Tb it mav bbnbern, There has alwavs been an unique bamaraderie in being a member bf Bernie 2MB staff. Bur underdbg bampaign baptured the pbwer bf bur values and the lives bf millibns bf vbters saw hbpe and prbmise in bur wbrk. We - the pebble wbrked bn Bernie 2m 6 - that mubh bf the subbess bf bur bampaign was due tb the intense bbmmitment, passibn and sabrifibe bf Wbmen, pebble bf and LG BT staffers. In rebent weeks there has been an bngbing bbnversatibn bn sbbial media, in tests, and in persbn, abbut the untenable and dangerbus dvnamib that develbped during bur campaign. We the undersigned request a meeting with Benatbr Sanders and his leadership team tb disbuss the issue bf sekual viblenbe and harassment en the EMS bampaign, fer the purpbse bf planning tb mitigate the issue in the upbbming presidential bvble - in the primarv and pbtential general elebtibn bampaigns 2019 and EBED. We request the meeting tb be in persbn, with an unrebbrded bb line in base there are thbse bannbt attend phvsiballvr and wbuld like tb ball in. The undersigned will set the agenda the meeting, with gbals tb abhieve a prbdubtive statement bn harassment in the bampaign envirbnment Bernie Sanders and Jeff Weaver; a plan implementing sexual harassment pblibies and prbbedures; and a bbmmitment tb hiring diverse leadership tb pre-empt the pbssibilitvr bf replibating the predatbrv bulture the first presidential bampaign. It is britiballv that Senatbr Banders attend this meeting tb understand the full sbbpe bf the issue 2D1b and the bampaign plans tb mbve fbnvard. We request that Jeff Weaver, Carvn Ari Rabin-Havt, Arianna anes, Shannbn and any bther relevant staff mavr have input in the breatibn bf a ?gbld-standard? harassment pblibv, be present tb make sure that bur disbussibn is bbllabbrative and results in tangible next steps we ban be prbud tb stand in bf. Thank vbu vbur bbnsideratibn. We fbrward tb hearing babk abbut planning and lbgistibs this meeting. Signed;