Us. um um wnmun SERVICE [Mortal-It hulk-It Eaton Incident Ill/Status: 92224/Appnn'cd Approved By: 1108 - Revak Incident Date: 03/24/2111 7 Incident Tllne: 11155 Raglan: State: AZ Complex: SW AZ RFGS COMPLX Station: CAEEZA PREETA - AZ Location: Charlie Bell Pass. child; Valley. Cabeza Prie'a anlolla] Wildlife Refuge Lat/Long: 113.124444 32.558611 Pl'il'llill'y Oflicel-z Valenzuela Joselms (Badge. 2179) Use of Forte: MVARS (Body/Dash Camel-n) Used? 3 Senlee K79 was Deployed? Detailed Information: 0u March 24111 2017, at 1055an 1 Federal Wildlife Officer Joseluis Valenzuela Badgei: 2l79, willie on patrol of the Child; Valley located on the Cohen Prieta National Wildlife Refuge Collected canned goods and gallons of watet lefi at Rescue Beacon #20 located :11 Charlie Bell Pass (N 32degl'ees 23.631 113degiees 05.148 No contacts. no one 1n the area. Items collected and loaded n. velncle. back on patrol approximately 1 IOOhrsl Offense Information Linked Officer Information Officel: Brian Knlkoski 03/24/2017 520-387-6483 Federal Officer Moblle Attachment Information Attachment: Iucident92224.011jpeg Description: Rescue Beacon Water and Call Food Nun-suns- JWu-E-l-ml em mu