Case 0:19-mj-06026-LSS Document 1 Entered on FLSD Docket 01/18/2019 Page 1 of 13 AO 91(R:v.l1/11hCrl ml nalCemplaiat UNITED STATESD ISTRICT rouRy fc?1he Scuthem DistrictcfFlnrida United sutesofAmerka ) ) ) M. BrendonFleury, caseNô. ) /f-6026-sNow ) ) p#ndantl zl CRIM INAL C OM PLAINT lvthecomplainantinthisçce,statethatth:following istroetcthebestofmy knowkdgeand belief. Onorabûutthedatels)ef Detember2$,2018-January11$2019 tnthetokmtyof Broward icyht Southem Dlltrictof Florl d. ,t hedefendctts)vinlated: C* eSection e al:Dezcrèdon 16U.S.C,675$) TransmiqlngInInterst.t:commero atommunàtatlontontalnlngathreatto kl dnap apeœon; 18U.S.C.2261A(2)(B) WiththeIntenttoharas::ndInti ml dateanotherperson,uslngeninteradive computere,rvlce and el edrenlccommonlcatl onsystem ofInteatate x mmemeto engagelnacetlr:eQfcendud thatcatlR d,attemptedtocause, orwouldbereasonabl yexpectedto cause x bstantlalemotlonaldletres:to thatperx n. Thlscrimina. lcomplalntisbasedônthesefacts: Seeettach.dAmtavlt. O Cnntinuedonlheattach:dshed. @ Complalnant' zztgnature CameronMcD- eII'Specl alAgent FBI Prinusxe z-eanittde Swom todeforemean1signed inmy presence, G rlate: / /v /q ,- z' .. 6, ' cityandstate: Fod Laudedal.,Florlda e z yp @ ...y . J' vdge' JzWnatvre ' k . a .yy...'l LtlranaS.Sn- ,Unlted State,MaglatrateJudge Printedo .JnJtltl. Case 0:19-mj-06026-LSS Document 1 Entered on FLSD Docket 01/18/2019 Page 2 of 13 AFFIDAVIT IN SUPPORT OF CRIM INAL COM PLAINT 1,Cam eron M cDowell,beingduly sworn, deelareand state asfollows: 1. INTRODUCTION 1. I am a SpecialAgent (SA) with the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), currently assigned to the ViolentCrim esand Fugitive Task Force ofthe FBl'sM iam iDivision. M y duties involve the investigation ofa variety offederaloffenses, including bank robberies , HobbsActrobberies,extortion, interstate threatsand otherviolationsoffederallaw . Iwashired by the FBIin M ay of2017 and havebeen assigned to theM iamiDivision sinceOctober2017. lI. PURPO SE OF AFFIDAVIT This A ffdavit is subm itted in support of a crim inal complaint charging BRANDON FLEURY (FLEURY) with violations ofTitle 18,United States Code, Sections 875(c)(threats in interstate communications)and 2261A(2)(B)(cyberstalking) Based on the . facts set forth below,I respectfully submit that there is probable cause to believe that, on or about Decem ber 25, 2018,FLEU RY did transmit in interstate comm erce a comm unication containing a threatto kidnap a person, in violation ofTitle 18,United States Code, Section 875(c).lalso submitthatthereisprobablecausetobelievethat, between on oraboutDecember 22,2018,and January 11,2019, FLEURY did,with the intentto harass and intim idate another person,use an interactive computer service and electronic communication system ofinterstate commerce to engage in a course of conduct that caused, attempted to cause, or would be reasonably expected to cause substantialem otionaldistress to thatperson, in violation ofTitle 18,United StatesCode,Section2261A(2)(B). 3. The statementscontained in this Affidavitare based on m y personalknowledge, as wellas inform ation relayed to m e by other law enforcem ent officials in this investigation. 1 have notincluded in this Aftsdaviteach and every factknown to m e. Rather,1 have included onlythefactsthatare necessaryto establish probablecause. Page 1 of 12 Case 0:19-mj-06026-LSS Document 1 Entered on FLSD Docket 01/18/2019 Page 3 of 13 111. SUM M ARY O F PRO BABLE CAUSE 4. Between on oraboutDecember22, 2018,and January 11,2019, FLEURY madea striesofthreatening and harassing poststhrough the socialm edia application Instagram .l These m essagesalliçm entioned''Instagram aceountsused by relativesand friendsofstudentswho were killed in the mass shooting atM arjory Stoneman DouglasHigh School(M SD), in Parkland, Florida,on February 14,1018 (itthe M SD shootinf'l.z Becaust tht posts ldmentioned''the Instagram accounts of these relatives and friends, they received notitscations, including the contentsofthe messages,when they accessed theirInstagrnm accounts. One postthreatened to kidnap them essagerecipients,whileotherssoughtto harasstherecipientsby repeatedly taunting therelativesand friendsoftheM SD victim s, cheering thedeathsoftheirloved onesand, am ong otherthings,askingthem to cry. W hile the posts were made through several different Instagram accounts and usernames,recordsforatleasttlve ofthe accounts3 show thatthey were allusing the sam e IP address,which was assigned to an address in Santa Ana, California(the SantaAna address)at thetim eofrelevantposts. FLEURY residesatthe SantaAnaaddresswith hisfatherand brother. 11nstagram ownsandoperatesafree- accesssocial-networking websiteofthe sam enam ethatcan beaccessed athttp://www.instagram .com . U serscan accesslnstagram through the lnstagram websiteorbyusingaspecialelectronicapplication(ç1app'')createdbythecompanythatallows usersto accessthe servicethrough an electronicm obile device. U pon creating an lnstagram account,an Instagrnm usermustcreateaunique lnstagram usernameand an accountpassword. lnstagram allowsitsusersto createtheirown profilepages, postphotos,postcomm entson other users'photos,and send directm essagesto otherInstagram users. 2A ccording to Instagram 'swebsite, one lnstagram usercan ilm ention''another Instagram userinacommentorpostbytypingthe%%@ ''symbol,followedimmediatelybytheotheruser's usenmme. W hen oneuseriçmentions''another, theiçm entioned''userreceivesanotiscation in theirActivity feed,which willshow thecomm entorpost. See ht tps:// f11 pl-ef=hc fhav&bcf01=368390626577968&bc = 898918476885209&bc(21=1771676186445020(lastac-cessedJanuary 10,2019) . 3Thesim ilarsubstance oftherelevantposts, including repeated use ofthe sam e language and emojis,indicatesthatthepostscamefrom thesameindividual,regardlessofthefactthathe isusing multipledifferentInstagram accountsand usernam es. Because Fleury continually changed accountsand usernames,thegovermnenthasnotyetobtained IP addressrecordsfor everyaccountand usernamedescribed herein.However,al1oftheaccountsforwhich the govem menthasobtained recordshave retlected the sameIP address. Page 2 of 12 Case 0:19-mj-06026-LSS Document 1 Entered on FLSD Docket 01/18/2019 Page 4 of 13 FBIagents and other 1aw enforcem ent officers obtained and executed a search warranton theSantaAnaaddress.During execution ofthe search warrant, theexecuting officers identified FLEURY asthe subjectwho made the online threats FLEURY provided a post. M iranda statementadm itting to creating atleastsome ofthe lnstagram profiles and posting the m essagesin an attemptto tauntortitroll''the victim sand gain popularity. FLEURY adm itttd to targeting fam ily m emberswho wereVbactivists''who had a largesocialm ediapresence. FLEURY adm itted to creating m ultiple Instagram profilesbecause he knew hiscomm entswould resultin theprofilesbeing reported to,andremoved by, Instagram . lV. STATEM ENT OF PROBABLE CAUSE A. Friendsand Fam ily oftheM SD Shooting ReceiveHarassing and Threatening M essagesin Decem ber2018 and January 2019 Between December22,2018 and up to January 11, 2019,friendsand fnmily of theM SD shootingreceivedharassingandthreateningmessages(viapostsinwhichtheywere Stmentioned'')onlnstagram from variouslnstagram handles Those lnstagram m essagestraced . back to thesame IP address. D ecem ber 22.2018 M essaaes 10. On or aboutDecember22, 2018,several individuals, who are siblings,friends, and parents of victim s of the M SD shooting, fled a harassm entand threating comm unication reportwith theBroward County SheriffsOffce (BSO),in Broward County, Florida. Am ong the reporting individuals wtre $1JG ,''SCFG '' and :SLS ''the brother, father, and best friend, respectively, of itlam ie,'' who was killed in the M SD shooting. Another of the reporting individualswasçiM S,''thefatherofanotherstudentkilled in the shooting. The reporting individuals showed BSO screenshots of m essage notifications they had received on Instagram . The notifications showed postsm ade by otherInstagram accountsthat had iimentioned''the Instagram accountsofJG , LS,M S,and others,aswellasanotherInstagram usernamethatcontained the name of(butdid notactually belongto)FG A sdescribed below , . Page 3 of12 Case 0:19-mj-06026-LSS Document 1 Entered on FLSD Docket 01/18/2019 Page 5 of 13 the reporting individuals continued to receive similar notifcations at least up to and through January 11,2019,screenshotsofwhich they sim ilarly provided to 1aw enforcem ent. 11. On oraboutDecember22,2018, from approxim ately 3:00 a.m .-4:11a. m.(EST) the victim swere m entioned in posts m ade by Instagrnm username S'nikolas.killed.your.sister.'' Notably, Nikolas Cruz is the nnm e of the adm itted pem etrator of the M SD shooting;he is currently in law enforcem ent custody in Broward County, Florida. The posts from linikolas.killed.your.sister''thatiémentioned''JG included thefollowingmessages(amongothers) in quick succession: a. :iIkilled yourloved oneshahaha'' iicry forme'' itYourgriefismyjoy'' çiW ith thepowerofmy AR-15, lerased theirexistence.''Thism essage wasfollowed by sm iling,applause, andhandgun emojis. 4 e. ç%Igavethem nom ercy'' f. çll-hey had theirwhole livesahead ofthem and 1fucking stole itfrom them.''Thismessagewasfollowed bythreeççcryingwhilelaughing''emojisandthewords 'çhahaha.'' g. :ç1took Jaim eaway from you.''Thism essagewasfollowed by astring of i'blowingakiss''emojis. ;$Itook Jaimeaway from you. You'llneversee heragain hahaha.'' $çltook ashiton yoursister'sgrave.''Thism essage wasfollowedby a çicryingwhilelaughing''emoji,anapplauseemoji,andthreeçépoop''emojis. 12. Otherpostsby éfnikolas.killed.your.sister''thatwere directed atLS included: a. i:Ikilled yourfriends,baby girl'' b. 1ûI'm a m urderer'' 4Emojisaresmallpiduresorsymbolsused in textm essaging orpostson socialmediato conveyemotionsorrepresentthingsorideas. Page 4 of 12 Case 0:19-mj-06026-LSS Document 1 Entered on FLSD Docket 01/18/2019 Page 6 of 13 çtDidyou likem y Valentinesgift? lkilled yourfriends.'' 13. JG's Instagram account also received a direct message from itnikolas.killed.your.sister,''which read:$$Ikilled yoursister, Itwasfunl. )Shehad herwholelife ahead ofherand Ifucking stole itfrom her. Hahahag.)W armabeatmyass?Comeon,(JG'Sfirst nmnej.How fucking bad do you wmma beatthe shitoutofme? W antme to getthe death Penalty?'' Accordingto recordsprovided by Instagram in responseto asubpoena, the person using the accountwith username t'nikolas.killed.your.sister''provided lnstagram with the nam e ttNikolasJacob Cruz''andan emailaddressofnikolastheshooter@ The recordsalso show that,atthe tim e of the posts described above, on December 22,2018,the accountwas accessedfrom IP address68.5.103.67(ççthe67IP address''). During his post-M iranda statem ent on Janum. y 16, 2019,FLEURY adm itted to using theGinikolas.killed.your.sister''Instagram usernam e. Decem ber24.2018 M essaees 16. On oraboutDecem ber24,2018,from approximately 9:40 p.m.-9:50p.m.(EST), JG and LS wereSfm entioned''in Instagram postsby anotherInstagram usernam e, isbullseyetauntsyou .''Thepostsincluded: - a. çlYoo-hoo!N ikolastook Jaim eaway from you so cry form eplz.'' This messagewasfollowedby smilingfaceandapplauseemojis. û1You'11neverseeJaim eagain,littleorphan.Nikolastook herfrom you.'' During hisvost-M iranda statem ent,FLEURY admitted to using nicknamesthat included the name l%bullseye,''areference to am ovie villain. 18. Also on December24,2018,from approximately 9:45p.m .-11:13p.m.(EST), JG and LS wereiçmentioned''in postsmadeby anotherlnstagram usernam e ççangie.and.lola.'' Thepostsincludedthefollowingmessages(amongothers)withinthespanofapproximately20 minutes: a. ççl-low 'sJamie,hun?'' Page 5 of12 Case 0:19-mj-06026-LSS Document 1 Entered on FLSD Docket 01/18/2019 Page 7 of 13 b. SsDead huh?'' fdN ikolastookyourloved onesaway from you, doll'' d. éiNikolasstole Jaime'sfuture,boo'' e. tçEatthepoopforJaimehun''(followedbyfourS%poop''emojis). çûEatthepoopforJaime''(followedbyseveralççpoop''emojis). g. SûEatsomepoopforJaimethisholidayseason''(followedbyseveralpoop emojis). 19. The nam e associated with the 'sangie.and.lola''accountin lnstagram 's recordsis iéAngie& Lola.'' Thoserecordsalso show thatthe accountwasopened with, and used,the67 IP address. 20. Continuing on oraboutDecember24,2018, from approxim ately 10:00p.m .- 10:05p.m .(EST),JG andLScontinuedreceivingnotificationsofadditionalmessagespostedby lnstagram nameçinik.taunts .''Thepostsincludedthefollowing(among others): a. ççlkilled Jaim e,fool.'' Thism essagewasfollow ed by lfcrying while laughing,''smiling,andhandgunemojis. b. 4$lstole yoursister'sfuture,buddy, W ith thepowerofmy AR-159' (followedbysmiling,handgun,andapplauseemojis). 1élkilled Jaim ehahaha''and d ççl'm hermurderer.'' Accordingto recordssubpoenaed from Instagram ,the nam eassociated with the 'fnik.taunts ''accountin Instagram 'srecordsisçtNikolas.''However,thoserecordsshow that,at thetim eofthe messagesdescribed above,the accountwasbeing accessed by the67 IP address. Decem ber25.2018 M essages 22. On oraboutD ecem ber25,2018,from approxim ately 7:59 p.m.-8:02p. m.(EST), JG and LS werem entioned in morepostsfrom Instagram usernam edlteddykillspeople.'' These postsincluded: Page 6 of12 Case 0:19-mj-06026-LSS Document 1 Entered on FLSD Docket 01/18/2019 Page 8 of 13 l%l'm yourabductorgsmileand applaudingemojisj1'm kidnapping you fool''(followedbytwoemojisshowingalock,aswellasapplaudingand dtblowingakiss'' emojis). b. 23. çiIkilled Janice Ottand DeniseNaslund.'' Notably,Janice Ottand Denise Naslund were abducted and m urdered by serial killer Ted Bundy in 1974. Although FLEU RY initially stated he did not recall using the Séteddykillspeople''usem am e,during hisinterview ht admitted to having a strong interestin Ted Bundy and having researched him . Continuing on oraboutDecem ber25, 2018 from approxim ately 9:21p.m .-9:23 p.m .,JG and LS were limentioned''in Instagram posts from usernam e çstedtheabductor.'' The postsincluded: a. tiNikolasm urdered yourfriendsand teachersbutguesswhat? lmurdered JaniceOttand DeniseNaslund.'' b. 25. ût1kidnapped them and killed them both on July 14, 1974.55 Based on thethreatto kidnap in thepostsfrom tûteddykillspeople,''Instagram voluntarily provided theIP addressused by thataccounton an em ergency basisto law enforcement.Instagram identifed the 67 IP addressastheIP addressused by thataccountatthe tim eofthethreats. December31.2018 M essaees 26. On oraboutDecem ber31,2018,atapproxim ately 12:37a.m.(EST)JG was m entioned in postsby Instagram username ltnikolasthem urderer.''Thepostsincluded: a ttltook away Jaime'sfuture'';and b. çflwittlt(AS)willntverplaymusicagain.''Thismessagewasfollowedby smiling,applauding,and handgun emojis. This message also mentioned %IM S,''whose sons (W S,''wasalso killed in the M SD shooting. Page 7 of 12 Case 0:19-mj-06026-LSS Document 1 Entered on FLSD Docket 01/18/2019 Page 9 of 13 '* Januarv 9.2019 M essages On oraboutJanuary 9,2019,between approxim ately 12:00 -2:00 a.m.(EST),JG, LS,and otherswereéfm entioned''in additionalpostsby the tinik.taunts ''usernameand lnstagram usem ame tfbullseyeteaseshisvictim s.''Thepostsincluded: a. IIW HOO!! Ikilled Jaim eand ScottBeigelhehehaha'' b. $û1shootthrough thewindow'' Slwith my AR-15'' itldey om han'' 28. e. ViNikolastook Scottaway from you and hisfamily''and f. çûhey you!1killed ScottBeigel!Hahahal''Sél-ley orphan.''s Continuing on oraboutJanuary 9,2019, between approxim ately 8:13p.m .and 9:00 p.m .,JG and otherswerementioned in postsby Instagram username çsthe.douglas.shooter.'' Thepostsincluded(amongothers): a. 1$1killed ScottBeigel1shothim dead'' b. 1$lenjoyedittoo'' VlW ith thepowerofmy AR-15,you a11die'' d. :$I'm a m urderer.It'sw hat1do,fool'' l'l'm a m urderer.Hahahahal'' ç$Ikilled Scott!Hahaha!W ith thepowerofmy AR-15''and g. ç$1'm ahom icidaloutrage,mother*#*ersl'' Januarv 10 - 11.2019 M essaees 29. On oraboutJanuary 10,2019,JG and otherswerem entioned in additionalposts by the finikolas.the.m urderer ''usernam e. 5 ScottBeigelwasateacherkilled during the M SD shooting. W hen asked duringhis interview ifhe could name som eoftheM SD shooting victim s, FLEURY fsrstnamed Scott Beigel. Page 8 of 12 Case 0:19-mj-06026-LSS Document 1 Entered on FLSD Docket 01/18/2019 Page 10 of 13 On oraboutJanuary 11,2019,from approxim ately 5:58a.m.- 6:23a. m .(EST), JG and otherswere mentioned in postsfrom Instagram usernam eEldani.dont.give.two.fucks.'' Thesepostsincluded(amongothers): a. EtN ikolaskilled yourloved oneshuh?'' b. tiN ikolaskilled ScottBeigelin cold blood.'' Thism essagewasfollowed bythreeéçcryingwhilelaughing''emojis. ûillehehaha! M r.Beigelisdeadl''and d 31. tç1tauntyou.'' Continuing on oraboutJanuary 11,2019,from approximately 6:26 a.m .- 6:29 a.m.(EST),JSandotherswerementionedinpostsfrom lnstagram usemame iibullseye.taunts.and.teases.''Thesepostsincluded(nmongothers): a* tillahaha'hey orphanl'' b. itcome atm elittleom han! lkilledyourfatherl''and tiYoo-hoo!!Orphan! Let'splayl'' 32. Continuing on oraboutJanuary 11,2019,between approximately 5:58 a.m . and 6:23a.m.(EST),JG andotherswerementionedinadditionalpostsfrom lnstagram username the.douglas.shooter.Theseincluded(amongothers): a. lçW ith the powerofm y AR-15,1take yourloved onesaway from you PERM ANENTLY''and b. 33. lil-lahaha!I'm theDouglasshooter!SCREAM !!'' Asaresultofthethreatofmurder,Instagram voluntarily identified the IP address related to usernam e tsthe.douglas.schooter''to law enforcem ent. The IP address used by this usem am ewasthe67 IP address. 34. O n oraboutJanum.y 4,2019,Detective M ealer ofBSO and linterview ed JG , FG , LS,and M S. These individualsadvised they received notificationsvia Instagram ofthe postsin which they were m entioned described above. A11 the victim s viewed the posts and acknowledged they caused emotionaldistress. Specitk ally,the postm ade on Deeember 25, Page 9 of12 Case Document 1 Entered on FLSD Docket 01/18/2019 Page 11 of 13 2018, by "teddykillspeople," which stated "I'm your abductor l'm kidnapping you fool" placed JG, FG. LS. and MS in fear. On or about January 10, 2019, the Affiant spoke again with FG, who indicated that both he and JG remain in fear from the kidnapping threat arid are afraid to respond to the repeated messages. B. The IP Addresses Associated with the Harassing Instagram Posts Traces Back to the Santa Ana Address 35. A query of the 67 11' address revealed it was serviced by Cox Communications. Cox Communications informed law enforcement that this address was assigned to the subscriber account located at the Santa Ana address, from October 8, 2017, through December 27, 2018.6 According to queries of the law enforcement database CLEAR, the Santa Ana address is associated with FLEURY, his father, and his brother. 36. Law enforcement also conducted a check of the Wi-Fi signals accessible from the street outside the Santa Ana address. Four different Wi>>Fi connections appeared. Law enforcement attempted to access all four Wi-Fi connections but discovered they were all password--protected and inaccessible without the password Based on my training and experience. the fact that the Santa Ana address's Wi-Fi is not public means that it is unlikely that an individual not living in the address would have the 67 IP address. C. Execution of the Search Warrant 37, On January 11, 2018, US. Magistrate Judge Edward lnfanle, of the Central District of California. signed a Search Warrant for the Santa Ana address. under Case Number 38. On January 16, 2018, at approximately 6:00 am. (PST), FBI agents and other law enforcement officers executed the Search Warrant at the Santa Ana address. Upon execution, they found FLEURY. his father. and his brother in the home. FLEURY made spontaneous Law enforcement requested this infon'nation prior to the posts made on December 31, 2018 and January 9-1 1, 2019. A request to Cox for information on the assignment ofthe 67 IP address on these later dates is currently pending. Page 10 ole Case 0:19-mj-06026-LSS Document 1 Entered on FLSD Docket 01/18/2019 Page 12 of 13 statem ents to the effectthatthe agents were there because of Slsom e stupid shit''he had done on the Internet. 39. Based on these statements and subsequent statem ents during his post-M iranda interview,1aw enforcement identifed FLEURY asthe subjectwho made the online threats. FLEURY adm itted to creating m ultiple Instagram profiles, including using variations on nikolastheshooter and nikolas, the.douglas.shooter, and bullseye. FLEURY described his t'fascination''with Nikolas Cruz,other mass shooters,Ted Bundy,and otherserialkillers. He further admitted to posting the messages in an attem pt to iûtroll'' the victim s, trying to tiget reactions''from people and be controversial. FLEURY stated he was m otivated by gaining popularity and notoriety afterposting the messages.FLEURY admitted to targeting shooting victim 's fam ily m emberswho were çtactivists''and who had large who had large socialmedia presences. FLEURY adm itted to creating multiple Instagram profles because he knew his comments would result in the profiles being reported and removed. FLEURY did notshow rem orse forposting the com ments butexplained he would notfollow through on the threatshe communicated. He claimed that his m essages were notthreats,butwere %ûm ore like tatmts.'' However,when asked whetherhe could see why amessageslike '$Iam yourabductor''and $i1am kidnapping you,fool''would feelthreatening to the messagerecipients,FLEURY responded,$1I guessso.'' He also explained thathe established multiple Instagram accounts,anticipating that lnstagram would shut down at least som e of those accounts based on complaints about his m essages. 40. FLEURY furtheradm itted to using histabletto authorthetaunting m essages.The tabletwascollected asevidence.7 C O N C LU SIO N Based on the foregoing facts,Irespectfully subm itthatthere isprobable cause to believe that,on oraboutDecem ber 25,2018,FLEURY did transm itin interstate com merce a 1A search ofthistablet, and otherelectronicdevicesfound in theSantaAnaaddress, pursuantto the search w arrant,isongoing. Page 11 of12 Case 0:19-mj-06026-LSS Document 1 Entered on FLSD Docket 01/18/2019 Page 13 of 13 * cûmmunication containing a threatto kidnap a person,in violation ofTitle 18,United Sztes Code,Section275(c), lalsosubmltthatthtrtisprohbk causttobtlievethat.betwten ûnor abûutDeccmber22,2012,and Janual 11,2019,FLEURY did,with the intentto harassand intimidate anothery rson,us: an interactive computerservice and electronic communication system ofinterstatecommerceto engagein acourseofconductthatcaused.attemptedtocause, ûr would be reasonably expected to cause substantialemotionaldistress to that person,in viclationofTitle18,UnhedStatesCode,Section2261A(2)(B). C= eron M cDow:1 SpecialAgent FederalBureau oflnvestigation Swoy At andsubscribedbefûreme thi:/ 1 dayofJanuary,2019. I NA S.SNOW UNITED STATESM AGISTM TE JUDGE Page 1: of 12