DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION U. S. DOT CROSSING INVENTORY FORM OMB No. 2130-0017 FEDERAL RAILROAD ADMINISTRATION Instructions for the initial reporting of the following types of new or previously unreported crossings: For public highway-rail grade crossings, complete the entire inventory Form. For private highway-rail grade crossings, complete the Header, Parts I and II, and the Submission Information section. For public pathway grade crossings (including pedestrian station grade crossings), complete the Header, Parts I and II, and the Submission Information section. For Private pathway grade crossings, complete the Header, Parts I and II, and the Submission Information section. For grade-separated highway-rail or pathway crossings (including pedestrian station crossings), complete the Header, Part I, and the Submission Information section. For changes to existing data, complete the Header, Part I Items 1-3, and the Submission Information section, in addition to the updated data fields. Note: For private crossings only, Part I Item 20 and Part III Item 2.K. are required unless otherwise noted. An asterisk * denotes an optional field. A. Revision Date B. Reporting Agency C. Reason for Update (Select only one) D. DOT Crossing (MM/DD/YYYY) Inventory Number   Transit  Change in  New  Closed  No Train  Quiet ✘ Railroad 09 14 2018 _____/_____/_________ Data Crossing Traffic Zone Update  State  Other  Re-Open  Date  Change in Primary  ✘ Admin. 743688E Change Only Operating RR Correction Part I: Location and Classification Information 1. Primary Operating Railroad 2. State 3. County Union Pacific Railroad Company [UP] TEXAS FORT BEND _____________________________________________________ ________________________________ ____________________________________ 4. City / Municipality 5. Street/Road Name & Block Number 6. Highway Type & No. SOUTH CRAVENS ROAD  ________________________________ __________________ ✘ In MISSOURI CITY TBD  Near __________________________ (Street/Road Name) * (Block Number) _______________________________________ 7. Do Other Railroads Operate a Separate Track at Crossing?  Yes  8. Do Other Railroads Operate Over Your Track at Crossing?  ✘ No ✘ Yes  No If Yes, Specify RR If Yes, Specify RR ATK BNSF KCS ____________, ____________, ____________, _____________ ____________, ____________, ____________, _____________ 9. Railroad Division or Region 10. Railroad Subdivision or District 11. Branch or Line Name 12. RR Milepost 0017.620 _______ ____________ ____________ HOUSTON GLIDDEN SUB  None _______________________  None _______________________  _______________________ (prefix) (nnnn.nnn) (suffix) ✘ None 13. Line Segment 14. Nearest RR Timetable 15. Parent RR (if applicable) 16. Crossing Owner (if applicable) * Station * UP _________________________ __________________________  _____________________________  N/A _________________________________ ✘ N/A 17. Crossing Type 18. Crossing Purpose 19. Crossing Position 20. Public Access 21. Type of Train 22. Average Passenger   (if Private Crossing)   Transit Train Count Per Day ✘ Highway ✘ At Grade ✘ Freight   Pathway, Ped.  RR Under  Yes   Shared Use Transit  ✘ Public ✘ Intercity Passenger ✘ Less Than One Per Day  Private  Station, Ped.  RR Over  No  Commuter  Tourist/Other  Number Per Day_____ 23. Type of Land Use   Farm  Residential  Commercial  Industrial  Institutional  Recreational  RR Yard ✘ Open Space 24. Is there an Adjacent Crossing with a Separate Number? 25. Quiet Zone (FRA provided)  Yes  If Yes, Provide Crossing Number __________________ ✘ No 26. HSR Corridor ID 27. Latitude in decimal degrees __________________ ✘ N/A 30.A. Railroad Use * (WGS84 std: nn.nnnnnnn) 29.6238289 ✘ No   24 Hr  Partial  Chicago Excused 28. Longitude in decimal degrees (WGS84 std: -nnn.nnnnnnn) -95.5262531 31.A. State Use * 30.B. Railroad Use * 31.B. State Use * 30.C. Railroad Use * 31.C. State Use * 30.D. Railroad Use * 31.D. State Use * 32.A. Narrative (Railroad Use) * 32.B. Narrative (State Use) * Date Established _________________ 29. Lat/Long Source  ✘ Actual  Estimated State Phone# updated - date updated: 2018-08-16 33. Emergency Notification Telephone No. (posted) 34. Railroad Contact (Telephone No.) 35. State Contact (Telephone No.) 800-848-8715 _________________________________ 402-544-3721 ______________________________________ 512-416-2635 _________________________________ Part II: Railroad Information 1. Estimated Number of Daily Train Movements 1.A. Total Day Thru Trains 1.B. Total Night Thru Trains 1.C. Total Switching Trains 1.D. Total Transit Trains 1.E. Check if Less Than (6 AM to 6 PM) (6 PM to 6 AM) One Movement Per Day  20 20 0 0 __________ __________ __________ __________ How many trains per week? ______ 2. Year of Train Count Data (YYYY) 3. Speed of Train at Crossing 79 3.A. Maximum Timetable Speed (mph) __________ 2016 30 60 __________ 3.B. Typical Speed Range Over Crossing (mph) From __________ to __________ 4. Type and Count of Tracks 0 0 0 2 Main __________ Siding 0__________ Yard __________ Transit __________ Industry __________ 5. Train Detection (Main Track only)  Constant Warning Time  Motion Detection AFO  PTC  DC  ✘ Other  None 6. Is Track Signaled? 7.A. Event Recorder   Yes  ✘ Yes  No ✘ No FORM FRA F 6180.71 (Rev. 3/15) OMB approval expires 8/31/2019 7.B. Remote Health Monitoring  Yes  ✘ No Page 1 OF 2 U. S. DOT CROSSING INVENTORY FORM A. Revision Date (MM/DD/YYYY) 09/14/2018 1. Are there Signs or Signals?  ✘ Yes  No D. Crossing Inventory Number (7 char.) 743688E PAGE 2 Part III: Highway or Pathway Traffic Control Device Information 2. Types of Passive Traffic Control Devices associated with the Crossing 2.A. Crossbuck Assemblies (count) 0 2.E. Low Ground Clearance Sign (W10-5) 0  Yes (count_______)  ✘ No 2.J. Other MUTCD Signs R15-2P Specify Type _______________ R8-8 Specify Type _______________ Specify Type _______________ 2.B. STOP Signs (R1-1) (count) 0 2.C. YIELD Signs (R1-2) (count) 0 2.F. Pavement Markings  ✘ Stop Lines  ✘ RR Xing Symbols  ✘ Yes  No Count Count Count Dynamic Envelope  None 2.D. Advance Warning Signs (Check all that apply; include count)  None 1   W10-3 ________  W10-11 __________ ✘ W10-1 ________  W10-2 ________  W10-4 ________  W10-12 __________ 2.G. Channelization 2.H. EXEMPT Sign 2.I. ENS Sign (I-13) Devices/Medians (R15-3) Displayed  Yes  ✘ Yes  All Approaches  Median   No ✘ No  One Approach  ✘ None 2.K. Private Crossing Signs (if private) 2 __________ 1 __________ __________ 2.L. LED Enhanced Signs (List types)  Yes  No 3. Types of Train Activated Warning Devices at the Grade Crossing (specify count of each device for all that apply) 3.A. Gate Arms 3.B. Gate Configuration 3.C. Cantilevered (or Bridged) Flashing Light 3.D. Mast Mounted Flashing Lights 2 (count) Structures (count) (count of masts) _________ 1   Full (Barrier) Over Traffic Lane _____  Incandescent  Incandescent  ✘ 2 Quad ✘ LED 2 Roadway _____  3 Quad Resistance   Side Lights ✘ Back Lights Included 0 Pedestrian _____  4 Quad  Median Gates Included Not Over Traffic Lane _____  LED 3.F. Installation Date of Current Active Warning Devices: (MM/YYYY) ______/___________  ✘ Not Required 3.G. Wayside Horn  Yes  ✘ No 4.A. Does nearby Hwy Intersection have Traffic Signals?  ✘ Yes  No 4.B. Hwy Traffic Signal Interconnection  Not Interconnected  For Traffic Signals  For Warning Signs 6 3.H. Highway Traffic Signals Controlling Crossing  Yes  ✘ No Installed on (MM/YYYY) ______/__________ 3.J. Non-Train Active Warning  Flagging/Flagman Manually Operated Signals  Watchman  Floodlighting  None 3.E. Total Count of Flashing Light Pairs 3.I. Bells (count) 2 3.K. Other Flashing Lights or Warning Devices 0 Count ___________ Specify type ______________________ 4.C. Hwy Traffic Signal Preemption 5. Highway Traffic Pre-Signals  Yes  ✘ No  Simultaneous  Advance Storage Distance * ____________ Stop Line Distance * ____________ 6. Highway Monitoring Devices (Check all that apply)  Yes - Photo/Video Recording  Yes – Vehicle Presence Detection  None Part IV: Physical Characteristics 1. Traffic Lanes Crossing Railroad  One-way Traffic 2. Is Roadway/Pathway 3. Does Track Run Down a Street? 4. Is Crossing Illuminated? (Street  Paved? lights within approx. 50 feet from ✘ Two-way Traffic 3 Number of Lanes _______  Divided Traffic   No  Yes  nearest rail)   No ✘ Yes ✘ No ✘ Yes 5. Crossing Surface (on Main Track, multiple types allowed) Installation Date * (MM/YYYY) _______/__________ Width * ______________ Length * _______________  1 Timber  2 Asphalt  3 Asphalt and Timber  ✘ 4 Concrete  5 Concrete and Rubber  6 Rubber  7 Metal  8 Unconsolidated  9 Composite  10 Other (specify) ________________________________________________________ 6. Intersecting Roadway within 500 feet?  ✘ Yes  No 8. Is Commercial Power Available? * 7. Smallest Crossing Angle 75 If Yes, Approximate Distance (feet) _________________  0° – 29°  30° – 59° Part V: Public Highway Information  ✘ 60° - 90°  ✘ Yes  No 1. Highway System 2. Functional Classification of Road at Crossing 3. Is Crossing on State Highway 4. Highway Speed Limit 30  (0) Rural  System? ___________ MPH ✘ (1) Urban  Yes   (1) Interstate    (01) Interstate Highway System ✘ (5) Major Collector ✘ No ✘ Posted  Statutory  (02) Other Nat Hwy System (NHS)  (2) Other Freeways and Expressways 5. Linear Referencing System (LRS Route ID) *   (3) Other Principal Arterial  (6) Minor Collector ✘ (03) Federal AID, Not NHS 6. LRS Milepost *  (08) Non-Federal Aid  (4) Minor Arterial  (7) Local 7. Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT) 8. Estimated Percent Trucks 9. Regularly Used by School Buses? 10. Emergency Services Route 2011 710 03 0 Year _______ AADT _____________ ___________________ %  Yes   Yes  No ✘ No Average Number per Day ___________ Submission Information - This information is used for administrative purposes and is not available on the public website. Submitted by __________________________________ Organization _______________________________________ Phone _______________ Date _____________ Public reporting burden for this information collection is estimated to average 30 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed and completing and reviewing the collection of information. According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, a federal agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to, nor shall a person be subject to a penalty for failure to comply with, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for information collection is 2130-0017. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection, including for reducing this burden to: Information Collection Officer, Federal Railroad Administration, 1200 New Jersey Ave. SE, MS-25 Washington, DC 20590. FORM FRA F 6180.71 (Rev. 3/15) OMB approval expires 8/31/2019 Page 2 OF 2