E1858 yawmem 433?} H583 iZiUbfli? i?ge l3 inspe?isr Everg said ha ?iacussed hi5 Namti?g' SOPS wiih formar ADA meist was gendmg th?s mgcsai up ihroagh he! chain a? wman?g iniema? Affairs was ?nfarmed the 355mg: A?emefs Mae Wm mi 3&th mesa games, Even though Snspector 2mm sought Captain Healy?s input and review on the Name?cs? SOPS, inspector Evers has an abligatian? iika any anther member 61? tha Wiladelphia Poiice (Department. {9 Raw and understand the directives. %nspector Evers. gWen his position, rank, and years sf experience, shouid have the Knowieage in explain ?aw procedures that are being impiemented instead of causing gogfusim within his and refasing it: ensure that mw miicy ?mplemer?atima are fully exp?ained ?t9 ail affeated personnei assigned to his Cammanders shnuld pmvide ieadership, manta? iheir subard?nates, and get an exampis far that? smears. ??spestar 5mm did mt wait for his gmpased Narcotics? ??93 it; be awmwd. Evan 3310th ha knew PR3. Eirective 12.? 1 2136 mui?pSe issues. 253% his rank as an gaspec?tor ms forge gamma ot?wrs amaze PRU. Sireative 12.1 As a rasait? {here were multipie game ?acuma?ts geaerated farms 33mg manic: Ca?trel Numbers, and they have been disseminated withm me mime gaspedar Everg Sgpewiaes the NSF arid the NFU, and has a 2.0 buff?: wits. He has way requested input mm suaawiwrs assigned :0 ?the NHL He wants NFL: in Emplement his Nametics' Hmevea he has used his pelicy with PIG Earpar, Sergeant Shabazzg and CWV pemennei. inspecmr Evers had a duty to understam Em cancems a? Narcmics 83.2mm: germane! and ac: inatead 0f dismissing their mmams and gaming division. A?di?a?aiiyt it is susmmen that lnspeetm Raymun? Essays? Payton a- ?ne marge Gf this mves?gamm mspecter Evers Said that during the Narcotics initiatives, 93sz a? 9.9.3 ?irec?ve Ccmpiaint a? Widen: Ream (?26413; were gmvi?ed ta ma comma! and the atagifng area ef?cerg? inspects)! Eveis said that he 9135 axplaiae? the use 9f 9.9.9. {Jimc?ve 12.11 is parses-is when are sshedu?ed is dame? defandants. mums Wm have been ass?gned t0 the staging area da?ng {ha Narm?cs initiatives said they have never been pmvided, nor have ihey mg?es 9f 9P3. Effective 123%? at this Narcmics Staging area. What? questionad, they said they were net fam??iar with mag. D?rea?ve Rad inspector Evers distributed FEE. 12.11, he would mt have spoken ta multipie af?cesrs on the particuiarg 9f managing me ?3?5483? he maid haw referred them is tha gapew??mrs ha? receive? tha diragiians. my @3295? tamer, (MM be Lari twat-3U earuerie Page it} i5 3 Evere was asked whether he seetre with any emeer regarding a gen erreetr arse trim {teepeeter Evere} wanting te get tnfermetierr frem the eereers. He replied? at een?t inspector Everes threegh his ewe edmiseten, remembered with Sergeant Shabaez durirtg Nercettes initiative which had asserted several months earlier, end recalled the defendant had been charged and entered into the PARS. impede!" Evers recalled this. but he did not recall speaking with Sergeant Meehan, a sergeant to the inspector Evers asked Sergeant Meehen to release a mate. The male wee arrested fer narcotics v?r?elatiene and ?rearms: vieietione involving ehiiterated eerie! eumbers. Sergeant Meehen the eenvereatienr He said he phene ceit err his eeit pherrer He spoke with Lieutenant Newsom end tnspeeter E?vere. Sergeant Meeker: said they were standing next to each other; arm eased err their mnyereettenr Sergeant Meeherr eeid he did net the mate Sergeant Meehert eerie he spoke with Start inepecter Frazier end Cepteie regarding tnepeeter Evens? ehone eels end request. Staff Frazier end Septeirt Eevtdserr veri?ed Sergeant Meeherr epeekirtg them ebee?t Evere? request Erere 23.: ed if PIG t-tareer Smew what to ate with the ?erectiee eon?ecated from after Evers eutharize? -s release. He repliedr ?t didn?t ehysieetty epeek to P10 Harper; he shoutd have feltowed the directives" PIG Harper and we Santiago #3525 independentty reset: inspector Evere persenetly speaking with them regerdieg preparing a ?7548 to release PIG Hamer said that (faring en in?t?ettve he wee working; and in the same vehicte with 9/0 Santiago; W0 Harper remembered receiving a eat! em responding 2e the staging area. He was stilt in the marked pottce vehicle when inspector Eeere eepreeched erre spoke te him abeut-r PIG Harper said inepeeter Evan?s tale te g9 irate the staging area and erepare the ?5?48 fei- WQ Santiago said he was the driver ef the vehicte. He prev?ded the same eet ef events; as PIC Harper; tr: eeditiee te tying de?eg this investigation eceerdfeg te Chtef teepeeter aeyter Evere tnfermed him (Greet Beyte) that when eemeene was erreeted, but not charged, end they provided informatten en criminal activity end then were reteesee. the: the Attemey?e Gt?ce was eentacted prier tr: therr ?this irwestigatien deerty prevect that this was not the ease. Ne ene {rem the metric! Atteme y?s Qt?eewas centacte? in reference te any ef the fetiewing DC :33: . 7- .- ere