Wednesday, October 17, 2018 at 3:39:28 PM Eastern Daylight Time Subject: Release Regarding "Generals FOIA" and "All Advice FOIA" 17-2707 (D.D.C.) Date: Wednesday, October 17, 2018 at 3:26:16 PM Eastern Daylight Time From: Kahn, MaOhew (USADC) To: Cerissa Cafasso AHachments: AO v DoD Release.pdf Hi Cerissa, AOached are responses to the two remaining FOIA requests that are the subject of this liYgaYon, the July 28th “Generals FOIA” and the Oct 31st “All advice FOIA.” As previously agreed, DoD searched within all of the documents located by OSD and the Service Branches for discovery purposes in Doe v Trump, No. 17-cv-1597 (D.D.C.). For the “Generals FOIA,” responsive records were limited to “analysis or recommendaYons from DoD personnel regarding DoD’s policy regarding the service of transgender individuals in the U.S. military in the offices listed in the request to the White House between Jan 20, 2017, and 8:55 AM EDT on July 26, 2017.” Only communicaYons sent to the White House is within this scope. Dracs and deliberaYons regarding any such communicaYons internal to DoD is not responsive. For the “All advice FOIA,” responsive records were limited to “analysis, reports, or recommendaYons regarding DoD’s policy regarding the service of transgender individuals in the U.S. military from DoD personnel in the offices listed in the request between Jan 20, 2017, and 8:55 AM EDT on July 26, 2017.” While this request includes analysis, reports, and recommendaYons internal to DoD, only the final versions of any such records provided to or from senior leaders in the DoD offices listed in the request are within this scope. Dracs and lower level deliberaYons regarding any such analysis, reports, or recommendaYons are not responsive. 26 pages regarding readiness of military departments to implement accessions of transgender applicants into military service are aOached. These documents have minor redacYons pursuant to ExempYon 6, 5 U.S.C. § 552(b)(6), which permits the Government to withhold informaYon about individuals when the disclosure of such informaYon “would consYtute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy.” DoD has a pracYce to withhold personally idenYfying informaYon of those members of DoD who are at the military rank of Colonel or below and at the rank of GS-15 or below. See O'Keefe v. DoD, 463 F. Supp. 2d 317, (E.D.N.Y. 2006) (holding that “the probaYve value of this personally idenYfying informaYon is nominal and does not overcome the privacy interest of the employees involved. The employees who conducted the invesYgaYon are of relaYvely low rank”). DoD has withheld the names and contact informaYon of such personnel. In addiYon to the aOached records, DoD has withheld in full 14 pages of records pursuant to ExempYon 5. ExempYon 5 pertains to certain inter- and intra-agency communicaYons protected by civil discovery privileges. As applicable here, these privileges include the deliberaYve process privilege and the presidenYal communicaYons privilege. Thanks, MaH Kahn Assistant United States AOorney U.S. AOorney’s Office for the District of Columbia 555 4th Street, NW Washington, DC 20530 (office) 202-252-6718 Page 1 of 2 Page 2 of 2 SECRETARY OF THE ARMY WASHINGTON ACTIONMEMO 05-25-17 ~ 9:40 0Ul FOR. DEPUTY SECRETARY OF DEFENSE FROM: Robert M. Speer, Acting Secretary of the. Anny SUBJECT: Readiness of Military Dcparuncnts to Implement Accession of Transgendcr Applicants into Military Service • • Thjs re!-pon for djsordcrs sometirnes ai.i;ociated with gender dysphoria are greater than the contemplated l &-months of stability lor gender dysphoria, for DOD-17-0301 and DOD-17-0464-A-000001 American Oversight v DoD, No. 17-2707 (D.D.C.) 061 SUBJECT: Readiness of Military Departments to Implement Accession of Transgender Applicants into Military Service example depression (requiring a period of 36 months without treatment prior to accession), and anxiety (requiring a period of 24 months without treatment prior to accession) . The minimum waiting period for transgender individuals should be that time necessary to resolve the dysphoria or any other attendant conditions . • Data to assess impact on readiness has only been available since October 2016 . To address this insufficiency , the Army requests delaying implementation of an accessions policy for at least 24 months. The delay provides the necessary time to develop actual practical experience regarding the length and type of medical treatment needed to resolve periods of non-deployability and validate the presumption that transgcnder Soldiers will access in their preferred gender and experience no additional distress or dysphoria , requiring only routine behavioral health and endocrinological follow-up with minimum training disruption during service . RECOMMENDATION: Approve ____ Approve the delay of implementation until July 1, 2019. Disapprove ____ Other ___ _ COORDINA Tl ON : NONE Attachment: As stated Prepared by : 2 DOD-17-0301 and DOD-17-0464-A-000002 American Oversight v DoD, No. 17-2707 (D.D.C.) 062 THE SECRETARY WASHIHGTOH OF THE DC 20350 I NAVY · 1000 May 31, 2017 MEMORANDUMFOR DEPUTY SECR ETARY OF DEFENSE SUBJECT: Readiness of Military Dep artments to Implement Accession of Transgender Applicants into Military Service 1 I Pursuant to your memorandum of Ma y 8, 2017, the Department of the Nav y (DON) evaluated our readiness to beg in accessing transgender applicants into military service on July 1, 2017. While both the Navy and Marine Corps are prepared to begin accessing applicants on July 1, 2017, as outlined in the attached Service asse ssm ents from the Director, Navy Staff and Com mandant of thy Marine Corps, I reques t consideration be given to extending the accession deadline by one year to July 1, 2018. As directed, the Navy and Marine Corps dev eloped Service-wide education and training plans to ready the force and ens ure successful integration. Navy com pleted training as of April 30, 2017, and the Marine Corps will be complete by July 1, 2017 . Additionally, DON published transgende r policy in Secretary of the Navy Inst ruction 1000.11,Senilce ofTransgender Sailors and Marines, on November 4, 2016. A one-year delay will enable DON to assess the effectiveness of our policy to evaluate, treat, and integrate transgende r Service Members within the existing pop ulat ion. This will allow us opportunity to apply the experience of our current efforts to identify any potential impacts oftransgender serv ice on readine ss and deployability and to standardize and clarify DON procedure s as required to preclude such impacts . During this period we will also assess the detailed policy impacts on individual Service Memb ers and their ability to have full , uninhibite d careers offering world-wide assigna bility. Additionally, we will work with the oth er Services, the Combatant Commander s, and the Office of the Secretary of Defense to promote consistency in implementation regarding deployed environment requirements, non-deployability pe{iods, and the opt ima l stability period associated with the unique stre ssors of military life. Those who join our all-volunteer forc e able to serve wherever the nation needs them. that maximize readiness while simulta neously contribute to the mission based solely on their today do so with an expectation of bein g We owe them consistent and clear pol icies ensuring individuals have the ability to abilities and qualifications. SeanJ. Stackley Acting Attachments : Asstated DOD-17-0301 and DOD-17-0464-A-000003 American Oversight v DoD, No. 17-2707 (D.D.C.) 063 DE P UTY SEC RET ARY OF D EFE NS I! 101 0 D EJl"ENSE .-ENTA.G ON WASHINGTON , DC 20301•1010 MA-Y8 2017 MEMORA.'IDUM FOR SECRETARIESOF THE MILITARY DEPARTMENTS CHJEFSOF THE MILITARYSERVICES SUBJECT: RcadiMssof MilitaryDepartm entsto ImplementAccessionofTransgender Applicants into Military Service In coordinationwith the Under Secreta youto 85$CSS theDepartment'sreadinessto begryof Defensefor Personneland Readiness, I direct inaccessingtransgenderapplicants into mil service on July 1, 2017, itary The personnelpoliciesof this Departm readiness and lethalityof the force 1hatprotect entare designedto enhancethe warfigbting prior decisionsunlessthey cause readinesspro sour country. We do not intendto reconsider blemsthat could lessenour abilityto fightt SW and win on the battlefield. 'Vi ve Currentguidance prohibits the involunt memberssolely because of gender identityand arysepanuionof otherwisequalifiedService .the accessionoftransgendcrapplicantsinto directsthe MilitaryDepartmentsto preparefor militaryserviceby luly I. 2017. That guid anc · containeddirectionsfor eachDepartment to conduct force-wideeducationand training e also to ready the forceand ensuresuccessfulintegration .Pleasereportyour assessmentto me nolater than May 3 I, 2017. cc: Chairmanof the Joint Chiefsof Staff Under Secretaryof Defe-nsefor PmoMel and Readiness OencralCounselof the Department of Defens e .o IIHIIIIIII 0~ •171CM00(178T0-17 DOD-17-0301 and DOD-17-0464-A-000004 American Oversight v DoD, No. 17-2707 (D.D.C.) 064 Dfl3PART IFNT OF THR NAV Y OFFIC:1! 01' TIIF: CltlfJi OV NA VAL 01•1 JIATION~ 2000 NA VY J'tJ, TACO~ \'l'A<;lll' G IO'I' OC'20.150-2000 MEMORANDUM FOR SECRETA RY OF THE NAVY 22 May 17 SUBJECT : Readiness of Military Departments to Implement Accessi on of Transgender Applicants into Military Service Mr . Secretary, we are prepared to access transgender (TG) applicants into military Service on July I, 2017 . We conducted exte nsive policy reviews and training of the force, and established the required co ndition s for implementation of TG applica nt acce sio ns. The following criteria se rved as the bas is for our assessment • • • • • • • • Required revi sions to Navy policy were outlined in NAV ADMIN 248 / 16 and BUMEDNOTE 6000. Applicable Navy instructions were reviewed and any changes req_ujredare nearing completion and will be in effect by the planned date for TG accessions . All Navy policies and regulations are consiste nt with the standards of mil itary readiness, effective ness, unit cohesio n, and re.cruiting and retention nee ds . As of April 30, 2017, the Navy com pleted TG policy training for both the active and reserve compo nent s. The Navy Service Central Coordin ation CeU con tinues to provide assi stance and clarification to command triads and individual Sailors regarding person nel policies and gender transiti on, responding to over 460 inquiries since the Jul y 5, 2016 standup . BUMED success fully stood up eas t and west coast transgender care teams, completed phys1cian training and developed a multidisciplinary approach to care for tran sitioni ng Sailor s. Navy Recruiting Command recruite rs are prepared to accept TG applica tions . Navy accession sources at Naval Service Training Command and U.S . NavaJ Academy are ready to begin accessi ng TO recruits and officer candid ates . Recrui t Training Command (RTC ) is on track to complete the mfoimu m necessary modificaLionsto ensure appropriate priv acy for incoming TG personnel. No other facilities modifications are planned by Navy outside of RTC. While Navy sees no impediments and assesses limited risk to start acc essing TG applicants, I would not oppo se a shif t in the final implementation date if req uired by our sister Service s. Navy agrees to the plan of 18 months stability requiremen t for Service entry of TG appHcanLc;,but awa its decision and release of DoD accession medical standards to review and update our policie s and ins truction s accordingly. The accession of TG personnel is not expected to cause significan t impacts to read iness , effectiveness, cohesion, recr uiting and retenti on. DOD-17-0301 and DOD-17-0464-A-000005 American Oversight v DoD, No. 17-2707 (D.D.C.) 065 DEPARTMENT OF THE NA VY HEADQUARTERSUNI , TEDSTATESMARINE 3000 MARINE CORPSPENTAGON CORPS WASHINGTON , DC 20350-3000 May 30, 2017 MEMORANDUM FOR DEPUTY SEC RETARY OF DEFENSE SECRETARY OF TifE NAVY SUBJECT : Readiness of the Militar y Departments to Implement Access ion ofTransgender Applicants into Military Service The United States Marine Corps ack nowledges the 30 June 2016 decjsio n by the Secretary of Defense to begin accessing transge nder applicants into the Marine Corps on l July 2017. The Marine Corps will comply with all Dep artment of Defense (DoD) directives on this issue, but recommends extending the accession deadline to I July 2018 . Since the imp lementation of the DoO transgender policy, we continu e to learn from our transitioning in-s ervice Marines who have bravely stepped forward. An add itional year will give us the opponunity to continue to learn and to address ongoing concerns including: • • Since the implementation of the policy, we are beginning to better understand , via our inservice transitioning Marines, how tran sition impacts deployabiJity and readin ess. This infonnation is important because the majority of Marines serve only a sing le term and we expect these Marines lo be ready to train and deploy multiple times. Wi th an additional year to .implement transitioning/transgende r accessions, we will be able to gain more insight from our experience with our in-service tran sitioning Marines and will be able to offer DOD a wcll-infonned assessment on the imp act on readiness. • Facilities modifications are necessary at numerous training locations to resp ond to privacy concerns. These modifications have been impacted by the extended Continu ing Resolution and, therefore, have not yet been com pleted. An additional year and a sign ed budget will allow us to complete these modificati ons. • Notable inconsistencies exist betwee n the clinical guidelines for transgende r care and the DoD policy, specifically with respect to the requirement of real life experie nce (RLE). Defense Health Agency policy manda tes DoD clinicians use guidelines req uiring at least three months RLE prior to inilioting honnone treatment. However, Do0 policy which was developed with input from OoD medic al ex.pertsdoes not permit RLE during duty hours and only allows partial RLE when Service members are off-duty. This incongruit y reflects the lade of agreement within the medical and resolved to ensure appropriate care for behavioral health communities and must be our transitioning service members. By deliberately increasing this population before we have resolved the inconsistencies, we potentially expose newly accessed transitioning Marine s to unacceptable health risks. Lastly, an extension would allow DO D and the Services to gain more certain ty about DOD's interpretation of l 0 U.S.C. §§6931, 931 9, and 43 I 9 which require the Servic es to provide sleeping and latrine areas separated by ~•male',and "female" at recrui.t trainin g. The statutes DOD-17-0301 and DOD-17-0464-A-000006 American Oversight v DoD, No. 17-2707 (D.D.C.) 066 SUBJECT : Readiness of the Milita ry Departments lo Implement Acces sion ofTransgender Applicants into Military Service do not define the temts ..male" or "female," but DOD General Counsel hes sugges July 2016 opinion that the terms ted in a 5 will be interpreted to mean the memb er's reflected in the Defense Enrollment EligibilityReporting System (DEER gender marker as S). The DOD General Counsel opinion indicates a belief that Congress will defer to DOD's interpretation of"malc " and "female' ' because of the significant authority Congress has conferredon the Secretary of Defense and Service Sec retaries concerning the administrat ion of DOD and its personnel DOD should lake add itional action prior to the accession oftransgender applicants to ensure this view is con sistent with congressional intent, in order to avoid potential risk of violntion of these statutes. In addition to these concems, we con tinue to recommendthe stability per accessions be established as 24 mo iod for new nths, vice 18 months under the cur rent policy. This 24-month stability requirement is consistent with other stability requirements wit hin DOD's medicaJ standards for accession in DODI 613 0.03. Accession to military servfo e is a significant and stressful event for aJl applicants; phy sical and mental stability are vital for success during recruit training or officer candidate school . A longer stabilization requirement wo uld provide a better foundation for our transgcnder app licants and better position them to successfully complete rigorous initial training. In summary, the Marine Corps wil l execute as required. but recommend new accessions be delayed to 1 Jul the effective date for y 2018 so the Services can review and lea service transgender cases to better rn from current inserve our transitioning/transgende r members and to better understand the impacts of this new policy. We further recommend the stability period for new nccessions be lengthened to 24 mo nths. Robert .B . Neller 2 DOD-17-0301 and DOD-17-0464-A-000007 American Oversight v DoD, No. 17-2707 (D.D.C.) 067 SECRETARY OF DEFENSE 1000 DEFENSE PENTAGON WASHINGT ON . DC 20301-1000 JUN3 0 2016 MEMORANDUM FOR SECRETARIES OF THE MILITARY DEPARTMENTS CHAlRMAN OF THE JOINT CHIEFS OF STAFF UNDER SECRETARIESOF DEFENSE Di;PUTY CHIEF MANAGEMENTOFF ICER CillEF OFTIIE NATIONAL GUARD BU REAU GENERAL COUNSELOF THE DEPAR TMENT OF DEFENSE DIRECTOR. COST ASSESSMENTAND PROGRAM EVALUATION INSPECTOR GENERALOF THE DEPAR TMENT OF DEFENSE DIRECTOR. OPERATIONALTEST AN D EVALUATION OEPARTMEITTOF DEFENSE CHIEF INF ORMATION OFFICER ASSISTANT SECRETARYOF DEFEN SE FOR LEGISLATIVE AFFAIRS ASSISTANT TO Tl IE SECRETARY OF DEFENSE FOR PUBLIC AFFAIRS DIRECTOR. NET ASSESSMENT DIRECTORS OF THE DEFENSE AGEN CIES DIRECTORS OF THE DOD FIELD ACTIV ITIES SUBJECT: Directive-type Memorandum (DTM) 16-005... Military Service ofTrans gonder Service Members .. References: DoD Directive l020 .02F. ·'Di versity Munagement and Equal Opportu nity in the DoD;· June 8, 2015 DoD Directive 1350.2, "Department of Def ense Military Equal Opportunity (MEO) Program.'' August 18. 1995 OoD lnstruction 6130.03. ·•MedicalStan dnrds for Appoinlment. Enlistment, or fnduction in the Military Services:· Apr il 28. 2010. as amended Purpose. This DTM: • Establishes policy, ossr!,'llS responsibilities, and prescribes procedu res for the standards for retention, accession. sepa ration, in-service trnns ilion, and medical coverage for tronsgender pers onnel serving in the Military Service s. • Fxcepi as otherwise noted. this OTM will take effect immediately. It will be conve11ed lo a new DoDI . This DTM will expire effective June 30, 2017. Appjicubility. This DTM applies to OSD . the Military Departments (including the Guard at all times, including when it Coast is o Service in the Department of Hom elan d Sec urity by agreement with that Deportment), the Ollicc of the Chairmen of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the DOD-17-0301 and DOD-17-0464-A-000008 American Oversight v DoD, No. 17-2707 (D.D.C.) 068 DTM-16-005 Joint Staff, the Combatant Commands, the Off ice of the Inspector General of the Department of Defense, the Defense Agencies. the DoD Fiel d Activities. and all other organizational enti ties within the DoD. Policy . • The defense of the Nation requires a well-tra ined, all-volunteer force comprised of Active and ReserveComponent Service members ready to deploy worldwide on combat and operational missions. • The policy of the Department of Defense is that service in the United States military should be open to all who can meet the rigorous standards for military service and readiness. Consistent with the poli cies and procedures set forth in this memorandum. transgenderindividuals shall be allowed to serve in the military. • These policies and proceduresarc premisedon my conclus-lonthat open service by transgender Service members whi le being subject to the same standards and procedures as other members with regard to their medical fitness for duty. physical fitness, uniform and grooming, deployability, and retention, is consistent with military readines s and with strength through diversity. Responsibilities • The Secretaries of the Military Departments will: o Take immediate action to identify all DoO , Military Department, and Service issuances, the content of which relate to, or may be affected by, the open service of transgenderService mem bers . o Draft revisions to the issuances identifie d, and, as necessary and appropriate, draft new issuances,consistent with the policies and procedures in this memorandum. o Submit to the Under Secretaryof Defense for Personnel and Readiness (USD(P&R )) the text of any proposed revi sions to existing Military Department and Service regulations, policies , and guidance, and of any proposed new issuance, oo later than 30 day s in advance of the proposed publication date of each. • The USD(P&R) will: o Take immediate action to identify all DoD , Military Department, and Service issuances. the content of which relate to, or may be affected by, the open service oftransgender Service mem bers . 2 DOD-17-0301 and DOD-17-0464-A-000009 American Oversight v DoD, No. 17-2707 (D.D.C.) 069 DTM-16-005 o Draft revisionsto the issuanceside ntifiedin this memorandumBDd,as necessary and appropriate. draft ne w w,u and proceduresin this memorandum mces consistent with the policies . ProcedureSe s. eAttacbment Releasabilit. yCleared for public releue . This DTM is available on the Do Website at http :// D Issuances direotives. Attachment: As stated cc; Secretary of Homeland Security Commandant.United States Coast Gu ard DOD-17-0301 and DOD-17-0464-A-000010 3 American Oversight v DoD, No. 17-2707 (D.D.C.) 070 DTM-16-{)05 ATTACHMENT PROCEDURES 1. SEPARATION AND RETENTION a. Effective immediately, no otherwise qualified Serv ice member may be involuntarily separated, discharged or denied reenlistment or cont inuation of service, solely on the basis of their gender identity. b. Transgender Service members will be subject to the same standards as any other Service member of the same gender; they may be sepa rated, discharged, or denied reenlistment or continuation of service under existing processes and basis, but not due solely to their gender identity or an expressed intent to transition genders. c. A Service member whose ability to serve is adve rsely affected by a medical condition or medical treatment related to their gender identity should be treated, for purposes of separation and retention, in a manner consistent with a Service member whose ability to serve is similarly affected for reasons unrelated to gender identity or gender transition. 2. ACCESSIONS a. Medical standards for accession into the Military Services help to ensure that those entering service are free of medical conditions or phys ical defects that may require excessive time lost from duty. Not later than July 1, 2017, the USD 6130.03 to reflect the following policies and procedur (P&R) will update DoD Instruction es: (I) A history of gender dysphoria is disqualifying . unJess. as certified by a licensed medicaJ provider, the applicant has been stabl e without clinically significant distress or impairment in scx:ial,occupational, or other important areas of functioning for 18 months. (2) A history of medical treatment associated with gender transition is disqualifying, unless , as certified by a licensed med ical provider: (a) the applicant has completed alJ medical treatmen t associated with the applicant's gender transition; and and (b) the applicant has been stable in the preferred gender for 18 months; (c) If the applicant is presently receiving cross-sex honnone therapy postgender transition, the individual has been stable on such hormones for 18 months. 1 Attachment DOD-17-0301 and DOD-17-0464-A-000011 American Oversight v DoD, No. 17-2707 (D.D.C.) 071 DTM-16-005 (3) A history of sex reassignment or genital reconstruction surgery is disqualifying, unl ess, as certified by a licensed medical provider: any such surgery; and (a) a period of 18 months has elapsed since the date of the most recent of surgery required. (b) no functional limitations or com plications persist, nor is any addition al b. The Secretaries of the Military Dep artments and the Commandant, Uni ted States Coast Guard, may waive or reduce the 18-month periods, in whole or in part . in individual cases for applicable reasons. c. The standards for accession desc ribed in this memorandum will be revi ewed no later than 24 months from the effective date of this memorandum and may be mai ntai ned or changed, as appropriate, to reflect applicable medical standards and clinical practice guidelines, ensure consistency with military readiness, and promote effectiveness in the recn titing and retention policies and procedures of the Armed Forces. 3. fN.SERVICE TRANSITlON a. Effective October 1, 2016. DoD wil1 implement a construct by which transgender Service members may transjtion gen der while servmg, in accordance with DoDJ 1300.28, which I signed today . b. Gender transition while serving in the military presents unique challen ges associated with addressing the needs of the Serv ice member in a manner consistent with military mission and readiness needs. 4. MEDJCAL POLICY. Not later than October t, 2016, the USD(P&R) will issue further guidance on the provision of necessa ry medical care and treatment to tran sgender Service members . Until the issua nce of such guidance, the Military Departments and Services will handle requests from transgender Serv ice members for particular medica l care or to transition on a case-by-case basis, following the spir it and intent of this memorandum and DoOI 1300.28 . 5. EQUAL OPPORTUNITY a. All Service members are entitled to equal opportunity in an environment sexual harassment and unlawful disc free from riminatton on the basis of race. colo r, national origil'I, religion , sex, or sexual orientation. It is the Department's position, consistent with the U.S. Attorney General's opinion, that disc rimination based on gender identity is a form of sex discrimination . 2 DOD-17-0301 and DOD-17-0464-A-000012 Attachment American Oversight v DoD, No. 17-2707 (D.D.C.) 072 DTM-16..()05 b. The USD(P&R) will revise DoD Dire ctives (Do ODs) l 020.02E,n Diversity Management and Equal Opportunity in the DoD," and 1350 .2,,,Departrnent of Defense Military Equal Opportunity (MEO) Program," to prohJbit discrimination on the basis of gender iden tity and to incorporate such prohibitions in all aspects of the DoD MEO program . The USD( P&R ) wHI prescribe the period of time with in which Military Department and Serv ice issuances implementing the MEO program mu st be conformed accordingly. 6. EDUCATION AND TRAINING a. The USD(P&R) will expeditiously develop and promulgate education and training materials to provide relevant, useful information for transgender Service mem bers , comma nders, the force, and medical professionals regarding DoD policies and procedures on transgender service. The USD(P&R) wilJ dissemi nate these training materials to all Mili tary Departments and the Coast Guard not later than Octo ber 1, 2016. b. Not later than November l, 2016, each !\if ilitary Department will issu e implementing guidance and a written force training and education plan. Such plan will deta il the Military Department's plan and program for train ing and educating its assigned force (to include medical professionals), including the standard s to which such education and training will be conducted, and the period of time within which it wilJ be completed . 7. IMPLEMENTATION Al~ TIMEL INE a. Not later than October 1, 20 I 6 the USD(P&R) will issue a Comma nder 's Trai ning Handbook. medical guidance, and guid 1 ance establishing procedures for chan ging a Service member ' s gender marker in DEERS. b. In the period between the date of this memorandum and October 1, 201 6, the Military Departments and Services will address requests for gender transition from serv ing transgender Service members on a case-by~case basi s. following the spirit and intent of this memorandum and DoDI 1300.28. DOD-17-0301 and DOD-17-0464-A-000013 Attachment American Oversight v DoD, No. 17-2707 (D.D.C.) 073 DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY Ol"'FIC f'. OF" THE 9£CR£T"f. I 000 N V Y PENTAG ON WASHINGTON DC 20380 · 1000 SECNAVINST 1000.11 ASN (M6RA) 4 Nov 16 SECNAV INSTRUCTION 1000.11 from: Secretary Subj: SERVICE Of' TRANSGENOER SAILO RS ANO MARINES Ref: Encl: of the Navy (a) DoD Instruction 1300.28 of l July 2016 {b) DTM 16-005, Military Service of Transgender Service Member~ of 30 June 2016 (c) ASD(HA) Memo, Guidance for Treatment of Gender Dysphoria for Active and Reserve Compon ent Service Members of 29 July 2016 (d) USO Memo, Clarification of Procedures to Identity Sex Code Changes for Transgender Service Me mbe rs of 21 September 2016 {e) S£CNAVINST 5300.2BF. (f) DoD In5truction 6130.03, CH 1 of 13 September 2011 (g) DoD Instruction 1332,18 of 5 August 2014 (l) Responsibilities (2) Service Implementing Policy and Procedures 1. Purpo~e. To establish Department of the Navy (DON) policy for the accession and service of transgendcr Sailors and Marines, to include the process for tran sge nde r Ser vice Members to transition gender ln-servJce. 2. Definitions. Definitions are provided in reference (a). 3. Applicabil!..£Y. military personnel. This instruction applies to all DON Specific considerations for Reserve Component personnel are included in refe renc e (a). Refer all DON civilian transgender que~tions to the DON Office of Civilian Murnan Resources or the DON Office of the Gen eral Counsel. Refer all questions regarding transgender contractors to the Contracting Officer's Representative. DOD-17-0301 and DOD-17-0464-A-000014 American Oversight v DoD, No. 17-2707 (D.D.C.) 074 SECNAVINST1000 .ll 4 Nov 16 4. Policy a. Consistent with the policies references (a) and (b), transgender to serve openly in the DON. and procedures set forth in individuals shall be allowed b. References (a) through (d) provide Sailors and Marines an in-service process to transition to thei r pre ferr ed gender. These poli cies are based on Lhe premise that open service by transgender persons who are subject to the sam e med ical , fitness for duty, physical fitness, uniform and grooming , deployabil ity, and retention standards and procedures is con sist ent wit h military service and read iness . c. The DON recognizes a Sailor's or Marine ' s gender by their gender marker in the Defense Enrollment Eligibility Rep orting System (DEERS) . Coincident with that gender marker, the Navy and Marine Corps shall apply, and the Service Member is responsible to meet, all standards for uniforms and grooming; body composition assessment {BCA); physical read ines s test ing (PRT); Military Personnel Drug Abuse Testing Pro gra m (MP OA TP) par~icipation; and other military standards with consideration of the Service Member's gender applied . (1) For facilities subject to regulat by the military, the Sailor or Marine w.1.ll use those berthin ion g, bath roo m, and shower facilities associated with the Service Me mb er ' s gender marker in DEERS. (2) As the tactical situation allows, expected to implement appropriate pol icies to protection of individual Sailors and Ma rine s all and to maintain good order and discipline Commanders are ensure the privacy out of cour tesy to . (3) Reference (e) clarifies policy for the direct observation of urinalysis specimen collection. MPDATPpolicy considers the terms " sex " and "gender mar ker " as equivalent. There f ore , transgender Service Me mb ers pro vid ing a urinalysis specimen will be observed by an individual wit h the same gender marker indicated in DEERS. In selecting an obs erv er, a Commander may employ reasonable accommodations to resp ect the privacy interests of the Service Members. The sele ctio n of an observer must be made in a manner that ensures the integrity of 2 DOD-17-0301 and DOD-17-0464-A-000015 American Oversight v DoD, No. 17-2707 (D.D.C.) 075 SECNAVINST 1000 . 11 4 Nov 16 the urinalysis program and provides both the being tested and the observer an environment harassment/discrimination. Service Member free from d . Sailors and Marines with a diagnosis from a military medical provider indicating that gender transition is medically necessary will be provided the medically necessary care and treatment. A medical treatment plan developed by the military medical provider will outline the severity of the Service Member ' s medical condition, the urgency of any proposed medical treatment, projected timeline for completion of gender transition , and estimated periods of non-deployability and absence. Medical advice to Commanders and Commanding Officers will be provided in a manner consistent with processes used for other medical conditions thal may limil Lhe Service Memb er ' s performance of official duties. e. Any medical care and treatment provided to an individual Sailor or Marine in the process of gender transition will be provided in the same manner as other medical care and treatment. Nothing in this instruction will be construed to authorize a Commander or Conunanding Officer to deny medically necessary treatment to a Sailor or Marine . f. Any determination non - deployable at any time DON and Service standards , Marines whose deployability circumstances unrelated to that a transgender Sailor or Marine will be consistent with established as applied to other Sailors and is similarly affected in comparable gender transition . is g . Commanders and Commanding Officers will assess expected impacts on mission and readiness after consideration of the advice of military medical providers and will address such following this instruction and references (a) and (b) . In applying the tools described in reference (a), a Commander or Commanding Officer will not accommodate biases against Lransgender individuals. If a Sailor or Marine is unable to meet standards or requires an e x ception to policy (ETP) during a period of gender transition, all applicable tools, including those described in references (a) through (d), will be available to Commanders and Commanding Officers to minimize impacts to the mission and unit readiness . Gender transition dates in the transition plan may be adjusted per reference (a) and enclosure (2) as necessary to support organizational needs. 3 DOD-17-0301 and DOD-17-0464-A-000016 American Oversight v DoD, No. 17-2707 (D.D.C.) 076 SECNAVINST 1000 . 11 4 Nov 16 h . When the military medical provider determines that a Service Member ' s gender transition is com plet e, and at a time approved by the Commander or Com manding Officer in consultation with the transgender Sailor or Marine, the Service Member may submit a request for gender marker cha~ge in DEE RS, per reference (d). Once the gender marker is change d in DEE RS , the Service Member will be recognized in the preferred gen der and held to preferred gender standards from that point forward . i . Policy for service during initial considerations associated with the first outlined in reference (a). entry traininq term of service and are j . All Sailors and Marines are entitled to equal opportunity in an environment free from sexual harassment and unlawful discrimination on the basis of race, colo r, national origin, religion, sex , or sexual orientation . It is the Dep artm ent of Defense (DoO) and DON's position, consistent with the U.S . Attorney General's opinion, that discrimination based on gender identity is a form of sex discrimination . All pers onnel will continue to treat each other with dignity and resp ect. There is zero tolerance for harassing , hazing, or bullying in any form . 5 . Responsibilities . See enclosure Cl). 6. Accessions a . Per reference (b), no late than 1 July 2017, che Navy and Marine Corps will begin acce r ssing transgender applicants who meet all standards . The gender identity of an . othe rwis e qualified individual will not bar them from join1ng the Navy or Marine Corps , from admission to the United States Naval Academy, or from participating in Naval Reserve Officers Tra ining Corps or any other accession program . b. Medical standards for accession into the Nav (in reference (fl) help to ensure that those entering al service service are free from medical conditions or phy sica l defe cts that may require excessive time lost from duty due to necessa ry medical treatment or hospitalization, or result in sepa ratio n from the Service for medical unfitness. c. A history of gender dysphorla is disqualifying, unless, as certified by a licensed medical provider, the applicant has 4 DOD-17-0301 and DOD-17-0464-A-000017 American Oversight v DoD, No. 17-2707 (D.D.C.) 077 SECNAVINST 1000 . 11 4 Nov 16 been scable impairment functioning d. transition medical A history o! medical is disqualifying, provider: (1) associated without cl ini cally significant distress or in social, occupational, or other imporcant for 18 months . The applicant has with the applicant's (2) The applicant for 18 months; and gender treatment unless, (3) If hormone therapy stable on such has the applicant post-gender hormones for e. surgery medical A history of sex is disqualifying, provider: the most (1) A period recent such nor is as completed gender been stable reassignment unless, as has (2) No functional limitations any additional surgery required. in the of with gender by a licensed all medical transition; 1.s presently transition, 18 months. of 18 months surgery; and associated certified areas the treatment and preferred receiving c r oss -sex individual has been or genital reconstruction certified by a licensed elapsed or since complications the date of persist, f. ·rhe 18-month periods may be wa ived or reduced, in whole o r in part, in individual cases for applicable reas ons. Requests for waiver or reduction of the 18-month periods shall be sent to the Assistant Secretary of the Nav y (Ma npo wer and Reserve Affairs) (ASN (M&RA)) for adjudication. (1) ASN (M&RA) may approve requests for waiver or reduction. ASN (M&RA) may also delegate this appr oval auth ority to the Deputy Chief of Naval Operations (Ma np owe r , Personnel, Training, and Education) (DCNO (Nl)) and the Deputy Commanda nt (r-ianpower and Reserve Affairs (DC (M&RA)) . This approval authority may not be further delegated. (2) Any requests for waiver recommendation for disapproval shall the Navy (SECNAV) for decision. 5 or reduction be se nt to with a the Secretary of DOD-17-0301 and DOD-17-0464-A-000018 American Oversight v DoD, No. 17-2707 (D.D.C.) 078 SECNAVINST1000 . 1: 4 Nov 16 7. Records Management . .Records created as a result of this instruction, regardless of media and format, shall be managed per SECNAVManual 5210.1 of January 2012. 8. Reports. The reporting requirements within enclosure (1}, paragraphs !a and li are exempt from information control per SECNAVM-5214.1 of January 2012, Part IV, paragraphs 7j and 7o respectively. / L~ hh? / -... ~ I R;,d I us Distribution: Electronic !IL lL1: //,Jon t only, II via Department l rr •r r i r, t ·,~.,, _ of the Navy Issuances JI I n 6 Web site : r DOD-17-0301 and DOD-17-0464-A-000019 American Oversight v DoD, No. 17-2707 (D.D.C.) 079 SECNAVINST 1000.11 4 Nov 16 RESPONSIBrLTXES 1. CNO and a. service a process transition training, whereby DEERS . procedures CMC shall: Issue policy and procedures addressing the military of transgender Service Members, to include estab lishing by which transgender Sailors and Marines may gender while serving, consistent with mission, operational, and readiness needs, and a procedure a Service Member's gender marker will be changed in Additional detail on Service impl ementing policy and is outlined in enclosure (2) . b. Ensure uniform standards, groominq standards, BCA standards, PRT standards, MPDATP standards, and other stand ards applied with consideration of a Service Member's gender, are applicable to the Service Member's gender marker as reflec ted DEERS. c. facilities reflected regulation Direct the use of berthing , bathroom, according to the Service Member's in DEERS, for facilities that are by the military. and shower gender marker subject to in as d. Provide appropriate privacy for all Sailors and Marines. This may be achieved through expenditure of funds to modify bathroom and shower facilities at Navy and Marine Corps military installations that do not provide reasonable privacy. e. Ensure that policies and procedures governing urinalysis testing program are performed using accepted established operating procedures which conform to the requirements outlined in reference (e) . f. Ensure medically necessary treatment Act1ve Duty Service Members is available, in reference (c) . Service and to transgender alignment with g. No .at er than 15 November 2016, create a Service -w ide training and education plan, to include specialized traini ng for Commanders and Commanding Officers . The training of Sailors and Marines across the DON shall be completed no late~ than 1 July 2017. Enclo sure (1) DOD-17-0301 and DOD-17-0464-A-000020 American Oversight v DoD, No. 17-2707 (D.D.C.) 080 SECNAVINST 1000.11 4 Nov 16 h . No later than l February 2018, provide an assessment of Navy and Marine Corps transgender service poli cy, sum mar izing the impact on military readiness, effectiveness, unit cohesion , recruiting, and retention. The assessment should be informed by surveys and data collected and include any reco mmended adjustments to DoD and DON policy. i. Beginning in 2018 and triennially thereafter, support Naval Inspector General Special Inspections of Serv ice compliance with OoD, DON, and Service transgender service policy and procedures . j . their Ensure that all Sailors duties free from unlawful and Marines discrimination k. Ensure the protection of information and personal privacy implementaci on of references (a) and Service regulations, policy, 2. Assistant Affairs) shall Secretary : of the are able to perform and harassment . personally ident1tiable considerations in the through (f), this instruction, and guidance. Navy (Manpower and Reserve a . Assess Navy and Marine Corps compliance with references (a) through (d) with coordination from Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) and Commandant of the Marine Corps (CMC) (no later than 1 February 2018) and review of triennial Insp ecto r Gen eral Spec ial Inspections . b. Review requests for waiver or reduction of the 18-month periods of stability for new accessions and su bmi t all requescs with a disapproval recommendation to SECNAV for decision. 3 . Naval Inspector General shall, beginning in 2018 and triennially thereafter, conduct a Special Insp ectio n of Navy and Marine Corps co mplian ce with refe rences {a) thro ugh (d) , this instruction, and Service regulations, policy, and guidance . 4. Chief , Bureau of Medi cine and Surg ery shall: a . Provide or arrange consultation for medically treatment to Active Duty Service Members per references (d ), ensuring standardized healthcare. 2 necessary (c) and Enclosure DOD-17-0301 and DOD-17-0464-A-000021 (1) American Oversight v DoD, No. 17-2707 (D.D.C.) 081 SECNAVINST100 ( ).11 4 Nov 16 b . Ensure referral for a determination disability evaluation system per refe~ence of fitness i r the (ql . c . No later than 15 November 2016, develop an education and training plan for both privileged and r.on- privileged medical pe!'sonnel . d . For Reserve Compo:ient Service Members not on active duty for more than 30 days, review and approve medica~ diagnosis and tre a tment plans , in alignment with refe r ences (a), (cJ , and (d). 3 - E!nclosure {l ; _ . DOD-17-0301 and DOD-17-0464-A-000022 American Oversight v DoD, No. 17-2707 (D.D.C.) 082 SECNAVINST 1000.11 4 Nov 16 SERVICE XMPLEMENTXNG POLICY AND PROCEDURES 1 . The CNO and CMC shall establish policy and procedures re f erences per (a) through Cd) and this instruction , outlining actions a Commander may take the to minimize impacts to and ensure continued the mis sio n unit readiness in the event that a transitioning individual is unable to meet standards an ETP during or requires a period of transition. Suc h pol icie s procedures and may address the means and timing of transition procedures , for responding to an ETP prior to the change of a Service Member's gender marker in DEERS, appropriate statuses, duty and tools for addressing an inability to throughout ser ve the gender transition process . Any such action available s to the Commander or Comm anding Officer wil and balance l con sider the needs of the individuaJ and the needs of the command in a manner com parable to the actions available Commander or Commanding to the Officer in add res sin g comparable Member circumstances Service un r elated to gender transition. actions Suc h may include : a. Adjustments to the date on which the Marine ' s gender transition , or any component process , will commence. Sailor's of the or transition b. Advising the Sailor or Marine of the availabilit options y of for extended leave stacus or participation voluntary in oth er absence programs during the tra nsition process . c. Arrangements for the transfer of the Sailor anot h er organization or Marine to , command , location , or duty status Individual (e . g . Ready Reserve) , as approp riate , during the transition process . d . ETPs associated with changes in the Serv_c physical e Member ' s appearance and body composition dur ing gen transition, der such as accommodations in the app lica tion standards of for uniforms a nd grooming and MPOATP pa r ticipatio n. e. Establish.~ent of , or adjustment to , local policies the use of berthing, on bathroom, and sho we r fac ilit ies regulation sub jec t by the military, to during the transition process. f . Other actions , includ ing the initiation of administrative or other proceedings, comparable to actions that DOD-17-0301 and DOD-17-0464-A-000023 Enclosure (2) American Oversight v DoD, No. 17-2707 (D.D.C.) 083 SECNJ /INST LOOC. 11 .. 4 No,; 16 could be initia~ed wi:h regard to othe rs whose ability is similarly affe cted for reasons unrelat ed to gender t.ransit:ion . co se:ve 2. 1he CNO and CMC shall establish policies and procedures, consistent with references (a) Lhrough (d) and this instruccion , whereby a Sailor's or ~arine's gender marker will be ch anged in DE~RS based on a de~ermi~at1on by the military medical provider that tte Service Member' s gender tran sition is co~plete; receipt of written approval from the Commander or Commanding Of :i cer , issuea in consultat~on with the Service Member; and producti on by the Serv:ce Member of documen~aL 1on indicating gena er change. Guidance on such documentacion is outlined 1n reference la). 2 Enclosure ( 2: DOD-17-0301 and DOD-17-0464-A-000024 1 American Oversight v DoD, No. 17-2707 (D.D.C.) 084 SECRETARY OF THE A IR FORCE WASHINGTON MAY3 1 2017 fOR: DEPUTY SECRETARY OP DEPENS[ PRUM: I lenther Wilson ~\ \ . \ \ ~ SUBJECT : Readiness of Miritary Departme11tsto lmplemenl Accession ofTraasgcnc.lcr i\pplicruns into Mili tary Servioe • In response to your subject memumnc.lwn, dnle~ 8 May 2017. we recommend a 12-3611100th delay from lhe cllrrent I July 2017 accession policy imp lementation ro allow for a period of f'unher study to assess the read iness implications oftransgender acce,ssions. We rcaflinn our commitment that currently serving transgender members be allowed to serve or enly. frcdy, witho ut discrimination and to ensure that all Airmen have the oppnrtllnity 10 focus on the m~5sion and be The Air Force is complying with OSD direction 10 educa te our force tltrough general Transgender Awareness Training, and anticipates completion by the OSD-d irected torget date of I July 20 17. • We helieve that the combination of deve loping, but still immature. medical informat ion anc.l infonnation received from Combatant Commands (CC MDs) raises significant concerns about the potential availab ility. readiness. and deploya bilily of potential transgender accessions that warrants more study . • It has been further nored that current ly serving transgcntlor member s have had some significant readiness ai1d dep loyment issues . Early medical evidence indicates 1hnl gende r transition medical treatment may nut be providing a lasting reso lution to gender dysrhoria and there is not sufficient data to dmw conc lusions on cited medical issue s, This additiona l period wou ld allow the opponunity to build upon a growing body of medical evidence tm which to base a more informed decisio n on the readiness impacts uftransgender applicant accessions. • As a force provider , t)le Air force takes these conce111sserious ly. panicu larly in light uf understandab le restrictions required by our warfighters. For example. US Central Command {USCENTCOM) MODIFICATION (MOD) 13. lndivitlual Proter.:tion01td huliuirh,nl I lu1I nnnlo1m1P»I ••• PnJ;ru /1,t,,. c ._.,,..,._.,_ lh!li tT\An, h t>i--c u n'.t l, n.anrlPr rh , " ..." ......:Q,..... ,1 • •• -• ~ •--- • -• ~ • • •• - - r••r.J"•• ...,,,.,,.,, P"ll'n\ t'•-....•~~.,.., _._.,...,,. , ._,~ , ..., • ••• •• • 5._., ,...,..,, ....,,-.1p11V11U, U I IU those actively undergoing gender transition, are. due to complex medical aml mental henlth needs, generally disqualified from deploymen110 the USCENTCOM Area of Responsibilit y until tl1e process, including all necessary follow- up and stabilizarion, is comp leted 1vilhuul co111plicationor persistent cu n~ems tidentifiec.las stability). /\ddttional ly, other CCMDs have po licies that limit derloyment of any member. not solely transgender members. who have a condition with complex muJtj-specia lty medical concerns without an approved waiver hy the gaining CCMD. which is c(lnsistent with established Military Departme1111111d Service standards. DOD-17-0301 and DOD-17-0464-A-000025 American Oversight v DoD, No. 17-2707 (D.D.C.) 085 • SAF/MRR or via email at COORDINATION: None A ttacnment : DcpSecDef Memo. 8 May 17 Prepared by: SAF/MRR, DOD-17-0301 and DOD-17-0464-A-000026 2 American Oversight v DoD, No. 17-2707 (D.D.C.) 086 To: Kriete, David M. EOP/NSC (b) (6) (b) (6) Cc: Sweeney, Kevin M SES (US)(b) (6) ]; Koffsky, Paul S SES OSD OGC (US)(b) (6) ]; Donnelly, Sally B SES (US)(b) (6) ]; Smith, David J SES OSD OUSD P-R (US)(b) (6) ; Rychalski, Jon J SES OSD HA (US)(b) (6) ; Adirim, Terry A SES OSD HA (US)(b) (6) ; Penrod, Virginia S SES OSD OUSD P-R (US)(b) (6) ]; (b) (6) CDR USN OSD OUSD P-R (US)(b) (6) From: Kurta, Anthony M SES OSD OUSD P-R (US) Sent: Wed 7/26/2017 1:26:00 AM Subject: (b) (5) smime.p7s (b) (5) Tony Sent from my iPhone > On Jul 25, 2017, at 4:26 PM, Kriete, David M. EOP/NSC (b) (6) > > (b) (5) >(b) (5) > Dave > > > Sent from my iPhone > >> On Jul 25, 2017, at 6:15 PM, (b) (6) >> >> Dave, >> >>(b) (5) wrote: > wrote: DOD-17-0301 and 17-0464-B-000001 From : To: Smith.Da\4dJ SES050 OUSOP R (US} Adirjm. IecNASfScQSP tlA!U.Sl : Alina,Col la GRADM USNPHARESEARCH-QfY.!USl : Rychal,kL,Jon JSES OSOHA( US} Subject : Date : Tuesday, July 25, 2017 8:39:20 PM Dave From: Dale : 7/25/1 7 6:37 PM (GMT 05:00) To: "Smith. 011\iuJ SES OSD OUSD P-R (US)" , "Rychal~ki, Jon J SES OSD I IA (US)" o "Penrod, VirginiaS SES OSD OUSD P-R (US)" - S<..,1t frommy iPhonc I3cginforward<..-d message: Duve Sen! from my iPhonc DOD-17-0301 and 17-0464-B-000002 On Jul 25,2917, al 6:15 PM Dave, DOD-17-0301 and 17-0464-B-000003 B~t. Sent from my iPhonc On Jul 25, 2017, at 5:48 PM, Kriete, David M. EOP/NSC "lOlC: Thanks, Dave Dave Kriete Director StrategicCapabilities Policy National Security Council DOD-17-0301 and 17-0464-B-000004 DOD-17-0301 and 17-0464-B-000005 (b) (5) >>(b) (5) >> >> Best, >>(b) (6) >> >> Sent from my iPhone >> >>> On Jul 25, 2017, at 5:48 PM, Kriete, David M. EOP/NSC <(b) (6) - wrote: (b) (5) >>> Thanks, Dave >>> >>> Dave Kriete >>> Director Strategic Capabilities Policy >>> National Security Council >>> >>> NIPR: (b) (6) >>> SIPR: (b) (6) >>> JWICS: (b) (6) >>> Work(b) (6) >>> Cell: >>> >>> DOD-17-0301 and 17-0464-B-000006 (b) (6) To: EOP/NSC (b) (6) Cc: Rychalski, Jon J SES OSD HA (US)(b) (6) From: Kurta, Anthony M SES OSD OUSD P-R (US) Sent: Wed 6/21/2017 7:29:21 PM Subject: (b) (5) (UNCLASSIFIED) smime.p7s 'Hay, Jennifer K. CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIED (b) (5) Tony -----Original Message----From: (b) (6) Sent: Wednesday, June 21, 2017 12:16 PM To: 'Hay, Jennifer K. EOP/NSC' (b) (6) Cc: Rychalski, Jon J SES OSD HA (US) (b) (6) OUSD P-R (US) (b) (6) > Subject: (b) (5) >; Kurta, Anthony M SES OSD Jennifer, (b) (5) (b) (5) -----Original Message----From: Hay, Jennifer K. EOP/NSC [mailto(b) (6) Sent: Wednesday, June 21, 2017 12:12 PM To: (b) (6) Cc: Rychalski, Jon J SES OSD HA (US) (b) (6) Subject: (b) (5) -- (b) (6) (b) (5) Thank you, Jennifer DOD-17-0301 and 17-0464-B-000007 Jennifer K. Hay Director, Defense Policy & Strategy National Security Council Phone: (b) (6) TSVOIP: (b) (6) Email: (b) (6) SIPR: (b) (6) JWICS: (b) (6) -----Original Message----From: (b) (6) Sent: Wednesday, June 21, 2017 9:51 AM To: Hay, Jennifer K. EOP/NSC <(b) (6) Cc: Rychalski, Jon J SES OSD HA (US) <(b) (6) Subject: (b) (5) Jennifer, (b) (5) - Best, (b) (6) CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIED DOD-17-0301 and 17-0464-B-000008 To: Cc: From: Sent: Subject: Jennifer (b) (5) Hay, Jennifer K. EOP/NSC(b) (6) Sweeney, Kevin M SES (US)(b) (6) (b) (6) Kurta, Anthony M SES OSD OUSD P-R (US) Tue 6/20/2017 12:45:18 AM (b) (5) ; (b) (6) ]; Donnelly, Sally B SES (US)(b) (6) ; (b) (6) - . Tony Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone. Original Message From: Hay, Jennifer K. EOP/NSC Sent: Monday, June 19, 2017 8:24 PM To: (b) (6) Cc: Sweeney, Kevin M SES (US); Donnelly, Sally B SES (US); (b) (6) Anthony M SES OSD OUSD P-R (US) Subject: (b) (5) - ; Kurta, (b) (6) (b) (5) Thank you, Jennifer Sent from my iPhone > On Jun 19, 2017, at 7:36 PM, (b) (6) > > (b) (5) > > Sent from my iPhone > >> On Jun 19, 2017, at 7:10 PM, Hay, Jennifer K. EOP/NSC (b) (6) >> >> (b) (6) >> >> (b) (5) >> >> Thank you, >> Jennifer >> >> Sent from my iPhone >> >>> On Jun 19, 2017, at 7:08 PM, (b) (6) >>> >>> Jennifer, >>> >>> (b) (5) wrote: - - >>> >>> Best, >>> (b) (6) >>> >>> Sent from my iPhone >>> >>>> On Jun 19, 2017, at 6:20 PM, Hay, Jennifer K. EOP/NSC (b) (6) >>>> wrote: wrote: DOD-17-0301 and 17-0464-B-000009 > wrote: - >>>> (b) (6) >>>> >>>> (b) (5) ? >>>> >>>> Thank you, >>>> Jennifer >>>> >>>> Sent from my iPhone >>>> >>>>> On Jun 19, 2017, at 5:51 PM, (b) (6) >>>>> >>>>> Jennifer, >>>>> >>>>> (b) (5) wrote: . - >>>>> >>>>> Best, >>>>>(b) (6) DOD-17-0301 and 17-0464-B-000010 (b) (6) To: (US)(b) (6) (b) (6) Cc: ((b) (6) From: Sweeney, Kevin SES SD Sent: Mon 6/19/2017 9:33:24 PM Subject: (b) (5) Kurta, Anthony M SES OSD OUSD P-R Donnelly, Sally B SES (b) (5) KMS -----Original Message----From: (b) (6) Sent: Monday, June 19, 2017 5:10 PM To: Kurta, Anthony M SES OSD OUSD P-R (US) (b) (6) Cc: (b) (6) (b) (6) Subject: (b) (5) >; Sweeney, Kevin SES SD (b) (6) Donnelly, Sally SES SD (b) (5) -----Original Message----From: Kurta, Anthony M SES OSD OUSD P-R (US) [mailto (b) (6) Sent: Monday, June 19, 2017 5:02 PM To: Sweeney, Kevin SES SD (b) (6) Donnelly, Sally SES SD (b) (6) Subject: (b) (5) CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIED (b) (5) VR/Tony -----Original Message----From: Sweeney, Kevin SES SD (b) (6) Sent: Monday, June 19, 2017 4:54 PM To: (b) (6) Cc: (b) (6) Kurta, Anthony M SES OSD OUSD P-R (US) (b) (6) ; Donnelly, Sally B SES (US) (b) (6) Subject: (b) (5) (b) (5) _____________________________________________ From: (b) (6) Sent: Monday, June 19, 2017 4:11 PM To: Sweeney, Kevin SES SD (b) (6) Cc: (b) (6) Kurta, Anthony M SES OSD OUSD P-R (US) (b) (6) ; Donnelly, Sally SES SD (b) (6) ; (b) (6) Subject: (b) (5) Kevin, DOD-17-0301 and 17-0464-B-000011 (b) (5) . * (b) (5) * * * Best, (b) (6) _____________________________________________ From: Sweeney, Kevin SES SD Sent: Monday, June 19, 2017 1:46 PM To: (b) (6) Cc (b) (6) Kurta, Anthony M SES OSD OUSD P-R (US) (b) (6) Donnelly, Sally SES SD (b) (6) Subject: (b) (5) ok _____________________________________________ From: (b) (6) Sent: Monday, June 19, 2017 1:35 PM To: Sweeney, Kevin SES SD (b) (6) Cc: (b) (6) Kurta, Anthony M SES OSD OUSD P-R (US) (b) (6) Donnelly, Sally SES SD (b) (6) Subject: (b) (5) Kevin, (b) (5) Best, (b) (6) CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIED DOD-17-0301 and 17-0464-B-000012 To: (b) (6) (b) (6) Cc: From: Kurta, Anthony M SES OSD OUSD P-R (US) Sent: Mon 6/19/2017 4:12:49 PM Subject: (b) (5) smime.p7s CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIED rgr -----Original Message----From: (b) (6) Sent: Monday, June 19, 2017 12:11 PM To: (b) (6) Kurta, Anthony M SES OSD OUSD P-R (US) (b) (6) (b) (5) (b) (5) -----Original Message----From: (b) (6) Sent: Monday, June 19, 2017 12:10 PM To: (b) (6) Cc: (b) (6) (b) (6) (b) (5) Kurta, Anthony M SES OSD OUSD P-R (US) (b) (5) > On Jun 19, 2017, at 17:59,(b) (6) > > FYI... > > > -----Original Message----> From: Hay, Jennifer K. EOP/NSC (b) (6) > Sent: Monday, June 19, 2017 11:58 AM > To: (b) (6) > (b) (5) > > (b) (6) > >(b) (5) - wrote: m ? DOD-17-0301 and 17-0464-B-000013 > > Thank you, > Jennifer > > Jennifer K. Hay > Director, Defense Policy & Strategy > National Security Council > Phone: (b) (6) > TSVOIP: (b) (6) > Email: (b) (6) > SIPR: j(b) (6) > JWICS (b) (6) > > > > CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIED DOD-17-0301 and 17-0464-B-000014