'TTEITSy ■APPEALS .'-i 1 m3 BOM UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT SOUTHEiiN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA 2 - MIAM. 3 4 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, 5 PLAINTIFF, CASE NUMBER 01-6095-CR-WDF 6 vs. 7 WILBERT McKREITH, 8 VOLUME 5 of 6: PAGES 1070-1212 Defendant. 9 10 TRANSCRIPT of JURY TRIAL had before THE HONORABLE 11 JOSE A. GONZALEZ, JR., in Fort Lauderdale, Broward County, 12 Florida, on Tuesday, December 17, 2002, in the above-styled 13 matter. APPEARANCES: FOR THE GOVERNMENT; BERTHA MIIRANI, ROGER STEFIN, Assistant U.S. Attorneys FOR THE DEFENDANT; JOHN HOWES, ESQ. 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 ANITA LaROCCA OFFICIAL COURT REPORTER U. S. COURTHOUSE 299 E. BROWARD BLVD., 205-D PORT LAUDERDALE, FLORIDA 33301 954 769-5568 j toast * to ste at 9i0S aSi) HE CCLKT: MiUas Of Cts Jury, gxO itccnlng. Be nuv a ----- — awcad, plaaae. wr. Kogan, you lode very d»Uc clan chia mnlng, noHC vom ehb33 ........... 1073 envied «nch dega. Qoa-Boninaciai By ¥t. itauM ................................... 1071 JUail7i Bedirect atamLnatien 9/ nr. Btefln ........................... 1097 I'm 'varliij ny pj(p/ ehljft. IC'eavd:? training ehlit, actually. HE CORT: All li^. Be eeated, plwae. MNk JHBB............................... 1104 wTfiwD'" wnraf^ ■■■■■I 10 w. ncram ............................... iiot 11 13 U HE aiKT: »r. Vb OcH-Benmaeiai By nr. ttwa ................................... 1114 (NOr 09CGCH............................... ' ttueege, you ese a«cn yeacerday, air, you are lemlntel thaf. you an aclll xider each, and you ay ciijuu imiune the wiOaa, FV. Itaaa. ms Mt. tOES: Thaik you. CUect andnacicn By 14 M. wcrsil ............................... ms 15 teaa-Bardraticn By nr. Hsuea ................................... 1134 IS 0. 17 mugconoinca your nane. Qmd ntaning. U 19 20 21 ixm wmoaaaoi ay Mi. >DES: voider atvagge, lac a ts the firac tedv on A. No. you aaUd it cerrectly. GHSlfias Difanaa BdUbit Nuiter is........ a Dafne Bdiibic NmOse 1 and 4 32 Q. H« PKVIA (koif) cBi yjatCjui a nnter oC dUfannc AaECloa. carrecc? A. That le ccnect. 32 Q. YOU iHacueaed yeacerday two of chon fxacciaaT 31 A. yea. 34 Q. 35 A. Thee la aznet. ]>f^ erhaneeaerc and oatgarlaai aalyaia? 1 0. OtMf. Another fuvtien that can be perfezned, la Inaga 1 3 manipulation, correct? 2 Q. a^. than you ham a bank aurmillanea paeco^eph, n) 3 A. Actually detecting loge nBilpulacim, yea, air. 3 you loxwktere a eamere la nuzed, let's say cn the tell ttae 4 0. All ci^. Another Antlcn that your dapBitmnc dsM la 4 the clock ia. and the itiege cfaac you are — chat ia dEilctad ia S dKaecion eC inege nenlpulatlen. Tell the mdoa at the jury S Wwte you are, your t^etmaz then haa the ablllcy to S uhac that la. S determine the size d chac mage, oorrecc? 7 A. Baaically. dececcioi cf unga manlpulaciai la a choco^ 7 A. a 8 the Inege In audi -- Etalyela of Inegery to decexnane If m iaega la, ona. an 9 onglnal; s two, khether it haa hem altered in aoie «aqr. It la poalbla at tinea to decenMne the ala cf ct^aecs In 9 Q. Of efejecca in the inege? 10 0. And the faurth firction chat t recall you cadklng atrar 10 A. Cbjeecs In the inege. u U Q. Otay. The inege being the ptocognph? la MiU you tall me tSwe chat teed la? 13 A. Hsuld that fce phetegramretry? U Q. That's It. E^U chat for the bemflc of the oourc u A. yea. 13 Q. Ckay. Md an object beiig eudi as a parsai? 14 c^eircar, please. IS A. Recograaitecry ia MzUed p-h-o-t-o-g-r-a-eMix-t-r-y. 14 A. That la oorrecc. 16 0. Ctmf. Tell Che naibera of the Jury Mac ptmujiaaMUy is. IS A. 17 A. 17 0. day. And you castifled that in this paitlnilar cms you Rcccgraineciy ia the art ad adanoa of ettalnlng la dlnanaiaiBl InfoniBClon Crcni mages. 19 Q. day. Msaeurmnes -20 A. yes. 21 23 Q. - ” CZUB 15 Q. Ota/. Sudi aa the hei^ of a persenT In me esses, yea. la toz to eadi of the banks, ozrecc? IS 30 Q. And you lodged at the caioas that ten uaad In eedi of the 31 banks? 23 Q. Broken doiai In cera that I oai tnderscsil,- la ChK fair Co 24 33 A. ya, that's osxecc. 23 0. TO dKamina tM cypa of eanece it taa? 34 A. yea. 2S A. UMaihtmimri fron phoco^epha la anochar wey of putting it. 2S Q. And dKandna tfwc type of filter it hid? A. yes. 1 A. Y«6. 3 Q. And dKenAne dlsUncce with respect to «ta« the eanstaa 1 A. A TiwauEHiBiC device? 3 Q. A ruler. 3 wze in zelBCloi to thi aiw that voe pcztzqvd In tha vldK«7 3 A. No. lb. thn« are not. Ibt that I cm at least. 4 A. lb, 1 did not noin ii c mt/ dlacanoes. 4 0. day. cr a pencil to glw nlewBe te sale, osnet? 5 Q. Ycu cstnlnly oould haw nmniTml dlatnaa, aerract? 5 A. lb. there an cbjects in the aoaa that oould be laad tor 6 aeela. « A. Yea, I oculd hat*. 7 Q. Md )«u oeuld hM than used thoae iinmiiuiuta to 7 0. But none of than taeasurataents tan takai; is thac luiblx.7 ■ 8 A. That'S ozrect. detcDBine, fs s«iple, tha hei^Kh of an indlvidal In an 9 0. So when -- and rrn juac going to pick the oa chat's oi cep 9 Inaga. oavaet? 10 A. Theatatleally. 10 ham. Thla la one of the enea we had fxon Kialak Bsik. 11 Q. Hell, I nam that'a «bat Ftetojianinuy la all ataut, u 13 12 Q. itm cu cai'C distinguldi this fian ary ocher that 5 Q. ibn, in BOW but noc all of che picccgreptis Chat ycu ehoued S < mm nede in Che soie cm of pcodaoClon; la Chat ceccect? 7 A. B Q. 9 But ocher chan s^'ing it's a nose ptoAioed jadcec chat Is 6 0. Co you reco^ze OovemnaA's Bdiibic 18 and 18-A? Hat about 17 od 17-A? to Che jury yescacdsy, there were fizeanre pzeaanc, eccrax? that is oociecc. 7 A. Yes. Mi you can't evai cell If it's nede — if ycu had this B Q. Ml fizeams have class diaraccgnactes, oarxecc? OTlocado jadac Cron cnia year, and last year, and Che ^^ar 9 10 LefcBe. if they used Che sane paccecn ^ar aftex year, you 10 Q. Ybu have fizeBzm eaidnos at Che m. meet? u wuldt'C Inaw che diffeemee beCMSen them based on class u A. Ttoc is conecc. u diaraeteristies; is that carrecC? 12 Q. YOU have the use of, if ycu ntrilfrl chon, flzescm MRdnees A. U at XIF, Alcohol, Ttbamo sd Flzeeras? 13 If they Mere neking than in the sene uey, it waildi'C be 14 CO tell the diffeesnee becvaoi Chon, epcepc pxb^y 14 15 at che nueroecepic level if yoj Mere locking at the individual 15 Q. Mi alCho#i ic a a diffecenc agoKY, ycu all do gee U saens and Che Msy che scicdiss vers put in. 15 Q. 17 A. Fran cine co Cine. IB Q. Fton time Co tine. 17 Ocay. U HI. SIBIN: 19 » ED ycu xeoiTiize Owemrenc's Bdiiblt — 15. HL lOB: ttere's che sCidor. ev Mi. K>B: 21 0. He're 9»ing to puc a sCidoer on this, but Bgenc Uxis says 22 this is QawiiiaiC's Bddtoic 15. 23 A. 24 Q. 25 A. dcay. Oo you rsecgiire that icon? H». j • • 2 g. Kiuld ycu agree that dec is a pasrl haille mii-a*onscle 3 pistol? Ym. I would. Q. « wuld cell pearl handle? 7 A. 8 Q. 9 »Bybe fdie pearl, but fer our sinple purposes, thac we YM. Ocay. 20 A. Yea. 21 Q. anebedy ycu m gee m Che pbme od call od say, hey. 22 Susie, toy, Bill, I got clue gm, can ycu call iw wttac kind 23 this is, zl^7 24 A. Yes. 25 Are ^ a 9x1 fsi7 1 N9. I'mnoc. S But you ha\« ycuc ovn SBqarts there co 19 talk about fizcsniB, ci^7 Q. A.... 1 A. 4 A. tegether acnecljiea if naed be, zl^7 ibw, that would be saiechlns, chac pearl hsxUe. ic be seseching that would be distinguiahable to you by use ri#ic? 2 A- Riit caps, yee. 3 niic caps, ck^r. Q. 4 5 Mm, khoi ycu get a knic cap Co examine, like yoi got this diizt co exandiw, you tai t-eii this jury now chat ycu just 6 hane noc locked at those hats, 12-A ad B. tuc you have Iccked 7 ac 11, bscauae ycu pm acne Cype of idsicifylng neck m ic. 8 ccnecC? 9 A. Ihac is coccecc. 10 of ycur eelenclfic cedndegy to determine vhecher cr ncc It 10 Q. Ani chac is so chac Cod^, conorxow, dsnavo: you're adod. U wM a particular item involved in me of chase cases, carreet? 11 ycu can say, yes, I've asei this lean; cr, no, I've neb seal 12 A. 12 13 If ycu <-niirt aee it, Che firearm, held by an individial in one of Che yldeoci^es well enou#i co dlscii^iltfi these 14 ehetaccsriscicB, yee. IS Q. Ifi ]UR IUb you needtf cis ataixt, iJmew it is, ycu inuld need 17 che flzearm co do che soic, conecc? 18 A. 19 0. Ck^. Ml in cedar fer you Co make chac decananacicn. Hisc is cccrecc. YOU reoeived -- did ycu receive, and this im'c a cridc chac icon? 13 A. Ihac's cccrecc. M 15 A. Yee. 16 Biporcarc fer purposes of decenidning color ad oonbzasc, Is 19 Q. A. Q. wWa w OwAlSUL* Evm in -- particularly in black end vAlce? 20 quescim, I went ycu to cpsn Che bag and lock at it carefully. 20 A. tteolucely. 21 21 YOU say ycu wait to the bteks? hrmitsi I'm going co give ycu two, 12-A and B. 22 23 Ml I wnc ycu CO cell ne rfsChST cr rcc ^ recogUse Chose c«o icon? 24 A. I do ncc iBcogiixe 12-A. oor do I remjiise 12-B. 25 Q. All n^. So cfaec che jiays cImt, chose ace aki toes, Q. 22 A. Yes, 1 did. 23 0. CD you lemaiber dat month it was? 24 A. I believe ic 25 Q. <3^. wm Ot 20017 Octets. M X A. 3001. 3 Q. Ita) >ou kR CO cte beets — «*U, no. lac m be 3 1 phece^iph hecxeen dac's bad video ^7 4 icaa St che right wise in this particular [tocagragto co see 2 Ku dm'C lon> Sitdi me of choae ^aa off at about 4i30 5 < Becauee one of Chan deea. g. 9 A. Lac ms ask you a tooad qjsacien about all of che ptocea Hawe you s«r aasi choae tw icane befeas? 9 you'va aaan here. I'm Crying co see --- Coes OMcmBit's Bdtlbic 16 appear co you hare? A. 13 A. I'm aura chat che govetnicnc will let you the bag if Ib, I dm'c aee any omits, sy idanclfyUg amcka Use •• no. 1 ISMn'C eean any of cfaeee vecdsa. Mt. IOCS: Jla^. aay I aesil nss co Us wtcrsaB ao ic'a eaaie^ co -- 16 HE OSJC: Suraly. yea. air. -nua ta Ocvenisnc'a MdUc VB-I-C. Since OoveuiiHit's Bdtlblt 16 abaas a ailvv bended wist 13 wtoob, t wa net lacking for any allvmr brnded wiac wacebaa in 14 ai^ of che iKsgea, ao I cm'c call you if chse are aoy in cha IS iaages cr not. 16 0. «kU, if you're Icckiig ac wrlacs and <4sc che rcttacs are 17 itoing, chan you would oertalnly haw paid accencicn co this nr Ht. KMBS: 18 g. 19 day. g. 11 14 17 YM. Use would have basi passible. 8 you naed co. co tea a liccle becter? U U N3. CO ba pfesail in any of che phocegrapha Use ace in evlitede g. U w&eh thac icanp 7 A. 10 10 13 6 is. ci#C? 7 A. 8 IQu ckn-c Inow Sddv ena ic 5 If they ace -- if they tsve ewi cuiiiui class dseaccaiacia laCe-hMd eiaisr ptocogreph la a parecn balding e gai in Ssc had? 18 Idnd of item, if Ic was preasie, ri^? 19 A. UBre were — let me scats. I was locking ac cha left wiaC 20 A. ihe left had. 30 of che Individual in this case, and -- 21 Q. ttac'B m Che left had? 21 g. Mvmr cbe 33 A. o> che left tsnd? 33 A. X waa not p^lng accantion co Che ri^ wrlac. 33 g. Cn the lefc kclac. 33 g. Msn you taadfiad befere about how you decaradne 24 A. ‘Pare doesn't ^paar co ba anything cn the left aelac. 34 individual dsraccerl sties of a psmm. you calksd about class 39 Mac's St Us ngx snat? 25 dseaececlacica as being che -- wbat wee it — mee, Uiin, wtst g. wrisc? i 1 •lae? 1 A. Ch. Mil, yea. lb, let ne [xarauc that. I It, U oeerace? u A. ym. 13 g. And I told you chla Ma anths' pboco I aaa going to baM 14 A. yiaa. 19 Q. not euce I aaid Chat ic waa irerwfaccured by wry My. 7 dirfa'C have ny bank phocogephs? 6 ic la a Wry lay bag. 7 g. J«e ycu aure you didi'C asy IC was (amfaccuied by Wry 6 A. There were no -- 1 did noc notice siy dsrxai veade oi che 8 My? 9 v«wiv tr**w«r (n wry nf i-h» vidww or rhe film from the Ctnmeroe 9 A. 6 Q. atay- MU. I'm calking about che bank phocogi^hs. ttu If I Chat it vaa nmfaccuiBd by Mary Kv< chan 1 laa 10 Bade. 10 In enor. u U g. Ctay. Wve ycu aver hand of wry ny? u u A. yea. 1 hsve. U g. Ckay. Oi W-4-M. take a lock at chs ngx wise ares, ad 14 ceU ee if ycu aat aeneching chae? u A. Wry Kay cosreclca. 15 A. yea. chare eppaaie co be a txigx band oi che rigx wrlac 15 g. ax ycur tzad. Md I (kzi'c neai thee in a aarc way, I'm U of che indiviAiai -- of che bade ictXer. IS juK saying, nochiiq ycu tnaw aiychiig atox emo^ chat yw 17 Q. Saiethlng ahlny like this? 17 loow chat it exiaca, rl^7 18 A. 18 A. Q. Bade rr**mr CT 12 A. Ms. taric itttme er bade idfaers. IC looka a bit '■■w.'-. chai chat tzacslac. g. Cbarecios? I faiox chat there is e wry Kay atpcratlai. 19 Q. (2xd, Ckay. 19 g. you Imw tWre'B a Wry Kay (facpcraciai Chat aella 30 A. There also Is -- there sla> itpears to be a raised tacigx 30 ooaacics? 21 area oi chs tep aide. 22 Q. Did ycu gat any yaalcy at aU co coipwe? 23 A. tt>. 1 did noc. 31 A. yea.. 22 g. you isEw chat wry ny .Taa pzanxioa ficni ciae co cloar? 24 Q. AU right, you ad t ace icw going to vadk dowi the road 33 A. yea. 34 g. DO you Imw if chia le a proicticnal bag or a bag chac la 25 at -■ ycu and I are gang co go (fawn che coed of ocaiscica. 36 vaad by tht pa^le that sail wry My prafact? 1 A. 2 I can Me with Rv eyw. 3 04 I ds noC Isow anything ^ouc thli big cutildi of Ctay. And den'c krow how nav of these bage there eve, n#K? 5 A. That'a select. 1 distinguish sate begs ftori other b^. 2 g. But not all? 3 A. NOC all. 4 Q. Ct^. 5 kind of nunber «dch reject to this, li^? 90 you cm't give us a thirty to the ei#Xh power 6 Q. And you dvi't koow hew nsoy of than wae ultijiKely 6 A. HOC in this ease. 7 pn&nd, eonect? 7 Q. a^. 8 A. I tb not iaoM specific luitere. no. 8 Chat ON cm use to give indlvldial dwraeterlsclcs to a 9 Ckay. 9 peracn? 10 U Q. You said yMCer^, I believe, that there's no Is a pauiiiiaait cbeek tame a facial deracceiiJUe Eignlfleant individual characteristics about the Mary ray beg 10 A. that you can use Co individjally identify it; is that cccraet? 11 me's dsde tenee, in general, is a class diacactefistlc. NO, cheek ba:ea are a claea cbarscterlatlc. Tbe qiallcy of 12 Ht. HOES; 13 HE COKTs Yee, air. But you were ncc atile to uae these? 14 15 A. Bcactly. 15 Ht. KWS: Thmkyou. Itachlng fucChar. HE COST: Redirect. 16 Gkay. 16 12 A. 13 NB. I didn't say Otac. There ace individual dBcaccarlaclcs on this beg that can be tsed to identity it. 14 Q. Q, Itould ytu ■ - would it be your eptnioi that all bs^ 17 imde In the sore tin as that beg. ssie ycoductlon nn as that 17 la bag, would have the sate class characteristics as chat beg? 18 19 A. yea. 20 Q. Ckay. 19 Hi. IOE5: Ch, I'm Sony, Jtr^, there is. THE aUH: Ckay, Hi. iOCS: No, I don't have aiy ocher ^jaaelcns of the wicnees. Based ifcn the photegr^is that you haie — s the 20 •OmSc 21 videos that you have available fee you to use hse. would mv 21 HI. SISO): 22 tag In that asis nn be indistinguishable fiaii the baga 22 23 depicted oi the videos? 24 A. 25 1 (bi't think so. l dai't thiiYc that any bag would be indistinguishable, I think that it would be pceaible to BY HI. SIGFIN: 24 Q. 25 amt tp to you, plus there vss thircy'-fi'n willteecer film, ae 2 A. 2 Q. ct. And you spent tiire extcactiig infamaticn from those 4 pbotegr^ba and doing the carparlsen analysis that you've 5 Hr. itacder Brue^, a Icc of bank surveillance filns were TteedM 8eue~- - w>Mveet/lltwH« 1 That ia > Oie Roimt, plaeee. %ur Ibor. 23 1 well? 3 sir. HmTTWfT mWHfllCM 1097 ««Jer Bps-------- could I have juec a minute, JUi^? Ht. KMS: cbjectldi. beyond Che scepe. Tie CCUKT: Sustained. 3 BY Hi. BISIN: 4 Q. YOU were Mked igjesclais about Che jadec, ind I believe 5 you testified at aaie length aboic it. described. Is there arching abeut 6 the pboccgrefiB vbidi discingiish thoae pbocogr^be from chie 7 wxMng cn this case, if you can estiBBts it? 7 Jadiet. aa ducted in the berk idbecy surveillaKe 8 A. 8 photoeprapbe? 6 Anzooitecely hew irany nn hcucs harve ^ Voit Mall, I )nv I ape£ weeks cn this «re aatied sore (paBtiens about this brost bag. 13 BY Wt. 9TEPIN: 14 Q. tat me dow you, with leapacc to the got Chet tas seised in U ad it's your castlntny chac this uas new MUnictad 15 title ease, aotexmaic's SMtiUta S-G, E, ad F. These are u u to the in tha fttco^r^he? 16 lab bo you fer an epontnacioi; ia that ccciecc? 18 (ttcoB»pbi CroB the Bade (iticad retbsy? 17 A. 17 A. Yes. IB 0. Md thoae ace fttco^tphe ^ nede fren the bank 1 doi'c iscsU aseljig it. and I cnilffa'c find ny InitUda 18 at the bag. 19 0. let ne aho« you ^wouiiaA'a UtibiCB 8-B ad 8-0, «8iidi 19 20 ace fxoB Che Uilot as9( icbbery. tbe, I realise you hsw'c 20 A. Yes, they are. 21 Q. MKe these plccuzea of a aufficienc giallcy, the rasolutiot 21 done Cbia befoee, but I'm going bo ask you to look at tbtea f ilfiP 22 pbocogtaphs ad that just — if you're able to do thia, tell ne 22 and galicy of the plctucas, audt chat you eoild idaiclfy disc 21 if you're not •• lock at these (ttoogrscbe atd cell me if you 23 eypa of fireann that ia? 24 A. lb, I i-m-e^-*>t. ni — »i You aaid Little teici, I guess that's a certain area in 20 A. fee, irs'arn. 21 Q. Has your teriltcry dunged throu^xuc the years? 23 A. YSe. n'sm. 23 Q. Chey. lit terra cf ce^tedlng to crlattnal ecclvlClee, d9 34 you foeuB la at a oercain type of alee er not? Bf m. MTUSWI: 25 0* Q. 25 A. Osod wdny. ms-------------- Miltlple adsee. ml--------- 1 Q. isiltiple CTiras. 1 Mhte you nete leapenees? 3 3 A. Gvteds at Che type cf cell, the nacm cf the call. % QCiy. ted teac type of crises d» you iiMsci^ca? 3 A. tecoecira, txaglaclas, rcCfeariea, theft. Q. UUi )MeU a lAi UttV nil UBlK.f 4 Q. Useecing your atcmoi to ee er abas Jnary 30th, 3001, 4 A. YSa, ra'SB. S do you xsesU dec arse you usn waijisd, to chat ^y? 9 Q. Chay. ted ttai tes that i^xrt trlccen? 6 A. Yes, I «Bs HCEking the tedel aey area. S A. Oi January 30ch, 2001. 7 Q. The what dcy area? 7 Q. The stee day that you reapnndad to this xeaidtece? 8 A. Hsdil acy. 8 A. Yaa, m'tei. 9 0. Kw, (fc> you teenU tfiac tin you got to cha rasldenoe? 9 Q. ted did you reapaid to a burglary accaipe on chat d^ 10 A. 10 A. AC 3:27. see. 1 did. 11 0. And did you reapod » ISeo it*these S9eb TCrxeoe, MM, U g. U tha aftarrrxii? 13 13 A. Yas, ra’ea. ncrlde? 13 A. M IS A. IS Thac's oonect. Q. Md hotf is it chat you want to this loratioi? Our diafaedar diepatdiad ra Co the tall, a burglary at I got dlapetcbed 4:27, arrlted at 4iS0. M Q. 4:50, 15 A. Yea. S9Ch Ttaxace, ccrrecUen. 16 cold you to gs there baslcelly? 17 1540 ttarthast S9Ch Street. I'a aercy. it's gilig to ba 4:27, ccnecUai. 13 tan CO flte in the aftemcon? Y«B. tv. «UUk uvy 4 17 0. 89 your 18 A. That'S meet. 19 Q. ted yoi HteC there? 19 Q. I'm Mowing you Oateiiwent'e Bdablt 10>A. We. ra'aii. 20 A. That'S Che heuaa 1 leaponded to. a Q. (key. ted Dvl(4 to you? 19 A. 20 Q. 21 A. 31 13 14 17 Q. U A. 19 Q. now. And tAac Idscifyliq Infotnatlen did the deCandanc DC only Idencitleaclrn he latvlrtad to n tea a Flcadde !• charo siythiii^ fiUad in on )Ojt tapott n^idlng tju# YBa. na'an. O’mf. Aftar you identified n-. ntteich, did you calk t4ch MbO 22 driver* a licenae. 22 A. YBa, BB'ani 23 Q. 23 Q. And «AK did ha «y? 34 oorxeec? 24 A. I aalad him tAat happened. 25 Q. Md tSwc did he aay? 25 A. Ckey. Aod en your tepoct. you noted the vlccica icaa. DaC'B CCEZBCC. ______ 1 A. 2 Ha nceived a plrre call fion hie alam cenpery aeaclng thac hie houae, the alazm waa going off. 1 BitacBd the gate, rl^ by the ±ac. 2 0. And ha re^endad ns this nnechlng chat you would — you bad bam 3 Imadlacely to his haae, 1540 (tacluaac S9th lezzaee. 3 patrolling -- 4 Q. 4 Ck^. la this nel^Ashood the neigYxrhccd chat you ware S A. And be ctaeived o>o black nalaa nmlng to the rear at the 5 aaeigsd to? 6 7 police. S A. 7 Q. And are you faAUsr tdeh the neieptcaHaid? • 8 A. YBa, aa'an. 9 Q. Is thK methlng thet'a nonal in thac nei^Aoehood? loeacloi jinping the gate, and that's •Am he ml led cha Q. And . 5 Q. Ckay. Aid dac did you do wtch that c^ort? < $ Q. After la. MAeltA izwlded ycu tte Infonatlcn absut the A. I tuiiad it In to ny sicscviseir. 7 Blda mbU -- Bide txwm Aymll ad the toad door ad the K 7 MB. WOWai Mur ttxxr, nay 1 haw a euwiA? a 8 DC OaiRIi yee, ae'ae. vant. that thsa Ma dmge to all thoae three, (uieuL7 9 A. Ma, Da'ae. 10 0, Itia did you C. Kmwa: » fiECher ^aaclona. 35 DC OStHT: Qxea-ecanua. 1 Q. Mac ^paarawe? 3 Q. nr. moelth Mid be taa Uvlng chm pvt cf the yeer? 3 A. yea. 3 Q. 8o ia ^w you -- he filled in eery daacrlpciw pertloi of 4 A. 1 don't reeell. 4 your repert that you adeed £s. ochar chai dachar or noc the S Q. MU, lock at your nnber ei^, your aiiaMtlan nuiber 5 peraoa nae ri^ or left haded, ad chair ^aach. airi«:7,7 < S 3 ■r HL foas> el^it isder — He gave you infanation that alloMd you Co fUl in 7 A. Oov- yea. 7 ycur i^jLst CO aU thoae chin^ 8 Q. Afd he eald he «culd proaeoxe? 5 A. yee. 9 Q. He did noc llmic your Bewamc chio^ Che hcuee? 9 A. yea. 10 0. M let ycu into the hxae? 10 A. »■ 11 A. yee. 13 Q. M let you lock aioud? U Q. He did not tell you that you oould not ^ Inco ery of tha U A. yee. 14 Q. Hi dnad you dace they eene to the fcoK door? 13 A. H). U Q. CD you know if a^oa ves ^prdarded, amaead in CUa IS A. Me. IS Q. M dLsed you dme ch^ had canaadad Cha houaa? IS A. Ho, ICC ctac dv< noc CO ly dodaC^a. 17 A. Ma. 18 9. Ooy. He cold you chic oa o< the paopla tad ehert hair? 13 xcora? 15 34 A. 3S A. Yha. 35 Q. Ooy. CD you )o» if ay foUow-1.9 taa I baliava ch^ ware turned In to our preparty isdt. done to find • IM.I b 1 «4b OMMd tllB bUoB. to datomlne i4d had tEiiiai liCO tbo a tBU«7 3 A. ». 1 doi't. 4 Ht. lOES; S 16. KTinwi: 6 116 oaSTi 7 g IhHk )CU. U 13 U I rat^end to ewythlng. 6 Q. Are you analgned to a particular nel^detdioed? noM* call your nsc wta—. 7 A. I'm MMljMd to Liberty Qty. 16. HTIDMas 8 Q. And «eze you ¥nljai1 to Liberty City In BajMiLa at 2000? Ttmti you, m'an, you nay aup dMi. I'n ■ociy, Ycur ibEr. 9» yiiiniw*. 9 A. rm, I MB. 006 awn, 'WiT’8 kebbo. anao. BB OBOC; Wu nay take a aeat. pleaae. 10 0- Dlnccing your attsmion to DacMibar 14th, 2000, did you Mill you pleaae etace your naie ad 6>all yoff laat 13 A. u 13 nane £ar tke reccri. 14 And «4Bt are your mfi~mlli11lrlrnT 5 A. tb ftsUBT chac? 4 A. Bcniae Chey call again and I «oa dU^ecelNd a^ln. 3 A. YM. 4 Q. So WRmlcb. muserc? S Q. So cl* 5 A. Yha. S 0. day. And tec kind of IdoKlfylng Infoimcim did you gee Cold yoi CO ^ hade co chla placa? < A. 'ttm. 7 Q. day. Md «l*c tin* did you gac chm cl* woaid cia*7 « 7 CzoaNr. Nsmcti? S A. A. AC 9:35 p.m. 9 0. And vt*c did you eta «4n you aertved ac cl*c houaaT 10 A. la chac H-c-K>r^l>C'h? I gx hia fizBC nam, laac nm. chac 1* «a* an adblc. hla 9 race and hla tee of bizCh and hia ateaea. 10 Q. And tec UBB his race and aoc? I node oosacc tdth the vlcciai- 11 Q. ItMC* DM Cl* Vleclfio u u 12 of '58. A. AC ham. A. Ha'a going co be oi adilc blade nala, and he aaa been 9/17 13 0. Ma he inaide hia ham. o>a:a1da Wa ham? U Q. dmy. And tec toe Ida adteaaT U A. u Kal^. A. 1540 IBrctianc 69ch Taczaca. Maid. IS Q. dcay. So you «anc «4> and imodNd «B d* tec? IS 0. And. ty Che »ey. ten yeu'ra teoi idiair.ificaclm, la 1C u IS your yaau.ioe to imlm aura chac cl* plccure en the A. Mb. 17 17 idoicificaciai imedsB cha yoiaai teae in ficte of you? u A. yaa. 19 Q4 CMy* MO wtn tnftC pecBSi zwpoaa, vrac wa you 1 1 diamvmad chac aom vnlm»n peraa* had oKecad hla horn 1 yoi iwailai atnr ct* inaide of Cha houaa? 3 Clroi^ Che rear wiictow. and had tatai aom icom chac are — 2 A. Hoc xaally. 3 ad Che Itom axe Lijcad on ay rapccc. 3 Q. Did you lode in ay elOMCa or oychlng Ilia chac? 4 Q. so ten he cold you chac paeple had aracad hla hem 4 A. No. S Chcou^ Che rear wlntow. me chat Ct* aane dndw Chat you had S Q. Afcar nxzeith. M. MdOaieh, Idanclflad tec had beoi « S Cahoi fzon hla ham. tec did ^ d3? obm'od aacUer chat diy? 7 A. Yaa. 7 A. • S com CO Che hooe, you lam, co aaa If they could ^ ay Q. dmy. And he told you Clwc parpla had tdeoi icom fzon hla I flnlatod ny repcirc, I had - - I dUpaCdwd Odim Soo* to 9 fli9zpBinC8 refmeu the bedon winte. Ulm I aay, I }uac 9 hm? ID A. vaa. 11 Q. Itwc MB caAan. od d*C toe cl* ^olue of tf*c «bb tdmn? 10 tlnited ny repeat and left. 13 A. 13 thio? 12 oi ay r^ect la a* OUD play«r, vdue of Chraa «nd Clfcy daUara. Stxy icmo. four luidrtd u 12 0. day. DO you lam techer 0^X1^ «aa ear arxeacad te At fiiia IS Melve paiza of antoia. alx Ivnted doUata. N[). MLS' 1 UJiSl IJi l(y I^UtLf Cfv t^lAL mAMM uo »/> • teiH h* flUfM it twm tfmitw IS Q. day. So I g*ea aa ct* poUea officer you're Him cl* IS MaeaUa*aua elochlng icom valued ac 0« chaaod Clsaa IS fine one en the aco*. you calm dm Cha Inteanacim. than le 17 luM*d telara. An AdsT phene, oell pla*, alwy doUaca. 17 gacB •• In Ct* iwnml oeuraa of pcacclOB. ic geca ecanatenad U 30 Q. am/, ita; you van caking dean Chla intacnaciai, «Ka you 19 A. YBa. 30 0. I lam M. KAelch Cold yw clue hla ocinpiatlcn vaa aalf. 21 21 ita you i*i*iLeL techm you ated or ha alabacacad occa en tec 19 *aa flfcy doUaca. inaida cl* hsuae or oucaida Ct* houae? 23 A. I ballm* 1 MB aralda efaa houae. 23 Q. di^. Did you ewr ^ Inaidi cl* tn*a? 34 A. yaa. 1 did. 23 I* did for a living? 23 A. NO. 35 Q. Again 1 loot iC'a baan a coM* of yean, la Oan oyctibg 25 34 Q. day. Aa you sic hse cote' te'C loiadm acq«tilng ■ 91 1 1 A. Ho. 3 Q. Mw )cu been bedc to Chet house; hM you had an/ Curther 1 JtMeii? 3 ccntact idch Mr. Mttelch at that house after this chce? 3 Q. MU. but Tin juat aayiiB. he dLdi't atop you fna doing 4 A. lb. S Q. ISium diqatdad a^ln? 4 aivchlng «dch isapeec to yow iiiiieai Ija liii, S A. tt>. 6 Q. Ovy. And Oiae Bone laa esUad out? 6 A. lb. 7 le. Ntnm: Wur Wnr. Bvy i hm a imjm.? • $ 9 A. lb, 1 MEi't en ecene. OB OSURT: QrOSS SIMBIinS. HI. lacs: U u 7 A. Yes. 8 Q. Mrs you Chare vtan they cans? lb fuEths rjiTime 10 2 A, Ho, I uoultb'C do chat. If I could have juat a odiMCe. Ai^. opfs ■amijaai BT Mt. USES: 10 Mi. H3CB: Ihat'a aU I have. iMc yni, ycur itnor. U HB axKi: M. Ssipaon, thank you. you a^ oens dean. 12 Kur natt witness, please. 13 as. MTSSMI: your Hiu. «e have - - is it 14 «nt thse. CEczecc? IS A. lb. u POHlblA ~ ' IS SB COKT: No. U Q. Oay'. Me this Mca the only tine that ^ rw^xmbil to a 16 IB. Kisma: CMy. could l have a ndnute. 17 tauislary at Chat particular raeidanoe? 17 your Hzer, Uiltad Scaces rests. u A. VM. u Q. Did M. KSkelch allOM you In tha bouse? u na aXRT: Mitsia of the Airy, you've now laard aU 30 A. yes. 21 Q. Did bs restncc your aowasK Inside tbs tabs in aaiy tay? 30 fltacae. 23 33 plsass reaarve aiy notions Midi he ni^ In* to seta ac ttaa 23 Q. MU. you dcn'c laiailjai hua listing you out of any tooie? 33 oscluaiai of the gouenmnc's caae in dOef viKil tha nomlng 34 A. NO. 24 lecaae. 25 Q. you don't ranenter Wai telling you net to look in any 3S 19 ttaa svidBies and casciany in this case on trial f of the Uiicad 31 AC this Cine, tia 0du% wUI aMc Che daferdwa: to And ycu imy paoeeed cn bBalf of Hr. HdOeicta, 1 M. HOhBS. 3 Ml. Kses: lhartc you. iiu Honor. 1 Jlr^, ray wa appttseh tha aidabar, pleaaa? 3 ns axKT: y«e, sir. 3 3 ytur Honor, based 4 the RDClon asde yester^ 4 the presence ot the jisy. t Mould sm to incrtrtwe Hi. me: S MdUc is. S Mho t stood S 6 TIB 03UIT: BbiJoit IS te the defense is received in *!■ ■ ■ u Owfc4M» 1C MMM ^m«4m4 4n evidsEe]. 10 Mute, veur tbra, ay 7 na. la chare ay need to prooaad. 7 wliMbs. » I reoencly wt throu^ a 22SS hearing ad said befere Ml. me: Md, Ybur tti«, based ipn ecipulstlm tdch the ^vemmt, I vould rom to Incxodse the bade leeerds 8 And I said. no. sic. *»>«» there vaai'C, hwraae 1 9 tad Md a oonveraatioi. I )ubc - 1 tpn about a> hour cn tha 10 wltnaas stand -UBOSURT: 1 iDowitee you're 9>ln9 and MS'U -U 13 of Hubert R. Htteith. Oov«cnMC'a BdilUt Mnber 4, fxon 13 Hi. lOBB: I wv'id to hatM Chet mUajy occur before 13 dey IW Irmi Baek in NianL. Florida, fer. the period of 14 mxuaiy 28th to MrA 3lac, this would be 1999, and also — 13 1 amnsKe 1 reec. nBcnKT: 14 I adetacad. AU n#K. sovs'Ucalaa IS IS raceaa, ad that I'U hear your brief neclaa. ad 1 wlU net's Hnber 4. BdUblC Mnber 3 aould be the tadc 16 rmr-rvifm gf MKln Kdtteich sTid JBOgJsline M3Q«iCb ten 16 inquire at the defendant. 17 Ri^BMoed Savdnge Bank, as ueU ae ccplse of UUted Statee 17 Mi. (DCS: Thaik you. IS Festal aaiey cedere ten Karin HdWelth as Defendnc'a Bbitiic 18 IW CDURT: CkQ'. 19 Huber 3. 19 pad of bsA orateraeel 30 30 HB COURT: Mntaecof Che toy, ve'U ta*» our nranlng HE aXET: Usee bdUbles «OU be received inx> 21 11 Ml at this tine. M'U be in raaeae te fifteen adiucae. 21 ■vUMse. 22 ICef—e ewriMi- tanfeMS 3 and 4 were aabied and 22 ad dsn ra reonvaa, we'U ooEitue «icb tbe am m bdalf 23 received in evidaneel. 33 of the (bfarbne. 34 34 Please cake the jiry ou. 25 teCueUy, it n^ be non like cwancy mliUas. 3S pLMM. Hi. mBS: Bxcuaa ns, judge, for just a aaeend. • 1 UBKjr 2 TIB QOKI; tte njuilii—t. K. HKeltb', yov laOa> 8 Chat cha 9 HeU, I irripfHTand ctac, tut {ccauidng rasu. Mi. eiSPOl: The zeaaoi — He vcD't baa« any rebuttal to tfac haa 10 been Inczcdxad ae far aa the icaie — 11 elaec to do. 11 13 13 have a couple of vccda with ae so that he can uipsit his U Have you dtacuBBad with W. ttmea cha iaaue of Caaclfylng aa a wicmea at Che trial of this caae? 14 IHBCBFBaMr: inaaiellfcic. I need a few nfinjcaa Ml. >OB: U thoi^xs vdch reataet to elnelrg aa.'gLinw befoa ee gsc co 14 cIobIhq IS IS aora, ^aaaa. W HB acm: 17 IS THB oajir; u anochar iasua. 9>af«1«ff «r¥ifarrlnB witb annaal] 17 mcher issue. Ml. tOBi 18 au n^, sir. o> BMd. for t4r. MSMith'a benefit, vtan I The zeaeoi is, ay client vould liha to 19 said GoMtntant's Bdiihic 4, the zeuceda of W. Maoelch's 19 30 factar — 30 HeU, ue'ra 93lng to de tMc, but CtMC'a ne'za oercalnly going do chat, be that's Ml. lOWSi I ostalnly vxiderecand ChiC, but I'm czylng co aolv* theee pzeUanB. 21 Ml. H3CS: Tharic you. JUt^, we on prooMd. 23 Oovarmnc's BOtfMts 3 and 4, bx tfaey'ze zaally nefmtas'a 22 TIC asm: Cl^. 23 23 pnuBK CO the Fifth biarlMf. to the COnacitutioi of the 34 ttilcad scatas, you have the ri^ a zwaln aUant. 3S Uhewiae have Che rl^ co tesCi^ aa a wlbaaa in your on 21 ISC OSURT: 1 indecatood it. Tbu daaodbed chaa aa Bddblca 3 «d 4. 24 TSCautT: 3S TIC ODUCT: Cl^. BX ch^za In evidnce? YSs, they ate. W. Httalch, you irriecscand Chet Wu ms 1 2 dtfnae. 1 If you eleec co ceaci^ in tMa oms, you vmld of VC COtCT: And no one's used any chcaacs, tone. 3 liiMPiii. oeesolai. er Intliettbrlm Co 3 oouzM be BX^eec to ooaa-emAaaciat by the Uiicad scataa. 3 4 If you eleec co cmln ailenc, Che Ouzc is 93ing co Instrucc 4 T» IZFBOMr; tt>, air. S Che jury that no infsenoe MataMr nay ba Aavn, and further 5 TIC aun: 6 Chat they nay not S defendant, chn, W. ttsae? 7 co ceacify in this oaee. • the fact chat you have elaaad noc 9 vfMChar « not you vant to caeufy In this caae? 10 TSC IBBOWT: U TIC aucT: 13 8 you Co waive yos ri^ to taaclfy? 7 NSW, have you itiiriBanil wtcb Mr. IbMO, your liyer. cms Ml. tOCB: AU ri^. fuzthar for the Jbc^, we're ^ing Co anHoms that we zeac at ctda ciaa. 9 VC OUCT: AU Zl»C. The Q»C WlU IBW hetST «iy 10 rocioa to ba nade at the concluaiai of the gcweimanc's caae Yes, I did. itac is your vdCu do you tdah to testify In your ovn defense, or do ycu tdsh co awsifflsa your u u in diief. Ml. >OCSi Tour Hns:, the defendant at this tina 13 13 14 OMKS 1 thzou^ 10 of Che aipseedljc indioBienc. baaed ipoi IS the IS tanSmc to zoiain silsK, air. u fade CMS of qailt. 17 17 M IS 18 gf tls SUtM CO ZWttiO OllttX. TIC IBBCNir: TIC aucT: AU n^. Qo you have any CMacions about yaa: ti^ co caacxfy cr noc Co ceacify in this case? 19 TIC EZPBOINT! 20 TIC axsi: 21 HI. 91U1N: 33 23 34 39 I wish co —ciss Ry rl^ to Fifth AU cl^. Sir, chsic you. Ai^. could you aCc him aa far aa chece Ch, weU, of ccuzae. lea, sir. ctac tie ibfaBnt. Hubert KdOelth. is in face the cos «te 20 pcasaaaad a flraarm with respect to thoae perUnilar eoMa. 21 WtSUOt to, 1 Bl CCC9Kufl9 23 of Che eve ocher muxs, Is your daciBia) zoc to ceacify in this eeae made fcaely and volmcartly? nc iSFBCWir: ^adfleaUy, chat the gavouiwa. haa failed Co ptd* 19 comiitcsd the bank rebberies viaiged in tisst oouKS, and vto No, sir. tpf OMfcioo oc font oc ** HC CTUCf! 18 that the govmzzmc tee CUlad to establiCi a [slnB 33 34 d^. 12. Thank you. 25 CDuice. WnW O’lM— is it 1 thcou^ 12? I'm setoy, 1 stand maccad, it'a 1 through Ard we're stUI nnc dae with tie ocher oo So with z«peec to choee cases, JUdga, 1 wculdnm 1 fcr a 2 3 4 5 of aci Jlctal with nqacc to Cti* ditedn. VC GOIOi V» aOe 29 ncUcn of ct» defotex, nade 1 VC CCCJRT; 2 Hi. SITW: He just gjeetien thather that Inatzuctltn at the ooncluatai of Che gwtamm'a ama in diief, wich 3 is ^fzqztate, given tlec there has bean no wicneaa rwyert to astnta 1 tlKcu^ 12 cf Che a^enKllng intLcnaK In 4 Iteclfled Che detailaa. am the bank robber. thia oae will he dmed. S 6 Me can ha<.« Che charge ccxkfemce now. 6 Of the 7 99Mtniant't ra^jieted jury inecrueciox, all tdll be gmed. 7 $ The Onurt hae {nsacad a 6 9 note caking, o^iiaB of iSudi I now paae CO eounael for the 10 Yiae, air. ineeiuBCion with regeid to If Che govemiHiL's not going to argue Hi. SISPIN: tteil, I cake chat bade. Hi. 91BPDI: I ms thinking In tame of Cte bank 9 10 defendant and the Uilted States. 11 Hi. )OC8: Chat w. wrrts dlcki'c idaclfy him thm — Also, you have an/ special teqjeeted inaciuctlcns, 11 rcUiBcy vlctine. 12 (X-. Itwes? 12 U Ml. tOS; I MDC Che acaedBcd at idncifKatlcrt. 13 M VC OOlSTi rn ^ing to give Chet, 14 Hi. lUSPlN: timer odnd. 15 VC aXKT: Mv <±)aeaetm toe the uiitad Scacas? Hi. SIEFINs IS rn lodcUg ter it «« am you ^aak. Hi. K>es: I think cheyr'll oancidi Chat arguient, but dxre'e -- IS HC. HMB: It's cn page SO, Jix^. IS 17 VC aXRT: All rl^. 17 VC CCUCT: CtOecclm tor che defqrkiit? 18 HI. KMSi Page 50, jiXlge, if you have the '97 — 18 Hi. IOCS: ttne, YOir »XtX. All rtcfic. 19 VC OSCliT; All xigit. 19 VC aouRTi The CDirt will grant Che 20 detaileiL'e ceqjaet for the standard Inatruction on 21 identificatien. 22 23 25 side in ttguianc. 21 CO take her Inland to the paoe nekar accre, we're going to 23 ioacructiaa oi tehaU of the ikiited Scacea? Ht. siiwiN: YOu have ninety mUutee CO Che 20 it cveere chat alnoe this lady has to leatve 22 zeceae at 3 o'clodt, hx we dsuld he able to oarlirip the Are there aiy djjecticnB to the CbWe yancjeed 34 Hocbgecclai. tm/ we just have a eoan with leapecc to 24 25 Chat inacnctiai? aigjDxxa before that. M it's ninety ninxae to the aide. And we'll be In recaas for can ntiucee. And whan we one bade, I gueae you'll 1114 mi zcfcutCalT 1 have CD acaec [ucting all of Chat cogathar. 1 2 ftust'a in teoaea for cm irtiMCm. 2 le. HtWHI; 3 tirtef ceoMal. 3 VC aXRT: 4 VC the aitfiiaa.. UJB ^&UBOUU_LLli UHl nM UB * * »unpy QQ SU UUBB 5 Ida face with a aki nedi. $ « the argjiHiLa in zetutal. 7 ineccuet you cn tht law that you auBC fnllnw and atfdy in 7 wuld attar the banka yelling ad aoeadig. reaching your vacdlec. B patcam. a » u u AC the cacluBlai of the aiiAiMnta. the Oax tdU Becaijee of the tine oraualnts, and hwr»a»e as c£ 6 9 Hda taa wy acery and vary Intlnttdning. Ha Ik followed a ik Knew hla acuff. Manban of tha Jury. Ha would oara in, face OMred, gy ta> Co cha tallka, aay ha wanted ycur awlme haa to be Meuead early, ne're ^Ing to fine hear 10 sonay, tdg laanay, lota of nmy. Wnay Cm the aaood liiaai'. Cm the Uilced Stacaa In their ^suiQ S9aiant. Ha* re then U no halt, no pads. 13 9Dliig Co--------- te liidi. 12 13 U ad he Aay, that chse la tlayre aarioua olne, ctayra dangama *»»w cold you. thia la our qfnttidcy to 14 am ig the avliknce. IS in thia caae. ad !'■ going to do Uac for ^ all in juK a IS iiuuatL. And, godw cUm’s beat a loc of widanoa Sue before I do that, 1 m to talk about the la* 17 trlefly, baeaae Ua ttm'a going to call ycu Che lav, but wa 18 naad to udmeand dtac — 19 thia caaa. Mtually. It taai'c a aiddng gai. but tha aiddng 19 20 ddre. 30 wy atact vfdle ace going to ba dalibacacing, daddtng Ctaa 31 gaaciena In this caae. and you're gdig to be *<'wWag the 31 Ob ddxt. ite defandanc'a atdxt. ddd> wa bud 33 hargiiig ao nloaly In hia eloaec ac lUiUiwat each naraca m 23 23 tha d^ of tha aeaidi. 23 34 Clat tha defendant le the bedc rebfaar. 3S Thia prouea beyond a raaaooabla CtxbC Mtore of da Jiary, en bebelf of tha Odead Scacea, 34 2S Ik need to put this in oontaC, harsaw y^ all in a ad ^glying chaa to tha la>, aa Rls tknor uaciucca. So tisBB points on the la*. Pleat, rrimmiihlfi ldi reass eed ciaroen aanea lead you to aeke. 4 Sana*, afts- careful ad litpazclal cosldsKiai of all c( etaa 5 addana. 4 J(d 1 low re hare ^acple fian different relka of life and 6 6 ecM caedsace ItiUa cba gstoBBC's bunlan of praof la a acziee er 5 dlfferarc baefegrouda, re hare aoee acmtiflc bad^tourfa ad &cn aSniicry. 7 haaiy oa, ic la noc oeceaaazy the a defadaK'a gjllt ba 7 8 pcowad beyond all paealtole dettt. Thac'a noc Che acadaid. 8 cednlcel deiU ^ aiy facial ddll, Jret taM In all Chet 9 It'a ]UBC nwaTinj-iTn doubt. 9 you're heard ad uee your eenran ama, implying it to the law. 10 3nd that'a Che baacy of It, you dan'C need aeif 10 Seocnd, clxeunacancial evidade venua dlraec So, let's get oi to the facte of the caee. MeBtera of 11 evldasa. Dmrlng voir dire vtn ycu all ware balng aalaecad CO 11 Che Jjry, the Udlcarert dargae cwalre comes. Bl^ eemte 13 ba the jury, W. scafln bciafly talked about it. naaver, 12 of bnk rdtecy. «d four cornea of ualng a gat djrlng Che U that'a not aoschlng Ccr >ou all to ba too utu:amed tbeuc. 13 camttaelai of the bnk uilrey. HIb Miner 1b ^Ing to Inaczuct 14 «fathar aoaachlng la direct cr dzeuaKancial. 14 you on thB 15 15 grore fv hmk zdtay. In fact, KiB ttnor , you could sea to yore ndad qa it ta every rdkery he had — for reary bak rettery wrreUlaEB ptKCcgiegk. ecqx Sminat xLch the Jacket, he 6 grelitleacicna, and you heard about the malyals chat ha a 9 parfomd. And you heard about hew this ahlrc haa auch a 9 Irel at leeat four and tp to al^ poincs of ccnparlaen. 9o 10 dlaclnccire u I netn, ic loda like an ordinary shirt. In fact, you ell will hare Chase no shirts Co lock ac In the jury u Che defendant wore In oennaree. this is the ahlrc Che defandaic 12 voca re Firac Sauthacn. 12 icon* 13 10 thla la tha dilrc clat res uaed in Kielak, this ie the ahlrc 3nd, you tosw. they leek bIDb, fam he area polneed 13 'ihta la Che dilrt tha datreckre wree In Btmk eC U o«, and you all ceo see. if you atart to lock ac the little M Aaarloe. me la the dilrt the ibfbilHC rere ac irextactble 15 dKsilB, they're not idnclrel. They're alike, but they're lat IS lakes sc Souciarvat. I guese ic res Ma ludv ttirc. Tbu 16 Idmtirel. Hell, by cfalng tha pomca of coipaclMxi by ming 16 lea. ha rece it for the tak icttreles, heraww be wee 17 this thin line, «fdch is me-emth of di Indt, and Che 17 suoaMsful mcil ha got esu^. 10 Ideating pectem he cold you wee three point fire Indiaa, wo 16 ttw, really, i osuld sit ckam new. I ireen. Che ahlR 19 ic'e me In thlrcy-flre dance of this allsdng. 19 alone, the defedsic'a ahlrc fomd at hla heuae. chac alme 30 30 pBoree bayod a reMcnabli doubt Chre Che dribdanc la the bak 3rd doing a ooiparlaai, ad you' 11 here the daxta. 31 you'll hare cha datta to lock ac, ha waa idle to tall you Co a 21 rebbST. Bre there's so auA noca. three la so nidi me. Oh. 22 ma ad •• dire res ic •• six tdllien aillien prcfciblllty dac 23 «nd lac's, you lea, let's talk di»r, tha arenh cf the 33 thla la Che diirc. Ifale 1* the dUrc. lb cold you, I'a ares 33 ddddn'a hana, 1540 ttzttmre 69th Tbmoe m Mibd, 24 you all ireailai. chac all he would need would be three polrca 24 norlda. 2S of eoapreiKn, cr cUccy to the third power la order oo aay 35 Tbu haerd the ceaciaav. Inred cha Ceeciaciv fne 1 to) Mn ht ^lig. Clw 9i;y. I'a aun >ot'U iwailai, tbe 2 gaoclmn ito pitAaMd bouae* and fij«d chaa and aold choa. 3 And you heard Ran Mia tell ycu hew la laec tha defendant in 4 Uterty City, tew ha oold hun the hsuee at 4600 Brooher Straot. 5 and then oold him the Irtae he lived at, 1540 tbXtiaeBt 69Ch « Terxaoa, end oold him the hnaa at 1532 tCRhNaot 66th Street. 7 So hlia three heueee. SO Kv*>V' thac'B the aigiifleaiee of thoae leoaita. In any ewe. you heard Mr. Mxa ceetlfy chat he eold the houae cn tfcrttaeet $9Ch lerzacs to Che defaxtant. Ha Hould aee the defadant in the nei^ttrtood. Hould peaa tbwi that heuae all the ciire. He he nould drive dswt Uhatty Qty and aee the defandanc'a car there. And eo oi April lich. 2001. a aeardi verzaic ia eMecuted. And ty the aoy, juet ae ai And Agac • aoida. He how Incnduoed the lecetde ed the padoee of theee idMla. Agac Seger. ocha rai agaxa. ae tail ae lecel law 9 ClBee pwpeatlea. aifdoam. they go to the houae. And there are -- Bdiihlt 101 la the Biuiuii 10 Street. adUUt 106 la tbe 1S33 mtleeet 6Sch 7«mce. And 11 16 17 MbiuM parked In frtnc. And «4ien you Iccic -- it's very Iteereetlng. >»•«»«»■ ■iployiMt. Yet, or these that they onreat hint. Sole local la> enfuroeierk. they go into the houae, he tlHt. U they (b Wiat'a called a eueep to neke sure ntted)' else la there. It's aafs. And you heard Mr. Amire call you chat cn «ncher They go in, ndxry elee vea there, it wee 19 applieacion it aeld the defenlanc ucxlad for the pool and petlo aafe CO go in, and they vent in. 30 ccepay. >4ilcti use hie ccnpiaiy. Wild) viaai' c eiwi In edstoioe ttiat (Ud they find? 31 Ww Chat ^pllcaclai aae edadtted. 23 yooeelf. Wy le the itafenlae. lying aboK Ida aiplayaBX. 23 34 4 Ww. Maifcere of the Jury, tn« nay pacple Ws aren't alien benk nttvs twe eeda vdcb bolea had cut out like this? %u He all Iobh chet'e Wiat be i«a And ooie 1 like Che am hag. 3 tw little holes a the aide. 3 ■ to be chlzd nedt. Rldiazd Vbrdar magga didi't empoze, chia la not a Tio. These chat la’ia miodeed mo avidme. one with the h^ee patted out. gaoa the faaks HOuldi't lock too teocably igm hloi pacing 2 ftax» Che holes are cut cut. In soie they aron'C. 3 Jkxuolly mare chan Chd. could aval see bail Che aunMlUace pccca Chet in aone of the And they began the aeardi. itell, lo ad mold, they find aki neeka. So you')* gx to adc nu hewe CO haio cnploynerc to get a lutgage, ail I 2S tank letter aa ai ronpaim. 1 They see the mo Che or, drive the cor bade a little Uc. get out, ad lied Mut hie I neon, you heard Mr. Vidal taetify thee be isver for Vidal They aee Che defendanc'a red NXhing'a ^dng oi. defatfci* get cut of hla house, cpai the dialn Unk fenee. get . picture chat, ycu )aat, helped /3i zeco^Uze him. She told 3 you, ehe nid Ae «bb able to eee Che profile a little Uc. 4 of oouree ia aoBiscaic with Che cbeadladca baing sbe «e a^ to get a aenee at his stann, that tea There'a alnoac a little painty tip cn the cop, idUdi 9 aanro. in thee If you lode ac am of the oebB- photo^^apha, you will hv taro. Md tden 000 picture of the defandanc. 15 said it had beat UiJibi. VQrdar Bruegge talked tfiout this, you leiow, the dlffarabe Aid they cuipaied then, and he eald to you that the nose, the tituth, sd tht dun mto eonsietant with -- ad I if I'n hlodung anybody — the nose, the ncuch. ad u wstchis. in fact, you rawber die told you chat m dqr da And chat «as vary ecnaiscaK to due aha knaw the 17 defendant to be wearing, cn the ieaje of the two wetchaa, 16 Msibacs of che Jisy, we have incrcdjced into evitece. t the chin. He ean iccaced it ao it loild be at tha aane angle, 1» believe it'a the 21 aeriea. piccuree cf the defadanc diidi •bw. he aeid fron a edaneific point of view he oould not 30 mce todd in hie car. Md you will lave the qprocixucy to itetlfy It ae the defadae., but ha oould idantlfy tha ahirt. 21 aaa Ctaae picona. 1 chink we peaaad chaw aroud. But he alao told you there'a a dittenca babaai 33 But you'll have an eppcctiDlcy to aaa chan in the Jury identificaticn and reoa^Utioi. Ally Kcrla leoagnisad the 23 zoon. But it ia clear, the defedaic ie wearing two latchaa in dafardent. And, Meulei'a of tha JUty, t want you to notioe 24 each of Cheaa plecutea haze. And, in fact, Maittai'B of the aorathlng else about thle picture, ctua aurvaillafioi 39 jisy, lec'a not feegat, two black tended lacdas ware fold In 1 tha d»f«)dnc'e iKuae. JM if jcu lock «c tbe £» hMd o( 2 theM wcdMe. che/ cKUinly ippaar oonalaccK with 0)t 1 in a nice cals relaxed »«:. HDwee chat ip. m# Sae of the zeperca we very ecdk. siggeatlng to ycu Use ler. nclas ode tk isimUaed Boiethug after Us fact. Tliac ever 6 h^ps) CO Mty of ycu all. telllig ecneba^ a accry and all of a 7 Mnerica. and she itekifled it ae a zed raiLeJaa. bo^ type cf 7 sudden zeranber a fact chat neyba ycu dldi'C tsrentsr a little 8 Mdoadae. 8 dale ago? 9 the rar ds dzo« In her ceukzy. 10 Md ycu laiaitsz, ds zecc^iizaa Maroedas, that's In chat sane robbery, m 9 had the geoiue. m had Oreg 10 Meiuabe Killer. U nriae caeclfy chat be alee as< the defsdanc gat iiko the zed U 13 burgwdy rtirirtn 12 Killer. and, in fact, he adlad ere pulled, ad oi the aaie dace aa 31 tfddi is a ocnpllacian of all the recelpce fovad sc the Che SduUIIVubc retcery cn Jauery 23td. 2001, you heard the 23 defardeed'e hone. 33 nctsiaco. ad rm wte 23 34 34 the (ottery hqpaad first thing In the aondog. 25 YCu all will itey, airhnry, rrr all rf rhM* mnwijra hmw rhe> date dad's nam rl^ cn there. of the raoeipte hM — 35 neny ef Che receipts are for cadi purchases, acea are fer In fact, you oould ei« ne from the aavelllanee RO 11C7 1 1 oedlt purehaaae. And, you loow, you'll aleo hen* the After all. we Iracw chK he owe three pe^cpectiee, ad 3 cffxatMlcy to review the eunexy ahaet of it. 3 he's collecting m on two of than. And «4wt is he using to 3 3 sake Che maujeje pe^nsnes? I neai. raybe acme of the rad 4 neney oo«e the iicrtgege peteeaics, but eercalnly they dai't 4 Let ne adc you, car adc ycuraelvee a igaettai. How nay of you all here oi the jury have nade a single cash S purdaae of eeventesi tiadred dollars? 5 6 AK. toeS: Objection, Juc^. ^ildai rule. 6 7 •na rrtar. 7 8 MB. HrnMC: 9 10 11 12 Qnratrwi It'S very incereecing that there are several niltiple cadi purdaeee nede by the defendant. And Che ttare does he heve tds oooey? Kidkn? Mybe he has it hitUen acrre»*aie in aoie seoet accoid v in the 9xxmd. 8 ThKe is no My to know where it is. And it's cadi. Raienber, 9 miLaiB of the jury, «4>K uae scolsi ficm Che bank, vkac timing of theee cash pjrthasee. for exenple, there'a a 10 rttded fron Che bank is odi. aewicaen ludbred dollar purehese cn Janiary 26th, 2000, juec 11 purtheeee. six d^ after the Kisldx rciCeiy. mb It's inpesaible co cnce cedt There la a elicaen Iwdred 12 U (faUar purcheae on ftnoiber let, dudi is ^fsodnecely CMncy 13 He Mm about the pr^ertiee, but u <^s after the Plrat sauchem I'ifny. 14 Ids lifeecyle, chin^ he likes co d>. 15 IS to didki odi. ad certainly very difficult, if net inpcasible. 16 to cry co trace it. 17 HE aXKT: There'S an eleven tinksd dollar purehese on rw.aiil«B 18 18th. juec a few days after the Bank Uuted. 17 all that, you' U Idve the C44xau»dcy to review chat. m'C 90 ctsou^i But all And M dsi' c lodw «AK the detexMit spent it all !■■> ML/. 24 The RBd(, the gm, Che bega. ceedt teoeipcs. the •ry 25 iftnadM, and all Che dmrms fond in eh* HKoedaa. Mbt 35 tor juf^mc cd aciqnlctal. 34 It ycu'U cone bade at a quarts to «a. we'U yeuueed AC chac tin, the Cburc reaer^Md ruling on cha noCKn 1 TIC OXST; That will net be allcwed. 2 ji^nnt of aotpiittal of the defnlm, nade pumm to Rile 2 Mi. H3CS: Jix^, is it ycur ruling Chat I n 1 ItiB esure at this tine will daiy the nocioa for 3 29 of the (ftderal Rdes cd Oimlnel Rncedire, <4iid> nction voa 3 pebiUtad fron reading the 23rd mini co the jury? 4 nedi at the clcee cd all the evidence in the oee. as to CbiKs 4 S 1 throudi 13 of Che afecsedliq IndicoietK. 5 think ycu cugb co acand -- t nean. cbdoualy. ycu cn refer to 6 ne CDURT: Hell, ycu cs) refer oo ic, but 1 don't ey. stefin. ycu have fercy-Od lAnxea lade. 6 It in acgnenc, he ycu dmlCh'C eend 7 m. yuftlN: That will be M. Mltisii. 7 a aataot aboiK the 23rd mirn. 8 H aXKT: cenixi? 8 9 MR. SR3IN: MB. MiCZbll will do Che retuctsl. 10 u ne OSJtT: di, ycu're going to do Che vtele thing. ekay. That's fine. there nd peadi ua Tb Che esne that it'a a zeleicnt ergjwc, of exurae 9 ycu cn aay Wiacsver yoi B: l-va triad co oqilain, YQur nnr. Chat 1 19 beeeMa ciMre ara certain mccera Wild) ny cllenc uddiM oe to 19 n In diarge of hla cenporel well-being here in Chia aurezoao. 20 adftraas, and in ezdar Udt I not tei»uil aigjmca chac are 30 nd ctac Wiidaver Od ha pnya co, ha ic YWiwh oc ttd. thn 31 In^tanitiate, I would ask the Out for a pce-atgunt ruling 31 that ia betvBBi chon on a ^izicual level. 33 with reject to certain iratcere. 33 nc OUtC: All II^. 34 W. KWS: ly client asks, in aaeanx. Chet t reed - 32 35 <•11. tlHC t read the 23rd IMln Co Cha jury. 35 ao if I my juac have another nlnjce. TIE OXST: I chlik thBt'a W)BC I tried co a«r * 33 idnice ego. 34 Ml. >OCS: And that ia not aceepcable with ny dint. 11151 1» 7B CORT: • 9o CO nice ic clear, you can oeatalnly nter Co the 2lzd Pnlm ut your aigum, but -- 4 S 1 please. Madam aerk. wilft qbwimX] 3 3 MC. >DCS: Yes. Julge. hV clisic teqjesc Uiee I be allaued to md ic. a specific M before I adAnased ChK pwcieuln- sscter ui the p'rietnot eC cbe Jury, I wtisd to 7 adbeae it wLch Che CCutx so chac Chare is no 8 U oi che 2 (ivy 3 HE (zucr; 4 Warbei'9 of che Jury, you'we heard Che opening aigutaa S I have Cold him chac t ea«m. qjoce Salpcute verbeUst Be aeaceil. please. CD behalf cd — che waning of che closing arguianca on behalf Ne'll now hear fran ». ibnae. vto will 7 ar^a to you oi behalf of che defmdm. Ht. KlCS: 9 Ouieel. 10 CO Che Jury, chac chac ia not ai anrtiasble argjianc Co saha. tfas conOwi e 6 o< Che Uiiced scaesa. 8 pare of ny cU«nc chec I did noc — 9 11454 ifcy ic please the CCurt, Ycur ibEar. Oxd afcemxci, ladies and ganclsm. It «ea try toner aad privilege Co be salad Co rqamssnc U And I ban cold him chac I oeuld adCbreaa eertain cC those U •E. Hdttelth. sd ic la iiy hors ad ladvilega Co be able to U U acand befon you coday co pjtsaatt, an arguns- oi hla behalf U with reepecC Co vhac we feel che cvidme ehowa, ad Hat we Jnd t 14 feel the 9'ldmoe OES: And that 1 will . 18 thiric about whac I'm aqrlng co you now, becaaa 1 dot't have a 19 HE aUCT: Oca/. 19 dianoe co mwer them, sd Chink to youreelves about dac I 30 HI. HMSS: la Chen aiychins else, tfr. Htteich. iaauM. u 14 Then’s am ocher isaue chac ny client wstase na to sdEbrsae, «4dch ^ala «oc^ with che jury so that it la one of 24 che lasc ehlnge chat 1 have you hMr, chac i haw osicrol c««r. 2S che rsdndar Co you of your cbUgatlon aa jurors in this caee. 34 tb. Your l&nr, iT co ctua case. 19 19 series cf vsya in diich it cccurxed. 30 the aeare caetiea chac were pi’esmsl in che gowiiiisiL's this CO aoie degree deep inalde, ^ Imow, chare's acme I'esaai Hy 30 we're here. 21 Saieching had co have hEPsned for us co be here. And I hsve placed before you 21 22 che ^emienc hea Co hane scnechlng, or thee cm wouldi'C be 23 23 •leting nm then, 23 chcae axe faces of che caae. 24 end you Ctdrfc sbouc your oech, if yoi allow chec to go etch you 24 cf cha alaimea. 2S after you hew etcen chec oech, you are vlolacing «bac you have 35 ad you imow vbec. vtMO you chink chR. Baomse — well, chse wne a The scary Intimdaciai, the yelling sd mesalng. Thoaa are che fseca, chat's os But dm it ia i^eas AuJ in a amiar vfddt CO ycur a>ctlaa, ic cakea sm fron ytas ARadad • 1 tittJMd. ti^njulliOid, cb]«ecM viav et tte tacu «8>idt you 3 M jum oust hm In ^tezndning Chls ose. ) And chaE'a oaiBChlng you need CO MKch out fcr. 9b 4 to ycu about dlzecc and drcunatantlel is. Then's a diftaBoe 6 beoegi yauuf. Thoa chin^ tdildi you tiould trtBeitetingly 7 I auggaec co ^ in boa it nuac be omldeced. 7 rely on in cha net serious of ^ur daily affaire, in the neat 8 8 aerioua meters of your life. The dllteenee la, if It la a chain of dieumcBEae, 9 chK dain is no atiaiger chan its <«ealwac link. And than chK 9 teuld you buy a hose tdehout gacting it ceeced co 10 ■eataec link txeata. Che «cize chain is Izutei. Think about 10 ■ala sure the roof didvc leek? Ho. ibild yxi gee nerrled. U Che tiTniriiTil i>1 tis in the oovle dangling by the wize omr the 13 Bich of Che cliff. And ae cha accioi aovie gaa oi nl at a 11 have diilcfea. gee divorced, todd you hM etogary tdeheue a 12 aaoond ijpinion? Mbd ycu gee to choa kinta of daosioB, you U little talc acre beeaka and a liccle bdc me Ueake. U aa. ycu ca't ]tac rely t^ot a atguiimt ad. toll, you taw. 14 14 it's gx Co be. to get you co cte level of ptocf that you have 16 lead t4p Che tope ard gees beck to aafecy, chat diain ia bxksi, U to hat*. 16 Kr «Dcanple, the gsvemnenc oacatrata oi cne of lew ChK diain finally taoaka and that bus at 15 handad 34 rwwir the tordi Mae beck zdben toed co hM loce of buUaca. 35 zeitaa, jeeelzy on left hand, jweliy oi rl^ hod. Chat 28 X dBlloge eadi of you individBlly ad q>llaetlv*Iy to nTrt 1 fiwiiei a single inecose ehoi a single shoe mb fixed in this 1 3 CMS. 3 Jury, I vac Co read to you che vBidicc form in this caa. The 3 I dBllsqe the jaiiieiriiBK Co geeaant Co you ay they case ue pcobloiB. Ladia ad gacloen of che 3 Italted sceca E&sCzcct Che Scuchem Platnet of FToridi. Ome 4 pnof, «d cheir tin fa cfauig chat ie doe, Chat aicha cf 4 Mnba oi-609S-ai-. CCn'C tell a, I 22 tlBC Oirc a Hilbecc HdtteiCb'a bade. They 8 aynbol Co neke it slnple. 9 CD you Chirk tto If te voutd hove said ChK co Chow 10 imacdei. you hav« co rely oi your can nsncey, to if you 10 Qaepla, do you chirk if he vould hav* wld it co a trained m 11 raeall Nr. FSrlaa wee che oo do beeane a liccle troubled by u agkft in a rctoeiy agjad do he calked co thK day. do you u ny Mninaclai of him, do adnitbed thac it could well hen 12 really believe thK chey would be all, all, be n inunpeUnt 13 bean thac cbe ictber lurped che wall behind the berk end wait 13 ChK chey would le»e ic ouc? 14 owr che fence, and thac he asa che beg aeeklng bdiLid Che or 14 IS clac wee leaving. IS hove Md to a touddom. sd now in the. I ma co do> ycu U 16 I'm A ctk tton. saw CIOs. M. Fhclw rade cn octo cobma 17 IOC he dd eo you're ^ing co hew to ddenwne dacher ae M. Mexsni eaid. Chat he ear che uiiac gee 18 Into Che car cr not. Buc I think Chat you'll all recall thac I cr ^ you believe ChK he dicpped tto paw he dnild 17 which I fond IrongiliB- Ihe lac^ tea UCvto*/' Andrea 18 Mnemdea l believe wee to name, to had « a yellow erp ad 19 got him CO adntc he duki' c see che robber gee In che cer. he 19 toMi panes, desAibed cbe lAber as bigger chan to. 20 saw Che car leave. Ik eald he cold oo pecple. Har. chink 20 21 abto cue. 22 This Is In a earlaa at rtCfcarlae that the gcwuiidic 21 Che cn helping everybody else to in the rottey. kk MB Buaied co deach. Nr. Mrlae ato to's ic's 22 imeciRlng chK he eeye he cold eerytody alM he's ]eklhg eamtody with a jeaue flKi a Che back rctblng che bak. 23 Igait checrizee la being connucced by a peracn. And they're 23 24 gectlng deearipciaa of vehlclee. ad they're dlfferept, but 24 cto nAoi^, netedy else ten chK bak, wee called by Cha 29 they're all bur^n^. Think abto ic. Are cxaiaed deceecivea 2S tovnMK. afeer his sediMll^ mb eaUad lAO goerirn. n 4 1 irtcnaM can't awen eay. doeat'c aon lonw that chars la soths 2 OD, thla nm, aa liiewiait a» ic w at Cfae tloe. 18 rtaklag 2 coll hooch before the edc that yoi gat off to 90 to his bouM. 3 3 Of couree netaedy'a bothered to cell >cu that Che Cinee natch 4 if>. 1 •a/ to you. M eeatf m it ¥M, to c< thl* cor. 4 S *■ tMogi tmem goiiq m to't >Qu chlric ttaot aoKbov «cuid hm hwid it if It wa aald? Of oouzaa, )w Iodm, «e' ze all nally Jiaplng tbe tbbody' a 9" a cs axl tblwi Croa chs iiUjsy acana 5 s s abac ths tine of « you another eoepla. taUoad CO you about the to teaa. M. wemi I Im the llccla thtrioe. ban toaez Oeek to Oolto iTiwa— jn chs kind ot tine, and U we^ yoi get to that ixiiiicu eenee la to throw all of youra out 14 Che wdndow. It'a a steal little thing, IS tiafcande and «Avea, trlenda and nel^ttce, in-laue otd ax-lae IS le canuoalt. 16 17 acldc hac they ballaue to be U 8 as. ^ loow. the oily Becauae you'we gz to hew bouefz into thla theory tbs euieim the 'ri>—• wteewer It laa In tbs caoe, poaoee 17 cuo ae)s loaik godig aazh. oorato ^aa nccch, adpa an 18 a'Ziaee to the Incsacace where he can gs on. goea turchs -- 19 at Che TUmpUe, goes furths ifi and gats on uhere he'a not 20 aaiehow. ik'a got to go noth to Atlantic, uhldi ia In 20 going to gat hit going acuth, s chat ha gets hit In Cypress 21 topaiD. Thla a^ CBcenut Creek, to really thla la iztobly 21 23 Atlantic 23 34 here. He'a gx to 9> peat, he'a got to go peat the Intaratata, peat IJBI, go mth to g> wet to go atob to fit their pattern. 2S And you Idbh d«t. aa l9«ly aa thla ia. thalr aqAEt Qeek ao he m go down thoe. 23 But yet, «4an he'a within alnos al^ S Iblwetaiey 23 sd BCDuaid In the 34 S9sandgsen7Saadg>tbe sna lay idan he's tok rettay, idare he cai }uip oi 3$ idn he's oi chs aide cf con, ckaat'C haipan. chse. Mac does chs *M7« *nT7 1 fn you? 2 1 done pccpsly, It tella you thla ifaai't help than at all. I'a alao croUaled by tha fact chat «a cai'c find it oi 3 ia« yt was all nduad cogsebs. And hse again, if you wsz to put this Milxt oi 3 3 MUbecc HdCrelth's beck, do whs Agaz Sags's only heard Sxut 4 Md that kind of brin^ tie to Agto Sager and the tale cf the 4 cn TV, ces It fer DA. S S inkcscandlng. oths chai In the ainplas of cane, to Che 6 newer lna<. to it la that theae cuo «acc±ee gx pc in one 6 slaple fact of the neccs la. la chs there's aaqile parts of 7 bag. 7 CMo Mcebea. 1 don't lm> and ^ lt a ndnuce. ^C, wait, vale, acziy, I ik>. 23 now I reoogilae it. 24 iMdi la idito and ibidi naae ate ao now aoeeal chib nctoV Icoa £cob whse, then the czlal 2$ ocarced. lac alone wdat limn ail slginBlly, ha»ae It won't 21 la ahe wazii^ to help do soiechlng? Thliik obowz it, luodo) like him. 9a'a loddng s this ^czo. to whs tos ahe tall 23 hlns •hers T-Slrta. blade paza. 33 oiasz about the fact cto soia of the wdaHaBae tasiflert 34 ohouc T-etalzta indsneath. to, M. Hltrani nada nu're going bo hare to really. 35 really, really dallsige yoz racollaeciai to see if you recall * 1 1 chac, cr li chK could h»e been of the ocher wltneaeee 2 thee ««ce at theee benk rcbberlM chK the ^' c Chirk 90ln3 Co haw Co laieiljai S vary bMk co jaweidey or the day Ijefcae I aikul hgax etac he's the oa in chac photo. Noe. vtai you censidM time. S I the face that you have a iiiiMiiiirilii da*c. t)at you hsve s dbde, cr that Chen ia a doXc about 6 l0tis about «tiec M. Nxrls said oi the 19Ch of Mcdi of leec 6 7 year «4n ris (fcen't imcim the thing that the ^vennaK's 7 My oi you aoc^x Che vente of MUy Harris about dec ens 8 CDClia caae la hinged oi, thia Mrc. 8 Itoa, Chia ia not a 9 ■BCCer of aaiencica. Thia ia a nactar ct eorde, of plainly 10 <4iat MB eaid. U 12 In ocher toede. no incident. 9 and you know vfiac'e ao finiy about it? If ebe's 10 Mncing co iTnaTllri him, ad chey*n dole thing ia, ttwe did ehe aey? U £to did IOC Bay Hilbect alMyB taara plaid diizca. T-ahirca and blade pence, chat'e «hat aha aaid. 12 evldaice. doee it this is a piccun, vt^ daft they dow her the videas? ihqr'n in They'va got chan, they're ti^ hen. let her lock 13 at Che videcs. 14 about novarant and nocgiitien. as the goMxnmt calls ic, 15 of Che goevmenc, and to the deccum of the defndBic, but 15 ceosgiiticn vervue idmtificatlaia, lee's lock ac the 16 16 noogiitiai fer MUy Krris. U diange nai? 14 is Chet her ceetiidiy hea changed, CD »e evoi care ohac her hdCIm ia? Ihe fact ia, ic'a changed co the benefit iC'a dianged. 17 IC'B diBqed fme ahsi it «aa freah in hs* mind, froe 17 If the dole chink la, ia they wen calking Give her the chvoe co do it. Rr gjuidse eakes. 16 abo< her this paccun. 19 oi tbe — tkirtaB- 12 had oi jme iii iley hs this picture, aiowthaaall They dart do it. Now. I'm glMn ^ ny rebuttal co leepad to. 3001, to tm-MiTi- 14th. 2003, after ahe’a atowl theee pictiiree 23 hei« in the oeurtxoae. after da’a net wich the gewemeent 34 non dlnoc uaii about v4ac I euggest co ^ the svldwoe 35 3S befae, ad afev die'a had the denoa to iwlaw the Ad now I'd like to 'vUnv you for a few names in a f»ii« CO den in this nae with xcdpsec co the guile of -- the 11R1 1 [ecaf of the guilt of the defendant Hilbaxc HdOelch. Jedde 1 (i4^ have ben Blender there. 2 SLveis is on eev«x«l cinee ehom ftxstagraiim of a ear. 3 3 She 3 never pldis out Che car. 4 She aav* the idnba se claer tdndeui. uUdoa 5 m HdOeith'B oar are elaerly tirced, ate ik^ily tinted. a» Ad ha put on fercy yeets in ehe pnoees, too, you Am. in el^xesi rmths. 93ie of us heve Und hml in 4 el^KSdi imche. but it's kind of herd to put --«■»» MUberc lai't the cce with che decawiehal co 19 Che bade of Che bualnaaa caxd he vaoce a mce Co Kilhecc. 19 (to 1C. Think 30 30 17 you CO bellsw that acnehow, acne h^, fram flw yean hefoe. That'a hla haac aablaaUoi fer calling ^ low on it. If che giAiouiiBit la to be bellswd. cheery la co be believed, he robbEd seven bmla ad la 31 aoK F<«»n> oC paper chac is adndcced te a bank loan tbere he 31 dJto an^ co ke^ the diirc atoid ad che natta arood In 33 can nake fifty pewatc m his may m a dsrc caea basis, chac 33 hla base. Buc y«c. m the ocher hard, he's aierc auu^ co 33 Wlhect NdoreiCh has anrwrfly fillad am chla papamnrtc. The 23 a^ge in this rmlpulaclw Cmk fxad aiuie vAera he aoiahow 34 gawiuiieiJt wnta you to believe -- ad Che govemienc larcs you 24 la vrlcing I have aievan theuead (toOlsre in che bmk, ad 2S to belieye aonthins, and I'll tell )qu wwt tMC le ia e 49 UB9 1 Hall, let m call you how amply that me falls. you're going co gee Che ttedc fee sew Chxiaad me 1 3 Agam l»s. do you recall seeing a oenpjbar in W. HdMCb'a 2 ludrad aid fifty (tollers, thee puts him el^w chouaad me 3 heuee; tb you recall seeliq a Cypasltax In 1*. HdOelCh'B 3 tutted att fifty (tollan ahead. He gets adther five thouaad 4 heuae? lb. lock sc the cbanencs. itB has the office? Iba 4 m the Chizd me, the me he newr nekee ary peymacs m, chat 9 Amia. Wdse Che pereon «ho has the nose Co gain? Dm Antia. S puts him alMem choaad me ludred and fifty Cbllara ahead. Md idule «e' re m may, lec ne go to a tnp'le of « 7 adduce chat have baai imodred bate, if 1 cai find ly notes a m Ron Anlre and aoay. I adad eiei'jtiafy I could aak. I 9 chou^ Bd#K bdw. vhether cr net »a. wnelth had psid aiy of so you gat auoem thojaand me tutted ad fifty, ad 6 7 eleven chouaand me tutted and eigtty-flw risfK dare, that'a 6 CHency-aeven chouead ad change ck^. Thai you're going to 9 10 his instgaga peqnatcs m Che child yatpeccy. ad they reld they 10 vAai they say Ida - - you lodw. let ne jist say It's u u didi'c )odw. 13 I cho^£ chac was preccy Intsraacing, bncreaa ob of vndiapuced, it's mcaicestsd, there is no eddare to dl^JCs. 13 They eay, well, Iklly nonris aidcsd him for 13 cha clun^ you're going to gee la e cepy In Chen of cha U dxuraicacim and he never gene it co her. Hall, the fact chac 14 papervork chac I Inczoduoed, me of cha defenaa atddbdcs, vAere 14 Rally Kcxla dldi'c d? her )cb iat'C co be placed m che IS It's aayiig, Hilbert, Kllberc, pay your Ulla, you oia ta IS dnuldere of Wilbert HdOelth. Ttu'ze going to find cut nhere 16 teney. He uas threu^ Che agent ad 1. and t hm two tudred 16 tils father withdrew five thouaand (tollore, he told tally Kirtla 17 and fifty dollsrs off, but ve figured vp elswi chouead a« 18 tuafted and ei^Ky-flve doUara in oenay that he ^ firei che 17 about chac. You're going co find cut lAexe hie nother wlctttew m 18 19 MD^BCS. 19 ttnreh 15th me theuead; oi Al^isc 3rd. me thovaad; m 30 Now, this la during chla cima pearled vAai they're 30 tevwiUa 19th, ma thousand; m Oeceita 6tJi, three thousand — I'ai any, ttomber 19th, no chouead; m Ceoaibar 6th, ttree 31 txyiip to say chac, you lodw, he xebe a bade in Che aoenlng ad 31 23 he gees Us brakes tlMd in Che afceodm. Ik's gx a pceltiw 23 ctnaad; m tmeaiAer 24th, five luttmd; m ceoMbar 37th. Od 33 eedi flow fxoa ta> Anaie of abaaai chcuaad one baUad and 23 chouead; m cecaitaer 31at. cao chouead; m Jim 34th, me 24 3$ five choaand hedc, Chae'e fokc Chouead ahead. 35 »awe4em^ Wawtel4 1 »FW Wraa try mo tutted ad sorething thm !*■ off, the 1 wuuwfc that 3«u hm beta* vw (tew ttat Mltet NSttalch hid 1 Ctdi9 dsing the oxirse cf his plddng 2 fccc/-fl'« ^niwnd fi>« hmdnd «l#Ky-flvB daLlaza of mner 2 csss. And diy do 1 s^ chat? 3 oomlng In. bMidM «>t)BC ha gsc fron Un work chat Hally Itarla 3 4 oanflziwA Chat ha 4 tdoaaaea oi, they put than oi In rereras erder. The aaeend 5 dedng. nrcy-flva chouaand dsUan. And m« of lou net laidexicnl. hue itac'a Che 6 fizK chlng a aingla aw geca? A bilta aenen TV. i nMn. ycu evio In this tetlay re know, bacauae the g^renmenc put cha 5 wjaaea rea the first tairglary. And dat happens after the « fim burglary? ic'a a hceae he owa, a teuae ha'a trying to 7 loot, they're aakliq a big deal cut of Chat, lock at the 7 fix ip. ttac doee Rat Andre aay? I'm selling Clare— S bfUa. He'a 9X a ttandMrt bUl, ic'a nn'd ox. Ha'agac S 9 oedlt ozda Chat are me'd. 9 osndiciaar in there, ad If nobody's living there, the nwc I neai, he’a living beyend hia I'm letting him here there houeea. nen, I puc «) air 10 aeena, but ^‘ca not aaaing the big caoh paynwe. 10 d^ it’s scolai. They're Caking wlndcre cut of the relle. So 11 11 they nske it soieching hemribla that he' e gx a caiara out u They aontad you to uae tlila bdilblc Mnber 30, and they aald lock at all Cheae cadi dlobLiraaiencs in there, lock u frenc aa he can aee people -- an If acnebody's beckan in. 13 at all the atidaan on there, lock at all the oca chat ibi’c 13 Hell, diy'? 14 doe they're fim MUbere. Hare they ew said he doadi't hare 14 they «ax in ad care out the box door. 15 frlsdi? NO. 15 IS t adtad the iqenc, and he fee^x. He aald there «as another nmggert <[toBClc), the lady offlcB- ds res hse today asys Mil, node ad didxllaf. 1 eaeo. it's reeslng, U iai'c it, clac Bjiaaa dnn heure gate burglarised cakea 17 atciacen wrraggart, and aoiete^ elae there dn the anl 17 precautioa to protect it fron hafpailng spin. la IS inmnamHiln~ I chink not. PoUoe eaea areund the first tins dn they tore looking Is that so I think not at all. ax they wax 19 at the houeea. Ha'a gx fnsxk. Hx the enly pmen in the 19 you to think soieching else. 30 rerld clxc erer ^ee aiyplace. ito'a got frldda. hcple ooie 20 clay rent you to beliere. 21 orer to hlj houae. 21 22 22 ooRflrned his aiplaynsx at three diffenrx cinee in three Ihay beta^ in wmeaaeB to calk about baglerlre. you see it fits with dac Kelly Hxris grudgingly adAUad chat da had 23 They led the agent the ocher day naklng a big daal out of the 23 dlffaraK pleoes. 9a conflrna that he had told her about 24 fact Chet he hid a Video cmn ouealde. Hell, nrenre aee onoe 24 raoeivlng naay Czob hia family on aultiple oceasiora. Agax 3S again diy Agmt Sager 25 Sagm I laere to your cwi rairzy. beearee 1 eug^ec to you — well, here mtaewl a fee ctxc In Che and you'11 find that, dll ere the boards. You saw and your baliefs that you tri^ hare eoira into chla eeurcroon Che boarda during ny cpaiijg clcslng, you have da piccurw. tdch, choae de^ one that you hene to think herd Abouc. YOU Hill are the trend d» he res using his firgere, painting He feer not your verdicc. He adc you to letum fair veedieca, and re faal cmfidex chat cheat fair rerdicca «dll That is frer ad intimldacieB. Oat is the elaraxs of Che am. Likewise, with eta fax addiciaal oouxs of all be vatdlcta of not giilcy. t thank you on in each and erexy rdfisy. cf (k, ttMelCh wy nidi. using or Crandidiing a gkx doing a bank rcUxiy, a^dn Kie ItC oajir: Thank you, tt. Hcrea. Hxxr will instruct you on da Ire. Nr. idwre dallengid the Mi. Hltranl, you ray clcee. gavetiiiax to say acneching that it res never fired, and thank W. Kmwn: QDd It vaan'C, but daca nx da alanenc. Pear tactiea. nar tactics. The fear in this cam, Msiteia of the Airy, is not dac ths goremiHX hre LuiJiai into m two aqarate 2 Unas in cmo eapaL'ace ^ara, 2000 and 2001. 3 Md he cells the cffloer, Officer Senpsm, ny mo mss 4 cakai. iry clothing vee taken, ny TV watch wee taken. In the in his house, hanging In his eloaec. mr. Kwas said sonathlng S caae of Offioer JUnnez, the defandaK nencims chat the about the defendant owiing three properties, hut smshoa ths 6 fqttiee. a 9 Hell. «• yiMUU.nl evidace, MaiLeis of ths jury, that U he had purdused the three houses. Bi£ he usan’t living in 10 three houees, he tua living in me house. 69Cb Tsiiaoe house. u u howe. rl^? Ycu had ftn AnizB testify that the defanttent 13 MS Living there. 14 IS YCu raall hla csstbiui/ that ha «euld be In Ubercy ulliiiii 11 but hare U Hi use living In the The defailax sglaUad. you imuiLbi. to Offioer 9 JifMnaa. da wee pretty dUiguK. da nxioed Che dMga in U Ytu have the reccida that hs bougs the aaeuricy alarm coipany pacified him mSmi the alarm wax off m 12 The drlver’a lloaae had Che Qjomut Gkove ad±esi. m were m 69Ch Street THmoe. And he cold her. yMh, 1 uaed to live there, but thla ia vherc i live now. Md it's Amy. tecuae Id. H>es aald you dm't hsM nobody pxciig bln there at ni^ ad putting hla there in IS Che mtizg. MU. otfloer Jleanes tm there ec •- it Cicy, «d be )m« the Jefui^i. having tkiu the dasls. and he 18 aMEUM ne, not Jlnanez. OffloB Sagem aald he got there abouE 17 drives hy and doui to lock at hauses to bty, ud hs Mould 17 8i30 at ni^. u see the defetduit's car, the daCendant's nBcedea, parked in IS aU loiow the 19 ai^Mhere 6:30, 7 o'clodt in the ncmlig. and they saw the defadant leave his house. IS front of the 69th Street Terrace, his tsuae. And the dsfudant 30 hUraelf identified ths 89Ch Street leriace house as hla 20 21 reBldsce in th» t\ao curglangg> n^t.7 21 22 YOU aur the offieers. Offioer ^ipam ad Otfloer Tiwn bin beug chK« in the taming, 23 houae, the receipts twich his nans m it. svldBEe thee aqcne else liMd there. 23 JiBBus, testify this naoung than the victin, the victia of 23 24 these 24 ctHC M find 2S 199S, r^tsteJ ituia acolan freoi his house. 2$ cobber in the detortanc's house, 1 MS Hilbert Hdteith, blade aule adilt bean in KLlbsrt Hdbeith IndlscinguidHbls fteai ths Sisl&cuec oast In the dafanduc's 2 tojm. 3 TCu hams Che Hdy Iby bag in the dafanduK's haus. hbU, you of Che mrdi the agatts aec-«g on the heuaa And there's no So what a oolirirtmce I eean. you hsM the dUrc «arn by the ibu hSM s ooac chsc's 1 jud. you know, ic't Incaseeting hmeast there «ua eoie 2 talk in this trial of LiM flngerprlrcs, ad flngerprlncs being 3 dM and roc dx», or OA. Md. you Ioxm, ae ^ reeaU. A^x 4 lawia actsapeed to to ^ fugarpeints ficon this becukae this S Mil as the uatAsa in his hoiue. $ Me left m the acate, bx mbs mable to do ao. 6 6 4 J9ln. Indlsting,ildsble. And the neda. In his house. As NOW, N:. ibMs said aoiethlng to yeu to ths sffset. 1 euc Che gms chat «ara feud in the house, or the 7 dai't Msnt to know, I cbi't «cait to know, the 7 dOtC CMC MM feud in his house, cr the hat that mbs foud in 8 deeui't Mint to ledw. Hall, the gmuiiBit. Special Aguk 8 Che defadax'8 hsuee. mbU, Mac would that hare proMi7 Tbi 9 Lewis, sent ip thugs to the ctUib — to W. ibadsr BBugge te 9 Mow, it's feud In cha hbae, you Mov it's the defendant's 10 hin to ekaaiins. He had the ddit. v«y distinctlM ahixt. Aid 10 scuff. u the Inceteacing thing is. you bad due appears to be cmo other n distincUM itens of clothing; a striped bag end a coat. 13 sic hare ad cry to ceU you a lanky list, he oan ceU yeu 13 five ChUge that the govaarasnc, the FBI, oould here, teuld 14 have, Mould have dme. IS ths gjvemnent would hare, could have. Mould hews dm. And 18 tor Mac? 13 13 U nr. uoeder Bruegge mbs able to peifcam his anslysls. «d hs said It'S indistinguishable. But the Mtdas. were IS asked blow ^ theee piceurse ad see Mtat 18 the Mists. OBUld Idudify m And ycu heard hlRi testify that the rsealixims 17 MUi' c fins ansuef), k ha on s^ there's cmo things m ths U Mist, be he couldn’t a^ that they were two MUtdHS, becuaie Because in every caea -• in this esee, Mr. Hhm 17 18 It's a discractlen. It's a dlsczaccim. He could give ^ flfcy Chls^ Chat Uke we said, cry to get -- aamne you can OK tren this. get chare's no evidence, chse'a no awidenoe 19 that you oan get OA fron an artlcla at clothing like this, Ms that hiding a^thing? And of course ^’11 ha Aitli 19th, that locks Ilka 24 ttUbert, locta like HilbBR. Sam body type, the profile leeks 24 25 to her to be turn. Thse'e a Little bit of a gut, A'd been 25 •« ttou -- «4» 1 adod tun, well, tfiac clye pedee, a bait nenay. 17 a^ln. I bring you bade to vAn we scacced. TAse aventa 17 taking reer tA bank wlA cA bag. 14 10 19 diffsancly. 19 ran'c givn a bim in hie hnda. QiA me cA imey, tA nosy 20 In fact, ana pacple -- acne pecple dKsetad an diA'c. And I chirk omen sam will cell 22 you chat cA pnoaptloi of n accent is like beoxy*e in tA 23 eye of tA beholder. 24 I wBit to .... ..... a few more pednea nr. tbwaa rada. 20 MB airaye put in a bag aa you see in tbeae pdeturse. And him 21 aeoenc, aom 21 25 chn wa'll aun it tp o> behalf of CA Uiltad Scacaa. W. tfewea 2S g^aad, made a graastineu that it was a tutted and al^sy *lAhi rour* w aam- uml hii^i ji** 22 a^in you aee tA raie pattern; tA pereui pausing, bag. 23 poiisug, fsiK corarad, ot oaurae tA plaid Mrc. 24 MS tA fact that oie wiAeae ney haw recalled him - - • 1 ponk. «1 mactm tdcnaa tmm uadi • ef « 1 S mxb a rjiirir item, thac'a a diaetepaney that dMea't matter. gdog to be e« oolume, giilcy sd not giilcy. And on behalf of tte Utlced Scacee. «e «dll adc tbec 3 baaed on the awldanea, the proof beyend ieaem*1e CS: adlbetc. la chare anything chat you «enc 5 6 HE COKT: tt), I txderscand. to tell Che Judge about dtac see ^ing on in the closing -- chare is a eaea before Ax^ Sold on ar^amK; ia chse aoncthlng you tent to call hiaS 6 we onoMT: 9 Hi. tOB; 10 neaee apeak ip. I em'C haar ytu. Mi. loaES: Hut neiv scaMnnce that — lb. no. no. I'm not talking about ttec 13 they BBid, I'm talking about «tec I aald. 13 yw ««K CO cell the JU^ aboiK abac 1 dldf 14 HE iBSOWr: Job. la thn« anything ab. ab. Iteaa did a wy good I'm very happy he's ay accetney. HE OXRr: mielujah. 7 Ha gnemm haa Che doonettabiai here ahodng cite he ia a 8 OBwlccad felon on acpervleed zelaeee out of fHisylwiia. ves. atec do you xrt to cell the Jixige? HE EBBOWT: U I chink ha •• I a^te «dch 9 Ht. SIBFiN: 11 IE. Mnma: 12 HI. tdlU'iNi a u Hi. lOSS: State of Florida. There are two chat are, Chaaa are not auig 15 the CM that ace. Bveiyching else ia fron cMsida Che State ot 16 Florida. 17 18 18 dieuld by tany chat he'a ycur accecney. aft. IOCS: Judge, «ten do ytu vent to hadle the zamiiui^ cuo coubal 31 HE ODW: 23 Jury for their dditeratlone. 33 Ht. SlBSt: 24 TiiiuruM imning afcig- we've eenesri the Quid «e aee itec'a left in tern of itac haai'C been acipulacad to, beimte l chink •• if I uderecood 35 the defna. Chare Me e dieoaeim abom etlpileting to the Md the ocher thug you've gx to psow is — 10 17 you. Mr. au&elch. I chink he did do a very goad job, sd ycu 30 the court fila, and I'll get you the case nitter — m. icacs: HSRiaaBi: 19 Tha Qurc can taka Judicial nocloa chsc in 5 B 16 Hi. lOHBSi 4 7 15 fact chat ha's a prior ocnviccsi feloi. Hut the gna -ucerscace nsos. Hs gas were imfaeCiBed — The gme were rot tmufaccured in Che The iama chsi -IE. KTIRWI: 19 HE OUir: 20 MB. MtHMa: 31 HI. KMBi 23 33 24 25 There's also one ntce elsisic. thee it's a gxi, that it'a deal^ad to eperaca -It's a fiiearm. It'S a Clreaaii. NeU, dn I'm i^dng tha gxa. I'm saying Cte flrmma. HE aua-. The crier of fact can tell thac. The look, 1 Chink. Hi. WMI All xl^. Nall, but I'm Just saying, eo a 1 ehac tta only laM ctxn 1 Chink, Judgs, la Che cijeecioi of cur 1 3uBC Che peccem inscnsclon. 9o you can hm chac ter your 2 ttiauiHiL CO yeu ac ct»c point in Cine, beoi,Me Choee IssuM ace 2 tilM. 3 net jTing CO be ieeuee. 3 Cburt'B in ceoeea laitil 9:00 in the ecinlng- « 4 tBdal ar7jf»rmar11 Ae a heuBetaeptng noccer, Judge, I chirk te aere ^Ing S CO auy today end nehe auce «e had all our evidsce sciaiefx. S 6 HE axKT: Ycu czn sc^. I'm gaing co go. 6 7 Mi. H3CS: Nell, do you anc 7 ahece do you aanc Che 8 S evidence ter carcrcoH maning? 9 HE asm: Hell, you well ecey hen thia afeetnoen 9 10 vd go over thia evidence adch Che clerk here, and I chink 10 11 evecychlng ia in. bje be chac ae ic imy. U u 9o Che laujJ tmy be clear, Che Ourc «dU acc^ Che 12 13 ecifulaciai cd the pacciee adch leepecc Co, A, Che face chat 13 14 Che fizeaina were not ciBufaccured in Che SCace of Flcrlda; 8, 14 15 chac Che defendanc indeed ie a coivleeed felcc; and C, chat -- IS 16 Hi. SI^IN: ihie chey are tixeainB. 16 17 HE aXKT: 17 — they ire fireante. And choi I'll hear 18 your ecgirenc. 19 Hi. H3MES: All ri^. 18 I'm juet seeing if you tenc 19 20 Che evidsce in Che Jiry roan fa: uiuicw morning cr — 20 21 21 HE COUC: No, no. He'll deliver ic Co the jucy roan 22 after they have retired to deliberece. I doi't went them to be 23 locking ec ic befere they've beard wtae Che lav la. 24 dcay. He'll be in reoeae cncU 9 o'clodc. Here'e Che 25 idsKlflcaclen inecruccioi tdiidi I'm going co give. Mildi la 22 23 24 2S