FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION DELETED PAGE INFORMATION SHEET l379793-0 Total Deleted Page(s) 2 5 Page 1 Referral/Consult; Page 2 Referral/Consult; Page 3 Referral/Consult; Page 4 Referral/Consult; Page 5 Referral/Consult; Deleted Page(s) No Duplication Fee For this Page 7?1" Ummp 1.31:.1mmu MT a 3 313'?ng (1F ENVEETEQATIUN Washingtan, 20535 mm" June m, 19% AND PUBLICATION BF ALLEGEELY CLASSIFIEB BY GM OR ABBUT 1978 b5 b7C b7D - Pursuant to a telephamic request made I 3he wag mantacte? at ha: rasidanCe,r__ I an tha afternaan 9f June 9, 19?6u ?aring tha ensuing intervies furnished the falluwing . I I b6 if b7c ?a b7D recalled that abnut two weeks priwr ta b6 publicatiun 9f tha raport aha was ??ld by he: b7c su arvisar b7D ta gat he: bamka in ahape becau?el I Li? I?is dacument cantains n?ither recammenw not canaluaions of the FBI. It is the proparty 0f tha FBI and i5 luaned t0 yaur ag?ncy; it and its nantent? are .nmt in be distributed outsi?e your ageneyi "f HE?uai? b3 - a? up 3 as? - AND PUBLICAEIGN 0F ALLEGEDLY ELASSIFIEB BY GE GE FEBRUARY 11, l9?6 Agency {Gig} and the Fedgral Buraau Sf lmvaatigatiun (FBI) all ?var th?m. At the same time she was alsa cauticned by ta fmrgat her cancern nvar thel I because aha] I I ghertly aiter the Etary brake in ?The Village .ccnsidarati?n invalved] Vaica? and it became knawn that there wag a financial Ithat ?The 'illage vnice? ha? agraed t9 da?ate . Thia arrangamant ultima?ely received 39 much disapnraval amumg ather cf the When it wa3 ta tha by ?Thg gliigge Walcei' Thrae 9r fan: day& after tha Stary brmkal Invarheardl I aamments learne? thatl laud a member af the had Eervad as a gambetween in that he placed ?aniel??charr at Q?g_in touch with a New york attarney named (ph?natic) in turn ?laca? in cuntaat with ?The Uillaae Vaiae.? Was particularly cancar?ad that part in tha matter remain a saute: and gtatad that his identity shwuld be pratected at all wag unaware as ta whether ad?r3531?g m?mhers 0f the Ia?d frum his ha? any part in the negatiationa with the ?Ehe Village Vaica? an? is mat aware as :0 whether aha] lprler ta its publicatian. lwas likewiaa unaware Gf th? identity mf tha parsa?.whm furnished Sshurr the Inna: ?uuld have the Central Intelligence b6 b7C b7D b6 b7C b7D . i PUBLICATIOH ALLEGEDLY CLASS IFIED BY VILLAGE ABQUF FEBRUARY 11., 19the abmve matter created a great deal 3f b7D amang members an? uf thel I and ammug its THE membera 9f the I 3f the b6 i?antifiad members af the b7C the ialluwss: MD Li: Thel :3 is campuae? 3f Ehe above individuals as well as th? kn: fallawing: .4 A, gisCLaszE awn a? ALLEGEDLY czassxegm .BY am QR ABOUT FEBRHARY 11; 19??r be b7D 03? June 10, telephqnically advised . :30 that Sh?} t?ld 1379 ii* requegta? that her idantity as tag ssurca b5 3f the shaves infurmatinn mat ha ravealad beyond the FBI, and the Department 5f Justiae? 1 4* i FBI 6f10f?6 ate in Via TD: DIRECTQR, FBI FROM: SAC, we mm PUBLICATIGN 0F CLASSIFIEU BY ?aw? 01% DR A?oat FEBRUARY 11, 19% . Ra Bureau taleyhmne call 6JQHFEE .v i?dated and captione? a3 abaveui( Enclaaed far the Bureau are five capiea 0f an LEM .1.- .n I. Interviewing ggents were 335 f" and mum. jg? %5 Bureau is requested tn Q?tain Dermi??i?? 35 the . Enepartment far WED to interview . I: t. .IL Q?umatx 5) '33? JUN 22 19:25 'wJASQSEV if mg? i Appmvad: Ssant PE: 1" 5 -m ?33.36 7- b6 b'b7C b7E 415%" u' 3 bay 2 Assistant Attarney Genaral Criminal Diviaimn 1- i ALLEGEBLY a} June 15, 19?6 Eireatur, FBI IHFDREATIQN.BY .Q 0N GR AEQET 11? Enclaaed is a ?ag? at a letterhead memnrandum, dated June 19?6, at ?aah fax the ington, B. 8., cap-igned 1: '7 1 a3 ab?ve wwicx an June Q, 19?6, telayhan$aa11y cuntacted this'Bureau and indicated that ?he had infarmatinn ta furniah; ragardiug ?aniel Enharr and the publieatian Vaiee" a? 311Eged alaasifia? material frum the Lk Mi Y?ur?mem?randum 9f February 13, 19?6, :0 this Bureau stated that we were ta aa?duct a preliminary inquiry intn aagtianad matter get farth the specific infarmatien whinh was t0 be abtainea. - gage ?f the requastad ?Aeting ?aputy Chief of tha Int?rnal vi? ?y Seatianp was cantnatad for autharity tn i?terviaw ?e amthurizad this interview an? requg?ted that the ?agartmeut sh??id bg furnished the results. In View inva?tigatiunAssam. Dir. mmAbwm Dam).- AB law. Amt, 95:4: Azimim Comp. Syn. Ext. A?c?ra Hes Cam. Gen. ?Eng 9M 1 I ESve knawledga'uf this matter and are willing 4t?"he?i??erviewed by th? FBI. ?hlass a?vi ed ta the awntrary by th? hath wi11 he interviewed 13 the immg?iate futare and tag regulta will he f?f?i?h??lt? yaw: i wrath 'x Eh? Lid-:4 ?E?Tia swiw??.zva . - SEE Legal om: Plan, 5n Eva ?re-Padg??wa?f itV' ?luv-amp Trunking ., ?ram;- Rm. wvii?? a . . . rm?nvw SEE NGTE cum 5.95:5 a a b??ri?gii - ri?b7E Assistant Attarney Geaeral Criminal Division SAC, WFO ONLY: To allaw the ?eyartmw* time tn interpaae i any objectinns t0 interview af ann?uct nu Eb6 i?terviews Friar t0 6f21f??.?Jg ?b7C On Itelepheniaally cantacted the Frags Services Qifice, FBIHQ, and ad ?u - ?b7C she had informati?n cancerning the release 0f the :h79 tm.Danie1 an&_iis_aTbsaquent publicatian by "The Village Vaiee" newgpaper. in?icated that She was an ML The Aasiatant Attorney General by memarandum dated 2f13f??, t0 this Bureau, had previuusly authorized a preliminary inquiry into captinnad matter. The furnished spacific questians far which answers were ta be obtained regarding ?b5 the identificatimn and Glassification 3f the informatian 3b7c published by "The Village Voice." He instructe? that thraugh ?b7E apprapriata liaison shall reament among the regard to th- in. ,2 4mmg'1f?- 3 materials furnished by the I i T0 date we have limited cur investigation to the scape set ant by the 3A6 and it has been handled at Haadquarterq thrwu i cur liaisan ?gents. Because 6f the inatructinns, I Ebs 0f gag cantacted to obtain authmrity tn ?b7C interview autharized this interview and WFG 2? ?b7D was instructed t0 have twa Agents knowledgeable 0f this case %i immediately cantact and intarview SEE NUTE CQETINUED THREE - - n? Assi?tant Attorney General Criminal ?ivisi?n mm 7 cam-1mm: 3b6 Upen being essence atated b7c that she ia thel "Th9 ?illage VDice? had agree? ta danatel in ?b7D cunnectien with the publicaticn 0f I Becauae of a?varse publicityl 5 . l?i? wn+ k?nw haw had abtained thel CBS ?aws: re artedlv place? Sahmrr in anntact with a New Yark Attarnay named (phanetic) wha in turn-placed Scharr 'n agnta with "The g" Village Voice." It was not knawn if ever actually had passessi?n 0f a ?Opy of the i 1? This memarandum is tlfurnish the results of that i i ?erview t? the Department. It will'be hand carried.t0 3 Eng milL be wrally advised that we will LL ibS mat interview priar t0 8f21f?6. gb7C Ext. m??hm m? Sets. AD law ., Plan. 8: Eva? .. gap. my in?lg?i?,? Res. Aa?t. Bin; inamc?nnrip?r? ?Specs. Mm, 3i i 3