I Approved For.e?ase 2003/07/30 ?;o427?i 7_Janeery 1949 ?hc'?onoreble James i. Neh5??_ Director Bureau of the Budget I?achington; R. Dear Mr. wehb:i I.heve just seen the nave d7eratchee about your coming appointment as ?nder Secretary of State, and I ,hesten to offer my nest sincere and_delighted ocngratu? laticna on this appointment, Thc.Centre1 Intelligence Agency and X, personally. are going to mice exceedingly working with You on the'?udgot, but in exchange we shall look forwer? to even more frequent contact with_yon in your new post. .7. - . nor courec, it gong-mthoue saying that anthem is any way that either the grganieatien or I, yersenelly, can be_oF service to you; we shall be aelighted to do so. -A?ain eith'sincereet cengratnietie?s. nest. cordially, Signed dispatched by hand 1/7/49 nR. H. Hillenkcatter Rear Admiral, 033 Eirector of Central Intelli once D: . Distribution: vdIirector Central'Recorde ??ie for Record: 'Reply received, ER 0-3102, 2/1/49: "Thank you - ?eincerely for your note of congratulatlons. lehall do my best to continue to deserve your ccnfidence and am going to count on yo?r help and support, which.I now need more.than ever. With kindest regar?e, 7 FILE: Approved For Release a!