi1mm bums-wan Ir-ul-J-d-l lid-?wry I..I.. 5? ?1ma ml Im?m' -I - rm ".IIMw'uwnh uni-51"! -II mun-um, ?in. .I .c ndqm?mm ?man Mquwm-m "menu-mm ,u mm .Imem II 'In- n-IImuImIa hull-J L/vi; A?fz a I is rah. guano-I hum?.1 1y Invll Colorado?s Water Plan sets a measurable objective of reducing the projected 2050 municipal and industrial gap from as much as 5 60,000 acre-feet to zero acre- feet by 2030. The Flaming Gorge Pipeline has been included in these identified projects and processes (IPPs). WATER PLAN SCANNED RC LEGAL USES OF WATER IN COLORADO I. Hydro power 2. Environmental ln-Stream Flows 3. Storage 4. Agricultural 5. Industrial 6. Municipal Elevation (Ft) Green River Pipeline Overall Hydraulic Gradeline 758 9.000 Li. Will?" 7 up n: mat-3:? :22: H01. In: mm on mum rt 3535: IL nu Ft "mum 3.500 LMHTIH LIL nun. 7, lg?gmkhunk? I in: ?a Innmurmur?: lot-nu 000 ?mm?amen mm". . -. luau? manna ?u'li- rim ll 1? 7/ M. Linn-an . our??! 4 I "4 1 7500 2" mums: Ira?. . l! _l [31:31: H14 Quail-F1" 0" 0-00 . LIL nun Chifi?'? muonn 3 ?Juan 1. 7 7 If LuLuun 7000 I I #:6.500 :n in! "3:33: 3:32;? -mnnu I um m- 6.000 ,1 g'5.500 l: HELDIIS l: an i; mm ,mm 5000 1' 156 4.500 4.000 I II I I 150 0+00 5000+00 10000+00 15000+00 20000+00 25000+00 30000+00 Note: 200,000 Acre-Ft lo Colorado Springs Area per Year sumo": Fl Pipe Pressure Class (m1 6714-11 SCANNE- ATER ENERGY STORAGE Pumped Storage Profiles: munov hon-a 3102? 10)] 503' $93: 05 3: Fee Hume-am? AIDE '00 since area: Nuns-Any 3m Lu- rt.= 11 5-me Proms E- aw: um 3:10: ?olu (tuna 5.x 1w Ln! :0 '3 Sutton From 0 Lux- 1900 3.00) en :00] Lyn-w: nan?: 102Hana :30] 301 1541 in ELIE EDI :29: zF??i 13h: L?h?rI? 30" that 1' sum Hum Bumbn Pm?n i we! ?uet' may. 1? 1503 3,001 350(- moc :50: 5:0) I 33?: same 92?: E?l?ti?zm? b1! lCz} 2551? 11*) Jam, L-mc 2; Bovlhn 9mm 'i 1 -. ?x my: aunt -I act 5.203 Drrca oi: [?l??st?xff LW 6 [hrz'm Prmu Ln: 1: 3' ?unmn ?Fe [511951.51 Ly 1' 2: Bimbh 130) not um (I . 5-31- am ?If. :8 wee! 55:02:19an N'r L?s :5 2% SCANNEWQP WATER RIGHTS Under the Upper Colorado River Compact, water diverted in one state and put to beneficial use in another is charged against the Compact allocation of the state of use. Based upon an analysis of historical flows, the Bureau of Reclamation has determined that the Upper Basin is entitled to over 6 million acre-feet of water each year. Colorado?s apportionment of the amount available is 5 .75 I Other states have proceeded to develop their remaining Compact apportionments. New Mexico is pursuing the Navajo Gallup project pursuant to the Bureau's determination. Utah is proceeding with the Lake Powell pipeline to St. George. These developments will nearly consume both states? Compact apportionments, but they have chosen to move forward to meet their water needs. As part of the on-going SWSI process, the Colorado Water Conservation Board has assessed the amount of water available to Colorado under its Compact share.The CWCB study determined that even after development between now and 2030, Colorado will have an undeveloped share of 302,000 654,000 acre- feet available. The Bureau of Reclamation has modeled the amount of water available to be contracted to RWSP. The Bureau assumed that the Upper Basin states would develop new projects they have identified, that flows below Flaming Gorge Reservoir would be maintained at the levels established by a recent Record of Decision as needed to protect endangered fish, and that reservoir water levels would be maintained as needed to generate electricity. 2% ROLE INTERSTATE COOPERATION SGANN EH Liar: Article IX I948 Upper Colorado River Basin Compact No State shall deny the of any signatory State to acquire rights to the use of water, or to construct or participate in the construction and use of diversion works and storage Any signatory State, any person or any entity of any signatory State shall have the right to acquire such pr0perty rights as are necessary to the use of water in conformity with this compact in any other signatory State by donation, purchase or through the exercise of the power of eminent domain\uwr .oqu Entered Inlo By The Slales ol ARIZONA COLORADO NEW MEXICO UTAH WYOMING SANTA FE Niw MEXICO ll I'dhi UTAH CONTROL I Application is consistent with Colorado?s compact allocation and will not interfere with Utah?s allocation; Project recognizes the diversion will be managed within Utah?s priority system I Project operations can be managed to address water supply needs, protect environmental values, and support drought contingency plan goals; all while supporting Colorado?s right to use water under the law of the river aim PROJECT SUMMARY 3% LAKE POWELL PIPELINE St. George Sand Hollow Reservoir Mohave County Iron County I Washingmn County i I i l7 7 _Ga?eld_Cou_rlty# KancCounly Veg: Ulah Arizona Xanab LakePowell Utah Arizona C(xomno County ndiau Reservalion Legend Lake F?uwell Pipeline . Pumamq Station I I Hydropowei Facilvly Nolth . Water Storage Tani. 2 5 5 lo '5 2r, I40 Mile Underground Pipeline Point of Diversion in Arizona 5 Pump Stations 6 Hydroelectric Facilities 86,249 Acre Feet of Water/Year Billion Estimated Cost 375 Mile Underground Pipeline Point of Diversion in Utah 8 Pump Stations ln-line Hydroelectric Facilities 55,000 Acre Feet of Water/Year Billion Estimated Cost - I ?4 . Elm, ,lmn (Fa-ah i. ,w Ll' Pumped Storage Profiles: 50.030 100.0313 1541033 250,011 [1.51am li-Jla! Czslante 55 Wesl Glenn Rive: iu Wainsmter 201an ?00.000 Ulstante Feet) (Total Distance 90 Miles) . 454? . my: 2 am; .. Green River 5mm Range 20] fl)? 47.11113 NHID 1 .3101]: ,qu ?l 5mm] 1.829 Uh 2 01! Oil- Disl?llce (feet: How Distance 420 Mules Ann}: I Gonna-aim! ?09k Eirva'uor 6"in mm 96> - El SCAN {11p POINT OF DIVERSION .. a .. A ?null?; Home News ?shing Hunh'ng Licensu Calendar Lie-rumor: Aboutus Mun-inedi- Pipeline Crossing I 6 Existing Pipelines cross river General information Pupe'me Crc?ssmg er pnrm. [we put- and take out a: - tn lent or. Home -er Ion e' gradient= and armer any prwde Far great nacin; a? the Green rm ang er: .aur?ch?mg fro-w thi; bcahcvn. the near: :1 tak?-3502:; point. I Position on the river Locatian :tion tl?e Green Rever. The east. The decrmai degree Tm; access 90 nt ate: . itm" the Pea". 0" th 4.52537 raters net-1 311 656 267' 55 and Directions From Sail Lake 3?.It, Jtai- vs. -e :31 Int-Iratate 80 to. ard Che?"We AI?ter tra. 9in 3-1 0'20: 1- SC Etuard Bruin}? . the 1-80 ?srL {cr 5 ?ies: tur icr 43 Mlies mite reente'ng UtahFolies: turning [art :"ta JS-191.Travel :n US- 191Fcr 5 miles Lint-i .au rea mile=. Iakln; a :ght or?tc Era-m: Raad. Fo?im Bras. n5 Hark Road 7. 4 "We: 3.64 Foilo- State Route 1354 15 4 as right ar'd rauei 0.8 an les. TV: {1 SH: road to the actess area Width True mcti- 0? the S'e-Er lice?r at a :cat Cr? From thar? LIZ-CI V's-It to 253 Depth Water depths up; by seascn. H?lraa'?h dunng average . range 3 Angling methods Sho'e HYDROLOGICAL DIVERSIFICATION 200% - - ClColorado .Green Colorado ClGreen Colorado - -Green wet year,l Colorado dry year I There are differences between the basins and augmentation potential exists. Particularly in years when the Green 7 River flows are relatively higher than the Colorado River flows (green bars in the figureyears the Green wetter than the \qu $65 $9 $63 $93" '39? '36? ?ng @033 ?99? $55 '90? No? COlOl?adO (I 963- I995) 1 00% (Annual Flow as Percent of Average] Sources: Green River? Flaming Gorge inflow Operations (Reclamation) ?gure 3'2- Gree'n RlVer at Flamll?lg Gorge and Colorado River - =Colorado ai Cameo moss WRPM) Colorado River at Cameo Native Flow A0 A N- if: flir? A 9C cm 0w 2 35%? ADDENDUM SCANN Research PM 0 COLORADO RIVER STORAGE H) CONS. 5 FIGURE 21? 2'1 0?.pdl' r- . FIgureJV?irlA?LpM rrl? Frnancral Model Wrrte Up ?rl . Gre Rwer Hydro system Map l' 'i hydro MWH Frunl Range liolo?pdf l- v.1. _Inlro lo Lake Powell Plpelrne Prujeu Presentalronpdl PH '15: I Madellng PM DIpelrne Cosl Est-mares.pdf l- J, I - Landseape_5_3_11 PM 7Il~ Res. Outlet Pump Statronpdf p: 'lf Rwer Dlvenlun Farm-es layout pr -. r4, .I . Water panel applauds plan [or I Green Rwerpdf lfn' I Wyco Executwe Summary 2-16-12rpdl PM I II: amp mg 0 severa 1922 Colorado RIver - Construmun ROW -l I. ?tr - FIGURE 312 21 or pf." Frgure72-4-3-1arpdl h: I. lrnancral Overview Modelpd? Green RNEI Overall H?L.pdf r: I MWH ll? . Ian 21. 2010 User Imers he MWH MCRG Memo of I lL'l? ?llF Prawn Fat! Sheel?) :Ir- PumpjzaraqeiAreLiMapj??-L Landscape_5_3_1] ll) in MI. Response to Colorado DNR Questions VLF RWSP Cosl Estrmale FERC vs I Salazar ProjedMemopdf F-rlr Water report dooms stale supply by Wyco Investor resentahon i 1m; un-ure ega due diligence documents 1939 Reclamatron Prorecl I. I CWCB State of Calorado 2050 8L Industrral Water Use . . if? FIGUF. 41? 21 -Ir rigumza-a-Ibm Flam-rug Gorge DUE Md 11- ll? Green RNer prpelme Hydro System pal Hydro pu-ve'r analysIvGIeerI Rwer to South Platte Raver Only.pdf i I Jens Danrelson Mrllion 4 lb l' NORTHWESI FINAL LOAN D01: Mr H. Propel Fat! Sheet 2001de mi: Pump>StorageiAreL4_Map_34x44_ Landscape_5_4_11 12) HE - r. RWSP lrnal Dellberatrve Draft Purpose and Malayan-10m . *1 SW51 2010 Exetutrve :r I ll Water Tlealment at Res, Storagerpdl Wyco Budget 3710711de . L) .?rf InanCIa ec . 1% To authorIze the cunslrudmn' uperahon, and mamlenance of 1h.? ll?: Delrvery system Pump Stat-cm Layout pol rm we ?gure] a 1 Frgure_2-4-4-1_reservolr Imakt pump slatron pal Flammg Gorge Flow Recs. I rr :35; I ll: Green Run PrpelIne Water SySKem HGL HyLan power Rwer Ln'IrCross Mapr overall prpelrne roulepdl Page 2 or permrt 12 2a-07.par or LI: -r PIUJHI pIpelrne (oil Iumruary 'rl Ml.- Pump,Starage,Area_5_Map_34x4A_ Landscapejilil?l [2).pdf I II: Revrsed Rrver Dwemon Data Setpdf Il- 2.5a7Water Body pd! r-Il USER Model-"g PP.pdf Water Tlealmenl Fanlmes MWH Internal summary par VII L-IL- I Boyle RWSP v17- Surr- Prehm Eslnmated Project Constructron Lompdl TE 7 Fl; Flgurerlkl 8.3,de rm ?nal-RecordOfDecrsron US lme?emmpresentahonpdl (Ewen EnverWarPr Conveyanre Mappdf p. - .. InformalIuII For Peter Wuld?l ].pdf 1'l Fr Conservahon Resource Group-Summary of Lake Hamerpdl pr: rr. Palhl'jilnlrastructurepc? 5; for Colorado?s water . HU- l-Ilr Requesl lor Proposal: DESlgl'l, Burld, Frnance Operate Servrees :rv? Fr .7 Rmsed Rlver Drversron Maps pdi RWSP'LOE]NSRitomrnenlirespu nselQDeeI??pdf USER R?old 3-30 -07 rip to UCRC .PDF nVIronmen a 0 Colorado Rrver Compact HGURE 1 12 21707.pdf 2' FInarIc-al Model ?,9,l0.pdf General Pump SlatIun layout pd! hues! ummentary_Frnard_wrserl InIeresI and Demand I?m Ware- from Project 1-20-10 COE Submrl. PCLHID execmed uptlon agreemenl 1,11,10un1 Landscape 5 a 11 (2).de Res. Intake Pump SlatIon Layout RWSP Frgure 274 2 l. User Summary - I I o_sludy_i . Ion_Urer_SumettalAZGJ an2010r 25740 SCANNED RC SCANNED WATER AVAILABILITY ESTIMATE 235M Faisal! Smut 1511'412'301?the amount of water that may be available for diversion and contracting from Flaming Gorge Reservoir.The analysis presumes that Wyoming, Colorado, and Utah will continue to develop their water supplies, continued compliance with the flow recommendations adopted in the 2006 Flaming Gorge Environmental Impact Statement and Record of Decision, and continued use of the active storage pool, which protects the power pool.? -3/20/07 United States Department of the Interior BUREAU or- prerCnioadn 1'15 Seth Sal: Sim-1. Room MR3I2MT Mr Don Outer Executive Director Uppar Colorado River Corr-mission 355 Seam 400 Eur sunk: cm: sum Wuci Mukauig me Pinning Gal: Rewrvoir Dru Mr. Older The Bureau of Rccizmnion rm been approached Will: I manta! ID {rm Gorge We understand ?u project prcpontm Lu wanted me Upper Waldo River Common and mm: to proud;- I brie?ng on the details of the pmject Estimation ha wrnpidcd Ill mlyu?; of the Imam! ofwnier mu may be wlabl: for drvoriion md cumming from Fun-lire God-5c Reservoir The unlysu pregame; um Wyoming, Conrado, Ind U135 will con?rm: tn dn?elop their war applies. Wmlluo: in: ?ow adapted in it: 2006 Rating Gorge Environmental 5mm and Know] of Decision and COMM use of nah-c along: pooi. which unlocks the power pool A comm degree tin-yr. surround: yiuhis nudist This udysis rinsed uni-m unlly bug and mum innori more The modeling was than an rd- 1. My High level ofdeuil. 11:: Walt ma) be Ember rtduocdw rmpmad by? mums afm fun-c Nuiurul 1!?in FolwyAd Ind Endings?! Species kc! processes milled with this pupal, am all supply minibus mud be considered pmlumi nary until process is confined. A: we would expect {hen' Is I dept: of ?Witty beyond an original 404w moi the wuer mice cont-act The polmlil! wan-act for this ma would want mt: ism-my ml the need for militia: :1 it: time nicotine: tenant Our Ion! mm: afwuar minis]: Flaming 6013: [or the next 40 years i: minivdy mull :1 165,000 acre-{cor per yw, Pins: {ind endow our analysis for your review Ind come-L Mr. D-ve True-mu, Manager or the Rmurors Mlmemnz Division. is ?nibble m: 30] if have qumions or maid prefer I briefing Smelfr. ?ak/M RickL G: id Our total estimated amount of Water available from Flaming Gorge for the next 40 years is relatively small at [65, 000 acre- fcet per year Please ?nd enclosed our draft analysis f0r your review and comment Colorado River Flow At Lee Ferry, Arizona (W.Y. 2016) ,O-Year Average Virgin Flow i I10-Year Average Hrstonc Fiow 1 Million Acre Feel 9 1 /Average Flow 191?} 1928 1946 1954!: 996(7 1913 M5 Iva-9n Mm lHetcrc How Consumptive Uses and Losses Table: Summary Upper Colorado River Water Use by States, Basrns (1,000 acre?feet) 3212 Average 2011-15 STATE AND BASN OF USE 2011 AREONA Upper Buln 35 COLORADO Upper Basin 2.258 NEW MEXDCO Upper Benin 401 UTAH Upper Basin 815 WYOMNG Upper Basin 39! Upper Basin Colorado River Storege Project Evaporation 570 UPPER RIVER SYSTEM Upper Basin 3,916 Other: Reuno?e Evaporation end ChannelLoesee 570 Grand Total 4,486 34 2,632 347 921 172 34 2 .450 374 385 4.111 4,655 UPPER CHORADO RNER SYSTEU GRAND TOTAL 4,486 Onsite consunphve uses no knees Induces water uses sahs?ed by grou-Idwater. Mainstem reservoir evaporation in he Upper Basin 4,323 4 655 AN HC .5 SC. month Revised Sco--in Re-ort to BLM month 2 months month 2 months Preliminary Draft EIS Chapters I 2 I month to BLM month 4 months 2 months I month Unit Cost Per mile At least 3 4 months Desktop Study Analysis for Natural Cultural Resources: 5 2,680 of Revised Draft EIS Unit Cost per mile for Focused Field Survey for Natural and Cultural Resources: ncor-orate BLM W0 Comments 2 months 9,800 Publish Notice of Availability I Draft 3 months to Public Projected cost focused field survey 70 miles 2 months Projected cost desktop analysis 330 miles month 3 months Total estimated cost - $1.570 million 2 months month Prepare Draft Record of Decision month (concurrent with incorporating (ROD) agency comments) BLM W0 Review of Final EIS and At least3~4months 2 months 2 months 2 months 3 months 36 months 3% mr? . Letters of Interest Totaling 358,500 ac-ft. as of Jan ZOIO I Municipal, industrial and Ag interest I In both Wyoming to Colorado Anticipate additional demand interests and hard contracts closer to final permit USERS (4) Million Conservation Resource Group Summary of Letters of Interest submitted to Corps of Engineers 1?20-2010 Primary Range Geographic Area Use Type Low High Colorado Douglas County Douglas County Mal 40,000 Fort Cotiins?Loveland Water District Laiimer County Mal 5,000 City 01 Brighton City of Brighton M8.l 12,000 North Sterling Irrigation District Logan County Ag 25,000 Prewitt Operating Committee-Logan Logan County Ag supp 10,000 Irrigation District, lliff Irrigation District and Morgan Prewitt Reservoir Company Larimer and Weld Irrigation Company Lan?mer and Weld Counties Ag 20.000 Windsor Reservoir and Canal Company Larimer and Weld Counties Ag 10,000 Woodmoor Water 8. Sanitation District El Paso County 3,000 T-Cross Ranches/Norris Cattle, Inc. Ag, 20,000 East Laiimer County Water District Larimer and Weld Counties AG, MM 5,000 Perily Water Company, LLC AG, MCI 10,000 Lower South Platte Water Conservancy Morgan. Logan, Sedgwiclt and Ag, M3I 35,000 District Washington Counties Central Colo Water Conservancy Dist- Weld, Adams and Morgan Ag, 50,000 Well Augmentation Subdistricl Counties Central Colo Water Conservancy Dist: Weld, Adams and Morgan Ag, Augment 50,000 Groundwater Management Subdistrict Counties Central Colo Water Conservancy District Weld. Adams and Morgan Ag, MM 50.000 Counties Cotorado Subtotal 345,000 Wyoming Lake Hattie Aibany County Ag 8,000 Cheyenne Cheyenne, Laramie County Mal 3,500 5,500 Torrington Wyoming Subtotal 3,500 13,500 TOTAL 3,500 358,500 SCANNED RC SCANNED l?zr? U.S.Army Corps of Engineers initiated formal process (03/09) I ENSR.AECOM, Submitted (to COE) formal Letters of Interest totaling 358,000 acre feet from l7 entities representing municipal, agricultural and private users in Colorado and Wyoming COE developing Purpose and Need, finalized public sc0ping, initiated socio-economic studies and preliminary water modeling (02/ 0) Initiated preliminary permit application to FERC for permitting hydropower production and water supply (O9-I I)