NAB Form PB-18 Candidates AGREEMENT FORM FOR ECLITECAL CANDIDATE ADVERTISEMENTS (check applicable box) FEDERAL CANDIDATE CANDIDATE To Avail Themselves Of The Lowest Unit Charge During A Political Window, Federal Candidates Must Sign The Certification On Page 3 Station and Location: Honm- HFJI- Tl/ 30le . mo Date: (lb-lg I, American Media Advocacy Group beingkm behalfof: Josh Hawley for Senate/N RSC a legally qualified candidate of the Republican political party for the of?ce of: senate inthe General Election election to be held on: November 6th, 2018 do hereby request station time as follows: Broadcast Length Time of Day. Rotation or Package Days Class Times per Week Number of Weeks See Schedule See Schedule See Schedule See Schedule See Schedule See Schedule Attach proposed schedule with charges "(if available): Copyright 2013 by the National Association of Broadcasters. May not be copied, reproduced or further distributed 1 NAB Form PB-18 Candidates represent that the payment for the above described broadcast time has been furnished by: American Media Advocacy Group and you are authorized to announce the time as paid for by such person or entity. represent that this person or entity is either a legally quali?ed candidate or an authorized committee/organization of the legally quali?ed candidate. The name of the treasurer of the candidate?s authorized committee is: Salvatore Purpura This station has disclosed to me its political advertising policies, including: applicable classes and rates; and discount, promotional and other sales practices (not applicable to federal candidates). DOES NQT QISCRIMINATE OR 9N THE BASES 0F RACE 0R ETHMCITY THE PLACEMENT OF To Be Signed By Candidate or i 22/ thorized Committee Date Signature To Be Signed By Station Representative )JAccepted El Accepted in Part Rejected Gnu JIM A/dson mm ?for Signature Printed Name Title Copyright 2013 by the National Association of Broadcasters. May not be copied. reproduced or further distributed 2 NAB Form PB-18 Candidates FEDERAL CANDIDATE CERTIFICATION i tn Order For Federal Candidates Te Receive The Leweet Unit Charge Duriag A. Pelitical Window, The Following Certification Is Required: American Media Advocacy Group- (name of federal candidate or authorized committee) hereby certify that the programming to be broadcast (in whole or in part) pursuant to this agreement: - Commer' El does Mdoes not Qurrent 9N refer to an opposing candidate (check applicable box). I further certify that for the programming that does refer to an Opposing candidate: (check applicable box) El the radio programming contains a personal audio statement by the candidate that identi?es the candidate, the office being sought, and that the candidate has approved the broadcast. the television programming contains a clearly identifiable photograph or similar image of the candidate for a duration of at least four seconds, and a simultaneously displayed printed statement identifying the candidate, that the candidate approved the broadcast, and that the candidate and/or the candidate?s authorized committee paid for the broadcast. fliw?i )4 if?! I signature of candidate or aifthorized committee (3 5% printed name date Copyright 2013 by the National Association of Broadcasters. May not be copied, reproduced or further distributed 3 NAB Form PB-18 Candidates AGREED UPON SCHEDULE BE IN QNLY iF DOES NOT ACCEPT ALL OF CANDIDATES REQUEST) Time of Day, Broadcast . Times per Number of Rotation or Days Class . Length Package Week . Weeks Attach proposed schedule with charges (if availabie? AFTER AIRING OF BROADCASTS: Attach invoices or Schedule Run Summary to this Form showing: 1) actual air time and charges for each spot; 2) the date(s), exact time(s) and reason(s) for if any; and 3) the amount of rebates given (identify exact date, time, class of broadcast and dollar amount for each rebate), if any. Note; Because the FCC requires that the political file contain the actuai times the spots air and the rates charged, that information shouid be inciuded in the ?le as soon as possible. if that information is only generated the fits shoaid inctude the name of a contact person who can provide the times that specific Spots aired and the rates charged. The oniine political ?ies include a foider for ?Tame and Biscicsures.? NAB suggests that, for stations subject to the online public file rule, the names of contact persoais) he placed in that folder. Copyright 2013 by the National Association of Broadcasters. May not be copied, reproduced or further distributed 4