ArurHoNY RnunoN .SP FIA Si KER xty -Th t o/ the ASSE rd Asse m b ly Dt M B LY st.i ct December 19,2018 Sebastian Ridley-Thomas Dear Mr. Ridley-Thomas: Vida Thomas, Esq., of Stoel Rives LLP, an outside, indepeodent attomey conducted an investigation into conrpl,aints registered by two Califonria State Assembly ('Assernbly") employees who asserted that you engaged in inappropn'ate behavior fowards thern while you served as an elected Assembl¡member. The Assembly proceeded with completing this investigation even after receiving your notice of resignation for health reasons effective December 3I,2017. Througb this process, the Assembly is committed to improving the culture in the California Capitol as it pertains to any form of ha¡assment. Ms. Thomas inte,lviewed 15 individuals and reviewed pertinent documents obtained from the Asse,mbly and some of the individu¿ls who wer€ interviewed i¡çlur{ing, but not limited to, yourself. Her Confidential Investigation Report is subject ûo the,attorney-client privilege and neither yor:, nor tbe complainants are entitled to a copy. (See City of Petalumav. Superior Caurt (2016) 248 Cai.App.4th 1023, 1033-1035.) Ms. Thomas made fach¡al findings regarding the allegations made against you, which are suilnarized below. The Assembly has a policy against sexual harassment. This policy is a strict, zero-tolerance policy prohibiting sexu¿l harassment in the worþlace. Alleeatio¡ No, 1: In early 2016, youshook and held the hand of a fem¿le Assembly employee in a manner that made her feel uncomfortable. Finding: Based on interviews, the Investigator detemrined tbat this allegation was substantiated, thar is, it is more likely than not that on one occasion in eady 2016, you held an Assembly employee's hand in a manner that made her feel uncomfortable. Your conduct violated California State Assernbly Policy Against Sexual Harassment. Alleeation No. 2: You repeatedly winked at an Asse,mbly employee in a manner that made her feel uncomfortable. Finding: Based on interviews, the Investigator deterrrined that this allegation was substantiated that is, it is more likely than not that on more than one occasiono you winked at an Assembly employee making her feel uncomfortable. Your conduct violated the California State Assembly Policy Against Sexual Harassme,nt. CAFrroLOFFtcEi Srerr CaRrrol, RooM 219 DrsrRrcr orFrcr: 4909 ' SACRAMENTo,CA 95814 LÁKBwooD BoULEVARD, SurrB 400 ' ' Phone(976)319-2063 , Fax(976) 31!l-?'163 ' Phone (562) 529-3250 ' Fax (.562) 529-3zss LAxEwooD, CA 907 72 Wts S¡r¡: AsMDc.oRc/SpEAKER' E-MAIL: S SPEAKEF.RENDoN@AssEMBLy.cA.cov .e.S+', Set astian Ridley-Thomas December 19,2018 Page 2 Allegation No. 5: In August 2016, you made an unwanted sexual advance towards an Assembly employee, Finding: Based on intenriews and documentary evidence, the Investigator determined that this allegattonwas substantiated, that is, it is more likeþ than not that this conduct occurred. Your conduct violated the Califomia State Assembly Policy Against Sexual Ha¡assment. Ällegation No. 6: You attempted to contact the Asse,nrbly employee identified in Allegation No. 5 after the unwanted sexual advance. Finding: Based on interviews and documentary evidence, the Investigator determined that this allegation was substfittiatod, that is, it is more likely than not that this conduct occurred. Yor¡r conduct violated the Califomia State Assenrbly Policy Against Sexual Harassment' A copy of the Assembly's Policy Against Sexual Ha¡assment is enclosed. In conclusion, I rernind you that the Assembly and the law prohibit retaliation. You may not retaliate against anyone who you believe may have brought these complaints against you or anyone who you believe may have participated in the investigation. If it is determined that you have engaged in retaliatory conduct, that finding will be reported to the Chair and Vice Chair of the Rules Committee. Sincerely, Re,ndon, Califonria State Assembly Enclosrue: - Califomia State Assembly Policy Against Sexual Harassment cc Assemblymember Ma¡ie Waldron, Republican Leader California State Assembly Assemblymember Ksnneth Cooþ, Chair California State Assembly Rules Committee Assemblymember Jordan Cunningham, Vice-Chair California State Assembly Rules Committee Diane Boyer-Vine, Legislative Counsel via email (w/o enc.) Ì umt fV to Pm If a Mcmbe¡ hæ violated the policy, the Chief Adminicntive OÆær shall repon to th€ Chai¡ and Vìæ Chair purruan¡ to Pan V I Both pania shall bc infomed in writingof the ourcome of rhe invcrigation immediateþ IfI. iìl6tflS (}Ì: ÂPPì:.rli. The ctæision of the Chief Adminisuarive Offie¡ shall be final. Howlet the acosed o¡ the complainant may appel this dæision to ¡]¡e Chai¡ and Vìæ-Chai¡ of rìe Rule Commiaæ by filing witten objecions wirh the Cbief Administrative Offio:¡ wi¡hin l0 working days of receipt of notifietion of dre dæision- If rhe Chai¡ od \/ìe-Chai¡ borh deremine r}lar rhe aru3d o¡ the @mplainant hæ bæn denied a fai¡ æJuatio¡ of the e found rc violare this policy are: Otraing mploymt boefia ia *chage fo¡ sual favon. ldaking or thetening reprisals after a negative raponr to 3. r/e¡bal ¡æa.ladvæø. 5. 6. mal adwne or propositions; or prsuring or ¡rcrsistendy æking an cmploye for data. r/ìsual ondua: læring sue.l gm, display of scualþ :uggmiw objm orpimra, øæro, olendas o¡ pæm. I/sbal øndue wulþ degnding o¡ daogeþ¡y @rms, rpidras, slw or jokc rcgudiog a porcni seq s¡l qioatior¡, or pþiøl appame; Êeqmdy qusioning srrone abour lús q hs pwnal life and spærlating abou his ø hs s life rV¡inen onduc: suggestive o¡ obsænc leters, notes, r:leoonic mail msuga, or inviutions. 7. l'hysical conducr: unwelcoñe rouching, 8. qfrr.-l "-:. ì I l ;l assauk, or impeding or blocking notual m@emol ()¡hc¡ unwel@me ønduc of a srual mture which is rrnbecoming of an fusembly official o¡ employee and rvhich oerc o inrimidating hosile o¡ offosive wo¡k ¡:nvi¡onment. Hanssmenr may involve ouride vendors, lobbfss, visitors or othe¡ members of the public. If the harumcnt is þ a pcron who is not employed by the Assmbl¡ or ifa pason who is not mpl oyed by rhe Asæmbly belioa he or she hæ bæn hææd, the