OF 6F STATE BEFORE- THE SECREYARY OF THE Cammonweaith 9f Bareaa of Cemmissians, Elee?ans and Legislatieta File NOJ 18499-684592 vs. Vicmr Miller, Notary Pablic Respandent NGTICE A formal disciplinary action has been filed against yen. YOU MAY LOSE YOUR COMMISSION AS A NOTARY PUBLIC GR YOUR TO BECOME A NOTARY PUBLIC MAY BE REIECTED. If yau Wigh t0 defmd against the: charges in the washed Orcler to; Show Came er ?0 present eviclence to mitigam any penalty that may lira imposecl, the prace?ureg f0: doing 30 are explained in the Order t0 Shaw Cause. Yea haw: right is) ratain an attamey. Altheugh you may repraseni yaurself Witlmut an attomey, yet: are :1de seek the twig} (35? Q3: atmmefs?. Ymi. alga have the right to have an interpreter provided should yam requast me. All proceedi?gs an: canducted under the Adminigtrative Agancy Law and the General Rules of A?minigtra?ve Pyaetice and Pracadures. You are directad t0 respond {it} the charges by ?ling a mitten answer within thirty (3 0) days Gfthe date cm the Grdar ta Shaw Caage. Yam must spsci?cally admit 01* deny each factual asse?ian, a?d mug: include: a concise raference :0 the facts 333d matters 0f law you rely upon. IF YOU DO NOT FILE AN ANSWER, ACTION MAY BE TAKEN AGAINST YOU WITHOUT A HEARING. Tc: ?le your angwer, you must brirag or send an original and three (3) wplas of you: answer and any plsadings {31* other documents relateci ?50 this matter t0 the fellowiag adciress: Bspamam {3f State 268i North Tl?linl Street RC), BOX 2649 Har?sburg, PA 1 Yam must also send a separaie capy of yam amswer and my Giher pleadings 92* documents related ti} this cage; ii} the prosecutiag attcm?zy nama? if: the Order if} Shaw Cause. 33%; {fay?m?mwa?? ?33? 3 33%? ?cmm?3??$m3 Eiw?gas 5 3m? Legi?a??a 233%.: V33. Vigiw 3337333334333 15%ng Piz?i? ?asgm?mi 33m} my 33:, 33333; (?Ragpm?w?? 33; 33636233; Til} CAUSE the Secretary sf 3316 {g?g?j?f?i?ng Lima ?23? 333$ 3333333333313 Aii?ga?ziem arid ihe apg?cai??c 333333 g?ms?? m3 S?g?y??z?3 {:33 ?ik?iw?g? 33353333 mm?ggiwg ?zzwg? a @3313} $323333}: 3:33? gsgg?a?a?gi 32:3 333333333 masgsage 333333333 EEzwg?? gammam 333 {ha N?i?f?y 333233333: 3,3533% 333:3; $333123: 233 193533 33? 332233 ?Nita 3% 6%?333 33m ?n?bm Ekak??w?a?g?mmi ?33333 {331? 2:33 Wei/33 Pl. 43%, 35% {3313353313337} 3313:3353}? 333% Ravige? 333333733331 133:2}; am Ei??ia?g? $33,333.53 $333; {33? 2&333 EFL, 5&9, Na. 73 s23 3313 {3333 33353435? 23 3333 $313313}; 73:33:33 383~333; 33:33 1353133 bi: atw?mie? 3.3: aag?z??g?gg 331%: ??mi?isim?w ?gmgy Law? 2 3323,, 3?33 $363383 3383873333} 3:233 R?sg Ffa?zige 3:333 3 33?3? {Jade 3333 3 313* 35.251? IT IS EUREHER ORDERED that Regpondent ?ie an Answer is ihig Order to Shaw Cause in Withiiz thirty {3 ?ays 0f the date of this Qrder stated above, in accordanca with Sectien 3537? 1 Pan {Zack 35.37. FACTUAL ALLEGATIONS 1. Respendent helds the fallowing commission is: practice as a notary public in the Commonwealth {3f Pannsyivania: Notary ED. 1207713. 2. Respondent?s curfew; commission was issued an August 11, 2016, and. expires on August 11, 2820? 3 was previonsly camissioned as a notary pubiir: in the Comenwealth 9f Pennsyivania at ih?: foli?wing times: (1) May 27, 2064, t9 May 2?7, 2808; (2) June 10, 2008, to 5113610, 2012;311:31 (3)311137 IL 2012, to 311137 H, 2016. 4. At ail times pertinent t0 the Factual Allegatieng, Respondent held a commission to practice as a netary public in the Commanwealth of 5. Respandent?g last basiness and home a?dress can file with the Depar?ment of State i3; 2539 mm 26th 83mm 81, 19132 63 The Gammanwealth has yeagm :0 Believe: Reapan?ent is curren?y receiving mail 31:4649 ?33,111 Strxatety Fhila?elphia, W: 19124. Paragraphs 1 through 6 are incorporated by reference, 8, 01:: or 35013 33313 23, 2037? Resgmdem notarized the signatures of Harriet Dunn 311d Dorms Mom? 011 a dae? ?ansfer ?acumem f0? locafsd at 1323 North 27th Street, Pmiadelphia; PA 19121. 9. A time and cared: copy ofthig deed transfer is a?aahed and incorpma?ed as; Exhibit: Ea??i? $2.3m: mi? wam ?gmag?? 131mg?: mimms? their gignatures. 11. During an interview with Professienal Conduct Investigator Ranald Rssati Rasaii?), Respmzieni cmfmez? tha: the Signaiure and 1:10:33}; stamp on the docume?t are his signature and natary "stamp 12. Based :3an the foregaing factual allegatiens, the Secretary 0f the Gammonweaith has gaod causg t0 revoke: suspend, or Om?z'wi'se restrict the Respondent?s cammission, to impgse a eivii penalisy, and/er order t0 attend additional educmiona} courses under the authority of Sectitm 22 9f the Law, 5?7 38? 168, in that Respondent failed to threugh pergasai Fama?wledge or satisfactory avidence that the individuals appearing before: him were the ihdividuals executing the instrument, in violation of Seciicm 12.} {3f the Notary Publia Law 57 RS. 158.1, by notarizing the signatures of Harriet Dunn and Barcas Miller when they were both deceased. COUNT TWG 13a Paragraphs 1 thmugh E2 are incemmata? by refgrence. 14. $3131?ng Rosati?s inierview, Rasp?ndem was unabie t0 previde capies of his netary mg?star because he stated they were destroyed 31;: a ?re: at 253?} North 26th Street H?iadeiphiag PA 19132. is. The PMiadeEphia ?re Marshal?s Office staw? there were :10 reperted ?res at this locatimn in 261?? m" 2618. 16. Based upon the foregaing factual ailegaticzns, this S?cretary 0f the Commenwealth has gaod cause ta remkeg suspe?d, or etharwiw restrict the camissian: to impuse a Civii penalty? andfer 0:66? Regphn?am to a?m? additianal educatiosai ceases under the au?ihar?y 0f See-tier: 22 of the Law, :37 PS. 1683 in that Respm?ent failed to maintain cusw?y and con?rm a notary registey of 311 foicial notariai acts performed by Respondent, in Violation of Sectia? 15(3) ofthe Law, 57 PS. 161(3) 17? Pamgraphs i thmugh 16 are incerp?rated by refarence. 18. On or abeut April 13, 2610, Responcient was found guiity of Driving Under the Influence, a misdemeamr, and Possessien cf Marijuana, a misdemeamr, in the Municipal} Caurt of Philadeipf?a at docket number 19. Tme and correct copies 0f the certi?ed dacuments from the Municipal Caurt of Philadeiphia at dackat number are attached and incorperated 33 Exhibit B. 253. 02*: GE awn: June ?2 1, 2612, Respandmt answezad ?No? t0 the question, ?Have wu- ever 3:386:51 ?30?ViCt?? 0f 0r ememd a 33363 0f gu?iy 0? 1713113 cant?ndere to a feiony a: @336? affmse precsding the date appii?atien?? {m h?s appiicatisn f0? reappeinment as a mortar}; public. 21 A true and aarr?ct copy 0f Respandentas 2812 reappointment appiicatian is attached as Exhibit: C. 232. On or abgut Angugt 8, 2026, Respondent answemd ?Na? to the question, ?Have 310:1 been mn?cted (3f 0r maimed a plea {3f guilty {31* 1101:) mntan?are to a feiany (3r lesser offense preceding ?133 dam 0f {his apgiicaiian?? On his applicatiaa for reappointment as a notary pmblic. 23, A Ema and came: esp}; QfRespendent?s 2016 raappainmmt appiicaiign is aitached as Exhibit: 25%, Based wan the facing} allegatigns, the Sssrezagy 6f the Gammonweaith has gm? {3311.938 ta"; reveke, suspen?g Gr sthenvise mama the Raspondam?s mmissiem to immerse a civii penaity, a?dfor Order Responde?t t9 attend additienal educatianal (2011:3651 under the aa?ihority 6f Sec?ien 22 of the: Law, 57 PS. 168, in that Reapmciem made a maierial misstatement ear omigsion of fast on his applicatims in 2016, in viclaiion of Section 5(b) of the Law, 57 93. 151(2)), ky wavering ?Na? {0 the legal qu?s?an. 25}: i??ag?mg?g i {hfwg}: 24% are by wi?mi?i?a Bags? 2.33%: Eh? ?bmg??ng {a?ma? a??a??aa {32% Saareiay}; $122? Cmmenwez?th hag gm? a} E??f?gii; gag?gm?i :32? w?ismr?sa rgg??ci ?asgym?agfs if: impage aiv? gjanzzliy? a??fw? grii?r :0 a?m? g??i?iig?ai a?maiima?i wmgeg 311%}: iha a?th??ty 6f Saaiiw 22 {ref 31:16 EJ333227 :32? 168$ if; that fa?e? 1:0 be: with the: 352$ $53 Em?ii?f}? ?gawk? 2:3: :31? Sea?m mi} :31? $33 Law? RS, mfg; ?i?z??zi?g $233 S?g?iz??g?g {Eff {Ema ms? Emma gargmz? $53; i?i??gzg 3,32% 3 mm? :?segis?gf ?g mm?iai 3mg ?33; ??gm?s?m?g 33:26; making a maima? miggi?amggi a; @m?ss??zs am ?2323 aw??m?mg if? 2&2 ma? 2i}? 6% . if; iha ia?ga? qa?gtim, CGUNT FIVE P?ggm?hg E, ihmgg??: 2355; m3 inmm?fa?a? :28, Eaga? gym?: i??a a?ggz?mmg ?ag: C?mm?gw?aiz? E3223 ggim?; gagpag? {33$ ?gzm?ggig?g ta imgag?? a ma?a {away ii} ma?a: aim ammr?ay {3f g?i?ii?? 2:2 232%; 5? Ef?gy fa??a? :9 Ea: {3f aham?ag igzieg?m ?23352 {Ef ?ns {43.1% 33 33y mimzing {hit gig/Egmig $12331 ag? Eli?mag meg; W?f? deceased, failing to maimain custody and control a notary register of all of?cial notarial acts perfomled by Regpandent, and making a material misstatement or omissian 0f fact on his applicatiens in 2012 and 2016 by a?swer?ng ?No? to ?{he legal question. if the Secretary ?nds that the Factual Allegatiom are {me and cartecg and determines that the Respandem has violaiad the law, the Secretary may5 in the Secretary?s discretiwn, impem an: 01* more of tha fallewing penalties: ?r The revocation, suspensian, or ether restriction of the Respondent?s to act as a mtary public within this Commonwealm. a Tha rejectian 0f the Respondent's applicaticm to be cemmis?ssioned 0r recomn?ssionad as a notary public within this (Sammunwealth. The impasitian Civil penalty not {9 axcee? ?ve hun?rad d?llars ($560.00) for each am; Gm?ssion, which canstimies a Violation {if the Law iv The requirement to attain? education courses for an act er cmissim, which eonstitutes a Vielation 0f {ha Law. ?55? gmegagi??gg isms if; ama?r?ame Elm Agmsy aa? Swami RQEQS ?l?mimg?im?w me??mg {29% El ES ?gi?i?g? ?hg ?g E?Eig ER @35 @?zgwgi 333213.? {Mg $393377: $33 Ejggmal ?lg?gg?am ma?g Eagr?im 23% 3:2: 3%:ch ?ag 331$ Si?l? Elm mam: 3% law Whig-E3 if Eagym?g?i 53% 33:: ?le: gagwgz wi?z?g {Egg iims?x g?ligaw? harm; the Fatwa}. Allegations may be deemed admitted, and the Secretary will issue an Orcier, which may impese penalties as set forth above. If Respendent ?esires a fomai a?ministrative hearing, at which Reswndent may defend against the allegatiens the Order to Show Cause Gr to present evidence in mitigativn 0f any penalty which may be impgsed upon Respondent 01? my of R?spon?ent?s licenses, certi?cations, registrations, permits or other authorizatigns to practice a profession, a written request for hearing mus: ?be ?ied within thirty (30) days of this Order. IF FAILS Ti) FXLE A WRITTEN REQUEST FGR HEARING WITHIN THIRTY {30} DAYS 01? THIS ORDE Ra WILL BE DEEMEI) T0 MW WAIVEB HES HER RIGHT TO A FINAL WSMENT MAY BE ENTERED WIIBOUT A HEARING. If a hearing is saheduleci, Resporidani will be no??e? 0f the speci?c time and place of the Emmi-mg The hearing will be bald bafsre the Searetary car the Sacretarys ?uly designateci Presiding {Effizzer3 in aacordance with Sectian 35,185 {3f GRAPF, 1 Pa. CQde 35185. Raspandent may appear, with 01* withmt mama, affer testimony 0r miller evidence can his or her behalf, and and cross-examine the Cemenwaahh?a witnesses. Answers, requests far hearings, preliminary maticns, prstesis, petitions i?tervene, {31? any Esther pieading must be filed with: Frothonotary Department 0f 2601 "North Third Strum; RC). Bax 26:49 E?Earrisbm?g5 PA 37105 Afsz),_ 326;}; mm? Send a gepamte cap}? efthe A?swer, and 3:137 Biker pieadings 0r documema $6316 greseeu??g 3110323}: gamed beiaw at: A?drea L. Costelio Prosecuting Attorney Cemanwealth 0f Pemsyivania Departmem Of State RC. Box 6925} Hanisbmg, PA 171069521 No?ces and petitians is intervene must be ?led wi?hin thirty (30) days 0f the date 0f this 0313817, unless in extraordinary circumstances fur gead cause shown, a, Eater ?11ng is authorized by the agency BY OWER: OF STATE {if/MW Wm? Andrea L. Coste?e Prosecuting Attorney Commoaweaith 0f?em1syivania Despamneni of State PSI). Bax 69521 Harrisburg? RA i7106~9521 783-7200 BATE: a @mg on? males 5' F?w Id: am 3 Di): W: g? 31% gm.? Wswi?aml ID No. zwavsz-aa Siuhenturewm jg gayefw 2911. ?ezmees?s WT E. 1mm EINGLEWOMAN AND BORGAS EMQQRE, (5mm called ?lm (imam, nfthe mic pm, and 8mm (11mm 031156 the Grantee), ofthe othar part, that {he sai? Gramm- far and in mnsidm?s?c? ?fth: mm Went)! Thousand Bo?ars law?? may cf the United Swiss a? Armrics, 3mm {Ema we? and tmiy pai? by the mid Gamma, a: at hefoza the swing anti ?aiivcry hereaf, the receipt whemef is hereby have grati?ed bargained am} 5916.. raleasexi md cm?xmcd. and by thaw prese?ts do grant, bargain and 5511, mimic and con?rm 1mm {Em said Gmnteggh 21:; . Premim: 1323 Earth 27?? Street, Ph?adezghia, m. 19121-4535 3% the attached EXHIBIT Exmmr A ssasms wage 2 of 7' 0613mm? 19:39 AM $3131? ALL: CERTAXN flat or {?aw of youn? with 1318 messuage or 1mm thaws arm. SITUATE in the Tmty-nimh Ward of the City ofPh?a?eiphia and ??sp?bed awarding is 3 Sims}; and Plan (hereof made by F. Bisck, Esquire, Surveyor and Regulatar of the Faurih Sway District an the Twcaty-thir? day chahmm-y All. 192} as fallow, tn wit; BEGWNING at a point on $3 East side: of Twenty-mm 311951 at the distanae of 0129: hundreci Eighxy-cighi feet and three fourths?of an inch No?hward from the North si?e of Thompson Sweat; WCE or: a at right miss with the said Sim: Sixty fee: swan and 0316*haif inches to a We foe: xix inch? wi?e aliey wraith extends Sm?hcastw?iy into annihcr Tim-.5 feet widg which mantis inks Twm?y-asevenih Smt; No?hwegtwm-?ly along said feat six inches wide alley Sixteen fact m0 and ?vw??shs inchw a paint; THENCE 8W3 Wmar?ly on a line a: right angles ta said Nagy-?seventh Fi?ya?vs feet tea amt oneweighth moms; extending Sauthwavd aiang sa?i Wmty?avwm Street Fi?eea fee? six 23 :12: place of Beginni?g? WGEW with {ha free anti cam Ease; right, ?bm?ty and pri?iage 6f the afaresaid aileys 83 3231 far a passagsway and watetwm'se at: all $31133 imm?cr, faraway, mam; known as 1323 Nara: 275* 32%. Fh?acieiphfg, PA mm 450%. BEING the 8m premises by wbiah? I?m Zu?yk and Anna anyk, hns?and and wife, By bead Dam 06:91:85: 25, 1958, Raccrda? 0610236: 26, 1950, E1: the: {Emmy cf M?elyhia', Dae? Baal: (131? 2739, Pagn 231, mm and mnvayed unis Harriett E. 331232}, singlawcman am mama B. Mm, singlewcm, in {w ?3232?? Page 3 of 3' 053301251? 19:3? AM m1} E?f??f mif? all aa? singuiar the: buiidings aria impmvemmts, ways, swam alleys, d?vaways, gassing-3s, waters, watmucamcs, rights, Iibcrt?as, privileges, hemditaments and appumnanws, whatgaesver unto {31? hareby granied memes belonging, 61? in anywi?se awe-mining, and the memoirs ?nd rmimim, rants, Baum. and pm?ts thereof}; and 31} the estate, right, mic, imam, property, ciaim and whatsoavcr cf than, the said gamma, as wail 8:16 to the sauna $9 13m ant: ta @th the 83k} or pint: of groumi ?ascri?bed shave, with the buildings and enacted, Mw?taments and Wm he'mhy granted, er mantisne? anti inten?ed 90 to he, with the appurtmm, mm the said sztea, thair heirs and axsigas, in and for this only proper use and behesf (if the said (hates, Emir" hcira and assigns, fumvcx. ?rst: tha Grantsr, Welvag and'?m?: hairs, masters anti adn?nistratm's, do, by these pressezzts, covenant, grant and agree, to an? with ?th sai? Grantea, their heirs and assigns, that'they, the said 6mm); and thai: heirs, an md sing?ar the here?iiammts and pramim herein described and gmnicd, or maximum? am: 3'3:de so in bc, with 1113 unto the said Wee, their hair: 855 amigns, against than}, the aai? M373, and Mix E16233, 3:323 against ail and em other 32mm and 13mm: whea?ever an??iy or in ciaim the saw: er any part therw? by, ?an: or under him, him it, or: say of them, shag} an? w?i ?33mm Eatenh. an mm m1 102?!? Warm Dated mmnmows: Wdl?mym (hardw- mum-?2} md?m bum an. Hoary mm a 8 c9 Page 5 68:39:2317 10:36 The prwiw m??m an? the. wmplezc pas: of?ce 9f the ?ew-named Smaller. is: 'a 3} i3 1214606 behalf the Granzw ?aw W9 3&1 '3 M15091 ?8 ?3 815108;! {133% 53232?53 Page 5 (if 38130?817 16 33 33232763 Page 1' of 7 16:39 AM 890K as. REAL ESTATE CERWFECEHON mg mmwa GWE am 88m 323% ?le v33}: Wider 6! am: what-1(1) ma taxi: sensidmt?cnfvafua 5% mm: forth in ?319 @366; the 6991i ls mm p; by gift, at a tax :2:me is de?ned. If more apnea :3 Wed. a?auh sdtiitiam? mama}. A. magnifies mm diam: g; the Ya?o?? W611: WE twain: Pine Hi? Abstract, 1.3.6 m; 3 cm 3mg 2? was 5834 Spruce saw: Phiiadeiphfa 19143 mm a: mm or am samaniha Witnax mm warms 1323 Street 1323 mm 27?? Street an? mm me am mm :19 can; Phila?a?gf?a PA 18121-2508 Phiia?d??hia FA 13121-2608 0. . ?1323 North 31th $1!?th Philadaiphla mam 5mm . Phiiadeiphia Ph?a?elghia Km 3., vmmu mm: 1. mm 2, cemmw 3. mm. magnum 4' $3.00 $28,000.96 warm W9 mun a. mm mm Fma? a W: 3 ?Mi seamm Ea Wim?? mamrm: was: EQNE 18$% 2. Aggrap?m ?es: Baum? far Examp?an mamm wan a: intasfaka wwessb? mm (mm Ym?sfer ta indust?ai Aganast. Tmsfarw man! at shave party. {Amah mp5: m? aganwimmw paw Bataan-tent}. between p?ncipa! and again (Mach cap}; a? trust agreement), 9am priur dead 3 Tram in the Commanwaaifh, i119 Bniiad States, anti instrumama??es by 911% dadiaa?on condemna?an er In lieu at wa?emm?w {Attach may): of rs?nm?cm}. CB Transfer {mm ma?gagor ?10 a not {Gar of a a dammit. Ma?aga Back ?umhar . . ?12? {:23 Pagan Number magma {$er said prawn? {a ?at?gaga: grams) (Attack copy at grin: ?eed} Earmn? ?ew {Attach aapy of the pdoe? $6955). 0mm {Pleasa mwam memp?ar: gamed, gather than ?sted above.) 61:15ng ef?ng; or Wimnce, 1 Jam :ka: Hm: mm 5mm indu?ing mwming and :9 {32? m: a; Wmlezig?md?e? 7 5: mm; was: Mm?gitf?? Samantha Wine: Q'ingg FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF TRIAL DIVISION CRIMINAL OFFICE OF JUDICIAL RECORDS Juanita Kidd Stout Center for Cn?minal Justice 1301 Filbert Street, 310 Philadelphia, PA 19197 215-683-7700 (215) 683-7713 (Fax) Eric Peder Deputy Court Administrator Director, Of?ce of Judicial Records Elaine Q. Ratkiff, Deputy Director COMMONWEALTH .MUNICIPAL COURT OF PHEADELPHIA VS. TRIAL DIV VECTOR MILLER DOCKET MC-51-CR-ooca442-2oo9 I CERTIFY the foregoing to be a true and correct copy of the full, entire, and complete Record in the case above stated, as the same now remains of Record in this Of?ce. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOR I have hereunto set my hand and a?ixed the seal of the said Court this .315. day momnun? $ng JUQ tj'iy?'l' .. OF 5099 ??Nmumm? EXHIBIT at. File Copy Ccmmonweaith 9f Penns?vania i CGURT, .5 1. vyi?gtqr, DOCKET m: i PH): 0565888 ORDER New, ?53" 13th day 0f April, 2016, the defendant having been canvieied in the absvemap??med {?336 is hereby Sentenced by this Cam?: as fo?aws: (3mm! 2 ?5 ?38?32 DUI: Gen impiinc 6? Driving Safely - is! (Eff To E38 pieced an Prnbation for 8 Maximum Term of 6 mamhs to be superviseci by APPS. The fatiowing sonditions. are imposed: supewis?on Pay Cam Costs wiih?n Probatim Permit; Supervis?cn - Suparvised Probatien: Supervision - Supervisian Fees Waive?: . ?rmgiAicoho! Pregram A?ea? Atcohof Highway gafeiy Schaai: Dmgfikicohai Program Cemp?amce with drugialmhai amessme?t treatment: This; semema $3 $0 be sewe? cancurreni with: 6t 3 Cen?nemem Cami: 3 35 $864: Pass Of 4M) T5 be cen?ned far a Mi??mum Term 3 Ciays 3an a Maximam Term 0f 3 ciays at Wis sentence shaft commence er: Juiy 30, 2010. A The. daferrciam ahaii pay the foaming: F?ngg Scam Restitution Crime Victim?s Ccm?ensa?on Fund- ?feta! {Due - Victim 1' Witness sawicas Fund Amount; gamer: $384.50 $309 $69? ??50 ?alance Due: $303.66 $384.50 $0.00 $5050 $74450 Rm 698 ykb. ethar Charges withdrawn. Wig 725% gig s??w Em?ay ?gag REV. ?$f13?29?3 W00W00m000m00000000m0 >00; 3 0? X0000 0?mm??wmsm 00. 000.0%? f: 06008533: 2000 00 3000000? 03' $0020 .ng 0003003000530002000 0000005800 {2000010000 FELEQ 00*: (3000001003720: 030320: P?i?il? 300 3333000 i- i 0000002? 30:0: 0002032000 1 0000005000 ?333.3% 090- {0000: 000500000 $2020 {3000 {000:0 ?agg?mic? {20? it? $0000 $0000 $0300 $03c0?53?m 33? ?g {3303.056 EVE {3?3 3633?? Vif338?32 OR 03% Ra?-3? E0330: ii?2?i23?? EY: 000330;. Sa?ga?: 2083?? {Ema}? *3 Mex: 0303:?: $000: 025203?2000 Rys?aig?ma? 3330000000: Rag {300003000 3% 000E208: Sgeci? 0:000:32; Egg-00320: {Eg?jE? Ngxi?ct?m $000030: 05:0 {13% 13530 $0000 82:. 10:00 0mm: 00100003 0mg 03? i?fgmat?m 0000i T339: 30 80% 0:120:00? 04:00:30: 00mm 83;: 0000303: 0:23" ?080: $000000 $000000 {$000 {30000: 230050303 000500005 0022;002:310 Rag}: 000000004 Wra?gnmem $00: $033 390 4 0000mm: {30:0 0050100530 $000300 f; 1? {If} If 154;." if? Ema If fj??ii/i ??553? ?0009 .. {3 5500000 ?f 03:13: 05:03:00 Cm?m?? 0?50 0005000 0?23? Qaniimam? 3? ?3000 ?20 53333 . .. 33 00;. 02.2000 0350000? 0000:; {Emi?ma? ?Eb $00-$00 53000 {3 EEQESEQE ?migg 53 0.05. 00000 gmiha? 0020032 {300050000 ??50 00000030 000? 6:000 ?20 jac?gg Prelimi?naw Sis 60000:: Piace ??cmey f0: Bafen?ant (Name anti Acidress} $5352 {383% {1302020 ?awzia: 000; 000 .. 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RWY new READY READY E3 3901 5mm REAGY [3 may in vs. 11:32} fix? gm i mm we :nmammn no. 5cm!) cams: we, 5 imamma EH 81 m5? TH: CASE NOS. 1?3 ?8 (Rw?ft? Cg?afendant List Last Name Firs: Name m9 ELO ZEWNER 0918804 ERIQWAL 396225;:ng mime: sa?zama?d wzwza?g OF CGUNTY sigma-:39 Date: NOV 21, 2099 Misdemeanor Criminal Comglama? COMMONWEALTE OF V8. E, the undersigned, d0 hereby state under oath a?irmeiion: My name is: {Bisirici Attomey?s Represema?ve I accuse VEQTGR EELLER who ?ves at 2468 STANLEY ST PA @2232? with vioia?ng the Pena! Laws of Pennsy?vania on or abaut Friday, November 293883 in the County 9f Phiiadelph?a. The Cemmonwea?h hereisy gives notissa to {he Defen?am tha! the ?efem?ant may be sub?ect to the enhanced sentencing pmvisia?s of Wife 35 0f the misting ?9 K?crwing and in?emianai $36336ng sf 2 Cantm?ed Subsiance, vioiaticn sf Femnsyivania Pavia? Laws, 36050::{5} and {2239(5) Lab User Fee Requestecf CHARGES: Defendant has been ?ng?rprime? Cock; ?eaaripticm Grade (taunts (331 POSSESSWN 09?? 3,231 90? DGLALCOHGL OR 9m o?whish i3 against {he peace and digmiy of the Gammanweaith sf Pennsyivania 1 ask that a warrani of arr?st or a we isgua? am: that we accused be required it: answer the charges 3 have made? T?is comyfai?t has men reviewed and appmvad by MCCLOSKEY ARA. (5) i swear t0 or affirm tha within compmint was?; my knowiadga, i?fetma?on and be?ef, and sign it an 11I21i2099 befes?e Phiiadeip??a Mumfcipa? Cent: Jadgei?srraignment Cour? Magistrate. W2 3% . A Signamre of Arr??gnmea? Cami Magisiraie Signaigg?? cw? Af?am Gr: 1132w289? 839 353028 named affiant swore 9r af?rmed that ihe fasis 33$ form in the ccmpiaint were true ant? cerrect K3 the best of hisfher knowie?ge, ?a?amaticn and bei?ef, arm signe? in my prese?ca. be?eve Eh 63?? 6? wiihin af?ant ta be a rewm-sibie perssn and 22m is pmbabie 233.252 is; the Emaez?zca 0f - ?775$ igsuing Anthem}! {2 2) mmwamsm? 2535333 243226 n82: {3222326324 21:21:2299 3:52 PM maim?mmw?m?gm mm Wm mm?w?w wmxm?aww gm??wwawmmw?mgmw ?$3me gm? 2mm my?. Ema W3 qugm m?wmww?mm w? Em mwmm?mm @3me ?mm? Em mm mmamm yam mm 3 my ?pm .6 mm mamm??mw mm? mxg?mcg?. My mmx?mm?mm 2v 3 mm?gww Em mg?wm?mw?m xmj?mm ?3 magma 4mm mm ?am @me3?? mm mm?mxam mg ?g ?mm gxmm?dmw am 3 E?mw mm?. 33% mm ?g mama gm mgw?z?m??wma?mm mmw?am Wmm?awz? Em wm??wm?m?? zQ??mm guy?, gm ?imam 335%? gammw mm mm wmws?m mam mm mwzg?mw ma Em Em ES W?wwm?mz My mm?mxmm W2 ?maamw Mam? ?mm K?maca aw ?\m?mm 3% $33 ,3 mm mm. Mmm??mw macaw.? mm a? 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Mam mm magma m?ma?mw mmg?mm um mum mama 0% ?ma?a 3&m?mw mm. $meme me mm mm 3 3%?magma 9? mg gang?, mm? me mwwaw mum? mam mama? ?mw mm ma?5?me m3 my mum Wm mm 3%ng WEE Qm? mm mam 33QO mm Emma? mm RN Wm amm???wm Emma mm Q3 mm ?wa Wm @meng my 33 am mam mega mam gm??mam mm. 83ng nwmv?mo mewmm wamme?Qw mm ?$va ?mm @mm?m ?wmww?mmw mm?ww gm 3% Wm mam mm m??m??amm mm 3. 3mm QQ wummwearm OT ramsywama mam: 01 time Bureau a! CWIOM. Eec?ms md Laglaia?on Division at Omissions, Lngisla?on and Retains 21D Noah Of?ce Guiding - Harrisburg. PA i7120 Tel: (717?) Web: ijmdowmapaus?mtam PRINT OR TYPE CLEARLY. FILL OUT APPUCATION COHPLETELY. Do Use 'nona' or if app?cable. - a FEE: m-makemw moneyorde payable CHECK one: Appointment i: "if? ?i Reappolntmont (have been a noisy in before) o; NOTARY PUBLIC APPucmoN (Revised 917mm) mm 7 hmmwaemn Fm 011mm Goa: the fol If lnPonm la Moro: WW aha/n, {door MU bar wwumm I PART I: App?cant information (NOTE: contact . Harm Vi Cr 0 infom?on be public record} Wilma Sufru {if app?mbb) Data of am (mummy) I Social Securh Ninth-r (?mm-v mm; nmw?me Fume Meats.) (sewa- emptoqao Ema mm (Optional) ?ver?: M?cHayz, 5r~ ZipC?dB /9/22~ N. nmleg memiw team {Wade area code} 215* 762% ?bu/n. Harm Street Address Bax 310m is imtmdent) Whip} 2 - $131! 4- pg, 2mm game ?Mam (?dude argon-fa} *5 /9/38? a? a. :9 {may}. educationooursew?hmmesbt-umm Part II: 5mm Criminal History, Other Notaw Commission History [Check or mark appmp?ate boxes) WI and i period immediately preceding Myour cow:- ?mac and myour origin-i. no have completed 3 WW {Mae-haw notwy public this app?cation (uniess permanentiy awed). Much a copy Ladmddeducaimu?lreat?tin Wre?e?m. app?oa?on? Hm?tachiuidsta?s decumems with a gigmd md dated persona! Haveywmbemomvideddozentered apieadgul?yornok: (name of court, plea or wnv?dm sentence and length of pmba?on) and We suppom'ng mama. Cormnmeam or any war supporting (imments with a medaaofmisapp?m?m? If revoked 0! othemise discb?nod by the notary suspencbd, yes, mam fun {blah and appropriate Haveyouaverhadanydharpidasmw km WALL Similar. (m Pm am PART m: To be in Penns ante Senator before 3 tion is submitlad. a he? aunt?s m: obi-lath" 'n ma. 80mm I HEREBY ENDORSE THE APPLICATION OF THIS APPLICANT WHO IS A RESRJENT OF MY SENATORIAL DISTRICT 0R, 3F hit)? A RESJDENT, W0 IS EMPLOYED SENATORML DISTRICT. @Won below mus! be ?;Lw&5a3r namrecfSenator ?1 1 District Date ?aw mm Ma?a gm w?mm wwx?w ?w?g?wmm ME we m??wm um ?mammn?a? Km wwm? ka Wamm . . Mg ?u ?ma mm ??me arm gum? mem??m 3% gm. wm? ww??wwmm mg mg ?u mm mm?m Em mm 3 A ma??cg?u? magma ?Kw w??m wmw?m?$me ?Egg gm wa ?a??mm w??mma mw?? ?mem Emma r35 mm ma?a? ?m ?g hmmw?? Ew ?g 3% 3 am ?g?g 3% ww?g?w mm ma?a Ea mm gag? gg? m?mw ?mmg mg? $533 an 3 wm?m mam,? wxmm? m?m?gag? arm manna min. u?m?m?u a??aw A??xwmwEmg?m?w Ma?a Emu my?. $33 $5 ?mummy? w? Wm Kw ?my? $53 3 ?g?g Kw 3m w?m?nnm w? ma mwm?mm gnaw Mm?? ?Kw ?aw ?g ?waw?wm mg mm? ?m?mmhmam mam ram wwm??w ma ?m?m ?mg wm?m? ?gwmm?waw?mwmm. Wm wm?m?m? mg mm?wm WWQ mammwummam mam 3 Emmy my.? mg?mm?m amwu??m??m $wa ?mam kw m?w mam 3 3?me magma ?a gag gammy? ?mg may 9% MERLE w?wm mam 3&me ?g ?mm?m?wmm ?aw mm mam 3%?me wxwmu?mam Mm mw? Hg? mm w?w? mam gamma ?my? MW mm? ?aw ?3me km mummy? 3 Emgmwamu gum $an mm mwma mm m?wammu ?gm mum Emmy {If} damn?? m? mmwwummw mm ma?a who lmm?mm?w gamma? ?33m. gammwma?ww @?maw hug ma haw? gam?? mew w?mwmuw? Emma ?mw??w mg? umm?a ??wn ?mmx?w?? m?m?gmm gag mam a mewm?wmmw mmww?m Em ?33 Em $2 am mmwmaw ??unk kw magma @?mw ma?a? ?@3me mwmm?mu ?Mm @me . wwm?mm?mma Rang wwmwumm w?mm am?K MR ?x?mm?wm . ?g ?me mg m?wm?wgm MM magm gm .mmw mm?mna w?mm mag mwmm?mmamwmm gang gm m?mwm mm gm??wg mm ?m?m a gnaw 3K ?Em mum a mama mam .Qnm mmw?mm? Mg amawmmw amw wm my?, camm??mu E?mm ?ax; mm w?mm v1 m?mkm ?g ma 3mm ww?m? ?95% Ww?wumnn?mx?zw 3%me @3me 3%me 3% 33% ugmf?w 3 mm? ??tom ?@3me mm .mMm?m Km 82 mg mg?m? mm ?Em Mvm??m mm ?Cwmaz ?og ma wEma ?mm 3% gaw??mm magma ?gamma? mmaa?w?mg gm a 33% hag Emma ?g mm 2% gwma??w ?$3me mmammammn? ??wm mama wmm? ma?a MU Mm?? xhw??wm?xmm ?mm mexm gag a mug? 3&5 a ?aw k. .wm??uw a? .5 :33; an @me mam ?mm, mm mmw?wmmaam Mama Ma?a? ??mwmum w? w@ w?mwg $??g?3ma??m?m??wmum KEV ?m $me gm 0% mum ?Egg mnamwwm amm?mmeEam %0 333m ?$ng mm mum Em; =3me xmpwom?mw?? .3 COMGNWEKLTH OF DEPARTMENT OF STATE BEFORE TEE SESRETARY OF THE Commenwealth ?f Pennsyivagia Bureau of Cemmissi?ns, Eiec?ms ami Legigia?en File 18?99?004592 vs. Wetar Miller? Notary Public Respan?ent CERTIFICATEQF SERVICE 1, Andrea (3032:6110, hereby certify that I have thisa?dday of MOVE 2018 caused a true and wired copy of the: faregaing Naiice and Order to Shaw Gauss :0 be served 11pm: all parties 0f reccrd in ihig pmseecii?g in with the requireme?ts of Sectien 333:1 ofthe General Ruies 0f Admi?igira?ve Practice and Prece?um, 1 Fa Code 33.31 {relating t0 Service by 1:116 agemy); MAIL RETERN REGRET REQUESTED AND FIRST CLASS FQSTAGE Vida: Milky, Notary Pabiie 253? 26th Street, 01 9590 0935 008'} 35.75 19 Philadelphia, 231% 19132 View mm} Netary Pubiic 4649 Paul Street Philadeiphia, PA 19124 9171 9690 {3935 068?; 3575 26 7 Ancirea L. Casteiia Presecuting A?amey Gammonweaith of Pamsyiva?ia Department Of State Bax 69521 ngburgg FA i?G?-Q?zl (717) 783132.83 Victor Miller, notary public His rebuttal to civil complaint 11/28/18 DEC 2 2251:} h" WM 1? mm . Leg/?36 c211,? d?sgwf? Ag?ggmw 4 ?Mn; ?ztrg 1 mimz am AWL 5:17 HAQ gm a? i {mgw/? 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