HAND 2017 FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE STATEMENT UNITED STATES HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 1 of? Form A For Use by Members, Officers. and Employees EGISLMIVE RESOURCE CENTER Name: Tart (and ?It? Daytime Telephone: 2 0 2x213", 317) I '8 "Atolr?e?it (inst M0 oer-?lei: or sign A $200 penalty shalt be assessed against any Individual who files more than 30 days late. Member of the US. State: A FILER Officer or Employing Of?ce: Staff Filer e: (if Applicable) STATUS I House of Representatives District: '2 Employee Shared Ergrincipal Assistant ?$532" 2017Annual (Due: May 15, 2013) Amendment Termination Date of Termination: PRELIMINARY INFORMATION ANSWER EACH OF THESE QUESTIONS A. Did you, your spouse. or your dependent child: a. Own any reportable asset that was worth more than $1,000 at the Did . . - you have any reportable agreement or arrangement with an end the reporting 99m?? Yes No outside entity during the reporting period or in the current calendar Yes No b. Receive more than $200 In uneamed Income from any reportable year up through the date of tiling? asset during_the reporting period? B. Did you. your spouse. or your dependent child purchase, sell. or G. D'd ch'l ?ye exchange any securities or reportable real estate in a transaction Yes No mile :55: a $133 Yes No exceeding $1.000 dunng the reporting period? source dump. the Eportirlq period? 0. Did you or your spouse have ?earned? income salaries. H. D'd dent child rece've an honoraria, oripensionllRA distributions) of $200 or more during the Yes No repoItaIbclIgtrIacIllelI travel totaling Inore tIIian Yes No period? $390 in value from a single source during the reporting period? . . I. Did any individual or organization make a donation to charity in D. Did you, your spouse. or your dependent ChlId have any reportable Yes paying you for a speech, appearance. or artIcle dunng the liability (more than $10,000) at any pomt dunng the reporting penod? reporting period? E. Did you hold any reportable positions during the reporting period or Yes No in the current calendar year up through the date of ?ling? ATTACH THE CORRESPONDING SCHEDULE IF YOU ANSWER YES IPO AND EXCLUSION OF SPOUSE, DEPENDENT. OR TRUST INFORMATION - ANSWER EACH OF THESE QUESTIONS contact the Committee on Ethics for further guidance IPO- Did you purchase any shares that were allocated as a part of an Initial Public Offering during the reporting period? if you answered 'yes? to this question piease Yes No TRUSTS Details regarding "Quali?ed Blind Trusts? approved by the Committee on Ethics and certain other "excepted trusts? need not be disclosed. Have you excluded from this report details of such a trust that bene?ts you. your spouse, or dependent child? Yes No EXEMPTION - Have you excluded from this report any other assets. "unearned" income, transactions. or liabilities of a spouse or your dependent child because they meet all three tests for exemption? Do not answer "yes" unless you have ?rst consulted with the Committee on Ethics. Yes No SCHEDULE A - ASSETS Name: EFF 6V?Mr?r f: BLOCK A BLOCK BLOCK BLOCK BLOCK Assets; andlor Income Sources Value of Asset Type of Income Amount of Income Transaction identify each asset held for investment or Indicate value of asset at close of the reporting period. If you use a Check all columns that apply. For accounts that For assets you checked ?Tmr?Defened' in Block 0. you Indicate If the production Of Income and with a fair market value valuation muted other than fair market value. please specify the method generate tax-deterred income (such as milk). or may check the ?None? column. For all other assets Indicate the asset had exceeding $1.000 at the end of the reporting period, used. 3:9 accounts), you may check the ?Tax?Deferred' category of Income by :hsckilitiagl thel appropnal; box amt: :giichgesw), and any otherreportable asset orsource ofinoome . . . . . umn. Dividends. Interest. and capital gains, even interest. an cap as no. even renve . es 1. or that generated more than $200 in 'uneamed' income gegugg?giisratsgd?ng? .thvg??gf?gw?eg?gm?gli included only If reinvested. must he disclon as Income for must be discloze: as income for assets?gejld In tang? exchanges during the year. assets held In taxable accounts. Check 'None? if the accounts. Choc one' if no income wasea orgenera . exceeding . ?Colurnn is for assets held by your spouse or dependent child in which asset generated no Income during the reporting period in the reporting Provide complete names of stocks and mutual funds YOU have "0 interest. 'Column XII Is for assets held by your spouse or dependent child period. (do not use only ticker symbols}. in which you have no interest. If only a portion of twas sold. For all IRAs and other retirement plans {such as algg?nmcale as 401(k) plans) provide the value for each asset held in follows; (5 the account that exceeds the reporting tliresholdscolumn For bank and other cash accounts. tots! the amount In [3:11 if msere are all interest-bearing accounts. If the total is over 55.000. no transactions list every ?nancial Institution where there Is more than that exceeded 51.000 in interest?bee?ng accounts. 51mg For rental and other real property held for investment. provide a complete address ordesciiption. 9.9.. "rentat property.? and a city and state. For an ownership interest in a privately-hem business business. the nature of Its activities. and its geographic location in Block A. Exclude: Your personal residence. including second A homes and vacation homes (unless there was rental income during the reporting period): and any ?nancial interest in, or income derived from. a federal retirement program. including the Thrift Savings Plan. 5 all If you report a privately~traded fund that is an Excepted lnvesirnent Fund. please check the box. It you so choose. you may inc?cate that an asset or 5' 3 income source is that of your spouse or - dependent child (DC). or jointly held with anyone (JT). inmeop?onalcolumnonthefarlenFora detailed riscussion of ScheduleA requirementsSP. EIF Stein) DC. SP Mega Corp. Stock JT Ex I inde?nite ?mm? Partnership ABC Hedge Fund Income 1401]! ?le-3mmGO. Amity . (0n Fit d: ?3 0min Use additional sheets if more space is required. SCHEDULE A ASSETS 8: BLOCK A BLOCK Assets andior Income Sources Value of Asset $833,031 61.0mm!) 419016111000 ASSET NAME 0 Li' (U lfato Ca Jr eiL Use additional sheets if more space is required. ?m Brilli?mfbm? Pagei of 1 C7 BLOCK Type of income Ghar'l'ypeol'imm'n (anew; ea. MlmaFa-mlm) BLOCK Amount of income 55331-51501) Imu?' $190qu BLOCK Transaction SCHEDULE A - ASSETS 8s . Page I of Name: g?kl/Fn gf'HZ/ BLOCK A BLOCK 8 BLOCK BLOCK BLOCK Assets andlor Income Sources Value of Asset Type of Income Amount of Income Transaction VII IX 04H I PL Tm CIharTyped' lm (m 6M. mqua-mlm) 35.001.515.000 .omom 31331031 45000300 [man's RENT INTEET ASSET NAME Use additional sheets if more Space is required. SCHEDULE A ASSETS 8: Name: Pagei of I61 BLOCK A BLOCK BLOCK 0 BLOCK BLOCK Assets andIor Income Sources Value of Asset Type of Income Amount of Income Transaction IV VI VII (?xedly 9.9.. Para-arm maFamlrm-m} (119? Type of Irm?ra 3103.001 $1,013.03: seam-$15000 ASSET MIME Useadd?lenalm?mspacelemumd. SCHEDULE A ASSETS 8: Name: g?HV?/l Py?f Page?LOf?Iq BLOCK A BLOCK 3 BLOCK BLOCK BLOCK Assets andlor Income Sources Value of Asset Type of Income Amount of Income Transaction We Loomm 1300*erme (mm-Looms uuag name-I41 ?619 ?nals} m1 pedal, memum monastic anon ASSET NAME 04 Use additional sheets If more space is required. SCHEDULE A ASSETS 8: Name: ngn/r? ?4th ?geld?Li. BLOCK A BLOCK BLOCK BLOCK BLOCK Assets andfor Income Sources Value of Asset Type of Income Amount of Income Transaction (madly ag. Imam: aver 311110.03? 31 001-51501} OherTy-ped Imam ASSET NAME 0 er rm WW I Use additional sheets if more space Is required. SCHEDULE A -- ASSETS Name: g?w? Ivy? )4 Page_& BLOCK A BLOCK BLOCK BLOCK BLOCK Assets andfor Income Sources Value of Asset Type of Income Amount of Income Transaction (WM 89? Painem?p Irmme or Famirmm} 3103.00161931m mm mm 9.1.00wa Gru'rypedlma?na Tm 55331-315.? NCINE mm RENT INTEEBT ASSET NAME 0 1" ?l I Fv Use addltIenal sheets if more space is required. SCHEDULE A ASSETS 8: Name: Swift/(fl g? 5v 4hv4ifc Pageiof? BLOCK A BLOCK 3 BLOCK BLOCK 0 BLOCK Assets andror Income Sources Value 01? Asset Type of Income Amount of Income Transaction (Specify: MAL GNPB Whom Tm Cal-arm of Iron-re ?mm-51.0mm: $1?mm1?mm9 NOE mm INTEREST ASSET NAME 0 rm Hand 1" i? 9 6' ff that bah an out, Use additional sheets if more space is required. SCHEDULE A - ASSETS 8s Name: SFfl/fb? 61/16 Pageliof 10' BLOCK A BLOCK BLOCK BLOCK BLOCK Assets andlor income Sources Value of Asset Type of Income Amount of Income Transaction $1 smoo'l-saomo moo-lama? Chm-Typed Insane ag..Pa1-nerd1plrm-ma 35001-515000 manque-1m mammal)" ASSET NAME 16v4 n? 0 h? 0' Vt?; Use addi?t'lona'l sheets if more space is required. SCHEDULE A ASSETS 8: BLOCK A BLOCK 8 Assets andlor Income Sources Value of Asset NAME q. :1 c. Use additional sheets if more space is required. Simon 6W @Mmc? Page_H_ of BLOCK Type of Income Gramdlm (Speci?c 9.9.. MWGFamlm) BLOCK Amount of Income VI VII 555131 615.020 510103141 BLOCK Transaction SCHEDULE A ASSETS .. . Name: SA?fvm Page of [q BLOCK A BLOCK BLOCK BLOCK BLOCK Assets andior Income Sources Value of Asset Type of Income Amount of Income Transaction (Spedfmag..Pam1plmorFamlm) CAPITAL MP5 WM lm seem-515.000 manque-woman INTERET ASSET NAME (H 2 em! 5 Use addmona'l sheets 17 more space is required. SCHEDULE - TRANSACTIONS Name: 3443;; ?m?aiw? Pageiof? Report any purchase. sale. or exchange unmadlons ?13? am 51.009 in the Type Of Transaction Date reporting period of any soomily or real property held by you. your spouse. or your Amount Of TransaCtion dependent child for investment or the production of income. include transactions that mulled in a capllal loss. Provide a brief of an exchange transaclion. A Exclude transac?ons between you. your spouse. or dependent children. or lhe pmhase or sale of your personal residence. unless it generated rerllal income. If 5 only a portion of an asset is sold, please choose 'parlial sale' as the type of a or transactm - til-artery. Murmurs; capes: Galas. ll a sales iransawm resulted a capital gain in excess of 5200, mm, It . - check the "capital gains' box. unless itwas an asset in a lax-deferred account, and applicable . - Column is for assets solely held by y_our spouse Asset Mont/14 I f: mic, 64:93? gm Lam. 7T Use additional sheets if more space is required. SCHEDULE EARNED INCOME Name: SH r/l' rt 6M4 CsuiLl/l m: Page of List the source, type, and amount of eamed income from any source (other than the ?ler?s current employment by the US. government) totaling $200 or more during the reporting period. For a spouse, list the source and amount of any honoraria; list only the source for other spouse earned income exceeding $1.000. See examples below. EXCLUDE: Military pay (such as National Guard or Reserve pay). federal retirement programs, and bene?ts received under the Social Security Act. LIMITS and PROHIBITED The 2017 limit on outside earned income for Members and employees compensated at or above the ?senior staff" rate was $27,765. The 2018 limit is $28,050. In addition, certain types of income (notably honoraria, director?s fees, and payments for professional services involving a ?duciary relationship) are totally prohibited. Source (include date of receipt for honoraria) Type Amount Keene State Approved Teaching Fee $6.000 . StateofM 'sla? Penal Examples. Civil War Souramablemct. 2) 5891:0015? Speed?" $113.3: Ontario County Board of Education Spouse Salaryr UL CU amid! gar/am lama? Use additional sheets if more space is required. SCHEDULE LIABILITIES Name: Page__I__S__ of '61 Report liabilities of over $10,000 owed to any one creditor at any time during the reporting period by you. your spouse, or your dependent child. Mark the highest amount owed during the reporting period. Members: Members are required to report all liabilities secured by real property including mortgages on their personal residence. Exclude: Any mortgage on your personal residence (unless you rent it out or are a Member); loans secured by automobiles. household furniture. or appliances: liabilities of a business in which you own an interest (unless you are personally liable); and liabilities owed to you by a spouse or the child, parent, or sibling of you or your spouse. Report a revolving charge account (is, credit card) only if the balance at the close of the reporting period exceeded $10,000. *Column is for iiabilities held solely by your spouse or dependent child. Example I First Bank of Wilmington, DE Amount of Liability A i Date 3? Creditor L'ab'l'ty of 3 00:? Incurred yp 8 t: "g MONR s-l-o 3?0 13-8 58 38 qq Cid o'all :10. 0.0. 0.0 13'N15 Mortgage on Rental Property, Dover. DE 7? marten Chase. one it!" Marital; an Colt/m 5415 Fri ?92:94 R?rl?otrm?? 5W1 m5 Kan/<3 We Ca (I that Fr: JPrr't?aScin @1ny SCHEDULE POSITIONS Res dfnf? Position Report all positions, compensated or uncompensated, held during the current or prior calendar year as an officer, director, trustee of an organization, partner, proprietor. representative, employee, or consultant of any corporation. ?rm. partnership. or other enterprise, nonpro?t organization, labor organization. or educational or other institution other than the United States. Exclude: Positions held in am religious, sociall fratemali or political entities {such as political parties and campaign oganizations); and @sitions solely of an honorary nature. Name of Organization Advisers board mtmlorr MW Mq?cmrd member Centric for at Mankind K7 JA/utlw?rt 5300 wt) 0?6 (03.19 CUJnt?ch pm?mtt?i) Use additional sheets if more space is required. SCHEDULE AGREEMENTS Name: S?i-wm 6? Page of Identify the date, parties to. and general terms of any agreement or arrangement that you have with respect to: future employment; a leave of absence during the period of government senrice continuation or deferral of payments by a former or current employer other than the U.S. government; or continuing participation in an employee welfare or bene?t plan maintained by a former. employer. Date Parties to Agreement Terms of Agreement ?irt-i ~4me Dre (?019? [1?er 04 alas/me. we)! [13/4 61?. at Turn: 0:1: Eli?drriro/ barring/IE If Marc. [Mi Tr?art. 09? Marta] 04?9th (amp: nogocm-tmism?i?I-JI Tomi; WM: 071 1W8- 2/04 bmddi eckil??mrrd? And/7707* bf?l?Wt'I?i SW40 $5?:pr RM SCHEDULE GIFTS Nourish l/a/nc or mark mil/ml an tel/(? 6., me a Report the source (by name) a brief description and the vaiue of all gifts totaling more than $390 received by you your spouse or your dependent child from any source during the year Exclude: Gifts from relatives. gifts of personal hospitality from an individual, local meals and gifts to a spouse or dependent child that are totally independent of his or her relationship to you Gifts with a value of $156 or less need not be added towards the $390 disclosure threshold. Note: The gift mle (House Rule 25 clause 5) prohibits acceptance of gifts except as speci?cally provided In the rule and some gifts require prior approval of the Committee on Ethics. Source Description Value Example: Mr. Joseph Smith. Arlington. VA Silver Platter {prior determination of personal friendship received from the Committee on Ethics) $400 Use additional sheets if more space is required. SCHEDULE TRAVEL PAYMENTS and REIMBURSEMENTS Namesimy. hill Quin-1?. Pager}, of were paid by you and reimbursed by the sponsor. Identify the source and list travel itinerary. dates, and nature of expenses provided for travel and travel-related expenses totaling more than $390 received by you, your spouse, or your dependent child during the reporting period. Indicate whether a family member accompanied the traveler at the Sponsor?s expense. Disclosure is required regardless of whether the expenses were paid directly by the sponsor or EXCLUDE: Travel-related expenses provided by federal. state, and local governments. or by a foreign government required to be separately reported under the Foreign Gifts and Decorations Act (FGDA, 5 U.S.C. 7342); political travel that is required to be reported under the Federal Election Campaign Act; travel provided to a spouse or dependent child that is totaliy independent of his or her relationship to the ?ler. Famliy Member Scum Date{s] Clty of Departure-Destlnation-Clty of Return ?33:39? '12,fo Included? Gwammeut 0' China Aug. 541 00%?ij Guanine Examples: Habitat ?ar Humanly (cherry lundrarser] m. 34 Dc-Boston-DC Su?-rm ?Md (Mt 3 001- ?8 DC, Gauge Db Use additional sheets if more space is required. SCHEDULE PAYMENTS MADE TO CHARITY IN LIEU OF HONORARIA Name: 3417(1)? 67/4 of A, List the source, activity (rte. speech. appearance, or article), date, and amount of any payment made by the sponsor of an event to a charitable organization in lieu of paying an honorarium to you. A separate con?dential list of charities receiving such payments must be ?led directly with the Committee on Ethics. Source Activity Date Amount Exa mp i 3' Association of American Associations, Washington, DC Speech Feb. 2, 2017 $2,000 XYZ Magazine Article Aug. 13, 2017 $500 I- 7 Use additional sheets if more space is required. F?lgfiig?-l-Es Name: 5413/ Kg Pagai of NOTES 0 50 We (qu?h?t? 772/!st ??u/0N8 a 7d mole maid/m" m3 106; /(70%7 CgM/zx/ ?ex/NW}? 455%?; me: t/?/Ma 0:5 U2, (/ml/Wm/ (,th Swarm/c 'p/rm bid LHCC lw?m?x?lf .. DU moi/m 7 33:4 The own; #102 {pal/?am Use additional sheets If more space is required.