GOVERNMENT EXHIBIT 602F-5BT.2 09 CR 466 (BMC) CASE NAME: United States v. GUZMAN LOERA SOURCE INFORMATION: CB2_BBM-J DATE: January 17, 2012 to February 23, 2012 TIME: Various PARTICIPANTS: J M.. ABBREVIATIONS: [sic] Content appears as in source material CB2_BBM-J ENGLISH TRANSLATION ***** ORIGINAL LANGUAGE ***** ***** 1 Alright, I’ll send you 20 for gas, and J: (2012-01-17 15:51:51) who will be going, love? Esta vien te mando 20 para la gasolina y quien ira amor 2 Well, I would say, me, or you tell M..: (2012-01-17 15:51:51) me, love. Pss yo digo k yo o usted manda amor 3 Alright, sweetheart, and Rubencito? J: (2012-01-17 15:51:51) Vien corazon y rruvensito 4 He’s here. M..: (2012-01-17 15:51:51) Aki esta 5 Do you want me to go or not, love? M..: (2012-01-17 15:51:51) Kiere k baya yo o no? Amor 6 What’s our son doing? J: (2012-01-17 15:51:51) Q ase nuestro hijo 7 He’s here, at home. M..: (2012-01-17 15:51:51) Aki esta en la casa 8 Yes, you go, sweetheart. J: (2012-01-17 15:51:51) Si ve corazon 9 In what will you go, love? J: (2012-01-17 15:51:51) En q iras amor 10 Okay, love. M..: (2012-01-17 15:51:51) Ok amor 2 11 In the same car that [you] lent me. M..: (2012-01-17 15:51:51) En el mismo carro k me presto 12 Alright, love, make the arrangements J: (2012-01-17 15:51:51) with Cachimbas. Esta bien amor ponte de acuerdo con cachimvas 13 Are you going to want me to buy M..: (2012-01-17 15:51:51) more or not? Just so I know. Ba kerer k compre mas o ya no ? Para saber 14 Yes, love. M..: (2012-01-17 15:51:51) Sii amor 15 Cachimba would be going tomorrow, M..: (2012-01-17 15:51:51) right? Seria mañana cuando iriia cachinba vdd? 16 It came out exactly at 400 kilos. M..: (2012-01-17 15:51:51) Salieron exactos los 400 kilos 17 They just called to tell me that the M..: (2012-01-17 15:51:51) rest was only powder. Me acan de hablar k lo demas pss era puro polbo 18 Yes, love, bring this one with you so J: (2012-01-17 15:51:51) it doesn’t stay over there, and then ask if there’s any of the good stuff, and you can let me know when you return. Si amor traite esto para q no este aya y ya despues pregunta si ay vuena y ya me dises cuando rregreses amor 19 And who’s going with you? J: (2012-01-17 15:51:51) Y quien te acompaÑa 20 Yes, there is good stuff. I already M..: (2012-01-17 15:51:51) saw it. Sii ai buena yo ya la bi 21 My sister. M..: (2012-01-17 15:51:51) Mi ermana 3 22 They are getting some, but most M..: (2012-01-17 15:51:51) people over there have it. Estan piscando alguina pero toda la gente para aya casi tiene 23 Ask how much, and let me know, J: (2012-01-17 15:51:51) love. Preguntas cuanta amor y ya me dises 24 Everybody wants to sell, but I didn’t M..: (2012-01-17 15:51:51) have money for very much. Todos kerian vender pero pss io no yevava dinero para mucha 25 Okay, love. M..: (2012-01-17 15:51:51) Ok amor ***** ***** ***** 26 The doctor sends his greetings and M..: (2012-01-17 18:40:36) says he doesn’t know who you are, but in any case, if you happen to need him one day, he’ll go over there and see you whenever you want. Dijo el doc k lo manda saludar k no sabe kn sea usted per kl igual k si lo ocupaba algun dia k el iba aa y lo atendia cuandoi uste guste 27 Thanks, love. J: (2012-01-17 18:40:36) Grasias amor 28 You will need a prescription, but M..: (2012-01-17 18:40:36) Angel will find a way to get them over there. Ba ocupa receta pero ai angel km kiera las consigue 29 Love, I have the prescription here. M..: (2012-01-17 18:40:36) Amor aki tengo la receta yo 30 Otherwise, I’ll buy them for you M..: (2012-01-17 18:40:36) tomorrow when I get back. Si no io c las compro maÑana k regrese. 31 Good luck, love. Send me a message J: (2012-01-17 18:40:36) tomorrow. Q te vaya vien amor ay me mandas mensaje maÑana 4 ***** ***** ***** 32 I want to let you know that the M..: (2012-01-18 18:21:17) packages didn’t fit in the airplane; 50 kilos, packed, were left there. 33 Yes, he went as well, love. He Sii tmb fue amor el se kedo en M..: (2012-01-18 18:21:17) stayed in Tapichahua. I worked from tapichahua y yo travaje desde last night until I got there without anoche k yegue sin descansar rest. 34 And how many were there, love? J: (2012-01-18 18:21:17) Y cuantos eran amor 35 400 kilos, only 350 fit. M..: (2012-01-18 18:21:17) 400 kg soolo cupieron 350 36 Was it very well packed, love? How J: (2012-01-18 18:21:17) many are in each package? Quedo muy vien enpaquetada amor de cuanto son los paquetes 37 10 kilos, love. M..: (2012-01-18 18:21:17) De 10 kilos amor 38 All of them. M..: (2012-01-18 18:21:17) Todos 39 They have a mark/stamp of a M..: (2012-01-18 18:21:17) [number] four inside a heart. Yevan la marca de un 4 en un corazon 40 Love, there is a heart even there. J: (2012-01-18 18:21:17) Amor asta ai va un corazon 41 How sweet. J: (2012-01-18 18:21:17) Q emosion 5 Kiero comentarle k no cavieron los paketes en el avion aya kedaron 50 kilos empaketados 42 Yes, love, that’s the one…it has a M..: (2012-01-18 18:21:17) heart and the [number] four. Sii amor esa es ba un corazon y el cuatro 43 The heart means that I love you, and M..: (2012-01-18 18:21:17) the [number] four means that I bless the day that you came into this world. El corazon es k lo amo y el cuatro en k vendigo el dia k ustes yego a este mundo 44 [kiss] M..: (2012-01-18 18:21:17) :* 45 The day of your birthday [heart]. M..: (2012-01-18 18:21:17) El dia de su cumple <3 46 Oh, yes, that’s right. Buy 300 next J: (2012-01-18 18:21:17) week, and that way you can make another trip, love. A si es sierto la semana quentra para q compres tresientos y ya completas otro viaje amor 47 I went to see how many kilos there M..: (2012-01-18 18:21:17) are, and there is enough for another flight. I was told that two nights ago Ruben went to buy a few kilos. Fui aver cuantos kilos aii y si ai para otro buelo antenoche el ese ruben fue a comprar unos kilos me dijeron 48 But I went just now before coming M..: (2012-01-18 18:21:17) back, and there was some but they don’t want to let it go for less than 500 or 550. Pero andube ahora antes de venierme y siempre ai nomaa k no la kieren soltar menos de 500 o 550 49 And I always got that flight for 500. M..: (2012-01-18 18:21:17) Y pss yo siempre les sake ese buelo a 500 50 The owner of the runway sends his M..: (2012-01-18 18:21:17) greetings and says we can use the runway whenever you want since no one takes off from there. El dueño de la pista lo manda saludar k podemos usar la pista cuando c le ofresca ya k nadie levanta ai 51 And did Cachimbas like it? J: (2012-01-18 18:21:17) Y si le gusto a cachinvas 6 52 Yes, he asked me how many meters M..: (2012-01-18 18:21:17) it had, because it felt very long to him, I think. Haha. Sii me pregunto k cuantos metros tenia xk se le iso muy larga yo creo jajaj 53 It’s 500 meters. M..: (2012-01-18 18:21:18) Tiene 500 metros 54 It’s in very good condition. M..: (2012-01-18 18:21:18) Esta en muy buen estado 55 With no holes. M..: (2012-01-18 18:21:18) No ai posos 56 Love, buy it for whatever you can. J: (2012-01-18 18:21:18) How much did your ex buy it for? Amor la compras a como puedas tu ex a como la compro 57 And the best part is that it’s far away M..: (2012-01-18 18:21:18) from La Mesa. y lo mejor k esta lwejosa de la mesa 58 Yes, love, I bought the other one for M..: (2012-01-18 18:21:18) 500 and about 26 kilos for 400. Sii amor pss la otra la compre a 500 no mas y km 26 kilos a 400 59 Above...I don’t understand the first J: (2012-01-18 18:21:18) part, love. Arriba no entiendo lo primero amor 60 Something about La Mesa. J: (2012-01-18 18:21:18) Algo de la mesa 61 Many people were telling me that M..: (2012-01-18 18:21:18) Guero buys it for 550, but I told them to sell it to Guero then, and they all shut up. Muchos me desian k el guero la compra a 550 pero io les dije k se la vewndieran al guero mejor y todos caian 62 I was telling you that the runway is M..: (2012-01-18 18:21:18) in a good location, far from La Mesa, because there are soldiers in La Mesa. Le desia k la pista esta en un buen lugar lejos de la mesa xk en la mesa ai guachos 7 63 And how much did your ex buy it J: (2012-01-18 18:21:18) for? Y a como compro tu ex 64 At 500, apparently. M..: (2012-01-18 18:21:18) A 500 segun 65 They said he hadn’t bought for days M..: (2012-01-18 18:21:18) and people said he must have gone to compete with me. Desian k tenia dias k no comprava y k adever ido aserme competencia desia la gente 66 And how much did he buy? J: (2012-01-18 18:21:18) Y cuanto compro 67 500 kilos. M..: (2012-01-18 18:21:18) 500 kilos 68 And where did he buy? J: (2012-01-18 18:21:18) Y donde compro 69 Where I bought, in Mezcaltitan and M..: (2012-01-18 18:21:18) La Culacha. En donde io compre en mezcaltitan y la culacha 70 He didn’t get near Tapichagua. M..: (2012-01-18 18:21:18) Pa tapichagua no se arrimo 71 And who bought better quality? J: (2012-01-18 18:21:18) Y quien compro mejor calidad 72 He went at night and they say he M..: (2012-01-18 18:21:18) brought it down. They don’t know where he packaged it. Fue de noche y dicen k la bajo para abajo k no saven donde enpaketo 73 Well, I was told that I took the best M..: (2012-01-18 18:21:18) one. Pss ami me dijeron k la mejor me la avia yevado yo 8 74 That he bought a lot with seeds. M..: (2012-01-18 18:21:18) K el compro mucha con semilla 75 I didn’t take any with seeds, only the M..: (2012-01-18 18:21:18) kilos that came out in one bag. Yo no agarre con semilla mas k los kilos k me salieron en un costal 76 And people are saying that I went by M..: (2012-01-18 18:21:18) air and took gunmen by land. Hahaha. Y k andan diciendo k yo fui x aire y k yevava pistoleros x tierra jajajajja ***** ***** ***** 77 This is your son. M..: (2012-01-18 18:21:20) Soi tu ijo 78 Hello, my king. I congratulate you J: (2012-01-18 18:21:20) because you’re a real man. Ola rey te felisito porque eres muy ombre 79 Love, check how much there is J: (2012-01-18 18:21:20) [available] for you to buy it all, but you have to rip the bags and check properly, so you don’t buy any more with seeds. Amor checa cuanto ay para q la compres toda pero ay q rajar los costales y checar vien amor para ya no comprar con semiya 80 Thanks, daddy. I love you very M..: (2012-01-18 18:21:20) much. gracias papi te kirrto mucho 81 How cute, my king. J: (2012-01-18 18:21:20) Q lindo mi rey 82 Yes, love. According to what I M..: (2012-01-18 18:21:20) found out, there are about 400 more, and a friend said there are about two tons of pure bola, higher, with no seeds. Si amor xlo k investigue aii unos 400 mas y un amigo dijo k ai komo dos toneladas de pura bola mas parriba y sin semilla 9 83 In the Tamazula area. M..: (2012-01-18 18:21:21) Pal lado de tamazula 84 But there are close to 400 there, as M..: (2012-01-18 18:21:21) long as no one goes and buys it before I do. pero aii sercas 400 si los aii si no ban y la compran antes k yo 85 Your son wrote you that, love. He M..: (2012-01-18 18:21:21) was here insisting that he wanted to write to you. Su ijo le escrivio eso amor estava aki terco k keria escribirle ***** ***** ***** 86 Well, I wanted to see if I could buy M..: (2012-01-19 09:49:52) what I’ll need to pack for the rest of what I’ll be buying, right away, so I can take everything with me at once. Pss keria ver si podia comprar de una ves lo k boy a ocupar para empaketar la demas k boi a comprar para yevarme todo de una ves 87 And avoid any issues. That’s how I M..: (2012-01-19 09:49:52) did it this time. I took everything with me, that’s why we were done quickly. Y no andar vatallando asi le ise esta ves me yebe todo x eso terminamos luego 88 What do you think? M..: (2012-01-19 10:51:59) K opina usted? 89 Love? M..: (2012-01-19 10:51:59) Amor 90 Yes, love, how much money should I J: (2012-01-19 10:51:59) send you? Si amor cuanto dinero te mando 91 Let’s see, if you send me enough for J: (2012-01-19 10:51:59) one ton, I’ll give you 100,000 pesos so you can start saving up. Aver si me completas una tonelada te voy a dar 100 mil pesos para q vallas aorrando 10 92 I can get you up to two, but I would M..: (2012-01-19 10:51:59) have to look for it wherever I can go, but I can go and get it in Galancita. I was told there are two of pure bola there. Yo c le acompleto asta 2 nomas tendria k buscarla asta donde pueda ir pero boy y la busco en galancita me dijeron k aii dos de pura bola 93 It’s just that I don’t know if I can get M..: (2012-01-19 10:51:59) in over there or not. You tell me. No mas k no c si me podre meter palla o no ? Usted digame 94 Yes, love, go. J: (2012-01-19 10:51:59) Si amor ve ***** ***** ***** 95 Cachimba said that for the 400 kilos M..: (2012-01-19 22:32:27) to fit perfectly we should make 24 packages of 5 kilos. What do you think? Cachinba dijo k para k cupieran los 400 kilos exactos k isieramos unos 24 paketes de 5 kilos usted k dice 96 Do that, love. J: (2012-01-19 22:32:27) Aslos amor 97 Okay, love, then I will buy 350 or M..: (2012-01-19 22:32:27) 400 kilos more for this flight, love. Ok amor entonces comprare 400 kg mas o 350 para este buelo amor 98 It would be 350 to complete the four M..: (2012-01-19 22:32:27) with the 50 that are left there, right? Serian 350 verdad para acompletar los 4 kn los 50 k kedan aya? 99 Yes, love. J: (2012-01-19 22:32:27) Si amor 100 Okay, love. M..: (2012-01-19 22:32:27) Ok amor ***** ***** 11 ***** 101 Hello, sweetheart. J: (2012-01-21 20:55:35) Ola corazon 102 Good, love. I came up here to talk, M..: (2012-01-21 20:55:35) love. Bn amor aki subi a ablarle amor 103 Good, love, what’s up? J: (2012-01-21 20:55:35) Q vien corazon q me cuentas 104 Well, we haven’t completed it. M..: (2012-01-21 20:55:35) There’s been soldiers and competition. Pss no emos acompletado aun abido guachos y competencia 105 Love, if there are soldiers there, J: (2012-01-21 20:55:35) come back and go back later. Amor si ay guachos vente y despues vuelves 106 But I’m not leaving until I complete. M..: (2012-01-21 20:55:35) Pero no me boy asta k no acomplete 107 No, love, it’s just the same ones M..: (2012-01-21 20:55:35) there. No amor nomas andan ai los mismos 108 If I leave, they’ll take over the one M..: (2012-01-21 20:55:35) that’s on its way out. I’m coming back from several ranches now. I put aside one that they’re gathering right now…I’ve got to complete the flight, love. Si me boy me ganan la k ba saliendo bengo de unos ranchos ahorita aparte una k estan piscando tengo k acompletar el buelo amor 109 Alright, love, and are they packaging J: (2012-01-21 20:55:35) already? Esta vien corazon y ya estan empaquetando 110 I have to complete it, if not here, it’ll M..: (2012-01-21 20:55:35) be close by, but I will look for it. I don’t want to leave without completing it, if you give permission. Tengo k acompletar si no es aki sercas pero le biscare no me kiero ir amor sin acompletar digo si usted me da permiso 12 111 No, love, not yet. They are saying M..: (2012-01-21 20:55:35) that the day I left, Ruben went up and took everything and right now some of Guero’s buyers are here too. There are three, including me. No amor aun no pss el dia k me fui dicen k subio ruben y limpio todo y ahorita andan unos compradores del guero aki tambien andamos 3 kmg 112 Three what? J: (2012-01-21 20:55:35) 3q 113 And one is coming out. They are M..: (2012-01-21 20:55:35) gathering 180 kilos there. Y esta saliendo una ai estan piscando 180 kg 114 Buyers. M..: (2012-01-21 20:55:35) Compradores 115 Love? M..: (2012-01-21 20:55:35) Amor 116 You are better off going to a different Ay q ir a otro lado mejor amor J: cuanto as comprado (2012-01-21 20:55:35) place, love. How much have you bought? 117 Well, I have put aside the one they M..: (2012-01-21 20:55:35) are collecting, love. Pss tengo apartada esa k estan piscando amor 118 It’ll be out by tomorrow. M..: (2012-01-21 20:55:35) Para mañana sale 119 How much is it? J: (2012-01-21 20:55:35) cuanta es 120 If the people feel like it, they’d sell M..: (2012-01-21 20:55:35) it. Si les da la gana ala gentes pss la venden 121 It’s 180 kilos. M..: (2012-01-21 20:55:35) Pss 180 kg 13 122 And 80 kilos more in Tapichagua. M..: (2012-01-21 20:55:35) Y en tapichagua 80 kg mas 123 And Cayo’s? J: (2012-01-21 20:55:35) y la de cayo 124 The 80 [kilos] are Cayo’s. M..: (2012-01-21 20:55:35) Los 80 son de callo 125 And where else? J: (2012-01-21 20:55:35) Y donde mas 126 There is more but it has seeds. M..: (2012-01-21 20:55:36) Ai mas pero tiene granite 127 And at Las Amargosas and La M..: (2012-01-21 20:55:36) Culacha— Y en las amargosas y la culacha 128 --there are the kilos that I’m telling M..: (2012-01-21 20:55:36) you about, love. Estan esos kilos k le digo amor 129 No, not with seeds. J: (2012-01-21 20:58:41) No con grano no 130 Love? J: (2012-01-21 20:58:41) Amor 131 Okay, love, that’s why I’m telling M..: (2012-01-21 20:58:41) you, because there isn’t much of the good one. I already took the best one the other day. Ok amor x eso le comento xk ai poca buena la mas buena yo me la yeve el otro dia 132 But I’m going to look for it, love. I M..: (2012-01-21 20:58:41) know we can find it if we look for it. Pero le boy a buscar amor yo c k buscandole si ayamos 14 133 You should go to Galancita, to a J: (2012-01-21 21:09:47) different place. Ay q ir a galansita a otro lado 134 I was also told there are two more M..: (2012-01-21 21:09:47) tons, but not around here, towards your ranch, beyond it. Me dijeron tmb k ai otras dos toneladas pero no para estos rumbos pal lado de su rancho mas palla 135 If I don’t complete the flight [load] M..: (2012-01-21 21:09:47) by tomorrow, I’ll go to Galancita to buy, love. Si para mañana no acompleto el buelo amor me boy para galancita a comprar 136 Alright, sweetheart. I love you. J: (2012-01-21 21:09:47) Whenever you can, go up to send a message, love. Esta vien corazon te amo cuando puedas suve a mandar mensaje amor 137 Well, I’m here sitting in the car M..: (2012-01-21 21:09:47) [with] Juan, my sister and Callo. Pss aki estoy sentada arriba del carro juan y mi wrmana y callo 138 We went down and we’re already on M..: (2012-01-21 21:09:47) our way to the ranch. Pasamos para abajo y ya bamos pal rancho 139 I’m at the border. M..: (2012-01-21 21:09:47) Estoy en la division 140 At this time tomorrow, God willing, M..: (2012-01-21 21:09:47) or later, I’ll go up to talk to you, love. Please have your cell on around that time when I can go up to tell you what happened, love. Mañana a estas oras subire si dios kiere a ablarle o mas tarde amor tenga su cel prendido xfavor para la ora k pueda subir a platicarle k paso amor 141 My regards to them, love. J: (2012-01-21 21:22:59) Saludos amor a ellos 142 I love you. J: (2012-01-21 21:22:59) Te amo 15 143 Congrats, because you’re the best. J: (2012-01-21 21:22:59) Te felisito porque eres lo maximo 144 You too, love. I want you to be M..: (2012-01-21 21:22:59) proud of me and I want you to know that from where I stand, in front of the virgin, that I truly love you and miss you very much. If there’s a way for you and I to be together forever, I’ll be the happiest woman in the world, because so far I have been thanks to you. I love you [heart]. Usted tambien amor kiero k este orgullosa de mi y kiero k sepa aki de donde estoy frente ala virgen k de verdad lo amo y k lo extaño mucho k si existe la manera de k usted y yo estemos juntos para siempre yo sere la mujer mas dichosa del mundo xk. Asta ahorita lo e sido gracias a usted lo amooooooo<3 ***** ***** ***** 145 I came here to Las Trancas. El Guero M..: (2012-01-23 15:51:23) gave me a chance to buy here, but the people don’t want for less than 750, and there are another 150 k, but they are asking 600. Bine aki alas trancas el guero me dio chansa de comprar aki pero la gente no kiere en en menos de 750 y ai otros 150 k pero piden 600 146 Alright, love, complete it. J: (2012-01-23 16:10:31) Esta vien amor complete 147 Send my regards to Wero. J: (2012-01-23 16:10:31) Saludame al wero 148 Buy them at 600. J: (2012-01-23 16:10:31) Compralos a los 600 149 Okay, love, I’m going to see what M..: (2012-01-23 16:10:31) they tell me. I’m here at the Las Trancas runway. ok amor boi air aver k me dicen estoy aki en la pista de las trancas 150 [Make sure] it doesn’t have seeds. J: (2012-01-23 16:10:31) Q no tenga semilla 16 151 Okay, love. There are 150 here, and M..: (2012-01-23 16:10:31) another 150 in Los Sedritos, where they have them for 600. Ok amor aki ai 150 y en en los sedritos ai otros 150 aya los dan en 600 152 [wink, wink, kiss, kiss] A kiss for J: (2012-01-23 16:10:31) each. ;;) :* :*. Un veso para cada uno 153 I’m going to get them then. M..: (2012-01-23 16:10:31) Boy air x ellos entonces 154 Okay, love. I’m also sending you M..: (2012-01-23 16:10:31) kisses, love. ok amor yo tambien le mando vesos amor 155 Complete the trip, love. J: (2012-01-23 16:10:31) Completa el viaje amor 156 For you and for Rubencito, two for J: (2012-01-23 16:10:31) you. Para ti y ruvensito para ti dos 157 Okay, love. I’m not going to have M..: (2012-01-23 16:10:31) enough to pay for packers if I buy at 600. Ok amor no me ba alcansar para pagar enpacadores si compro a 600 158 Or two for Rubencito. Is he there? J: (2012-01-23 16:10:31) O para rubensito 2 ay anda 159 Yes, love. J: (2012-01-23 16:10:31) Si amor 160 No, love. Rubencito stayed there M..: (2012-01-23 16:10:31) with my sister. They were going to to Cosala to check on my sister because she wasn’t well. No amor rubencito se kedo aya con mi ermana iban air para cosala a checarse mi ermana xk andava mala 161 I almost crashed yesterday. I fell M..: (2012-01-23 16:10:31) asleep at the wheel. Ayer ya casi me ruedo me kede dormida manejando 17 162 Be careful. J: (2012-01-23 16:10:31) Cuidado 163 Why would I bring him here love? M..: (2012-01-23 16:10:31) There are soldiers here and just in case, he’s better off over there with my sister. Para k lo traigo aki amor aki ai guachos y en un acidente mejor aya el kon mi ermana 164 Yes, love. M..: (2012-01-23 16:10:31) Si amor ***** ***** ***** 165 Good, love. I came here to talk to M..: (2012-01-24 20:19:03) you. Bn amor aki bine ablarkle 166 To let you know I bought more, but I M..: (2012-01-24 20:19:03) only completed 310 kilos because I only took one part because one had seeds. Para avisarle k compre mas pero acomplete solo 310 kilos xk agarre una parte nomas xk una tenia semilla 167 There is a lot, but people are just now Ay mucha pero la gente esta M..: despatando apenas (2012-01-24 20:19:03) collecting. 168 What should I do, love? Do I keep M..: (2012-01-24 20:19:03) completing it or should I send those kilos? K ago amor sigo acompletando o k se vallan esos kilos ? 169 [kiss] M..: (2012-01-24 20:19:03) :* 170 Love? M..: (2012-01-24 20:19:03) Amor 171 Love, are you busy? M..: (2012-01-24 20:41:37) Amor esta ocupado? 18 172 If not, I’ll talk to you later, because M..: (2012-01-24 20:41:37) I’m cold and I’m here in the mountains. Si no luego bengo ablarle xk tengo frio y estoy aki en el cerro 173 Sweetheart, you caught me while I J: (2012-01-24 20:41:37) was getting hot compresses. Corazon me agarrastes poniendome fomentos 174 Oh, I’m sorry, love. M..: (2012-01-24 20:41:38) Aperdon amor 175 [kiss] M..: (2012-01-24 20:41:38) :* 176 Tell me how it went, love. J: (2012-01-24 20:41:38) Cuentame como te fue amor 177 Not too good. I have 310 kilos, love. M..: (2012-01-24 20:41:38) Pss no muy bien tengo 310 kilos amor 178 I didn’t take all of it because one M..: (2012-01-24 20:41:38) portion had seeds. No la agarre toda xk una parte tenia semilla 179 And I want to know if you want me M..: (2012-01-24 20:41:38) to continue completing it— Y kiero ver si kiere k siga acompletandole? 180 --or should I send those kilos out? M..: (2012-01-24 20:41:38) Amor o k se vallan esos kilos ? 181 Complete the trip, love. J: (2012-01-24 20:41:38) Ya q se complete el biaje amor 182 And that’s it. J: (2012-01-24 20:41:38) Nada mas 183 Okay, love, should I stay here?-M..: (2012-01-24 20:41:38) Ok amor entonces seguires aki? 19 184 --looking? M..: (2012-01-24 20:41:38) Buscandole 185 Or do you want me to leave someone M..: (2012-01-24 20:41:38) here? O kiere k deje alguien ? Aki 186 If there is none, come back, love. J: (2012-01-24 20:41:38) Si no ay vente amor 187 Well, people have, but like I said, M..: (2012-01-24 20:41:38) they are collecting. It’s a matter of waiting. There will be about a ton in 15 days. Pss la gente tiene pero como le digo estan despatando escuestion de esperar en 15 dias ba aber komo para una tonelada 188 Everybody is working here, M..: (2012-01-24 20:41:38) collecting and I’ve been putting the kilo aside as it’s been coming in. Todos andan travajando aki despatando y yo e estado apartando el kilito k va saliendo 189 It’s too long. Leave some guy in J: (2012-01-24 20:41:38) charge of getting it, love. Falta mucho dejala encargada a algun muchacho amor ***** ***** ***** 190 Closer over here there are others for M..: (2012-01-24 20:41:38) 750. Pss aki mas sercAs ai otros en 750 191 But I won’t pay that price, love. M..: (2012-01-24 20:41:38) Pero pss yo no traigo ese precio amor 192 Complete the trip/flight at whatever J: (2012-01-24 20:41:38) [cost]. Completa el viaje a como sea 193 How many kilos do you want to get M..: (2012-01-24 20:41:38) [there], love? The 400? Cuantos kilos kiere k vallan amor los 400 ? 20 194 Or 350? M..: (2012-01-24 20:41:38) O 350 ? 195 Complete for the trip at four, the J: (2012-01-24 20:41:38) most; more or less 380, 350 the least. Completa para el viaje de 4 maximo 380 mas omenos amor 350 minimo 196 Okay, so I will buy those kilos now M..: (2012-01-24 20:41:38) at that price to complete it, then. Ok pss comprare esos kilos en ese precio amor ya para completar entonces 197 Yes, love. J: (2012-01-24 20:41:38) Si amor ***** ***** ***** 198 Yes, love, it just needs to be very J: (2012-01-24 20:41:38) good, and tell the person not to say [anything] to avoid problems with the other buyers. Si amor q sea muy buena y dile a la persona q no diga para no tener problemas con los demas compradores 199 I’ll complete the 350 by tomorrow, M..: (2012-01-24 20:41:38) and if I can I will get the 400. It’s just that I won’t have any [money left] even for gas, if I buy at that price. Para mañana acompleto los 350 y si si puedo los 400 amor solo k no boi a tener ni pa gasolina si compro en ese preciio 200 But I will take the chance to see what M..: (2012-01-24 20:41:38) can be done. Pero pss yo me ariesgo aver komo le ago 201 If not, I’m going to go and see what M..: (2012-01-24 20:41:38) Guero says and if I can get something cheaper. Si no boy air aver k me dice el guero aver si puedo conseguiir algo mas barato 202 380 is good, so it doesn’t stay there. J: (2012-01-24 20:41:38) Esta vien 380 para q no quede aya 21 203 Okay, love. M..: (2012-01-24 20:41:39) Ok amor 204 Hold on, I’m getting the treatment. J: (2012-01-24 20:41:39) Esperame tantito me estoy curando 205 Okay. M..: (2012-01-24 20:41:39) Ok ***** ***** ***** 206 Love, have they told you about the M..: (2012-01-26 21:44:44) packages that I sent today? Amor ya le dijeron komo ban los paketes k mande hoy ? 207 That they are fine, love. Did you J: (2012-01-26 21:44:44) mark [label] them? Q estan vien amor los marcastes 208 Fifteen kilos are marked. Those M..: (2012-01-26 21:44:44) weren’t really good, they were from Callo’s marihuana; those turned out bad. Ban 15 kilos marcados amor esos la verdad no estan buenos eran de la mota de callo le salieron esos malillos 209 Yes, love, they are marked [labeled]. M..: (2012-01-26 21:44:44) Si amor estan marcados 210 Callo’s have the C, and the 15 kilos M..: (2012-01-26 21:44:44) that I’m telling you have my mark and the C with an X. Los de callo yevan la c y los 15 k le digo yegan mi marca y la c kn una ekis 211 But all the rest is good, love. M..: (2012-01-26 21:44:44) Pero toda la demas esta buena amor 212 Good. J: (2012-01-26 21:44:44) Q bueno 22 213 Congratulations, sweetheart. J: (2012-01-26 21:44:44) Te felisito corazon 214 Thanks, love. I was thinking about M..: (2012-01-26 21:44:44) those kilos, I even felt like tossing them, but then I sent them. Cachimba didn’t want to take them all, but I put all of them there. Gracias amor traigo siempre ese pendiente con esos kilos me davan ganas asta de tirarlos pero pss mejor los mande cachinva no keria yevarselos todos yo se los eche todos 215 He was saying that they didn’t fit, M..: (2012-01-26 21:44:44) but I insisted that they fit and I got the 380 in. Desia k no cabian y yo me aterke k si cabian y se los eche los 380 216 Hahaha. M..: (2012-01-26 21:44:44) Jajaajja 217 He wasn’t happy. M..: (2012-01-26 21:44:44) Iba amargado ***** ***** ***** 218 Give him money to apply for his J: (2012-01-27 22:21:09) passport, love. Dale para q aga su juisio para q le den el pasaporte amor 219 I don’t have any money now, love. M..: (2012-01-27 22:21:09) Yo ya no tengo amor ahorita dinero 220 I gave everything to Callo, and paid M..: (2012-01-27 22:21:09) expenses with the leftover from the weed. Le di todo a callo y pague gastos con lo k me kedo de la mota 221 I’ll give you [money] tomorrow, J: (2012-01-27 22:21:09) sweetheart. MaÑana te doy corazon 222 Okay, love. M..: (2012-01-27 22:21:09) Okl amor 23 ***** ***** ***** 223 I wonder if it was on the day that M..: (2012-01-31 15:11:58) they were saying the architect was killed. Seria el dia k desian k abian matado al arki ? 224 But it’s also a different architect, not M..: (2012-01-31 15:11:58) yours. Pero es otro arki tmb no es el de usted 225 People talk nonsense, love. J: (2012-01-31 15:11:58) La jente dise ponteras amor 226 Yes, they talk nonsense all the time M..: (2012-01-31 15:11:58) and if not, they make up stuff to look good or bad. Sii a cada rato dicenn tonterias y lo k no es lo inventan pakedar bn o mal 227 Love? M..: (2012-01-31 15:11:58) Amor 228 Oh, love, people can’t be told J: (2012-01-31 15:11:58) anything. They talk too much and people that know about it publish it immediately. Ay amor la jente no puede saber algo porque todo dise y la plevada lo q saven lo publican de inmediato 229 Yes, love, that is the world at all M..: (2012-01-31 15:11:58) times. Si amor asi es el mundo en todos los tiempos 230 There is no discretion, love. Forget J: (2012-01-31 15:11:58) about it, now that you went to buy, there are comments here in town and from other states that have gotten back to me, love. Aora no ay discresion amor la plevada olvidate si tu aora q fuistes a comprar ay comentarios aqui en la siudad el otros estados ya me an comentado amor 231 Did they really mention to you in M..: (2012-01-31 15:11:58) other states that I went up there? Apoco le an comentado en otros estados k yo anduve parriva ? 24 232 No, but yes, people talk too much. I M..: (2012-01-31 15:11:58) was careful not to be seen, and you see how everybody knows. I may show up hanging somewhere soon due to envy. I don’t sleep, love. No pss si k la gente es comunicativa yo segun me cuide k casi no me vieran y ya ve td el mundo ya save alato amanesco colgada x ai la envidia no crea k duerme amor 233 Look, the mafia kills people who J: (2012-01-31 15:11:58) don’t pay or people who snitch, but not if you’re serious, love. Mira la mafia mata a la jente q no le paga o a la q pone el dedo pero al q es serio no amor 234 Well, that’s true, love. I know that M..: (2012-01-31 15:11:58) when a person is loyal and straightforward he/she can last for years, he/she can die of natural causes. But there are also envious people who, just because they want to get someone out of their way, do bad things. But I’m not afraid of that, love. I’ve thought about things before, I know that I’m not doing anything bad. On the contrary, I think that this is good for people, and even more so with you, because you’ve helped the ranches a lot and I’m proud and hold my head up high, guided by you, love. Ps eso si amor yo c k una persona siendo derecha y ablando de frente en estas cosas dura años asta se puede morir de viejo uno pero tmb ai envidiosos k con tal de kitarlo del camino auno le asen males pero eso ami no me da miedo amor yo e pensado en las cosas antes yo se k yo no ando asiendo nada malo alcontrario kreo k es un veneficio para la gente y pss usted menos xk usted a ayudado mucho alos ranchos y yo me siendo orgullosa de yegar con la crente en alto guiada de usted amor 235 And if you like what I’ve done and M..: (2012-01-31 15:11:58) you want me to continue, I will continue until whenever you want me to. I like it, at least I feel useful. Y si austed le gusta lo k yo e echo y kiere k siga yo sigo asta k usted kiera ami me gusta eso me siento util xlo menos 236 That’s right, love. Lies are what J: (2012-01-31 15:34:46) cause problems. Don’t lie and people will always see the good, love. Always remember that. I’m telling you this because I love you. Even if you make a mistake don’t deny it and you will always be happy and people will appreciate you. I love you. Asi es amor la mentira es la q acarrea malestar tu nunca eches mentira y siempre te veran vien amor eso siempre recuerdalo q te lo dije porque te amo auque cometas algun error no lo nigues y siempre andaras felis y te apresiara la jente te amo 25 237 Thank you, love. I swear, and you M..: (2012-01-31 15:34:46) know this, I have promised to be a good woman and not lie to you. I know that you and I will always be good and I know that lying is not good and, like you say, it only causes problems and distrust and the perception that one is crazy. I want you to always feel proud of me and I know you do. I love you more than I love myself. ***** Gracias amor yo e jurado usted sabe y le e prometido ser buena mujer y no mentirle yo c k usted y yo estaremos bn siempre y yo c k la mentira no es nd buena y como dice usted solo acarrea problemas y desconfiansa y k la gente lo tome como locoo auno yo kiero k usted este orgulloso de mi en todo momento y yo se k lo esta lo amo mas k ami vida yo austed ***** ***** 238 I took the Cheyenne to the shop for M..: (2012-02-14 11:22:23) brake linings love but the mechanic will put that on credit until I buy and I will see how much I have left. Meti la cheyene a ponerle balatas amor pero eso me lo fia el mecanico asta k compre le pagare aver cuanto keda 239 There’s a friend that has 200 kilos. M..: (2012-02-14 11:22:23) He’ll give it to me at 600; he won’t for less. Ai un amigo k tiene 200 kilos me la da en 600 no la kiere en menos 240 But I will try to get it cheaper. I think M..: (2012-02-14 11:22:23) he’ll give it to me because they’re trying to sell because 60 soldiers arrived yesterday. Pero tratare de sacarsela mas varata yo digo k si me la da xk andan keriendo vender xk yegaron 60 soldados Ayer 241 Alright, love. J: (2012-02-14 11:22:23) Vien amor 242 In Matavaca. M..: (2012-02-14 11:22:23) En matavaca 243 There are about four tons too, but I M..: (2012-02-14 11:22:23) don’t know the price yet, nor whether it’s from Aguas or Verano. A friend of mine was going to ask why a buyer hasn’t gone there. Aii km 4 toneladas tmb mas no se bn todavia presio y si es de aguas o verano un amigo iba apreguntar xk no a ido comprador paya 26 244 That ranch is near Tamasula. M..: (2012-02-14 11:22:23) Esta pal lado de tamasula ese rancho 245 Alright, love. J: (2012-02-14 11:22:23) Vueno amor 246 Check there. J: (2012-02-14 11:22:23) Ay checas ***** ***** ***** 247 Love? M..: (2012-02-17 14:39:35) Amor 248 Good, because I had already sent you J: (2012-02-17 14:39:35) [a message] and you just got it. Tell me, love. Q vueno amor porque yo te avia mandado y apenas los resivistes cuentame amor 249 Cachimba came in the morning. I M..: (2012-02-17 14:39:35) couldn’t go up with the packages because I got flats on both cars, and there were soldiers nearby. They already moved and I got a car. En la mañana bino cachinva yo no pude subir kn kos paketes xk me ponche de los dos carros y abia guachod aki sercas ya se mobieron y yo consegui un carro 250 To go for tires, I had to buy some, M..: (2012-02-17 14:39:35) because the other ones popped. Para ir a buscar llantas tube k compra unas xk se reventaron las otras 251 Tomorrow, God willing, yes, Send M..: (2012-02-17 14:39:35) me Cachimba tomorrow, love I already have 350 K packaged, which is what he will take. Otherwise I will throw in 380. The two flights will leave from here, God willing. Mañana si dios kiere si mandeme a cachinva amor tengo enpaketados ya 350 k es lo k el se lleva si no pss le echo 380 aki ban a salir si dios kiere los dos buelos 252 I got one at 550 and one at 500. M..: (2012-02-17 14:39:35) Una la agarre a 550 una a 500 27 253 Because people don’t want to let it M..: (2012-02-17 14:39:35) go so easily, love. Xk la gente no la kiere soltar tan facil ya amor 254 I’m passing by the place where I can M..: (2012-02-17 14:39:35) get a signal. I’m taking the cars now. Aki boy pasando x el punto donde agarra señal ya yevo los carros 255 Alright, love. Try to fit more than Esta vien amor trata de q le J: five kilos too, and Cesar should leave quepa mas as de 5 kikilos (2012-02-17 14:39:35) Monday. tamvien y sesar q se valla el lunes 256 Okay, love, I will bring it down to M..: (2012-02-17 14:39:35) take him and the girl tomorrow. The girl is helping me here right now. I was going to take her today, but tomorrow for sure, God willing, I’ll go down to take them so she can head up and Cesar can go over there. Ok amor lo bajare a yevarlos a el y ala chaparrita mañana la chaparra me anda ayudando aki ahorita hoy la iba ayevar pero mañana si dios kiere sin falta bajo a yevarlos pake se valla ella para arriva y cesar para aya 257 Love? M..: (2012-02-17 14:39:35) Amor 258 Yes, he should check what days there Si q cheque q dia ay salida a J: Ecuador (2012-02-17 14:39:36) are flights to Ecuador. 259 Okay, love. Tomorrow after that M..: (2012-02-17 14:39:36) flight takes off, I’m going to take them. I have to go down and get spare tires for the cars. ***** 260 ***** Cesar already replied love… he’ll let M..: (2012-02-19 19:18:01) me know now if there are tickets or not. 28 Ok amor maÑana ya k levante ese buelo me boy a yevarlos tengo k vajar a traer extras para los carros ***** Ya contesto cesar amor ahorita me dice si ai voleto o no 261 Love, where in Ecuador— M..: (2012-02-19 19:18:01) Amor k ak parte de Ecuador 262 --is Cesar asking? M..: (2012-02-19 19:18:01) Dice cesar ***** ***** ***** 263 “Fifty” will give you Cesar’s five J: (2012-02-19 21:45:50) thousand too, love. Cincuenta te dara los 5 mil de cesar tamvien amor 264 I have about 14 thousand left from M..: (2012-02-19 21:45:50) what I had that I was taking, but I also have to pay packers, the runway and gas again. Yo traigo km 14mil k me kedan de lo k sobro d lo k yevava yo pero tmb pagare de nuevo enpakadores y la pista y gasolina 265 For the next flight, love. M..: (2012-02-19 21:45:50) Pal otro buelo amor 266 Ask “50” for whatever you need. I J: (2012-02-19 21:45:50) already told him to give you what you need in order to buy too. Lo q se ocupe pideselo a 50 ya le dije yo q te lo de para q compres tamvien 267 Alright, love. We’ll be on the J: (2012-02-19 21:45:50) lookout. I love you. Vueno amor estamos pendientes te amo 268 They just called to sell me a ton love, Me acanban de hablar k me M..: (2012-02-19 21:45:50) [they say] that it’s good. 600 per kilo. venden una tonelada amor k esta buna en 600 cd kilo 269 “50” already called me. M..: (2012-02-19 21:45:50) Ya me hablo 50 270 Go check it out. J: (2012-02-19 21:45:50) Vela aver como esta 29 271 And Cesar’s trip comes out to 15985; M..: (2012-02-19 21:45:50) it’s roundtrip. Y el viaje de cesar sale en 15985 es viaje redondo 272 Okay, love. I’ll let you know if it’s M..: (2012-02-19 21:45:50) good, and you send me with Cachinva, depending on how it is. Ok amor si esta buena yo le aviso y me manda usted kn cachinva asegun km este 273 Alright, love. There, they’ll be J: (2012-02-19 21:45:50) giving you the five thousand dollars for him to go. Esta vien amor ay te dan los 5 mil dolares amor para q se valla 274 Okay. Should he take all of it or M..: (2012-02-19 21:45:50) leave some for expenses at his house? Ok k se los yeve tds o k deje para gastos en su casa 275 Please send a picture to my J: (2012-02-19 21:45:50) Blackberry so I can look at it. Mandame foto al blac por fa para verla 276 Okay, love. M..: (2012-02-19 21:45:50) Ok amor 277 I will send it to you when I see it. M..: (2012-02-19 21:45:50) And what did you tell me about the fumigated weed, is it a go or not? Yo le mandare cuando la aya visto y de la mota fumigada k me dijo k si pasa o no? ***** ***** ***** 278 That’s fine, love. Alright, love, let J: (2012-02-19 21:45:53) me know. I love you. Hope it goes well, greetings to our son. Asi es amor vueno amor ay te reportas te amo q te valla vien saludos a nuestro hijo 279 Cesar is here. M..: (2012-02-19 21:45:53) Cesar aki esta 280 I already gave him the money. M..: (2012-02-19 21:45:53) Ya le di el dinero 30 281 Alright, have him check in when he J: (2012-02-19 21:45:53) gets there, so I can tell him what to do there. ***** ***** Vueno q cuando llegue se reporte para desirle q ara aya ***** 282 Cesar is going to Mexico tomorrow M..: (2012-02-20 13:10:10) because he couldn’t make it. Cesar se va air asta mexico y k maÑana se ba air para aya xk no alcanso 283 Carolina is very pregnant. I hope she J: (2012-02-20 13:10:10) doesn’t have problems over there. Carolina esta muy evrasada aver si no tiene problemas por aya 284 That’s what I’m telling her, but she M..: (2012-02-20 13:10:11) says she doesn’t want to be alone. I might be better to leave her with my mom. Pss es lo k yo le digo pero dice k no kiere estar sola alo mejor la dejo kn mi ama 285 In Cosala, love. M..: (2012-02-20 13:10:11) En cosala amor 286 She’s due this week. M..: (2012-02-20 13:10:11) Ya en esta semana se alivia 287 Alright, I hope it goes well. J: (2012-02-20 13:10:11) Greetings to the family. I love you. Vueno q les valla vien saludos a la familia te amo 288 Cesar is arriving in Quito tomorrow M..: (2012-02-20 13:10:11) at z15 twenty-five [sic] local time. Cesar ba yegar manana a kito alas z15 veinticinco de aya 289 Which would be 3:25 P.M., love. M..: (2012-02-20 13:10:11) K serian las 3 de la tarde kn 25 minutos amor ***** ***** 31 ***** 290 Same here, love. J: (2012-02-20 17:59:42) Igual mente amor 291 Love, how are you? M..: (2012-02-23 09:08:14) Amor km esta? 292 Love? M..: (2012-02-23 09:13:12) Amor 293 Good, sweetheart, thank God. What’s Vien corazon grasias a dios q me J: cuentas (2012-02-23 09:18:04) new? 294 Everything is fine, love. M..: (2012-02-23 09:18:04) Td bn amor 295 I came up here to find out about you, M..: (2012-02-23 09:18:04) my love. Aki subi ablarle para saber de usted mi amor 296 We’re just about finished packing for M..: (2012-02-23 09:18:04) this flight, God willing, so Cachinba should come tomorrow. Ahora terminamos de enpakar si dios kiere este buelo para k mañana se venga cachinba 297 We’ve been held up here because the M..: (2012-02-23 09:18:04) soldiers don’t leave. They’re here at the ranch right now. Emos estado enbomados xk los guachos no nos dejan aki estan en el rancho ahorita 298 But we worked anyway. M..: (2012-02-23 09:18:04) Pero detodos mosdos travajamos 299 I gave them a ride yesterday to La M..: (2012-02-23 09:18:04) Mesa. Ayer les di raite pala mesa 300 And they came back early again. M..: (2012-02-23 09:18:04) Y ai se regresaron temprano otra vrs 32 301 Well, love, just be careful. J: (2012-02-23 09:18:04) ***** Bueno amor con cuidado nomas ***** ***** 302 Love, Cesar is already there. M..: (2012-02-23 09:54:04) Amor cesar ya esta aya 303 At a hotel near the airport. M..: (2012-02-23 09:54:04) $en un otel cercas del aeropuerto 304 At Puerto Aereo Hotel. M..: (2012-02-23 09:54:04) En el otel puerto aereo 305 Send me a phone number so J: (2012-02-23 09:54:04) someone can meet him and take him to a house. Pasame un numero de tel para q lo vean amor y lo lleven a una casa 306 Room 112. M..: (2012-02-23 09:54:04) Cuarto 112 307 Almost across from the airport. M..: (2012-02-23 09:54:04) Casi enfrente del aeropuerto 308 In Quito. J: (2012-02-23 09:54:04) En quito 309 6677844440 M..: (2012-02-23 09:54:04) 6677844440 310 It’s the one he has with him. M..: (2012-02-23 09:54:04) Es el k yeva 311 Yes, love, where he was going. M..: (2012-02-23 09:54:04) Si amor a donde iba 33 312 I need the hotel’s [number], love. J: (2012-02-23 09:54:04) ***** ***** 34 Se ocupa el del otel amor *****