UNCLASSIFIEO//FOR PUBLIC RELEASE ))OEE I CIAL) ONAOIHENIICAIED)) ,'/73/SSI// 1 [The R.M.C. 806 session was called to order at 0935, 2 16 December 2016.] 3 MJ (Col SPATH]: This mil i tary corruniss i on is ca l led to order . 4 This session has been closed in accor dance with 10 5 Rule for Military Commiss i on R . M.C. 806{b) (2). 6 o.s.c. 949d(C) and The commi ssion gave notice to the public and the part i es of 7 its decision to conduc t 8 Exhibits 359G and 092X. this c l osed session in Appellate The accused is not present. Trial Cou nsel, please account fo r the members of the team 9 10 who are present currently. 11 TC [ MR . MILLER) : 12 MJ 13 TC ( MR. MILLER) : Good morning , Your Honor. [ Col SPATH]: Good morni ng . You r Honor, p resen t today for the prosecution 14 is mysel f, Mark Miller; Lieutenant Paul Morris ; Lieutenant Jonathan 15 Cantil ; Lieu tenant Cherie Jolly; Master Sergeant 18 was called out but he will be returning at some point s h ortly . 19 20 Mr . Al l persons i ncluding, obviously, Brigadi er General Martins , have the n ecess?ry cle~r~nces , Your Honor . 21 MJ [Col SPATH) : Thank you. 22 LDC [MR . KAMMEN]: Thank you. Defense Counsel? Good morni ng, Your Honor . 1 / / J . . J / V V .L. / / / ;'GP l?I@!!ftB/8llt i8Till!l!Q I I 8f:JJ!gl!l;f/ UNCLASSIFIEO//FOR PUBLIC RELEASE Presen t for the UNCLASSIFIED//FOR PUBLIC RELEASE ;' /@l?Fi@iMs/ ~mz~!llBlffi@i':!1!!18/ ;' , / ;' T8/88I;E;' 1 de fense are myself, Richard Kammen; Attorneys Rosa E l i ades ; 2 Lieutenant Commander Je nnifer Pollio ; and Mary Spears ; para l egal 3 Sergeant 4 para l egal ; DSO, Mr. 5 6 7 8 9 Ms. Brandi J anes, a nd Brigadier General John Baker . Eve ryone has the necessary c l earances. MJ [ Col SPATH] : All ri ght . Thank you . here and ready to go, Trial Counse l ? At last time we checked he was not. TC [MR. MI LLER) : I was g o i ng t o ask 10 MJ [ Col SPATH] : 11 TC [ MR . MILLE R] : 12 MJ [ Col SPATH] : 13 TC [ MR . MILLER] : 14 going to ask Petty Off i cer Remember the microphone . Oh , I ' m sorry, Your Honor . That 's all right . Last t i me we checked , he was not, so I am to check again. 15 MJ [ Col S PATH] : 16 CP [BG MARTINS] : Tha nk you, Your Honor . 17 TC [MR. MILLER]: He is still not here . 18 MJ [ Col SPATH ] : 19 Is Colonel Gabavics Al l right . General Mar tins has returned . Still wai t ing on Colone l Gabavics . Okay. Hopeful ly he• 1 1 be here soon. 20 TC [ MR, MI LLER]; Hopeful l y . 21 MJ ( Col SPATH): 22 o utsta nding issue is 092 . Thank you, Yo ur Hono r . So separate from Col one l Gabavics, the We had a coupl e orders of bus i ness. 2 /;5!8 ;'. 8 OI ;'.;' / I I (OPDICI] I , (U ll?PTP P l...lTI _ ._ ._ .._ ..._,. .._,.. .. ...., ...., .. ........,. _.. .. J,. .._. ... ...._ GDTFO .....,.__..... ._., ( t I UNCLASSI FIED//FOR PUBLIC RELEASE UNCLASSIFIEO//FOR PUBLIC RELEASE Defense, I think you wanted me to see the proposed 1 2 substitute. I s that 3 LDC [MR . KAMME N] : 4 MJ [ Co l SPATH]: 5 LDC [MR . KAMMEN): I did, b ut you can ' t - - -Okay . because i t can ' t be shown i n the 6 courtroom . That , of course, bears, we think, on the inadequacy of 7 the subs t i tution , that it can' t be shown i n t he courtroom . 8 We can make arrangements , i f everyone wants to go to - 9 for you to see it , but tha t woul d require everyone going i nto a 10 r a t he r cramped fac ilit y. But we ' ve b e en tol d that the r e's - - at 11 least for t his session , there's no way to make it availabl e to you. ~ 12 13 14 MJ [ Co l SPATH] : All r i g h t. And i t ' s in the record a lready , I know, as one of the appe l lat e exhibi ts . LDC [MR. KAMMEN]: Well , that may be in the record , but part of 15 t h e i s sue , of cou rse, is 16 MJ [Col S PATH) : 17 LDC [MR . KAMMENJ: 18 MJ [Col SPATH) : 19 LDC [MR. KAMMEN] : 20 MJ [Col SPATH ]: Th at was in the---It ' s not in t he record i n thi s case . It ' s not i n the record with both of you Right. - - -- and I have not seen it, as I ment ioned . 21 So let•s do this. Let ' s mark your proposed exh ibit, which I 22 r ecognize i s the -- wh a t ever the gove rnme n t g ave you . 3 ;' /IO /8 0I ;f ;f ;' ;. .... _ .... ,.. _ . _ , v .... . . . ..., .... ,. _ .., • ..., ._....__ ... _ _. ,, 1 UNClASSIFIEO//FOR PUBLIC RELEASE I 'd like t o UNClASSIFIEO//FOR PUBLIC RELEASE ;t ;terr Ii!!Ifi!S/tllh~l!Hll!th !Ci!Il!'.15// ,I LDC (MR. KAMMEN) : 1 2 , I(( Thank you. Questions by the Learned Defense Counsel. [MR. RAMMENJ: Q. 3 4 .. _ , (COT ___ ( ( (SO Are you familiar wi th any o f the t hings in any of the records dea ling with Mr. al Nashi ri's behavior in the s h owers? 5 A. No t in any de tai l, no, I 'm not. 6 Q. Okay. Are you familiar with the fact t h at he doesn ' t like 7 t o t ake showers and only likes to be dripped because shower s remind 8 him of when he was water boarded by the United States? 9 10 A. I 'm not aware of that part . I know that he does no t l ike to t ake showe r s , 11 Q. Okay . 12 A. That ' s a b out the extent o f it . 13 Q. All right . 14 A. Li ke I said, I get the advice from my medical personnel . 15 And I also will say it ' s not arb :. trary i n terms of wh at l do make my 16 decision . 17 tha t my medi cal doctor has to l d ne that two weeks ago when he talked 18 to al Nashiri he sai d he wanted to s t ay back at Camp VII as well, 19 based upon t he same things that r have test ified. Q. 20 I know the basis of what hi s -- the thing is I also -- All right. Now, with the court's permission , I assume you 21 have never dea l t with somebody who is standing tria l i n a capital 22 case? 28 ;'.;f?T;'.i?T:f;'. / /Ci 2 ±Cfl!JS;'UEIMHIIBttl I!'!fiTISB;t;' UNClASSIFIEO//FOR PUBLIC RELEASE UNCILASSIFIED//FOR PUBLIC RELEASE //OPPIGI?~:/eJ!J},.{J'f!JB?iJ'f I G.Pl:l?EB/ ;' ,· ,r,0 ;10 er:·,· 1 A. Not directly, no. 2 Q. Okay. 3 You' re not fami l iar with the str esses that they might be under? 4 A. Not direct l y , no. 5 Q. Okay . And I assume you're only noddi n gly fami liar wi th the 6 stresses of s t anding trial i n a foreign country where you don 't speak 7 the language? 8 A. I mean, yes. 9 Q. Generally? 10 A. Genera ll y. 11 Q. Okay. 12 13 14 15 I mean ---- Or i n a foreign -- standing t ria l in a fore ign country where that country has previously abused you? A. Once again , I ' d be making an assumption or assertion on that one and - - -- Q. Now, l et's turn t o the facilities her e at t hi s location, 16 the ELC. Behind the ELC there are , as I recall , 17 cells ; is that correc t ? 18 A. Yes . 19 Q. Each of those cells are really identical , t~ue? 20 A. ;£es, 21 22 29 //TB /B@I;';' UNClASSIFIED//FOR PUBLIC RELEASE UNCLASSIFIED//FOR PUBLIC RELEASE I I Ct I . , . CIA....,/ bu Pi0 . 11~,4££€Al&S) , /JT5/5Ct// A. Th at is my und erstanding, yes . 12 Q. You ' ve nev e r seen t h e cells b e h ind the ELC? 13 A. I've not wal ked through t h e m independent l y, no . 14 Q. Okay . 15 A. I have not . 16 Q. Each o f the cells has a bed, correct? 17 A. I' m a wa re of tha t, yes . 18 Q. Each of the cel l s has a commode and running water , true? 19 A, l'es . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 And you 've never wal ked into them? 20 21 22 30 ; /!E!l/2kIH ;' ;'. 0 PP! 8I?zL;'.UllAUillfSltlTU1 i ilii;C;C UNCLASSIFIED//FOR PUBLIC RELEASE UNClASSIFIED//FOR PUBLIC RELEASE I I Ct I it±ALI CfQAOiliEL41 ICAIED, I ;'/!3/3'--'I// 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 31 //±.§/.§CI// , ) 3£ L 181112) 3£4liUI12EitLC.LL3J1/ UNClASSIFIED//FOR PUBLIC RELEASE UNCLASSIFIED//FOR PUBLIC RELEASE //OE L !2!!2±E;ro2U1tblilbl411621126) I 1 Q .. Okay . 2 A. I ' ll say I' m no t con cerned a b o ut h im ~ s cap ing h ere e i ther . 3 Q. Okay . 4 A. That ' s not what I am · conce rned about. 5 Q. Okay . Now-- -- So escape i s n ot an issu e? I t hink you s a id that living cond iti ons -- we're 6 t a lking about liv ing condi t ions, ope n air , c ommunity , me di cal 7 f acil i ties , library were , in your mind, the i ssue ? 8 A. That ' s par t o f the i ssue , yes . 9 Q. Okay . 10 11 We l l , we' l l come t o t he o ther . All righ t. I f the inmate -- the i nmate i s not r equired t o go t o the doc t or i n Ca mp VI I , i s he? 12 A. They ' r e n ot r e qui red , no. 13 Q. Okay. 15 A. They're n ot r equ ired , no. 16 Q. The in.mate ' s n o t requi r ed t o part i c i pate i n community 14 17 20 r equired to go t o the library, is he ? activiti es or commu nal p rayer , a re t hey? Nope , not required to, 18 19 Th e inmate is not Q. Th e i nmate i s no t r e q uired to a va i l t hemselves o f the open - a ir rec r e a ti o n , true? 21 A. Wel l , t hey c a n close their door, if they don ' t , bu t y es . 22 Q. Oka y . Those are i nd i v i dual choi ces a n i nmate can make 32 ))13)36£ , ) ;r;:M rn !Lra;tU.LtLHIMHfI if l!Hi;'.;f UNCLASSIFIED//FOR PUBLIC RELEASE UNCLASSIFIED//FOR PUBLIC RELEASE //OH 16 -IIL,SOLIMHBbi4££Clllbb} / //TO/SOI// 1 while at Camp VI I, correct? 2 A. Yes. 3 Q. Now, i f an inmate is at court during the day and physica l ly 4 si tt i ng i n court, obvious ly he's not going to the doctor, true? 5 A. Unl ess he needed care, yes . 6 Q. Okay. 7 A. Right . 8 Q. Not doing communal prayer, not doi ng any of t hose other 9 He ' s not going to the library , right? thi ngs while he is at court, true? 10 A- Correct . 11 Q. I don ' t know, but i n the absence of emerqencies and I 12 understand that there's medical care for emergencies , but in the 13 absence of emergencies , i s the doctor at Camp VII a fter 14 A. There i s at minimum a corps~an and a nur se, so. 15 Q. All r i ght . 16 A. Depending upon the $ituation, generally no. 17 Q. Okay. 18 A. They're always on call. 19 Q. Okay. 20 21 22 Bu t is a doctor at Camp VII after Is t here a point in the evening when t he library closes at Camp VII? A. The delivery - - wel l , deli very of mat erials are usuall y done during per i ods of time, and they are able to keep the ma terials 33 I I lv1) SCI) ,r,• . . . ~-~ I -··- ,-····--··-··--ST.TEP'.'. UNCLASSIFIED//FOR PUBLIC RELEASE UNCLASSIFIED//FOR PUBLI C RELEASE J J 1 J throughout the du ration , until they collect the next time . Q. 2 3 22216£1!£) Si21232!i2ill£611!23) All right. So they don't go to the library ; the books are brought to them? 4 A. Yes. 5 Q. Okay . And I assume - - and I don ' t mean to be sarcastic - - 6 that the books are eas i ly t ranspor table and a book could be brought 7 here? "' ,, e 9 10 A. Well, they're given a wide selection that they can choose from, along with everything else , so an enti re cart of things are taken out there. Q. 11 Sur e. Okay . But, you know, do you want Tom Sawyer? 12 guy says yes. 13 A. If it was that simple, yes. 14 Q. Okay . 15 t ime, true? 16 A. The You can bring Tom Sawyer here , right? Now, t he corrununity prayers only h appen at prayer Wel l , they also do it during different time s of rec when 17 they go out, because they all go out to an open rec, estab l ished, and 16 they can go out t here and do that as wel l . Q. 19 20 When they go out to the open rec, that rec time, what time does that end? 21 22 All right . A. out. It depends upon the durat ion of t ime when they ' re going There's d ifferen t itera tions for rec t hat they go to . 34 J ;f;f H / Ii or ;S ,: (O T""IS TSID I /IJ)JDIJTPEDZTTGP TFP / 6 UNCLASSIFIED//FOR PUBLIC RELEASE UNCLASSIFIED//FOR PUBLIC RELEASE / ;'OFFI6Ii\l5/e!Hi'te1Tl.IBHTI@i9t'PB1'// //IS/SCI// 1 Q. Well, o kay . 2 A. Generally speaking, .3 4 But - --i t's about rom the time that t hey go . Q. Okay. But let me t r y and make my quest ion more specific. 5 If an inmate says 6 outdoor rec , is he a l lowed to do tha t ? I want to go to open r ec, to 7 A. No . 8 Q. And what are Mr. al Nashi ri • s designated times for rec? 9 A. I wou l d have to go and l ook. 10 Q. Okay . 11 A. Not at this t ime, no . 12 Q. Okay. 13 It would be d uring des ignated times. All right . Now, you ' re the h ead of all of J TF; is t hat corr ect? 14 A. No. 15 Q. Okay . 16 A. I 'm t he commander of the Joi nt Detention Group . 17 Q. Okay . 18 You -- -- And the Joint De t e nti on Group r uns al l of the l aw of war d etention faci l iti es here at Guantanamo , cor r ect? l '9 A. Yes . 20 Q. And there a r e how many law of war deten tion facil i ties 21 st il l open? 22 A. 35 ;'/Sfi@J;'8@I;'/ I I I(OSFTCTT I (~BZDFZTJJElZTIGPTEP . _ ... •_,_ _ _,_, ~.,,,_,,,..,,..,. ._ .._...., ...... ,..._.,., ... _....,, .... ,..,,....,_, ,(, ' I UNCLASSIFIED//FOR PUBLIC RELEASE UNCLASSIFIED//FOR PUBLIC !RELEASE //GFPICI?~L/Ul!A.UTI"EU1 ICA.TS v // / /T3/5C 1 / ;• 1 Q. 2 3 And how many of those f acil itie s house law of war -- we ll , strike t hat . 4 5 Okay . How ma n y law of war detainees p resently are at Guant a na mo Ba y? 6 A. There ' s 59 right now. 7 Q. And 14 of them , I bel i eve , are kept at Camp VII; is that 8 correct? 9 A. Correct . 10 Q. And whe re are the other 45 kept? 11 A. 12 Q. 13 14 Al l right . And what is your tot al troop componen t available to you to manage these 59 law of war de tai nees? A. We ll , I h ave to b rea k i t down in a -- because i t ' s not a l l 15 the s ame . I have t he security requ irement s as wel l . 16 component o f 17 Q. Let ' s just work wi th me here. 18 A. All right. 19 Q. What's the t ot al number? 20 A. 21 Q. 22 A. That 's another it . We'l l get the re. 36 //11'/SeI// ;r;roz 2 i&iliUUllfllH[IB!IIIOP±HH;f;1 UNCLASSIFIED//FOR PUBLIC !RELEASE UNCLASSIFIED//FOR PUBLIC RELEASE ,t / ~f 2 ICIJ&,'Cftlfl'L ,12,51 !Clti~ IS// ;'/±8;'l9CI;';t 1 2 Q. Okay . how many of t h em a r e young men - - or strike that . 3 How many of them a r e ava ilable t o guar d the 59 inma te s ? 4 5 6 7 8 9 A. Yes , and they also support corrunissions here as we l l. 10 Q. I 'm sorry? 11 A. They also support the corruniss i ons here . 12 Q. And so how man y of the p eopl e here , o n a day when we ' re i n 37 06£ i I@fliLJ ULIMHUl!!ILII ItMH!IB;i;' UNClASSIFIED//FOR PUBLIC RELEASE UNCLASSIFIED//FOR PUBLIC RELEASE ' I 5 6£ tit ±ALI Oi&Ab i IIEtul ±CAI EB) I II IS/SCI!/ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 38 IC f 11 .1..-;;:;,r-.::.,v.1.1 &} r 9G~Ef 16 £A-Bf&l-QA%4 h&N1¥@A¥&&74 UNCLASSIFIED//FOR PUBLIC RELEASE UNCLASSIFIED//FOR PUBLIC RELEASE ,1 ,'@L P:H'!!Ift!S/@m.J@L L !I.L I@i'i ~ ~ B, ' ,f 11 1S1SCI)J 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 19 2() 21 22 II 39 SCI)' L) //SFFI CIA.L/Ut::l. UTile!lJTIGP. .TEB// UNClASSIFIED//FOR PUBLIC RELEASE UNClASSIFIEO//FOR PUBLIC RELEASE ;' ;'SFF'ICii\~/!mf,!:!Tl~e!Wf iei"tT EJB/ ,c //7£:9/eteI// 1 A. 2 The threat is also not just towards him. 3 threat as we l l 4 responsibility to p rotect h i m just as we would for anyth i ng else . 5 6 Q. here? for anyth i ng to this environment . It ' s the e xterna l Okay. We have t he The ex ter nal threat is the lawyers who are coming I mean, wh at's the external threat? 7 A. The extern al threat coul d be anything . 8 Q, Okay. 9 A. I have a respons ibili ty to ensure that we main tain the 10 abso l u t e security for ever y thing a nd the safety of our de t ainee and 11 our g uard force . 12 Q. Absolute1y. 13 A. We understand very clearl y wha t po t ential and people think 14 about the detainees that we have here. 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 95 40 £§) §219) / /OPE"! CIIIL/UllHl9IHl9llT I t'!Y!UIB;';t UNClASSIFIEO//FOR PUBLIC RELEASE UNClASSIFIEO//FOR PUBLIC RELEASE / ;'6Ff1I5! Ab/~t0ft01fHBN'fI C:iR;'ffl1'// //13/SCI// 1 Q. So the answer to my q uestion is yes? 2 A. Yes . 3 4 s 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 41 /;' T 8 ;f 8 l!H ;f;f UNCILASSIFIEO//FOR PUBLIC RELEASE UNCLASSIFIED//FOR PUBLIC RELEASE ))OEEICIAL)ONAOIHENl!CAIEB)) ;';118;'.e!BI;';' 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 42 // J. !'J/~CI// UNCLASSIFIED//FOR PUBLIC RELEASE UNCLASSIFIED//FOR PUBLIC !RELEASE 1 , I OJ.: f .1. C± n.L) OfvA0 .1. IIEICff vA J. Eb} , ;'/Tlil ;600I;f;f 1 LDC [MR . KAMMENJ : 2 MJ [ Col SPATH] : 3 4 5 LDC (MR . KAMMEN]: 7 LDC [MR . KAMMENJ: [ Col SPATH) : But I do need th e reco r d Si x to n i ne peop l e . It ' s clear. ---- because it does seem arbitrary and capri cious . MJ (Col SPATH) : 10 LDC [MR . KAMMEN) : 11 MJ 12 LDC [MR . KAMMENJ: 13 No, I under sta nd. to re fl ect - --- MJ 9 I underst and that when we 're not h ere i n sessi o n it 's a d ifferent -- -- 6 8 Thank you . [ Col SPATH) : I und ers tand . Tha t wil l g o to your arg ument . Okay. Si x to nine people when we ' re not here . Right. Questions by the Learned Defense Counsei [MR. KAMMEN]: 14 Q. Now 15 A. Now j ust to clari fy , that ' s my folks. 16 The r e's ot her commissions fo l ks a n d everyth i n g h ere as we l l too , so. 17 Q. Well - -- - 18 A. And I don ' t know t he ir n umbe rs . 19 20 21 22 43 I ((TS(SST(( I ~ o...J/ ._,.._....;., I UNCLASSIFIED//FOR PUBLIC !RELEASE UNCLASSIFIED// FOR PUBLIC RELEASE ;' /8121?HHP L;6UlTAU'.ill8UTHlt1 Tl!H!l;(/ ,f.f?S,i@GI,f,1 1 2 j 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 A. Yes , i t does . 44 ;'/?O/SS I ;'/ '. fR SP 7 TI fF 77 FTIF7577?7777 '. '. UNCLASSIFIED//FOR PUBLIC RELEASE UNCLASSIFIED//FOR PUBLIC !RELEASE f I I...,...,.._ IOPPTOTP t ,.., (;p;; SJTJtS??TICPTSS .... _.._ .. .. .., ,. • .., ,..._.-•• - •~• - · · - - - , ( ,- I /)13}3Ci)/ Q. 1 2 Okay . Because he ' s so significant t h at some unknown force is going to come b re ak him out ? A. 3 Let me just put it this way. If we, i f we - - imagine 4 you ' re in New York City doing t hi s . 5 have there as well if the defend ant is there? 6 because there's risks a l so to t he de fe ndant, because there ' s peop le 7 t hat want to take ha rm to the defendants. Q. 8 9 Right. How much security would they I t ·, s the same t h i ng , And have you spoken with a nybody in New York City who runs the , the peop le who r un the Metropol itan Correction Center 10 in New York City, 11 compa red to y o urs? to see what their guard staffing levels a re 12 A. No. 13 Q. Would it s urpr ise you to learn tha t they work o:n a much, 14 much , much, much smaller- - -Judge , we're not here real ly 15 TC [MR. MI LLER) : 16 MJ [Col SPATH]: 17 TC (MR . MILLER) : 18 MJ [Co l SPATH): 1 :9 LDC [MR. KAMMEN] : 20 Q. ---- Agreed . ---- to surprise h i m. Agreed . He doesn't know . He already said it . Okay. Now - - and are you gen erally aware that people alleged to 21 be terrorists are held in var i ous detention fac i lities i n New York 22 City , in Ch icago , and other ma jor metropol i t an areas? 45 JJ±SJSCIJJ f I bi L ICIALJ GIJAG!hbhiitAIEBJ I UNCLASSIFIED//FOR PUBLIC !RELEASE UNClASSIFIED//FOR PUBLI C RELEASE / / VJ:L' ..LVJ..n..LI/ U.l'ilr\V J. l l J.:.t l.... i .J.. \,.;C'l J.l:.I U/ / // I S/SCI// 1 A. I'm aware t hat people -- the re ' s peopl e that have been 2 convict ed of diffe rent things as well, but I don ' t 3 has not been convicted. know of any that 4 Q. Wel l , you ' re no t awar e , though , where peop l e---- 5 A. I' m s ure there ' s people. 6 I'm not tracki ng e verything around ther e in t h,e U. S . judicial system . 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 19 20 21 22 A. Yes . 46 ,f,'J0/80!,I;' ;E;f 8Pl?Hil L/UlliD IZTIIiiUTIGi!l Tliis':' UNClASSIFIED//FOR PUBLIC RELEASE UNCLASSIFIED//FOR PUBLIC RELEASE I I 62 L . Cfiiil/ bldiibliiblCIICJIICJ) J ))13)361)) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 :9 10 11 12 13 14 1S Hi 17 18 1:9 20 21 2 .2 47 / ,ore ;'SOI;'/ //~E"P'I@!I ii!h/!!lti~@HI H!!HTie!ftT~8/ ;' UNCLASSIFIED//FOR PUBLIC RELEASE UNCLASSIFIED//FOR PUBLIC RELEASE ;'.;'.O il Pi i[f IJ L;WHF TuiTllilllTI 81 TiiB ;'.;'. ;<;11a;\.-J./ I 1 Q. I s i t more e f fective, in the sense tha t we 'r e doing the 2 same things over and over agai n , we get b ett e r at them in providing 3 the care o f the de t ainees and the protection of b o th them and the 4 guard fo r ce? 5 A. Absolute ly. 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 59 I I . SJ SCI)' ;t; 3£ I I SL!LJ'.Ulll iU IIIBIII Hliif 1!!11!! ;f;t UNCLASSIFIED//FOR PUBLIC RELEASE UNCLASSIFIED//FOR PUBLIC !RELEASE //6F'J.. .L'-'.LftL/f:Hl~e!fJ.b!Lvl .t.\,,.,AJ.£6// I 1I ~S , 581/ I I 1 1111 2 A. Yes, sir. 3 Q. Al l 4 And everything is reviewed in i t s entirety. right. You were asked a number o f questions about the ps ych iatric or medica l h i story of Mr . Nashi ri , correct? 5 A. I was, yes, sir. 6 Q. And you indica t ed f or t he most part you were u nfamiliar 7 with that? 8 A. Correct . 9 Q. But there are medical and psychi atric personnel at the 10 camp; is t hat correct? 11 A. That is corr ect . 12 Q. And are they responsib le for tending to those parti cular 13 issues? 14 A. They are . 15 Q. And you are - - I take it you have a p rofessional 16 relationship with t hose doctors 17 A. I do . 18 Q. -- and psychiatrists; is that cor r ect ? 19 A. Yes . 20 Q. And when there are issues i nvolving the medical care or t he 21 psychiatric care of a particular HVD, do they i nform you of those 22 par ticular conditions and any corrective action that needs to be 60 ,'. ,'.QEEJTF .fiJlUJJ7!37lPJQFWPP.6.£ UNCLASSIFIEIO//FOR PUBLIC !RELEASE UNCLASSIFIED//FO R PUBLIC !RELEASE 1 2 taken? A. Yes, they do . We meet at a mini mum of twice a week . 3 i f there's any othe r i nc idents or anything to have to come to my 4 a t t ent i on , 5 Q. And they bring them to my a tt e ntion. So i t is thei r responsibility , and they ' re under your 6 s upervision, I t ake it . So t hey e nsure that t hos e t hings are ta ken 7 and they bring that to you r attention and that's how thos e ma t t ers 8 are handled, correct? 9 A. Ri ght . 10 Q. You 're not a doctor? 11 A. No. 12 Q. You ' r e not a ps ychiatrist by training? 13 A. I am no t . 14 15 16 17 1 :8 19 20 21 22 61 J, . SJ SL , J ;E;f H ill H lt;'Ullffl IITIIIJtlT IOJ TDC( 6 UNCLASSIFIED//FO R PUBLI C !RELEASE UNCILASSIFIEO//FOR PUBLIC RELEASE //8I?PI6 I'1t. /UlJl'tUTHStsJTICi"iTBB / ;' , ;r . s;rscr;r;r 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 62 .f ,'@PPI?B I (JBZP fJTIIElITIGiTS? ( ( UNClASSIFIEO//FOR PUBLIC RELEASE UNCLASSIFIED//FOR PUBLIC !RELEASE //0 FFICIAL/t:H31\U'Pll2f!T I €}\TBB// ,f;'_l!!!;fB0- ;';1 1 2 3 4 s 7 8 :9 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 18 19 2-0 21 22 63 ; I ; £3; 36!) I ; I ,f,f@P!?HHU ,i[J)]JJJWilRIPi?jJPSR.f.' UNCLASSIFIED//FOR PUBLIC !RELEASE UNCLASSIFIED//FOR PUBLIC !RELEASE //OFEICU 1./llbJAPO::WibHllICJ.1:;i;:i,'.Q// ((TS/SCI 6 I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 64 6C.,,S (SCI ( 1 1{QffICIN·CUNBPTH&WT!GBTFR{{ UNCLASSIFIED//FOR PUBLIC !RELEASE UNCILASSIFIEO//FOR PUBLIC RELEASE / /9PFI€ IJe\:ls/WHJl.W!flllsil!f I€.1i'.'feQ,' / ;'. /Ti ;'.Olli;'. I'. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 16 19 20 21 22 65 ( ('RS (SCI 11 1{QffICVU {PW8PTHifNTJG8I5P 11 UNClASSIFIEO//FOR PUBLIC RELEASE UNCLASSIFIEO//FOR PUBLIC RELEASE I I VI: C .J.<..., .J. MJ.,/ UL'l~U .L n.C..l\ll" .l.\..<.i-1.T .C..U / / )) IS) SC111 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20/ 21 22 66 '. CT? '.92I '. 6 ' 'OESIGIA I (PDJPIJTIIE&ITIGDTFP 11 UNCLASSIFIEO//FOR PUBLIC RELEASE UNClASSIFIEO//FOR PUBLIC RELEASE If V '.l. .i. .LV.Lr'J,..J.J/ V.&.',1.t"'l.V i.J.,U~ L.._ .L .&.\.,.,C"l. J.J.:.,V/ / // ~SJ SC ... / r 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 67 II JIOPPIGIDI 'IBJPFJTfIEtlWIGDTEP ( ( UNClASSIFIEO//FOR PUBLIC RELEASE UNClASSIFIEO//FOR PUBLIC RELEAS E / /0.FPI 5 IA.D/t9l!J\UT11Bl9T I@ATBB / ;' ;1/IS;IOOI;';t 1 2 3 4 5 6 Q. Now , Mr . Kammen i ndi cated to you that an inmate is not required t o go to the doctor or to seek psychi atric care , correct? A. That is correct. Q. But aren' t you required, as a -- as head of this particular 7 8 9 10 facili t y, t o make that ava il able to them, if they want it? A. Yes, sir. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 MJ [Col SPATH) : 19 LDC [MR. KAMMENJ : 20 I understand . Okay . so r object to the form of the question. 21 TC [MR. MILLE R) : 22 MJ [Co l SPATH ] : I'll rephrase it, Your Honor, You may. All righ t . 68 ;i;f II ;ii II ;f I '. .' .'@?fTQP I .fTJJ llTIIEIIWIGD TED.' ( UNClASSIFIEO//FOR PUBLIC RELEAS E UNCLASSIFIED//FOR PUBLIC RELEASE ;' ;'9l?PI Giil'lJs/~m.,sT! [8U'f I@i&tT8B / ;' .r ;t _8 ;18 or,r;r 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Q. I f h e was t o be housed here on a permanent o r semipermanent basis ---Excuse me . LDC [MR. KAMMEN): Same objec t ion . No t wha t we; r e aski ng f or . TC ( MR . MILLER] : Well , if we're going to have a trial that l asts months MJ ( Col SPATH] : Hey, everybody, I understand . I get t o, r ule on the objecti ons . 9 Overruled . 10 TC [ MR . MILLER ]: 11 MJ [Co l SPATH ] : 12 Q. You may proceed. You may proceed . Tha nk you. You ' ll h ave redirect. I f he was t o be here on a permanent or semipermanent bas i s, 13 overnight for a week or two weeks , months, would you h ave t o provi de 14 medical care , 15 A. Ye$, I would . 16 Q. Psych i atric care also? 17 A. Yes, sir . 18 Q. 19 A. Yes, 20 Q. And the se are all addi t ional costs, or you would have to 21 22 to have medical care her e for h i m? sir . cut services over at Camp VII, one or the o t her? A. Yes , s .i r. 69 ( (TS (SCI ' ' { {Qf PCTZJ:l OJNWTHENTIC&TBD { 1 UNCLASSIFIED//FOR PUBLIC RELEASE UNCLASSIFIEO//FOR PUBLIC RELEASE / / V L l: .L._ .J... ~.J..J / V l. \tM.U J. J. U .:.1 L.,,..L .L._,rl. .1. .1.,:.t V / / 5 ))13)361)) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 A. Yes, sir . 9 Q. And i s that a standard p r a ctice for a l l th e HVDs , moving 10 them b a ck and f orth fr om court ? 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 A. It i s. 70 J, -3, I&Li IJ1 6 (OSEI SP I FZTJIFIJTT?PTER ff I cum UNCLASSIFIED//FOR PUBLIC RELEASE UNClASSIFIED//FOR PUBLIC RELEASE )/13)36.a.)} 1 Q. And, aga in , that promotes cons i stency? 2 A. Consis t ency as we l l as security . 3 TC [MR. MILLER ] : 4 I h ave nothing fur ther. Thank you , Your Hono r . MJ [ Col SPATH ]: 5 All righ t . Thanks. Mr . Kanunen, before we do 6 your redirec t , let' s take a br i e f recess. We' 1 1 come back and keep 7 going . 8 Thanks . 9 [The R.M . C. 806 seasion recessed at 1059, 16 December 2016.J We' l l take a break f or ten minut es . We 're in recess . 10 [The R,M. C, 806 :;;euion was called to order at 1105, 11 1.6 December 2016.] 12 MJ [Col SPATH ]: 13 hearing . 14 aga in present . 15 this All the parties who were p resent be f o re we recessed a re The witness remains on the stand . TC [MR . MI LLER] : 17 MJ [Col SPATH ): 1:8 Mr . Mil l er . 1 '9 TC [MR. MILLER) : 2() 21 22 Commissions are cal l ed back to o r der, this 806 I know you know Your Honor ---- -~- you are sti l l under oath . I apologize for the i nterruption . We would j ust not e f or the record that Mr. has not returned and will not return for thi s portion. MJ [Col SPATH) : Okay. I k now he ' s not one of the par ties, but 71 J J EJ SS!J; UNClASSIFIED//FOR PUBLIC RELEASE UNCLASSIFIED//FOR PUBLIC RELEASE //OFPI@Ii11L/"1LUi1-i.OTHEt!TICA1'EB // ;'/IS;'SCI/J 1 you did iden t ify h im as b e ing i n here be f ore. 2 3 Al l r i ght. Th ank you . Mr . Karnmen . Questions by the Lea~ned Defense Counse1 [MR. KAMMENJ: Q. 4 i wa nt to make sure we 're all on t he same p age. Are you 5 aware tha t everybody who comes to Guantanamo Bay has to be a pproved 6 by the base commander be fo re they're al l owed a ccess? 7 A. Those that come here l egal ly, yes . 8 Q. Well of c ours e, those that come here lega lly . 9 And s o a s part of that decision to allow peopl e to come 10 here legally , are you aware that the base commander ma kes some modest 11 i nqu i ry to make s ure that they're not a threat ? 12 A. Yes. 13 Q. Okay. 14 So the -- a r e you comfortab l e t h at the people who come here legal ly are a manageable threat? 15 A. Gen erally speaking, yes. 16 Q. Okay. Genera l ly spea ki ng. So - - and you said t hat part of 17 your your mission is to protect Nashiri , and part o f your miss.ion 18 i s t o protect the people around the case, right? 19 A, Yes , s ir. 20 Q. So that when we're h ere in the ELC , we are safe from t hese 21 22 people wh o would do us harm, right? A. Yes, si r. 72 '. '.977I?H I /UtJPIZTT:ZTIGPTSQ'.( UNCLASSIFIED//FOR PUBLIC RELEASE UNCLASSIFIED//FOR PUBLIC RELEASE / ;'~FF!e IA'.b /!:'ltOte!JT!i~l. T 1e1tTI21' ,' ;' ;r;r _s;rsc±;t; 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 TC {MR. MILLER) : 14 MJ ! Col SPATH}: 15 LDC [ MR. Kl>.MMEN] : 16 TC [MR . MILLER ]: 18 MJ [Col SPATH] : 20 That i s argumenta tiv e . It ' s arg umentat ive . No , u nderstand , but I I j ust want to ma.ke t h e point . 17 19 Objection , Your Honor. I -- ob jecti on. Again , I get to rule on the objections . that al l the t i me in court . We do Let' s s t op talking over each other, Objection s u stai n e d . 21 22 73 16"'8 (Sp ( { ;I ;IQ PPI HAL;'. lfllf!WIIIIIIJI lilf liii ;'.;'. UNCLASSIFIED//FOR PUBLIC RELEASE UNCILASSIFIEO//FOR PUBLIC RELEASE //OE!IC IAL /ONAOIHENIICAIED// I I J. .:;J / v\.., .J. / / 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 74 '. ETC (SCI (' UNClASSIFIEO//FOR PUBLIC RELEASE UNCLASSIFIED//FOR PUBLIC RELEASE / ;'1'F'F'H.!IAL/f;Hf1\t:'J'Yll!!:N ... Ie!ATl!:15/;' I I 15/ 5611; 15 16 LDC [MR . KAMMENJ : that. 17 MJ [Col SPATH ): 1:8 Q. 1'9 MJ [Col SPATH ) : 20 Again, we would renew our r €quest to see I u nderstand . Now ---I assume a moti o n to compel wil l be filed from the d e f ense t eam . 21 LDC (MR . KAMMEN] : 22 MJ [Co l SPATH ] : Wel l , if i t ' s den i ed . I mean---- Maybe the governmen t will p r ovide it to you. 75 ( 'TS 'SCI ( ( 5 (??RT?Tl I '.FPIFIITFl?l775SJT?? '. '. UNCLASSIFIED//FOR PUBLIC RELEASE UNCLASSIFIEO//FOR PUBLIC RELEASE / ;'61:"f'I e!A'h/tMflttJ ... IIl!:N? I eJ!i.?!!1'// I I ISi 5815 I 1 Maybe there wi ll be some· d iscuss ion. 2 3 LDC [MR . KAMMEN ] : Oh, I see. Okay . Is that h ow you want to do it? 4 MJ 5 LDC [MR. KAMMEN J : 6 MJ [Col SPATH ]: [Col SPATH ) : But for me, yes. But ask the gove rnment-- - - Okay, so- - -- I 'm hoping, as always -- I know tlhat the 7 standards h ere 8 public , and so at l east at one point we know wha t they look like . 9 Maybe there• s some agr eement and you ' 11 get to see them wi th out 10 11 12 at l east the SOPs at one point are out in the figh t. LDC [MR. KAMMEN] : You neve r know. But I just want t o make sure what you want us to do is file the request with t hem as opposed-- -- 13 MJ [Col SPATH ]: 14 LDC [MR. KAMMEN) : 15 ai Yes , ple ase , and then Okay . All right. Questions by the Learned Defense Counsel [MR. KAMMEN]: 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 76 - - 'ETC - - 6GGI'' - - - -- UNCLASSIFIEO//FOR PUBLI C RELEASE UNCLASSIFIED//FOR PUBLIC RELEASE //0PFIGIF:rs/9!l.l>t!::J'FIIBH'FI9Flf8B// 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 A. I do n ot kno w. 21 Q .• Would i t 22 TC [ MR . MILLER] : surpri se you to learn there have been none? Aga i n, surprising peop l e is not a ques t ion, 77 1( '1'§ (SCI 1' '. '.? REI SP I '.571Z: FTII?JJTT 27 772 '. '. UNCLASSIFIED//FOR PUBLIC RELEASE UNClASSIFIED//FOR PUBLIC RELEASE / ;'OPPI@IAls/8!1.iRJ:!':l'JlEtff I@lt':l'E!B,'/ ;','.Tf:!;'f:!@I,f;t 1 2 Your Honor. MJ [Col SPATH): Susta i ned . Sustained . 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 A. 19 Q. 20 A. 21 Q. 22 don ' t know . No , sir, I don't. You don ' t know . We can argue about t h i s. 78 r rss rnr rt /J?SEIGIP I (PPlDPTIJEtJTJGPTER ( I UNClASSIFIED//FOR PUBLIC RELEASE The fac t is you UNCLASSIFIED//FOR PUBLIC RELEASE ;' /Ol!'l"h.. I:A:L;' t:JtUs;t, Illl!!tH I .....ls;Tl!:1'.5// I I !Sf SCI/ I 1 2 3 4 Q. Al l right. So you've tried it . You 1 ve gone to one -- 5 inside one of t he cells and shouted something and put somebody in a 6 tent in the Camp Justice and asked, "Could you hear me? " 7 A. I personally have no t. 8 Q. Okay. 9 So how do you know i t can be heard if you haven't done it? 79 .f.f@PPT?P I }FllTDITTII?lZTT2PTSR 6/ UNCLASSIFIED//FOR PUBLIC RELEASE UNCLASSIFIEO//FOR PUBLIC RELEASE I ( (OSGTCT? I I._.._.._ • -..J...4.l.-'J/ (TUJDPTPOtZSPZC?WES v l.,J. 'I.\.J.1. J.1.WL'I.L- .J..'-"~~ .L&..JLJ/ ( ( / ;'/10/00!,1;' 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Q. So you under ---- 11 A. ---- based upon -- -- 14 A. That's the process we util i ze . 15 Q. Okay. A. Yes. 12 13 16 17 And that 's how you run the camp in your facilities now? 18 19 20 21 22 80 ;f;(IJ .r ff .r '. I IOSPIGIP I (FBZP PT'JEDJTIGPTER ( I UNCLASSIFIED//FOR PUBLIC RELEASE UNCLASSIFIED//FOR PUBLIC RELEASE // J. V / o J V ~ / / 1 2 3 4 5 TC [MR . MILLER] : Obj e c tion , Judge . 6 the scope of why we' re here today . 7 relev ant to our inquiry . 8 MJ [ Col SPATH] : 9 I think we're going beyond I don ' t know that this i s Yeah, l e t me -- what ' s the relevance , Mr . Kammen? 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 }7 18 19 20 21 22 81 ))!3)36£)) ) ;:err I&llilS/Utll:Uilld!IIIOl!H!!l;t;r UNCLASSIFIED//FOR PUBLIC RELEASE UNClASSIFIEO//FOR PUBLIC RELEASE //VC£ L ~L ~ L / V NAV1M~N1 i ~~~ ~ U / / )) 13) SCI)} 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 82 Jff, £2, I33 JI J f , ;'.;'.@??TOPI ([J)U FZTIIPIWIGDTS?' ( UNClASSIFIEO//FOR PUBLIC RELEASE UNCLASSIFIED//FOR PUBLIC RELEASE //8FP:f 6Ii\h/ijtai\e1Tl1E!HT 1e,en::B;' ;' 11 JJ!SJSCIJJ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 83 _'.(T?_'.?2T (_( J J SL ±Lib) S!i11&£11££1-&32!123J I I UNC.LASSIFIEO//FOR PUBLIC RELEASE UNCILASSIFIEO//FOR PUBLIC RELEASE / ,'QFFI€ I.11.Js,'QN.''Jel'PIUmT T el::'PGB,' / ; '. ; (fi ;'. i i i ;'; '. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 84 6 (TS (SCI C6 UNCLASSIFIEO//FOR PUBLIC RELEASE UNCLASSIFIED//FOR PUBLIC RELEASE //OFFI@I2\b/181JftUTf IEISTI e ",TBB/ ;' ;t;t . s;tscr;:;r 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 85 66?'£ (SCI (( ;f;IUPili t;F Hf IIIIUliffTU;f I UNCLASSIFIED//FOR PUBLIC RELEASE UNCILASSIFIEO//FOR PUBLIC RELEASE ,'/9lf'FI€H\I /Pmllo!JTIIIiiHTI€iATEJ,/,' ;f;'.T9 '.Sil '. '. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 86 ( EE ICIAL/ btQM5 llll!fQ U l3l'.Tl!:tJ// UNCLASSIFIEO//FOR PUBLIC RELEASE UNCLASSIFIED//FOR PUBLIC RELEASE ;' ;'8Ffl!@HtI5/f:JlJi\~TIIE!NTI @~TflB/;' J 1J '. 23) 6615 J 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 87 ' 'TS (SCI ( ( UNCLASSIFIED//FOR PUBLIC RELEASE UNCLASSIFIED//FOR PUBLIC !RELEASE ;' ;'9FPI 9Ih'&./~mAOTII8!iTI 9N:Fl38/;' ;r;tn;ta n;r;r 1 .2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 88 '. '.72 _'.S?I '. '. ( (OEEI_GIAI GPNAIJTHENTIGDTED { { UNCLASSIFIEO//FOR PUBLIC !RELEASE UNCLASSIFIEO//FOR PUBLIC RELEASE / / v~ i.'. J.. \..o.J.n.u / v 1.~.n.u l. 11u 1.., .1. .1. \..onJ. l!iu// l , i v )S ..... 15, 1 A. Yes, sir . A. We keep records based upon the durat i on of time they 're in 2 3 4 5 6 there, based upon our DIMS entrie s . 7 else like t hat is not managed by us . 8 9 10 Q. All right . And then deci$iOns upon anything Now, just to make s ure we' re tracking , if an individual arrives here at 6: 00 in the morning and then goes to court at 9:00, he ' s only been in there three hours; is that correct? 11 A. That is correct. 12 Q. Okay . So you have records that s h ow how long Cell Number 1 13 has been in use, Cel l Number 2 has been i n use . 14 records available? 15 16 A. You have al l those I maintain t h e recor ds in DIMS of when the detainee s are moved to and from the facilities . 17 Q. Well, but what records exist for the cel l? 18 A. Li ke I said, I do no t manage tha t , so I cannot t e ll you. 19 Q. Who does? 20 A. I don't know. 21 22 89 22) 36£ , J ;f/Oi'iiI?IP L/IIHP flTIIPtlTTGPTER'' J J UNCLASSIFIEO//FOR PUBLIC RELEASE UNCILASSIFIEO//FOR PUBLIC RELEASE / /O FPI CIA:h/8!JF~UTI1Etf'f IC..a.tFEB// ;f;f.B/08!1!;'.;t 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 13 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 90 6 '.GPRI?TDT,'.IBIPFJTPstlTIPTER ( ( UNClASSIFIEO//FOR PUBLIC RELEASE UNCILASSIFIEO//FOR PUBLIC RELEASE //81?1?IE!:EhJs/"8tlA!i3'1?1l8li'f I E!l1'f88// ;f;IH;f~ H ;'.;'. Do you know what -- why a person is called an HVD? 1 2 A. I know they ' ve been des i gnated as an HVD. 3 Q. Do you know how they get that status? 4 A. Do not . 5 Would it 6 7 A. I h a ve not . 8 Q. You're not familia r with t ha t . 9 10 11 12 Okay. Now, whe n the H - - the CIA detainee is here, he ' s you r respons ibi lity, correct? A. The r e ' s no CI A detainee here that I ' m track in g . detainees that I am ma i ntaining securi t y for . 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 91 '. 172 '.?SJ' '. 6 (OEEIGIAI WNDPTHENTIGATED 6 C UNClASSIFIEO//FOR PUBLIC RELEASE I have my UNCLASSIFIEO//FOR PUBLIC !RELEASE -- - ----·- .............. ··- ---· ·-. _, , ( I , / , (O F CIC'IAI ..... , (ltbJDfJT(]FblTZGDTFP ..... ~ ;(;(TC;(OOI;f;' 1 Q. 2 A. 3 LDC [MR. KAMMEN) : 4 Not completely, no. MJ [Col SPATH ] : 6 TC [ MR. MILLER): 10 I don't have anyth i ng Mr. Mi l ler . Just a couple . Thank you, Your Honor , for the opportuni ty . RECROSS-EXAMINATION 8 9 Thank you. else . 5 7 Okay . Questions by the Trial Counse1 [MR. MILLER]: Q. You indi cated that you were comf ortable wi th -- tha t mos t 11 of t h e visitors here -- tha t come here generally a re n ot thre ats; is 12 that correct? 13 A. Yes, sir . 14 Q. But you do have to prepare , do you not , for the eventuality 15 16 tha t they are? A. I absolu tel y do . And I also realize t hat we have a 17 significant popula t ion here that's also thi rd- country nationals that 18 have certa i n clearances as wel l . 19 island. I consider t hat as we l l, on t he 20 21 22 92 'GTS'SGI'' I I Gt L . 6114£9 6..CiiC!ilb,. ti 161212£5 1I UNCLASSIFIED//FOR PUBLIC !RELEASE UNCLASSIFIED//FOR PUBLIC RELEASE I cI..._,.._ /onnzarn r 'FBzn nrnrzo,·zrnzcnrnno < < ._ ... _~.,. ,o.._,, .., .,._ ... ,.~.i,~:a-1,, .t.• '"""'"•.._. JI.JI f ;f;fT8,'.8BI;f;'. 1 A. Yes. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 TC [MR . MILLER}: All right. Thank you. Nothing further, Your 93 '. 'TR 'CSX'' I I OE£ ICIP!L/ OldACliiEtJI ICAIBBJ J UNCLASSIFIED//FOR PUBLIC RELEASE UNCLASSIFIED//FOR PUBLIC !RELEAS E ;' /El F PH!Ilt:T5 /8talteJ'f ll~M'f I@i"t':Fe B/ ;' /J . 3JISC£J J 1 Honor. 2 3 REDIRECT EXAMINATION Questions by the Learned Defense Counse1 [MR . ~ ) : Q. 4 5 Did you r SMO give you any kind of written repor t concerni ng his conversati on with Mr . Nashir i ? 6 A. No, i t was a verbal. 7 Q. It was ve r bal . 8 A. That we talked about t hi s? 9 Q. No, what day did he clai m to have had thi s conversation 10 And what day was thi s? wi th Mr. al Nash.iri? 11 A. Within t h e l ast t wo weeks . 12 Q. What day , specific? 13 A. I don't know . 14 Q. Don't know , do you ? 15 16 You woul d have to ask t he SMO. Okay. And h ow was it that the SMO came to be talki ng to Mr . a l Nashi r i abo ut this motion? A. 17 What they were tal ki ng about, I don' t know . 18 ta l king some th i ng about medica l . 19 discussions . LDC [MR . KAMMEN ]: 20 21 22 It was last week . Okay . They were I don ' t get involved in t heir I don't have anyt h i ng € l se. Thank you. MJ [Col SPATH]: All right . And the same SMO will· be here in 94 (.fT? _'.S?T (( ;' ;' 0 PFI OI.Ttls;'YHftUTIIBIJT - 611 T8B;f/ UNCLASSIFIED//FOR PUBLIC !RELEASE UNClASSIFIEO//FOR PUBLIC RELEASE ( (OOETZT? 7 (JJtZPTJTTZE!ZWTOZWEP ( ( .j,,. -.....,.1.l.~.L.J/ V._"ILI.\.J _j,_ LJ..&..J. 1.'I .L ~ '-'LJ.J.--L.l'-',I / I/.....,, ._&. Jf;f w ,15@[;',f 1 March when we get h ere , corr ect? 2 Either microphone . 3 TC [ MR . MILLER) : 4 MJ [Col SPATH] : Just make sure it's on . Yes, Your Honor. Al l right. I jus t wan t to make sure. Because S i f tha t SMO departs, I have a feeling we ' ll be dealing wi th that 6 i ssue. 7 8 So t hank you. EXAMINATION BY THE MILITARY COMMISSION Questions by the Military Judge [Col SPATH] : 9 Q. Let me just ask Colonel Gabavics ---- 10 A. Gabavics . 11 Q. Glad I can say i t correctly. 12 13 14 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 How many people are he::-e -- becau se t h is is kind of the in-between, righ t? We' re in sessi on, but we're i n a clos e d session 95 6 (TC (Sq ( ( ; J GI t ±Cli&BJ U241lblilb£Jf ±ti if £SJ; UNCILASSIFIEO//FOR PUBLI C RELEASE UNCLASSIFIED//FOR PUBLIC RELEASE / ttaa ~ zrtz roam JC / V ' &. L .LV -L. J.1..Ll l VL'Crl.V A.J. .U ..H."i J. ..._ \,,,,.C'l,~L.,LJ/ I /;ti ..... ) 361/J 1 without the HVD h ere. 2 in th i s? :3 A. So about how many of your people are involved I did not s ee the report t his morn ing. Based upon the f act -- 4 of the uncertainty we would have the HVD ca l l ed he r e at any point 5 during time, 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 UNCLASSIFIED//FOR PUBLIC RELEASE UNCLASSIFIEO//FOR PUBLIC RELEASE / I I Jcanrozrz Crn:r-zm;;a,zmrazmcs c I ' - " 4 .l. .L. .._,.• .L. lJ. .J.J / V .L, Ll.U'.J.l .l.l..U, '111 .1. ~ -Ll...l.L.IL..I'; / ;' /L )SCI ;f Jf 1 2 3 4 5 MJ [Col SPATH] : All right. I'll see -- I hopeful ly didn ' t, but 6 I ' m going to see if the p arties have a ny questions based on my 7 questions . Defens e Counse l, based on my que st i ons? 8 9 REDIRECT EXAMINATION 10 Questions by the Lea:z:ned Defense Counsel. [MR. KAMMEN]: 11 12 13 14 15 16 A. My -- I did not rece ive t h e report t his morning because I was not in the office before . So my only assumption would be, 17 18 19 20 21 22 97 ''TS (SCI'' 6(OEFIGI AI CPNAPTHENIICATER ( ( UNCLASSIFIEO//FOR PUBLIC RELEASE UNClASSIFIEO//FOR PUBLIC RELEAS E //GPPIGIP1L /Ut ll...UTI1EtlTICP1TEB // ;t , r. . _,ra .... _// 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 LIDC [MR. KAMMEN ] : 9 MJ [Col SPATH]: 10 TC (MR . MILLER) : 12 LDC [MR . KAMMEN) : 13 MJ 15 All right . Mr. Mi l ler, any fol l ow - up? 11 14 [Col SPATH ) : Noth i ng . 18 Thank you , Your Honor . One omitted q uestion . Al l right . I'll give you another chance , Mr . Miller, after this . LDC [MR. KAMMEN J : Thank you. One quest ion . REDIRECT EXAMINATION 16 17 I ' ve got not h ing el s·e . Ok ay. Questions by the Learned Defense Counsel [MR. KAMMEN]: Q. I assume t hat Mr . a l Nash iri ' s wi l l i ngness or u nwilling ne ss 19 or h is f ee lings t wo weeks ago versus his f eel i ngs now about sta y ing 2-0 here or being re t urned t o Camp VI I had not h i ng -- had n,o impact on 21 your opin·i on; is t hat correct ? 22 A. That 's correct. 98 '6T? '.CG ( '. UNClASSIFIEO//FOR PUBLIC RELEASE UNClASSIFIEO//FOR PUBLIC RELEASE ,' /9FFI5IA..L/UlJ.AUTilfHCT I 6ATEB/ / ;'/TG;'GO!;f;I 1 LDC [MR. KAMMEN]: 2 MJ [ Col SPATH ]: 3 TC (MR. MILLER]: 4 MJ [Col S PAT H] : Thanks. Mr . Mil ler, any fol l ow-up? Nothi ng further. All right . Thank you , Your Honor . Colonel Gabavics , remember t he S orde r I gave you the l ast time. ~ this isn ' t going to ge t resolved qui ckly, but t he f ocus is not to 7 t alk about your test imony . 8 abi l ity to talk to the SMO o r be invol ved, of course, as the 9 conunander of the j oint forces as a group . 10 It ' s going to be more t ime , because So I' rn not in any way a f fec ting your so do yo·u unde r s ta.nd the scope of my order? 11 WIT: I do . 12 MJ [Col SPATH] : I just d on ' t want you to talk about what you 13 testi fi e d here with th e a tt orneys unt i l we re so l ve the i ssue. 14 certainly do not want to impi nge on you doing your job when you ' re 15 o u t of here . 16 your testimony . 17 TC [MR- MI LLER] : 1:8 admon i tion also applied to h im talking t o the attorneys, or do you 19 not want him tal king to the attorneys ? 20 21 22 MJ I know you understand that . Thank you . I Thanks for You ' re excused. Your Honor , before the wi tness leaves , is (Col SPAT H ] : I do not mind at thi s point i.f he talks to the attorneys, at a ll . TC [MR . MILLER]: your Thank you. 99 ;f;f II i 111 ;f;i .f.(??ii'TGTD I (EJJTP IlTIWtlWTGRTEPJ/ UNClASSIFIEO//FOR PUBLIC RELEASE UNCLASSIFIEO//FOR PUBLIC !RELEASE / / v 1 MJ [ Col SPATH]: 2 TC [ MR. MILLER]: 3 MJ [ Col SPATH] : J.: 1: I \,,.,- .1..n.LJ / Vl'f.n.v ..&. U J..JL~ .1. , I 13) 5 .._2; I i '-.n. .1. .a.:., v // Thanks . Thank you for the clari fica tio n, Your Honor . No, thanks for asking. I u s ually g ive them the 4 admonition and say they can talk to the attorneys . 5 didn ' t d o that because I k new we would have brea ks in the testimony , 6 and I didn 't want any concerns, so -- all right. 7 [The witness was warned, temporarily excused and withdrew from the 8 courtroom. ] 9 Yesterday I That motion as we work -- as we work th rough MJ [Col SPATH]: 10 Appel l ate Exhibit 359, or the 359 series , we're obviously not going 11 to resolve unt il March, as we t a lked abou t , and we will continue t o 12 work through i t . 13 progress and hop efully ge t some closure . We' l l h ave the SMO here in March and make some more For the do c uments you requested, yes, p l ease , ask the 14 15 government. 16 And I don ' t know how I wo uld r u le. 17 compromi se, I woul~ come to compr omise. 18 move forward i nto 359 . 19 I ' l l have a motion to compel, a nd maybe we can r eso l ve that before we 20 get here . 21 22 I ' m not p re - r uling. I know you know me well enough . I f the r e ' s a way to come to I t wil l then ma ke it easy to I f we can't come to compromi s e , tha t ' s okay . So no direction , n o thou ghts. I just know tha t attorneys real ly can work together and show e ach other things and make life a 1 00 )).2)822)) ;S;CovjliOHT :l..,.J.f/ 1 .2 3 that we were loo king at yes te rday . MJ [Col SPATH]: So i t exhibit at this po int ? 4 CP (BG MART I NS]: 5 MJ [Co l 6 SPATH ] : u nderstand . 8 MJ [Col SPATH] : So the Fraser declar.ation that Correc t . ---- as part o f Appellate Exhibit 014, this is an update. CP [BG MARTINS ): 11 commission on how to 12 MJ [Col SPATH]: Your Honor, and r woul d defer to the I 'll get to how to mark it. sure I understand you . 14 a ffidavit in Appel l a te Exhibit 014. CP [BG MARTINS]: I want to make This is an update to General Fraser ' s 13 15 Not in this case. you directed me to ---- CP [BG MARTINS ]: 10 Not i n this case . I 7 9 has not been attached to an appella te· I t is. I thin k it bears , t hough , upon 059. 16 So that's why I'm doing this housekeeping matter here, and it bears 17 upon why you decided to close this test i mony and so forth . 18 again, I t h ink it ' s both relevant t o the 014 series and your 19 protective order, and I t hink it's relevant to 359 , understanding 20 t hey just -- t hey' re just getting i t ~ 21 copy of it myself and wanted to get it to you as quickly as I 22 could ---- So I don•t - - 102 JJ . ~l ~~~ JJ , ;r;foI?l?iHI t;rm1urriil11nurii;';f UNCLASSIFIEO//FOR PUBLIC !RELEASE I So, j ust got a UNCLASSIFIED//FOR PUBLI C !RELEASE 5 , 13/SC± i l 1 MJ [Col SPATH ) : 2 CP [BG MART INS]: 3 MJ [Col SPATH]: to mark it . I' l l CP [BG MARTINS]: 7 MJ [Col SPATH): we" l l Ma y I have a copy of i t ? We' ll fi gure out wh a t ta l k t o the court reporters . 6 8 - --- in light of the Appellate Exhibi t 014 cons i derat.ions. 4 5 Al l right . May I approach? You may . f igure out marking. r r11 t a l k to the cou r t repor t ers, and Please. Thank you . And I ' m j ust gett i ng this as well , and so in that r egard I 9 10 h aven ' t h ad a chance to l ook at i t close l y enou gh . 11 date this was signed? 12 CP [BG MARTINS ] : Do you know what Your Honor, it d oesn't bear a signature date . 13 Th e d ate of the fi ling was 29 J anuary, so we submitted it o n 29 14 Janua r y 2016 15 MJ [Col SPATH] : 16 CP [BG MARTINS] : I n the o t her case. ---- in the other case . It was attach ed t her e 17 to Appellate Exh i bit 400C, which was a government respo nse to press 18 movant 's motion t o un s ea l the 30 October 2015 t ranscript o f public 19 proceedings . 20 Admiral Clar ke. 21 22 And tha t i s t he what stimulated the decl aration from So that aspect o f i t does not d irectly bear here , because we haven ' t had a p ublic release or a pub l ic transc ri pt t h at so 103 ,5.'@E? TSTJ I .f'.TJY Tll?P IT JQ] TERI/ UNCLASSIFIED//FOR PUBLI C !RELEASE UNClASSIFI EO//FOR PUBLIC RELEAS E ,,vcci~iKD/UNHU ! n~~~i~ft~ ~ U / / I I I .JI..:,(.,_) I 1 concerns an or i g i nal classi fica t ion auth o r ity . 2 number of paragraphs o f · this do provide a more immediat-e sense of the 3 equities that you see i n Admiral 4 li ke to offer it . 5 MJ [Col SPATH) : But I would submit a Fraser's declaration , and I would But Rear Admira l Clar ke was making th e 6 decl aration for -- spec i fical l y for i ssues associ a t ed with t he other 7 case . 8 CP [ BG MARTINS ] : 9 MJ [ Col SPATH ): He was . I 10 CP [ BG MARTINS ) : 11 MJ [Col SPA'I'H ] : 12 ·CP [ BG MART INS) : just want to make sure Al::>sol utely, ---- Absolutel y. Okay . This is not a speci a l declaration £or the 13 Nashiri li t igation , b u t it does dea l with some o f the same i ssues of 14 manning o f the faci l ity, and the "spec ific over all Camp VI I 15 operat i ons " is t h e phrase that he uses that I believe is what we were 16 getting close to ---- 1.7 MJ [ Col SPATH) : 18 CP [ BG MART INS ) : 19 MJ [ Col SPATH ): Al l right . I understand. the other day . We ' ll probably, by e-mail , let you know what it 20 is mar ked and accepted int o t he recor d . 21 Hold on , Mr . Kamme n. 22 I got cha. I owe you at least where it is . 104 .fJ1 2i H ;f;I , 6 (OSST?P I (Pl)] flTfl stJT TG FTE R 6 f UNClASSIFIEO//FOR PUBLIC RELEASE UNCLASSIFIEO//FOR PUBLIC !RELEASE )JOEei C±At}ONAOIHENI ICAIEO)J / / 1 .::Jf.::JL,.J.f/ 1 CP [BG MARTINS): 2 MJ (Co l SPATH): Thank you. It i s probab l y going t o be i n the 359 series, 3 but I'm going t o check with the court r eporters , make life easy for 4 them and u s . We ' l l 5 move forwa r d. Al l l et you know wh a t letter to refer to it as we right. Thank you, General Martins . 6 7 CP [ BG MART INS ] : 8 MJ [Co l SPATH]: 9 Thank you . Mr . Karrunen, not a lot to do with t his yet. just have it. 10 LDC [MR, KAMMEN] ; 11 MJ ( Col SPATH ]: 12 for thi s particular case. 13 I I un derstand . I haven' t r ead it , and i t ' s not a decl aration LDC (MR. KAMMEN]: And it would seem to me, if I u nderstand t he 14 procedure s correctly t hat we're all supposed to be following, 15 prosecut or shou l d b e f il i ng a mot ion t o supplement some file , and i f 16 that wer e appr o v ed , t hen he cou ld f i l e t h is . 17 the rules we were operating under as opposed to us just standing a n d 18 saying, look a t this . 19 MJ [Col SPATH ] : the And I thought t hat was I'm happ y to go wi th l e t 's jus t look at this. I t i s. Let me jus t say this -- and I agree 20 with you . I n lar ge pa rt , t hat i s cer t a i n l y the p rocess . 21 a l lowed both sides occasional ly to provi de me a ppe llate exhibits in 22 the midst of this effort to try and ge t to t he r i g h t answer s . J 105 ,i£SJi± & , Ji , f cs ~ EI?BI (Il)JP[JT[)SJZTTGDTER 6 '. UNCLASSIFIEO//FOR PUBLIC !RELEAS E I have UNCLASSIFIEO//FOR PUBLIC !RELEASE //OffiCIAL?ONAOIHENl lCAI EOJ J //L...> /.J...._,,.J..// l LDC [MR . KAMMEN) : 2 MJ [Col SPATH]: 3 And so - - but that's why . LDC (MR. KAMMEN'J : 5 MJ [Col SPATH ] : 6 LDC [MR. KAMMENJ : Nobody ' s opposed to closing this pa rt of the hearing . MJ [Col SPATH ] : 9 LDC [MR , KAMM ENJ : 11 Here 's my concern. Tell me , p l ease. 8 10 It wil l just help me read it . 4 7 I unde r stand . Concur . And so essentially he's saying here is more justificati on f o r do i ng wha t we ' ve already done . MJ [Co l SPATH ]: It i s. And yesterday I -- General Mart i ns and 12 I have a fundamental disagreement on what caused the c l osure 13 yesterday . 14 15 16 LDC [MR. KAMMEN) : Well , and we could speak t o that when we're back on t he record as opposed to i n closed session . MJ [Col SPATH] : Yes . 17 the r e. 18 We can talk about i t later. 19 LOC [MR, KAMMEN ] ; 20 MJ [Co l SPATH]: 21 22 That 's righ t. We hav e a disagreement It was an accide nta l quest ion that didn't l@ad to a spill . And just so we ' re--- Or , no, i t was a good ques t ion t hat didn ' t lt!ad to a spill . LDC [MR . KAMMEN) : And when I r evi ewed his notes , his discuss ion 106 ; ; .z: 23&) I, , ;6;'.@iiiiiIT L;(IUZP TZTIIPITTIGJ TSP f ' UNCLASSIFIEO//FOR PUBLIC !RELEASE UNCLASS IFIED//FOR PUBUC RELEAS E / / OFFieI~e/tM.Pttf'fl!ENTI C.:!'fr~ e/;' 5 I £SJ 561/ 5 1 was not about corpsmen . 2 MJ [Col SPATH ) : 3 LDC [MR . KAMMEN) : But tha t -- we" l l visit that in March. That's ri ght. But -- b ut here -- j ust a qui ck reading of 4 this . 5 classification o f medi cal records . The Fraser declaration was ger mane because of the MJ [Col SPATH) : Correct . A qui ck reading of this says nothing about LDC [MR . KAMMEN) : 7 So So I just 8 medi cal records . 9 C9-re, because we cton 't car e I just don't see how it's -- I don ' t we agr eed that this s ho u l d be c l osed . just don ' t see the point of i t, and that ' s par t of the reason I 10 I 11 think that t h e procedures shoul d be followed. 12 MJ 15 I unde,rstand. All right . More to come . I ' m going to hand this to t he security officer so I don ' t 13 14 [Col SPATH] : have it . All right. So for 092, I t hink let me -- I have some quest i ons for the 16 government. I heard that we may hear -- before we get to an 17 ex parte, I u nderstand t here,' s something about g r anu larity, so I ' m 18 going to try not to get to tha t po i nt . 19 So Li eutenant Morris or General Martins , I don ' t 20 going to -- do you wan t to say something, or do you want ques tions? 21 Or a question , frankly. 22 ATC [ LT MORRIS ) : know who 's I'm open to q uestions , Your Honor, towards 107 '(TS (SGT ' ' 1 (OSEICID I WMAPTH ENTIGATED 11 UNCLASSIFIED//FOR PUBLIIC RELEASE UNCLASSIFIED//FOR PUBUC RELEASE //OPf.FI '"'IAL;'r,MAUI HE.N I -'-CAIEO/ / ))£3)3€1)) 1 getting -- as you said, towards resolution. 2 which may h elp Your Honor going forward. I have p repared i tems And I think tha t remindi ng oursel ves that we ' re at a place 3 4 where this commission h as already approved a substi tute , you know , 5 the r u l es a r e c l ear tha t in terms of the abi li ty of the defense to 6 challen ge that r u l ing th a t there 's been a fair substitute -- I mean, 7 what we h ave here i s a dig ital , you know , substitution . MJ 8 9 I concur in -- a l most with every thing you said , [Col SPATH}: which is a j udge prior to me has apparent ly and n ow t hat I have 10 read some more of it , I have yet to look at it -- ap proved a 11 substitute . 12 Agreed. The motion filing in 092, the core of t he motion, is 13 destru ction of evide nce. 14 that . 15 might be spot on , the mot i on itsel f . 16 y ou know wha t 17 might be res olvabl e . 18 filings . 19 So lots of hypotheticals you can take from That par t i cula r motion might not be ripe , might be moot or Not the resolution . I a m saying, t he resolution of the mot ion. I t h in k So 092 I t likely just wi ll lead to othe r motion That ' s my ques ti on , is: Gi ven tha t a req u e s t was made to 20 21 we ta l k ed about i t yesterday -- Mr . Kammen c l e a rl y h as b een advi sed 22 of that somehow, through y·ou all. Today, has that occurred? 1 08 '.'.T?.'??IU 1 I (OSEIGIPI (IHIPIJTJJSDrJTIGPTER / / UNCLASSIFIED//FOR PUBUC RELEASE It's a UNCLASSIFIEO//FOR PUBLIC RELEASE //eP~ ~~~nL/~N~6 £HENll Ch iE u1 1 If ISISCI/ I 1 2 yes or no . I do not need any mor e g ranularity than that. I mean , the request from t he government was we want to do 3 away wi th i t. 4 an agreement and an ex parte fil ing that there would be a substitute 5 of a v i deo that I am going to look at. 6 ex pa r te fi l i ng -- ex parte filing. 7 was given to you , I can do the comparison as wel l . 8 important to mak,e sure the two of t hem are the same. 9 We're going to des troy it . I mean, that's it . And apparently there was I~m going to look at the That way , when I look at what Because if it has been, 092 is the 10 right motion ; if it hasn' t been, 092 is moot. 11 other motion pract ice. 12 13 ATC [LT MORRIS] : I think it 's And then there will be Mayr, You r Honor, provi de you granulari t y wi thin -- I know you asked for a yes-or-no answer, and follow ing 14 MJ ( Col SPATH) : 15 foll ow- on questions . 16 been -- I mean, the motion is destruction of evidence . 17 ATC [LT MORRIS] : I'm not aski ng -- yeah, I don't have any Because the motion is just: Has the evidence Let me provide Your Honor the following, and I 18 think t h is wil l be more helpful than that, and even more fulsome . 19 But t hese are good -- this i .s good fencing for me in terms of what I 20 can provide here . 21 22 10 9 J J 26) 53£) J ),'. ________ /- -···--··-·'- . ____ PP)J UNCLASS IFIED//FOR PUBLIC RELEASE UNCLASSIFIEO//FOR PUBLIC RELEASE ))£3)361)) 1 2 3 You know, you can -- and as Yo ur Honor wil l see, using this 4 5 r6 7 8 9 10 11 MJ 12 leas t 13 seems , [Col SPATH] : And I think we're saying t he same thing at in -- i t 's hard to get yeses and noes from lawye rs . I This o ne think , closer. 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Is that -- not rephrasing. I s that saying back to you what you sai d to me ? 21 ATC [LT MORRIS]: 22 MJ [ Col SPATH] : Yes, Al l Your Hono r . right. What I imagine is going to happen 11 0 JJ IS) 36£) J UNCLASSIFIED//FOR PUBLIC RELEASE UNCLASSIFIEO//FOR PUBLIC !RELEASE J/l.....,J/....,J\..,.l./1 1 is different motion filings from t he defense . And that's not 2 again, no sugg,e stion a bout rulings or fu ture practice or what we' 11 3 4 5 But what you're te lling me is , wel l , the structur e is there 7 and r e l eva n t material or relevant items i nside , as referenced in the 8 subs t i tution, s t ill exist , a t l east right now . 9 10 11 ATC [LT MORRIS ] : Correct, Your Honor . MJ [Col SPATH] ; momen t . Ano r Is t ha t f air? Okay. Let me t a lk wi th Mr . Kanunen for a appre c i ate that granular ity. That he lped, Than k you. So, Mr. Kamme n? 12 13 LDC [MR . KAMMENJ : 14 MJ [Col SPATH ] : Who goes first , you or me'? Wel l, l et' me ask . Here 's my ques tion to you : 15 I don ' t k now what motions you migh t file in response to that. 16 some guesses , becaus e t h e y ' v e been filed i n t he past, or prese r vat i on 17 mot i o n s, r equ est a v is i t . 18 LDC [MR . KAMMEN) : I have The most -- l ook , t he most important thing , 19 given the hi5t ory of t his , is that you today - - and you have the 20 a uthor i ty today to enter an or de r directi ng that t he status quo be 21 preserved. 22 · we wil l fi l e a ddi tional motions, absolute ly , based upon 11 1 J, 13) 661 , J ;r;rorr I Sil ib) I l!fllfJU Illl!ltll I IJfiffUJ;f ;f UNCLASSIFIED//FOR PUBLIC !RELEASE UNCILASSIFIEO//FOR PUBLIC RELEASE //9 PPI8VtE/9HNe'i'Il8H'Pl Eil1'i'EB;' / ;f;IHl;f!I 111;'.;f But I don ' t want it to become a race between u s 1 this representation. 2 where we can ' t 3 months , and the people who wa nt t o destroy it . 4 get i nto court for another three -- two a nd a half And so I think i t is fai r, g iven the representation s, that 5 6 7 B can't go bac k t o y esterday , but we don ' t want to come in here i n 9 March and, you know , have the prosecutor say, well , today it 's a ll 10 been d estroyed. So that ' s -- one~ -- if yo u wil l do that t o preserve your 11 12 13 j urisdi ction and author i t y ---MJ [Col SPATH): Because that does change , a t 14 moment, unless tomorrow i t's des troyed . 15 changes where we were. 16 LDC (MR . KAMMENJ: 17 18 19 20 Yes, abso lutely . least at the But , I mean , today t ha t But that's why we -- you kno w, we can ' t go through this , t he whole we file it 1 4 days- - - MJ [ Col SPATH] : I understand . That , I unders tand . I ' m g oing t o talk t o the g overnment about tha t. LDC (MR . KAMMEN] : 21 and we'll 22 i t ' s a ll of that . If you do that , then we know how to p roceed , proceed - - it will be secret. We're n ot go i ng 112 1 6TS (SCI 11 1{OEWICIAI ._.J./ / 1 t owards t he Moussaoui case that dea l t with a similar issue here. 2 h ave a capital case . 3 they reached a resolut i on without actually int erviewing the actual 4 witnesses . 5 of facts, approved an exact same substitute. 6 we We have a fede ral court ut il iz ing CIPA in which We also have Judge Sullivan who, with this exact same set In add ition, we would just submit to Your Honor and i mpress 7 upon you to view the video and dig i tal substi tut ion , and what you 'l l 8 see there - - -- 9 MJ [Col SPATH ] : Absolutely, r•m going to do that . Again , I 'm 10 going to view th€ government's ex parte fi l ing, and then once we fix 11 the t echnol ogy fix , a l though I be lieve l i kely they ' re going to be 12 exactly the same, I owe i t to Mr. Kammen to loo k at what was shown to 13 Judge Pohl and what was given to Mr . Karnmen to, at the very least, 14 make sure they 're the same ; or if they're d i f f erent, talk about it . 15 So I p romise you and I assure you I'm going t o look at those. 16 What I hear i s we ' re at a place that you need an ex parte Is it something tha t we can do here wi th the court 17 s ubmission . 18 repo rters on t he record now, or is it something you want to submi t a 19 f i ling on? 2-0 ATC [LT MORRIS ]: 21 MJ [Col SPATH] : 22 May I have just a moment , Your Honor? You may . [ l?ause . ] 118 ) , -3)32)) ;f gf 8i:r HU L;'.JJllJ Fliilillii?J ii??;'.;'. UNClASSIFIED//FOR PUBLIC RELEASE UNCLASSIFIED//FOR PUBLIC RELEASE ;' /OPF:IeI:/l!ds/{;lijJitJ ... Ill!.N'fle!\'fl!.e;';' I J 22; 561/; ATC [LT MORRIS ] : l I think we could use our t i me, you. know , that 2 we' re a l l here now, to have some of that conversat ion. 3 would li ke to -- we have the opti on to sup -- or t o come t o Your 4 Honor in a filing as wel l . 5 ours~lves of the opportun i ty now. 6 MJ [ Col SPATH] : 7 8 But we would like to try and avai l All right. Sep arate iss ue. I u n derstand . The c l assified fi l ing , Gener al Marti ns, the affidavit 1 ha ve, it has some highl i ghts on it . CF [BG MARTINS]; 9 10 MJ (Col SPATH ]: Obviously we I don ' t Pe r haps I gave you the wrong one. Not a worr y . I j ust the one that goes in 11 the record needs t o be clean, and I want a clean one before I get i t . 12 I d i dn't even notice the hi ghlights . 13 highli ghts . 14 15 Perfect . you . My securi ty offi cer not iced the I ' m going to trade you, General Martins . Thank Here you go. 16 And, again , we 'l l sort through it. I f we ' re goi n g to have 17 a fi ling on this exhibit , Mr. Kammen, you'll see t he reques t for 18 filing, and then you can make a mot ion to s upplement . 19 t o accept i t , you ' l l see an appe l late exhibit number, a n d we'll move 20 forward. 21 22 I f we're going We made t he process c u nbersome with the motions to supplement and file , and that -- agai n , I can wish it were d i fferent 119 .' /BREI GIP I (PDZPIZTIISPZTIGDTED I I UNCLASSIFIED//FOR PUBLIC RELEASE UNClASSIFIEO//FOR PUBLIC RELEASE ;' ;' 8 l?I?I 8IA~/'8U.\8THBH'f I@f:Tl!!l8;' ;' 1 ways. But we h ave -- I' ve a llowed both sides to take advantage of 2 t hat opportuni ty when we're here live because it helps me get to 3 resolution, even if ultimately the information given t o me isn't 4 he l p fu l. 5 pieces of t his . I can discard it very qui ckly and move to the relevant Mr . Kammen , I appreciate what you have said about 0 92. 6 7 onl y thi ng I can tell you is - - a few things: 8 an order withou t briefings, you'~l see it ; if I 1 m not, you won't, 9 obvi ously, and you ' 11 know that . 10 I f I'm going to issue I f I ' m going to issue -- if I'm not -- i f I ' m going to 11 affirm a destruction o r der, it w: 11 be de livered to you . 12 go ing to be done withou t notificati on. 13 it. 14 to the other side, we want t o avoid. I t 's not Again, that doesn't change What happened last time for whateve r reason where it didn ' t get And so ultimately if I concur and I say it's going to be 15 16 The des troyed or can be destroyed, 17 LDC [MR. KAMMEN ] : 18 MJ [Col SPATH] : not i ce wi ll come to you. Okay . And I recognize that -- and , a gain , I ' m not r don't know because r haven't heard the ex part e 19 rul ing. 20 presentat i on and I don' t unde r stand t he scope of the playing f ie l d , 21 and I want to . 22 And then we ' l l kind of go f rom there. So I believe you' ve made the record and certainly p ut 120 JiJI _JJiil 11,l;f f I (?SETSPZ (HtJP ·zmPENTIGPTER I I UNClASSIFIEO//FOR PUBLIC RELEASE UNCLASSIFIED//FOR PUBLIC RELEASE //6F~ICL~L/~HA~Ttt~~l i CAIED// /JISJBCI/) 1 2 your sel f in -0 pos i tion that was different than y e sterday . LDC [MR . KAMMEN) : The one t h i ng I real ly want to stress , a nd - - 3 is tha t we ' re dealing with an agency that i s not ent i t l ed to a 4 p r esumpt ion of good faith . s And I don't think that can be o v e r stated. They have -- the CI A has lied to cour t aft er court after 6 cou rt after court , 9/ 11 Commi ssion , Congress . 7 t hey have an agenda, and they have -- they a re not enti t led to a 8 p resumpt i on of good faith . 9 These -- you k now , Part o f ou r concern i s you h ave an exhibit that they - - the The r e is no i ndependent 10 CIA e s s e ntial l y te l ls you thi s i s the place . 11 ve rifica t ion t h at what you h ave i s actua l l y the p l a c e. 12 Your Honor, 13 a n y more credibility than a n y other thing , given t he hi stor y . 14 And f"ra nkly, At a mi nimum, t he governme nt shou l d have provided some t hing 15 from someone -- someth i ng c o ntempor aneous f r om someone who was the re 16 who affirms t h i s is the plac e and this is how it loo ked when the y 17 we r e t ort uring peo p l e th e r e. 18 how -- you know , I mea n, I thi nk t here is t h is fundament a l p r oblem. 19 And the n when you say -- you know , you listen to them and may a ll ow 20 the dest r uction , I t hi nk that furthe r compound s the problem . 21 22 And in t he absence of t h at, I don't see And that ' s wh y -- and, you know , if we can stop th i s p roc e ss , you kn o w - - ye ah , there' s -- you can argue about 121 '. 672 '?2I '. '. ( (QSEICJQJ (UDJQPTHENTICPTED C1 UNCLASSIFIED//FOR PUBLIC RELEASE UNCLASSIFIED//FOR PUBLIC RELEASE //OPEICIAL7UNAOIRENIICA1£0)) )) .d) SCI)} 1 litigation -- you can counsel them about l i tigation risks, but I'm 2 not going to be naive he r e . 4 i t ' s al l good. 5 bene fi t of the doubt or , you know , wow , i t 's onl y one place and , you 6 know, everyone admits he was tortured , so there's r eally no harm 7 here. 8 9 You know, the l i t i gation risk is on us , And, you know , our fear is you' l l give t hem the We l l , this is an opport uni ty to avoid al l of that and to rescue vict ory f rom the j aws of defeat for t he syste m. And it's 10 troubling to me th.a t even i n light of a ll of thi s and all the 11 h i s t ory, 12 know . 13 and over aga in. you And, you k n ow, 14 I think we 're going to have t h i s argument over At some poin t the gove r nment , writ l arge , of the 15 Onited States has t o mak e a dec i sion . 16 or , you know, do t hey want 17 he'd be fac i ng a l i f e sentence and we ' d have -- l ife would bear lot 18 s i mpler. But i f they decide t hey - - if the y persist i n wanting t o 19 k i ll h i m, then , you know , you -- the l itiga tion risk can ' t always be 20 on us, and that ' s t h e way this is p l aying out . 21 22 Do they want to kill Nashiri to do something else'? Because, you know , And so, you know, again, we're power l ess here . We -- you know, you're goi ng t o do what you're going to do, but we do as k you 1 22 JJ El 222;; UNCLASSIFIED//FOR PUBLIC RELEASE UNCLASSIFIED//FOR PUBLIC !RELEASE / ;'OPPICIAL/UtJilrUTIIElQT I5ATEB/ ;' ;'/ ~@/!!!§ _;r,· 1 to consi der the p roblems and the history and everything e l se, and the 2 fact that if i t's waited four years, i t c an wait another s i x months . 3 Thank you . 4 MJ (Col SPATH ): All right . I believe tha t closes what we can talk about i n this 806 5 I gave you a preview about March , more to come. 6 hearing . 7 a new order out. 8 Thank you . If you all can sta.y behind, we' 1 1 clear the room and we' 11 9 enter into an ex parte p r oceeding very qui ckly . 10 For t he defense , thank you . 11 LDC [MR . KAMMEN): 12 MJ [Col SPATH ] : 13 14 We'll ge t I ' l l see you---- See you a t the plane. - --- in Mar ch or on the p l ane. So the 806 is adjourned. Thanks . [The R.M.C. 806 session recessed at 1218 , 16 December 2016.] 15 [END OF P-AGE] 12J 1 ;'. I i ITU'. I 6 /OEFIGTDI .fPDIPPTPFDJTJGPTFP ( ( UNCLASSIFIED//FOR PUBLIC !RELEASE