United States Depar tment of State Washington, D.C. 20520 July 27, 2018 Case No .: Segments: F-2017 -17815 SES-000 1, SES-0002 Sara Creighton American Oversight 1030 15th Street NW, B255 Washington, DC 20005 Dear Ms . Creighton: In response Information documents. full and six to your client's request dated November 27, 2017, under of the Freedom of Act (the "FOIA"), 5 U .S.C. § 552, the Department has located eight responsive Afte r reviewing these doc{iments, we have determined that two may be released in may be released in part. An enclosure explains the FOIA exemptions and other grounds for withholding material. Where we have made excisions, the applicab le exemptions are marked on each document. All nonexempt material that is reasonably segregable from the exempt materia l has been released, and is enclosed . We will keep you informed as your case progresses . If you have any questions, you may contact Assistan t Uni ted Sta tes Attorney Joshua Kolsky at Joshua.Kolsky@usdoj.gov. Please refer to the associa ted case number, F-2017 - 17815, and the civil ac tion number, 1: 18-cv-00568, in all communica tions regarding this case. Sincere ly, /1 l_.~ ~ Eric F. Stein, Director Office of Informa tion Programs and Services Enclosures: As stated /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT Th e F n ~cdom of Inform ation Ad (5 USC 55 2.) F OJ.A Ex emp tio ns Jnfom 1ation specifically autJ1orizcd by an executive order io be kept secret in t11e interest of 11atjo nal defe nse or fo reign policy. Exec utive O rder !352 6 includes tl1cfoll ow ing classification catego ries : (b)( l j I .4(a ) M ilitary pl ans, systems, or opera tio ns I .4(b) Fo reign government informati on l. 4(c) Int elligence activities, sour ces or met hods, or crypt ology l .4(d) For eign re latio ns or foreign activities of the U S, includiJ1g confidential sour ces l .4(e) Sc ienti fic, tec hnolog ica l, or economic mat ters relatin g to national sec urit y, includfog defo nse aga inst transn ational terrorism l .4(1) U.S. Gov ernm ent pro grams for safeguardin g nuclear materials or facilitie s l .4(g) Vuln erabilitie s or ca pabiliti es of systems , installations, infrastructures , projects, plan s, or protection service s relatin g to US nation al security , in.eluding defense against tran snation al terrori sm l.4(h) Weapons of mass destruction Related solely to the internal personnel mies and practices (b)(2) (bX3) ofan agency · Specifically exempted from disclosure by statute (other than S USC 552), for example: ARMSEXP CIA PERS/ORG EA'PORT CONTROL FSACT INA IRAN Arms Export Control Act, 50a USC 241 l(c) Central Intelligence Agency Act of 1949, 50 USC 403(g) Exp ort Administration Act of 1979, 50 USC App . Sec . 241 l(c) Foreign Service Act of l 980~ 22 USC 4004 Immigration and Nationality Act, 8 USC 1202(f), Sec . 222(f) Iran Claims Settlement Act, Public Law 99-99 , Sec . 505 (b X4) Trade secrets and confidcntia.J commercial or financial information (bXS) 1ntQragency or intra-agency communications forming part of the deliberative process, attorney-client privilege, or attorney work product (bX6) Personal privacy information (bX7) Law enforcement information whose disclosure would : (A) interfere with enforcement proceedings (B) deprive a person of a fair trial (C) (D) (E) (F) constitute an unwarranted invasion of personal privacy disclose confidential sources disclose investigation techruques endanger life or physical safety of an individual (b)(8) Prepared by or for a government agency regulating or supervising financial institutions (bX9) Geological and geophysical information and data, inc1ucling maps, concerning wells Other Grounds NR for Withholding Material not responsive to a FOIA request excised with the agreement of the requester AME1~ICAN PVERSIGHT CO6 6 0 8 9 62 .IED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-17815 Doc No. C06608962 Date: 07/25/2018 Senior Project B6 Manager EMCORServices 2201 C. Street N.W., Room B2A58 Washington, D.C. 20520 [RELEASE IN PART 86 [ 02/06/17 Subject: Contract Per Section SCHEDULE #2 No. SAQMMA.11D0079 (C) .Exhibit(4). The FMS Project Project number: Paragraphs Manager is Robert 2017-2876509 1 through 12. Sison. TASK 343 Revised Scope of Area A. Conference work: Room. -Demo existing ceiling. -Install new suspended ceiling. -Provide labor and materials for HVACand adjust new ceiling height. -Repair crack and refinish the wall. -Apply new paint. -Replace window blinds. Area HVAC for B. Office -Perform abatement on the ceiling. -Demo and dispose existing ceiling and miscellaneous nonserviceable mechanical and electrical materials and components including lights. - Adjust HVAC for new ceiling height. -Provide labor and materials for all mechanical materials necessary to complete HVAC system. - Provide labor and materials to construct a vaulted and suspended ceiling, to include lighting. (Match the detail of Suite 7256 director's office ceiling design except the perimeter wall lighting). -Maintain a minimum of 4 feet of suspended ceiling tile around the perimeter of the office. AM::::r,1r-, pv I\ I !i E!llj _S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-17815 DocMULTI-STATE-17-0490-A-000001 No. C06608962 Date: 07/25/2018 CO6 6 O8 9 62.IED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-17815 Doc No. C06608962 Date: 07/25/2018 -Clean/ refinish wall panels. -Replace window blinds. Area C. Office -Perform abatement on the ceiling. -Demo and dispose existing ceiling and miscellaneous nonserviceable mechanical materials and wires( communication and electrical and components including lights). - Adjust HVACfor new ceiling height. -Provide labor and materials for all mechanical materials necessary to complete HVACsystem. -Install suspended ceiling. -Provide labor and materials for new light fixtures. (Match ceiling design) the detail of Suite 7256 office -Clean/ refinish wall panels. -Apply new paint on drywall. -Replace window blinds. Area D. Hall /Bath -Perform abatement on the ACM ceiling. -Demo existing ceiling. -Provide labor, materials and adjust HVACfor new ceiling height. -Install new ceiling. -Replace closet light with recessed light fixture. -Clean/refinish wall panels -Apply new paint. FIRE PROTECTION 1. Install one ceiling-mounted fire alarm speaker in the hallway of Area D. This is necessary to provide audibility in the Conference Room and Offices. 2. Install one ceiling-mounted strobe in the Conference Room (Area A). Strobes are required in Conference Rooms. 3. Fire alarm outage and field investigation to determine existing conditions in order to determine points-ofconnection to existing circuits. 4. Shop drawing of fire alarm work. 5. Fire alarm outage for final connection of new appliances to existing circuits. A v1 I /\ MULTI-STATE-17-0490-A-000002 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-17815 Doc No. C06608962 Date: 07/25/2018 CO6 6 O8 9 62.IED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-17815 Doc No. C06608962 Date: 07/25/2018 • • • Verify dock If speaker addressable Program the location in the hall. penetrates the boundary of SCIF area, relay/monitor module must be installed. fire alarm system. Note: l)PROVIDE PROPOSAL AMOUNTFOR EACH AREA. 2)PROVIDE A DETAILED CEILING PLAN FOR EACH AREA. -The contractor must install floor protection to the areas affected of the construction area. -The contractor must provide barrier and dust protection to the adjacent offices /spaces. -Provide labor and material to remove and remediate all transite panels and associated metal ceiling panels in the work area. -~11 materials from the abatement must be properly disposed per DOS, OSHA and DOT regulations. -If present, allow to perform abatement for up to 50 concealed ACM fittings above the ceiling. -After abatement, apply proper insulation on fittings. -Provide DC permit. -If no fittings are abated, the cost must be returned to the client. Work to be performed during non-core hours. AWARDEDPROPOSAL MUST HAVE THE FOLLOWINGIN PLACE PRIOR TO START OF WORK. l)CONTRACTOR/SUBCONTRACTORSUPERVISION. 2)SUBMITTALS AND DELIVERY DATES OF SPECIAL ORDER. 3)WORK SCHEDULE. A v1 I /\ MULTI-STATE-17-0490-A-000003 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-17815 Doc No. C06608962 Date: 07/25/2018 CO6 6 O8 9 62.IED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-17815 Doc No. C06608962 Date: 07/25/2018 Sincerely, Allen/t~ Contracting Received Date Officer by: Received: 1/1/11 Representative -------------------- toe_. tlat:Jiere, _/?tn,1e{t 1 (zo 'L) tf cf 7 - 7tf s 'f B6 A v1 I /\ MULTI-STATE-17-0490-A-000004 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-17815 Doc No. C06608962 Date: 07/25/2018 CO66O8986"IED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-17815 Doc No. C06608986 Date: 07/25/2018 Rowland , George C Thursday , February 16, 2017 3:42 PM [RELEASE IN PART B6] Craighill , Marcee F Wallace , Jessica A ; Sellman, Cherlissa T ; Hart , Virginia B RE : S Office Decor From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Ok, have fun George C. Rowland GSO U.S. Department of State Office of the Secretary of State Executive Office 2201 C Street NW Washington, DC 20520 Tel: 202-439-9515 Official UNCLASSIFIED From: Craighill, MarceeF Sent: Thursday, February 16, 2017 1:03 PM To: Rowland,GeorgeC Cc: Wallace,JessicaA; Sellman,CherlissaT; Hart, Virginia B Subject: FW: S Office Decor George, I will be out of the office for a few days and told Joe Semrad he should contact you - or my colleagues - if anything needs to be moved/removed from the S private office. I will return on Tuesday, February 28 th . Thank you! All best, Marcee From: Semrad,Joseph Sent: Thursday, February 16, 2017 12:56 PM To: Craighill, MarceeF Cc: Wallace,JessicaA; Sellman,CherlissaT; Hart, Virginia B Subject: RE: S Office Decor Thank you Marcee! Hope you enjoy some well-deserved time out of the office! Joe Semrad Office of the Secretary of State I U.S. Department of State HST 7226 I 2201 C Street, Nl(V I :ashjnaton DC 20520 Tel +1 (202) 647-5733 I Celll __ I Email: SemradJ@state.go v (unclass Official UNCLASSIFIED MULTI-STATE-17-0490-A-000005 lla'll 1!.J.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-17815 Doc No. C06608986 Date: 07/25/2018 86 CO6 6 O8 9 8 6"IED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-17815 Doc No. C06608986 Date: 07/25/2018 From: Craighill, Marcee F Sent: Thursday, February 16, 2017 12:51 PM To: Semrad, Joseph Cc:Wallace, Jessica A ; Sellman, Cherlissa T ; Hart, Virginia B Subject:S Office Decor Hi Joe, I wanted to let you know I will be out of the office tomorrow and all of next week. If things need to be moved or removed from the S private office you can contact George Rowland or any of my colleagues copied on this email. All my best, Marcee A v1 I\ MULTI-STATE-17-0490-A-000006 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-17815 Doc No. C06608986 Date: 07/25/2018 CO6 60 90 6O.IED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-17815 Doc No. C06609060 Date: 07/25/2018 Tucker, Maureen E Tuesday , June 20, 2017 11:27 AM Rowland , George C From: Sent: To: Cc: !RELEASE IN PART B7(C) I B?(C) Varghese, Bennett ; Sison, Robert M ; Stanford, Gregory S ; Nelson , Eric G Fixing wall in T conference room to permit large screen VTC capability Subject: Hi George, I talked with Eric and Greg about getting an estimate on how much it would cost to block the window area in the conference room so that a large VTC screen could be mounted on it. They agree that it is worth looking into now, since the room is under construction and the wall/ceiling area is accessible. As I'd mentioned, if the room is fitted out with a large screen, it could be made available for others besides T when needed. Also, since there is a renovation scheduled for the Ops Center VTC areas, the Department would benefit from having this additional VTC resource during that work. I understand that the current contract for renovating the ceiling/lights/painting the conference room does not have money to block the window too. But having a rough estimate ready would let the process go more quickly when funds are available (and maybe it could turn out that the funds might be available, ifthe work isn't going to cost too much.) How should I proceed with requesting the estimate please? Thank you, Maureen From:Tucker, Maureen E Sent: Tuesday, June 13, 2017 12:33 PM To B?(C) Cc~-----------; Varghese, Bennett ; Sison, Robert M ; Rowland, George C Subject:RE:Task 343 Plus George . From:Tucker, Maureen E Sent: Tuesday, June 13, 2017 12:32 PM B?(C) To Cc:~------------~ Subject:RE: Task 343 D Hi Varghese, Bennett ; Sison, Robert M I talked with Mike Williams and he said he'd ask c=J to get with you and come to look at the window. Bennett, Robert: please don't panic. I am just trying to see if it's even possible to block the window in the conference room in a way that would satisfy security requirements so that a screen could be installed, and then, if yes, how much it would cost . I'm asking these questions since Amb. MacManus and Eric Nelson weren't opposed to my pursuing this idea and, if it came to fruition, it would give the building an additional secure VTCcapability . George told me that this could not be done during this project. r I/' A I don't know if that means there is no money, or if it I MULTI-STATE-17-0490-A-000007 lla'll I!.J.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-17815 Doc No. C06609060 Date: 07/25/2018 84 CO6 6 O9 O6 O·IED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-17815 Doc No. C06609060 Date: 07/25/2018 would just be too complicated, so I've asked him and am waiting to hear back. Thanks, Maureen From: Sent: Tuesday, June 13, 2017 12:11 PM To: Tucker, Maureen E B7(C) ~-----~ Cc~------------~Varghese, Subject:Task 343 Bennett ; Sison, Robert M B7(C) Maureen, Regarding the discussion we had earlier about the window. I have Cc' ~---~who is assigned this are87(C) for the SSO office. Bennett Varghese is the RPM representative and Robert Sison is the FMS project manager. Bennett and Robert are the people you should talk to about getting an estimate for the work to be completed and if it's possible to have it done during the current project. B7(C) Official - SBU UNCLASSIFIED A v1 I\ MULTI-STATE-17-0490-A-000008 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-17815 Doc No. C06609060 Date: 07/25/2018 CO66O9114"1ED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-17815 Doc No. C06609114 Date: 07/25/2018 Rowland , George C Thursday , August 31, 2017 5:02 PM Duncan , John D RE : End-of-Year Procurement From: Sent: To: Subject: !RELEASE IN PART B61 This is my response to every end of year that is coming in. What do you want me to say. DONE DEAL© From: Duncan, John D Sent: Thursday, August 31, 2017 4:53 PM To: Rowland, George C Subject:RE: End-of-Year Procurement That doesn't sound promising George. John D. Duncan, Jr. Senior Advisor Office of the Under Secretary for Economic Growth , Energy and the Environment U.S. Department of State 202-647-3393 86 duncanjd@state.gov duncanjd@state.sgov.gov (SIPR) jduncan@state .ic.gov (JWICS) Official UNCLASSIFIED From: Rowland, George C Sent: Thursday, August 31, 2017 3:47 PM To: Duncan, John D ; SES-EX_GSO Cc: Dodman, Michael J Subject:RE: End-of-Year Procurement Received From: Duncan, John D Sent: Thursday, August 31, 201710:47 AM To: SES-EX_GSO Cc: Dodman, Michael J Subject:End-of-Year Procurement The office of the E Under Secretary requests end of year funds to complete the renovation of the E suite that started when the previous Under Secretary arrived over three years ago . E and her staff have worked extensively with George Rowland on the renovation and he is aware of this request, which has been on hold for over two years now pending funding . In fact, we made this exact same request at the end of the last fiscal year. The only pieces remaining for the completion of the E Suite renovation are : r I/' A I MULTI-STATE-17-0490-A-000009 lla'll 1!.J.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-17815 Doc No. C06609114 Date: 07/25/2018 CO 6 6 O 9114 ·IED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-17815 Doc No. C06609114 Date: 07/25/2018 1) Install glass in the wall area above Yvette's desk to let natural light into the back office area (and hopefully expand the window above the adjoining office - Keri's old office - to let more natural light into the hallway area). 2) New office furniture for the three new offices and Yvette (during the renovation we were provided with temporary used furniture for these four work spaces). Prior to her departure from the Department in January, the former Under Secretary, Cathy Novelli, strongly supported this request so that the time, hard work and money that went into the E Suite renovation could be finally completed. Given that we can expect a new Under Secretary, we hope to get these final tasks completed as soon as possible so that the E Suite renovation project can be fully completed before the new Under Secretary arrives. We do not expect that purchasing furniture for four work spaces would entail a significant expenditure of funds. Your point of contact for this request is E Acting Chief of Staff John Duncan. John D. Duncan, Jr. Senior Advisor Office of the Under Secretary for Economic Growth, Energyand the Environment U.S. Department of State 202-647-3393 B6 duncanjd@state.gov duncanjd@state.sgov.gov (SIPR) jduncan@state.ic.gov (JWICS) Official UNCLASSIFIED From: Dodman, Michael J Sent: Wednesday, August 23, 2017 5:56 PM To: Duncan, John D Subject:FW: End-of-Year Procurement Planning Official UNCLASSIFIED From: Campbell, Gregory J Sent: Wednesday, August 23, 2017 16:34 To: LoGerfo, Gregory D ; Tucker, Maureen E ; Dodman, Michael J ; Lacey, Edward ; Dodson, Shireen L (Ombudsman) ; Smith, Gregory B (S/OCR) ; Nelson, Eric G ; Heffern, Keith L ; Gilchrist, Robert S ; Daniels, Cherrie S ; Boyd, Ian H ; Daigle, J. Jeff ; Stanford, Gregory S ; Carl-Yoder, Samantha A ; Gidez, Frances Z ; Greene, Lisa B ; Wills, Laura B ; Ansari, Nida ; Schaal, A v1 MULTI-STATE-17-0490-A-000010 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-17815 Doc No. C06609114 Date: 07/25/2018 CO 6 6 O 9114 ·IED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-17815 Doc No. C06609114 Date: 07/25/2018 William E ; Kandahari, Rahima ; Braun, Bertram ; Hogan, Dereck J ; Weigold Schultz, Eva A ; Fitzsimmons, Elizabeth N Cc:SES-EX_GSO Subject:End-of-Year Procurement Planning Dear All, As we approach the end of the fiscal year, I am writing about end-of-year procurement. have special end-of-year requests. This is an action message if you At this time, we do not know if there will be year-end funds available, but in the event that money becomes available, and in order to best facilitate any procurement requests for the end of FY'17, the following guidelines are provided to all offices supported by S/ES-EX. If your office has requests, please send a consolidated list of requests SES-EX_GSOSES-EX GSO@state.gov email distribution list by Tuesday,August29th. Your office's email should include the following: • "Year-end Procurement" in the subject line; • Identify the requesting office; • Include your office's point of contact; • Include a detailed description of the goods and/or services to purchase, along with the quantity needed and an estimated cost; • Specify suggested sources of supply and/or vendors, if any; and, • Include a justification for the request. Pleaseclearlynumericallyprioritizeyour requestingoffice'slist of items/servicesfor procurement,from the most to least important. The requesting office is responsible for preparing requests that are detailed enough for S/ES-EXGSO to either place the order or solicit quotes from vendors. The justification is important to help us allocate scare funds, so please tell us why the item is needed. Recommended procurement sources are an important element of the request package for the procurement team as we approach the fiscal year-end deadline. Federal regulations require us to compete requests exceeding $3,000 with a minimum of three different vendor quotes. We are not permitted to split purchases so that they fall under the ceiling of the $3,000 threshold for competition. If you have any questions, please contact Gregory J. Campbell, Christiana M. Hollis or George C. Rowland in S/ES-EXGSO. Thanks and regards, Gregory J. Campbell, Sr. Supervisory General Services Officer Executive Office of the Secretary U.S. Department of State Tel: 202-647-8647 Email: CampbellGJ@state.gov Visit 5-ln/oNet for information A v1 on S/ES-EXand our services. I\ MULTI-STATE-17-0490-A-000011 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-17815 Doc No. C06609114 Date: 07/25/2018 CO 6 6 O 9114 ·IED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-17815 Doc No. C06609114 Date: 07/25/2018 Official UNCLASSIFIED A v1 I /\ MULTI-STATE-17-0490-A-000012 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-17815 Doc No. C06609114 Date: 07/25/2018 CO6 60 9116.IED From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-17815 Doc No. C06609116 Date: 07/25/2018 Row land, George C Thursday, August 31, 2017 5:17 PM Tucker, Maureen E ; SES-EX_GSO ; Ligon, Patric io H ; Duncan, Bruce E Nelson, Eric G ; Stanford , Gregory S RE: Year End Procu rement Request from T Pat and Bruce, can we get some kind of cost on the be low. From : Tucker, Maureen E sent : Thursday, August 31, 2017 4:47 PM To : SES-EX_ GSO Cc: Nelson, Eric G ; Stanford, Gregory S ; Tucker, Maureen E Subject : Year End Procureme nt Request from T [RELEASE IN FULLJ Requesting Office : T Office POC : Maureen Tucker Description of the goods and/or services to purchase · Install secure VTC ca pability in T conference room Estimated CosWendor : TBD - please see emai l exchange below Justification : The demand for secure VTC capab ilities in HST often exceeds existing capacity. A large screen video capability would be used by T and T bureaus, but also would be available to other bureaus. Add itional VTC capability wil l be especially useful ifANhenexisting secured rooms with secure VTC equipment are take n out of service for renovation purposes Since the T conference room is already within a secured area, the cost of this project should be less tha n creati ng a complete ly new secured area for VTC purposes. From: Campbe l l, Grego ry J Sent : Thu rsday, August 31, 2017 3:44 PM To : Tucker , M au reen E Cc: Nelson, Eric G ; Stan ford, Gregory s Subject: RE: Fixing wal l in T co nf erence room to permi t large screen VTC capa b il ity Yes, p lease add it to your list. Official -Transitory UNCLASSIFIED From : Tucker , Maureen E sent: Thursday, Aug ust 31, 2017 2:01 PM To : Campbe ll, Gregory J Cc: Nelson, Eric G ; Stan ford, Gregory s Subject : RE: Fixing wal l in T co nference room to permit large screen VTC capabil ity Gregory, is this a request that would be considered for End of Year Procureme nt Planning? I know the August 29 deadline has passed, but thought I'd ask. Thank you, Maureen Official -Transit ory UNCLASSIFIED From : Campbe l l, Grego ry J sent : Friday, June 23, 2017 6:14 PM To : Nelson, Eric G ; Tucke r, Mau reen E ; Stanfo rd, Gregory S Cc: Men n uti, Jonathan R Subject : RE: Fixing wall in T conference room to permit large screen VTC capability Eric, Please excuse the delayed response. I was at an offsite yesterday. We are moving ahead with coordi n ating the request for t hi s work with GSA. At th is point, we are one to fou r weeks away from having a gro u p of contractors v isit the space so th at we can d eterm ine the cost for the proposed project. The contactors and t heir employees must have a cert a in level of cle arance to work in that part of the o ffice and we are coordin ating this effort. Regrettably, we can no t fold t he proposed window closure int o t he cu rrent project because it is outside t he scope of work and we a re at the 85 percent comp letion mark . I w ill fo llow up o nce we have a date for the vendo r walkt hroug h. Thanks a lo t . Gregory Official -Transitory UNCLASSIFIED Official UNCLASSIFIED MULTI-STATE-17-0490-A-000013 CO6 60 9333 :IED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-17815 Doc No. C06609333 Date: 07/25/2018 S/OCRSuite7428Rm 13 PR6466237: v,,,_u,Lu·•;,-. RELEASE IN PART 86 RequisitionNumber: PR6466237 Title:S/OCR Suite7428 Rm 13 Requisition PurchaseRequest:PR6466237 RequestType: Purchase Card (S/ES-EX) DIRECTOR RequestingOffice: OFC OFTHE1:XECUTIVE Issuedon Tue,20 Jun. 2017 Created on Tue. 20 Jun, 2017by Kevin L. Gentry Vendor: ARROWCONSTRUCTION 11806TAFTDRIVE VA 22407 FREDERICKBURG, UNITE~STATES Phon Cantac_ ___ B6 ___ ~ ShipTo: Deportment of State 2201CST,NW ROOM 7519 MAINSTATE, DC 20520 WASHINGTON, STATES UNITED Phone: USA999-999-9999 Deliver To: Main Stale Rm 7519 Item Part Number Description Paint walls In Suite 7428, Rm 13 Unit Need By Qty Unit Extended Amount Price $535.68 $535.68USD Tue. 20 Jun, 2017 USD job Paint walls in Suite 7428, Rm 13 BillTo: Deportment of State PO BOX150008;FaxTo: 1-866-483-3436 ATTN:OFFICEOF CLAIMS SC 29415·5008 CHARLESTON, STATES UNITED Fax:USA866-483-3436 Funding: Type I Percentagell I Commodity Accounting IOO% II I Line Amount{Locol Currency) $535_68 Details IIAmount{USD)II I $535_68 usDll!ci,0~~~19_701130003.wo1-s-1710-10011c777E-2589uso/[ Total $535.68USD Status:Submitted I I Approvals lloate IIApproved By IIApprover 1 ===ill::=:==========:lc:=] 1s=/:cESs_=EX=C=C=A=p=p=ro=v=e=r =1====~1 =:o=r=g=a=ni=za=t=io=n=al=A=p=p=ro=v=e=r l!,:IR=e~q~ui=re~d==:!ll!=Re~a=d=y=~ll~A=p;,;p;,;ro=v=e=r=l !Required llstatus IIReason I RequisitionComments • Kevin L.Gentry, 06/20/2017: PointwoUsin Suite 7428, Rm 13 {Kevin L.Gentry, Tue. 20 Jun. 2017) --Requ.lsition Attachments • by Kevin L.Gentry on Tuesday, June 20, 2017 of 7:55 AM ATTACHMENIT Arrow Construction 1285.pdf {463485bytes) MULTI-STATE-17-0490-A-000014 Date: 07/25/2018 1/1 CO6 6 O9 3 4 6"IED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-17815 Doc No. C06609346 Date: 07/25/2018 Smith, Kenneth A Rowland,George C Monday, March 13, 2017 11:00 AM Smith, KennethA; Gentry,KevinL RE:"S" Project From: Sent: To: Subject: [RELEASE IN FULL [ GeorgeC. Rowland GSO U.S. Department of State Office of the Secretaryof State ExecutiveOffice 2201C Street NW Washington,DC 20520 Tel: 202-439-9515 Official UNCLASSIFIED From: Maananus,Joseph E sent: Monday,March 13, 2017 10:58 AM To:Rowland,GeorgeC Cc:Nelson,Eric G; Green, Reginald J; campbell, GregoryJ Subject:RE:"S" Project Yes,you may. Official UNCLASSIFIED From:Rowland,GeorgeC Sent:Monday, March 13, 2017 9:46 AM To: Macmanus,JosephE Cc: Nelson,EricG ;Green, ReginaldJ ;Campbell, Gregory J Subject: RE:"S" Project Sheclearedit. Mr. MacManus, can we start? GeorgeC. Rowland GSO U.S. Department of State Office of the Secretaryof State ExecutiveOffice 2201 C Street NW Washington, DC20520 Tel: 202-439~9515 MULTI-STATE-17-0490-A-000015 lla'll 1!.J.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-17815 Doc No. C06609346 Date: 07/25/2018 CO6 6 0 9 3 4 frlED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-17815 Doc No. C06609346 Date: 07/25/2018 Official UNCLASSIFIED From:Ciccone,ChristineM Sent: Monday,March 13, 2017 9:39 AM To: Rowland,GeorgeC Cc: Macmanus,JosephE; Nelson, Eric G; Green, ReginaldJ; campbell, GregoryJ Subject: RE: "S" Project We are cleared - thank you. From:Rowland,GeorgeC Sent:Monday,March 13, 2017 9:30 AM To: Ciccone,ChristineM Nelson,EricG ;Green, ReginaldJ Cc:Macmanus,JosephE ; .gov> ; Subject: "S" Project We would like to get started on the "S" project. I need your approval. GeorgeC. Rowland GSO U.S.Departmentof State Officeof the Secretaryof State ExecutiveOffice 2201 C Street NW Washington,DC20520 Tel:202-439-9515 Official UNCLASSIFIED 2 MULTI-STATE-17-0490-A-000016 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-17815 Doc No. C06609346 Date: 07/25/2018 CO6 60 934 g :IED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-17815 Doc No. C06609348 Date: 07/25/2018 RELEASE IN PART 84,86 Pruposnl ,\ I 11)1illi9 " SAQ~J:\-1 l"<1111mc1 llnlc: ~Jnn:hIll, ?017! l.nr:uiun: IM:11nSllllO ltc: UOS/!: 17-2tJllli9J Dus l'.\I: !AmandaAusbn Tu: ,\llcn Sl~'\\'011 uf~1.1te,(1111 ll•T•••mco11 ju!> furlhe (i,11,n,iltg a.,.,, rrupu"'' '" (uu,uh ,~cl1bo1onJ 1n,1,:1i;d lu suli,1111 i• J!l•~-d l~\ll"ORGu••"'"°""'S,1,ia."<(f.GSJ 6.lrlhin,-1.ltlJda~, R1:q\~ ,.,, l'rop,,~a,"1.:l'lfh:llf \\lltL:.. ,\II1uic~;.uri:,illid crs,.,w uai:,ti1111>. ,':!IIlllo i(\11u,lk>uldla•.:"'" l'lc:1<~ l>q,:ut1ncn1 Tfni.ptia?is h.unltHlth..: ~cunturWurl<: r\m1nlcd 10: Uldd~rs: B6 I PrircRrr:tkdll\rn: B4 Sulmin1mt1urC,w Mal,-ri:ds("1\~l Hll1S O.:ilt1'1 8.11~%Prolil& O,·erh•,id: fu!!?!!!!!ili s r:asf.pbor EGs1:ngmg• s wmch• Eio:run~! s s Cnsl uf ,lilh: s fisc11ning• 7ll -IH,(,J-1. Subn1ill;el ll111• llul• Appm.-t:tl I _ ....... _ , ---- Order#: -- ---- J//()/.J.~'7. 63//0;~,7 -~ .\Q• lh11ulslllu111/: {'LI~ II: "'-2'ltih l'tapMAlh ,an.I £tr llrirl)· CJOJ Updaled 31512010 MULTI-STATE-17-0490-A-000017 U~Dlj _s_Department of State Case No. F-2017-17815 Doc No. C06609348 Date: 07/25/2018 B6 United States Department of State Washington, D.C. 20520 August 27, 2018 CaseNo.: Segments: F-20 17- 17815 SES-0001 ic 1; SES-0002icl Sara Creighton American Oversight 1030 15th Street NW, B255 Washington, DC 20005 Dear Ms. Creighton: I refer you to our letter dated July 27 , 2018, regardin g the release of materia l under the Freedom of Information Act (the "FOIA "), 5 U.S.C. § 552. The Department has located 17 documents respons ive to your reque st. After reviewing the se documents , we have determined that 6 may be released in full and 11 may be released in part. An enclosure explain s the FOIA exempt ions and other grounds for withholding m aterial. Where we have made excisions, the appl icable exempt ions arc marked on each document. All nonexempt material that is reasonably segregable from the exempt material has been released , and is enc losed. This production comp letes the proces sing of your reques t. If you have any questio ns, you may contact Assistant U nited States Atto rney Joshua Kolsky at Jos hua.Kol sky@ usdoj.gov. Please refer to the associated case number , F-2017-17815 , and the civil action number , I: l 8-cv -00 568 , in all communications regarding this case. (]~~ 1sEric F. Stein, Director Office of Information Programs and Services Enclosures: As stated pVERSIGHT The F r·ccdom of Information Act (5 USC 552) FO]A Exemptions lnfom1ation spec i11ca lly autJ10rizcd by an executive order to be kept secret in the interest of 11ational defense or foreign policy. Exec utiv e Order 13526 includes tl1c followin g classification categories : (b)(J) l .4(a) l.4(b ) l.4(c ) J .4(d) l .4(e) Mi litary plan s, systems, or operations foreign government informat ion Intelligence activities, sources or methods, or cryptology For eign relations or foreign activities of the US, includiJ1gconfidential so urces Scientific, technol og ical, or economic mat1ers relating to national security, including defen se against tran snational terrorism 1.4(0 U .S. Governm ent pro grams for safeguarding nuclear materials or facilities 1.4(g) Vulnerabilitie s or capabilities of systems, installations, infrastructures, projects, plan s, or protection services relating to US national security , including defense against transnational terrorism 1.4(h) Weapons of mass destruction ofan agency (bX2) Related sole.ly to the internal personnel rules and practices (bX3) Specifically exempted from disclosure by statute ( other than 5 USC 552), for example : ARMSEXP ClA PERS/ORG EXPORT CONTROL FSACT INA IRAN Arms Export Control Act, 50a USe 241 l(c) Central Intelligence Agency Act of 1949, 50 Use 4-03(g) Export Administration Act of 1979, 50 USC App . Sec . 241 l(c) Foreign Service Act of l 980~22 USC 4-004 Immigration and Nationality Act, 8 USC 1202(f) , Sec . 222(f) Iran Claims Settlement Act, Public Law 99-99 , Sec . 505 (bX4) Trade secrets and confidential commercial or financial information (bX5) lntQragency or intra -agency communications forming part of the deliberative process, attorney-client privilege, or attorney work product (bX6) Personal privacy information (bX7) Law (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) (b)(8) Prepared by or for a government agency regulating or supervising financial institutions (bX9) Geological and geoph;Ysical information and data, including maps, concerning wells enforcement -information whose disclosure would : interfere with enforcement proceedings deprive a person of a fair trial constitute an unwarranted invasion of personal privacy disclose confidential sources disclose investigation techniques endanger life or physical safety of an individual Other Grounds NR for Withholding Material not responsive to a FOIA request excised with the agreement of the requester AML ~ICAN PVERSIGHT CO6 6 O9 O7 3 ·1ED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-17815 Doc No. C06609073 Date: 08/27/2018 Invoice Dale Invoice# 2/16/2017 4714 84 Bill To Department of State Location:SoS office DOS#: SOW: computer drawer POC: [RELEASE IN PART 84,86 [ 0 GeorgeRowland P.O.No. Project Tenns visa Quantity Sos computer drawer conversion. Description /l..M,7o2o2.b Amount Rate 1 Furnish all materials and labor to remove drawer front from existing drawer,·fabricate custom keyboard tray from cherry wood, machine and flt existing drawer front to fit new keyboard tray, furnish, machine and Installhinges, stain and finish new drawer to match existing finish as reauested , 485.00 485.00 86 All work is complete! Total $485.00 MULTI-STATE-17-0490-B-000001 S Department of State Case No. F-2017-17815 Doc No. C06609073 Date: 08/27/2018 CO6 6 O9 310·1ED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-17815 Doc No. C06609310 Date: 08/24/2018 Page: I of2 [RELEASE IN PART 86 ] RequisitionNumber: PR6179851 RequisitionTitle:Paint Secretary of State Kitchen Purchase Request: PR& 179851 RequestType: PurchaseCard RequesllngOffice: OFC OF THEEXECUTIVE DIRECTOR(S/ES-EX) Issued on Mon. 06 Mar, 2017 Created on Mon. 06 Mar. 20 17 by Kevin L. Gentry Vendor: ARROW CONSTRUCTION 11806 TAFTDRIVE FREDERICKBURG . VA 22407 UNITEDSTATES Phone : ys A540-287-J6ZJ Contac i B6 ShipTo: Department of State 2201 CST. NW MAIN STATE,ROOM 7519 WASHINGTON, DC 20520 UNITEDSTA TES Phone : USA999-999-9999 DeliverTo: Main State Rm 7519 PreferredPurchaseCard: Kevin L. Gentry (6968) Item Description Part Unit Qty Need By Unit Number Price Remove wall cabinets, and two base cabinets.... job 1 Mon . 06 Mar , 2017 Remove wall cabinets , and two base cabinets . Remove countertop and cut to accept secure to cabinets . Prepare materials and paint Secretary of State kitchen (Rm 7512) Extended Amount $1,885.24 $1..885.24 USD USD refrigerator . Reinstall counter and BillTo: Department of State PO BOX 150008; Fax To: l -866-483-3436 ATIN: OFFICEOF CLAIMS CHARLESTON,SC 29415-5008 UNITEDSTATES Fax: USA866-483-3436 Funding: Type I Amount(Local Currency) Percentage Commodity Accounting Line I OO% j $l 885 24 , . Amount(USD) ] I Details usoJ $1.885.24 1900-2017-19_701130003-100I-sUSD -l710-l0017C777E-2589--010630- Order No.: SOTHERl 7VC470 rotal $1.885.24 usD Status:Ordered Approvals ,-------- .j MULTI-STATE-17-0490-B-000002 Case No. F-2017-17815 Doc No. C06609310 Date: 08/24/2018 CO6 6 O9 31 O·IED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-17815 Doc No. C06609310 Date: 08/24/2018 Page: 2 of2 !Required!Status !Reason Approver )Approver )Approved By -1S-/E_S_-E_X_C_C __ _ ·-c-h-ri-st-ia_n_a _ M_.- !Date _M_o_n ___0_6_M_a_r _, - !Approver Hollis 2017 !Required !Approved 1Sele9ted Approver IKevin IKevin ~ !Approved !Kev_in L. Gentry ~ !Approved I I · 1: Organizational Approver 1 · PCard Holder: Requires Card Holder Approval L. Gentry L. Gentry !Kevin L. Gentry I -;- e-~-_-0_5_A_p_r _, 01 Wed, 05 Apr, 2017 Requisition Comments • Kevin L. Gentry, 03/06/2017 : APROVAL FLOW EDIT: Kevin L. Gentry ADDED by Kevin L. Gentry on Mon Mar 06 10:54:48 EST2017 Reason Added: Selected Approver (Kevin L. Gentry. Mon . 06 Mar , 2017) MULTI-STATE-17-0490-B-000003 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-17815 Doc No. C06609310 Date: 08/24/2018 CO6 6 0 9 311 'IED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-17815 Doc No. C06609311 Date: 08/24/2018 Arrow Consirl!.Jcfkm·Inc. 11·806 Taft Drive Fredericksburg Va. 22407 ?!efGs~E54(?:;287=1671 En,ail Sma;JwoadlJ83@gmail.com DATE INVOICE# I 2/17/2017 1261 I BILL TO [RELEASE IN FULL [ Departmen Of State HST POC- George_Rowland SOW- Alterations Location-7512S/ES-S Kitchen DESCRIPTION ITEM Demo Paint 1 Provide all labor and material to remove two wall cabinets, and two base cabinets Remove counter top, and cut down to accept refrigerator, reinstall counter and secure to cabinets Provide all labor and materials to prepare and paint walls, match existing color as close as possible, per sq. DUE DATE TERMS 2/17/2017 V;ISA RATE QTY 1 432 ft. 1,260.00 0.72 AMOUNT 1,260.00 311.04 157.10 157.10 Overhead @ 10% Profit@ 10% Approved by Totai A~!,r-. pv r- 1,885.24 I\ MULTI-STATE-17-0490-B-000004 llJ.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-17815 Doc No. C06609311 Date: 08/24/2018 CO6 6 O9 312'1ED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-17815 Doc No. C06609312 Date: 08/24/2018 !RELEASE IN FULL I ,.. U.S. Department of State RECEIVINGAND INSPECTIONREPORT Office or Foreign Service Post Agency SSEXD MAIN STATE, ROOM 7519 Received From Company Name ARROWCONSTRUCTION Address 11890611806 VA FREDERICKBURG Point of Shipment FREDERICKBURG GBL Number Page 1 of 1 Pages Method of Acquisition 22407 USA VA 0 Purchased □ □ □ Constructed Donated Other □ □ □ □ Document Number Report Number Rented SSEXD170213 P.O. Number I Mod Loaned Inventory SOTHER17VC470 Leased Requisition Number PR6179851 Appropriation Transfer Document Number 19_701130003 Allotment Contract Number 1001 Object Class Job Number 2589 D11scription (ll'}cludeTerms of Acceptance ~,n Loans; Donations~ etc.) . Quantity Unit Remove wall cabinets, and two base cabinets.... Amount Unit Price JB $1 ,885.24 $1 ,885 .24 - - - - - - - - - - - - - • • - - • • Comments - • • • • • • • • • • • - • • Order Delivery Status Certification of Receipt I certify that, except where noted, all items listed were inspected and accepted. Name (Last, First, Ml .) Lattibudiere,Maxine Title' Receiving Clerk Phone Date Delivered (mm-dd-YYW) [Jx Complete D D Partial □ Short 1-A,...d.,..d,....re_s_s---"'----------------+:□=-a.,.te--,-(m_m ___ d,...,d--yyyy:-.,.J --i Prop~rty __________________ Signature $1,885.24 Total: Request contains Service line items MAIN STATE, ROOM 7519 _._ ___ Defective D Over □ final Records 4_/6_/_20_1_7_--t Accountable Officer (FSP Posts Only) (Initials) (}mftais) DS-127 (Formerly OF-127) 05-2006 r I/' A I MULTI-STATE-17-0490-B-000005 lla'll 1!.J.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-17815 Doc No. C06609312 Date: 08/24/2018 CO6 6 O9 3 l 3'IED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-17815 Doc No. C06609313 Date: 08/24/2018 Page: I of2 !RELEASE IN PART B61 RequisitionNumber: PR6189952 RequisitionTitle:S/TTBuild-Out 7234S PurchaseRequest:PR6189952 RequestType: PurchaseCard RequestingOffice: OFC OF THEEXECUTIVE DIRECTOR (S/ES-EX) Issuedon Thu, 09 Mar, 2017 Created on Thu, 09 Mar, 2017 by Kevin L. Ge ntry Vendor: ARROWCONSTRUCTION 11806TAFTDRIVE FREDERICKBURG, VA 22407 UNITEDSTATES Phone: ~SA540-287-I 671 Contac l ~------ B6 ~ ShipTo: Department of State 2201 CST, NW MAIN STATE, ROOM 7519 WASHINGTON , DC 20520 UNITEDSTATES Phone: USA999-999-9999 DeliverTo: Main State Rm 7519 PreferredPurchaseCard: Kevin L. Gentry(6968) Item Description Part Number Provide all labor and material to custom cut, ... Unit Qty Need Unit By Price job 1 Thu, 09 Mar, 2017 Extended Amount $2,016.24 $2,016.24USD USO Provide all labor and material to custom cut. and install desks. BillTo: Department of State 2201 CST, NW MAIN STATE. ROOM 7519 WASHINGTON . DC 20520 UNITEDSTATES Phone: USA999-999-9999 Funding: Total Status:Submitted A~ pv ·-- ----- · ···- ---·- --··•· --·--- ----·-··----·--•··•-·--------·-• ·••- -- -~-- Approvals !Required!status !Reason ,----!Approver $2.016.24 USO ----- -·---------·· -- --!Approved By i fDcrt;! MULTI-STATE-17-0490-B-000006 Date: 08/24/2018 CO660 9313·1ED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-17815 Doc No. C06609313 Date: 08/24/2018 Page: 2 of2 App -~~~~~ -1··--··-----·- !Req_~~~~~~~dy - iApprover -1:·o~g~~i~~ti~~~I ~/ES~EX -CCApprover [R;quired /Pending /Selected Approver ---- ·- ··· - ·--- · ··· ·· ---·Gentry - IK~~i~-L. 1~-~q~~red /Pending jPCard Holder: Requires-c~~d·H---·;ld ·~~;:pp ·~~~~ --f____ K;v~ ··-···- ··-·-··--· ·--••·-·-- --·-~·-·· ---·--- --~-•-·-..____L__Ge~try __ __,..__ _ --~·-•-·· ··••··•- •' ·•· .. ..,_ ,. i ! r ·· j · · I --- ·! ----·-· -·-···" · . ·-···•·•·•--- RequisitionComments • • Kevin L. Gentry . 03/09/2017 : Provide all labor and material to custom cut, and install desks. (Kevin L. Gentry, Thu, 09 Mar, 2017) Kevin L. Gentry, 03/09/2017: APROVAL FLOW EDIT:Kevin L. Gentry ADDED by Kevin L. Gentry on Thu Mor 09 04:31 :30 EST2017 Reason Added : Selected Approver (Kevin L. Gentry , Thu, 09 Mar, 2017) · Requisition Attachments • ATTACHMENTby Kevin L.Gentry on Thursday, March 9, 2017 of 4:37 AM Arrow Construction 1276.pdf (436187 bytes) UNCLASSIF IED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-17815 DocMULTI-STATE-17-0490-B-000007 No. C06609313 Date: 08/24/2018 CO6 6 O9 314 'IED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-17815 Doc No. C06609314 Date: 08/24/2018 Arrow Co:::;trJct!o::l::c. Invoice 11806 T~tt Drive Fredericksburg Va. 22407 PUONIE$4().187-1R71 Email Smallwood883@lgmail.com INVOICE# DATE 1276 2'2712017 . .BILL TO Departmen Of State !RELEASE IN FULL I HST POC- George Rowland SOW- desk build Localion -7234 S ------ --- -------- -- ITEM DESCRIPTION - -...___ _---- - ---- ·-- ·· ··-- --- ·_ _____ ..' --- QTY . . -- , Provideall labor and materialto customcut,and install · desks : Install ---- DUEDATE ; - -- -TERMS 2/27/2.017 : VISA --·: RATE •· -- ·- - ~ AMOUNT .-1--· ·- ·-. .... " "" " 1 1,680 .20 I 168 .02 ' 168.02 i - - -•• - ON - - - •• -- •• • • 0• - • 1 •- , Approvedby Total - --- ---- - ---- - - -- - ·--- -- 2,016.24! --- MULTI-STATE-17-0490-B-000008 LIJ .S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-17815 Doc No. C06609314 Date: 08/24/2018 CO6 6 O9 31 S'IED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-17815 Doc No. C06609315 Date: 08/24/2018 Page: I of2 !RELEASE IN PART B6J RequisitionNumber: PR6189985 RequisitionTitle:S/TTBuild-Out 7249A/S PurchaseRequest:PR6189985 RequestType:PurchaseCard RequestingOffice: OFC OF THEEXECUTIVE DIRECTOR (S/ES-EX) Issuedon Thu. 09 Mar. 2017 Created on Thu, 09 Mar. 2017 by Kevin L. Gentry Vendor: . ARROWCONSTRUCTION 11806TAFTDRIVE FREDERICKBURG, VA 22407 UNITEDSTATES ~~~~~~r 5AO.?A7 1 m B6 ShipTo: Deportment of State 2201 CST. NW MAIN STATE, ROOM 7519 WASHINGTON. DC 20520 UNITEDSTATES Phone: USA999-999-9999 DeliverTo: Main State Rm 7519 PreferredPurchase Card: Kevin L. Gentry(6968) Item Description Part Number Provideall labor and material to prepare and... Unit Qty Need Unit By Price job 1 Extended Amount Thu, 09 $2,013.12 $2,013.12USD Mar, USD 2017 Provide all labor and material to prepare and point walls, match existing color as close as possible, per square foot. BillTo: Department of State PO BOX150008;Fax To: 1-866-483-3436 ATTN:OFFICEOF CLAIMS CHARLESTON. SC 29415-5008 UNITEDSTATES Fax: USA866-483-3436 Funding: Total Status:Submitted --------- -----------·--·····- -·-·- -- ··-··-·--·-···-- Approvals A~ pv /Required!status !Reason -·-- !Approver $2,013.12 USD ----------, i r-·- 1 !Approved By iDate ! MULTI-STATE-17-0490-B-000009 llJ.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-17815 Doc No. C06609315 Date: 08/24/2018 CO 6 60 931 S'IED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-17815 Doc No. C06609315 Date: 08/24/2018 Page: 2 of2 . -1 -- , . - r----- -··-· ··--·----··- --··--- ------------------- --· ---···- ·-·-- --··-- ---··--- .. ------ -·-· --·--·- ·-· r-····--··--·-···-·-- Required Ready JApprover l: OrganizationalApprover l is/ES-EX CC Approver 1 [R~qCi~;d !Pendinglsel~~t~-d-App~-;;e~ ------··-- ·-···-··- -·--·-·-·-- -··---.---·-· IK~~in --L~-G;~;;; : ·--·- - i-- - ---- ·--·----· r-·-·i! !RequiredIPen~ing.JP~~~ Holder:__R.~ _g_[!ir~;c-;;dH~ld;r-·App;~-;~1-··1K~ -~i-~--L:-G~~ry--·-- -- ··1-· ·-- - - ---- - r----·-1 RequisitionComments • • Kevin L. Gentry , 03/09/2017 : Provide all labor and material to prepare and paint walls , match existing color as close as possible, per square foot. (Kevin L. Gentry, Thu, 09 Mar. 2017) Kevin L. Gentry, 03/09/2017: APROVAL FLOW EDIT: Kevin L. Gentry ADDED by Kevin L. Gentry on Thu Mar 09 04:39: 15 EST2017 Reason Added : Selected Appro ver {Kevin L. Gentry , Thu, 09 Mar , 2017) Requisition Attachments • ATTACHMENT(ITEM1) by Kevin L. Gentry on Thursday, March 9, 2017 af 4:42 AM Arrow Construct ion 1277.pdf (424477 bytes) MULTI-STATE-17-0490-B-000010 UNCLASSI FIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-17815 Doc No. C06609315 Date: 08/24/2018 CO6 6 O9 316'1ED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-17815 Doc No. C06609316 Date: 08/24/2018 Arrow Construction Inc. lnvoic~ 11Rnti Tnll n,iv11 Frodorlcksburg Va. 22407 PHONE 640-?87-1671 Em.,il Smnllwood883(@amail.com II INVOtU lll\11' 1711 :\/11)011 BILL TO Departinen 01 Slate [RELEASE IN FULL[ HST POC- George Rowland SOW-Paint Location-7249A/S I 1 DUEDATE 3/3/2017 ! ITEM I ___ DESCRIPTION ;P;~t1·· - --,\-P~~~e all labor and materi~ls to prepare and-pai~t-- -- r._· ·· 1 1 walls. matchexistingcoloras closeas possible,per sq. Ift. . I I QTY I TERMS ! VISA AMOUNT RATE 2,330 1·-· ·· 1 1,677.60 0.72 l 167.76 167.76 ' I I I II l. ' Approved by [___________ _-- . . ~~~~~ I I I I I __l_ --· ·I I I . . - - -- -- ---- ·--- --- ... 2,013.12 j MULTI-STATE-17-0490-B-000011 lla'll 1!.J.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-17815 Doc No. C06609316 Date: 08/24/2018 CO6 6 O9 31 TIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-17815 Doc No. C06609317 Date: 08/24/2018 Page: I of2 RELEASE IN PART 86 RequisitionNumber: PR6215593 Requisition Title: S/TT - Carpet repair and replace PurchaseRequest: PR6215593 RequestType: PurchaseCard RequestingOffice: OFC OF THEEXECUTIVE DIRECTOR(S/ES-EX) Issued on Sun, 19 Mar , 2017 Crea ted on Sun, 19 Ma r, 2017 by Kevin L. Gentry Vendor: C & C FLOORING 11710 PLAZA AMERICA DR. STE.2000 RESTON,VA 20190-4743 IllNlfEDWilli B6 Ship To: Department of State 2201 CST, NW MAIN STATE,ROOM 7519 WASHINGTON, DC 20520 UNITEDSTA TES Phone: USA999-999-9999 DeliverTo: Main State Rm 7519 Preferred Purchase Card: Kevin L Gentry (6968) Item Description Part Number Remove and replace carpel - 7th Floor,,, Unit Qty Need By job Unit Price Mon , 20 $2,550.00 Mar , USD 2017 1 Extended Amount $2,550.00 USD Remov e and replace carpet - 7th Floo r Executi ve hallway. BillTo: Department of State 2201 CST, NW. MAIN STATE,ROOM 7519 WASHINGTON,DC 20520 UNITED STATE S Phone : USA999-999-9999 Funding: Type ,--------.---Commodity Accounting Line Percentage 100% I Amount(Local IAmount(USD) -;---C_u_rr_e_nc~y~) __ __ _ I $255000USDr •' · I r . ,1______ Details ___ _ __ 1 $2,550.00,11900-2017-19~701130003-1001-SUSD - 17 10-10017C777E-2589--010630--- ' Order No.: SOTHER17VB145 Total $2,550.00 usD Status: Ordered MULTI-STATE-17-0490-B-000012 I!.J.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-17815 Doc No. C06609317 Date: 08/24/2018 CO 6 60 931 7'IED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-17815 Doc No. C06609317 Date: 08/24/2018 Page: 2 of2 Approvals !Required!status !Approved By loate CC !Required 'Approved Approver l : Organizational Approver IS/ES-EX l Approver !Christiana M. Hollis Mon, 20 Mar, 2017 JRequired \Approved PCard Holder : Requires Card Holder Approval tevin L. Gentry Tue, 21 Mar, 2017 !Reason !Approver \Kevin L. Gentry RequisitionComments • Kevin L. Gentry, 03/19/2017: Remove and replace carpet in 7th floor executive hallway . (Kevin L. Gentry , Sun, 19 Mar, 2017) RequisitionAttachments • ATTACHMENT(ITEM 1) by Kevin L. Gentry on Sunday , March 19, 2017 at 12:36 PM C & C Flooring 7028.pdf (358901 bytes) MULTI-STATE-17-0490-B-000013 UNCLASSIF IED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-17815 Doc No. C06609317 Date: 08/24/2018 CO6 6 O9 318 ·IED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-17815 Doc No. C06609318 Date: 08/24/2018 ...Invoice . & C Flooring 11710 Plaza America Dr. Suite 2000 Reston, ~ 20190 C Invoice Number: RELEASE IN PART B4,B6 7028 Invoice Date: 3/19/17 B6 Voice: · Fax: SoldTo: U.S. Dept. of State 2201 C St. NW Washington, DC 20520 , US I Customer 10:oc S'XATE DEPT ' Payment Terms Customer PO George Rowland Net Sales Rep ID DAN Due Description Fl.coring (remove ~ replace carpet) executive hal.lway near executive secretary - 7th floor 1 office: carpet 7th floor eaxpet - 7th floor & Main State reception: Dept completed Thurs. replacement with carpet area: carpet replaoement with repair & replace 1/2 of room of · Amount @ carpet 3/16/17: 1.5% per month will be applied B4 existing tile Subtotal 2,550.00 Total Invoice Amount 2,550.00 TOTAL DUE Fina nce charge Due Date 3/19/17 to past 2,550.00 due accounts. !i E!llj _S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-17815 DocMULTI-STATE-17-0490-B-000014 No. C06609318 Date: 08/24/2018 CO6 6 O9 3 l 9'1ED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-17815 Doc No. C06609319 Date: 08/24/2018 [RELEASE IN FULL [ /4.. ,,. ·~ s •W?-o.,ol). U.S. Department of State "'+4~..,.,,l' RECEIVING AND INSPECTION REPORT Office or Foreign Service Post SSEXD Agency MAIN STATE, ROOM 7519 Received From Company Name C & C FLOORING Address 11710 PLAZA AMERICA DR . STE.20 VA RESTON Point of Shipment Page 1 of 1 Pages Method of Acquisition 20190-4743 USA RESTON VA GBL Number Document Number Report Number 0 Purchased [j Rented □ □ □ Constructed □ □ □ Loaned Donated Other BUSES170246 P.O. Number/ Mod Inventory SOTHER17VB145 Requisition Number Leased PR6215593 Appropriation Transfer Document Number 19 701130003 Allotment Contract Number 1001 Object Class Job Number 2589 ltein . .NumbeJ ,•serial · Nuru~e,i 1 .· Description (Include Terms of Acceptance on Loans, Donations,etc.) Quantity Unit 1 JB Unit Price Ai:nount . Remove and replace carpet - 7th Floor ... - •••• $2,550.00 $2,550.00 - ••• - - - - - - ••• - Comments - - - •• - - - • • • • • • • $2,550.00 Total: Request contains Service line items MAIN STATE, ROOM 7519 SERVICE COMPLETE FOR SITT -------------------------------------------- Certification of Receipt Order Delivery Status I certify that, except where noted, all items listed were inspected and accepted. Name (Last, First, Ml.) Smith,Kenneth A Title Receiving Clerk ,. Address Signature ~ Date Delivered (mm-dd-WYY) 0 Phore Date (mm-dd-WYY) 4/6/2017 =--:;s::::: D 04/06/2017 Complete D Defective Dover Partial □ Short D Final Property Records Accountable Officer (FSP Posts Only) (Initials) 11nir1a1sJ DS-127 (Formerly OF-127) 05-2006 AM::::r,1r-, /\ pv I !iE!llj _S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-17815 DocMULTI-STATE-17-0490-B-000015 No. C06609319 Date: 08/24/2018 CO6 6 O9 3 2 l'IED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-17815 Doc No. C06609321 Date: 08/24/2018 '-. Page: 1 of2 RELEASE IN PART 86 Requisition Number: PR6217230 RequisitionTitle: S/TT - Recover couch Purchase Request: PR6217230 RequestType: Purchase Card Requesting Office: OFC OF THEEXECUTIVE DIRECTOR(S/ES-EX) Issued on Mon, 20 Mar, 2017 Created on Mon, 20 Mar, 2017 by Kevin L. Gentry Vendor: L.P.OLIVER& SONS,INC. 21708 BRINKMEADOW LANE GERMANTOWN,MD 20876 UNITEDSTATES Phone contactL~: N ~o = c= o ~ NT ~A~c=1= s1D ~ Ef'!TIFIED B6 Ship To: Department of State 2201 CST, NW MAIN STATE,ROOM 7519 WASHINGTON,DC 20520 UNITEDSTATES Phone: USA999-999-9999 Deliver To: Main State Rm 7519 Item Description Recover couch in transition office. Part Number Unit Qty Need By job Unit Price Mon, 20 $950.00 Mar, USD 2017 Extended Amount $950.00 USD Recover couch in transition office. BillTo: Department of State PO BOX 150008; Fax To: 1-866-483-3436 ATIN: OFFICEOF CLAIMS CHARLESTON, SC 29415-5008 UNITEDSTATES Fax: USA866-483-3436 Funding: Total Status:Submitted -- ---- -..·---- --· . .._. .-....·-- .......... .. --···--· -------·--·- ..- .. ..... .. ---.. .....- ..·----· ..._, Approvals c -·- --·------ ·------·---------- --..-·-·-----..- -, ..-·-·-··-- ..-·-·····-·-·----..---·---..-·------- ·------..·--- ..................·,! !Required !Status !Reason !Approved By iDate j ,-- .._..___r_·-----i--- --..-··- ·---....-.-·..... _·-·.... -........... ................ -... -................ ·riApprover ..---------•·--·....- ...... .... .... ____ .. .._.r--..-----···..·-···---·- :................ ! , . Atv pv $950.00 USD ---------··---·-·-..---- ---..... ~-- MULTI-STATE-17-0490-B-000016 CO6 6 O9 3 21 ·IED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-17815 Doc No. C06609321 Date: 08/24/2018 Page: 2 of2 J ___ _ iRequired iReady !Approver_]_:Organizational_Approver_l .... ____J_~(~~-~~~CC Approv_~ __ RequisitionAttachments A TTACHMENT(ITEM1} by Kevin L. Gentry on Monday, March 20, 2017 at 6:27 AM LP Oliver 22916.pdf (506428 bytes) • A v1 I\ MULTI-STATE-17-0490-B-000017 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-17815 Doc No. C06609321 Date: 08/24/2018 C06609322.IED U.S. DepartmentofState Case No. F-2017-17815 DocNo.C06609322 Date:08/24/2018 RELEASE IN PART 84,86 L.P. OLIVER & SONS, INC. 240-876-1808 I DATE 3/13/2017 BILLTO INVOICE# 86 86 22916 SHIP TO GEORGE ROWLAND DEPARTMENTOF STATE 2121 VA. AVE., N.W. WASHINGTON,D.C. 20037 ITEM DESCRIPTION UPHOLSTERY LOVESEAT-RECOVER UPHOLSTERY FABRIC Please remit all payments to: AMOUNT 84 Total $950.00 L.P.Oliver & Sons, Inc. 21708 Brink Meadow Lane Germantown, MD 20876 MULTI-STATE-17-0490-B-000018 Doc No. C06609322 Date: 08/24/2018 CO660 9323·IED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-17815 Doc No. C06609323 Date: 08/24/2018 [RELEASE IN FULL [ .. ". c1'+-<"'"NTo"' ..>, ' U.S. Department of State J \~ i' ~ T30days I Total $44,772.00 MULTI-STATE-17-0490-B-000022 Doc No. C06609349 Date: 08/27/2018 CO660 9353·IED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-17815 Doc No. C06609353 Date: 08/24/2018 Page 1 of3 SAQMMA17F1128 ORDER FOR SUPPLIES OR SERVICES IMPORTANT: Mark all packages and papers with contract and/or order numbers. 1. DATE OFORDER 2. CONTRACT NO . (IIany) 6. SHIP TO: 03/27/2017 SAQMMA1100079 a. NAME OFCONSIGNEE -3-_o.,..R ... D.... ER,...N""o. -------+4~. R::::Ee=au:--::1=s1T=1o=N-:::1R::::E~FE::::R::::EN~c=e-::N~o.---1 KennethA. Smith,202-647-5621 SAQMMA17F1128 1001702228 b. STREET ADDRESS --:5,-, _1s=-=s.,.,u1""NG="'OFF=1c=-=E,...CA,....,ddteta-,---co-~--.-,n-ca~1a~>'------------1 CFC OF THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR (S/ES-EX) SEE 2201 C ST, NW SEETEXT MAIN STATE, ROOM 7519 OTHERISSUINGOFFICE [:!LEASE IN PART I Multi,XX 00000 c.CITY WASHINGTON d. STATE DC le.ZIPCODE 20520 -,,,.::"""'~"Al:';Co;,"T~NA:-::M~E:----rl1PH_ON_E:-=1:-::o":::"3-:_5:--::1:--::6:--1:::--:5;:-:8::-;0.-------, I. SHIPVIA IEMAIL: arossns@.state.aov Nichole Gross 7. TO: a . l'U'U'Ac ot- __,,.,. -~ DUNS NUMBER ...., Andrea Moore 571-403-8953 858888761 '"lb:--: ••""""ffl!Ml'lrr'l:,.,.,..""'ffl'T"""'ll!"'""" ___________ --1 ...._ ____ EMCOR GOVERNMENT SERVICES, INC. 8. TYPE OF ORDER D a. PURCHASE [g] b. DELIVERY - Except for billing instructions on the reverse, this REFERENCEYOUR: --------------------------1 STREET ADDRESS Please fumish the fo-u-ow~in_g_o_n_iheterms and condlUons speafied on both sides of this order and on the attached sheet, if any, induding delivery as indicated . c. 2800 CRYSTALDR STE 600 delivery order is subject to instructions contained on this side only of this form and Is Issued subject to the terms and conditions of Ifie above-numbered contract. 10. REQUISITIONING OFFICE d.CITY ARLINGTON 9. ACCOUNTING AND APPROPRIATION DATA 1900-2017-19_701130003 l I 22202-3590 e. STATE I. ZIPCOOE VA OFC OF THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR (S/ES-EX), 2201 CST; NW, MAIN STATE, ROOM 7519, WASHINGTON, DC 20520 • S-1001 - 010102 -1100 • 2589-2017 $48,644.78 11. BUSINESSCLASSIFICATION(Checkappropriate box(asl) □ a. SMALL □ b. OTHERTHAN SMALL □ C. DISADVANTAGED□ d. WOMEN-OWNED □ e. HUBZone □ f. SERVICE-DISABLED □ VETERAN-OWNED 13. a. INSPECTION I t.=~••=~~""."=J""°"• □ h IIMAU.IIUSIICEH""""""" PLACE OF b. 12. F.O.B.POINT EDWOSB • 14. GOVERNMENT BIL NO . ACCEPTANCE 15. DELIVER TOF.O.B. POINT ONOR 16. DISCOUNTTERMS BEFORE (Dale) 03/27/2018 17. SCHEDULE(See reversefor Rejections) SEE LINE ITEMS SECTION 18. SHIPPING POINT 119 . GROSS SHIPPING WEIGHT 120 . INVOICE NO . 21. MAILINVOICE TO : $48,644.78 17(h) TOT. (Cont. pages} $48,644.78 GRAND SEEBIWNG a NAME INSTRUCTIONS CFC OF THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR(S/ES-EX) ON REVERSE b. STREET ADDRESS(or P.O . Box) 2201 CST, NW, MAIN STATE, ROOM 7519 17(1) c.CITY WASHINGTON Id.STATE DC TOTAL o. ZJP CODE 20520 23. NAME (Typed) 22. UNITEDSTATESOF AMERICABY (Signaturo) Nichole Gross TITLE: CONTRACTING/ORDERING OFFICER AUTHORIZEDFOR LOCALREPRODUCTION PREVIOUSEDITIONNOT USABLE OPTIONALFORM 347 (REV. 02/2012) Prescribedby GSA/FAR48 CFR 53.213(1) MULTI-STATE-17-0490-B-000023 lla'll 1!.J.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-17815 Doc No. C06609353 Date: 08/24/2018 CO6 6 O9 3 5 3 ·IED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-17815 Doc No. C06609353 Date: 08/24/2018 Line Item vontractNumber. Summary SAQMMA11D0079 prder Number: : S TT TASK 355 T1Ue $AQMMA17F1128 Uno Item Description In accordancewith proposal number: RE: DOS: 17-2911693signed by Allen Stewart 001 In accordancewith Capital Build-Out Inc. estimate number: 4440 dated February 17,2017 (attached). No. Quantity Unit 1.00 JB TotalFunding: Page 2 of3 SAQMMA17F1128 Dateof Order: $48,644.78 /2017 lo3127 Unit Price $48,644.78 Total Cost $48,644.78 CLIN4004 B4 I looc RefNo: 1001702228 Taxes Included: (Startto End) Data Oellvery Data 03/27/2017 03/27/2017to 03/27/2018 FOB: Destination ~undlngInformation: 1. AccounUngRef: 1001702228 $48,644.78 Grand Total: $48,644.78 OllNV DEPARTMENT OF STATE INVOICE INSTRUCTIONS Invoice submission is only via the Office of Claims' Commercial Claims Operations fax server, toll-free number: 866-483-3436,or DOSPayments@state.gov, unless otherwise indicated. Each invoice must be transmitted separately. To constitute a proper invoice, the invoice must include the following information and/or attached documentation: (I) Name and Address of the Contractor (2) Dun and Bradstreet Universal Number System (DUNS) (3) Date of invoice (4) Unique Vendor Invoice Number - Our Financial System cannot accept the following characters:@ (at symbol),~ (Tilde), & (Ampersand),' (Apostrophe)," (Quotation) and spaces. Please do not include any of these characters as part of your invoice number. (5) Remittance Contact Information (6) Shipping Terms, Ship to Address (7) Payment Terms (8) Total Quantity ofltems (9) Total Invoice Amount (10) Requisition Number, Contract Number and Order/Award Number, with modification number if applicable. (11) Order line item number and information (see below instructions) The name and DUNS of the contractor on the invoice must match the information indicated on the order/award for proper payment. IMPORTANT: For proper payment, the invoice must detail products and/or services delivered on a line item basis in direct accordance with the corresponding order/award/contract. Each line item must contain the following information: (1) Description of the services rendered for each line item (2) Line Item Quantity (3) Line Item Unit Price MULTI-STATE-17-0490-B-000024 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-17815 Doc No. C06609353 Date: 08/24/2018 United States Department of State Washington, D.C. 20520 February 22, 2019 CaseNo. : Segments: F-2017-17815 SES-0003 Sara Creighton American Oversight 1030 15th Street NW, B255 Washington, DC 20005 Dear Ms. Creighton: I refer you to our letter dated August 27, 2018, regarding the release of material under the Freedom of Information Act (the "FOIA"), 5 U.S.C. ? 552. The Department has conducted a supplemental search and located one additional documen t responsive to your request. After reviewing this document, we have determined it may be released in full. This production completes the processing of your request. If you have any questions, you may contact Assistant United States Attorney Paul Cirino at Paul.Cirino @usdoj.gov. Please refer to the associated case number, F-2017-17815, and the civil action number, I: l 8-cv-00568, in all communications regarding this case. Sincerely, (l?) ~,,,,, ; 1\_ Susan C. Weetman Chief, Programs and Policies Division Office of Information Programs and Services Enclosures : As stated AMERICAr\ pVERSIGHT The Fn ~c.dorn of Information Act (5 USC 552) FOlA Excmptious (bXJ) lnfom1ation speci11cally autJ10rizcd by an cxccu1ive order 10 be kept secret in the interest of national defense . or foreign policy. Executive Ord er 13526 includes tJ1cfollowing classification categorie s: I .4(a) l .4(b) 1.4(c) ] .4(d) l .4(e) Military plans, systems, or operations Foreign government infom1ation Intelligence activities, sources or metJ1ods, or cryptology Foreign relation s or foreign activities of the US, includu1g confidential sources Scientific, technological, or economic mat1crs relating to national security, including defonsc against transnational terrorism l .4(1) U .S. Government programs for safeguarding nuclear materials or facilities l .4(g) Vulnerabilities or capabilities of systems , installations, infrastructures, projects, plans, or protection services relating to US national security, including defense against transnational terrorism l.4(h) Weapons of mass destruction (b)(2) (bX3) Related solely to the internal personnel mies and practices ofan agency ? Specifically exempted from disclosure by statute ( other than 5 USC 552), for example: ARMSEXP CIA PERS/ORG EXPORT CONTROL FSACT INA IRAN Arms Ex.port Control Act, S0a USC 24 ll(c) Central Intelligence Agency Act of 1949, 50 USC 403(g) Ex.port Administration Act of 1979, 50 USC App. Sec . 241 l(c) Foreign Service Act of l 980~22 USC 4004 Immigration and Nationality Act, 8 USC l202(f), Sec. 222(f) Iran Claims Settlement Act, Public Law 99-99, Sec. 505 (bX4) Trade secrets and confidential commercial or financial information (bX5) lntQragency or intra-agency communications forming part of the deli~~e attorney-client privilege~ or attorney work product (bX6) Personal privacy infonnation (bX7) Law enforcement infonnation whose disclosure would: (A) interfere with enforcement proceedings (B) deprive a person of a fair trial (C) constitute an unwarranted invasion of personal privacy (D) disclose confidential sources (E) disclose investigation techniques (F) endanger life or physical safety of an individual (b)(8) Prepared by or for a government agency regulating or supervising financial institutions (bX9) Geological and geophysical information and data, inc1uding maps, concerning wells process, Other Grounds for Withholding NR Material not responsive to a FOIA request excised with the agreement of the requester AMf HICAN PVERSIGHT MULTI-STATE-17-0490-C-000001 CO6 6 9 9 910=1ED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-17815 Doc No. C06699910 Date: 02/19/2019 From: Sent: -To: JlSubject: o,o 1.: :1 Guerrero, Andres Wednesday, May 16, 2018 8:56 AM Rowland, George C RE:Goldstein/Stengel Portrait [RELEASE IN FULL! Ok. Thanks for the update . . .f: Andy Official UNCLASSIFIED From: Rowland, George C Sent: Wednesday, May 16, 2018 8:55 AM To: Guerrero, Andres Subject:RE: Goldstein/Stengel Portrait Not yet, we gave them a lot of work . From: Guerrero, Andres Sent: Wednesday, May 16, 2018 8:54 AM To: Rowland, George C Subject:RE: Goldstein/Stengel Portrait Hi George - any update? Andy Official UNCLASSIFIED From: Guerrero, Andres Sent: Thursday, May 3, 2018 9:16 AM To: Rowland, George C Subject:RE: Goldstein/Stengel Portrait Thank you! Andy ... Official t~UNCLASSIFIED (C)? ':./ ' From: Rowland, George C . :,, . Sent:Thursday, May 3, 2018 4:46 AM ?-~ To: Guerrero, Andres Subject:RE: Goldstein/Stengel Portrait \ '- We should have it back fro m the vender in about a week . MULTI-STATE-17-0490-C-000002 CO6 6 9 9 91 Q:IED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-17815 Doc No. C06699910 Date: 02/19/2019 From:Guerrero, Andres Sent: Wednesday, May 2, 2018 4:01 PM To: Rowland, George C Subject: RE: Goldstein/Stengel Portrait Hi George - any news? Andy ~ Official UNCLASSIFIED i,. , . From: Rowland, George C Sent: Wednesday, April 25, 2018 6:02 AM To: Guerrero, Andres Subject: RE: Goldstein/Stengel Portrait I will check with the outside vender . From:Guerrero, Andres Sent: Tuesday, April 24, 2018 4:39 PM To: Rowland, George C Subject: Goldstein/Stengel Portrait Hi George - any update on when the portrait will be completed? Andy Official UNCLASSIFIED From: myServices Sent: Thursday, April 5, 2018 9:27 AM To: Guerrero, Andres Subject: Labor/Move - RITM4113905 was submitted Labor/Move- RITM4113905was submitted. Request Details: Customer Description:Official Portrait Installation Requester:Andres Guerrero Submittedby: Andres Guerrero Preferred Date: 2018-04-0609:25 EDT If accessing via OpenNet: Please navigate to myServicesand search for RITM4l l 3905 to view the request. ;>-,f' If accessing via the Internet: Please navigate to RITM4l 13905to view the request. Please do not reply to this automated ema(l. . ., MULTI-STATE-17-0490-C-000003 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-17815 Doc No. C06699910 Date: 02/19/2019 CO6 6 9 9 91 OIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-17815 Doc No. C06699910 Date: 02/19/2019 Thank you. Ref:MSG21555254 ;'i' ?,''', / /\M 1~ MULTI-STATE-17-0490-C-000004 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-17815 Doc No. C06699910 Date: 02/19/2019