Cover Sheet for lnformoni Report (Rev. 9-30?69Date prepared 7/5/72 Date received Received?frorn (name or symbol Humbert Received by 7. 7/3/72 ME 338wE" A SA.HOWELL S.-LOWE Method of delivery (Check appropriate blocks) [21] in person by telephone [3 by-mail orally. recording device written by Informant if orally furnished and reduced to writing by Agent: . . - Date of Report Date . - Dummd 7/5/72 m- Dictaphone" 7/3/72' . - Date(s) of activity Thmm?mm 1/5/72 _v ?i i: . 6/26 - 7/3/72 Authenticated . by Informant Brief description of activity or material General information regarding Black Arcade, Black Panther Party, and YWLL at Memphis. Fiiewhere originalis located ifnot'attacbed 170-70- Sub DESIGNATED BY AN ASTERI SK ONLY ATTENDED A MEETING AND DID NOT ACTIVELY VIOLENCE OR REVOLU TIONARY AC WERE NOT DISCUSSED. - - Information recorded on a card index by on date Remarks: Information contained in attached report has been disseminated orally to Lt. E. H. ARKIN, Intelligence Unit, Memphis, Tenn. . a 170?70? Sub - .. i Knoxville (BPP) 66- 1687 Sub A - 100- ALLEN) - 100~6092 (CHARLES WILLIAM MCELROY) ?.157?1173 (CREE MCKENZIE) - 157-1205 (BPP) 157?2455 (TYRONE 157~2613 r.157?1626 (JOHN C. SMITH) 157-957 (JOHN B, SMITH) _7 --100?4528 (CHARLES CABBAGE) ?.157-1326 (RICHARD HOUSE) 157?1823 (JAMES.BEVEL) . - 157-2112 mm$Sme . .. Igigg??i?f 7 . SEARCHED morxeoJUL 61972 - lie/ix I RH 3491 Page 15 Memphis, Tennessee July 3, 1972 source advised that as instructed he contacted the Chandler Wrecking Company, 1223 North Watkins, and obtained the information that MARK ALLEN is employed by the Chandler Wrecking Company as a driver of a truck. The only information contained on file regarding MARK ALLEN was that he resides at 1780 Edwards and has Social Security Number --. source advised that he contacted a friend of his at Southerwestern per instructions and he determined that CHARLES WILLIAM is a student at Southwestern and resides at 34 south McLean, having Zip Code 38104. Records of Southwestern University reflect that CHARLES WILLIAM parents are Mr. and Mrs. BILLY MCELROY, 110 East Frazier Street, Camden, Tennessee, Zip Code 38320. Source advised that be contacted Mrs. CREE MCKENZIE, the mother of OREE 362 West Essex Street, and she advised the informant that CREE MCKENZIE is now working in Atlanta, Georgia, place unknown, but that he received permission from his probation officer at 170 North Main street to travel to Atlanta to take the job which was offered to him. Source advised that the three members of the Chattanooga, Tennessee, Black Panther Party who were in Memphis have departed; that they were driving a Volkswagen bus, white over blue, bearing Tennessee license 4410684. He stated that these Chattanooga Black Panther Party members left Memphis on Tuesday, June 27, 1972, returning to Chattanooga. Source advised that TYRONE is presently working for an unknown concern in Detroit, Michigan; that he was told by other members of the Black Panther Party to get out of town JOHN CHARLES SMITH and JANICE PAYNE con acte TYR NE and told him that he must leave town. Source received a letter without a return address from TYRONE MCNAIRY in the last week in June 1972, and TYRONE stated that he was working for a concernin Detroit, Michigan, and did not intend to return to Memphis. 349) 'naamfisi'msni Page 16 NH 3491 .. . FOIAIBIIEI .- I . -. . - Source advised that JOHN C. SMITH and JANICE are bot_h running for the Democratic Executive Cemmittee of the Shelby County Democratic Club. Source stated that CHARLES CABBAGE is not making any money at his cafe, but he continues to hold meetings with old members of the Invader organization, including - JOHN SMITH, EMMET HOUSE and RICHARD NEALY. Source stated that EMMET HOUSE is a concern of CABBAGE and JOHN I I Source stated that JAMES BEVEL continues his program of attempting to get Negroes to return to thefarm and that the Black Arcade has this as its primary function, an effort to get Negroes to return to farming. Source stated that JAMES BEVEL makes a living by preaching on Sundays at a different Baptist church for which he receives a somcalled ?love offering" which amounts to hbetween $100 and. $130 to $140 a week. Source stated that to his knowledge this is JAMES only source of income. Source stated that JANICE PAYNE he is reCeived a considerable amount of donations and is definitely planning to attend the Democratic National convention in Miami, Florida. . . . Page 1? [cove, ~heet for Informant Report or Mo · F0-30f;'(Rev. 9-3().69) • 9) .~I ., Date prepared 11/12/75 Date received Received from (name or symbol number/ 11/5/75 Received by ME 338-E SA HOWELL S. LOWE Method of dellvery (check appropriate blocks/ [xi in person D by telephone Gil orally Oby mail D recording device D written by Informant Date of Report If orally furnished and reduced to writing by Agent: Date -- Dictated 11L5l75 to d1ctabeJt/pJc Transcribed First week of November, 1975 uf L1. r- Authenticated '-1 by Informant Brief description of activity or material General information 11 /5/75 .. ~Date(s) ,of~octi:v.ity re AAPRP File where original is located ifnot attached R'Cf 3 170-70 Sub I • INDIVIDUALS DESIGNATED BY AN ASTERISK<*> ONLY ATTENDED A MEETING AND DID NOT ACTIVELY PARTICIPATE. VIOLENCE OR REVOLUTIONARY ACTIVITIES WERE NOT DISCUSSED. · D ,Infonnat-ion,r.ecorded, on.a.card , . . Remarks: . -- 170-70-Sub 157-3589 (AAPRP) (DORIS LEWIS) . -- 157-3593 157-2537 . (ROBERT ROACH) (MELVIN SMITH) -- 157-1230 157-1783 (JOHN BOWEN) - 157-2864 (CHARLES TEAMER) 1 - 157-1351 (MAURICE LEWIS) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ~1 1 1 1 1 157-1205 100-6085 157-2983 157-1626 157-2613 100-5823 1 157-2493 HSL: plc (15) - (BPP) (MARK ALLEN) (BELVA HORNE) (JOHN c. SMITH) (JAMES PAYNE) (ODELLA GRIFFIN) . (RNA) . '·, Block Stamp , l :"'\ r I - I J£)4... - l'/lt'/ rt' ... SV.IICHCO · iriOt~to NOV .~3 1975 . . r. FSI • MEMPHIS _ '-;:t"lll.A tu NW 8491 Docid:59168375 Page 102 l SERIAL~ IIDV .• e Memphis, Tennessee November 5, 1975. Source advised that the AAPRP, through the Black Student Association (BSA) at Memphis State Univ -. ?rsity (MSU), is sponsoring a black awareness w,3 ek at prin,arily . MSU, that this black awar,:mess week is ·primarily b~ing sponsored by the #1 study group of the AARPR, which intludes the following persons: DORIS LEWIS ROBERT ROACH MELVIN SMITH JOHN BOWEN CHARLES TEAMER According to source, ROBERT BROWN, one of the national leaders of the AAPRP is in town and is holding a series of speeches at various colleges and universities speaking on Pan-Africanism. Source advised that on Tuesday, November 4, 1975, Bob Brown spoke at Shelby State Community College and at Christian Brothers College, Wednesda_y, h.e $,poke at Southwestern, - Wednesday ·night·, ·he spoke at the University of Tennessee at Martin am on Friday, November 7, 1975, he is to speak before the· entire membership of the AAPRP at the residence of CHARLES TEAMER. Friday, Bob Brown is to be the rr~in speaker at MSU and another of the main speakers is a SAM GREENLEE (phonetic), from South Carolina, a me;nber of the natio.nal off ice of th3 AAPRP. . Source ad"ised that Maurice Lewis cf the BPP is working with Mike Honey of the CPUS A, but that Maurice Lewis will not join th~ CPUSA and has stat ,~d that the BPP at Me,nphis, Tennessee, will work closely with the CPUSA in forming any type of a major progressive organization. Source advised that Mark Allen told source that Allen was voted in as a CPUSA member and _ is now a fullfleciged me111ber of the Harriet Tubman CPUSA club at Men1phis. Source advised that . Maurice Lewis and Belva Horne have :~a new address, 1740 ·Brown Street, and that John Charles S111i th and Janice Payne have spent all of their time working in the -Otis Higgs . ca mpaign and hqpe tri .receive money for their efforts. NW 8491 t··· ·~- Docld : 59168375 . -·' . . -__., , Page 103 ,1i ..... e .-- • Source stated he was contacted by Odella Griffin, who advised thlt there will be a R~public of New Africa meeting in Jacks~n, Mississippi, in the early part of Nove111ber, but that the only people from the Mernph is area who in.t end "to attend this meeting are the Ajunka family, whJ are presently in North Carolina . ... NW 8491 Docld:59168375 Page 104