Haiku; A splendld home. just bullt never been . Lo?r is oust. I) .- 12. LOT by 129. racing on Luke Shore avenue. a mention: that r. Diul?em Ola?Order nor to $1000 Worth of turn Lure or my noun-urn 100 tee: wide. Gruhd-?usenue car. line passes door .. sp?elsi electric tires. exlde batteries, blur! pour-ls: blue I: owrlolh kind or ale-2591;? It will by will?; tron: entire Twelve minm?ec from center a: ?Daklan?. Street wo ark. cement . Jote'rlor: Ilued grill: 'eieet trio Idoule light chm-r. x'nlrror. ?Bloch Emotion: opportunity {or newly married coup! on or for v' ?walk, sewer, water, was. electricity and telephone wall W1 31wa? mulls or lodges lhat wish to Ilt up built up 82.500 I AUTOMOBIL 11:5 OAR-v?l?oru d-no'r: 1911 model; ore-passenzer torturous- FURNISK HOUSE CLUO ?01! l: E: . 3' ".100:an car: {on} horn-power tumor: gull-Mire gear: throe wet-all kind x3 ?gulluiimh 'd in. Court In .sv'ronon'i'?'?: I'l 'v'rii?; a or dedmaia. 2:323:53?? n'lnuo'l'Kgl-lo'geeml m?umc: -. LE -?-Lot eet wrap a II 11 . our" LOT (Egg (Jam. {Neal-w. HY: mlnutes 306') ?91.50015?? uplluliel'w army-55mg? cal; {?lly Io twenty-horia- porter: .5033?? ?S?Dfirlunltr? tor newly married couples or. to: dog: 5"8 station sad or minutes from ear "dew Street irorE. . when"! louse, nine b" 3h ?9 amen; walks and cur?. sewn: Inter. Pit. rive-toot all? of: . 1?0? 11" - HOUSE OB Set (mung: I . one ulde. which ~xres lt client .0: corner . . c.1000 75361364)? Chum-ling Bay-cater I {69:33 31kg. ?:92?1eonmas Elf ?m l; . . 22:53 315mg}? ?oral: ?335.32: 8:221:33; Bose 3:33-Aaww 3m: .3. . {who curved vexiu in: ?lial electric . main; stone pull: to $600 Dlning'igoom Snot. ounnemawed oak. Early Enzllih ?nlih? l1 . my; ?fteen miles to Oakland; Ali-on S. P. lunchi Idea. IN SAN pieces?Extension T-ble. sideboltd. China hack. cation. l-?rnnquono gutted on three-yxgr-uid- block. oval out r9616. omega nvmue. "at eight Chairs covered in genuine leather. l'nlue \alue ?47 ?In" (our . ??ue (?newt upenuci Ogeglock- than nrenue 1nd Mansion HOUSE .. . - um: cars- Sp; 2; .. .ot?l no 600 Dresser. er I: . . 1?0" . 5. Lore?sax ?anuol ?cone. hes? Dining-room Set. . 8p mm. solid oak: Extension Table. swam-m 1.01? 1- - 1w ween Lake-rich: and Grafton avenues Three blocks from street 4nd 6 Chain. \alue Puller Set. ?lid wlho?almii PLm?v . i; ldlme ugiogsn ?:13 i2:- 35 minutes [rum Kearny end Marker. liar-inc ?rig. . Value P226 ..-.. Value - 1:500 ?Gnu" ?1 *0 5 Blot-k 13 -. runxr'runn? an 3.1? gar?2mm from in:- . center or Oakland. on car line. Sung: nos-ll. . . Vernon 'ereet' between p0" rted Gong? nmcanh?'gholxt?gdm in Prengh OWIU- The grinigint walling? lilet??l'. gas. electricity Ind 18223756 81500 Gar?eld. Inull Shield streets. Size :23 by 100. Supegb riewloveri . camps?; or seven ccomma the Merl-ed and one?. Four blocks 2,0 oules'an an: - . . . ?Jame $500 FURNISH BO USE. CLUB 0R . . 1 OT 1N FRASCISCO GYB DE?ln mn' Laud Asso- or nrde?r sure for turning? ol'uanIyIstlgid I'.Trnet. on Surgent street. near ltalstou street?'an '0 en re - 3 avenue, close to Lincoln way: 400 feet from Golden Gate Park 6 0: IBM Value $500 A .?xcelleuz opportunity (or 2:?wa married couple: or tar clubs or and car ll.ne Size. 25 by 120. Stone milk; sure: grade-JV 31ml the City land ASRO- lodges that wish to up water I323 {?3115 . 5163.101: Tufts at 2.18.0051101? of Sh?eids 2:341! Raulzell grain? at: by . ParlorsQSet. 3?50ng 001k Bi?ng-zgom geethe coronal Value 3500 rlxteen pieces . .. Valn no .3500 0? RUSSIAN RIVER. FURK on store for moiMeme. Al street viork . L01. 0) I .. :ione': eemifl'tt ?$2235: ?5:00 Iwu'u'a'r liming. Lot 21 'or Block E. the Summer ?ami- Part. in the heart V4513 03-?0 tobe selected It lell .by winner from com. ntock. .50 Ther gunning on street lo cemer Oakland. Size 50 b: . of the Redwood belt or Sonouia county: near llilton 5500 . . - . Value 3194.. (LOTS 13' MILL 1.1m I - SET-dame as ale. I825. Lo'i's 13' sex cuul'os PARK . 4 near me on mu in center at mu sm?Oraer o?n store for u! din- w" Five minutes Iron: station Sewer and water Lot cm in;- rooImI net up to to be selected will from entire stock. . CARLOS thm? daFi?lgedmm'ggehzucirl?l: mund'n'riecr at whole \nlley. and is' cmered with he?; growth of . . . 335? ?Eschec?gcuy. Katrina! perk. red-road,- midrone. lunrelI' and hey $850 .250 minutes trout Value ?-Snliue u' ?lore Yulu: 3550- BROOM SET?~0rder on store tor In: y?oedroom I CARLOS air now; ?butane :13? Lo'rs 11v MONTARA - 335? 13? Same" b! ?in" mm 6.5.. CARLOS 88 L0 can: street ne?f Turn. blocks - 1.01? IN ?013 u?l-?l?ovlvui H.211 and Postot?Ce; thousand feet from 0653;" Ins .259 Lon-in?rm uses 1?4" ABE 43. Size 50 by 120. \?e?ar Easter: station on Southern Paci?c and LOT MOVT ?R1~Same loc'ntlou as more. 1.0: 5 o: Block ?3 . KN latest design. Separnte melody ind electric line to San Francisco. Cement sidewalks. Street Work Size 47 6 by! 43 1500 h: amour without skiuml Value 31.97: id?mc- in? ??95 13m" . s'abow?f' ?3 .35 flinch: GRAXD ?13,05 . . 3, Lo'r SAN MATEO . - . . ?3 ,anuvn ?no?Lem). a teen- 0 inches- mnhn?'ne'y cn'e. . .. six Mi?I?EO?l'xot . 9. Block 30. 16. machining.- LOT E?erbax?na?fPaus Grand 9 I t. Ostreer. two lots from the corner-o en roe one ?ear 2 You on - Cong?enlfrut is 5:35:33, 3 bloc]: from the main line ot the Southern . on Ocem Shore. (in 845ch avenue. nem- Bro)phy avenue. Lot 8 'B'Utm? instrument: in ?nest" San Domingo: {3:12 31.000 pucmc and less a. block 1mm Ithtj reserved plus Va luo 81.000 0! Blo?ck oiinmontes Tract. Size 150 $Lori?s n. 311101131051) .I. - pi ANO-PLA THIS I Hn'w'thorne ?cane new?; Wm, mg RIChmond mote player. In rich' mono any cue: ?mag; :50. . sue . 33-33333n'nd Standard Oil Works? glue '45. ggk?mmtceligzwe of ?ght '4 the Em?rlr: Tract. 30 by 105, on California . UPRIGHT GRAND PIANOS ?fth avenue; near 1? stree}. Faces ocean at: elevation at 140 te'et: street. small street: In mrnutes to car line. 3 style; mebos'any C82: '4 fee: . ?Java to grade: size 25:120. Street graded and mlcn?damlzed:ce- . . .Jalue 8350 . 9 inch size; ?nish in bms: base Erin?s: bee: Americ'xn tun: sidewalks, sewer. Iqu wnt?: mains-dam: two blochs?grlegn .1 . FOUR LOT . actigp. Value .500 - 3 "car liueF 8 FOUR Wieueke Addltion.1'.ota 19 29 HT RA. D??Same as 1 3590 - . $22 9131?; 1, ?393?? I quod?Ug?gc??r danish? D?Speclsl art style tr: largerslfe; tr 1miuu es ire an mac 0 on can ore eectrc ase gain (2 veneer . it: $500 . . system is Itlns zlled IV am. ?no ls above..- E?nlae mo Lon?R 3.1..le No. 35.2810c'k 2'20; a. mango "mln- . 5 1? SALAD-1 BEACH onolv?vocnnmox utes from Fourteenth streets,. mentv-nve minutes So. 5; Block 36. 85. Forty-nu substitute for on?. 'Qunlityin'i r?r ihe systern via. Ocean Shore. ,plpes-31:gnlilcent Instrument for church or muslc room: oak one. .are .5 a men l. . 0 I80. . .. full." . . - . .rla. Ocean Sh'ore Block No: 30. Forty-?re ?4 - .. ALFMOON Mich? Near Kelly-um minutes ?Om ??510" ?new ?lent-V4"? minutes CHAPEL?Excellent instrument. Fine tone. ml: station of Ovean Shore. Ocean boulevard near Clara o'e- ?3501' the new e?t??l?lc Comlnutution [are 35 erISth Agustic. bronze ?nish. Sixteen 5mg; v.35. 3235 nue. hot 8 or Bra-n 2, Francis Bench, Sixe 50 by "3750 till Ocean Share . um. anon mum . - .. morgim: .. HE . CiTYA?Fr'on?ta'ge or 123.36 feel; Six block?s fng?IoXAqu-Etee? ?fg??g?g?fu?dg?ggz fift'f .401 pieces in solid out two- drove: case oil use gm cm Shore station. _Wlthin easvreach or clty by Orcean Rp?cent ?ew . 1? s'l'mre ORaIllrond -, m. 325. a - 01.3.5 . . LOT 1""2 INVERVESS - polished ?use?; 1.01113 RICHMOND Tomales bay. The Sportsman's Pauline: 35 . . top measuring 29 by 46 inches Fill?: SPICE to: 180 double-disk 0 I. the Emerlc Tang-'10 by 105 each on mlSes?two hairy?tron: San Francisco.._ . Value 4300 records or 350 ?elpc?ong, Dainty am!" Value 82 (gurgliioitreet In rear. .Five minutes to car'vliiz: 0:5 RUSSIAN m? ER. 13 um" 21m: Ix nIu', cg"? 335:: 5? It}: 1-0- One mile? 3? . BAY row on urg. rcu an ac ass 5 mg. quor restrictions. . Bork?0n bro-d; sandy beach; xem muf?egu. PureI-prins water hired over tract? Good streets Value ?V?gdfl?gguimflugwgg - gtIaItlon on Ocean Shore. avenue. 'nenr Balboa. boulevard. FIVE LOTS Al? trimmings. With ten Victo: Record Albums. Ext? hen-y motor. 1? 50 by 150- Lot 11- Of 310* 10: MIlramontes $600 17va Santi cm. mounmng. ion. gonna! .- ?lm. 8200 RALCH 1'1: SANTA. ROSA . plum: Tau) ?59 ?5 lame 3:00 luncn?muvxu ROSA Wiltred on ionhwestem LOT 1? LOT 0" RIVER Tar all. ?an; miles gram 3, Fund ,0 10 in?: Lo-r )totlvrAIN Mountain llew nvenue b'etw 0T RUSSIAN Rn BR lot at Camp Rose 50 hr 120 i: {'"lue ride {rem Santa Ross. Land level and rich. Abundant water. Mercy ?2'1 5110' streets. and water mains laid. Ready etmrn black bass ?shing. Liqum- . 8600 .. to build garo atr'ictlons. Pure spring water piped over tract. Good streets..\alu. 315? All'l?ououluss ELECTRIC Au'rouonlLP?l?mouz Baler type. wages; slutt- drlre, two 1735590395. electric side owl (all lights. Palmer-?neon rpnxolsoo o?noxtcr.n.' INCLUDING A I LOT IN 3143033711, . 1911Pools? brunt: T0 Foams}; FLAT, HOUSE. onus on IORD ~occupled tw'o stones and basement hardwood ?nish, electric ?xtures and th'mughout, modern house-heating apparatus, .cpen ?replaces, yard front and back. The house is built on a lot 33 feet 4 inches by 120 Iand 40-100 feet, and faces on Parker avenue; Clement-str et cars pass the door; one block from Califor- Ilia-street cars; two. hlooks from Sacramento?street cars; one hlock from (Scary-street cars. . FOR YEAR INCOME 0? $156 As FOR ONE YE t?w?ow to 'lve a. year {or to pay your rent. fuel. grocery and men nmu without an}. ext-rrlon. Ho'w Io mar-mule the high cost of the ?rst of evtry month (or I?Welre consecutite nionihu (allowing the .xnuouocenxent or the winner he or she will rot-rive tel: from ??hronlclef? for $150 .l'nluo 51,80. Or? 37.. A MONTH F036 use Fin?now n. no? a . year for nothing. How to pay rent. fuel granary and moist bills ullhout no: exertion. ?ow to overcome the high will: or living. On the ?rst of every month to: Iwel~e months follow-in" ,1 'the anaemia-meat or the winner he or she will receive a rhectz tram the ?Chronicle? [or .. Value . DIAMOND .DLLHOKD -llre diamonds mounted in pintlnum etoe. the ?nite hcluz two lac-hes in diameter each way. NECKLACE diamonds net in with Mom. termed of two rows 0! diamonds teswoncxl on thalns of \Iv'aluo 6 CHEST 0F SILVER. CHEST STERLING SILVER FORKS SPOOSBS Miles ry hund- hammered: 58 pieces ln sol'tl oak CUT CRY PUNCH BOVIL CUT PUNCH bowl. cameo cut in late?? butter?y and daisy pattern. with twelve punch glasses to match and silver mounted Value CHEST 0F SILVER CHEST SILVER FORKS 59095.: cm; Edzcnood pattern. in solid oak chest Value . TRIP TO 5'5? YORK PERSONS TO YORK Three weeks? trip to New York and return for 'Wo verso? of seven dug: in 's'ew York. one in Chicago and one I: Sincere Falls. ville}: includes fare and Pullmah berths both ways ?nn? libel-d a'lownnee for mails. hotel accommodations and incl? (loofah; to the total mine at . . ?1'an T0 HONOLULU PERSOVS 'l'O LU AND \?lneteen days' trip to Honolulu and return for um DCMM per- mitting or seven. days in Honolulu which includes fare both ways and liberal allowance .0: meals. hotel accommodations and inci- I ?lentils to the total value ?7 'rmve? T0 'ruu'rr PERSONS TO ?I?A?l?l?l AND . wee ks' trip to Tehitl and return- for two persons. permitting at 3 {our in includes tare both ways and llbet-a: allowance ?or meals. hotel accommodations and lucidentals to the total Ynlue or L. $315 . LOT ix FAIRFAX TERRACE. Marin manly may minutes Iron: ISau Francisco by ferry Protected from Lots surveyed. . Ha g. C118 8195' tons and wind. Water mains laid streets graded- Lat Size .5 by \?Ialue ?so - TROUT OUTFIT. . TROUT and not quality. including rod. tapered i'ue, single- action reel. leather- bound rattan basket, hand-carved {23! book two dozL-n tiles. leader bot.? landing net. sole leather rod case Imported wading boots, tailor-made outing Ynius 3150 LIFE LIFE GA LAGHER-M ARSH BUSINESS CO scholarship with tLe Institution 5 marantce as an expert ln shorthand. Also gmnatecs position at conclilalou or caurse? Value $113 SCHOLAR HIPS 81:30 '9 8150 1 in and commercial trai ng. extcadia? oIer perk-Ill of fourteen . 314i) SCHOLARSHIP TERXATIOX AL CORRESPO) DEV CE . tuition for course Va 1..- 8100 ATION AL - us abort: no 3100 ck BUSINESS ..GE??Free tultlnu tor com-s an? m, ck. MARSH BUSINESS COL: LEGE?same as labor alue .90 course in atenography. extending over period of. eight. months \Ileue 890 BUSINESS c'ciur?sa in commercial training. extending over period of eight months- 's'nlue 390 3 A FAMILY ROTARY-11: quarter- gaged? zgden. oak. automatic lift.-nlckel-platerl ?ttings. hanging .5. no?runY?Same as ?will .5. CH. NEW HOME ROTARl?Shuttle: auto. .. 423H: as. above Vain! $80 including Gold Watches- Diamond Pins, Cameras. Sewing e; more 9 ?3 will be given in :ddition to the list nbo.e. Machines. Scholarships, Books. eta, Any person?411.111 or. woman, married or single, girl or boy- residing in the territory in WhiCh The San FranciSco ?Chronicle? circulates is eligible to enter the Contest. The contest manager reserves the nIght to reject any nomina- tions. .- . Vote. certi?cates will he issued on new and renewal paid-in- advancp to The Sun Frimtisco ?Chromele.? A coupon will be pubhshed in The San Francisco ?Chronicle,? whiCh, When neatly cut out, name ?lled in, and brought or- mailed to the? Contest Department within {we weeks, will count as votes. Then let all yetir friends know you ate in the contest, and request them to save their votes for you. . Candidates may nominate themselves or may be nominated by their friends. No employ: or. Imember of ern'ploye? 5 family of The ?Chronicle? can enter Ithe contest. . All vo'tc ballots issued on subscriptions are good until the end of the contest. . Vcltes are not transferable. Votes will be alloWed on subscriptions secured anywhere in The ?rst thing to do is to enter your name as a candidate. .Thcn either call, write or phone to the Contest Department . Room 316, Chronicle Budding, for a receipt book and blanks with which to secure subscriptions. the United States, Canada, Mexico, etc. The, votes will be counted and canvassed by a committee of prominent citizens. who will decide the winners and award the prizes. . nation blank is good for a . collecting Dally Coupons as well as secure you many paid~in~advanco Then secure new and renewal paid?lnLa?v'anco subscriptions. Enlist subscriptionsyour-- friends and nelghbors. Use your telephox'ze, Let everyone know tl- .at you are a candidate, before they promise their help to a. more Should your father. brother mother. sisters or friends belong to any enterprising mndidate. A Send In Yojur ?NominatiOn You will ?nd a. nominatlcn bl'anlr. pninied on another page. The nomi- Be famb'tions and determined to. win. It you have friends you cannot Ask You Friends to Help You members khow that you expect. their help. It will be freely given it you only ask before it is given to some other candidate. NOW Dont forget that the children can do the most ezectlve work in '000 votes, ?which grves you a. ?ne start. . organization. get them to secure the votes and assistance or the members of. the organization. 6 see at once, write then). Th Do n3: let a. day' pass Eighont seem-1gp: same and votes. 4 - stea persistent War 5 what 1" ma. you the tuner 01 a. val? r6630? 'chA i$m?n$5m?sg name-prize. Keeping everlastingly at it alwa?vs clings success. .1 Anyone any'where" can vote for any candidate. Candidates can secure Call or said to Degra'rtmem; Balm: 31g; Building: ?7?05 and subscriptions anYWhem- {or a. receipt 00k. 9. cutest anager :gleas'ler to as}: questions than to con-cot. mistakes. Do not heslta so that ha= can explain anything you do not understand- Telephone or to 1 0e aegis? him it 17911 mane. call Inna a representative 1 give you full to ans. no 00.. test Lana, is at Room 316 Chronicle Building. A Secure every' Daily Vote Coupon possible. But. work for the votes TELEPHONE KEARNY 104.1. iIssued for subscriptions. They count the mast. - x; - Vote "Value". of Subsc?ptiol?ls The San Promise-.0 ?Chroni?le? 'Ithrmation Coupon To: . CONTEST MANAGER 3 THE SAN FRANCISCO, CAL Please 1cm] me deh?ea information concerning THE Thu-g: Month. Six Haiti: One ?Yen!- -.. - . . Two Yem Jive fem -.--.--.s Starts Monday,March 20th, and Ends Bunker Hill Day, Saturday, June 1 7th" 1n? m.?m i< 7 1 4 I and the method to be pursued to one of 11-: Ian-)- valuable prlm. . 1 3' . . FOR 5000 VOTES Vote-W 9: Vote: on men by :r'?ce ADDRESS Renew-l Carrier . by Subscription. or \Ixelt. gran. no. . gr . PIPODHE Inga? not ?.59 . . . . ?.00 $8.(CUT OUT SEND TO THE 13,900 moon $27.00 155.00 .45. 340.00 (CUT THIS OUT) ukrum and General informatlon Concerning the COnteSt In case of a tn: the prize will be divided between the con- testants tying, . - Any may arise will be settled The ?Chron- 1C1c,?and its decisions will be absolute and ?nal. The Mgmager reserves the right to alter the rules and regulations during the contest and add additional prizes. In case of a ?ypographlcal error, it is understood that The ?Chronicle? shall not be held responsible, except to make the necessary correction on discovery of the same Winners of prizes Who receive orders for- merchandise met? chants must use the same within?hitty days after the close of the contest, or the orders will become void and the ?Chronicle? re- leased from all obligations connected therewith- OMINATION PRIZES $350 FURNITURE ORDER For the,vcr50n who sIends in the name of the contestant polling the largest number 01 votes. $80 SEWING MACHINE For the person who sends in the name or the contestant polling the second largest number of votes. $50 CAMERA For the person Who sends in the name of the contestant polling the third largest, number of votes. Contestants May Nominate Themselves- The Award of Priz?s The person? securing the largest number of votes in the contest will have the ?rst choice or any of. the plizes offered. The person securing the second largest number of votes in the contest will have the se'cond choice 0! any of the prizes offered- The person securing the third largest numher of.? :otes in the contest will have the third choice 0: any of the prizes offered and so on down the line until all. the. prizes ave been awarded. . Remember, the contest is STRICTLY and is open to my person, man or woman, married or single. boy or girl in the United States- 1 . Nominate a Candidate . AND WINI NOMINATION PRIZE. The ?Chronicle?s Great Contest ADDRESS . PHONE No. smzs'zn worms: Only the First Scull-Hon Gas: to: Each Wm 00:3! I500. Votes. Kane: 0! persons n-kl-g nominations will not he ?1?le (CUT THIS OUT) -w\w