R501-2-2. Administration R501-2-2 Administration ew Horizons Youth Ranch is a legal entity operating as a Residential Treatrnen Center, licensed in ?le State of Montana, under the Department of Human Resources. De?nitions: Ranch: is referred to New Horizons Youth Ranch, which also gives relati to the Program. Consumers: Refers to Youth enrolled in the Ranch with direct reference resident; or guardians of a speci?c Youth currently or previously enrolled. student or Staff: is referred to Contracted employees who are monetarin compensat for work, time, or services offered; who is responsible for the direct daily care and supe ision of the Youth in the facility. Discipline: is a system of rules, which gives training by instructions, con 01 and practice. A. The purpose of New Horizons Youth Ranch is to provide services as a sidential Treatment Center; herein after referred as Ranch. New Horizons Youth Ranch will rovide the services mentioned. 1) The PhiIOSOphy of New Horizons Youth Ranch is to provide the ghest quality of 2) 3) 4) 5) education; but more importantly along life?s ourney of trials and 'bulations, continue to re-implement what we believe to be the highest form education . . . VALUES. Responsibility, accountability, self-respect, and integri are keys to education that show how intelligent we are. New Horizons Youth Ranch will strive to show each boy his mission in life and how each one of us acts 0 mission statement in life, with support in therapy/treatment, education, care and su rvision. New Horizons shall be known as a new start, new day for each teen wi each New Horizon. New Horizons philosophies are used to redirect those 0 have begun to follow destructive paths. The name New Horizons refers to the a ility to make new again through positive redirection pointing to the things that keep individual strong, whether it is mentally, physically, spiritually, and sociably, or ?nding and maintaining the happy median in all aspects of life. Each employ shall be a compass to each boy in the program, which basically means each mployee, must set an example and be a positive in?uence for the Boys? to follow in tile program. Long and Short Term Goals a) The Long Term Goals of New Horizons Youth Ranch are to help at risk youth learn their worth and become success?il in their liies and useful members of society. We strive to teach these youth resp ?ct for themselves and others, self?worth, c0ping skills, and the risks associ ted with substance abuse, while continuing their education in a therapeutic nvironment that is conducive to change. b) The Short Term goals of New Horizons Youth Ranch are to ensure that New Horizons Youth Ranch is always in compliance with Stat and Local laws, regulations and requirements in order to make the Long erm goals possible. The services provided at New Horizons Youth Ranch include roo and board, therapy, treatment, education, care and supervision. The number of consumers to be served will be in compliance withilocal approval and state licensing. The occupancy will be no more than the number approved by the State of Montana and the local governing authorities. The fee policy of New Horizons Youth Ranch will be stated in the tcurrent Enrollment 7 1 6) Agreement. The fees will cover room and board, treatment, educ tion, and supervision. Ifindividual therapy is requested in addition to cut, competitive fee compensations are required. The fees may not be the same f0 each consumer as adjustments may be made at the sole discretion of the Program Di ector under the direction of the Management Of?cers, as cost of living fees incre e, unusual expenses for medical and/or additional therapy may arise, and tuit on rates become competitive. Consumers will participate in activities as stated in the treatment Ian and enrollment agreement. Consumers may participate in activities not mentione in the enrollment agreement or treatment plan as approved by the Program Director, including but not limited to: a) Gym/work out b) Hiking 0) Water skiing/boating/swimming/?shing (1) Sports e) Work Assignments f) Therapeutic assigmnents g) Service Projects h) Field Trips B. Copies of the above are available to the Of?ce of Licensing and general ogram information is available to the public at all times. Refer to record keeping, where the cords will be kept on the facility premises, in the Program Director?s of?ce, under locked fil . C. Quality Assurance. In order to assure the quality of the program and sta??i 1) 2) 3) 4) Each staff member will have the appropriate Background Screening Check completed, Mandt training/or (P.C.S) Positive Control System, CPR, First Aide Certi?cations, and Food Handler Permit completed. Sta?' providing Therapy and Education must also provide licensing and certi?cation. Supervising sta?? will have Team meetings with staff ensure proper treatment of consumers and to ensure that rules are carried out. Grounds and facility will be inspected to ensure that everything is in proper working order and that consumer and staff safety is provided. Documentation of all of the above will be provided by the supervising staff. D. Program Management is displayed on the Organizational Flow Chart on the next page as follows: New Horizons Youth Ranch, LLC Organizational Flow Chart Management Of?cers Of?cers Tom Harrell Torn Harrell Rosie Harrell Rosie Harrell Staff Supervisors Case Managers Line Staff Members ll Theranv Department Therapists Nurse Rosie Harrell Activities Director 12 BMILLER A 7 mm CORD CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER, AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: If the certi?cate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the policy(ies) must be endorsed. If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy, certain policies may require an endorsement A statement on this certi?cate does not confer rights to the certi?cate holder in lieu of such endorsemen?s). PRODUCER $232? 758420707 7 7 7 77 7 7 I735. no? (59977757571189 33 eLoo ADDRESS: 7 I I 77777777 Kal's'? 9901 7 7 77 77 7 Insurance Company 7 7 INSURED 7 7, 4755.159 New gagging? Ranch INSURERC: om 7 .7 BMZWOOtKeOtenaiRoed? 7 77 7 . INSURERF: COVERAGES REVISION NUMBER: 1 THIS IS To CERTIFY THAT POLICIES 0F BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT. CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR THEINSURANOE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF LI HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. '7 ADDLIW r: I I UR TYPE OF INSURANCE 7 I I A .IXLIEOWERCM GENERAL . EACH OCCURRENCE Is 7 1,000,000 ?x I 77 OCCUR I .- {Among-I 01I071201SI 0110712017 5 5,3003 7 7 1 $777 7 2:500 . INJURY 1,000,000 AGGREGATE PER: - GENERAL AGGREGATE 2.000.000 7 77 I 7777 7 7 7 . 7 POLICY I4 Loc- - . 1679:7757 7 2.000300 omea2500-2? - I . . PROFESSIONAL LI 4: Included - - 7 3 - COMBINEDSINGLE LIMIT .EmLenL ANY AUTO . . . . BODILY INJURY (Per person) - Iigg?gguuzo . BODILY INJURY (Per accident) 5 MOWNED 7 PROPERTY DAMAGE WW "43m 7 "7 7 HIRED AUTOS I (Per acadentUMBRELLA me 0000.AGGREETL7 I 7 BED i . Is WORKERSCOMPENSATION -I I. I . PER IOTH- AND LIABILITY Ym-lu . - XISTATUTE I I7 7 7 7 7 ANY Ilium 05I0112010 330112017 1ta 100.000 NIA - - 7 7* (Mandatory in NH) I ELDISEASE-EAEMPLOYEE 100.000 ?Ifyes,describeunder .- I - - . DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS below - - I - I ELDISEASE-POLICY LIMIT Is 500.000 1 DESCRIPTION OF LOCATIONS I VEHICLES (ACORD 101, Additional Remarks Schedile -y I more Space I8 required) CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED LICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NO Business Standard Divisions ICE WILL BE ERED . . . ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIO . Professmnal LIcenSIng Bureau PO Box 200513 Helena, MT 59520 AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE BRIT UMIIM 1988-2014 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. ACORD 25 (2014101) The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD 3) Agenda Items 4) Actions G. New Horizons Youth Ranch complies with State and Federal laws concerning abuse reporting and has a posted copy of the laws in a conspicuous place within the facility. H. New Horizons Youth Ranch shall comply with all interstate compact laws at all times in I. J. order to maintain compliance with local and State laws. Program license, Civil Rights, Health Inspection certi?cation and ADA notices shall be posted in a conspicuous place on the premises. New Horizons Youth Ranch has liability insurance, ?re insurance, and vehicle insurance policy and procedures shall provide compensation, within reasonable limits, to volunteers and employees who have personal property damages caused by enrolled youth in the Program. New Horizons Youth Ranch will hold harmless and protect all employees whose duties include supervision, treatment, education, transportation, or care of youth enrolled in New Horizons Youth Ranch from ?nancial loss arising out of any claim or judgment occurring as a consequence of suspected negligence which results in personal injury to an enrolled youth in New Horizons Youth Ranch; however performance must be within the scale of the Employee?s duties, and NOT the result of Gross Negligence, deception, malice, or fraud. The Ranch or any of its staff shall not handle any major business affairs of a consumer who has contracted with or is in the custody of the Ranch, without written request by the consumer or legal representative, with verbal and written authorization and approval by the Program Director. 15 R501-2-7a. Behavior Management 47 and consistent discipline is a prerequisite for proper facility operation and the ntenance of consistency. A well-trained staff member is essential to good discipline within facility. Written regulations and the possible consequences for points lost or level drops provide nsistent direction R501-2-7 Behavior Management Discipline is a system of rules, which gives training by instruction, control, and actice. Equitable to both staff and youth enrolled in the Program. of anger, tension, loss of self-control, frustration, or violence directed toward sta or other residents. Staff shall attempt to prevent such behavior by recognizing indications of immin nt behavior and intervening in a positive, constructive manner to neutralize or prevent such actio or assault. Student?s in the program are often in a tense or unsettled emotional state, which ay lead to displays The Program Director is solely responsible for the care of the resident youth in a cordance with the approved standards. He/she will take cognizance of the recommendations of the ase Managers, and other professionals regarding discipline and program restriction for the student while in the Program. However, subject to approved standards, the Program Dir ctor will have the ?nal authority to decide whether or not these recommendations will be impleme ted within the guidelines of raining. A. Disciplinary Stages 1) Appropriate and inappropriate behavior of Student?s in the Progra shall be referred to in the Student handbook de?ning Degrees in the Program. 2) Acceptable staff responses to inappropriate behaviors and conseq ences can be referred to in the student handbook and the Student Disciplinary 3 ages. Acceptable Staff responses to inappropriate behavior can also be referred to i the Staff Code of Conduct, which can be located at the end of the ?Miscellaneous It ms? section at the end of the Policies and Procedures Manual. 3) Student consequences will be referred to in the Student handbook ?on Disciplinary stages. 1 *Disciplinary Stages and the Measurement Level System and Daily Color G+ade System can be viewed in the Student Handbook on the following pages: 48 CODE OF CONDUCT 106 Code of Conduct 70000 Overview 700.1 De?nitions 800.00 ENFORCEMENT OF RULSE AND REGULATIONS 800.01 Ranch Responsibility 800.02 Employee Responsibility 800.03 Violations of this Code 900.00 STAFF CONDUCT REQUIREMENTS 900.02 Standard of Conduct 900.04 Conduct Toward Supervisors, Staff members and Associates 900.06 Questions Regarding Assignment 900.08 Dereliction of Duty 900.10 Insubordination 900.12 Sleeping on Duty 900.14 Fitness for Duty 900.16 Relief from Duty 900.18 alsi?cation of Reports and Records 900.20 Withholding Criminal Information 900.22 Ranch Property Regulations 900.24 Purchases 900.26 Equipment 900.28 Truthfulness 900.30 Unlawful Orders 900.32 Duty Hours 900.34 Tardiness 900.36 Absence from Duty 900.38 Physical ?tness 900.40 Use of Alcohol 900.42 Use or Possession of Drugs 900.44 Abuse of Position 900.46 Impartial Attitude 900.48 Commercial Testimonials 107 900.50 Association 900.52 Interactions with Youth 900.54 Prohibited Youth Relationships 900.56 Unsatisfactory Performance 900.58 Payment of Debts 900.60 Bringing Unauthorized Items into the Facility 900.62 Endangering Conduct by Facility Staff 900.64 Interference with Ranch Business 900.66 Unlawful Conduct 900.68 Outside Compensation 900.70 Outside Employment 108 700.00 Overview: 1. Employees of the Ranch shall adhere to the rules and regulations set forth in this code. The regulations are intended to supplement the other instructions, rules, regulations and orders that are part of the New Horizons Youth Ranch, LLC, which accompany the Policies and Procedures set forth previously. . i Consistent with Montana law the standards and procedures, identi?ed he ein, are designed to give notice to and de?ne the rights and responsibilities of employees wi regard to conduct; to assist in assuring consistent application of standards and procedures; t? provide for an objective de?nition of acceptable conduct; to assure compliance with pu lic law and to assist in the effective and ef?cient management of the Ranch. I It is the responsibility of each employee to be knowledgeable about, and 'pomply with, all standards, practices, procedures and applicable public law with respect the administration and management of the Ranch, consistent with each individual?s emplo ent responsibilities and duties. Any employee who has questions about any law, policy or cedure, should contact his supervisor in order to obtain clari?cation. Violations of the Ranch rules and regulations may subject offending emp oyees to disciplinary action including termination. The action taken will depend the seriousness of the offense, employee?s past record, and consequences of the violation. Employees may be disciplined for their conduct, on or off duty, when su conduct adversely affects the ef?ciency, or good order of the Ranch, or when the employee conduct, on or off duty, could reasonably cause the public to lose con?dence in the Ranch or when the employees conduct affects the employees ability to adequately perform oi? discharge his professional duties. 700.01 De?nitions Administrative Authority- Program Director, Assistant Director Employee- All personnel contracted by New Horizons Youth Ranch, LLC who ?re monetarily compensated who work either full-time and or part-time positions. Case Manager- Responsible for keeping track of the progress of each youth their authority. Supervisor? An employee who oversees and coordinates the activities of other employees and has the responsibility for performance evaluations of subordinates. 109 AA Impairment- Inability to effectively and ef?ciently perform assigned duties and responsibilities due to the consumption of alcohol or controlled substance which results in the presence of the controlled substance in the employee?s body or in the intoxication of the employee. Ranch- New Horizons Youth Ranch, LLC 800.00 ENFORCEMENT OF RULES AND REGULATIONS 800.01 Ranch Responsibility A) It shall be the responsibility of the Ranch and its administrative staff, supervisors and staff members to actively support, enforce and adhere to the requirements of this code and the policy and procedure manual system. B) These Provisions will be supported and enforced utilizing a system of positive and negative sanctions. i C) Training and testing will be used to increase and ensure the staff understanTling of these requirements. 800.02 Employee Responsibility A) Employees are responsible for reading the information contained in this co and in the manual system to ensure knowledge and understanding of the rules, regulations an standards of conduct to which each is required to adhere to and comply with, by which ach is required to ?inction. B) Employees shall be subject to disciplinary and/or corrective action, includi termination, if it is found that hey have participated in an act, conspired to commit an act, served as an accessory or accomplice in the commission of any act, or failed to report a.an act which violates these rules and regulations, other Ranch polices and procedures or laws of the State of Montana or the United States. I C) Employees shall report in writing to a supervisor, incidents or occurrences ikvolving a violation of the rules, regulations and requirements set forth in this code. 800.3 Violations of this Chapter Disciplinary procedures or corrective action, including termination, shall be takeri in account with non-compliance to the Policies and Procedures and/or the Code of Conduct manual of the Ranch. 900.00 STAFF CONDUCT REQUIREMENTS 110 900.02 Standard of Conduct 1. 10. ll. 12. . All employees shall perform their duties as required or directed by law, Employees will respect and protect the civil and legal rights of all youth enrolled in the Ranch. . Employees shall be respectful, courteous and civil with the public and 6 ch other and Shall not use coarse, loud, indecent, or profane language. anch rule, policy or order, or by order of a supervisor, as the supervisor follows the policies (1 procedures of the Ranch and the responsibilities within his/herjurisdiction. All lawful dut es required or directed by competent authority shall be performed as directed Employees are expected to apply themselves to their assigned duties ng the full time they are scheduled for which they are being compensated. Employees shall meet standards established in their individual perform ce plan and report conditions or circumstances that would prevent them from performing ir job effectively or completing their assignment tasks. Employees should bring to their sup rvisors attention unclear instruction or procedures. Employees are expected to make prudent and frugal use of Ranch ?mds, quipment, building and supplies and supply receipts for expenses made by the Ranch throug the employee. Employees shall observe work place rules. Employees shall comply with the Ranch?s administrative policy, rules, regulations. The hours of all employees of the Ranch shall be regulated by the Progr Director who has the authority, when necessary, to call any employee to return to duty at a time, regardless of the hours assigned to those employees. Employees shall not engage in behavior, such as ?horseplay? or the playi of pranks, which endanger staff or youth, or risk the security of the Ranch. No employee shall act or behave privately or officially in such a manner at undermines the ef?ciency of the Ranch, causes the public or the guardians of Youth enro led in the Program to lose con?dence in the Ranch, or brings discredit upon him/her, or the ,anch. No employee shall engage in any act or conduct that violates Federal, State or local laws or ordinances. 4.4 .AME .1 13 14. 15 900.04 Conduct toward Supervisor, Staff members and Associates 1. 2. 900.06 . No employee in public shall viciously ridicule, mock, deride, taunt, or group of person; nor will?illy embarrass, humiliate or shame any person; that might incite any person to violence, that would bring discredit to the Because the public health, safety and welfare may be adversely affected shall be encouraged not to engage in or encourage any form of sit-down, fact any form of work stoppage or strike for any reason, against the co elittle any person or nor do anything Ranch. thereby, employees slow-down, or in unity or the Ranch. A refusal by an employee to perform an assignment, which he/she reaso ably believes to be injurious to his/her health or physical safety, shall not be considered a section with explanation or proof of proper cause. vi 1964, Montana Law, and Governor Leavitt?s Executive Order on Sexual lation of this . Sexual harassment is a violation of federal law under the Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of Harassment 1993. No employee shall engage in inappropriate or unprofessional sexual behavior, which results in a hostile work environment, harassment, humiliation, or intimidation. result in disciplinary action that may include termination of employment Such conduct may Employees shall treat each other with respect. They shall be courteous and civil at all times in their relationships with one another. No employee shall engage in inappropriate behavior that results in a host environment, harassment, humiliation, or intimidation of each other, yout volunteers, or the public. prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability. No Employee shall engage in behavior that violates Title VI of the Civil as amended, which prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, orientation, or national origin. No Employee shall engage in behavior that violates the Age Discriminati< amended, which prohibits discrimination on the basis of age. Questions Regarding Assignment Employees in doubt as to the nature or detail of their assignment shall seek such i their supervisors by going through the chain of command. 900.08 1. 2. Dereliction of Duty ile work in the program, . No employee shall engage in behavior that violates The Rehabilitation Act of 1973 that {ights act of 1964, zed, sexual )n Act of 1975 as klonnation from Dereliction of duty by any employee is prohibited and shall be grounds for disciplinary action, corrective actions, and or termination. Dereliction of duty shall include but not be limited to: a. Failure to obey lawful orders, willful or repeated violation of any and or non-compliance of the policies and procedures of the Ranch. b. Failure to make a proper report of violations investigated, observed 0. Abuse of sick leave 112 ales, regulations, or reported d. Being absent without authorized leave, including failure to report for duty at the time and place of duty or leaving a place of assignment without authorization without proper relief Cowardice or failure to support fellow workers or perform duties Sleeping while on duty Failure to comply with required training requirements Neglect of duty or poor quality performance r-P?qorm because of fear. Displaying reluctance to prOperly perform assigned duties, or acting in a manner tending to bring discredit upon employees of the Ranch; failing to assume responsibility or exercise diligence and interest in pursuit of dutie s; or di3playing a lack of enthusiasm of such character as to amount to incompetence. j. Failure of a supervisor to immediately take action when a violation of law or Ranch rules and regulations comes to his/her attention 900.10 Insubordination 1. Failure or refusal of any employee to obey a lawful order, given by a supervisor, shall be insubordination 2. Employees refusing to give supervisor information, orally or in writing, concerning fact, events, or circumstances regarding an incident involving themselves or insubordination. 900.12 Sleeping on Duty ther is 1. Sleeping on duty shall be considered dereliction of duty and may be grounds for disciplinary actions, corrective actions, and or termination. a: Liv?nap! is nu4?rAJhr.An n?wlw .L- mm f. ?m 2. Sleeping on duty in security positions may endanger the security of staff and youth, and shall therefore be grounds for dismissal. 3. Any employee who has dif?culty staying awake shall immediately contact his immediate supervisor. 900.14 Fitness for Duty 1. Any employee reporting for, or on duty, who is un?t for duty because of emotional instability or physical disability, shall be relieved of duty and a written report forwarded through the chain of command to the Program Director. 2. Employees shall be emotionally and physically ?t to perform their assigned duties at an optimal level that does not hinder their performance, or cause the security of the facility to be at risk. 900.16 Relief from Duty 1. All employees are to remain on their assignment and on duty until properly relieved by another employee, until dismissed by competent authority, or until completion of assigned shift. 2. If not properly relieved by another employee at the completion of assigned shift, the employee shall not leave his/her position uncovered. 3. The employee, if not relieved, shall contact his/her immediate supervisor and await instructions. 900.18 alsification of Reports and Records 1. Employees shall submit such reports as are required by the performance of their duties or by competent authority. 2. No employee shall knowingly falsify any of?cial report or enter or cause to be entered any inaccurate, false or improper information on the book, records or register the Ranch. . No employee shall knowingly and intentionally prepare, sign and or submit a false report, statement, or af?davit. 900.20 Withholding Criminal Information Employees receiving or possessing facts, information or evidence relative to a criminal offense abuse or neglect, or case shall report the information or evidence to supervisory or administrative staff. 114 900.22 Ranch Property Regulations 1. Employees are reSponsible for the proper care of Ranch property and equipment assigned to them. Damaged or lost property may subject the responsible individual to reimbursement charges and/or appropriate disciplinary actions. 2. All employees will notify their immediate supervisor in writing of any defects or hazardous conditions existing in any Ranch equipment or property. 3. Employees shall not appropriate for their own use, any Ranch property, evidence, or found or recovered property. 4. Employees are required to surrender all Ranch property issued to them upon separation from the Ranch. 900.24 Purchases 1. No employee shall incur a liability chargeable against the Ranch, without proper authorization. 2. When authorized purchases are made, receipts and/or invoices will be obtained on each purchase, signed by the employee making the purchase, and turned in to the preper authority in a timely manner. 900.26 Equipment All equipment shall be maintained in good working order, be kept clean and con?orm to Ranch speci?cations, and utilized for the use of the Ranch, Employees? shall not use an Ranch equipment for personal use. 900.28 Truthfulness 1. Upon the order of the Program Director, his designee or a supervisor, employees shall truthfully answer all questions speci?cally directed and narrowly related to the scope of employment and operations of the Ranch that may be asked of them. 2. Employees who fail to answer questions, or who answer questions untrutlifully after being given immunity from criminal prosecution, shall be subject to dismissal. I 900.30 Unlawful Orders 1. No employee shall knowingly issue any order, which is in violation of an statute, ordinance, or Ranch rule, or order. 115 2. Obedience to any unlawful order is never a defense for an unlawful action; therefore, no employee is required to obey an order that is contrary to any law. 900.32 Duty Hours Regular hours of duty shall be assigned to each employee. Employees shall be considered ?off duty? during other hours. An employee, although technically ?off duty? shall always take action on any matter coming to his/her attention for which he/she is competent and authorized to respond. In meeting the requirements of this regulation, employees shall not exceed authority of their Ranch worker status. 900.34 Tardiness 1. All employees shall be punctual in reporting for duty and/or other assigninents. 2. Employees are expected to be on shift on time and ready for work. Attendance records will be renewed every quarter. The warnings area 5 follows: 13? Verbal warning, written up, 3rd suspension, 4th possible termination. 900.36 Absence from Duty Every employee who fails to appear for duty at the time and place speci?ed with ut the consent of competent authority is ?Absent without proper consent.? Such absences shall be reported, in writing, to the Program Director by the employee?s supervisor. 900.38 Physical Fitness All employees of the Ranch shall maintain themselves in good physical condition to the extent that the ability to perform their job is not impaired. 900.40 Use of Alcohol 1. Employees are prohibited from consuming or otherwise using intoxicants while on duty. 2. Employees shall not consume alcohol or other intoxicants while either on or off duty on Ranch property, or property used by the Ranch?s af?liated programs. Employees shall not consume alcohol in a Ranch owned or leased vehicle, nor operate a Ranch owned or leased vehicle while under the in?uence of an alcoholic beverage or other intoxicant. 4. Any supervisor who has reasonable suspicion that an employee is impaired while on duty as a result of consumption of alcohol or other intoxicants shall relieve from duty the individual involved. i b) 116 900.42 Use or Possession of Drugs 1. 2. 3. The odor of an alcoholic beverage on an employee?s breath shall be reasonable grounds for a supervisor to relieve from duty the employee involved. Employees who consume or otherwise use intoxicants while off duty shal any activity, including the operation of a motor vehicle which results in laws or state statutes or local ordinances, or which will reasonably tend tc the Ranch. Any employee called to respond to an emergency situation that has been 1 which may impair job performance, shall so inform the caller at the time ask to be excused from responding to the emergency. If this request is de supervisor shall assume responsibility for the employee and the employee harmless so far as violation of this policy is concerned. ll not participated in iolation of federal bring discredit to using intoxicants of the request and nied the employee?s shall be held Any employee violating provisions of this section shall be subject to appropriated disciplinary action, including dismissal The supervisor shall also rely on other documented observations of impai slurred speech, changed in demeanor common to intoxication, staggering, ambulation. Employees shall not possess or use any controlled substance except when rment such as or other affected prescribed in the treatment of employees by a licensed physician or dentist or as their tour of duty requires. When controlled substances are prescribed, employees shall notify their supervisor of this fact before beginning a work shift. Except for medications prescribed to the employee, no employee shall sto re or bring into the Ranch?s facility or vehicle, or private vehicle used to transport youth enro controlled substances except those or any which are held as evidence. 900.44 Abuse of Position 1. [led in the Ranch, Employees shall not use their of?cial position or of?cial identi?cation carids for: a. Personal or Financial gain b. Obtaining privileges not otherwise available to them, except in performance of duty ll7 c. Avoiding consequences of illegal acts. Employees shall not sell, barter, trade or otherwise pro?t by the release of information or knowledge gained primarily as a consequence of their experience as an employee of the Ranch. All written material submitted to professional journals or other publications must be submitted to the Program Director prior to release. All Employees shall read, acknowledge their understanding of, and sign a non-compete and non-disclosure agreement to insure the safety and con?dentiality of the information that an employee may gain. Employees who accept invitations to address special interest groups, conferences, conventions, etc., where the responsibility is clear to present informationyregarding any dimension of operations of the Ranch, must advise their immediate superivisor. The acceptance of a per diem, award and/or honorarium for providing a jervice to any group or organization outside of the Ranch is permissible providing; a. The Program Director has given prior authorization b. Such services, including preparation, are performed while the em loyee is on authorized leave or during hours for which they are clearly not be ng compensated by the Ranch. Employees may accept gifts and gratuity form the private sector or other outside of the Ranch providing: a. The gift or gratuity is traditional, customary and generally provid by the outside party (such items as pens with the company logo, calendars, note ads, paperweights, and other similar items of inconsequential value shall be acceptab b. The community cash value of such gifts shall not exceed statutory limits 900.46 Impartial Attitude 1. 2. All employees while charged with vigorous and dedicated execution of duties must conduct themselves impartially toward all persons coming to the Ranch. All citizens are guaranteed equal protection under the law. Exhibiting partiality for or against a person because of race, creed, gender, color or in?uence is cond ct unbecoming for an employee. 118 900.48 Commercial Testimonials 1. Employees shall not permit their names or photographs to be used to endorse any product or service contrary to the Ranch, which in any way is connected with of?cial duties, without the permission of the Program Director, who receives prior authorization from the Head of the Board of Directors. 2. Employees shall not, without permission of the Program Director, allow their names or photographs to be used in any commercial testimonial, which alludes to their positions or employment with the Ranch. 900.50 Association Employees shall not knowingly visit, enter a house of prostitution, gambling house, or other establishment wherein the laws of the United States, the State or local jurisdiction are regularly violated and cause to bring discredit to the Ranch. 900.52 Interaction with Youth 1. Employees shall not develop inappropriate relationships with youth. Appropriated relationships are encouraged mentoring and tutoring) but before engaging in these relationships, the immediate supervisor will be informed in writing of the intent and purpose and the Youth?s case manager must be consulted and give written approvial of the relationship. Employees shall not compromise security as a result of pommunication or interaction with youth. 2 Employees shall not accept loans, gi?s, gratuities, or other favors from y'puth. Employees shall not loan money or other property to youth, nor grant special favors. Nor shall employees borrow money or other property from youth. Employees shall not purchase, nor bargain for, items belonging to youth, items to youth. No employee shall discuss with any other employee or youth in the Randlh, that actions of any other employee except when required as part of job performance. It is prohibited to discuss the Ranch program or personal business with uth. Proper caution should be exercised by employees at all times concerning what is said, whom it is said, and who can overhear. An employee will not be permitted to take youth out of the Ranch for an reason except that which is a part of carrying out their employee?s duties. nor shall they sell ll9 900.54 Prohibited Youth Relationships i l. 5. 900.56 Unsatisfactory Performance Staff should not bring food, drinks, valuables, property, clothing, or anyt. for challenges, bets, competitions or the distribution of such for favors 01 Employees will bring their concerns to the attention of their supervisor ii hing that has value blackmailing. ~they have reason to believe that any of the following situations have arisen or might arise: a. Development of inappropriate relationships with youth, their family?s and/or their friends. b. A con?ict of interest situation and/or any situation from which personal gain may be I obtained. c. Questions arising from personal loyalties, beliefs, or values that impair professional judgment or independence. Any act or conduct which establishes, maintains or promotes an employ with a youth or the youth?s immediate family which is outside the color personal bene?t or gain which compromises an employee?s professional Immediate family shall include a parent, spouse, son, daughter, brother, or close in-law. Such prohibited conduct includes but is not limited to: a. Any business dealing or arrangements between staff and a youth Sponsoring a youth for special activities such as home visits, outings, et sponsored and approved activities. Supervising or sponsoring a youth or employing any youth for personal: work projects on personal property with or without pay, home visits, etc authorization from the supervisor. ee?s relationship of employment for role is prohibited. sister, grandparents, ?s immediate family 0., other than Ranch gain or bene?t i.e. ., absent prior Exception to this subsection must be approved in writing by the supervisor. i 1. Employees shall maintain suf?cient competency to properly perform th l'r duties and assume the responsibilities of their position. Employees shall perform their duti in a manner that will maintain appropriate standards of ef?ciency and effectiveness in 0 functions and objectives of the Ranch. i Employees shall not engage in any off duty activity that lowers their abil duties and obligationsperform their . ulna). -4 44-, . 4.35.; 1 ?my: an n' A in): 3. Unsatisfactory performance may be demonstrated by a lack of knowled of the application of rules required to be enforced, an unwillingness or inability to perfo assigned tasks, the failure to conform to work standards established for the employee?s gr e, or positions, the failure to take appropriate action on the occasion of crime, disorder or 0 or conditions deserving o??icial attention, or absence without proper approval 4. UnsatisfactOry performance may include but not be limited to the following: 900.58 Payment of Debts l. 900.60 Bringing Unauthorized Items into the Facility 1. 2. a. Repeated unsatisfactory performance evaluations b. Repeated violations of rules, regulations, directives or orders of the Ranch. An isolated incident of ?nancial irresponsibility will not be grounds for disciplinary action, unless the amount is signi?cant. However, repeated incidents of irresponsible ?nancial dif?culty may be cause for disciplinary actions. Financial di?icuities stemming from unforeseen medicai expenses or personal disasters shall not be cause of discipline provided that a good faith effort to settle all accounts is being undertaken. The Ranch is in no position to determine the validity of a creditor?s claim against an employee, and supervisor shall not become involved in any non-adj udicated claim of the indebtedness. Supervisors shall not place themselves under ?nancial obligation to an employee. Also, employees shall not place themselves in ?nancial obligation to their supervisor. Unauthorized items such as lighters, matches, cigarettes, tobacco, and of value should not be brought into the facility by any employee. Unauthorized personal items shall not be taken into or ?-om the Ranch or rogram except those items that are necessary in the performance of any employee?s dutieg. Items of food, drinks, clothing, cellular phones, money, keys, and anything of value mus be in the care and control of the employee, and should not be distributed to any of the Youth; in the program for any reason at all, unless approval and authorization is granted by the Progiam Director. Tape recorders and cameras shall not be allowed by persons entering the facility except for those being used by employee personnel for job or activity related duties. ELawyers, social workers, the media and other persons granted access must have authorization from the Program Director or the governing Administration. 3 i 121 4. Use of tape recorders and cameras will be limited to approved job related functions. Any tape or video recording of a youth in the Ranch other than relating to an of?cial investigation, training or treatment is expressly prohibited. An entry shall be made in the youth?s ?le regarding the purpose and use of the tape or recording. 900.62 Endangering Conduct by Facility Staff 1. Any act or conduct which constitutes a threat to the safety, welfare or hedlth of self or others or which substantially threatens the safety, security or control of the Rancih?s Facility or contracted programs prohibited. 2. Such prohibited conduct includes but is not limited to: a. Improper use of equipment, material or supplies. b. Creating or contributing to unsanitary or unsafe conditions c. The unauthorized use or possession of ?rearms, explosive or incendiary devices, or speci?c parts of the same, on Ranch property, in contracted programs or while on duty. d. The transporting, use or possession of any youth?s preperty mate als or supplies, including letters, except as authorized within an employee?s dutie and provided such items are being managed consistent with established practice and rocedures. e. The unauthorized use, possession or duplication of any locking orgrestraining device or key f. The unauthorized use or the misuse of of?cial Ranch identi?cation, including but not limited to picture identi?cation. 5 5 900.64 Interference with Ranch Business I 1. Any act or conduct, which interferes with Ranch business or work activiti' s, or substantially distracts or disrupts any employee in the performance of duties, is prohibited. 2. Such prohibited conduct includes, but is not limited to: a. The unauthorized use of Ranch owned or managed property or facilities b. The distribution or posting of any written or printed material, withbut prior authorization. i 122 900.66 Unlawful Conduct 1. Such prohibited conduct includes, but is not limited toemployee is under investigation for unlawful conduct by any law er the Ranch shall not be precluded from engaging in an administrative inve imposing disciplinary sanctions up to and including discharge. Engaging in any activity or business not related with the Ranch either personally or as an agent of any other agency or organization on property owned 0 Ranch, or while on work time, without prior authorization. managed by the The removal or altering of any posted information without prior authorization Employees engaging in a con?ict of interest, or working with other competing businesses, programs, or schools of direct or indirect likeness. The misuse or unauthorized possession and/or use of Ranch property or the property of any person, including the theft, distribution, destruction or damage of such property. The unauthorized user distribution, including the falsi?cation, modi?cation, or destruction of any Ranch record or document The unauthorized distribution of con?dential, private or privilege Inducing or directing any employee in the Ranch?s service or any :1 information other person to commit any act which constitutes a wrongful practice, including threatening, coercing or harassing any person or the giving or receiving of money or any other goods, services or considerations in exchange for personal gain except where such practices are lawfully provided. Gambling fraud, gambling promotion, possessing a gambling dev con?dence games. The conviction of any criminal act. ice or record or [forcement agency, :stigation and/or 3. Participating in unlawful conduct or knowingly permitting any unlawful iconduct upon or in any facility building or other real property owned, rented, under the control of, or licensed by the Ranch whether in whole or part is prohibited and may result in disciplinary sanctions up to and including discharge. 123 900.68 Outside Compensation Employees shall not receive outside compensation for their performance of Randh duties except in cases of: i 1. Awards for meritorious public contribution publicly awarded. 2. Receipt of honoraria or expenses paid for papers, talks, demonstrations appearances made by employees with the approval of the administrative authority, or on th 'r own time for which they are compensated by the Ranch, and which are not prohibited these rules. Receipt of usual social amenities, ceremonial gifts or insubstantial advertising gifts. 4. When an employee is required by the responsibilities of their position to take an action or make a decision which could be interpreted as a con?ict of interest, the employee shall declare the potential con?ict and may be excused by the administrative authority from so acting. 900.70 Outside Employment 1. No full?time employee of the Ranch shall accept any part-time, full-time {employment or self- employment of any kind that results in a direct con?ict of interest. 2. There are several factors that determine if there is a con?ict of interest. one of these factors by itself may constitute a con?ict: a. Being engaged in work for an outside employer during the same ours one is scheduled to be working for the Ranch. b. Disclosing information acquired by reason of Ranch position for ersonal or another?s private gain or bene?t c. Using, or attempting to use, Ranch position to secure special privileges or exemption for self or others d. Accepting employment that would impair independence of judgnient in the performance of public duties. e. Engaging in a business venture or organization, this is conducting business with the Ranch or setting up outside sources competing with Ranch likend?s for another or oneself. f. Utilizing the Ranch?s resources and/or materials for purposes oth?r than those required in the position held with the Ranch. g. Finding oneself incapable of performing at full capacity in the Ranch position assigned because of fatigue, anxiety, or other impairments caused by outside employment. 124 G. Finding oneself incapable of performing at full capacity in thegAcademy position assigned because of fatigue, anxiety, or other impairments caused by outside employment. 3. Employees may utilize vacation leave for personal bene?t, but they shall request and receive prior approval for such leave. 4. It is the responsibility of Academy?s employees to ensure that they are} not, or will not become, involved in any con?ict-of?interest situations. 5 5. Employees involved in, or who are contemplating employment for compensation outside their employment with the Academy either from another employer or self-employment, must prepare a written statement to the Academy?s Executive Office through their appropriate Program Director. The statement will describe the nature of the outside employment, the number of hours involved, and will speci?cally detail how con?icts of interest will be avbided. The Academy?s Executive Of?ce will respond in writing to the employee?s statement. New Horizons Youth Academy, LLC. . Policies and Procedures Sign off Sheet I, have read and understand the Policies and Procedures of New Horizons Youth Academy, LLC. I agree to abide by them and, should it come to my attention that my actions are not in accordance with the Policies and Procedures, I understand that New Horizons Youth Academy will be released from any liability that may result, and any activities or acts that may come to my attention that is not in harmony with the Policies and Procedures which have been outlined I will report it to my supervisor immediately. Employee Name (printed) Signature Date Program Director Signature Date 126 R501-2-11 Emergency Plans 96 R501-2-ll Emergency Plans 1) Program has a written plan of action for disaster and casualties to include the following: 2) 4) a) Designation for authority and staff assignments i) Designation of authority shall always go to the Program Director, however if the Program Director is unavailable, then the Assistant Program Director shall assume authority, and it they are not available then it shall follow the chain of command down until it reaches the presiding Supervisor or Case Manager. Plan for Evacuation i) The plans for evacuation on emergency situations are posted on the walls near exiting doors. Transportation and relocation of consumers when necessary i) A staff member who is authorized to drive the Ranch vehicles, and has passed the defensive driving course shall always conduct transportation or relocation of students during an emergency. Supervision of consumers after evacuation or relocation i) Supervision of students shall always be performed by Ranch staff after evacuation or relocation, until the staff is properly relieved by another staff who has been informed of the current situation. Program informs consumers how to respond to ?re warnings and other instructions for life safety at least once every six months by a trained staff who is quali?ed in explaining these areas of emergencies. Program has written plan which personnel follows in medical emergencies and arrangements for medical care, including noti?cation of consumers? physician, and nearest relative or guardian. Personal information for emergency contact information can be found in the ?Enrollment Agreement? contract that shall be in the Program Director?s of?ce ?les. Death, serious illness, or injury of Student or Staff at the Program shall be reported within 24 hours to the guardian of the student and the Office of Licensing. d) 97 R501-2-3. Governance 16 A. The Governing body (which can be referred to under or Adminis Horizons Youth Ranch is responsible for and has authority over the policies, monitoring of sta? and consumer activities for ALL phases of the program. the following: 1) The Program Administration has procedures that include requirements employees. The program employs, promotes, retains, and terminates em loyees, including contractual employees in harmony with written Policies and Procedures. 2) New Horizons Youth Ranch will comply with all laws, applicable local, speci?cally include equal employment opportunities and af?rmative acti programs. The Governing Body of New Horizons Youth Ranch will notify the O??i of Licensing of any changes in the program administration and purpose through an Org 'zational Chart and a current staff roster with each staff members phone number, with also a evised and updated Policy and Procedures manual for changes that are made to the Purpose New Horizons Youth Ranch and or services offered within the time frame of 30 days. 0 Program Changes: Any changes made in the program of the Ranch 3) 4) The Governing Body will have procedures that ensure the program is Fisc Operationally sound through the following economical matters: Governance stration) of New training, and They will include contractual tate, and by the Program Director, who must receive unanimous authorization from the Management Of?cers or Board Members of New Horizons Youth Ranch who mush insure that policies and procedures of the Ranch maintain consistency the State of Montana Division of Licensing. Guardians of each youth and harmony with enrolled understand that the Ranch will make changes in staf?ng, program content, and services at their sole discretion. Therefore, the Ranch does not accept responsibility for services written in sales material, or brochures as such materials may be outdated or may become outdated as changes occur during the youth?s enrollment. The Ranch does not accept responsibility for any services represented orally by any of its program staff or public relations personnel, as any oral representation can often lead to misunderstanding. The Guardians also understand and agree that the Ranch makes no promise in terms of outcome or results. If there is any speci?c service that the Guardians feel is imperative to the decision to admit, they should list such services and have them approved by the Administrator, in writing, before admittance. Use of vouchers Signature control on checks Budget reviews, revisions, and development Petty cash Employee expense reimbursement Audits on Program (all ?nancial records are subject to audit in accepted auditing procedures.) g. Internal controls, which is a system to account for all income/r expenditures runs-.0 1. All Financial records are subject to audit in accordance auditing procedures 2. Our facility shall maintain ?nancial records that meet 17 :ally and harmony, with evenue and with accepted atisfactory accounting standards and are available to the State?s au1 itor. Records shall be retained for three years or until audit has been ompleted by the State?s auditor. 3. There shall be a procedure to provide insurance covera to the facility, i either through private companies or as a self-insurer. 4. There shall be a policy and procedure to provide comp nsation, within reasonable limits, to employees and volunteers who ha personal property damaged or destroyed by residents in the pro am. 5. The facility administration has a procedure to hold less and protect all employees whose duties include care, education, tre tment, or supervision of youth from ?nancial loss arising out of claim or judgment occurring as a result of alleged negligence 'ch results in :9 personal injury to youth; however, acts must be within scope of the employee?s duties and not the result of fraud, malice, 0 gross negligence. 6. There shall be procedures that govern inventory contro of property, stores, and other assets, also procedures that govern the reque and purchase of supplies and equipment. 7. The Program Director and his/her governing authoritie shall meet with the Head Schoolmaster of New Horizons Youth Ranch i-annually to insure that student forms and educational forms are up 0 date and de?nes and identi?es: 1) Lines of Authority 2) Responsibilities of all staff 1 3) Adequate staf?ng The Organizational Chart Roles of Responsibilities are broken down as follows: 18 Organizational Chart Roles of Responsibilities: Management Of?cers: The Management Officers are responsible for making 5 of the company is running correctly, that it is in compliance with all local, state, The Management Officers have the ?nal say in all aspects of the business conce 'ng any matter that has come before them. In the line of authority; they are the head of the Compan . Management Officers are responsible fore the budget and accounting expenditures and incom of New Horizons Youth Ranch, LLC. Policies and Procedures are implemented only through the Of?cers, on a unanimous decision basis. the business end (1 federal laws. responsibilities, ensure the safety of the students, and that the Program is compli contracts with the parents (Enrollment Agreement). The Program Director is als in charge of making sure that the students are treated fairly, if any Staff Supervisor has any pr blems or complaints; they take it to the Assistant Program Director. If the Staff has any co cems about the Staff Supervisor, they take them to Superior Supervisors, then Assistant Director available, then ?nally the Program Director if there is an unresolved issue, as a last resort. The rogram Director is responsible for insuring, updated certi?cations for all staff as far as CPR, First Ai e, Food Handlers Permit (when applicable), Mandt training/ PCS training, Cleared staff co pliance with Policies and Procedures - with sign off sheet of Policies and Procedures. Organi staff training and reviews for compliance with State standards. And ensure that Interstate Compac for out-of-state students are taken care of. The Program Director shall give each parent a phone all on the initial intake of a new student that comes into the Ranch, to brie?y explain the Program of the Ranch, and to let the parent?s know we are excited to have their child in the Program. This one call is simply to open lines of communication with the parents, and to ensure they have made a reat choice in sending their son to us. This call should be only 5-10 minutes. Assistant Program Director: The Assistant Program Director is to assist the Pr ?gram Director in all of his/her duties, and assume all reSponsibilities of the Program Director in hi er absence. The Assistant Directors are responsible for the scheduling of staff for shift coverage, far as work schedule. Their primary jurisdiction is over the Staff Supervisors in ensuring that they carry out their duties and assignments. If issues and disputes are unresolved by the Staff pervisors, they then are within the jurisdiction of the Assistant Program Director. The Assistant rogram Director is to report all unresolved issues, complaints or concerns to the Program Director f0 action. The Assistant Program Director is to maintain a written report on the work ethic, issu or concerns, and unresolved problems by their Staff Supervisors concerning staff whom they are 0 er. All staff within the jurisdiction of the Assistant Program Director must resolve all issues through chain of command before it comes to the attention of the Assistant Program Director, then inaily the Program Director. 1 Staff Supervisor: The Staff Supervisor oversees all Staff under their jurisdiction and properly resolves problems or issues. They are to make sure that the Staff under their juris iction has their proper permits and training. If the students have a complaint about a Staff memb r, they take it to their Case Manager, who then should address it with their Staff Supervisor. If the Staff has any questions, they take them to the Staff Supervisor. Staff Supervisors are also respo sible for the orientation procedure for each new student into the Program (completely checkin clothing, luggage, 19 and personal items for contraband) and assigning the student to a speci?c Family Group, and ensure that the student understand all of the rules and expectations of the Program, and gives the student their student handbook. Everything must be resolved through the Chain of Command without neglecting the Direct Line of Authority. The Staff Supervisors are to maintain a written report of how well the Case Managers within their jurisdiction carry out their duties (good or bad). They shall check on the communication between their Case Managers with the parents with whom they work with to insure proper updates and the con?dentiality of the program, staff, and other students, and to insure privileged information that is within non-disclosure is upheld. Case Managers: Case Managers are responsible for a speci?ed ?Family Group? of student in which they will work with. Family Groups will consist of 6-8 students in a Family. Case Managers are the Senior Staff Members in the Chain of Command. They are responsible the reporting of the student?s daily points with the discussion of their Team Staff Member; main daily progress notes of their students. Case Managers shall handle weekly phone reports when informing parents of the progress of the students with whom they are responsible for when parents make their weekly phone call. They shall give a report to the parents of their child that discusses the progress of the student Academically, Therapeutically, Behaviorally, Point and Level Status, any problems or discrepancies, and overall progress. These speci?c phone calls shall last (20 minutes only) and be made on a pre-arranged time schedule that the parents should follow when calling. Case Managers must refrain from giving personal information of other Students, Staff Members, Population, Therapeutic Advice or counsel when it comes to parents ors students, con?dential information or experiences with other students, events, activities, or mishaps that are not directly dealing with the speci?ed child of the parent in whom they are communicating with. Case Managers are to maintain proper updates and the con?dentiality of the program, staff, and other students, and to insure that privileged information that is within non?disclosure is never released. Case Managers are responsible for verbally making the Staff Supervisors aware of how the Staff Members are working and carrying out their responsibilities. Case Managers are responsible for resolving issues and problems with Staff Members with whom they work directly. Case Managers should take all unresolved issues or concerns they have with the Staff Members to their Staff Supervisor. Case Managers shall be responsible for making a Written Report when getting weekly pdated Verbal Reports from the Head Schoolmaster for each student?s schooling and the Clinica Director for each student?s Therapeutic Progress in whom they are responsible for in passing the in ormation on to the parents. Staff Members: Staff Members are referred to as ull-tirne or Part-time Staff mbers. Staff Members work with the student from day to day along side with the Case Manag r. They are in charge of making sure that the students complete all their assignments, keep the cility clean, bedrooms and bathrooms clean. They can also settle minor diSputes between the tudents with the assistance of the Case Manager. The Staff Members also assign Disciplinary Acti ns to the students as stated in the New Horizons Student Handbook, and ensure student compliance 'th Rules and Regulations within the New Horizons Student Handbook. Staff Members assum responsibility for full supervision of the students with whom they are responsible for when Case agers are busy with their responsibilities or in their absence, therefore in such circumstances, sta in restricted area where students and situation are easily manageable. Staff Member?s primary res onsibility is supervision, protection, and safety of students, and the enforcement of student ml 5 and regulations. Staff Members shall insure the security of the building, and insuring the safe envi onment for other staff, and students within the Ranch in the facility, on activities, work projects, an events. 20 Cooks: The Cook?s responsibility is over all functions and duties within the kitc follow the approved menu and directions for recipes for meals that are to be pre; the students and staff of the Program. Cooking any food belonging to the Ranch scheduled on the menu is not allowed. Any staff bringing any food from home t1 will not be permitted and does not give access to the kitchen. All cooking equipl or anything belonging to the kitchen of the Ranch must always stay at the Ranch Director and the Cooks are the only ones who are authorized to be in the kitchen Members, including Case Managers, Supervisors, Assistant Program Directors, '1 Head Schoolmaster, or students are allowed to be in the kitchen. Therefore all re concerning the safe keeping of kitchen appliances insuring that all kitchen cookil tools, and chemicals are all locked up when not in use or when the Cook is no 10 If anything is not in place or is missing from the kitchen, the responsibility will for the speci?c shift in which the situation happened. The Head Coo shall have ordering food and needed equipment for the kitchen that must be approved by th 0 [1 :hen. They are to Jared and served to that is not cook in the kitchen nent, utensils, food The Program No other Sta?? Therapist, Teachers, :sponsibilities rig utensils, cleaning ger in the kitchen. 'all upon the Cook budget for Program Director on a consistent basis, with a proof of receipt for veri?cation. At NO ?lm should this duty be abused for personal use, and abusing this duty is grounds for termination. Cooks shoul always insure that all cupboards, cabinets, drawers, and doors are locked at all times. Each Cook 5 ould understand that anything in the kitchen can be used as contraband or weapon, therefore it Cooks responsibility to insure all kitchen appliances, utensils, food, and cleaning mate 'al are locked up. Each Cook is responsible for cleaning up after each meal that is served, and pu 'ng away all dishes, appliances, left over food that should be labeled with the name of what it is, and keep your keys in your pocket at all times. . . Never leave them lying around. date. Always to anyone not authorized to be in the kitchen. The Program Director and the Co ks are the ONLY ones authorized to be in the kitchen. The kitchen is completely off-limits to all 0 personnel, or anyone employed or contracted by the Ranch. Work Crew Supervisor: The Work Crew Supervisor is responsible for making crew has work to do or activities that are compliant with Local and State Laws, er staff, ure that the work hich do not go against Child Abuse Labor Laws. They are also responsible for ensuring the stu ents? safety while on work crew, and maintaining constant supervision of all youth on the crew. ure that all work crew projects are safe and productive to guarantee a positive behavior managem nt experience. Ensure that all youth maintain proper hydration during all work crew projects. maintain an upbeat and positive attitude while student is on work crew. (This is position) Head Schoolmaster: The Head Schoolmaster is responsible for insuring that the its academic accreditation with the current accrediting agency. The Head Schooli responsible for retrieving the students? information (transcripts or other necessary their previous schools. They are also in charge of preparing schedules for subject should cover, supplying schoolbooks, and ensuring that each student is working t1 G.E.D. The Head Schoolmaster has the ?nal say in the Educational planning pror implementing ideas, curriculum, requirements, and course of study for each stude Schoolmaster is the head of all Teaching staff. The Head Schoolmaster shall insu have the proper curriculum for the subjects they are responsible for teaching. On departure from the Ranch, and back into their home High School, the Head Schoc responsible for giving the student?s home school the current up to date transcripts 21 ould always ot a drill sergeant Ranch maintains naster is information) from in which teachers award a diploma or :ess as far as nt. The Head re that all teachers a student?s rlmaster is for credits they have earned while enrolled here at the Ranch. The Head Schoolmaster is to ens that all students within the Academy are receiving the educational Program that they require and eed to properly carry on their continued schooling. The Head Schoolmaster shall be responsible or a weekly verbal updated educational report on each student of the Ranch to update the Case Man ers for their weekly phone conversations with the student?s parents. The Head Schoohnaster hall give each parent a phone call on the initial intake of a new student that comes into the Ranc to brie?y explain the educational program that the ranch provides, and to let the parent?s know we their child in the program. This phone call is simply to open lines of communicat excited to have ion with the parents, and to ensure they have made a great choice in sending their son to us. This call should be only 5-10 minutes. School Teachers: The School Teacher works with the students on the speci?ed curriculum for which they are certi?ed or assigned. They shall give the students? assignments, g1 sure the students complete assignments properly, answer any questions the studen schoolwork, and report the academic needs of the student to the Head Schoolmast rade papers, make ts have about er. They shall insure that the requirements for each of their students are being met according to the New Horizons Youth Ranch core curriculum, which maintains compliance with the Montana State Board of Education. *If the Case Manager needs information, (Only when the Head School [master is unavailable) the School teacher shall give a brief (verbal or written) educational report to the Case manager of each student once (1) a week, so the Case Manager can report it to the student. Each School Teacher?s primary responsibility is to carry out the prescrib for each student that is prepared by the Head Schoolmaster. Clinical Director: The Clinical Director shall insure that the Therapist to whom accountable and responsible fore meets with the students at least once a week for parent?s of the ed educational plan they are Individual Therapy Sessions. They are in charge of the therapeutic process. They can make recommendations as to how long a student should stay in the program, (however the Enrollment Agreement tal kes precedence, along with the Program Director). They can also determine whether or not a student should be promoted to a higher level, as they work side-by-side with the student?s treatment includes (Program Director, Case Manager, Therapist, Sta?? Supervisor, and other along with the parents of that particular student). The Clinical Director shall also Treatment Plans and Weekly Progress Notes are written and recorded by their The individual therapy and overseeing group sessions. The Clinical Director is to ensr within the ranch are receiving the Therapeutic Treatment that they require and nee team which staff as needed, insure that rapist handling ire that all students (1 for proper recover. The Clinical Director shall be responsible for a weekly verbal updated therapeutic report on each student of the ranch for which therapy treatment is provided to update the their weekly phone conversations with the student?s parents. The Clinical Direct Case Managers for shall give each parent a phone call on the initial intake of a new student that comes into the Ranc to brie?y explain the treatment program that the ranch provides, and to let the parent?s know we arel excited to have their child in the program. This phone call is simply to open lines of communicat on with the parents, and to ensure they have made a great choice in sending their son to us. only 5?10 minutes. '5 call should be When a new student is admitted into the program, there shall be three (3) distin phone calls made to the parents of that student by the (1) Program Director, (2) Clinical Director, (3 and Head Schoolmaster. 22 Therapist: Therapist shall be over all therapy sessions that are given to them the Clinical Director. They must have the appropriate licensing and credentials to carry out type of therapy and treatment they shall provide to both the youth and parents they work with. hey shall oversee all group therapy sessions that are handled by any staff member. They shall pro ide family therapy sessions and individual therapy sessions for students in the program that are con racted to have treatment. They shall insure that proper written documentation concerning the eatrnent plan, therapy notes, and recommendations for each student receiving therapy or treat ent is recorded and ?led. The shall insure that proper evaluations are administe ed concerning medication and treatment. They must maintain current credentials and licensing for the duties they shall perform. They may make medication adjustments, reductions or eliminate them completely with consent of the Program Director and parental approval. Nurse: The Nurse shall be responsible for the proper administration of medication which is to be distributed and administered to speci?ed students within the program who are prescribed medication. They shall look out for the physical health of each student in the program, concerning illnesses, hydration, medications, and injuries. They are responsible for the correct medication distribution, and shall insure that all medication given to each student who is given a prescription is only acted upon through direct orders of a written prescription by the licensed E. The Governing body of New Horizons Youth Ranch is composed of the management of?cers and the Program Director who shall meet bi-annually for formal meetings, which shall include operational discussions for New Horizons Youth Ranch. Written Operating Agreement has been established, and written minutes of formal meetings are kept, which are available for review by the Of?ce of Licensing of the State of Montana. Written minutes of formal meetings shall include, but not limited to the following: 3 1. Attendance 2. Date 3. Agenda Items, and 4. Actions 23 *PersonnelAll employees will have access to a written copy of the current DHS rovider Code of Conduct, to which they will read acknowledge that they understand, sign off af?rming that they will be compliant to the rules, regulations, proced es, and polices of the DHS Provider Code of Conduct. The Documented compliance sh et should be kept in each employees ?le. The facility administration has written personnel policies and proced es, including provisions for contractual employees, which are approved by the Of? of Licensing. The facility employs, retains, promotes, and terminates employees, in luding contractual employees, in accordance with written personnel policies and proced es. The facility complies with all laws and governmental regulatory requi ements related to employment and personnel practices, to speci?cally include equal em loyment opportunities and af?rmative actions programs, which have been by the appropriate governmental agencies. Each staff will come to know and understand the Policy and Procedur 5 manual, which covers, at a minimum: organization, recruitment policies and proced 5; employment practices and procedures, including in-service training; promotion; jo quali?cations, descriptions, and responsibilities; grievance procedures; employee ev uation; physical ?tness policy; personnel records; bene?ts, holidays, leave and work urs, basis for determining salaries; disciplinary procedures; resignation and terrnina ion; staff-student relationships; and equal opportunity provisions. The facility administration distributes a copy of all personnel policies regulations to each employee, or makes them available to all employees to read and acknowledge their understanding of the Ranch Procedures and polices for complete ompliance. Comprehensive duty/job descriptions for each position shall be in writ ng and furnished to each employee performing the function. All assigned positions within the facility are re-examined, at least ann Program Director to ensure that organizational objectives are being In t. The facility administration maintains a current, accurate, and con?deniial personnel record for each employee. The ?le shall contain the following information: Application with quali?cations References Dates and terms of employment Non-disclosure and non?compete agreements Written evaluation of ob performance at least annually Training Record Extraordinary or special incident reports h. Reason for Termination 1y, by the transport? 10) Policy and Procedure governs the con?dentiality of the personnel recoid by restricting its availability only to the employee who is subject of the record and to ers who have a need for the information in the performance of their duties. 11) Procedure exists whereby the employees can challenge information in ?s or her personnel ?le and have it corrected or removed if it proves to be inacc ate. 12) Career ladder positions shall be established with the youth care staff, ?eeting consideration of experiences as well as educational background. All st shall be employed on an equal opportunity basis. 13) The Term of the Program Director is continuous and may be terminate only by the 24 appointing authority for good cause and subsequent to a formal and open hearing on speci?c charges, if requested. 14) The Case Manager is the person who is responsible for direct daily care and supervision of the residents in the facility along with Staff Members with whom they work with. Case Managers are key members of the treatment team. They make sure that he student enrolled in New Horizons Youth Ranch under speci?c jurisdiction is receiving quality care, effective treatment and growth opportunities. Each Case manager sill be in direct contact with each student in the program everyday (Monday-Friday). Case managers will attend most of each student?s therapy groups as well as the coordination and treatment team meetings concerning each student. If a student has any complaints or grievances they will register them with their case manager. The case manager ensures that they are properly reviewed and that action is taken. Case managers are in charge of proper professional program to family relationships through coordinating weekly scheduled telephone calls, family visits to the ranch, student?s visits home, completion of the program, and any special needs. They will also report general updates on academics, behavior modi?cation, residential living, therapeutic progress, and medical/dental needs. They will document daily progress of each student to properly update the therapist and parents of each youth. The parents of each student will contact their case manager to get an update of their child once every week as prescheduled. a. A case manager shall plan, supervise, and participate in the student?s activities as directed by the program director or director?s designeer b. A case manager is responsible to report to their staff supe isor the student?s need for services not directly provided by the facility, to ure that each student has access to necessary services. c. Pay scales or rates for staff should be at least equal to tho of staff in other facilities with similar educational and experience require ents. See miscellaneous items in the back of this manual. 15) The facility shall have adequate clerical staff to keep correspondenc records, and accounts and ?les current and in good order. 16) Maintenance and housekeeping staff. The facility shall employ or ot erwise make available persons in suf?cient number, depending on the size of the cility, the number of persons served, the number of buildings and the grounds area to maintained, to be responsible for optimal maintenance and housekeeping. 17) Policy and procedure provide for provisional appointments to ensure the availability of personnel for short-term, full-time, or part-time work in emergency 5 tuations. 18) Policy outlines experience and education substitutes for position qua i?cations. 19) Policy provides that youth care and professional staff are appointed initially for a probationary term of not less than three months or more than one year. 20) The facility administration has a grievance procedure for employees that have been approved by the governing authority, which can be referred to under R501-2-9. Personnel Administration. 21) Policy and procedure provides for at leas an annual written perform ce evaluation of all employees, which is based on de?ned criteria and is reviewed and discussed with the employee. 22) Policy and procedure provide for merit pay increases for outstande performance or special achievement contingent on funding availability. 1 23) Policy and procedure provide that employees are reimbursed for all pproved expenses 25 incurred in the performance of their duties. 24) Duties that require possession of a current certi?cate, license, or registration as evidence of special competence to perform those duties shall be licensed and certified as required by law or ordinance. 25) Policy and Procedure also include a code of conduct for all facility en acceptable and non-acceptable conduct both on and off duty; which ca ?miscellaneous items? a the end of the manual. 26 1ployees that de?ne an be found in the R501-2-10 Infectious Disease 94 R501-2-10 Infectious Disease A) The Ranch has policies and procedure designed to prevent and control communicable disease in the facility, which include: a. ranges? Employees must wash hands for 30 seconds with soap and warm restroom and before handling food. Resident Youth mush wash their hands and clean up before meals Employees must always wear gloves when handling food water after using the Food preparation area will be sanitized before and a?er food preparation Dishes must be washed, sanitized, and rinsed after each use and properly stored Residents bedding and clothing that have been previously worn once must be wasted at regular scheduled times once a week Bathrooms will be cleaned and sanitized daily. Staff members will not be permitted to work when it has been i have a communicable illness until they are healed. In cases that 1 illnesses have not been determined, but signs and are be released from duty until a doctor grants recommendation to re no longer exist. Once it has been determined that a resident has a disease that :letermined that they that may arise where prevalent, staff will turn to work or until ay be a threat to the other residents and staff, his case will be reviewed, and he may be released from the program, at the discretion of the Program Director. 95 Miscellaneous Items 102 FOR FURTHER EXPLANATIONS, SEE CODE OF CONDUCT AT THE END OF THIS EMPLOYY ATTENDANCE, DRESS CODE. CONDUCT. AND WORK Employees that are on salary pay must work their full shifts for the full week. Pay may be deducted per day if approval and authorization for leave has not been granted by the Program Director. Employees will not engage in personal activities, business, errands, and personzil phone calls, which become distractions from taking care of their work duties and assignments when they are being compensated for their work and services they are to give to the Ranch. See Corie of Conduct for con?ict of interest. Staff will not use or utilize the Ranch?s equipment or property for personal use, Including but not limited to: phone, food, cooking equipment, vehicles, recreational equipment, 0 ice supplies and or equipment or any information that is held con?dential within the Ranch. Work Attendance: Staff is expected to be on shift on time and ready for work. EWarnings area 3 follows: I) verbal warning, 2) written up, 3) Suspension, 4) Termination. The afrendance chart clears and starts over again every quarter. All staff off the clock needs to leave the facility Loitering is acceptablre only in the parking lot. Staff on shift should be in the facility; staff off shift should be out. Absolutely NO smoking for staff that is on or off shift that are on the premises. Proper dress, cleanliness and hygiene is of importance seeing how even the scent of smoke can cause a youth in the Program to relapse or hinder their progress when dealing with substance abuse. Dress code for employees is as follows: Must wear nice Polo shirt on shift, no ripped or torn jeans, No sandals or slippers, No T?shirts. Exceptions are granted with approval by only the Program Director. NO friends or family of staff are permitted in the facility. Staff CANNOT sleep on shi?! Sleeping on shift will result in immediate termination. i Female staff must always be accompanied by a male staff member when workingiwith male residents. Female staff members must not enter a male resident?s room unless acdompanied by a male staff member, or be alone in any situation with a male resident, including bu not limited to, transportation, therapy, schooling, recreational activities, or any part of the prograltn. Only the Cooks are authorized to be in the kitchen. Any other staff is not permitted in the kitchen at any time. Exceptions and authorizations will be made by the Program Director. Only when staff are on shift are they permitted to eat, however they are only able to eat the same i 103 food at the same time and the same portion as a level one in the program, nothing more. Staff must refrain from off color jokes including but not limited to, religious, sexual, racist, or gender and see that resident?s do the same. Staff will not talk about drugs, alcohol, substance abuse, war stories, or the revealing of past transgressions, unless under the direct supervision in a controlled therapeutic setting. The Ranch has zero tolerance of sexual harassment in both verbal and physical nature resulting in immediate termination. Religion: Employees shall not push or encourage a speci?c faitli/religion/doctrine, etc. New Horizons Youth Ranch is strictly non-denominational. New Horizons Youth Ranch DOES encourage spirituality and a belief in a higher power. Employees are not permitted to undermine a youth?s faith, religion or spiritual belief. If youth ask for religious material or literature, they will have the opportunity to obtain it at the library or from their parents. Pictures/Photos: Procedures provide that pictures/photos of each youth enrolled at New Horizons Youth Ranch are permitted for records, displays at approved activities, upon parental request. Under no other circumstances are photographs permitted. Touring of Facili?: New Horizons Youth Ranch is not open to the public. Policies prohibit touring of the facility except by approved persons: State licensing personnel, prospective clients, current clients, and employees. Mail Procedures proved that guardians understand and agree with New Horizons uth Ranch mail policy. Guardians are the only ones authorized to give a list of approved perso to write to their youth and with whom that youth may correspond. All other mail will be sent to guardians, who will then decide whether or not the mail is appropriate and distribute it to the correct people. Any mail from someone that IS not on the authorized list will be returned to the sendeii Packages mailed to a resident in the program must be opened by the resident supervised by a sta?? imember to ensure that contraband or other inappropriate materials not be brought into the facility. I No mail will be opened by any staff member. All unapproved mail or mail without a return address will be sent back to the guardian at the guardian?s expense. i 104 Medications All medications, pills, vitamins, etc. will be taken from the resident at intake an locked in a medication closet and distributed by approved staff. Employees that are depen ent upon medication must inform the Program Director at the time of their employment date, where out of reach and inaccessible to Youth in the program. Accusations Against Employees edication must be In the event that a situation arises that accusations are brought against an employee of New Horizons Youth Ranch, the appropriate authorities will be contacted, and the employee wi until an investigation is completed and the accusations cleared. FURTHER EXPLANATION, SEE CODE OF CONDI ll be released of duty JCTz'nhk 105 virr>" ?iv? .gg .- W1~e .. 4- Eth'mE?lm? I3 Fi?? it?s. p-J .- 131 15915-5313: ?42? (Lifts: - Ema 131mg}qu 'if' y" L, 4 $1331.33!" 75' '1 x: nmgqur . ?455-25: A Han-4' INT TIME SATURDAY TIME SUNDAY 8:00-9:00am Wake Up, Devotional, Shower, Chores 7:00-8:00am Wake Up, Devotional, Shower 9:00-9:30am Breakfast Prep 8:00-8:30am Breakfast, Kitchen Clean-Up 9:30-10:00am Breakfast 9:00-9:30am Dressed and Ready for Church, Load Up 10:00-10:30am Kitchen Clean-Up 9:30am Depart from House 10:30-l:00pm Free time 10:45-l:00pm Church Service 1:00-2:00pm Lunch Prep, Eat, Clean-Up 1:00-2:00pm Lunch 2:00-4:30pm Finish All Chores or Assignments/ Free Time 2:00?4:00pm Free Time 4:30-5:30pm Dinner Prep 4:00?5:30pm Dinner Prep 5:30-6:30pm Dinner 5:30-7:00pm Dinner, Clean-Up 6:30-7:00pm Kitchen Clean-Up 7 :00?8:00pm Free Time 7:00?8:30pm Family Meeting 8:00-9:00pm Showers/Free Time 8:30-9:30pm Free Time 9:00-10:00pm Journal/Read 9:30-10:30pm Showers, Journal, Read, Write Letters Lights Out "masopm Light?s?b?m TIME MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY 6:00-7:00am Wake Up/Showers Devotional Time Wake Up/Showers Devotional Time Wake Up/Showers Devotional Time Wake Up/Showers Devotional Time Wake Up/Showers Devotional Time 7 :00-8z00am Chores/Breakfast Chores/Breakfast Chores/Breakfast Chores/Breakfast Chores/Breakfast 8:00-12:00pm School School School School School 12:00-12:45pm Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch 1:00-2:30pm School School School School School 2:30-4:30pm P.E./Skill Development Health P.E./Skill Development Health P.E./Skill Develggment 4:30-5:30pm Clean House/ Dinner Prep Chores/Dinner Prep Clean House/ Dinner Prep Chores/Dinner Prep Clean House/ Dinner Prep 5:30-6:00pm Dinner Dinner Dinner Dinner Dinner 6:00-6:30pm Dinner Clean-Up Dinner Clean-Up Dinner Clean-Up Dinner Clean-Up Dinner Clean-Up 6:30-7:30pm Family Meeting] Open Discussion Family Meeting/ Open Discussion Youth Service (6:00-10: 00) One on One/ Week Review Family Night, Games, Movie 7 :30-8:30pm Bible Study/Teen Challenge or Assigned Reading Celebrate Recovery Youth Service (6:00-10:00) Celebrate Recovery Family Night Continues 8:30-9:00pm Showers Showers Youth Service (6:00-10:00) Showers Family Night Continues 9:00?10:00pm Journal/Quiet Time Journal/Quiet Time Youth Service (6:00-10:00) Journal/Quiet Time Family Night Continues 10:00pm Lights Out Lights Out Lights Out Lights Out 11:00 Showers, Journal, Lights R501-2-9. Personnel Administration 78 R501-2-9 Personnel Administration 1) Employee Grievance Procedures are as follows: There is an employee grievance policy to ensure that all employees receive fair and reasonable treatment within the policies and procedures of New Horizons Youth Ranch, in an employee feels thatihe/she has been treated unfairly, he/she may follow Step #1 and Step #2 by ?rst taking their grievance up with their immediate supervisor orally, or ?le a grievance by ?lling dut a form and placing it in the Program Directors grievance/suggestion box. The director and his/her committee, which includes the following personnel, AssistantiDirector and Supervisory Staff, that are involved or who may be aware of the situation that is to be dealt with and other staff is needed, will review all grievances. There are three levels of appeal: a. Program Director/Assistant Directors/Supervisory Staff b. President/CEO/Managing Members c. Montana State Division of Licensing *All decisions of each grievance hearing will be ?nal unless appealed to the next level of authority. The decision of the licensing authority from the State of Montana will be ?nal in all cases. The Employee Grievance Form is as follows on the next page: 79 New Horizons Youth Ranch Employee Grievance Form This Form is to be used after the employee has orally taken up the grievance with the Immediate Superior, has had an opportunity for full discussion of the grievance, and has fotmd the Superior?s response to be unsatisfactory at the First Step. Employee?s Statement: The following occurred on the day of 20 and was presented to my Immediate Supervisor not satis?ed with the answer I have received, and therefore request and shall make a written grievance to be appealed to step two of the grievance procedure: Grievance: Requested Remedy: Employee?s Signature Date Immediate Superior Phone 80 Step Two Program Director?s Committee: We have received the above grievance on the 20 Program Director?s Response: I received the above grievance on the day 20 which was (Within/Not Within) the thirty response is as follows: Program Director?s Signature Dat I am satis?ed with this response and consider grievance to be settled. I am not satis?ed with this response and request an appeal to the next level Employee?s Signature D211 day of rof 1ay limit and my because: (Final Decision) 81 2) Line of Authority is as follows: a. Management of?cers Program Director Assistant Director Facility Director Staff Supervisors Case Managers Line Staff Members (Full-time) Line Staff Members (Part-time) Woman-.057 Management Of?cers: The management officers are responsible for making sure the business end of the company is running correctly, that is in compliance with all local, state, and federal laws. The management of?cers have the ?nal say in all aspects of the business concerning any matter that has come before them. In the Line of authority: they are the head of the Company. Management Officers are responsible for the budget and accounting expenditures and income of New Horizons Youth Ranch. Policies and Procedures are implemented only through the management of?cers, on a unanimous decision basis. Program Director: The Program Director is to assist the Management Of?cers in their responsibilities, ensure the safety of the students, and that the Program is compliant with all contracts with the parents (Enrollment Agreement). The Program Director is also in charge of making sure that the students are treated fairly, if any Staff Supervisor has any problems or complaints; they take it to the Assistant Program Director. If the Staff has any concerns about the Staff Supervisor, they take them to Superior Supervisors, then Assistant Director if available, then ?nally the Program Director if there is an unresolved issue, as a last resort. The Program Director is responsible for insuring, updated certi?cations for all staff as far as CPR, First Aide, Food Handlers Permit (when applicable), Mandt training/ PCS training, Cleared staff compliance with Policies and Procedures - with sign off sheet of Policies and Procedures. Organize staff training and reviews for compliance with State standards. And ensure that Interstate Compacts for out-of-state students are taken care of. The Program Director shall give each parent a phone call on the initial intake of a new student that comes into the Ranch, to brie?y explain the Program of the Ranch, and to let the parent?s know we are excited to have their child in the Program. This phone call is simply to open lines of communication with the parents, and to ensure they have made a great choice in sending their son to us. This call should be only 5?10 minutes. The duties and responsibilities for which the Program Director is accountable for are formulating facility goals, establishing policies and priorities related to them, and translating the goals into measurable objectives for accomplishment by staff. The Program Director and designated staff will monitor the progress toward achieving previously identi?ed program objectives at least annually. The Program Director or Assistant Directors will be reSponsible for providing staff orientation, in- service training, and a regular and continuous development program. Policy provides for legal assistance to be available to the Program Director for the purpose of formulating policy advising on individual cases, and representing the program or facility if required before courts and other appropriate bodies. The Program Administration will furnish information at least annually, which is used to report on the objectives, programs, resident population, major development, problems, plans, and such additional information as the appropriate State organization may require. 82 kid. Under the general direction of the Management Of?cers, the Program Director or Assistant directors if delegated by the Program Director will perform the following duties: i) Accept the responsibility and be accountable for the program of the facility in its entirety. The Program Director will be responsible and accountable for his/her own direct actions and the ginteractions of staff members, for the implementation of programs and policies, for the safety and serviceability of the facility, and for the health and welfare of all residents? in the facility. ii) To develop and suggest to the management officers for their review and appropriate action, the general policy for operation of the program. Assist in preparation or prepare the budget and present it to the Management Officers Administrative of?ce for its; review and approval. iv) Within new Horizons Youth Ranch LLC, organizational guidelines, manage and oversee the budget and maintain accurate ?nancial records. v) Employ and discharge members of the staff according to established Policies and Procedures. vi) Hold Staff meetings on a regular basis to discuss and to interpret policies and procedures to the staff. vii) Be responsible for the inventory and the safe keeping of equipment, supplies and property, whether they are the property of the facility, or that of the enrolled youth. Designate Assistant directors or an individual who will be in charge to carry out the duties and reSponsibilities during his/her absence. Assistant Program Director: The Assistant Program Director is to assist the Program Director in all of his/her duties, and assume all responsibilities of the Program Director in his/her absence. The Assistant Directors are responsible for the scheduling of staff for shift coverage, as far as work schedule. Their primary jurisdiction is over the Staff Supervisors in ensuring that they carry out their duties and assignments. If issues and disputes are unresolved by the Staff Supervisors, they then are within the jurisdiction of the Assistant Program Director. The Assistant Program Director is to report all unresolved issues, complaints or concerns to the Program Director for action. The Assistant Program Director is to maintain a written report on the work ethic, issues or concerns, and unresolved problems by their Staff Supervisors concerning staff whom they are Men All staff within the jurisdiction of the Assistant Program Director must resolve all issues through the chain of command before it comes to the attention of the Assistant Program Director, then ?nally the Program Director. Assistant Program Directors will be responsible for providing Staff orientation, in-service training, and a regular and continuous development program. In cases where the Program Director is absent, the Assistant Directors shall be responsible to perform the duties and assume responsibility of the following: i) The Primary role of the Assistant Directors is to oversee and ensure the security of the facility both for staff and all youth enrolled in the Ranch. ii) Assistant directors will be responsible and accountable for his/her own direct actions and the interactions of staff members, for the implementation of programs, and policies, for the safety and serviceability 83 of the facility, and for the health and welfare of all residents3 in the facility. Hold staff meetings on a regular basis to discuss and to interpret policies and procedures to the staff iv) Be responsible for the inventory and the safe keeping'of equipment, supplies and property, whether they are the property of the facility or that of the enrolled youth. acilig Director: The Facility Director is an optional position designated at the Program Directors discretion. The duties and responsibilities of the Facility Director is to insure the security, serviceability, and working order of the physical plant known as the facility. Staff Supervisor: The Staff Supervisor oversees all Staff under their jurisdiction, and properly resolves problems or issues. They are to make sure that the Staff under their jurisdiction have their prOper permits and training. If the students have a complaint about a Staff member, they take it to their Case Manager, who then should address it with their Staff Supervisor. If the Staff has any questions, they take them to the Staff Supervisor. Staff Supervisors are also responsible for the orientation procedure for each new student into the Program (completely checking clothing, luggage, and personal items for contraband) and assigning the student to a speci?c Family Group, and ensure that the student understand all of the rules and expectations of the Program, and gives the student their student handbook. Everything must be resolved through the Chain of Command without neglecting the Direct Line of Authority. The Staff Supervisors are to maintain a Written report of how well the Case Managers within their jurisdiction carry out their duties (goodor bad). They shall check on the communication between their Case Managers with the parents with gwhom they work with to insure proper updates and the con?dentiality of the program, staff, and other students, and to insure privileged information that is within non-disclosure is upheld. Staff supervisors are directly under the jurisdiction of the Assistant directors who are directly accountable to the Program director. Each staff supervisor shall be responsible for the designated case managers who are in his/her jurisdiction. The case managers who are under a designated staff supervisor must report their activities, information, concerts that a student in the program may have, other employees may have which should be relayed up the chain of command, must ?rst be brought to their staff supervisors attention before climbing further up the chain of command. The staff supervisors shall ensure that proper ?ling and documentation is taken care of with his/her case managers, which include the following: adequate amount of staff for shift change, shift coverage, daily progress notes, status points of each student, documented parent conference Calls, log-ins for visitations, incident reports clearly and accurately ?lled out by person involved in'his/her jurisdiction. Staff supervisors shall understand that although case managers are the only ones named with whom his/her jurisdiction may cover, however each staff supervisor should understand that accountability for employees and youth that fall under case managers in his/her jurisdiction also becomes theirs too. The staff supervisors are responsible for the staff during their speci?c shift that are case managers, staff members (line staff) in making sure that each assigned shift and position with whom they are accountable for is covered for the shift hey assume responsibility over and that an adequate amount of staffing is there to relieve his/her shift when the next Staff Supervisor relieves him/her of duty. Case Managers: Case Managers are responsible for a speci?ed amin Group? of student in which they will work with. Family Groups will consist of 6-8 students in a Family. Case Managers are the Senior Staff Members in the Chain of Command. They are reSponsible for the reporting of 84 the student?s daily points with the discussion of their Team Staff Member; maintain daily progress notes of their students. Case Managers shall handle weekly phone reports when; informing parents of the progress of the students with whom they are responsible for when parents make their weekly phone call. They shall give a report to the parents of their child that discusses the progress of the student Academically, Therapeutically, Behaviorally, Point and Level Status, any problems or discrepancies, and overall progress. These speci?c phone calls shall last (20 minutes only) and be made on a pre-arranged time schedule that the parents should follow when calling. Case Managers must refrain from giving personal information of other Students, Staff Members, Population, Therapeutic Advice or counsel when it comes to parents ors students, con?dential information or experiences with other students, events, activities, or mishaps that are not directly dealing with the speci?ed child of the parent in whom they are communicating with. Case Managers are to maintain proper updates and the con?dentiality of the program, staff, and other students, and to insure that privileged information that is within non-disclosure is never released. Case Managers are responsible for verbally making the Staff Supervisors aware of how the Staff Members are working and carrying out their responsibilities. Case Managers are responsible for resolving issues and problems with Staff Members with whom they work directly. Case Managers should take all unresolved issues or concerns they have with the Staff Members to their Staff Supervisor. Case Managers shall be responsible for making a Written Report when getting weekly updated Verbal Reports from the Head Schoolmaster for each student?s schooling and the Clinical Director for each student?s Therapeutic Progress in whom they are responsible for in passing the information on to the parents. The case manager is the person who is responsible for direct daily care and supervision of the residents in the facility. Case managers are key members of the treatment team. They make sure that the youth enrolled in New Horizons Youth Ranch under their speci?c jurisdiction are receiving quality care, effective treatment and growth opportunities. Each case manager will be in direct contact with each youth in the program everyday (Monday-Friday.) Case managers will attend most of each youth?s therapy groups as well as the coordination and treatment team meetings concerning each youth. If a youth has any complaints or grievances they will register them with their case manager. The case manager ensures that they are properly reviewed and that action is taken. Case manager are in charge of proper professional program to family relationships through coordinating weekly scheduled telephone calls, family visits to the Ranch, Boys visits home, completion of the program, and any special needs. A case manager shall plan, supervise, and participate in the Youths activities as directed by the Program director or director?s designee. Case managers are responsible for reporting the student?s need for services not directly provided by the facility to the program director through his/her staff supervisor, to ensure that each student has access to necessary services. Staff Members: Staff Members are referred to as Full-time or Part-time Staff Members. Staff Members work with the student from day to day along side with the Case Manager. They are in charge of making sure that the students complete all their assignments, keep the facility clean, bedrooms and bathrooms clean. They can also settle minor disputes between the students with the assistance of the Case Manager. The Staff Members also assign Disciplinary Actions to the students as stated in the New Horizons Student Handbook, and ensure student compliance iwith Rules and Regulations within the New Horizons Student Handbook. Staff Members assume responsibility for full supervision of the students with whom they are responsible for when Case Managers are busy with their responsibilities or in their absence, therefore in such circumstances, stay in restricted area where students and situation are easily manageable. Staff Member?s primary responsibility is supervision, protection, and safety of students, and the enforcement of student rules and regulations. Staff Members shall insure the security of the building, and insuring the safe environment for other 85 staff, and students within the Ranch in the facility, on activities, work projects, and events. The duties and responsibilities of a staff member (Tech I and Tech II) is mainly to insure the physical security, control, and management of the student?s in the Program and the facility, through properly monitoring the student?s that they are assigned to direct. To put into effect and out the rules and expectations that are to be met by the student?s in the program through proper procedures in encouraging, reinforcing and discipline in accordance to what is mentioned here? in the Policies and Procedures manual. Staff Members (Line Sta?) will work each day in a team which is comprised of Line Staff, or a case manager who is the Head of this speci?c team. Staff Members are accountable to the Case managers over them who is accountable to the Staff supervisor for that shift. 3) Orientation and on-going training: Orientation for staff members shall include procedures for the following: a one week shadow-training course with a designated staff member with experience in the position that will need ?lling or assistance. Security measures, daily schedule procedures, emergency procedures and crisis intervention procedures along with other procedures shall be addressed according :to the position that the Orientation will be given for. 86 - WthAw - . A A 3 mm I..- 1. p; A v.17: ever A cur: 4w; 44 Mandatory on-going training will include the following: a) CPR First Aide training with proof of certi?cation 1 b) Positive Control System Training Course with certi?cation c) Training for Food Handlers permit d) Defensive driving training course (for authorized drivers.)? e) Sexual Harassment Training Course f) Policies and Procedures Training g) Program Philosophy and Behavior Management Emergency Procedures 4) Performance appraisals: Employee performance evaluations are cohducted at least every six months, or as o?en as the Program Director deems necessarlt'. Employee performance evaluations will be graded upon the following criteria wl ich shall include, but not be limited to the following: I Attendance/tardiness Knowledge of Program Policies and Procedures Accurate record keeping Up to date on Trainings and certi?cation 5 Handling of situations (whether it be daily activities or crisis situations) Relationship with fellow staff and Youth in the Program. ~199ng *The Employee Evaluation Form for performance appraisals is on the next page as follows: 87 rum; Employee Evaluation Form (6-month Review) Employee - - Date of Hire: Date of Review Does Employee Satisfactorily: Abide by policies and procedures, and any other rules set forth by New Horizons Management? Yes No Report all incidences, properly ?ll out Incident Report? Yes No Maintain PCS, First Aide, CPR and other required certi?cations/T raining? Yes No If no, what certi?cations/training are needed? Report to work on time? Yes No Give notice when unable to work or ?nd a replacement? Yes No How would you rate employee? (1=poor, 5=excellent) Job Performance: 1 2 3 4 5 Rapport with residents: 1 2 3 4 5 Rapport with staff: 1 2 3 4 5 Willingness to perform duties: 1 2 3 4 5 Efficiency in performing duties 1 2 3 4 5 88 What are employee?s job-oriented short-term goals? Overall, do you feel that this employee is an asset to New Horizons Youth Ranch? Yes No Explain Supervisors Signature Date Program Director Signature Date 89 5) Rules of Conduct: Rules of conduct can be referred to the code of conduct section at the end of the Policies and Procedures manual. 6) Sexual and Personal Harassment: Sexual and personal harassment by employees in relation to fellow staff and youth in the program will not be tolerated; and will result in immediate termination. Sexual and personal harassment will include, but not be limited to the following: a. Jokes or conversation that are sexual in nature b. Jokes or conversations that deal with race, creed, nationality, intelligence, religion or anything that deals with cruel intent in nature. c. Gestures or acts that give sexual implications d. Notes, letters, or any writing that relays sexual content or personal content in nature, implications, acts, personal information dealing with personal being of appearance, sexual preference, living conditions, status, or anything that may bring discomfort to the work placeor make the work place a hostile (Intimidating, unfriendly; aggressive, or unreceptive) working environment. A) The Program director shall be available during the operation of the Program. When he/she is not available there are speci?ed staff members who are designated to carry en in his/her absence. Refer to the earlier part of this section for details and explanations. B) There shall be a personnel ?le for each employee, which is ?led in the Program Director?s of?ce. The personnel ?le for each employee shall include the following: Application for employment Applicable credentials and certi?cations Initial medical history (if directed by governing body) Tuberculin Test (if directed by governing body) Food handler permit (where required) Training record Annual performance evaluations BCI Signed copy of the current DHS Code of Conduct 10. Signed form for policies and Procedures C) Staff shall have access to their employee personnel ?le only under the supervision of the program director, or in accordance with State and Federal laws. D) The Staff to consumer ratio is one staff to every four consumers at all times during the day time shifts, except at nighttime sleeping hours when staff may be reduced. At nighttime shifts, the staff to consumer ratio may be reduced to one staff to ten consumers; however there must always be at least two staff on at any given time even in cases where there my only be four consumers in all. E) The Program shall employ or contract with trained or qualified staff to perform the following functions with the following criteria requirements: 1. A person shall be quali?ed to perform administrative functions with the exception of at least two years experience in similar administrative position with reference or resume con?rming. 2. Fiscal functions shall be performed by a Certi?ed Public Accountant with 90 ans credentials for operation, or quali?ed personnel with minimum of two years experience in similar ?scal functions. Clerical staff shall be contracted in with two years previous experience in reception, bookkeeping, office work, and accounting. Exceptions shall be granted if an individual is trained in areas with certain credentials previously acquired. Housekeeping, maintenance, and food service personnel shall be contracted in, or hired out by an outside company. However the positions must meet the following criteria and requirements for the positions speci?ed which shall include, but not be limited to the following: a. Housekeeping personnel may be contracted in with no experience, however previous experience is preferred. Training shall be available if needed. This position shall insure that sanitation is met with primary responsibilities over the internal facility, which shall include but not be limited to the following: Laundry, laundry room, bathroom, kitchen, windows, vacuuming, mopping. b. Maintenance personnel shall be contracted with individuals to perform the following duties and responsibilities with a minimum of two years previous experience in similar position of duties and responsibilities with resume con?rming, or hired out to an outside company, which can show proof of license and credentials. This position shall handle the responsibilities and duties, which shall include, but not be limited to the following: The upkeep, service, and repair of facility appliances, property and equipment damages, company vehicles, air conditioning, heating, plumbing, and minor electrical work if needed. 0. Food service personnel shall be contracted with individuals to perform the following duties and responsibilities with a minimum of one year of previous experience in similar p05itions(s) of duties and responsibilities. A resume must be submitted con?rming. Food handler?s permit must be obtained to ful?ll job description. Policies hall permit personnel with no previous experience to be trained to meet job requirements when all criteria is met. If an outside company is contracted in to handle food service, the following criteria must be met: current proof of License, current independent liability insurance, and current food handler?s permit. *This position shall handle the responsibilities and duties, which shall include, but not be limited to the following: The preparation and serving of ALL meals, which include breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks in accordance with the approved menu that must be followed and each youths dietary requirements and restrictions, purchase and ordering of food, appliances, and equipment to ful?ll duties and responsibilities of his/her position. All purchases and ordering for food or any other needs within the job description shall be approved by the program director as they are made. All receipts from purchases and orders shall be given to the program director for accounting purposes. 91 but! .. .. 5. Supervisory personnel shall be employed to perform the following duties and responsibilities with a minimum of three years of experience in similar position(s) of duties and responsibilities, or a combination of work experience and schooling in an applicable area equal to a minimum of three years. Shall have experience with staff management, ?ling, and record keeping. A resume must be submitted con?rming: I *This position shall handle the responsibilities and duties, which shall include, but not be limited to the following: staff management, staff scheduling, staff evaluation, ensuring that staff within his/her jurisdiction carries out their duties and responsibilities. Ensure that staff members complete their daily documentationfas well as complete his/her own daily documentation. This documentation may include progress notes, points, incident reports, grievances, and staff shi? notes for shift changes. 92 F) The job description for each position in the program, which includes speci?c duties and responsibilities, can be located in R501-2-9 Personnel Administration. G) Treatment Staff shall be contracted out with licensed and certi?ed personnel, whose quali?cations should include experience in care and treatment of youth residential care, in accordance with State law. Personnel that are not licensed or certi?ed shall be supervised by licensed, certi?ed staff members when treatment, therapy, counseling or group sessions are given. I H) Staff Training 1. All staff members are trained in all policies of the program including the following: a. Philosophy, objectives, services b. Emergency procedures 0. Behavior management d. Current program policy and procedures e. Code of conduct f. Line of authority g. Any other relevant information 2. Staff has completed and remains current in a certi?ed First Aide and CPR through the American Red Cross 3. Staff has current food handler permit as applicable and as required by local health authority. 4. All training and certi?cation is documented and maintained on site, to be accessed by proper authority as needed. 93 4 A . alum-A .Lnnr. R501-2-5. Record Keeping 29 R501-2-5. Record Keeping An accurate records system is of utmost importance. Statistical data serves as a basis for evaluating current practices while planning and giving direction to future operations. Such data serves to reveal areas where adjustments in current operations and procedures may be required. An accurate record and report system provides our Program Director with an effective management tool. A. zzraerzaam Policy and procedure provide for guidelines for the collection and retention of information pertaining to the enrolled youth. a. A record shall be maintained for each youth accepted for care, which is kept in a secure place. b. The contents of case records are identi?ed and separate according to an established format. Case records are safeguarded from unauthorized and improper disclosure The facility shall assure that information entered into a case record is complete, accurate, and/or substantiated. The source of information or the basis for substantiation of reported factual information shall be given. Policy and Procedure provide for guidelines for the collection and retention of information pertaining to the enrolled youth. Program has available a written record for each consumer which includes the following: a. Biographical information and pertinent background information, eluding: i. Personal history, including social, emotional, l, and physical development; this information can be found in the ?Adde dum? section of the ?Enrollment Agreement.? ii. Legal status is recorded and documented upon reception program with consent in the ?enrollment agreement.? Emergency contact, including name, address, and telepho number can be located in the ?enrollment agreement? as well. Photo of the youth enrolled in the program shall be place in the front of the youth?s ?le for proper identi?cation, with the consent for hoto granted by the parent or legal guardian of youth in the ?enrollment agree ent.? Health records of consumers shall be received by the parent or guardian 'th physical and legal custody upon admission into the program with the ?enrollment agr ement? which shall include the following: 1. Immunizations 2. Medication 3. Records of physical exams, dental and visual exanlis the youth in the iv. 4. Health conditions, diseases 5. Medical History Signed consent forms Copy of student?s treatment plan Summary of family visits and contacts Summary of attendance and leaves Admission Contract information (Enrollment Agreement) Documented legal authority to accept, care for, and release student Documents showing custody and legal responsibility for student Record of medications administered . Record of incident reports Progress reports or summary report on youth?s stay in New Horizon?s th Ranch 30 0. Program rules and disciplinary policy orientation form signed by youth. P. Grievance and disciplinary record Q. Final discharge or release of student. This section will proceed to Direct Service as follows: R. An admission form is completed for every student admitted to New Hori ons Youth Ranch and contains at least the following information: a. Enrollment Agreement b. Date of Admission Name Address Date of birth and place of birth Education Level and school attended Medical problems, if any Parents, guardians, or responsible person to notify in case of emer ency, including addresses and telephone numbers . Case manager assigned S. The responsible staff member makes all entries into the records assigned 0 him/her and dates and signs each entry. T. There is a single master ?le identifying all residents at the facility. Info ation on the status and whereabouts of each student shall be readily available to administrati and supervisory personnel so that security can be maintained. U. A population report shall be supplied to the Administration and anagement Of?cers by the facility. The report shall include names of each student, (1 and date admitted, accumulated months of stay, and any other information, which 'ght assist, with the operation of the facility and the control of admissions. V. Unusual incidents that involve or endanger the lives or physical welfare 0 youth or staff members shall be reported to the Program Director, Management Of?cer Parents, and appropriate State and Local authorities. a. Reports shall be forwarded within 24 hours of the occurrence b. Extraordinary or unusual occurrences shall include, but are not li ited to i. Death ii. Attempted suicide Fire, where serious bodily harm or signi?cant building (1 iv. Riot v. Physical assault on youth by staff member when not justi? or the defense of other youth vi. Sexual assaults or harassment W. Reports concerning inspection of ?re safety, health, and sanitation conditi ns shall remain on ?le at the facility. ago-rhea? y?I- age is done by self-defense X. A central log of all incident reports shall be maintained by the facility, ch shall include date, name of resident(s) involved, and who initiated the report, with spec ?cations of what occurred, and what actions were taken. When an incident occurs, it should be recorded and documented within (24) hours from when the incident occurred. In serious cases where 31 incidents occur, the documented incident should be reported to the Head 0 Of?cers to review the incident with the State and Local authorities. 32 the Management R501-2-12 Safety 98 R501-2-12 Safety 1) Fire drills are conducted at least quarterly and documented. Notation of inadequate response is 2) 3) documented. The Program director, or his/her delegated assistant will conduct ?re drills and emergency response drills to ensure that both staff and youth in the program are completely aware of what to do in such cases where emergencies arise. Program provides 24 hour telephone service. Telephone numbers for emergency assistance are posted. There will always be a receptionist to receive phone calls and to receive and give messages. The receptionist can be located in the receptionist area. A list of phone numbers of all the employees of New Horizons Youth Ranch and the roster fore their work schedule can be located in the Program Log Roster in the Program Directors of?ce or in the receptionist area. Program has adequately supplied ?rst aide kit in the facility, which can be located in all Program vehicles and in the medication closet and also the Program directors of?ce. i 99 A :ka- Et ig?ln?a.?mmw 1mm R501-2-6. Direct Service Management 33 Direct Service Management A. Eligibility Policy: The guidelines for eligible consumers to enroll into ti a. B. Admission Policy a. b. Legal Status: Parent/guardian must have both physical and legal with signed consent forms of written authorization for New Horiz perform services. Age and Sex: The consumers shall be males, 12-17 years of age i. A consumer may stay in the program after he is 18 years 1. A court order 2. Consumers permission 3. Interstate compact The needs best addressed by the program are: i. Substance abuse ii. Alcohol abuse Depression iv. v. De?ance vi. Problems with authority vii. Negative family relationships Negative peer in?uences ix. Problems with school The program limitations include: i. Adjudicated youth (dependent upon situation) ii. Sexual Offenders Sever disorders iv. Sever criminal activity, including rape, murder, etc. The program?s ideal consumer is a 12?1 7 year old male that is beg destructive behavior with academics, anger manage abuse, alcohol abuse, de?ance, negative peer association, and dep at the discretion of the Program Director, more serious cases may Each student brought into the facility is informed of the steps in tl initiation of intake. Each student admitted into the facility shall be a male student and as approved by the Of?ce of Licensing. Pre-placement requirements shall be met before admittance into t] placement requirements include: i. Enrollment agreement has been properly ?lled out and necessary parties. Guardian approval has been established. Program director approves placement of student. New Horizons Youth Ranch does not have a written adn self-admission due to the fact that the Ranch is licensed 12?17 and parental consent is necessary. ii. iv. 1e program are: :ustody of child ons Youth Ranch to of age with ginning to fall into :ment, substance ression. However, be admitted. 1e process at the 12-17 years of age '16 facility. Pre- igned by all iission policy for for youth ages v. All legally responsible persons have been noti?ed of placement of student. vi. If the student is denied admission into the program/facili guardians shall be entitled to a written, signed statement 34 ty, the legal giving speci?c reasons for refusal of admittance, reasons for non-admi nce may include, but are not limited to: l. Non-compliance by guardians 2. Failure to disclose information about students, heath, mental well- being, past actions, or any other information that ill affect admission decisions. 3. Legally responsible persons have not been pr0perl informed of intended admittance into facility. 4. Program Director feels that student is not an appro riate placement. C. Intake Evaluation a. According to pre?placement procedures and upon admission, the llowing requirements shall be adhered to and shall be included in written rocedures: i. A staff member shall be available or on call at all times receive a student. ii. Staff members accepting student for admission must det rmine that each boy is being enrolled under proper legal authority, and identity of the person being admitted must be veri?ed as soon as possi e. Medical form completed iv. A search of the student?s clothes and belongings shall be performed to assure against the introduction of weapons or contraban for the safety of the school and the other students enrolled. v. The student?s personal property shall be itemized, signe for by the youth and staff, and held safely. He will be given the clear und rstanding that all personal belongings will be in his possession and the res onsibility for care is in his hands. vi. Each student shall be given a shower and clean under an outer clothing, clean towel, clean bedding, and necessary toiletry and pe sonal hygiene articles, including soap, toothbrush, toothpaste, and com . Blankets shall be in suf?cient number to maintain warmth in the prevailin climate conditions. The youth?s own clothing shall be laundered if needed and safely stored, ready for use on free times or approved rec eational moments. vii. The youth?s physical and emotional conditions shall be ted and recorded, along with identifying data: 1. The processing/admitting staff member shall inquir into and examine the youth for any obvious injuries, medical tags, ras es, unusual cough or high temperature and determine, by questioning, there are medical problems including drug and alcohol abuse, asthm diabetes, epilepsy, mental distress or other conditions which require dical attention, along with any mental or social disorders 2. Any youth showing signs of, or reports, physical or ental distress or drug or alcohol abuse shall be referred to health car personnel as apprOpriate. 3. Any medication in the possession of a youth at adm ssion shall be labeled for identi?cation and withheld until a dete ination is made by the Ranch?s doctor on the need for its continued use This determination is made regarding the need for its con inued use. This determination shall be made at the earliest possible me. 35 4. Any seriously injured or seriously ill student must ot be admitted to the facility until a license physician has conducted a medical examination. A written record of diagnosis, trea ent, and medication prescribed shall accompany the youth if processin and admission approval prevails. 5. All methods used in evaluating a consumer consid cultural background (ex: behaviors or health conditions aff cted by students? 1? cultural background) dominant language, and mod of communication. An initial orientation shall be conducted by the Staff Su ervisor. The orientation shall include, but not be limited to the follow ng: 1. Information pertaining to rising and retiring, meals mail procedures which is made available in the daily schedule, tele hone privileges, visiting, correspondence, recreation, and medical e. Rising time is at 7:00 am, retiring time is according to level status which is either at 8:30 pm, 9:00 pm, 9:30 pm, 10:00 pm, 10:30 pm, and/or 11:00 pm. Meals are served at 7:30 am for breakfast, 1:00 pm for lunch, 4:30 pm for snack, and 7:00 pm for dinner. 2. Rules of conduct Disciplinary procedures 4. Information regarding programs, such as education, arts and crafts, counseling, and all social services 5. Procedures for making requests or entering compla' members 6. Copy of the printed facility rules, expectations, and rights shall be available to each student. Staff supervisors shall ex lain or clarify the contents of the material, especially for youths who 0 not have adequate reading or comprehension skills. Youths hall have a signed . copy acknowledging their receipt of the rules place in their case record. ix. A notice of facility rules and resident?s rights shall be p0 ed in all living it areas, other than sleeping rooms. x. A record for each youth shall be established at admission nd maintained throughout the period of enrollment. xi. After a youth has been admitted, showered, issued clothi and other essentials, he shall not then be put in his room with no fu her explanation. This is a time for staff to orient the youth to the rules of new surroundings and provide appropriate counseling to help im utilize the program that is signed and dated by the youth. xii. Once the youth is situated, the Case Manager will notify parent or legal guardian of the youth?s safe arrival and any other pertinen information. D. Enrollment Agreement: An enrollment agreement is developed with con umer and responsible person, and, if possible, signed by all parties. The original sig ed enrollment agreement is to be kept in the consumer?s record, with copies available tot involved person. The enrollment agreement shall include, but not be limited to the llowing: a. Rules of the Program b. Consumer and family expectations 0. Services to be provided, and cost of service ts to staff 36 E. Treatment Plan: Consumer Treatment Plan is individualized, as applical d. Authorization to serve and to obtain emergency care for consumer e. Arrangements regarding absenteeism, visits, vacation, mail, gifts, when appropriate, and f. Sanctions and consequences a. A staff member (Case Manager) is assigned to each consumer and and authority for development, implementation and review of plar . b. The plan includes the following: i. Findings of intake evaluation and assessment ii. Measurable long and short term goals and objectives 1. Goals and objectives are clearly derived from asses 2. Goals or objectives stated in terms of speci?c obse behavior, skills, attitudes or circumstances 3. Evidence that consumer input was integrated where identifying goals and objectives. Speci?cation of daily activities, services, and treatment iv. Methods of evaluation 0. Treatment Plans: i. Plans are developed within 30 days of admission by treat reviewed by a licensed clinical professional. Thereafter, reviewed by a licensed clinical professional as often as 3 plan. and telephone calls ale: has responsibility 1 sment information rvable changed in appropriate in tment team and treatment plans are tated in treatment (1. All persons working with consumers directly are appropriately informed of the individual treatment plan e. Reports on progress on consumers are available to applicable divi or legally responsible person f. Treatment record entries include the following: i. Identi?cation of Program ii. Date and duration of services provided Description of services provided iv. A description of consumer progress or lack of progress it treatment goals or objective as often as stated in treatmei v. Documentation of review of consumer?s record includes 1. Signature 2. Title 3. Date 4. Reason for review g. Transfer and Discharge i. Discharge plan identi?es resources available to consume independent living, requirements for G.E.D, work option options and/or career options. ii. Plan is written so it can be understood by consumer or re Whenever possible the plan includes the following: Reason for discharge or transfer Adequate discharge plans, including aftercare plam Summary of service provided 1 2 3. 4. Evaluation of achievement of treatment goals or ob sions, the consumer, achievement of it plan the following I such as 5, other educational sponsible party ling jectives 5. Signature and title of staff preparing summary 6. Date of discharge or transfer The Discharge Form is on the next page as f0110? 38 W83 New Horizons Youth Ranch AUTHORIZATION AND RELEASE Pursuant to the contract for services and pursuant to our recent discussio of her that my son is no longer af?liated with New Horizons Youth Ranch, LLC, progi understand and have been advised of other options, and that my child will be rel transport service or to the parent/guardian at the agreed upon time. I understand and acknowledge that once my child leaves New Horizons custody and control, New Horizons Youth Ranch will have no further responsib the care, custody or control of my child. If my child is to be transported by a youth transport company, I authorize transported by the below listed company. Dated this day of . 20 *Please sign legibly Parent/Guardian Parent/Guardian New Horizons Youth Ranch Representative Transport Company: (Continued Authorization and Release Form) 39 ns, the eby acknowledge am in Montana. I eased to a youth Youth Ranch?s Llity or liability for my child to be I hereby acknowledge that I picked up the day of ,20 Transport Company Representative 40 iv. Unplanned Discharge 1. In the case of unplanned discharge, signature or recorded telephone authorization is given by person legally responsible for boy 1? 2. When possible, discharge consent papers should be signed by the legal guardian, which clearly states their understating of unplanned discharge, and reasons for such case. Documentation should be kept in the student?s ?le. 3. All other discharge procedures will be completed within 15 days of discharge. h. Incident or Crisis Intervention records: The Procedures for Incident Reports are as follows: a. The Program has written procedures for the reporting and documentation of deaths of consumers, injuries, ?ghts, physical confrontati s, situations requiring the use of passive physical restraints, suspected cidents of abuse or neglect, unusual incidents, and other situations or circums ances affecting the health, safety, or well-being of consumers. I. Procedures for the reporting and documentatio of deaths of consumers, injuries, ?ghts, physical confrontat ons, situations requiring the use of passive physical restraints, suspected incidents of abuse or neglect, unusual incidents, and 0th situations or circumstances affecting the health, safety, or 11-being of consumers is as follows: 1. Record a complete, clear and accur 6 account of what happened on the Incident Report Form (Incident Report forms and supplemental forms should be completed and turned into the Program director within 24 hours of the incident.) 2. Supplemental Report Form should be ?lled out by a witnessing staff to verify the authenticity of the situation. 3. Incident and Supplemental Reports shall be reviewed by the Governing authority, which shall be the Program director and his/her committee; depending upon the severity; Of?ce of Licensing, Local and State law. 4. Documented Incident and Supplemental forms shall be ?led in the Program Director?s of?ce in the facility premises. **Incident Reports and Supplemental Report Forms are as follows: 41 New Horizons Youth Ranch INCIDENT REPORT FORM Resident?s Name Dare (Last) (First) Staff Name Time_ Name of Staff(s) involved Name of other Resident(s) involved Location of Incident Situation of Incident: Drugs and Alcohol Escape Destruction Theft Lying Hiding other Violations Tampering/F ire Equipment Fighting/Aggressive Possession of Weapon Possession of Sexually Explicit Material Smoking Away w/o Permission Management Disturbance Law Disturbances, Specify Assault on Staff Clothing Rules Vulgar Rules Poor Application Other, Specify Descriptive Narrative (Be clear, speci?c and complete) 42 Actions Taken: Staff Signature (Recorder) Case Manager Signature Program Director Signature 43 New Horizons Youth Ranch INCIDENT SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT FORM Resident?s Name Date (Last) (First) Staff Name Tim?e Name of other Resident(s) involved Location of Incident Descriptive Narrative (Be clear, speci?c and complete) Actions Taken: 44 Staff Signature (Recorder) Date Case Manager Signature Date Program Director Signature Date 45 b. Records include the following: 1. ii. iv. v. vi. vii. Summary information Date, time of emergency intervention Action taken Employees and management responsible and involved Follow up information List of referrals Signature and title of staff preparing report Records are signed by management staff c. Report is maintained in individual consumer records (1. When an incident involves abuse or neglect of a consumer, or death of a consumer, the program i. Prepares a preliminary written report within 24 hours of the incident ii. E) Intensive Supervision Noti?es the Of?ce of Licensing by giving a description of what has occurred through the Incident report with pertinent information such as address, phone numbers, etc. The Youth?s parent/guardian shall be contacted immediately, also Division of Child and Family Services (DCFS) and legally reSponsible person, and appropriate enforcement 1) If any student is assigned Intensive Supervision, a. A designated Sta? Member provides services to consumer as ?requently as determined in treatment plan or contract. Reasons for Intensiv Supervision may include, but not be limited to the following: 1. ii. iv. law Suicide attempts .., ..2 weeks min/ 4 weeks max Escape attempts week min/ 3 weeks max Assaultive behavior towards other consumers or staff .. days min/ 1 week max If supervising staff member feels that consumer is a threat to himself or others, and justi?es his reasoning. b. Action is justified in consumer?s record and cleared by the licensed clinical supervisor 46 R501-2-4. Statutory Authority 27 R501-2-4 Statutory Authority A) Ownership and Company of the Program are documented through the By-Laws or the Operating Agreement of the company and in the Articles of Incorporation. The presiding Of?cer of the Board, who is the Chairman of the Board, holds these documented records If there is not a Chairman of the Board, then the Registered Agent of the Company shall hold these documented records. 28 NEW HORIZONS YOUTH RANCH PROGRAM STUDENT HANDBOOK 49 NEW HORIZONS YOUTH RANCH MEASUREMENT LEVEL SYSTEM 50 Orientation and Introduction New Horizons Youth Ranch All students please read the following orientation and rules of conduct. If you ve any questions please ask: you will be held accountable for all information listed. *New Horizons Youth Ranch staff reserve the right to reward exceptional beha 'ors: residents performing exceptionally well may receive extra privileges, gain points, or jum levels. Exceptionally bad behaviors may also be disciplined according to your student andbook, including privileges being revoked regardless of level. Estimated length of time is according to outstanding scores on cumulative aily Points.? Time may be longer if accumulative ?Daily Points? are less than exceptional. Refer ?Measurement Level System? and also your ?Daily Color Grade Chart? 51 Case Manager: Each student is assigned a case manager. 1 Level? The Starting Degree (0-240 Points)?2 1/2 to 3 months estimate ti Your case manager is your direct link between you and your parents. Your case manager will relay any positive recommendations from your p1 ents if they feel your progress is in good standing to move on, along with your case ers input as well as the rest of your team treatment. 1 Sta?' will grade you through a daily Points System. You can earn up to 4 points a day (depending on behavior.) Points may be taken away according to the iplinary Stages,? and staff discretion for negative behavior, essays, etc. i Your case manager through the previous daily points system mentioned '11 grade each assignment and responsibility given and reward you according to excepti nal behavior. You much earn 240 points to be eligible to move on to the Level. Opportunities to ear points are given according to positive behavior, coo eration, school participation, daily evaluations, attendance, and how well you follow and?keep the rules. There are 5 levels that you must strive to earn during your time of Treatment at New Horizons Youth Ranch. 2nd Level Advancement: 0 As soon as you have earned 240 points and have the approval of yo? 1' Treatment Team, you must then memorize the ?Orientation Introduction? also the Level and T?L?verm'bf?l? Mmem Then ypu have passed this Level and may advance to the Level. Restrictions for Level 1: Limited privileges Must always ask permission for anything and everything Always has to be watched by sta?? or an upper Level at ALL times Last in line for everything No condiments with meals No T.V. or music No phone privileges (incoming or outgoing until Level In bed 8:30 pm a No communication with any other student. (CBO- Communication Block lOut) (To earn advancement points you must participate with a positive attitude in all you do, and make sure you keep the rules. Treat sta? with Respect, help clean up after meals and activities.) 2"d Level-Stepping Up (240-600 Points) 3 months estimate time i 52 Level?zil?rivilggs Restrictions: 0 Level 1 restrictions and rules still apply with the exception of some additipnal privileges (to be explained.) 0 Eating arrangements go according to Levels and points, also according to iwhat current violations there may be. 0 You have the privilege to talk with other Level 2?s or higher. You are noi allowed to talk to level 1?s; neither can they talk to you. 0 Will be next in line for everything, behind higher Level students. 0 You have earned the privilege to participate in movie night. If you an essay during the week, then your privilege for movie night is lost for that week. 0 Movie night is ever Friday night. 0 In bed at 9:30 pm; exceptions will be made for movie nights. 0 Ten (10) minute phone call to your parents with supervision of your Casi Manager or approved sta?, once (1) a month for 20 minutes. Privilege to receive Visitation from your family. 3rd Level Advancement: In order to move onto the 3rd Level, you much memorize and pass off the folio ?3rd Level? Measurement System Page ?Phase 1 2 on 1scrp 600 points for eligibility, and the approval of your entire treatment team. 1 Levels 2 3 are to show an example in following the rules of the Program. Th irefore, where more is earned as far as your advancement in the Program, more will be expected in ur ability to follow the rules of the Program. The consequences could be more severe dependant upon staff discretion. (To earn advancement points you should be completing your Daily Evaluation, helping to set a positive example for lower Levels, keeping a positive behavior, and following the rules.) 53 3"d Level- Trust (600-950 Points)-2 1/2 to 3 months estimate ti By reaching the 3rd Level, you have proven that you are willing to put forth effo in making positive changes. At this point, you have attained more Trust, and with more Trust come more privileges. Do not forget, with more privileges comes more responsibility to maintain the UST you have earned. Although Family Leaders may be chosen at any Level according to Pro 635 and Behavior, Level is usually where positions or responsibility and privileges will be hande. The Family Leader is the head of the group, always the motivator, and most co liant. The Assistant Family Leader is the Family Leaders right-hand man. These two resid are considered to be the most Trusted in the Family. 4th Level Advancement: In order to move on to 4th Level, you must memorize and pass 011' the following: Leve Measurement System Page ?Phase 3 4? on the Disciplinary Stages along with earning your 950 pom '1 r: lauul I Iv? 3?d Level Privileges: 0 Off Campus activity with staff, once a month. Ten minute call to parents with supervision of Case Manager, on speakerphone, twice a month. 1 0 Will be given the opportunity to receive vocational training within your ?ersonal interests. Must always be approved and attended by staff. In bed 10:00 pm Has the ability to help staff in the kitchen area ONLY when permission is granted by staff. Above all other lower Levels Home Visits are granted at this Level (To earn advancement points you should be setting a positive example and an li?ing vibe among others. Motivate others and encourage them to do well. Follow all pre-existent les that you have shown the ability to master so far. Do your Daily Evaluations and work hard fo your next advancement.) i 54 Level-Walking Alone (950-1300 Points)? 2 1/z to 3 months estimate me a . At this point, you have earned the rank of Junior Staff and, and .16 to gi out Phase #1 and Phase #2 disciplinary actions. You have proven to your Treatment Team that ou are willing to go above and beyond in making positive changes. You are one of the most Trust by staff, and you should be getting ready to go home. You should be striving to gain recommendations and earn approval of your Treaiment Team in order to begin Transition for Home. 5th Level Advancement: Measurement Page ?Transition? along with earning your 1300 points for eligi ility, and the In order to move on to 5th level, you must memorize and pass off the following, Level? approval of your entire Treatment Team. Level 4 Privileges 1 Off campus activities, with staff, twice a month 2 phone calls per month, ten minutes, in presence of case manager, on erphone. Earn the rank of Junior Staff, able to give out phase #1 and phase #2 disci linary actions. Continue vocational training of your choice. (Depending on what is avail le) Able to help staff with most things Most approved privileges are granted. (Appropriateness is determined by Staff Supervisors and your Treatment Team.) 1 May help with staff meetings 0 In bed 10:30 pm (To earn advancement points you can help staff with meetings, set the best example in the Program, help other lower Level students to do the best they can, reach goals that are in your Daily Evaluations, and most importantly, continue to set a positive example.) 1 55 5? Level- On My Way (1300-1500 Points)-2 months estimate time 55 Mum at 5399 mi: milked for Level on Mondayionk WW The 5'h Level is very simple. You have worked very hard to get here and in the process you have shown that you have a desire to make positive changes. During this pe? ?od you should work on going home. Make sure that everything you do is good and that you are still setting an example for everyone. Help out staff and give advice when appropriat . CONGRATULATIONS, you are a Level Level Students are 0 The most trusted in the program Always ?rst in line for anything and everything Able to help sta?? meetings Very close to being considered ?staff? Able to help staff with everything including ?disciplinary actions? with 0 students As usual, you must continue to ask staff for everything In the Level you should be working through the process of ?Transition? i Level Privileges 0 Choice of of? campus activity twice a month for Level students or higher - Able to do almost anything that is appropriate and approved by Staff Supei?visor and program director. 0 In bed by 11:00 pm -- Transition -- To enter into Transition, you must ?rst earn the approval of your Treatment Team. Once eligibility is reached, you will begin transition. Transition is a part of the Level. Once Transition is completed, the ?5th Level is completed. Transition should be viewed as a healing process: a home agreement contract is often made and signed, and a list of rules and agreements between you and your parents is formed. This is the process of students being referred to Transition: 0 Staff meeting is held; positive feedback and recommendations of the candidates will be taken into consideration. 3 a Case manager, who is the middle man between student and parents, will relay any positive recommendations from the parents if they feel the student is in good standing to move on. 56 In a ?Family Meeting? the family members will be able to vote and explai that person is eligible to move on. 57 why they feel NEW HORIZONS YOUTH Disciplinary Stages 58 New Horizons Youth Ranch Disciplinary Stages: Each Disciplinary stage is broken up into levels that we refer to as ?Phases.? There are four phases of consequences for violations of New Horizons Youth Academy rules. Staff will give as many warnings as they can until they feel that discipline is required. Usually you will receive one warning before an essay or disciplinary action is taken. Depending on which rule is broken, residents will be in violation of a certain phase, and depending on which phase they are non-compliant to, a resident could be dr ped a level, loose points and privileges depending on the severity of the problem, and disciplirfg'v actions taken. For each phase of consequences you receive, you will also be assigned an es ay, due within 24 hours of the incident. The essay should be about what happened, how you cted, what you could have done better, what you will do next time, etc. When an incident occurs and nobody admits to it, the entire group may be di iplined, lose points, and/or receive an essay. As previously stated there are many disciplinary actions that can be used dep nding on the severity. Blatant disrespect and/or cussing toward staff will always result in solution/work crew. Isolation is a loss of all activities and privileges with con?nement in ur room. All such decisions are granted release by the treatment team made up of your Case Manager, Therapist, Head School Master, Supervisory Staff, your Parents and the Program Directbr. Saturday and Sundays do not count as work crew days even though you may lwork on those days. This is dependant on staff discretion. 1 You can be restricted to your room (Isolation) and/or lose speaking privileges (CBO) for rule violations. Duration is determined by the seriousness of the violation. Rules and consequences may be altered or added upon at staff discretion within reason and in accordance of New Horizons Youth Ranch Policies and Procedures. Violations will be assigned to each ?Phase? as follows: 59 Phase #1 (300 Word essay, results in loss of Activities for 2? hours.) Discipline for Rule Violations for PHASE #1 Basic warnings, without being in violation of any existing phase. If you continue to get warnings over the same situation, it will lead td a phase Cussing (whether you correct yourself or not.) 3 Students involved in sneaky behavior. Disrespect toward staff. (talking back) Horse playing with staff or other students i Pillow ?ghting in rooms, whipping each other with your towels. (15' Warning) Not following staff directions Not being in bed at assigned bedtime BREAKING C.B.O (Communication Block Out) Staff shopping. (lst Violation) Cheating on the weekly Quote. 1 Not on time for meals, schools, activities, etc. No daily goals, daily evaluations, or journal. Dirty room, bathroom. Lack of manners (burping or passing gas during inappropriate times.? (It is possible to attain a discipline for rules not directly listedl) (Rules may be changed or added upon at anytime by staff in accordance to th Sta?' Employee Handbook and New Horizons Youth Ranch Policies and Proced .) 6O Phase #2 (Automatically gives you a 600 word essay and loss of a tivities for 2 days.) 1 Discipline for Rule Violations for PHASE #2 Failure to follow staff instructions Out of area without being watched Impermissible privilege violations (doing anything that is a privilege thatiyour Level does not allow.) Non-compliance with staff. Failure to immediately go to your room when told. 1 Loud or disruptive behavior in your room after bedtime. (Level 2?s url are exceptions when talking quietly.) Misuse of hygiene products (soap, deodorant, toothpaste, comb, toilet paper, etc.) Inappropriate Language i Sharing or talking about the reason why you are in the program with residents. Disrespectful and prejudicial comments (name calling, disrespect to a ra e, religion, etc.) Arguing with sta? Disrespectful or inattentive behavior during guest speakers, or seminars. Disruptions during school or seminars. Intimidating other residents or staff Going in another residents room Staff shopping, manipulative (asking a different staff member for something after already being told no). (2"cl Violation) Talking to another resident in another room during quiet time. Horseplay and play ?ghting. (2nd Violation) Any violation of Room Rules, Meal Rules, and Courtyard Rules. (It is possible to attain a discipline for rules not directly listed.) (Rules may be changed or added upon at anytime by staff in accordance to the Staff Employee Handbook and New Horizons Youth Ranch Policies and Procedures.) 6] Phase #3 (Automatically results in a 1500 word essay, 5 days work crew, and dropped a Level.) Discipline for Rule Violations for PHASE #3 Refusal toward staff Assaultive behavior toward staff (threats to staff or staff family, throwing things at staff, spitting at staff, physically assaulting staff, etc.) Talk of escape Blatant cussing . Talk of rioting Self-mutilation of any kind (tattooing, piercing, scratching, cutting, etc.) Threatening or ?calling on? another resident Threatening or ?calling on? staff. 3 Swearing, raising voice at staff or other residents Clogging the toilet and/or ?ooding your bathroom Physical contact of any kind with staff or other residents Assaultive behavior toward other residents 0 (Length of Work crew is dependant upon your Treatment Team.) 0 (If you area Level you may be dropped to a Total of points, or go to negative points, dependant upon where you are at in the 1st Level.) 3 (It is possible to attain a discipline for rules not directly listed.) (Rules may be changed or added upon at anytime by staff in accordance to the Staff Employee Handbook and New Horizons Youth Ranch Policies and Procedures.) 62 (Automatically gives you a 3500 word essay, 1 1/2 weeks Phase #4 ork crew, and dropped to the 1st Degree, may result in negative poin if you are already at the 1st Level.) i Discipline for Rule Violations for PHASE #5 Pornography Drugs or drug paraphernalia Weapons or contraband of any kind Attempted escape Masturbation Sexual harassment Destruction of property i Attempted suicide Completely out of control, either verbally, physically, or both When you become a danger to yourself, others or your surroundings Behavior resulting in a Restraint 0 (Length of Work crew is dependant upon your Treatment Team.) 0 (If you area Level you may be dropped to a Total of points, or go to negative points, dependant upon where you are at in the 1st Level.) (It is possible to attain a discipline for rules not directly listedl) (Rules may be changed or added upon at anytime by staff in accordance to the Staff Employee Handbook and New Horizons Youth Ranch Policies and Procedtires.) 63 Room Rules 0 No, food, toothbrushes, combs, etc., in your rooms, unless you are a Level 3 or higher. Unless you are in your room for Isolation. - No games, pens or pencils, or shoes in your room. Pens pencils must be kept where your hygiene box is kept. 0 Always make your bed before leaving your room, or coming out to group. Keep the ?oor and the shelves clean in your room. All laundry should bd kept in your laundry basket. 0 Always keep your shoes in the shoe closet to be locked up at all times. 0 Ask for anything you need before you go to your room for the night. 0 Level 2?s or higher may quietly talk to your roommates when in your room, do not talk or yell under the door to other residents. This privilege can be taken away}, 0 Room searches may take place at any time. Meal rules 1 Be quiet and appropriate. Level #2?s or higher may talk until they receivd their food. Wait to be called up and excused from table after eating Help clean up following meals 3 5?h and 4?h Levels get served ?rst, then and then 1st Levels always %0 last and do not get use of condiments. . 0 Lack of manners (burping, passing gas) will result in a Phase #1 violationi Courtyard Rules 0 Use equipment appropriately (don?t throw balls against fence or wallt kick basketballs or volleyballs, or throw them at another person unless the speci?c activity: calls for it, etc.) Participate fully in activities unless excused by staff, the nurse, or a doctor. 0 If you don?t plan to participate and are excused, stay in your room. 1 0 Do not interact with anyone who may be on the outside of the facility grounds. (It is possible to attain a discipline for rules not directly listed.) 64 Daily Color Grade System Daily Points Weekly Points White Excellent 4 28 Yellow Great 2 14 Green Good 1 7 Blue Fair 0.5 3.5 Grey Below Average 0 0 Red Bad -1 -7 Black Hon'ible -2 to -4 -l410 -28 LEVEL ADVANCEMENTS Estimated time Weekly Points Level 1 2 1/2 months 0-240 Level 2 3 months 240-600 Level 3 2 1/2 months 600-950 Level 4 2 1/2 months 950?1300 Level 5 2 months 1300-1500 Total 12 months Total Completion: 12 months *Estimated Time is according to outstanding scores on cumulative daily points. Time may be longer if accumulative daily points are less than excellent. 65 1500 B. C. *Before any passive physical restraint is used, verbal de-escalation should ?rst Through the use of the Mandt System or PCS, passive physical restraint should never be associated with punishment or physical discipline in any way. E. All personnel who deal with the student?s shall receive suf?cient training, at least annually, so that they are thoroughly familiar with the rules of resident conduct, the sanctions available, and the rationale for the rules. Policy and Procedure provides that student?s are not subject to corporal or unusual punishment, humiliation, mental abuse, or punitive interference with the daily functions of living, such as eating or sleeping. There are written rules of resident conduct, which outline acts prohibited within the facility and penalties that may be imposed for various degrees of violation. No management personnel may use or authorize any particular staff member to use physical restraint with the exception of passive physical restraint through proper training within the Mandt System training or PCS (Positive Control System.) Through the use of the Mandt system or PCS, passive physical restraint is used o_nly as a temporary means of physical containment for only a few reasons, which include: i. To protect a resident from harm, injury, or danger to himself. ii. To protect others from harm caused by a resident 1 To protect property from harm or damage. 1v. Agreement to escort to and from the acility/Program v. To prevent the resident from running away 1 vi. To prevent the resident from entering an unauthorized arej Staff who exercises the Mandt System training, PCS or other forms of physichl restraint outside of the scope of their assigned duties and out of harmony with the policies and procedures of New Horizons Youth Ranch on a student in the care and supe immediately be terminated and will be accountable for liability. Any staff member involved in an emergency safety intervention that results in an injury to a resident or staff must meet with the clinical professional to evaluate the circumstances that caused the injury and develop a plan to prevent future injuries. company release of Liability Form for the Mandt System or PCS is 0d the next page as follows: 66 When signed authorization is given by guardians within th Enrollment exercised. rvision of New Horizons Houth Ranch will POSITIVE CONTROL SYSTEM (PCS) Release of Liability Form 1, an employee, service worker, and/or (Employee Name) volunteer of New Horizons Youth Ranch, LLC, do hereby understand and acknowledge that New Horizons Youth Ranch and its certi?ed trainer(s) shall be released of any liability, which may result from improper execution of the Positive Control System techniques, and/or of proper procedures when situations arise, which may clearly display negligence on my part. Any situation that may arise, where l, (Employee Name) may act our of accordance and out of harmony with the Positive Control System shall release New Horizons Youth Ranch, LLC, and its trainer(s) from the result of any liability. *Please sign legibly Employee Signature Date PCS Trainer Signature Date Program Director Signature Date 67 Work detail shall be assigned to a Student to correct actions, give time to properly think about what happened, and what can be done to make restitution. Work crew may include, b? not be limited to the following: Work projects, service projects, loss of privileges and or the studPnt shall remain in his room the entire time except for meals, read a particular book, then do a book report on it. At the end of the day the student will need to write a 2-page essay on why they are on ork crew, how their day was, and what they are going to do to change and make improvements. Len of days on work crew is determined by the severity of the behavior or the rule broken. F. The staff member who is responsible for the design, training, instruction, and supervision of the Behavior Management System and the Mandt System or PCS staff training must be a staff member who is at least 21 years of age, has received proper instruction and training themselves, and is properly certi?ed in all aspects of training, instructionl and supervision in the Behavior Management Procedures and the Mandt System. 1 G. All decisions and acts performed by management members must be appr ?ved by the head of the Program, through the direct chain of command. All approvals must 1 ad back to the Program Director who then must receive approval from the head of gement Of?cers to insure constant compliance and harmony with the State of Montana DivisFon of Licensing. 68 R501-2-7b. Time-out or Seclusion 69 R501-2-7b. Time-out or Seclusion l. The following is the written Policies and Procedures for Time-out or eclusion for New Horizons Youth Ranch, the following methods shall be in complianc with and approved by the State of Montana office of Licensing a. Time-out or Seclusion shall ONLY be used when a student?s ehavior substantially interferes with their ability to participate appropriately or to function appropriately with other student?s in the Program, or the activity to which they are currently involved in. It shall not be used for punishment or as a substitute for other developmentally appropriate positive methods of behavibr management. i. It shall be used for SAFETY, to PROTECT the well being of the student, or for the safety of other students with whom direct interaction is present. It shall be used for positivity in de-escalating a potential situation, but NOT for punishment after the situation is completely die?escalated. Time- out or Seclusion shall be used to ensure the follo . 1 1. from hurting or causing injury to himself 2. 0r hurting or causing injury to another student ir staff member, or any potential 11 that may have possible in 'on with a Heat of 5 7 3. To keep a student of the Ranch from causing dehtruction to the facility or its belongings. 1 ii. Time-out or Seclusion shall be used until the student?s behavior has de- escalated so that the potential of a greater risk is no lon er present. When using Time-out or seclusion, staff present or the staff conducting the Time- out or Seclusion shall document in detail, the speci?c incident by using the Incident Report for on pg. 35 of this Policy and Procedures 111 ual, and also Supplemental Incident Report Form that is found on pg. 37, by a staff who witnessed the incident. Staff shall provide a clear understandi of the incident, which resulted in the student being placed in that Time?out or Seclusion. If a student of the ranch is placed in Time-out or Seclusion more than two times in a 24 hour period, a review shall be conducted by a clinical professional, which shall be either the student?s Therapist, a (L.C.S.W.), or by the Programs to determine the suitability of the student remaining in the Program. When a student is placed on Time-out or Seclusion, the duration of the time period shall NOT exceed four hours. 1 While a student is on Time-out or Seclusion at any time, a staff :member of the Ranch shall maintain a visual contact of the student at ALL times, until the student is release from time?out or seclusion. 1 If there is any type of emergency such as ?re alarm, or evacuatipn noti?cation, staff shall ensure that students? in time-out or seclusion shall fo low the safety plan. Staff can refer to pg. 89 of this Policy and Procedures ual, section R501-2-ll Emergency Plans. i A student placed in Time-out or seclusion shall not be in posses ion of anything that could be considered contraband such as belts, matches, we ons or any other potentially harmful objects or materials that could present a risk of harm to the student. 70 2. New Horizon?s Youth Ranch Time-out or Seclusion areas shall com with the following: a. The Ranch?s time-out or seclusion rooms shall NOT have an locking capabilities. b. The location of time-out or seclusion room or rooms shall be located in closets, bathrooms, or an un?nished basement, or any attic or ocked boxes. There shall be designated room(s) that shall be in compliance 'th the State?s rules for Time-out or seclusions in the facility. c. The Ranch?s time-out or seclusion room is NOT a bedroom, (1 temporary beds, or mattresses in these areas are NOT allowed. Time-out and clusion should not d. All time-out or seclusion rooms shall measure at least 75 sq 6 feet with a ceiling height of at least 7 feet. They shall have either natural or mechanical ventilation and be equipped with a bread resistant window, an a mirror or camera that allows for full observation of the room. Time-out or see] sion rooms shall have no hardware, equipment, or furnishings that obstruct obs rvation of the student, or that present a physical hazard or suicide risk. R00 5 used for time-out or seclusion shall be inspected and approved by the local ?re epartment. preclude a student?s need for sleep, or normal scheduled sleig+pe?od. 71 xixA?Lpgp?u-u par. - - R501-2-8. Rights of Consumers 72 R501-2-8 Rights of Consumers A. Consumer Rights IncludePrivacy, of Information for current and closed records: The anagement or staff to whom responsibility is given in which you may have direct coirtact with current information on enrolled youth within New Horizons Youth Randh or access to closed records of youth previously enrolled both academically, therapeu ically, behaviorally, family information, and any ?nancial records must always stay mpletely con?dential for the protection, safety, security and privacy of the Ranch and the youth who are, or have been enrolled in the Ranch. Reasons for involuntary termination and criteria for re-admitssion to the program-The guardians of the youth enrolled in New Horizons outh Ranch reserve the right to withdraw their youth from the ranch at any time. The Ranch reserves the right to terminate the enrollment of any youth at any time if there is a default in the performance of any of the terms of the ?Enrollment Agreement? Ey the youth or the guardians. The Ranch also reserves the right to terminate the em llment of the youth in the sole discretion of the Ranch if the youth is not a suitable re ident of the Ranch or for any other reason the Ranch determines the youth should 11 continue to reside at the Ranch. Youth may be re-enrolled back into the Ranch if guardians meet the terms and conditions of the enrollment agreement, and if the you is found to be suitable for care with the approval of the Program Director. Freedom from potential harm or acts of violence to consumerjs?or others: All youth enrolled in New Horizons Youth Ranch and staff, or others who may provide services to the Ranch shall be ?ee from potential harm and acts of violence dealing with security measures and disciplinary procedures. In cases where injuries or accidents may possible arise, guardians give consent to release the Ranch from liability, which include, but not limited to: activities where transportation is involved, sports and recreational activities, illnesses that are contagious, and illnesses in connection with food services. Consumer res onsibilities tasks rivile es and rules of con iuct Each resident of the Ranch shall read and come to know and understand their respignsibilities with what is expected of them, tasks, privileges that are earned accord'ng to their status in the program, and rules of conduct. The rules of conduct, responsibilities, tasks, and privileges granted and earned must be signed when each resident has read and understands the rules and expectations set forth when they ?rst come onto the Ranch. Each resident shall have access to their own set of Rules of Conduct, which de?nes responsibilities, tasks, and privileges, which is made available in the New Horizons Youth Ranch Degree System Manual and also the Disciplinary Stages Manual. Service fees and other costs: All service fees and other costs, which may arise, are clearly de?ned and laid out in the Enrollment Agreement with the guardians signed consent of the terms and conditions set forth. Grievance/Complaint procedures: There is a resident grievanc policy to insure that all residents receive fair and reasonable treatment within the olicies and procedures of New Horizons Youth Ranch, if a student feels that he has been treated unfairly, he may ?le a grievance by ?lling out a form and placing it in the grievance/suggestion box. A Review Board, which consists of: the student?s therapist, supervisory staff, student?s case manager, and other staff if needed, review 73 all grievances. The student?s case manager shall notify the paren?s. There are four levels of appeal: a. Review Board b. Program Director 0. President/CEO (1. Montana State Division of Licensing All decisions of each grievance hearing will be ?nal unless appealed to the next level of authority. The decision of the licensing authority from the State of Montana will be ?nal in all cases. The Grievance Form is as follows on the next page: 74 New Horizons Youth Ranch Resident Grievance Form Name Date I, am ?linga grievance against on this the day of 20 because I feel I was Treated unfairly or shown disrespect in the following manner. DESCRIPTION: Resident Signature Date Received by (Case Manager Signature) Date 75 7) Freedom from discrimination: PoliCy and procedures provide at all Youth in New Horizons Youth Ranch are not subject to discrimination based on race, national origin, color, sex, physical or mental handicaps or learning disabi ities. 8) Right to be treated with dignity: Youth enrolled in New Horizo 3 Youth Ranch have the right to be treated with dignity in all aspects including, but not limited to: physically, mentally, socially, intellectually, and ?nancially, where cases to provide encouragement, support and compliments for positive growth and self-esteem are never withheld. Staff will not exploit youth in the ranch for unlawful gains to profit from both monetarin or for public recognition both personally or indirectly. 9) The Light to communicate in writing with family. attornev. thsician. clergyman, counselor, or case managers, except when contradicted mfessional or supervisory personnel: Youth in the program shall write to their family once a week. They may write to their friends, attorney, ph? sician, counselor or Case Manager only when written authorization has been granteli at the point of intake, or may be granted during the time enrolled in the program their ?legal guardians? or parent who has physical and legal custody. Comm 'cation by phone shall be granted according to privilege earned according to progre by the student: exceptions are granted only at the request of the parent or legal gu rdian. Refer to privileges granted according to the student handbook as far as tim frequency of phone calls. 10) A list of co le whose visitation ri have been restricted th ou courts: Youth in the program shall have the right to sent and receive mail providing that security measures are not put at risk, safety requirements are met, and most importantly . . . parents or the legal guardian of the youth have approved the individual or group of people with whom the youth may sent or receive mail. 11) The right to send and receive mail providing that securi en1 ral health and safety requirements are met: In accordance with the Montana Clean Air Act, Youth in the program are not permitted to smoke or inhale any substances that would alter their senses or affect their abilities in any manner not prescribed by a medical practitioner. signed copy is maintained in consumer record: All students enrolled in ew Horizons Youth Ranch shall be informed of this policy, which clearly de?nes and id nti?es both 76 verbally and in writing their rights as consumers. Staff shall insure that each Youth enrolled in the program reads, acknowledges their understanding of their rights as signed copy stating their understanding and compliance. This signed cop maintained in the youth?s ?le. 77 consumers, with a shall be R501-2-2 AdministrationLong and Short Organizational Flow Chart. - . 11501-24 Authority R501-2-5 Record R501-2-6 Direct Service Manageni Treatment ,l.ransfer and Table of Contents . Term .. .. Roles of Responsibilityonion- 8 .. . . . .31 Discharge Form 37 Incident or Crisis Intervention Records . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . - - . . . . - . Incident Supplemental Report .O Intensive 39 1 .-..40 --45 R501-2-7a Behavior Management Disciplinary Program Student Handbook .. . . Daily Grade .. Level Advancements. . . .. Positive Control System R501?2-7bTime-out R501-2-8 Rights of R501-2-9 Employee Employee Grievance Form LineofAuthority.. . . .. Performance . .. Form a I .0. Employee Evaluation Rules U.) I out-o lease of Liability Form .. I u: 47 4. 66 ..71 . 79 . vaneI'liobuounlutuvl Sexualand Personal Personnel . .. Staffto Consumer Employment . R501-2-10 Infectious R501-2-11 Emergency R501-2-12 Miscellaneous ItemsEmployee Attendance, ress Code, Conduct, and Work Ethic .. . .. Touring . .. .. . a . I . . . Accusations against .. Enforcement ofRules and Ranch Employee .. Stande Conduct towards Supervisors, Staff Members and Associates Questions . .. . Dereliction . . Sleeping on .. Code of Fitness for Release from DutyFalsi?cationofReports . Withholding Criminal . Ranch Property .. . . . . Unlawful . Duty Absence from .. . . Physical .. . Use .. Use of/Possession I Abuse Impartial . Impartial Attitude 4118 Commercial Testimonials ..t1 18 Association 1 8 Interaction with Youth 18 Prohibited Youth Relationships .4119 Unsatisfactory Performance ._120 Payment of Debts 120 Bringing Unauthorized Items into the Facility "4.121 Endangering Conduct by Facility Staff .4121 Interference with Academy Business Unlawful Conduct Outside Compensation .;.123 Outside Employment ..123 New Horizons Youth Academy Policies and Procedures Sign off Sheet R501-2-13 Transportation 100 R501-2-l3 Transportation 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Program procedures for transporting consumers are as follows: 5 a) Consumers must always be transported in Program owned and insured vehicles b) Drivers of these vehicles must be employees of the Program who have an appropriate driving record. Anyone in the vehicle, staff and consumers, must wear seat belts at all tithes. d) Transporting staff must have a cell phone or other way to communicate with the facility e) The staff consumer ratio will be no less than 1 staff to 4 consumers. f) If the consumer is believed to be a run risk the ratio will be 2 to g) The staff must keep a record of where they have gone, what time they left, what time they came back. This record will also include the names of the consumer thatileft with them and came back with them. Each program vehicle used to transport consumers has emergency information, which includes at a minimum, the name, address, and telephone number of the program and an femergency telephone number. Program has means or has made arrangements for transportation in case of emergency. The Program Director should always be contacted to coordinate procedures to hisiAssistants and supervisors to make arrangements or delegate the assignment to other staff if approved by the Program director for transportation in cases of emergency. Ranch vehicles sliould always be used in such cases. 7 Drivers of vehicles have valid Drivers License and follow safety requirements of the state. Staff who are authorized to drive any of the Ranch (company) vehicles must have a current and valid drivers license, and proof of their driving record that is clear; and would not put any youth, staff or other persons at risk of injuries or liabilities, or cause the Ranch to be held liable for impediments due to driving restrictions, suspensions, violations which have not been taken care of due to negligence on staff ?5 part. Each vehicle is equipped with an adequately supplied ?rst aide kit, which should be located under the driver?s seat or under the passenger?s seat in front. c) 101 New Horizons Youth Ranch 6442 W. Kootenai Rd. Rexford, MT 59930 June 6, 2016 Dear Board Members: Attached are several revisions and addendums to our Policies and Procedures in accordance with your request. As per policy, these changes will be reported to the Of?ce of Licensing within 30 days. In response to your request for information, we have included, in order: *Rights and responsibilities of program participants Addendum 1 p.73 *Personnel administration(3) direct care staff training Policies and Procedures p.90 *Admissions Revision I p.30 *Incidents, crisis intervention and emergency plans and safety Addendum II p.87 Response to Suicide Threats and Attempts among Program Residents SPRC list of online courses for Suicide Prevention Training *Behavioral management: description of methods of discipline to be used by the program Addendum Ill p.105 (Medications) Revision ll - p.59 (Discomfort/Denial of communication) Enrollment Agreement, p.5?6 (Communication and visiting guidelines) Consequences for Non-Compliance Behavior Management outline p.48 Student Handbook Measurement Level System Student Handbook Disciplinary Stages Policies and Procedures p.66 (Passive Physical Restraint) Policies and Procedures p.87 (Ongoing training programs including Behavioral Management) Acknowledgement of Behavior Management Policies Policies and Procedures Sign?off sheet *Medical services: Addendum lV p.97 *Medications Addendum - p.35 *Staf?ng Addendum VI p.37 Total Pages: 35 Addendum l: Page 73 of Policy and Procedures Manual Let the wording "Under no circumstance will New Horizons Youth Ranch or any employee thereof engage in retaliation against a resident should a grievance be filed.? be added. 6) Grievance/Complaint procedures: There is a resident grievance policy to ensure that all residents receive fair and reasonable treatment within the policies and procedures of New Horizons Youth Ranch. if a student feels that he has been treated unfairly, he may file a grievance by filling out a form and placing it in the grievance/suggestion box. Under no circumstance will New Horizons Youth Ranch or any employee thereof engage in retaliation against a resident should a grievance be filed. A review Board, which consists of: the student?s therapist, supervisory staff, student?s case manager, and other staff if needed, review all grievances. The student?s case manager shall notify the pa rents. The re are four levels of appeal: a. Review Board b. Program Director c. President CEO d. Montana State Division of Licensing a All decisions of each grievance hearing will be final unless appealed to the next level of authority. The decision of the licensing authority from the State of Montana will be final in all cases. 5) KW: Rules of conduct can be referred to the code of conduct section at the end of the Policies and Procedures manual. 6) Sexual and Personal Harassment: Sexual and personal harassment by employees in relation to fellow sta? and youth in the program will not be tolerated, and will result in immediate termination. Sexual and personal harassment will include, but not be limited to the following: a. Jokes or conversation that are sexual in nature b. Jokes or conversations that deal with race, creed, nationality, intelligence, religion or anything that deals with cruel intent in nature. 0. Gestures or acts that give sexual implications d. Notes, letters, or any writing that relays sexual content or personal content in nature, implications, acts, personal information dealing with personal being of appearance, sexual preference, living conditions, status, or anything that may bring discomfort to the work place or make the work place a hostile (Intimidating, unfriendly, aggressive, or unreceptive) working environment. A) The Program director shall be available during the operation of the Program. When he/she is not available there are speci?ed staff members who are designated to carry on in his/ her absence. Refer to the earlier part of this section for details and explanations. B) There shall be a personnel ?le for each employee, which is ?led in the Program Director?s of?ce. The personnel ?le fer each employee shall include the following: 1. Application for employment Applicable credentials and certi?cations Initial medical history (if directed by governing body) Tuberculin Test (if directed by governing body) Food handler permit (where required) Training record Annual performance evaluations BCI 9. Signed copy of the current DHS Code of Conduct 10. Signed form for policies and Procedures C) Staff shall have access to their employee personnel ?le only under the supervision of the program director, or in accordance with State and Federal laws. D) The Staff to consumer ratio is one staff to every four consumers at all times during the day time shifts, except at nighttime sleeping hours when staff may be reduced. At nighttime shifts, the staff to consumer ratio may be reduced to one staff to ten consumers; however there must always be at least two staff on at any given time even in cases where there my only be four consumers in all. E) The Program shall employ or contract with trained or quali?ed staff to perform the following functions with the following criteria requirements: 1. A person shall be quali?ed to perform administrative functions with the exception of at least two years experience in similar administrative position with reference or resume continuing. 2. Fiscal functions shall be performed by a Certi?ed Public Accountant with 90 Revision I: Page 30 of Policies and Procedures Let the wording be changed from ?Medication? to ?Complete history of medications, both current and discontinued.? D. Health records of consumers shall be received by the parent of guardian with physical and legal custody upon admission into the program with the ?enrollment agreement? which shall include the following: 1. immunizations 2. Complete history of medications, both current and discontinued 3. Records of physical exams, dental and visual exams 4. Health conditions, diseases 5. Medical history Addendum II: Page 87 of Policies and Procedures Let ?Suicide Prevention? be added to the list of mandatory on-going trainingCPR First Aide training with proof of certification Positive Control System Training Course with certification Training for Food Handler?s permit Defensive driving training course (for authorized drivers.) Sexual Harassment Training Course Policies and Procedures Training Program Philosophy and Behavior Management Emergency Procedures Suicide Prevention Training Course Response to Suicide Threats and Attempts Among Program Residents The purpose of this policy is to establish uniform guidelines regarding when to respond how to respond and who to inform should there be a resident who threatens or attempts to commit suicide. The policy also establishes guidelines on who will coordinate the response to a suicide threat or attempt. Suicide threats, gestures, and attempts residents are a cause for concern. The best predictor of suicide is a prior public display of suicidal intent. Contrary to popular belief, the ingestion of a small quantity of pills or the making of slight cuts on the wrists is just as predictive of eventual suicide as attempts that result in hospitalization. Among those threatening and attempting suicide, research shows that it is impossible to predict who is "serious" and who is not. NHYR both encourages and expects residents to adhere to a standard of self?welfare and resolve problems and crises without resorting to self?directed violence. NHYR further expects staff members to report incidents of suicidal threats and attempts. The appropriate response to a medical emergency or to a situation of imminent suicidal risk is to call 911 (9-911 from campus phones). I. NHYR staff are advised to report all suicide threats, attempts and preparatory efforts that have occurred in the previous three months to the Program Director. This includes incidents that have occurred at work as well as incidents that have occurred away from the workplace. A. When to Report 1. Suicide threats in which a resident makes statements that leave a reasonable observer concerned for his or her safety. The statement might be made in person or in writing and might refer to means, motivation for dying, lack of motivation for living and/or anticipated date of death. 2. Preparatory e?orts in which a resident engages in any action that prepares the way for eventual suicide. 3. Suicide attempts in which a resident engages in actions with the intent to end his or her life cuts on the wrist). 4. Persistent thoughts of suicide in which a resident reports being preoccupied or obsessed with suicide or thoughts of suicide. The individual might deny having a plan or desire to commit suicide he an employee reports thinking about suicide constantly every day for the last two weeks). 5. Relief cutting in which an individual makes cuts to his or her body for purposes of relief and without the intent to end his or her life. If there is any doubt about an employee's motivation in cutting, consult with the Program Director. When Not to Report Passing remarks in which a resident makes references to dying or being dead in a joking or stereotyped fashion would be better off dead," or, "Wouldn?t it be nice to lay down and not wake should be a cause for concern. It is recommended that NHYR staff respond to such remarks with requests for additional information ?What did you mean when you said, would be better off dead??' or, "You said, 'Wouldn't it be nice to lay down and not wake up.? Do you ever think of killing yourself??) Repeated references to dying that do not diminish in response to questioning should be reported. Who to Call All reports should be made to the Program director. in the event that the identified resource is not available, please send or take the employee to the nearest hospital emergency room. Guidelines for Responding to Reported incidents of Threats and Attempts A. Face?to?Face Evaluation to Determine Lethality Upon receiving a report, at a minimum, the Program Director will make an assessment of imminence and lethality. This meeting should take place as soon as possible. This assessment will include an exploration of the content, meaning and origin of the resident?s suicidal intent. Additional Assessment in addition to the face?to?face evaluation, it is recommended that any resident reported to have made a suicide threat or attempt receive additional counseling sessions over the course of the following one to two months. These sessions can occur with NHYR Counseling staff or with a mental health professional. These sessions should occur regardless of whether the precipitating situation appears resolved and/or the resident denies the presence of ongoing suicidal intent. Notification of Resident? 5 Mental Health Professional in accordance with state and federal statutes regarding confidentiality, if there is reason to believe that the resident is in ongoing treatment with a mental health professional, every effort will be made to contact the professional and provide him or her with the report. Guidelines for Responding to the Survivors of a Completed Suicide A. Commitment Following a Completed Suicide In the unfortunate event that a resident commits suicide, NHYR will make every effort to provide services to family members, employees, bystanders and any other member of the community affected by the resident?s death. Services Available These services might include referral for one-on-one counseling. It might also include group meetings, debriefings, and/or memorials. These services might be provided by the NHYR Counseling staff, or the Program Director. Coordination of Post-Suicide Services The Program Director will coordinate the delivery of these services. PRIVACY AND The staff of New Horizons Youth Ranch will adhere to all state and federal statutes regarding confidentiality. NHYR staff will adhere to a basic premise of privacy under all circumstances. s39 . . . . Lo out SPRB Suicide Prevention Resource Center My 9 mothering a public hectic approach to suicide prevention Online Courses Home List of Courses FAQ Back to self-paced online courses will help improve your knowledge and skills in suicide prevention. They are especially for clinicians and other service providers, educators, health professionals, public of?cials, and comunity?based coalitions who are responsible for developing and implementing effective suicide prevention programs and policies. All courses are free-cof-charge. They are open to anyone. You must register first. If you have already registered, please log in to go to any course. Learn more about Continuing Education credits for these courses current list of self?paced online courses: Counseling on Access to Lethal Means (CALM) Access to lethal means can determine whether a person who is suicidal lives or dies. This course helps providers develop effective safety plans for people at risk of suicide. A Strategic Planning Approach to Suicide Prevention This course can help you identify activities that will be effective in addressing the problem of suicide and assist with prioritizing efforts among the different options. Locating and Understanding Data for Suicide Prevention This course presents readily-accessible sources of data that can help you understand the suicide problem in your state or community, and determine which data are most useful for informing your prevention activities. Choosing and Implementing a Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper Training Program This online course will help you understand the role of gatekeeper training and decide if a gatekeeper training program is right for your school, organization, or community. This is not a gatekeeper training program. The Suicide Prevention Resource Center (SPRC) is supported by a grant (1 U793M062297) from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), US. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS). No of?cial endorsement by SAMHSA or DHHS for the information on this web site is intended or should be inferred. lw??uf?m Learning EDC lives. wingtme I SPRC is a project in the Health and Human Development Division of Education Development Center (EDC) 43 Foundry Avenue, Waltham, MA 02453-8313. BTT-GET SPRC Copyright 1994-2016 Education Development Center, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Addendum Page 105 of Policies and Procedures Miscellaneous Items/Medications Paragraph 1: text should read as follows. Medications All medications, pills, vitamins, etc. will be taken from the resident at intake and locked in a medication closet and distributed by approved staff. Medications will never be administered as a form of discipline, or in substitute for appropriate treatment, but will only be administered at the prescribed or appropriate times. Employees that are dependent upon medication must inform the Program Director at the time of their employment date, where medication must be out of reach and inaccessible to Youth in the program. New Horizons Youth Ranch Disciplinary Stages Each disciplinary stage is broken up into levels that we refer to as "Phases." There are four phases of consequences for violations of New Horizons Youth Academy rules. Staff will give as many warnings as they can until they feel that discipline is required. Usually you will receive one warning before an essay or disciplinary action is taken. All discipline/consequences are administered within reason. We use a system of rewards for good behavior and a loss of privileges for wrong behavior. Physical consequences allow freedom of movement; you will not be forced to take an uncomfortable position that causes you pain for any extended period of time. If any consequence is causing you prolonged physical discomfort, it is your right to notify staff. Depending on which rule is broken, residents will be in violation of a certain phase, and depending on which phase they are non?compliant to, a resident could be dropped a level, lose points and privileges depending on the severity of the problem, and have other disciplinary actions taken. Please refer to the house rules and orientation sheet for a list of common disciplines consequences. NOTE: Should you be unable to make your weekly phone call or receive family visitors as consequences, 3 staff member will contact your parent/guardian and the event will be rescheduled for a later date. For each phase of consequences you receive, you will also be assigned an essay, due within 24 hours of the incident. The essay should be about what happened, how you reacted, what you could have done better and what you will do next time, When an incident occurs and nobody admits to it, the entire group may be disciplined, lose points, and/or receive an essay. As previously stated, there are many disciplinary actions that can be used depending on the severity of the incident. Blatant disrespect and/or cussing toward staff will always result in isolation/work crew. isolation is a loss of all activities and privileges with confinement in your room. All such decisions are granted release by the treatment team made up of your Case Manager, Therapist, Head School Master, Supervisory Staff, your Parents and the Program Director. Saturday and Sundays do not count as work crew days even though you may work on those days. This is dependent on staff discretion. You can be restricted to your room (isolation) and/or lose speaking privileges (CEO) for rule violations. Duration is determined by the seriousness of the violation. Rules and consequences may be altered or added upon at staff discretion within reason and in accordance of New Horizons Youth Ranch Policies and Procedures. Violations will be assigned to each ?Phase? as follows: 59 3 New Horizons Youth Ranch 6442 West Kootenai Road Rexford, MT 59930 segment of society no matter how controlled or protected. The Guardian understands these risks, and agrees to hold harmless, and release the Ranch, and its staff, from all liability associated with these areas. 9. ACADEMICS The Guardians understand and agree that the Ranch provides an academic system that in most cases will allow the student to accelerate his credits for work completed and skill and aptitude achieved. Therefore the Guardians understand and agree that the Ranch cannot ensure, nor be liable, for how quickly the will receive credits, if any at all, or that the boy will receive credits in any certain subjects. 10. COMMUNICATION AND PROGRESS UPDATES BETWEEN THE FAMILY AND THE PROGRAM The Guardians understand and agree that it is easier for each parent to contact the Program for communication and updates on their son?s progress, than it is for the Program to track down several different parents at several different locations. It is also understood and agreed that the cost of telephone call is the responsibility of the Guardians. The Guardians understand and agree that the Family?s Case Manager will set aside a 15-minute period of time on the first initial week of enrollment to properly get acquainted with each parent/ guardian and to give an update on the boy?s status and well being. The Guardians understand and agree that the Family?s Case Manager will then set aside a 20?minute period of time each week after the first initial week of enrollment for the family to contact the Case Manager for communication and an update from the Program. The Guardian understands and agrees that the Case Manager will need to set the time of the calls, as the Case Manager will need to coordinate the call as not to interfere with calls already scheduled for other families. The Case Manager has other responsibilities that cannot be adjusted as they have to be accomplished at certain pre?arranged times. It is understood and agreed that the family will need to contact the Program at the time set by the Case Manager. It is further understood and agreed that the family will need to keep their call within the 20 minutes set aside for the family. It is also understood that due to illness or unexpected leaves, there may be some weeks that the Case Manager may not be available to receive the phone call from the family. In such cases, the family may not be available to receive the phone call from the family. In such cases, the family may contact the Director or his Assistants for an update, if the Case Manager has not made other arrangements. 11. FAMILY COMMUNICATION AND VISITS WITH THE BOY The Guardians understand and agree to follow the program?s visit and phone policies. Communication between the family and Boy will be through written mail for at least the first three (3) weeks. Then when approved by the Boy?s Treatment Team, which includes the Therapist, Case Manager, Director, and other staff as needed; weekly phone calls between the Boy and the guardians will January 10, 2014 Page 5 (#25 New Horizons Youth Ranch 6442 West Kootenai Road Rexford, MT 59930 be orchestrated by the Case Manager and Therapist. Visits may occur when the Boy has progressed in the program, with approval of the Treatment Team. The first visits are conducted at the facility, unless authorization is granted by the Program Director. The Guardians understand and agree that the Ranch shall be Released of any liability and responsibility of the Boy while on visitations and in the custody of the Guardians. 12. FOOD SERVICE The Ranch provides a menu that is low in fat and sugars. The Guardians understand that while the menu is healthy and good for the boys, it is not the type of menu that is often the most popular among teenage boys. The Guardians understand and agree that the Ranch shall be released of any liability and responsibilities in connection with food poisoning or illnesses caused by food service. 13. RESPONSIBILITY FOR PROPERTY Each boy shall be responsible for the care of his property. The Guardians agree that the Ranch shall not be responsible or liable do to loss, damage, neglect, misplacement, or theft of the Boy?s property, regardless of how it occurred. The Guardians agree that the Ranch is not responsible or liable for items left behind on visits, leaves, or when the Boy exits the Program. The Guardian understands that the Ranch recommends that expensive or sentimental items are not brought to the Ranch. 14. TRANSPORTATION The Guardians understand travel is a part of the program, and the risk of traffic accidents is always present. The Guardian agrees to hold harmless and release the Ranch from all liability for such accidents, any injuries, or fatalities resulting there from. Guardians give the Ranch permission to transport the boy as determined by the Ranch 15. MEDICATION The Guardians understand all medication is self administered by the Boy under supervision of a staff member. The Guardians understand that because all medication is self administered, problems or mistakes can happen in spite of supervision. The Guardians agree to hold harmless and release New Horizons Youth Ranch and its staff from all liability associated with medications. 16. AUTHORIZATION FOR DRUG SCREENING Guardians hereby give consent and authorize the Ranch to take a urinalysis test, or blood test for drug screening purposes of the boy as deemed necessary by staff. If needed, the Guardians agree to pay for such expenses. 17. AUTHORIZATION FOR OBSERVATION STATUS If the Boy is ever deemed, by the sole discretion of the Ranch, to be a potential danger to himself or others, the Guardians authorize the Ranch to confine the Boy in a special needs room away from the interaction of others. He will remain under close January 10, 2014 Page 6 0f25 New Horizons Youth Ranch House Rules Orientation, Cont?d Consequences For Non-Compliance Poor Behaviors HOUSE RESTRICTION 1. 3. REDUCED CURFEWS 4. EARLIER BEDTIME PR 6 7 8 . LEVEL DROP . EXTENSION OF QUIET TIME . INCREASE OF CHORES 9. EXERCISE 10. LOSS OF TV, STEREO, GANIE PRIVILEGES 11.ESSAY OR RELATED ASSIGNIVIENT 12.LOSS OF EXTRA SNACKS, LOSS OF DESSERTS 13.REMOVAL OF BELONGINGS, SUCH AS TOYS, GAMES OR THINGS RELATING TO INCIDENT 14. WILDERNESS TRIP 15.SLEEPING IN A TENT Why Am I Here? New Horizons Youth Ranch Page 11 R501-2-7 Behavior Management Discipline is a system of rules, which gives training by instruction, control, and practice. Equitable and consistent discipline is a prerequisite for proper facility operation and the maintenance of consistency. A well-trained staff member is essential to good discipline within the facility. Written regulations and the possible consequences for points lost or level drops provide consistent direction to both staff and youth enrolled in the Program. Student?s in the program are often in a tense or unsettled emotional state, which may lead to displays of anger, tension, loss of self?control, frustration, or violence directed toward staff or other residents. Staff shall attempt to prevent such behavior by recognizing indications of imminent behavior and intervening in a positive, constructive manner to neutralize or prevent such action or assault. The Program Director is solely responsible for the care of the resident youth in accordance with the approved standards. He/she will take cognizance of the recommendations of the Case Managers, and other professionals regarding discipline and program restrictions for the student while in the Program. However, subject to approved standards, the Program Director will have the ?nal authority to decide whether or not these recommendations will be implemented within the guidelines of raining. A. Disciplinary Stages 1) '_,Appropriate andinappropriatebehavior; of Student?s in the Program shall be referred to in the Student handbook de?ning Degrees in the Program. 2) Acceptable staff responseg to inappropriate behaviors and consequences can be referred to in the student handbook?and the Student Disciplinary .stageg; Acceptable Staff responses to inappropriate behavior can also be referred to in the Sta?Code. of?. Conduct; which can be located at the end of the ?Miscellaneous Items? section at the end of the Policies and Procedures Manual. 3) Student consequences ivill be referred to in the Student handbook on Disciplinary stages. *Disciplinary Stages and the Measurement Level System and Daily Color Grade System can be viewed in the Student Handbook on the following pages: 48 Level- The Starting Degree (0?240 Points)?2 1/2 to 3 months estimate time 55 pushups at 5:00 am is required for Level #1 Monday thru Friday. Run 10 laps every morning Monday thru Friday. Case Manager: Each student is assigned a case manager. Your case manager is your direct link between you and your parents. Your case manager will relay any positive recommendations from your parents if they feel your progress is in good standing to move on, along with your case managers input as well as the rest of your team treatment. Staff will grade you through a daily Points System. You can earn up to 4 points a day (depending on behavior.) Points may be taken away according to the ?Disciplinary Stages,? and staff discretion for negative behavior, essays, etc. Your case manager through the previous daily points system mentioned will grade each assignment and responsibility given and reward you according to exceptional behavior. You much earn 240 points to be eligible to move on to the 2?d Level. Opportunities to ear points are given according to positive behavior, cooperation, school participation, daily evaluations, attendance, and how well you follow and keep the rules. There are 5 levels that you must strive to earn during your time of Treatment at New Horizons Youth Ranch. 2nd Level Advancement: - As soon as you have earned 240 points and have the approval of your Treatment Team, you must then memorize the ?Orientation Introduction? page also the ?1st Level and 2nd Level? page of the Measurement Level System. Then you have passed this Level and may advance to the Level. Restrictions for Level 1: Limited privileges Must always ask permission for anything and everything Always has to be watched by staff or an upper Level at ALL times Last in line for everything No condiments with meals No T.V. or music No phone privileges (incoming or outgoing until Level In bed 8:30 pm No communication with any other student. (CBO- Communication Block Out) (To earn advancement points you must participate with a positive attitude in all you do, and make sure you keep the rules. Treat sta? with ReSpect, help clean up after meals and activities.) Level-Stepping Up (240-600 Points) 3 months estimate time 52 55 Dushuns at 5:00 am is required for Level 2?s Monday thru Thursday Run 10 laps every morning Monday thru Friday Level 2 Privileg? Restrictions: - Level 1 restrictions and rules still apply with the exception of some additional privileges (to be explained.) 0 Eating arrangements go according to Levels and points, also according to what current violations there may be. a You have the privilege to talk with other Level 2?s or higher. You are not allowed to talk to level 1?s; neither can they talk. to you. 0 Will be next in line for everything, behind higher Level students. I You have earned the privilege to participate in movie night. If you receive an essay during the week, then your privilege for movie night is lost for that week. 0 Movie night is ever Friday night. 0 In bed at 9:30 pm; exceptions will be made for movie nights. I Ten (10) minute phone call to your parents with supervision of your Case Manager or approved staff, once (1) a month for 20 minutes. - Privilege to receive Visitation from your family. 3rd Level Advancement: In order to move onto the 3rd Level, you much memorize and pass off the following: ?3'cl Level? Measurement System Page ?Phase 1 2? on the Disciplinary Stages along with earning your 600 points for eligibility, and the approval of your entire treatment team. Levels 2 3 are to Show an example in following the rules of the Program. Therefore, where more is earned as far as your advancement in the Program, more will be expected in your ability to follow the rules of the Program. The consequences could be more severe dependant upon staff discretion. (To earn advancement oints you should be com letin our Dail Evaluation, hel in to set a positive example for lower Levels, keeping a positive behavior, and following the rules.) 3rd Level- Trust (600-950 Points)?2 1/2 to 3 months estimate time 55 pushups at 5:00 am is required for Level #3?s Monday thru Wednesday Run 10 laps ever morning Monday thru Friday By reaching the 3rd Level, you have proven that you are willing to put forth effort in making positive changes- At this point, you have attained more Trust, and with more Trust come more privileges. Do not forget, with more privileges comes more responsibility to maintain the TRUST you have earned. Although Family Leaders may be chosen at any Level according to Progress and Behavior, Level is usually where positions or responsibility and privileges will be handed. The Family Leader is the head of the group, always the motivator, and most compliant. The Assistant Family Leader is the Family Leaders right-hand man. These two residents are considered to be the most Trusted in the Family. 4th Level Advancement: In order to move on to 4th Level, you must memorize and pass off the following: ?4th Level? Measurement System Page ?Phase 3 4? on the Disciplinary Stages along with earning your 950 points for eligibility, and the approval of your entire treatment team. 3"d Level Privileges: - Off Campus activity with staff, once a month. a Ten minute call to parents with supervision of Case Manager, on Speakerphone, twice a month. 0 Will be given the opportunity to receive vocational training within your personal interests. Must always be approved and attended by staff. In bed 10:00 pm Has the ability to help staff in the kitchen area ONLY when permission is granted by staff. Above all other lower Levels Home Visits are granted at this Level (To earn advancement points you should be setting a positive example and an uplifting vibe among others. Motivate others and encourage them to do well. Follow all pre-existent rules that you have shown the ability to master so far. Do your Daily Evaluations and work hard for your next advancement.) Alone (950-1300 Points)? 2 1A to 3 months estimate time 55 Dushups at 5:00 am is required for Level #4?s Monday thru Tuesday Run 10 laps every morning Mondav thru Friday. At this point, you have earned the rank of Junior Staff and, and are able to give out Phase #1 and Phase #2 disciplinary actions. You have proven to your Treatment Team that you are willing to go above and beyond in making positive changes. You are one of the most Trusted by staff, and you should be getting ready to go home. You should be striving to gain recommendations and earn approval of your Treatment Team in order to begin Transition for Home. 5th Level Advancement: In order to move on to 5th level, you must memorize and pass off the following, ?5"1 Level? Measurement Page ?Transition? along with earning your 1300 points for eligibility, and the approval of your entire Treatment Team. Level 4 Privileges Off campus activities, with staff, twice a month 2 phone calls per month, ten minutes, in presence of case manager, on speakerphone. Earn the rank of Junior Staff, able to give out phase #1 and phase #2 disciplinary actions. Continue vocational training of your choice. (Depending on what is available) Able to help staff with most things Most approved privileges are granted. (Appropriateness is determined by Staff Supervisors and your Treatment Team.) May help with staff meetings a In bed 10:30 pm (To earn advancement points you can help staff with meetings, set the best example in the Program, help other lower Level students to do the best they can, reach goals that are in your Daily Evaluations, and most importantly, continue to set a positive example.) gm Lei-'ei- On My Way (1300-1500 Points)-2 months estimate time 55 Dushuns at 5:00 am is required for Level 5?s on Monday only Run 10 laps every morning Monday thru Fridalr The 5th Level is very simple. You have worked very hard to get here and in the process you have shown that you have a desire to make positive changes. During this period you should work on going home. Make sure that everything you do is good and that you are still setting an example for everyone. Help out staff and give advice when appropriate. CONGRATULATIONS, you are a 5?l Level Level Students are I The most trusted in the program Always ?rst in line for anything and everything Able to help staff meetings Very close to being considered ?staff Able to help staff with everything including ?disciplinary actions? with other students As usual, you must continue to ask staff for everything In the 5th Level you should be working through the process of ?Transition? Level Privileges I Choice of off campus activity twice a month for 3rd Level students or higher I Able to do almost anything that is appropriate and approved by Staff Supervisor and program director. I In bed by 11:00 pm Transition -- To enter into Transition, you must ?rst earn the approval of your Treatment Team. Once eligibility is reached, you will begin transition. Transition is a part of the 5th Level. Once Transition is completed, the Level is completed. Transition should be viewed as a healing process: a home agreement contract is often made and signed, and a list of rules and agreements between you and your parents is formed. This is the process of students being referred to Transition: I Staff meeting is held; positive feedback and recommendations of the candidates will be taken into consideration. I Case manager, who is the middle man between student and parents, will relay any positive recommendations from the parents if they feel the student is in good standing to move on. 56 Phase #1 (300 Word essay, results in loss of Activities for 24 hours.) Discipline for Rule Violations for PHASE #1 Basic warnings, without being in Violation of any existing phase. If you continue to get warnings over the same situation, it will lead to a phase Cussing (whether you correct yourself or not.) Students involved in sneaky behavior. DisreSpect toward staff. (talking back) Horse playing with staff or other students Pillow ?ghting in rooms, whipping each other with your towels. (1St warning) Not following staff directions Not being in bed at assigned bedtime BREAKING C.B.O (Communication Block Out) Staff shopping. (15t Violation) Cheating on the weekly Quote. Not on time for meals, schools, activities, etc. No daily goals, daily evaluations, or journal. Dirty room, bathroom. Lack of manners (burping or passng gas during inappropriate times.) (It is possible to attain a discipline for rules not directly listed.) (Rules may be changed or added upon at anytime by staff in accordance to the Staff Employee Handbook and New Horizons Youth Ranch Policies and Procedures.) 60 Phase #2 (Automatically gives you a 600 word essay and loss of activities for 2 days.) Discipline for Rule Violations for PHASE #2 Failure to follow staff instructions Out of area without being watched Impermissible privilege violations (doing anything that is a privilege that your Level does not allow.) Non-compliance with staff. Failure to immediately go to your room when told. Loud or disruptive behavior in your room after bedtime. (Level 2?s up are exceptions when talking quietly.) Misuse of hygiene products (soap, deodorant, toothpaste, comb, toilet paper, etc.) Language Sharing or talking about the reason why you are in the program with other residents. Disrespectful and prejudicial comments (name calling, disrespect to a race, religion, etc.) Arguing with staff Disrespectful or inattentive behavior during guest speakers, or seminars. Disruptions during school or seminars. lntimidating other residents or staff Going in another residents room Staff shopping, manipulative (asking a different staff member for something after already being told no). (2"d Violation) Talking to another resident in another room during quiet time. Horseplay and play ?ghting. (2?1d Violation) Any violation of Room Rules, Meal Rules, and Courtyard Rules. (It is possible to attain a discipline for rules not directly listed.) (Rules may be changed or added upon at anytime by staff in accordance to the Staff Employee Handbook and New Horizons Youth Ranch Policies and Procedures.) 61 Phase #3 (Automatically results in a 1500 word essay, 5 days work crew, and dropped a Level.) Discipline for Rule Violations for PHASE #3 Refusal toward staff Assaultive behavior toward staff (threats to staff or staff family, throwing things at staff, spitting at staff, physically assaulting staff, etc.) Talk of escape Blatant cussing Talk of rioting Self-mutilation of any kind (tattooing, piercing, scratching, cutting, etc.) Threatening or ?calling on? another resident Threatening or ?calling on? staff. Swearing, raising voice at staff or other residents Clogging the toilet and] or ?ooding your bathroom Physical contact of any kind with staff or other residents Assaultive behavior toward other residents 0 (Length of Work crew is dependant upon your Treatment Team.) 0 (If you area Level you may be dropped to a Total of points, or go to negative points, dependant upon where you are at in the 1St Level.) (It is possible to attain a discipline for rules not directly listed.) (Rules may be changed or added upon at anytime by staff in accordance to the Staff Employee Handbook and New Horizons Youth Ranch Policies and Procedures.) 62 Phase #4 I (Automatically gives you a 3500 word essay, 1 1/2 weeks work crew, and dropped to the 151L Degree, may result in negative points if you are already at the 1St Level.) Discipline for Rule Violations for PHASE #4 Pornography Drugs or drug paraphernalia Weapons or contraband of any kind Attempted escape Masturbation Sexual harassment Destruction of property Attempted suicide Completely out of control, either verbally, physically, or both When you become a danger to yourself, others or your surroundings Behavior resulting in a Restraint 0 (Length of Work crew is dependant upon your Treatment Team.) 0 (If you area Level you may be dropped to a Total of points, or go to negative points, dependant upon where you are at in the 1st Level.) (It is possible to attain a discipline for rules not directly listed.) (Rules may be changed or added upon at anytime by staff in accordance to the Staff Employee Handbook and New Horizons Youth Ranch Policies and Procedures.) 63 Room Rules No, food, toothbrushes, combs, etc., in your rooms, unless you are a Level 3 or higher. Unless you are in your room for Isolation. No games, pens or pencils, or shoes in your room. Pens pencils must be kept where your hygiene box is kept. Always make your bed before leaving your room, or coming out to group. Keep the ?oor and the shelves clean in your room- All laundry should be kept in your laundry basket. Always keep your shoes in the shoe closet to be locked up at all times. Ask for anything you need before you go to your room for the night. Level 2's or higher may quietly talk to your roommates when in your room, do not talk or yell under the door to other residents. This privilege can be taken away. Room searches may take place at any time. Meal rules Be quiet and appropriate. Level #2?3 or higher may talk until they receive their food. Wait to be called up and excused from table after eating Help clean up following meals 5t" and 4th Levels get served first, then 3rd, and then 15't Levels always go last and do not get use of condiments. Lack of manners (burping, passing gas) will result in a Phase #1 violation. Courtyard Rules Use equipment appropriately (don?t throw balls against fence or wall, kick basketballs or volleyballs, or throw them at another person unless the speci?c activity calls for it, etc.) Participate fully in activities unless excused by staff, the nurse, or a doctor. If you don?t plan to participate and are excused, stay in your room. Do not interact with anyone who may be on the outside of the facility grounds. (It is possible to attain a discipline for rules not directly listed.) 64 B. All personnel who deal with the student?s shall receive suf?cient training, at least annually, so that they are thoroughly familiar with the rules of resident conduct, the sanctions available, and the rationale for the rules. C. Policy and Procedure provides that student?s are not subject to corporal or unusual punishment, humiliation, mental abuse, or punitive interference with the daily functions of living, such as eating or sleeping. D. There are written rules of resident conduct, which outline acts prohibited within the facility and penalties that may be imposed for various degrees of violation. N0 management personnel may use or authorize any particular staff member to use physical restraint with the exception of passive physical restraint through proper training within the Mandt System training or PCS (Positive Control System.) Through the use of the Mandt system or PCS, passive physical restraint is used o_nly as a temporary means of physical containment for only a few reasons, which include: i. To protect a resident from harm, injury, or danger to himself. ii. To protect others from harm caused by a resident To protect property from harm or damage. iv. When signed authorization is given by guardians within the Enrollment Agreement to escort to and from the Facility/Program v. To prevent the resident from running away vi. To prevent the resident from entering an unauthorized area. *Before any passive physical restraint is used, verbal de-escalation should ?rst be exercised. Through the use of the Mandt System or PCS, passive physical restraint should never be associated with punishment or physical discipline in any way. Staff who exercises the Mandt System training, PCS or other forms of physical restraint outside of the scope of their assigned duties and out of harmony with the policies and procedures of New Horizons Youth Ranch on a student in the care and supervision of New Horizons Youth Ranch will immediately be terminated and will be accountable for liability. B. Any staff member involved in an emergency safety intervention that results in an injury to a resident or staff must meet with the clinical professional to evaluate the circumstances that caused the injury and develop a plan to prevent future injuries. company release of Liability Form for the Mandt System or PCS is on the next page as follows: 66 -- Mandatory ctr-going. training will include the following: a) CPR First Aide training with proof of certi?cation b) Positive Control System Training Course with certi?cation c) Training for Food Handlers permit d) Defensive driving training course (for authorized drivers.) 6) Sexual Harassment Training Course f) Policies and Procedures Training Program Philosophy and Behavior-Management 23? Emergency. Procedures 4) Performance appraisals: Employee performance evaluations are conducted at least every six months, or as often as the Program Director deems necessary. Employee performance evaluations will be graded upon the following criteria which shall include, but not be limited to the following: Attendance/tardmess Knowledge of Program Policies and Procedures Accurate record keeping Up to date on Trainings and certi?cation Handling of situations (whether it be daily activities or crisis situations) Relationship with fellow sta?? and Youth in the Program. Wee-953?s *The Employee Evaluation Form for performance appraisals is on the next page as follows: 87 New Horizons Youth Ranch 6442 W. Kootenoi Rd. Re?ord, MT 59930 Acknowledgement of Behavior Management Policies I, hereby certify and acknowledge that I have read the code of conduct present in the Policy and Procedures manual. I also certify and acknowledge that I have read the New Horizons Youth Ranch Program Student Handbook, including Measurement Level System, Disciplinary Stages, Program Rules, and description of consequences work crew). I hereby acknowledge my duty to uphold New Horizons Youth Ranch?s system of disciplines as outlined in the student handbook. Date Employee New Horizons Youth Academy, LLC. Policies and Procedures Sign off Sheet I, have read and understand the Policies and Procedures of New Horizons Youth Academy, LLC. I agree to abide by them and, should it come to my attention that my actions are not in accordance with the Policies and Procedures, I understand that New Horizons Youth Academy will be released from any liability that may result, and any activities or acts that may come to my attention that is not in harmony with the Policies and Procedures which have been outlined I will report it to my supervisor immediately. Employee Name (printed) Signature Date Program Director Signature Date 126 Addendum IV: Page 97 of Policies and Procedures manual Let the phrase ?including mental health services? be added. 3) Program has written plan which personnel follows in medical emergencies and arrangements for medical care and/or mental health services, including notification of consumers? physician, and nearest relative or guardian. Personal information for emergency contact information can be found in the "Enrollment Agreement? contract that shall be in the Program Director?s of?ce files. Addendum V: Page 35 of Policies and Procedures manual Let the phrase "In the event that the Ranch?s doctor determines there is not a need for continued use, or a change in medications is made, the consumer?s parents or legal guardians shall be notified within 24 hours.? he added. 3. Any medication in the possession of a youth at admission shall be labeled for identification and withheld until a determination is made by the Ranch?s doctor on the need for its continued use. This determination is made regarding the need for its continued use. This determination shall be made at the earliest possible time. in the event that the Ranch?s doctor determines there is not a need for continued use, or a change in medications is made, the consumer's parents or legal guardians shall be notified within 24 hours. Addendum VI: Page 37 of Policies and Procedures manual Let article iv. "Methods of Evaluation? be expanded to include iv. Methods of Evaluation 1. Initial evaluations will be conducted on?site by NHYR staff. 2. if necessary, the consumer may be referred to a board?certified neurologist, child or other mental health professional for further evaluation. New Horizons Youth Ranch 6442 West Kootenai Road Rexford, MT 59930 Enrollment Agreement This Enrollment Agreement, by and between New Horizons Youth youth program), a Montana Business (hereafter ?Ranch"), Ranch, (a And (hereinafter "Guardians"), is made in consic the contractual agreements between the parties set forth which stiI: following mutual covenants and promises: 1. GUARDIAN S. The Guardians attest that they are the legal guardia both physical and legal custody, of hereinafter "the boy,? whose date of birth is being enrolled into the Ranch. The Guardians express their desire to enrollment of the Boy into the Ranch according to the terms and cor this Agreement. 2. GUARDIANS CONSENT TO PARTICIPATION IN ACADEMY PROGRAM. Guardians give their approval and consent to participate in all activities and programs of the Ranch, includin limited to, Transportation, work projects, treatment programs, activit off grounds, and/ or intervention when deemed necessary by the Ranch, unless excluded by Law. 3. CONTRACT PERIOD. This Agreement is for twelve (12) months, as a prorated daily rate until the 1?t day of the next month if the date 1St day of the current month. The day of admissions is :leration of >ulates the ns, having and is ontract for 1ditions of ENTIRE and taff at the beginning is past the If the Boy is admitted into the Program on any other day other than the the Month, the contract period will begin on a prorated daily rate until of the next month. (See Financial Requirements). While the agreement period is for Twelve (12) months, the Guardians should that the program has best results in terms of outcome when boys program for at least eighteen (18) months. 4. ENROLLMENT. The Guardians acknowledge that any questions 0* were successfully addressed by representatives of the Ranch. Guardia enroll the Boy in New Horizons Youth Ranch, on this date and upon completion of this agreement condi1 limitations specified in this agreement, I.e. Item 1-30 to agree to and following services: a. Room and Board b. Academic Programs c. Therapy Treatment Supervision Guardians understand and agree that the Ranch will make changes i1 January 10, 2014 315t day of the 1St day ontractual nderstand are in the concerns _ns hereby which is tions, and rovide the 1 services, Page I of 25 New Horizons Youth Ranch 6442 West Kootenai Road Rexford, MT 59930 staffing, and program content at their sole discretion. The Guardians and agree that the Ranch also does not accept responsibility for ar represented orally by any of its Program Staff, sales representatives relations personnel. Therefore, New Horizons Youth Ranch does 1 responsibility for services written in sales material, pamphlets Adjustments may occur during the admittance or enrollment period of 5. FINANCIAL REQUIREMENTS The tuition is $3,800.00 pel Guardians agree to pay the Ranch upon admission a one time (non?r processing fee of two-thousand dollars and a student allowance account deposit of one hundred fifty dollars in a the initial payment. 0 Depending on the date of admission, the initial payment will be follows: One hundred twenty-five dollars ($125.00) per day Clarification: If the Boy is admitted into the ranch on the 19th day of May, th Lnderstand 1y services or public not accept website. the Boy. Month. efundable) incidental deition to rorated as Guardians would pay $125.00 times 13 (days left in the month of May) which equals one-thousand six hundred and twenty five dollars Guardians would then tuition of three thousand eight hundred dollars for following twelve (12) months, due and payable on the ?rst day of each montl Following the initial payment, Guardians agree to pay twelve (12 payments of three thousand eight hundred dollars and incidental allowance account of $150.00 each month. The first such payment to be made on or before pay the full each of the 1. a student (Date of admission) and each payment thereafter shall be due on th day of each month. Guardians can choose to pay tuition of twelve (12) months in . a discount of 2% (two percent). The total due in this case would be thousand six hundred and eight eight dollars for the months tuition of the program and contract paid in advance, also incidental allowance account deposit of one hundred fifty dollars (55' each month, and a one time (non-refundable) processing fee of two dollars The fee schedule remains as stated above (Financial Requirementsthe Program less than or longer than Twelve (12 payments do not adjust according to the phase of treatm services offered. The payments do not re?ect the exact amou the Boy will be or is in residence at the Ranch in any given month. TI- NO FEE ADJUSTMENTS OR REDUCTIONS FOR PERIODS IN WP January I 0, 2014 15t (first) advance at forty four welve (12) a student [50.00) for thousand en though 2) months. ent or the nt of days IERE ARE THE Page 2 of 25 New Horizons Youth Ranch 6442 West Kootenai Road Rexford, MT 59930 BOY IS NOT PHYSICALLY AT THE RANCH, whether or not the Guardian or the Ranch authorizes the Boy?s absences. A. INCIDENTAL COST AND EXPENSES In addition to tuition, the Guardians agree to pay for the following expenses incurred by the Boy; expenses will be billed to the Guardians as they occur: such 1. 2. 3. Medical, dental, orthodontic, optical, or lab tests. If deemed necessary by the Ranch or requested by the Guardian The Ranch can arrange with a physician for complete physical 31 test. Airline or other forms of commercial travel. Transportation and supervision costs for special needs that ar from the normal Ranch activities, such as any appointments, tr; from airports, weekly activities 8: super activities. Kalispell for appointments is $150.00 unless otherwise specified. Incidental allowance expenditures of $150.00 per month. The I nd blood 'e separate Ivel to and Transportation to incidental allowance expenditures may include, (craft projects, school supplies, field trips, and family outings). Cost for additional therapy not covered by the normal Progra m: Cost of services by the or Cost for family therapy session conducted during family visits, all Boys on medication by a must have a medication review. All prescribed Boys must have a clinical review of treatment conducted by an affiliated or of the Ranch. Guardians may elect to have their Boy seen additionally by Ranch affiliated or if they feel the need. Guardians agree to pay for all fees. Other expenses related to the well-being or needs of the Boy, not otherwise provided in accordance with this agreement, such as a private tutor, music lessons, specialized training or activities outside Program. the Ranch B. UNUSUAL COSTS Expenses for the assistance in the return of a runaway boy. In the event that the boy leaves the Ranch without authorization, the Ranch will use reasonable efforts to assist the Guardians in finding the boy a obtaining his safe return. An accounting of the expenses incurred by while assisting the Guardians in finding and returning the boy will be the Guardians. Responsibility for damage to, or loss of property caused by the m1. Guardians agree to be financially responsible for the costs of repairing or 1n Ranch ade to January 10, 2014 Page 3 of 25 New Horizons Youth Ranch 6442 West Kootenai Road Rexford, MT 59930 replacing any property lost, stolen, damaged, defaced, or destroyed by that are not covered by insurance. Such costs will be billed to the Guarc the time such damage or loss occurs and shall be paid by the Guardian ten (10) days of receipt of bill. Cost of Collections, Attorney Fees, and Interest Rate Charges. Guardia to pay the costs of the collection of any amounts due under this agreerr including reasonable attorney's fees, whether or not legal action is com and in addition to pay interest on all sums unpaid within 10 days due date. C. INSURANCE The Guardians shall provide health insurance covera; Boy during the initial or any extended Enrollment Period. A copy of tt Insurance Policy must be provided to the Ranch upon admission to the And it shall be the Guardians responsibility to maintain the health insu policy in full force and effect during the initial and extended Enrollmer In the event any health insurance policy is terminated for any reason a1 is obtained, the Guardians shall notify the Ranch immediately and furn of the policy. In the event the Ranch learns that there is no health insu: coverage of the Boy for any reason, the Ranch may, but is not required an appropriate health insurance policy at the Guardians expense. 6. FAILURE TO PAY TUITION As indicated in Paragraph 5 Requirements), the tuition of $3,800.00 will be due and pay before the first of each calendar month. The Guardians acknow agree that absent prior written arrangements from the Ranch, if the not received payment for the tuition on or before the 10th day the first of each month, the Ranch will require the Guardian to remoi from the Ranch at the sole expense of the Guardian. If the tui paid, and if the Guardians do not physically remove the Boy from the required under the terms of this paragraph, the Guardians hereby authorization to contact their local authorities for the release of the arrival at the address listed in this Enrollment Agreement. 7. THERAPY The Guardians understand and agree that the Ranch, discretion or need, may at anytime change the amount or type provided for the boy. This includes changes, reductions, suspe elimination or formal group or individual therapy sessions. 8. SUPERVISION Guardians understand that the amount of supervie with each boy depending on his current status. The Ranch provides a of supervision, but it is understood that the supervision provided, reg status, does not guarantee that accidents, harm, self-injury, runawa activity, or use of substances cannot happen. These risks are prese January 10, 2014 their son :lians at 5 within ns agree lent, menced after the ge for the 1e Health Ranch. rance 1t Period. 1d a new Lish a copy ance to, obtain (Financial able on or 'ledge and Ranch has following re the Boy Ltion is not 3 Ranch as I give the Boy upon at its sole )f therapy nsions, or iiOIl varies high level gardless of ys, sexual ant in any Page 4 of 25 New Horizons Youth Ranch 6442 West Kootenai Road Rexford, MT 59930 segment of society no matter how controlled or protected. The understands these risks, and agrees to hold harmless, and release the I its staff, from all liability associated with these areas. 9. ACADEMICS The Guardians understand and agree that the Rand an academic system that in most cases will allow the student to ace credits for work completed and skill and aptitude achieved. The Guardians understand and agree that the Ranch cannot ensure, nor be how quickly the will receive credits, if any at all, or that the boy credits in any certain subjects. 10. COMMUNICATION AND PROGRESS UPDATES BETWI FAMILY AND THE PROGRAM The Guardians understand and agre easier for each parent to contact the Program for communication and 1. their son?s progress, than it is for the Program to track down severa parents at several different locations. It is also understood and agree cost of telephone call is the responsibility of the Guardians. The understand and agree that the Family's Case Manager will set aside a period of time on the first initial week of enrollment to properly get a with each parent/ guardian and to give an update on the boy?s status being. The Guardians understand and agree that the Family?s Case Ma then set aside a 20-minute period of time each week after the first initi Guardian ianch, and 1 provides elerate his refore the liable, for rill receive EEN THE :e that it is lpdates on 1 different ed that the Guardians 15-minute chuainted 3 and well nager will al week of ion and an the Case enrollment for the family to contact the Case Manager for communicati update from the Program. The Guardian understands and agrees tha Manager will need to set the time of the calls, as the Case Manager will need to coordinate the call as not to interfere with calls already scheduled for other families. The Case Manager has other responsibilities that cannot be adjusted as they have to be accomplished at certain pre-arranged times. It is understood and agreed that the family will need to contact the Program at the time set by the Case Manager. It is further understood and agreed that the family will need to keep their call within the 20 minutes set aside for the family. It is also understood that due to illness or unexpected leaves, there may be weeks that the Case Manager may not be available to receive the phone cal from the family. In such cases, the family may not be available to receive the hone call from the family. In such cases, the family may contact the Direc or or his Assistants for an update, if the Case Manager has not made other arran ements. FAMILY COMMUNICATION AND VISITS WITH THE OY The Guardians understand and agree to follow the program?s visit a phone policies. Communication between the family and Boy will be throu written mail for at least the first three (3) weeks. Then when approved by the Boy?s Treatment Team, which includes the Therapist, Case Manager, Dir ctor, and other staff as needed; weekly phone calls between the Boy and the gu dians will January 10, 2014 Page 5 of 25 New Horizons Youth Ranch 6442 West Kootenai Road Rexford, MT 59930 be orchestrated by the Case Manager and Therapist. Visits may occu when the Boy has progressed in the program, with approval of the Treatment earn. The first visits are conducted at the facility, unless authorization is gran ed by the Program Director. The Guardians understand and agree that the Ran shall be Released of any liability and responsibility of the Boy while on visitati ns and in the custody of the Guardians. 12. FOOD SERVICE The Ranch provides a menu that is low in fat The Guardians understand that while the menu is healthy and good fo the boys, it is not the type of menu that is often the most popular among teenag boys. The Guardians understand and agree that the Ranch shall be released of a liability and responsibilities in connection with food poisoning or illnesses aused by food service. 13. RESPONSIBILITY FOR PROPERTY Each boy shall be sponsible for the care of his property. The Guardians agree that the Ranch all not be reSponsible or liable do to loss, damage, neglect, miSplacement, or eft of the Boy?s property, regardless of how it occurred. The Guardians agre that the Ranch is not responsible or liable for items left behind on visits, leave or when the Boy exit?s the Program. The Guardian understands that Ranch recommends that expensive or sentimental items are not brought to th Ranch. 14. TRANSPORTATION The Guardians understand travel is a rt of the program, and the risk of traffic accidents is always present. The Guar 'an agrees to hold harmless and release the Ranch from all liability for such acci ents, any injuries, or fatalities resulting there from. Guardians give the Ranch ermission to transport the boy as determined by the Ranch 15. MEDICATION The Guardians understand all medicatio is self administered by the Boy under supervision of a staff member. The uardians understand that because all medication is self administered, pr blems or mistakes can happen in spite of supervision. The Guardians agre to hold harmless and release New Horizons Youth Ranch and its staff from ll liability associated with medications. 16. AUTHORIZATION FOR DRUG SCREENING Guardians he eby give consent and authorize the Ranch to take a urinalysis test, or blood test for drug screening purposes of the boy as deemed necessary by staff. If needed, the Guardians agree to pay for such expenses. 17. AUTHORIZATION FOR OBSERVATION STATUS If the Boy is ever deemed, by the sole discretion of the Ranch, to be a potential danger to himself or others, the Guardians authorize the Ranch to confine the Boy in a special needs room away from the interaction of others. He will remain under close January 10, 2014 Page 6 of 25 New Horizons Youth Ranch 6442 West Kootenai Road Rexford, MT 59930 observation by a staff member until such time, that the staff feel he is [0 longer a significant danger to himself or others. The Guardians understand that all such decisions are judgment calls and are wide open to human or judgn Guardians agree to hold harmless and release the Ranch from ar resulting from any decisions to place or discontinue placement of ient error. 1y liability a boy on observation status. 18. AUTHORIZATION FOR SEARCH Guardians hereby give understands and agrees that the Ranch takes no responsibility for return of confiscated items. 19. AUTHROIZATION FOR BEHAVIOR MODIFICATION The understand that the Ranch?s Behavior Modification Program includ rewards and behavior or rule violations. Rewards and incentives include ear ng points, privileges, trust, and status advancements. Consequences include ear ng points, privileges, trust, and status, and writing of essays (BOO-words in lengt When a boy is given an essay, he is confined to a study carrel or other spe ified area away from the interaction of others, he is not allowed to participate in he normal Program until he completes the essay outlining what he did inapprop 'ately, and what adjustments he will make in the future: This particular proce 3 may be scheduled for a certain period of time which may include a da or days depending upon the severity of the violation. The Guardians further nderstand and authorize the Ranch to maintain a strict code of conduct includ rules on dress and grooming, interaction with others, use of manners, a propriate attitudes, and behaviors. The Guardians authorize the Ranch to apply the Behavior Modification techniques described herein and any others eemed by the Ranch to be necessary. 20. AUTHORIZATION FOR RESTRAINT Guardians hereby give nsent and authorization to the Ranch personnel to physically restrain, control nd detain the Boy if needed for and including, but not limited to, the following escort to or from the Ranch; to prevent the Boy from jeopardizing hi others; to prevent entering an unauthorized area; to prevent the desl property. 21. THE RANCH OPERATES AS AGENTS FOR GUARDIAN The hereby agree that the Ranch and its staff operate in behalf of, and as the Guardians who affirm they are the legal guardian of the Boy. Any 1 or curtailments of the Boy?s privileges or rights as outlined and authori January 10, 2014 purposes: 5 safety or truction of Guardians agents for, estrictions zed in this Page 7 of 25 New Horizons Youth Ranch 6442 West Kootenai Road Rexford, MT 59930 Enrollment Agreement; are done by the Ranch or its staff on behalf agents for the Guardians. 22. AUTHORIZATION FOR RELIGIOUS STUDY Guardians under agree that New Horizons Youth Ranch is a non-denominational progi Christ centered. The Ranch believes that faith in God is conducive t( of, and as 'stand and 'am that is 3 the Boys treatment and recovery, but the Guardians/ Boys faith will not be undermined. Opportunities for boys to attend and participate in church services ant are a part of our program. The Guardians hereby release the Ranch liability that may result from the Boys participation in religious service: 23. AUTHORITY TO ACT New Horizons Youth Ranch may perforr all facts necessary as determined in their judgment, or the judgment them severally for the health, welfare, and progress of the Boy, includir limited to (decisions in your place and stead), consent for hospitalizati consent for medical treatment, assistance and medical aid, psy examination and assistance, of whatever nature, including surgery of a1 24. RESPONSIBILITY FOR INIURIES OR ACCIDENTS Many of the in which the Boy may participate may involve some risks. These risl< but are not limited to, such activities as transportation, sports, and re activities. There are also some inherent risks, including, but not 1 illnesses, infections, injuries, accidents, and The Guardian hold harmless and release the Ranch and its staff, from all liabilit injuries, illnesses, or other damages occurring to the Boy during his the Ranch, whether on or off the Ranch property. The Guardians may 6 allow the Boy to participate in specific activities provided written noti: the Ranch prior to the conduct of such specific activities. 25. INSURANCE REIMBURSEMENTS Unless otherwise stated in signed by both parties, the Ranch takes no responsibility for the a1: processing of Insurance reimbursements, payments, or billings. The I agree to maintain the fee schedule while any reimbursements or pay being processed. 26. CHOICE OF IURISDICTION, LAW, AND OTHER 1\ GUARDIANS AGREE TO BE SUBJECT TO JURISDICTION OF M1 COURTS IN ANY DISPUTE BETWEEN THE PARTIES TO THIS AGR The parties agree that this Agreement constitutes a business transacti the State of Montana, which transaction is subject to Montana Code as Moreover, the parties agree that Montana Law shall govern this Agre the event any part of this Agreement is determined to be i unenforceable the remaining provisions of this Agreement shall ren and enforceable according to applicable law. January 10, 2014 :1 activities from any r? 5' 11 any and of each chological my kind. 3 activities :3 include, :creational irnited to, agrees to for any resence at elect to not :e is given riting and aproval or Guardians ments are DNTANA EEMENT. on within amended. aement. In nvalid or main valid Page 8 0f 25 New Horizons Youth Ranch 6442 West Kootenai Road Rexford, MT 59930 27. AGREEMENT RENEWAL This Agreement is automatically rene Boy remains in the Program past twelve (12) months. The fee remain the same. 28. EARLY ENROLLMENT TERMINATION A. LIQUIDATION PROVISION This Agreement is for a month enrollment period. If the Guardian desires to withdraw from the Ranch, they must provide the Ranch with a three written notice prior to the actual withdrawal. If the Guardians the Boy without giving a three (3) month written notice, or if the withdraws the Boy before the three (3) month notice has ex Guardians will then be required to pay the Ranch any amount er remaining tuition due under the three (3) month withdrawal payment is considered by the parties of this Agreement as a 1 pre-estimate of the probable losses, which would be sustain Ranch, in the event of a withdrawal of the Boy, prior to the Enrollment period. This "loss" amount is not considered by eit parties to this Agreement as a penalty for early withdrawal of th is intended to reimburse the Ranch for costs budgeting con B. INVOLUNTARY ENROLLMENT TERMINATION Tl reserves the right to terminate enrollment of any Boy at anytime in the performance of any of the terms of this Agreement by Guardian or if in the sole discretion of the Ranch the Boy is not resident of the Ranch or for any other reason the Ranch deterI the Boy should not continue to reside at the Ranch. In the eve enrollment is involuntarily terminated, the Ranch shall attempt the Guardian and shall deliver the Boy to the nearest transportation and arrange at the Guardian?s address. If enrollment is involuntarily terminated by the Ranch, the Gua forfeit any remaining tuition for the month in which the Boy?s is terminated. This ?loss? amount is not considered by either of to this Agreement as a penalty, but is intended to reimburse the costs budgeting commitments made by the Ranch in connectior enrollment of the Boy. 29. RELEASE OF LIABILITY FOR SUICIDE ATTEMPTS The Gua] hereby acknowledge that the Boy enrolling may have had previous suic tendencies but exhibits no signs or at this time and the Guan hereby releases New Horizons Youth Ranch and all employees from an from a suicide or suicide attempt. January 10, 2014 wed if the edule will velve [12] the Boy (3) month withdraw Guardian pired, the :{ual to the otice. This "easonable ed by the and of the 'her of the Boy, but unitments made by the Ranch in connection with the enrollment of the Boy. 1e Ranch 2 a default he Boy or a suitable nines that nt a Boy's to contact form of the Boy?s rdian will nrollment he parties Ranch for 1 with the rdians do idal iians liability Page 9 of 25 New Horizons Youth Ranch 6442 West Kootenai Road Rexford, MT 59930 Guardian Date: (Father/Guardian) Guardian Date: (Mother/Guardian) 30. AMENDMENT. This Agreement may be modified or amended, if the Amendment is made in writing and is signed by both parties. 31. SCOPE AND MEANING OF AGREEMENT. Guardians hereby acknowledge that they have read the entire Enrollment Agreement and that they understand and agree to its provisions. The Guardians understand that this is a legal and binding Agreement, and that this Agreement constitutes the entire Agreement between the parties. Any changes or adjustments must be in writing and signed by both the Guardians and the Director of the Program to be Valid. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement as of the last date set forth below. DATED this day of to GUARDIAN S: Signature of Father/Guardian Date Address of Father/Guardian Signature of Mother/Guardian Date Address of Mother/Guardian January 10, 2014 Page 10 of 25 New Horizons Youth Ranch 6442 West Kootenai Road Rexford, MT 59930 ADDENDUM Please check one of the boxes and sign one of the items below so that according to your wishes and in your behalf in terms of getting your b< attention. El OPTION #1 Boys Name: DOB ve may act )y medical We would like the staff at New Horizons Youth Ranch to take our doctor anytime he feels he needs to see a doctor or anytime ther no matter how slight. We understand and agree to be responsible for the medical attention and for the transportation/ super also understand that the doctor's office is closed in the evening weekends; any medical attention would be performed at the Whitefish during those times. boy to the are any financially vision. We and on ospital in Father/Guardian Mother/Guardian Date OPTION #2 We would like the staff at New Horizons Youth Ranch to use ju< determining when to take our boy to see the doctor. We understand th at New Horizons Youth Ranch are not medical staff and like any p2 could make mistakes in judgment, such as not getting the boy medica as early as recommended, or even as early as they should to avoid com Understanding this risk, we still request that the Ranch and its judgment in determining when our boy needs medical attention and ht harmless and release the Ranch and its staff from all liability associate judgment of the staff in this area. :lgment in at the staff irent, they 1 attention plications. staff use ereby hold with the Father/Guardian Mother/Guardian Date (Note: Unless the Guardians release the Ranch and its sta??from all liability associa use of judgment in this area, the Ranch and its staff would have no choice but to tal the doctor?s o?ice every time he felt it was needed or there were of illnes how slight. Otherwise the potential for making mistakes in judgment is too great for shoulder responsibility or liability of this area.) January 10, 2014 - ted with the he the boy to 5, no matter the Ranch to Page I I of 25 New Horizons Youth Ranch 6442 West Kootenai Road Rexford, MT 59930 REQUIREMENTS TO PROVIDE HEALTH INSURANCE Dear Guardians: Accidents, injuries, and acute illnesses can and do happen. For the of the Boy, the parents, and the Ranch, every boy accepted for enrollme Horizons Youth Ranch must be covered by a health insurance plan pr his parents or guardians. If your family does not currently have a protection ant at New ovided by ealth plan that covers your Boy, it will be necessary for you to purchase cover ge for the period of your child?s enrollment. A copy of the policy must be prov' ed to the Ranch and will be maintained in the Boy?s file. In addition, the Ranch must have on file signed health insurance c] (including dental, if available). Please be sure the employer and information sections are completed and forms are signed. The form received prior to or at the time of the Boy?s enrollment. If you have any question regarding the above please feel free to aim forms employee 5 must be :ontact us. The undersigned Guardians hereby represent and warrant that their Boy has the following health insurance policy or an equivalent policy shall be mai all times while the Boy is enrolled at the Ranch: ntained at Father/Guardian Mother/Guardian INSURANCE INFORMATION PATIENT FULL NAME: INSURED FULL NAME: DOB: ADDRESS: CITY: ZIP: NAME INSURANCE COMPANY: ADDRESS: CITY: ZIP: NAME OF EMPLOYER OR GROUP: POLICY 0 Please provide a copy of your insurance card(s), front and back as signed health insurance claim forms. lwell as January 10, 2014 age 12 of 25 New Horizons Youth Ranch 6442 West Kootenai Road Rexford, MT 59930 PERMISSION TO RECEIVE THERAPY AND Boy's Name: DOB: I understand that New Horizons Youth Ranch Youth Ranch will provic through personnel who are specifically contracted out to provide Tl Services, and give my permission to provide treatment, therapy, I evaluations, or treatment if needed. I also give permissic 1e therapy herapeutic )sychiatric )n to treat and/ or prescribe medications to my son or make changes to his current treatment. Date Father/Guardian Date Mother/Guardian January 10, 2014 ?l Dage 13 of 25 New Horizons Youth Ranch 6442 West Kootenai Road Rexford, MT 59930 MEDICAL CARE RELEASE We, the of Hereby authorize New Horizons Youth Ranch, 6442 West Koote Rexford, MT, 59930 to obtain medical care for him in the event of injury, or other emergency. We further authorize medical and hospital by a licensed physician to perform any procedures that they may medically appropriate for his well-being. We also accept financial res] for any such medical care emergencies. Father/Guardian: nai Road, an illness, treatment eem to be ponsibility Mother/Guardian: Date: NOTE: Parents may request that non-emergency Dental or Medical tr will only be performed with prior approval and consent. MEDICAL DENTAL HISTORY Child?s Name: DOB: eatment 1. Is child taking medications? Yes No January IO, 20M Page I 4 0f 25 New Horizons Youth Ranch 6442 West Kootenai Road Rexford, MT 59930 2. Has child been taking medications? Yes No 3. Is child allergic to any medications? Yes No 4. Is child allergic to any foods? Yes If yes was answered to any of the above questions please explain: DURING THE PAST YEAR HAS THE CHILD EXPERIENCED ANY: 5. Ear pain or hearing loss? Yes No 6. discomfort or sight loss? Yes No 7. Frequent headaches? Yes No 8. Dizziness or fainting spells? Yes No 9. Hay fever or other allergies? Yes No 10. Skin Sores, rashes, or hives? Yes No 11. Warts, moles, or swelling? Yes No 12. Cough or persistent cough? Yes No 13. Stomach aches or indigestion? Yes No 14. Urinary burning or frequent urinating? Yes No 15. Sugar in urine? Yes No 16. A sexually transmitted disease? Yes 17. Tumor, cyst, growth, or cancer? Yes No 18. Heart disease? Yes If yes was answered to nay of the above questions, please explain: HAS YOUR CHILD EVER HAD: 19. Deformities of any kind? Yes No 20. Diabetes? Yes 21. Asthma? Yes No 22. Arthritis? Yes No 23. Seizures, convulsions, or epilepsy? Yes No If yes was answered to any of the above questions, please explain: HAS YOUR CHILD EVER BEEN 24. Sexually abused? Yes No 25. Physically abused? Yes No 26. abused? Yes No 27. Classified as neglect by Child Welfare? Yes If yes was answered to any of the above questions, please explain: January 10, 2014 Dage I5 of 25 New Horizons Youth Ranch 6442 West Kootenai Road Rexford, MT 59930 DOES YOUR CHILD CURRENTLY HAVE: 28. Glasses or contact lenses? Yes No 29. Special dietary needs? Yes No 30. Orthopedic or Orthodontic appliances? Yes No If yes was answered to any of the above questions, please explain: Hospitalizations and Surgeries in the past five years: Date: Hospital: Address: Reason for Hospitalization: Dental Braces: If your student has braces and or a retainer, do you Wish, at your have regular check- ups by a local orthodontist? If so, please sign this as an authorization for care. Orthodontist care approved by: xpense, to statement Parent or Legal Guardian Date SPORTS: Are there any know physical conditions that would prevent your participating in sports or physical educations classes? Yes If yes, please explain: :hild from January 10, 2014 page 16 of 25 New Horizons Youth Ranch 6442 West Kootenai Road Rexford, MT 59930 RELEASE OF INFORMATION AND RECORDS Name: Date of birth: I/we, the undersigned, do herby give consent to: Name: Address: City: Phone To release information and records to New Horizons Youth categorized and detailed below, pertaining to the above-named boy child/ward. State: Zip: Ranch as who is my .MATION IEP, TYPE OF INFORMATION: SPECIFIED INFOR RECORDS: Educational Transcripts, Educational Recc and Behavioral Records Medical Diagnostic and Medical Records Dental Dental Records Therapeutic Background information that will Help aid in the further care a1 1d Management of this child. All diagnostic and medical reports available Date Father/Guardian Mother/Guardian Please send records to: New Horizons Youth Ranch 6442 West Kootenai Road Rexford, MT 59930 January 10, 2014 rage I 7 of25 New Horizons Youth Ranch 6442 West Kootenai Road Rexford, MT 59930 New Horizons Youth Ranch Enrollment Information Form Is the child adopted? Yes 1. Father?s Name: Social Security Address: City: State: Zip: Home Phone: Work Phone: Cell: E-mail Address: 2. Mother?s Name: Social Security Address: City: State: Zip: Home Phone: Work Phone: Cell: E-mail Address: 3. Step Father?s Name: Address: City: State: Zip: Home Phone: Work Phone: Cell: E-mail Address: 4. Step Mother?s Name: Address: City: State: Zip: Home Phone: Work Phone: Cell: E-mail Address: 5. Is family divorced? Yes No If divorced, which parent has custody? (please attach a copy of custodu order) 6. Placement Counselor: Phone: Address: City: State: Zip: If counselor is to receive progress reports, please sign this paragraph as in Authorization. EMERGENCY PHONE UMBER: Contact Person: Parent Guardian Relationship: January 10, 2014 Page 18 of 25 New Horizons Youth Ranch 6442 West Kootenai Road Rexford, MT 59930 STUDENT INFROMA HON 1. Student?s Name DOB: Place of Birth: If adopted, give date of adoption: Religious preference: Ethnic Origins: Last Grade finished: Social Security Number: Age: Height: Weight: Hair: Eyes: 2. Prior to placement at New Horizons Youth Ranch, your student was attending, or had dropped out of School. (Name of School) 3. Prior to placement at New Horizons Youth Ranch, your student was living: at home with relatives alone with Friends private school 4. Please list all prior out of home placements: Placement: Date: Placement: Date: Placement: Date: 5. If your student was attending class, indicate progress: failing average below average above average 6. Has your student been employed? Yes No part-time _full-time What kind of work did your student do? What kind of Job performance did your student manage? Excellent Adequate Good Poor January 10, 2014 Page 19 of 25 New Horizons Youth Ranch 6442 West Kootenai Road Rexford, MT 59930 As legal Guardian (5), having both legal and physical custody of . whose date of birth is . We direct New Horizons Youth Ranch and its staff to send all outgoing and incoming mail (except for those sent from us, or those that are approved) for this directive. It is understood that New Horizons Youth Ranch is operating at our discretion in this behalf. Date Father/Guardian Mother/Guardian January 10, 2014 Page 20 of 25 New Horizons Youth Ranch 6442 West Kootenai Road Rexford, MT 59930 PERMISSION TO PHOTOGRAPH Boy?s Name: DOB: I understand that New Horizons Youth Ranch staff will be ta identification photograph for the Ranch student files. Therefo consent for photographs to be taken of the above mentioned 1 New Horizons Youth Ranch files and as the Ranch deems nec and appropriate, and release the Ranch from any liability. Date king an reI Boy for n. essary Father/Guardia Mother/Guardian January 10, 2014 'age 21 0f 25 New Horizons Youth Ranch 6442 West Kootenai Road Rexford, MT 59930 THINGS TO BRING THINGS NOT TO Conservative quantity of Stereo recorder, walkman, tape.. Clothing shoes Aerosol sprays of any kind (See Below) Hair dyes colored mousse Hand Towels Chewing gum Bath Towels Black clothing minimal Washcloths Scissors, razors, or knives Pillow T-shirts With occult symbols Blankets Combat boots Twin Flat Sheet (2) Stamps Twin Fitted Sheet (2) Money Personal toiletries (soap Candy or food Deodorant, toothpaste, Jeans with holes Amount of clothing to bring The recommended clothing to bring is as follows: 7 shirts 10 pair socks 7 jeans 1 pair athletic shoes 8 underwear 1 pair slippers 2 set nightwear 1 light weight jacket 1 bathing suit 3 dress shirts VALUABLES: Items that have significant financial or sentimental value 5 brought at the owner?s risk. The contract specifically states 1 hould be . .hat New Horizons Youth Ranch does not accept responsibility for lost or stolen items, or items left behind after the boy is no longer enrolled. CARE PACKAGES: Check with staff on items you would like to send. Guardians please, do not send more than what is listed her: son is asking for anything that he would like you to send, p11 until your weekly pre-arranged phone call with your Case I to check if it will be approved before sending. 0 Parents choosing to send their Boy?s clothing and belor the facility directly, the address is: New Horizons Youth Ranch 6442 West Kootenai Road Rexford, MT 59930 January IO, 2014 3. If your ease wait Vlanager, [gings to Page 22 of 25 New Horizons Youth Ranch 6442 West Kootenai Road Rexford, MT 59930 New Horizons Youth Ranch Outdoor Equipment and Clothing Requirements Hiking pack and Water bottle, or Camel bag Back Pack Sleeping Bag (-20 degree, poly filled) Hiking boots (sturdy, heavy duty) Waterproof, Breathable winter Jacket Waterproof, Breathable pants Fleece Jacket Sweat Shirts Headlamp Work Jacket (lined denim or canvas, such as Carhart) Rod and Reel Cross-Training shoes Mountain Bike Winter Gloves and Leather work Gloves Winter Ski Hat and Ball Cap We expect the adolescents of our household to dress in proper clothes. We live in a conservative, rural setting and recognize the impact personal appearance has on one?s social acceptance and identity. If you are uncertain about the appropriateness of a particular item or items, do not send it. Feel free to call if you have any questions (406)889-5996 or (406) 889-5995, ask for Tom or Rosie. Januaty 2014 Page 23 of 25 New Horizons Youth Ranch 64-42 West Kootenai Road Rexford, MT 59930 Reference Sheet Kim Anderson (Parent of a graduated resident) Ken April Brown (Parents of a graduated resident) Pastor David Delgal-ty (Senior Pastor, White?sh Assembly of God) Glenn Tricia Mayer (Parents of a current resident) Pastor Roy McDaniel (Youth Pastor, Whitefish Assembly of God) DaSha McKelvey (Parents of a previous resident) Pastor Eric Munson (Assistant Pastor, Whitefish Assembly of God) Sika Ulutoa 206-406-8473 214-455-1000 406-862-4039 206-910-4355 406-260-2402 830-378-5850 406-399-3041 406-871-:1649 (Senior Pastor, Lighthouse Christian Fellowship) Jimmy Lou Wallace i 501-831-l5202 (Parent of a previous residen t?please do not call Tuesday or llhursday during business hours) January 10, 2014 Page 24 of 25 New Horizons Youth Ranch 6442 West Kootenai Road Rexford, MT 59930 SPECIAL POWER OF ATTORNEY PURSUANT TO MONTANA CODE 72-5?103 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that I/we, the legal guardian of a minor, have made, constituted, and appointed, and by these presents do make constitute and appoint New Horizons Youth Ranch of Rexford, Montana, my/our true and lawful attorney for and in my name, place and stead and for my use and bene?t to do as follows: 1. To vest in my/our attorney-in-fact all of my/our powers regarding the care and custody of my/our child; 2. To make all necessary decisions concerning the educational, physical, and medical care for my/our child; . 3. To sign, seal, execute, deliver and acknowledge such instruments in Mining of whatever kind or nature as may be necessary or proper in the premise to carry forth the appointment contained herein. Giving and granting to said attorney-in-fact full power and authority to do an perform all and every act and thing whatsoever requisite and necessary to be done in nnection with the above stated purposes, as fully to all intents and purposes as the signer might or could do if personally present, and hereby ratifying and con?rming all that saiwld attorney- in-fact shall lawfully do or cause to be done in the above stated purpose. I In compliance with the law, this attorney in fact shall cease to be effective six months from the date of execution hereof. I In executing this Power of Attorney, I fully understand that my child shall reside and make his/her home on a full?time basis with the attorney-in-fact during the period of duration of the Special Power of Attorney. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, have hereunto set my/our hand(s) and seal(s) the day of 20 . STATE OF COUNTY OF 55. On this day of 20 before me the undersigned Notary Public, personally appeared and . Known or identi?ed to me to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that they executed the same. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal on the day and year ?rst above written in this certi?cation. NOTARY PUBLIC FOR MONTANA RESIDING AT: MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: January 10, 2014 Page 25 of 25 3 ion I -v MAY 3 2016 Helping Teens Overcome Challenges and Regain Their Trust At New Horizons Boys Ranch our mission is to help boys grow in Academic Fitness, Emotio a1 Fitness, Physical Fitness and Spiritual Fitness. We reinforce and build Self-Discipline and Self-Respet while developing a positive Self-Image. Your boy receives behavioral training tools which bene?t him or her for the rest of their life. ew Horizons Boys Ranch is a home-like environment where troubled adolescents come to develop better 1i attitudes, grow in their belief, live life in a safe and nurturing environment, and overcome their challenges problems. New Horizons Boys Ranch provides an opportunity for troubled adolescents to face their challenge and problems, conquer them and rejoin their families. For the boys who come to New Horizons Boys Ranch, we offer: 7 . Academic instruction A non?threatening, home-like, supportive environment in which to solve overwhelming challenges and problems Assistance in understanding life?s challenges Guidance in ?nding their place in the world Physical ?tness Skilled mentors Spiritual instruction It is our Mission to do all these things to assist troubled boys in rejoining their families and face the world better equipped with the skills necessary to succeed in life. Our Philosophy As adolescents gradually build trusting relationships with an adult mentor who becomes a pos tive role model, the high level of challenging activities fosters development of a wide range of desirable character qualities. A strong work ethic develops from daily chores and work projects. These qualities, in turn, lead self-worth as well as positive interpersonal skills. Then in the context of a solid relationship with a caring and mature mentor, the young person and overcome the con?icts that have hindered them. As they progress, they are set free from t] destructive lifestyle to walk in a new life as a happy, productive person. Spiritual Emphasis The boys are required to attend church on Sundays. The Biblical studies that the boys have are to a new sense of is able to sort out ieir previously devotions every Monday thru Friday after breakfast. Before they start class they read the Bible together. As part of their school work they are required to memorize scriptures. One night a week the boys are required to spend one hour alone reading and studying the Bibl them understand God and learn how to hear from Him. Our philosophy here at the ranch is ba.? scripture Jeremiah 29:1 1 ?For I know the plans I have for you,? declares the LORD, ?plans to 1 not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.? . This is to help sed on the arosper you and