Document 13 ureteewloeet?mgoyau on behalf of elaaenrioeo?prnoeovjue 3-0 January 2411? 1:44 PM "w Sequot?i, Nigel Auatralla rlnvaalon day Public Submission received from Ministers Media Centre - Submitted on Monday, January at}, Bill? - 13:43 Submitted by user: Anonymous Submitted values are: Minister: Senator the Hon Nigel Title: Retired First Last Horne: Email address: '3 Subject. hush-a a" Woolen -ay Corn meot: Good morning Mlnleter I feel so meone should challenge the absurd accusation of ntetralla Day beinig-r Fn'u'aslon day. 11 antes left England on the 13th of May to the Penal Colony of Australia. the First ?eet comprised 1 Royal navy. 3 store. and convict transports ships. In total roughly 11W to 15th:;I people. made up of Marines .eea mien. officers, free people and convicts. the arrival of the fleet was 13th -1Eitl1 oflanuary 1MB believe the eatima ted population of indigenous at the time ofthe ?eets arrival was estimated between ai?j?m and LUCIBJUD. [in this basis ido not word Invasion can be used to destroy Australia Day, and comments from Gmrernment should he made to support the Bus being Hung around by the Frema ntle Council; and other radicals. I am a proud 4th genelation Australian and object to ladioals endeavouring to destroy uvhat so many of our boys have fought and died for. a dayI when we celebrate our freedom and our loyalty to our flag it: a matter of fu rther inte rest I am very willing to support the education and fair go to the Indigenous ole if the min ority gro up of diet? are polleed try the majority to stop the hashing; ra pe? break-ins, car theft, and much more. It continues on a dailyI loads and all I re ad and hear ls grumbles about how many Indigenous youngare in jail. we? U?i?fi? of the Minister Mr lndig eno ue Niall-e lj by Elliott Redd." FEE ?tum-TL 31: JAN till? mag? Willi-? NFFI. Ill FEB ill?