The membership BLACKCRIME, ENC. and BLACKLIVES MATTER in Cuyahaga (Tommy are seeking the resell of Cleveland Mayor Frank: lackson due is ineffective leadership and a lack ofeoecem for Cleveland neighbm?heeds. BEMANBE As erganizations founded on {he principie efloving em" neighbers by demanding better government, we submit the follewing list ef demands the ENTETEES th at we Cuyahega Coeety thmugh their central efthe CCBP endorsement process: EMPLEMENT A ROBUST 103 PROGRAM FOR TEENS ANS ADULTS LOWER PRGPERTY TAXES 0N HOMEOWNERS EARNING LESS THAN $150,600 PER YEAR FUND TO END BULLYING 8a DOMESTEC VIOLENCE COMPLY WETH THE CLEVELANB LEAD SAFE DEMANEIS UEDATED ON DECEMBER 2918 COMPLY WITH THE EEMANDS 013755 COALITION 0F CLEVELANDERS TO CUYAHGGA COUNTY COUNCIL ON DECEMBER 11, 2018 REFORM THE CCDP PROCESS SO THAT COMMUNITY ENTERESTS ARE OVER THE INTERESTS 0F CGRPORATIONS "Wee P??d he?: 3 $5527?? 531 555:5?? Perter Presidem Eeff??lgxge ?residem BLACK BLACK CREME, ENC. BLACK LEVES MATTER in Cuyahoga Ceunty Need ary sebeeribed and swem "lte hefere me by; 53/ 7 3557," 7?72, 57?2- May" {he day of 725/55 2019211 the ceunty of 5 _57" state of My exeires 4/ 5/3751 35 Printed Name 2/7472": Signature of (Circle {me} Clerk Deputy Cl erk: efCeur?ts f_ "7 7" Netaryx 55/57 2% j" 5/ 7735/". Mg?iff?fgfy/ 3:6? 85% 3? 1&3 1? g; 533531.58 emee {35-555} 5e Geyehege 3. My "?eezm Em q;