1. How many times the company Selex/Leonardo visited schools over the last two years? 2. Purpose of Selex/Leonardo Visit(s)? 12 Pupil Project 2 S3 Apprenticeship Event, S1 Routes into Employment 2 Careers Fair 1 Launch employability programme 17 1. How many times the company 2. Purpose of Raytheon Visit(s)? Raytheon viited schools over the last two years? 1 STEM event 1 Careers Fair 1 Careers Fair 13 Drones Project /Numeracy Assembly/Student Placements 5 Raytheon Quadcopter competition 3 Copter challenge 33 2 * Yearly careers fair. 1 * Delivering a session to S5 Skills class. 20-30 * visiting the School with regards to Quadcopter Challenge 6 Quadcopter Competition 2 Careers Education 4 Engineering & Design Competition Support pupils with Engineering Projects for Scottish Engineering leadership Awards 1 70 Quadcopter challenge 1. How many times the company 2. Purpose of Babcock Visit(s)? Babcock visited schools over the last two years? 1 STEM Event 10 Workshops / Goblin car building/Bridge projects 2 Careers Fair 1 Steam workshop 1 To particate in our DYW event 5 STEM links 1 Careers event 1 Build-a-boat challenge 1 Science Festival 2 engineering activities with selected classes (P7) 2 Science project 5 The purpose of the first visit was to create a model of the aircraft carrier as a project. The second visit was a Goliath Crane Challenge. The final visits were related to STEM projects. 2 To be interviewed by children & support with primary engineering activities 1 1 1 World of Work Day - input to pupils. To support P6 Engineering Project Primary Engineer STEM 2 Input to Science Week for pupils 2 STEM Ambasadors Project 2 Yearly careers fair 1 Careers Fair 1 P7 Transition event 2 Careers Education 2 Higher Maths Design project Discuss visit to Dockyard 16 2 visits per week over an 8 week term. Working with pupils on specific projects 2 Employability Fair and as part of the Career Ready Programme 67