2019 JAN 23 PM 3:35 January 14, 2019 SENATE STATE OF COLORADO DENVER Jeffrey P. Ackermann, Chairman Colorado Public Utilities Commission 1560 Broadway, Suite 250 Denver, CO 80202 Frances A. Koncilja, Commissioner Colorado Public Utilities Commission 1560 Broadway, Suite 250 Denver, CO 80202 Dear Chairman Ackermann and Commissioner Koncilja: Colorado PUC E-Filings System We submit these comments in support of the filing last month by Delta-Montrose Electric Association (DMEA)asking the Colorado Public Utilities Commission to set a just, reasonable, and nondiscriminatory charge for DMEA's exit from Tri-State. As members of the Colorado General Assembly who care about rural economic development and allowing all Coloradans access to less expensive power from local and diverse generation sources, we urge the Commission to strongly consider exercising its jurisdiction under Colorado law and setting an exit charge fair to both DMEA and Tr -State's remaining members. We believe Articles 1 to 7 of Title 40 of the Colorado Revised Statutes apply to Tri-State as a generation and transmission cooperative corporation. The law says public utilities, like Tri-State, cannot demand unjust, unreasonable, or discriminatory charges. Ifthey do, then the Commission may prescribe just and reasonable ones. DMEA's complaint says Tri-State refuses to give a just, reasonable, and nondiscriminatory exit charge, depriving rural Coloradans of access to less expensive and more diverse local generation that can serve as a catalyst for economic development on the Western Slope. We look forward to monitoring the docket as it moves through the process and appreciate the Commission entering our comments into the record in Proceeding No. 18F-0866E. Sincerely, Senator Don toram enate District 6(DMEA Service Territory) Rep sentative Marc Catlin House District 58(DvIEA Service Territory) I 0JJ4) Representative Matt goper House District 54(DMEA Service Territory) Servi erritory) 411WJAA111161- Repre Cidskie NWMF - • I MEA Service Territory) House D SENATE STATE OF COLORADO DENVER Allhas A wl Preside2eroy Garcia Senate Dis ict Seizator ittany' ettersen SenaTe—District 22 Senator Majori y Leader Stephen Fenberg Senate District 18 Senator Kevin Priola Senate District 25 Se o eff Bridges Senate District 26 Senator Robert Rodr Senate Dis Senator Lois Court Senate District 31 Sena or Ray Scott Senate District 7 Senator Jessie Danielson Senate Senator Tanini5, tory Senate District 16 Senator onda Fields Senate District 29 SerTatorjFaith Winter S n te tistrict 24 Senator Rachel Zen Amer Senate District 19 enator Pete Lee Senate District 11 SENATE STATE OF COLORADO DENVER Speaker ofthe House KC Becker House District 13 -6vhew House Majority Leader Alec Garnett House Dist' 2 aNNA Representative Monica House District 24 /71 ran 2,4 Ts; Representativ& Tony Exum House District 17 ' wr epresentative Edie Hooton House District 10 Re resent House Dis Representative Shannon Bird House District 35 I/ 1 presentative Rochelle Galindo House District 50 Representative S- eC:69rrena Gonza es-Gutierrez House Di rict 4 Atelm.4 .no e • iTepresenv.tive ri Buentello House District 47 Representative Matt Gray House District 33 Representative Chris Hansen House District 6 STA 41 Repre enta e Lesl. H e District 8 ro• SENATE I F COLORADO DENVER Re r sentative Kyle Mullica Ho se District 34 ,67/.-erz Representative Edie Hooton House District 10 Representative ue Jackson House District 4 epre tative Dylan Ro House District 26 esentative Jonathan Singer se District 11 Representativ afna Michaelson Jenet House District 30 Representative Emily Sirota House District 9 Representative House District 23 Representative Marc Sn House District 18 Kennedy er Representative Susan House District 1 RepresentativRo-chella Galindo House District 50 Represen ve Barbara McLachlan House District 59 Repre ntatwe Tom Sullivan House District 37 sentative Jovan Melton House District 41 Representative Brianna Titone House District 27 SENATE STATE OF COLORADO DENVER Representative Alex Valdez House District 5 Repr- sentative Donald Valdez House District 62 Representative Mike Weissman House District 36 Representative Kevin Van Winkle House District 43